HWENTY-F1VE WITNESSES; .YJOrGlVnNr- Cortwclc'tk " 7 yj i'inl h hovf at .Vita Vrtvenlivt aiin.l (titifrrfnlinf tank Vic? J lti;Ap! J llfiAp ! !..(rUf lA I ! ! ! labicribef Sabioribe r SxtWribe I JOHN l. DYE is the Author, and the Bunk Nv sngrsvets nil say that lie It tha greatest jud, of paper money living. CHEATER Til AN THK CHEAPEST I BETTER I HAN, THE BESTI V ' Published weekly'.' , Ths,! whole, only One ..Dollars Year., ,''.",.! GREATEST DISCOVERY of the present i century for detecting Counterfeit Hank Notes) , describing amy genuine bill In existence, and M, exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit In cir ..filiation. . Arranged 40 ailmirably that refer t ' onr is eaey nil detection Instantaneous. No - Pftf bunt up. but en simplified snd arm need e. that (lie merchant', banker and bttiincat Dim tan se Mil At a glance. , - r it baa taken year to make perfect tit ) , GREAT JMSCOYERY. 1 Ths trgil -neces--ail? for u:h A work baa Ion been felt bv ., commercial men, It hat been puhUahed to ' t supply the call for such, prcvntiv. and nr. da but to be known to be universally palronifed. ., it does more than ha eet been attempted by I man., UMeecrlbes every bank note in three AifTcrept languages English, French and Oer- anaa., .-Tints Ab 4tsy rttd tha earns lit hi J .W aaUvs tOngn., ;.',....' ,.. Teams. Tie paper will be about 24 l 12 . , inches, ami will contain the moat perfect Rank ,.,Note List published, together with the rate of, , discount. v Alao a lint of nil the prftnte Bank . sis in America, l A-rm-plete summary ef the Finances of . . Europe end America will he published in each edition, tofrUt-f with all the Important news . of Cie.Uy. lAieo INTERE8TIFU STORIES a from an old manuscript found in the Etui, and U,m where eUq to be found. It baa never yet 4,'appearetl in print, and furnishes the moat com- pltte luirtory tf Oriental Life, And describing :ibe most perplexing t positions in which the' Ladies mid grudwiicri of that country have .fbeen sa often found. .Three stori will con . ,Uie throughout . tlwt.' whole y ear, a ml will . ,-rve tbe moat entertaining ever oflured to the auljic, .' t, ; I.J 1, --.,,) ! ' .. F'irniaUeJ wneUy n subscribers' iotily jd $1 A Tear. . All letters must b,, A,llreaed VJOr,::r,,,..JOHJt , lilaknr. i.e.'" ii c l'utoilir and Proprietor, v SmTVi JO WaU Street, Now York. :rA;;:j!'A;-BBPY;Tr: vliocaalo & JlotniV Mbrchanti . :tfsisa or m(k akd s.uoav ( araKKi'i, . ei . ST. MARY, iOWA : ' . . -S llXi juat recelvM i d now has forsalf.a - Hrj;e assortment' of (elected merchandise -Adapted to tbe wants-. of all In this new nnd TkriYlnjjeoinmuhUy, which he can sell asc heap -m ean be oirered elsewhere ao hiph npon the MlssottVl river, ,' ina poods have been selected f- an experienced purchaser, with apecinl "reference (o the efreumetdnees nnd wants of H elasses of settlers In a new country.' I.a- silet' and (rentlenten, children and youth, all -tnte lupplied.' Call and see foT yourselves. .We stock consists' of the following,' nmonp a epreW many xilher articles he cinnot now cuu- tnelatef 'Atnonj M ' 1 , . ' ..My. V- Hinl Woolen and tutinot Cleths, , C.AssineU, Tweeds, ,, Catlieicms, 1 jitneys, 1 VUnuel. Uedf White, bray and lue CAvMn Plaids, CoUonGoode, Slteetincs arid Slilrtinna, rBlcaoked aiid -Unbleached, iilue and White, , J)rilUiiga,, Panaburg, Ded licking Hickory . Fanfjr Gooflx. 'A beanrifiil "assortment vf fnncy prinle of Wety variety of style ami pattern. Ginghams, T.awns, Fbiired Alpaeca,' Boinharlnes, Rom- baTetta. Mhawla, Scarfs Handkerchief?, Neck- rrchiefs, Crape, Muslin, brtjjinjs, Jtilibona, ,c., a.c. , A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and Rioter Clotlunit, consisting, lit part ot line "Dreea, foata. Pants and Vests j also. kooJ Summer Clothinn of all description, and heavy . Clothiui; for .Fall and Winter use. Also, ShirU, Knit Flannel Dra were and Undersli'u ts, Socks. 4.C. Mens and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va. rlous fashions, qualities and prices. Boots it. CM . V. r 1. 1 fcU -1I..K . J .-J -.1 f?iiiv, iiiiek anu iun, pwiiwniw anu iiiiiiiueuirii vl evety JrsoijUVoi, tSMn, Y4sen, AUd eCaifidrenl tse.l' .l .1 v- : I . i-. 1 tiroccrlfs. Cmh4d, Clarified, Loaf, and Brown Ruar, Sfolasses, Syrup Molasses, Colden Syrup, Sunerior Ten. Rio and Java Coffee. Sassafras. Gingerj iJVppet,' ;Clovca,-" Saiiie.i Cinnamon, round Ginger- Js'utiurps, Snutrs, Tobaccoj tiigsrs, ripes, soap, candles, inegar, rickies .repper-Saaee; fce., ic. 1 A larce 'assortment of. Flour, of various nualttiea and nriceaf Cdrn Meal and all the Sariooe produot tf 4he Fami and inleaj. BacVjij, ' Jish. Kiln dried .Apples, Peaches, Currantf, itatsW, k-.-rs sd- n-i Hardware. '''l' ' "Stove (if Various patterns, for CooVIng and 'tlrating rooma,'Stove-pipe and Elbows, largi 'nd imall Iron Kettles, Frying Paus, Skillets .Hand-Dons, Shovels and Tongues, Manure an4 Jlay" Forks, Scythes, Shovels and Spades, Log 3roa ;.nd. Steel, .Nails, Horse-Haspv. Fi es, Saws. Knives and Forka, Pocket Knives. Ra jtora, fiiitti'and .Screws, Door Jiajidlea, knoh. Locks, i.t.,"iC ' ' . c . j Tinware. J A general, assortment kept for boussbok purpose .V ' Wash-Ubs, Shak Flle, Wood and Zinc Waskborde. i ah ( 1. i -..- .'i Ltathf r, ' Sole Leather, Itarness Leather. Cowhide, Kin Skills, Calf fkin, Linings ami Morocco, f ddlef ,' Bridles; Halters, Lariats, Circlngles, Belly-bands, Drivlng-lhiei, Collars, Back straps. Girths, Blind-brjdles, tie., &.uv , ' jtlrdlrlnrs. A general asiortmeat of Medicines, for Fevers, Fever and Ague jtml the common tomplaints the country., Cook's, . L'e's, Sappenyton'a, ragg's and Jaraea' Pills, Qui i Ine, Tonics, Abd various kind of Stiisulant, Anodynes, Ltutmeuts, and other article acces sary for tlie tick aud the invalid. . . ,.-l-tf ' FARRIERS UEAdT JOHN P. HORN 4. CO., near the Printing Office, Bellevue, have on hand ahovels, Hoes, Spades, Forka, Haines, and a general assortment of Farming Tools. Call and aee. 'ulT, 1 5, T - ' 3w 3 GLENWOOD HOTElT, 3vc. opraawayf f f r pt Locust and Ceokdge Streets, j.My .'cEfcXWOOP, IOWA. ' VClitilafTciothl'ni h t!thliR ! r f LARGE'. pTOCK OF 'READY MADE Xa. Clothfng of the latest Fashion, at CLEARWATER, WHITE k SANPERS. ,'.'.. t- 'I 'Hfn UlnixcnjtsxT. 1 Aejriar Tikel f,ir Kaiwia IeiiKnrth, Wrtou t. JoRpph, Savannah, l"wa point, Srlir-eka City, H.dbvm-, Connelly lllullii, Oninha fllid i'lorriice. 1 ff10) THE new and elegant Taetrtiif er WMp Kt earner Floretloo, Jt 'lhrtx:k-ft-WCKVfnHMUm, .Mmlei, J IVC'Min.iti, Cleik, jvlll t"Biinnre hrr tn'pe a feiriiUr packet in Oie nbote trade, on the ipninaT of navlKltnn in the opriii, and will remain in it throughout the geamn. . , The Florence having teen (milt under the aiiprrititenilence of the uneeigigned, exprey for the trAde, ia of extraordinary atrenjrih, nnd well Adapted to it in ceiy parliciilnr. A rea aonalile ahare of the putronofe of ahlppera, and the public federally, i rpectfnllr aoll cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Mnetcr. 25-a --, , J. E. (iM, Clerk, , . snisox akiun(.i:ilt. Regular Packet for kana.ia, NehrAaka City, noiievue, t out cu mum, oniiiiia, a itii r inrence. THE neW and JerAnl Slaamer :Min-no-ha-ha, Cant. Charles Milker, AM liter. llutrhinaon, Clerk, will, run as A rceular racket, to the ahovnrl atr tntrrmeiiiare- jiwinrn-on ihe Mi- eo'jn riTee, ana persmie can rir upon her con tlnuin In Ihetr.iderepnlar.y rlnrinfrUiFaetKnn. The Mlu-n-h.i-ha is an entirely nfttr host, built eprealy for the Miseouri River trade, And brjnic fitted up lu the latest and mot a p. proved atyle. her olliccra feel confident, that atilct flltenlion to the comforts of PasernRers, And to business, will make livr the favorite b-at la the trade. ' ' ', ,x , CHAS. BAKtR, Master. "l " ' HfTclirNsoji, Clerk. H. T Clarke A Rent , 2rt a ' ' Charlcn E. Watnon, CIVIl, ENtUNEER AND Sl'RVEYtR, Relleviie Clv. Nebraska Territory, pro fesses to rie"posled" In the lay of the'land in this vicinity, 'and oilers his services to such aa mflv need them, on reasonable tertna. ' tV "e will also net as apent, for the pr ehnse or sale of Real Estate, In the Territory, of 'Westerii Iowa. Information Turnished upon application. Declarations filed nnd pre-emptions, obtained. ' , , .. 4-if C I l iV I. A, 11. to tii r.yrf.rVtc r.m t tut Trpenomns or MISkOTA', KANSAS AND Kr.Dn.VfKA. .Y jolht resotiiion of Onntr.reas.'apjifaved Ii-i3 Mirrl1 JH.i7.' valid pre-emptiun cliiiina tui the liilli nnd .'tiith sections. heretofore reserved fotachool. In the Territories of Minnesota. Kansas nnd Nebraska, will be recugiiized wur.sit tiik skti t.r.MFNT has nrr.H, on may at Mtpr. rmon to rur. si'nrr.v. 1 1st. In cases where the. approved plat of survey has not yet been returned, the declara tory statement must be filed within Tiisrr MoiTH AfTrn mi innn r arcii Ar mor eo plat at titf. ntsTAirr orricr.. 2d. Where the plat is now In the Reciter's Office, the declaration iniiHt be fdod within three inoidos fioni Hi mT runLicATion or Tim rim t t.n it yovn rtsTntcT. ". Af iilurr ta comply with this requirement, trllt w6rk a forfeiture of the claim. ; THOa. A. HENDRICKS, B 30.Ht ' Commissioner1. M .. Entering Tgwn Sites. " Tlie following correspondence will show that the act of the Inst Legislature of the Territory, tli:natinjf tho County Conimls- i eioners na thn proper persons to enter" Town Sites, is not reeognlted by the Commissioner of the Land Otlice. It In a question of dnuM whether the .fmlpes of Probate, or the. United Stales Jiulpes. can be regarded as "Judges of tbe County Court." Aa soon ne that ijo'ibt ia removed, notice wi.l be given. In the mean time no entering vt towns rot Incorporated can be made. ' A copy of the act of the last LeRinlatuie Will be placed lu the hand of the Commis sioner, and, under tbe circumstances, the en tries already made may be confirmed. JOHN A. PARKER, Register. Land Office, May it)th, isj7. 1 EXTRACT Or A Lr.TTCR TO Till COMMISMONCR , , Or THE LAND 01 KICK, PAied " Lakd Orrice, Omaha, April 13, 1M.7. : Under the 'aet of twenty-third May, the Jud?ea of the County Court" are elven , the authority to enter "Tnwn Sites." In this rerrltory thre are no anch offlcers na "Judges of the County Court," but the Legislature has recopniied the "County Commissioners" as the proiior persons to enter "Town Sites," and we have, In view of the spirit of the law, permuted suclt entries, in tne nope that it t will meet the Approbation of the Department Very respectfully, votir obed'nt servant. - - JOHN A. PARKER, Register. - CIIAS. CIIRISTOrilER, . MACHINIST & COPPER SMITH, SP ...sam a . . in an ut urancnes. -BELLEVUE AND OMATTA. THE MISSOURI RIVER AXD IOWA STONE COMPANY. AT 8 f . MARYS, MILLS CO., IOWA. ARE prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Kebraeka 'With SAND, OK A V EL. LIME, kulu; & ii 1 1. ij ku: sid.ms or. every rt"- ''" AxTGirANT rrv "thnV foi; quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that may be needed, and also intend toimike BRICK. WATER LIME, &C. ' 100 Laborers REFEBANCE5; P, Cor-rrar Jr. & Co., Jt. Lovr. Usr-tST., Wia', & Benton, Covsjcil Birrra. All order should be addressed tn JNO. W. ANTHONY, 8 cahtaby. St. MaryA, March 15th, Ho7. 21 tf. c. i 11. Fonni.s, (NIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SIR J veyor, being now located at Ft. M.irys, where be expect to make a permanent resi dence, takes this method of Informing the cit izens, that he ie prepared to do any surveying ; and from his long experience in the business, he is able to give entire satisfaction. StMarys, Rent. 24, B07. Mtrt 1. O T. A MEMORANDUM ROOK, havine' ac counts of Lumber bills, Ac. The inder will confer a favor and be auitsble rewarded, bv leaving it at the printing office, Bellevue. 'Oft lt DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP, NOTICE. Th aubscribers hereby give notice that the copartner. hip heretofore existing between them under the name and style of Todd k Smith, is this day dissolved by mutual cousm.L All debit due to or against the firm will b avttled bv Burton W. Todd. BURTON W. TODD. E. P SMITH. . JMletue, August 12, 17, is IMBERl'LUMMT! 100,000, S5!.ftrto' "-JT ARNOLD, EBY k SIIErtK. CrEnqnire at the Benton Ilouf, t o. 17. 3rn. jt. NEW GOODS.f-NEW'PRICES III Mow veiinin, at the Old Stand of SARPY fc K Vlil.ISII. 7 EDWARD C. EOSBYSHELL HA8 I fie 1ioar.ifiirnriri ttie yeople ut ihe Southern I)itrl( t of l)mii;Ua and the adjoin iriS conntii's, IVrbraaKfl, that he i now open ntt re rf the larptt Stockh ut yoODSevef br.'iiEht to t.l.'iiWiMx!, Mill conntv. Iowa, eonaiHtinr of DRV OOOIH. HARDWARE. HATS & CAPS, NAII.S, CORD A(J E. GROCERIES, ROOTS k SHOES, (Jlr.l'.StVAHh, LEATHER, IRON, OILS, PAINTS. DYE-STUFFS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. READY-MADE CLOTHING, CAR PEN! Fits' TOOLS, ... YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, And.tvcrylMns that may be found generally in city stores, nil if whirh he will sell CIIKA1' FOR CASH. CV ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taaen tn exrlttnge for Goods. Buy ers from town or country wishing good and cheap Goods, either rt wholesale or retail, will gave nionvy by calling sikI examining his Wit Before "tiuri'ri.Hitig Thewhrret as liiey vtill find ooj I1.1 maim and fair dealing. Gi.Kxwnon, Iowa. no l-lf L. NucXolIs & Co. ' BANKERS & LAND AGENTS, ; GLEN WOOD, IOWA. Collections made in Iowa, Nrhratka and Kansas, and remitted at current ratra of ex change, free of charge. Loans effected for foreign Capitalists, at Wnii ns ICatei of Interest, on real esta'.e security. Farms, Town Lots and Unimproved Lauds bought nnd sold. Taxes paid In any County In the State a No in Nebraska aiid Kansas. Notes bought and Money loaned on good security. - InterVst pal. I on Special Deposits. Land Warrants bought and sold. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lands for settler or distant dealer, lthor with Land Warrants or money, in Iowa, Nebraska or Kansas. We charge Ten Dollars per One Hundred and Sixty Acres, and make reasonable deduc tiuns, Yi lteu entering Urge iiiiantities, When Land Warrant are sent, Two and a Half Cents per Acre, the Land Otlice Tee, must accompany the Locating Fee. When Warrants nre aent, tho No' of War rants, date, to Whom Ksicil and assigned, should be copied and retained, to guard against loss in mails. i.Ilemittaucca to qk. can be made in Drafts on nny f the Kaxteru or Soitterii Cities. ; ' We will enter Land with Warraul or Cash, pay Ml Tew, Taxes nnd Commissions, for one third of the gross profits, accruing from the tiMe of the Land all expenses to come out of our third of the profits. Our arrangements are itrcii that we can enter Land in all tbe Ofllrca in Iowa, Nebraska, nnd Kansas. A competent aurveyer always in readiness to find and select choice Landa, Co v Fields. Itoia Qcamaieii, Mill Sites, Minkral Tbacts, &.r. . . ' Within the riext twelve months there will be offered for sale in Nebraska and Kansas, Two and n Half Million .ijjius ut Laud, compris ing the best portions ot' tliose Territories, nnd extending along the Missouri River, from the Month of Kansas River, or the lint of the State of MiHsourl, to the' .Mouth ol, L-cau-(ini-eoitr River. " ' - t We solicit foreign Capitol for-invest ment. . Investments nrotirrlv made in Western j Land and Town, Ltiy are now' paying from iweniy-inT 10 iopr nunire(j jir cent; Wtf brtleve that persons patronltng our l;rm ill hae peculiar advantages over al most any oJi.-r in tliia Country.-W were among the first ' Pioneers-of this 'vast and growing country and are intimately acquainted with nearly every portion of Western Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, nnd believe we will bo able to render satisfaction in all business en trusted to us. . , . LETTERS OF INQUIRY ' WILL HE PROMTLY ANSWERED. REFERENCES: John Thompson Hope, Graydon & Co., New Yoric City ; Wood, Ba con t Co., Philadelphia ; Straight, Doming it Co., Cincinnati, Darlivi, Barks.talej Huinnh reys, Tlitt &. Terry Crow. McCi eery & Co. St. Louis r Isaacs ft. Almond, Leavenworth City, Kansas; Greene, Wearn Si Benton, Council lllntl's, Iowa; Hcnn, William & Co., Fairfield, Iowa j Charles ilendrie, Burlington, Iowa; Hon. Aug. Hall, Keosauque, Iowa; Hon. James Craig, St. Joseph, Mj. t Hon. A. S; Fulton, WythevilU, Va ; Hon. F. McFullen, Estilville, Va. ; Hon. F. Ferguson, Chief Jus tice, eeiievue, .-enraska. . . . Gleuwood, Mills o., Iowa. HAt. - W, HSTARK &,"C0.f 7 W. ild respectfully Inform the ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand and are manufacturing a complete Stock of ., BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted compri sing the following, 'via : Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Gaiters. M . Kid Bootees nnd Congress Gaiter. " " : blippera and l'urodi Ties.. . " Heavy Morocco and Cnlf Bootee. Misses " , . . Child' ' . - Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. " Pegged " . . ' Fine French or Pump Bot. " Water Proof and Quilted-Bott om F xts. , " . Patent Calf Jioote. . . . " Oxford Tins and Uaiters. ' u Kin and Calf Wioes. Bov' and Youths' Kip Boots nnd Brogans. All of which are made of thn best material the market ali'ords. Our facilities for select ing are Ausurpasscd in Eastern cities, and we wkdi it distinctly understood tint we Warrant Every Article We Sell. We have the best of workmen In our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable fit. Respect fully, no 13-tf W. H. STARK & CO. Greene, Wearo Si Beaton, BANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, and Land Agents, Coune;! Bluffs, Iowa. Notes and Bills collected and remitted to any part of the I' 11 i led Statee. Money received on deposit, and interest Allowed. F.astern or Southern Draft furnished In sums to suit pur chasers. Land Office funds paid for Currency or bills of Exchange. Loans effected on good security. Tate paid, titles examined, and Real Eatate bought and sold on Commission. Lands entered for settler and time given for payment. OUlee opposite the Pacific House, in west lower room of Land Otlice. KevESKNcr.si V. S. Jeaup 4; C. W, J. Barney Co., Bankers, Dubuque, Iowa Cook ii Sargent, Bankers. Davenport. Iowa Cul berton &. Kuo, Bankers, Iowa City,. Iowa People' B-mk, New York Citvi Ketchem, Rogers ft" Be -net, Banters, New' York City j Selkon, Wiu-M k Co., Wahington, I). C. J Hon. Chas. lason. Coui. f PateiU., Wash ington, D. C. , Hen. A. '1 Dodgo, & U. R. Burliiigtoo, lo.va) Hon. Ii W, Junes, b. V. S , Dubuque, Iowa; Hon. lesepU Will.ains, Chief JiMliee, Muscatine, L a. Oancil Rlutl Oof. W, li' I ( - ANOTI!i:ir G R AN Dv ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS V. Eastern Boots & Shoes Sr.M.INf, AT COST A T T II V. O M A II A CI T Y . Boot and Shoo Storb, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, good assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs And Sand lis of A. No. 1 quali, ty, nt a very nmall advance, together with a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, including Ladles' and Gunta' Buffalo Overs. , s ; - Also, a well aclected Stock of Leather and' Findings. P. S. Every stylo of Jloot or Shoe made to nr.l.. , ,I..J ... ...fc . .1. . ,Mv4i,.nT iinua 1, auu vail an ten cjinv, iHSJllOn- Jtblo and durable, 1 ' ' f . i' . 1 i . no u-ir. . . ,W. HKNRY STARK. HOUSE CARPENTER. AND . ' eTOIJXTISir V. BRIGGS, -Takes this rr.i?t!cd cf !n- forming his friends, and the public' generally, that he is prepared to 11U1LD AND FINISH, in the best manner ft-' 1 Dwelling Houei ' ' ' Of every description of style and finish, on the moat reasonalJe terms. Thankful for past favore, lie. solicits a continuance of public patronage. Rellevue, Oct. 30, lS")rt. 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WF. would respectfully inform the Inhabi tants of Bellevue and vicinity that we are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work mculike manner. Having been engaged in the business several vcars, we foel confident in staling, that nil who favor us with their cus tom, will be -leaned w ith our woik. . , C. P. STORRS Rellevue, Oct 21, ISM. 1-tf NiRTvA LS AT THE " . '. .c'iikap ; j THE Subscriber respertfully Invites the at tention of purchasers, to his large and splendid morn 01 1 khis, cimaisiing or jjur ouou. 11 1 iriir n p iinuuii .kit 1, 11 A 1, HOOTS, r CAPS, SHOES. sTORACCO. " ' PATENT MEDICI NES, ie., Jtc, All of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, nnd bought expressly for this market Ha baa also a welt selected stock of 11KAIY-MAI.)R Made arter the LATEST FASHIONS, of ihe BEST MATERIALS, nnd by EXPFJU ENCED WORKMEN, all of Which Uc sell CHEAP FOR: CASH. , . ...A i ! . .JOHN CHASE, Uf llcvue, Oct. 23, 1-tf ; , vj HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOINKRK. rilllE undesigned takes pleasure in an JL' nouncinj to tan" iuuahilanU of Rellevue and viclnitv, that they are now. prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the Lest manner, all style's of ; . ' Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &c, &c, On the shortest notice, and in the most ap proved ntyle of workmanship. They wilj be also happy to do nny work in their line of business, which their friends mav stand in need of. MYERS Sc HILtYARD. Bellevue, Oct. 30, ISiHi. 2-tf LATE ARRIVAL!! AT GLENWOOD, IOWA. ' ' 1 TOOT E & GREENE ARE NOW JN UtCEIPT O' X T RESll St FrlY OF Which, wnen complete, will compose the LARGEST ano best SELECTED STOCK IN MILLS COUNTY. Ollt STOCK OF GROCERIES Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, consist of COFFEE, SUTJ.-RV TEAS,---' . FISH, : RICE. ' -- CUKRANVS, RAISINS, " CANDIES. ' -' MOLXSSES. fi V If 1 1 D : f " FBI IT, 7 4.C., A.c Ladies and Gents, call and see them, and price for yourselves. They have not bees summered and wintered in SU Louis, but bought and shipped direct from the Eaaten. cities. Late styles and a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, EON NETS and PARASOLS. CLOTIUXG. A fine. stock old aud young, fogies and rai --1' .... i iiivii, vmi Bui'ii 11 jruu ,yaui UlCe COHJ rest or pants, on reasonable terms. HITS I II ATM It New styles, cheap and durable. HARDWARE. , : A very large assortment, consisting In part of Smith's Tools, Snadcg, Shovels, Forks, Rakes. Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, Files, Angers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze, Chisels. kr.t kr., to the end of the chapter. Ill I MM i M ATERI A l.S. A large lot, consisting of Pine Doois, Sash. Shutter Blinds, Paints. Oils, Nails, Locks, Latches, Glass, Puffy. Jtc. IT'R.YITl'RC. Bureaus, Bedsteads. Tables, Chain?, Tin Safs, Culiboars, Stands, Jtc, CV We will sell cheaper for cash th a r any house in Western Iowa. no8-tf. TOOTLE ; GREENE. ' A. Schimonsky, . rpOPOGRAPHIC ENGINEER, Executes X Topographic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of evety style and description. Fancy, Orna mental and Plain Painting executed to order. UHice at the Bellevu House,,Bllevue, N. T. RcrrnENcvs: P. A. Farsy.St. Mary, Iowa; Judge Gilinore, Bellevue. l-tf Ho! For Fresh WatcrV THE nnderslirncd resnectfullv informs th I Inhabitants of Bellevue and the unrounding '""""Jl mai 1115 13 Jili-Jiarru l Ulg 8ll niijwi, WELLS AND CISTEBNS, : . At the shortest notice, and on the most re, sonable terms. 1. 1 1. A. LOGAN. Rellevue, OeL S3, l5t.Mf: 4 Job Printing. " "MT.ATLY and expeditiously exw,,f.rf on it reen3v!s rrt., this OfT's. VALLEY 'FARMER FOR IS.IWOL. 10. A WEEKEf FAMILY JOURNAL. 1 ' D AVOTCD TO Western Agriculture, llorticullure, Mechan ics, Education, Literature, Markets, , ; and eneral New. .' - 1 ' 1 KDITf.n AY ' N. J. COLMAN, JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Corres'ind Editor ASSISTED BV Over Five Hundred Practical Farmers and . Mechanics, who have, hetetofore written, and will coutiu'ie, with many others, , to write for thn benefit of their brethren and the public. . The "Prairie Fanner" ia devoted to the In terest of the Western Farmer and Mechanic. It is the Oldest Agricultural Paper in the West is published weekly in quarto form, for binding is characterised by a high moral tone labora to promote the Interests and ad vancement nf the whoe of the family, and to develop the Agricultural Resources of the West. A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to give accurate Market Reports weekly. It is essentially the family paper for the West. , , . 1 copy, 1 year, l In advance, or $l.r0 at the end of the year. . ' 10 copies, 1 year, $9.00 free copy to the person sending club. ' 20 copies, 1 year, $15 00 free copy to Uie person Bending club. .60 copies, 1 year, $35.00 free copy to the person sending club. , . . An old subscriber sending Tr.N new ones, or $S, will receive dm copy one relL- . ,' : .. . . iT Nibscripiions at tne club rates must be paid ir "Trie Far ski invariably in advance. riubscrtbe now. You want and need Farmer." We want you to have it. pjT" Current money may be acnt by mail at our risk, provided the letters are "registered." C5TA dilrcsa "Valley Farmer," office cor ner Chestnut and 2d streets, St Louis, Mo. (79" AdvertUementa, , of an appropriate character, inserted at ten centi per line each insertion payment in advance. . GODEY'3 GREATEST EFFORT... n. 'sSTli,l jGnEATEA ATTRACTIONS, . ' Will be plTored in- GODEY'S L ADY'S BOOK i FOR 1858. Tliis work has been the standard fortweniy seven Vcars. When an imitation has been at tempted it has failed. It is THE ONXY LADY'S BOOK P U B hi S If ETD- I N "'A M ERICA. NEW.'fEATURES FOR 1158: ', How to driss with Taste.; Children' Clothes How to cut and. contrive them. Paintin; on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker aud the Milliner. Drawing iivall it variety, useful to the be ginner and the proficient. .. " Tashions from th establishment of the cel ebrated "Brotlie," will be in every number. Every-dny Actualities A new scries of these illustrated articles will be given. .- Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lace of every variety.' A specimen of the ititch to be used in each will be givenl ' In addition to the nhove, . . , ., ' One Hundred Tagea of Reading will be giveu monthly. - - , -; God.'y'a Splendid Engravings on steel. Ixmdon, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Godey's four figured Colored Fashions. Embroidery Pattern,, Model Cottages, Dress Making with Diagrams to cut by. ' 'JJrcss Patterns Infants' and Children's drVssps,' with descriptions how to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work. "The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often be given, t- GODEY'S INVALUABLE RECIPES " 'I'PON F.VEItV SUBJECT. Ml SIC litres dollars' worth :is giren every year.; . .1 Ii tho various numbers for 1858, will be found the newest designs for ,; ' V Window Curtains, Broderic Anglaise Slippers, Bonmits, Caps, Cloaks, Evening Dressesf i ' Fancy Articles, Head Dressen, Hair ' ; ' Dressing. Robes deCramble. Car- '; riage Dresses, Brides' Dresj- ' 1 es, Wreaths, Mantillas, Walking Dresses, ' ' '' ' Riding Habits, and Morning Dresses. Dresses for Infants" and Young Misses, Boys' Dresses, Capes ami Cloaks of Fur in season, Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds and patterns to cut dresses by are given monthly. . Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip pers in Colors. - '- Drawing Lessons for Youth.' ' ' ' Send in your orders soon, as we ewpect our list for 18j7 will reach 100,000 copie. The best plan of subscribing is to send your money direct to the publisher. Those' who send large amounts had better send drafts, but notes will answer if drafts cannot be pro cured. . ' ' 1 . 1 Weftlnk w can show how much cheaper it is to take the Lady'a Book At Three Dol lars than any other magazine at Two Dollars. We will take a late number of both.. The Two Dollar Ma gatlne: foutalaed JtJ articles, the Lady's Book 64. , . , , f , The Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 efc- gravings, the Lady'a Book art. . The Two Dollar Magazine contained C4 pa ges, the Lady's Book 100. - , Twenty-four more engravings, twenty six more articles, and thirty-aix mors pages, uearly double the quantity. The lowest club price of the Two. Dollar 'Ma gaeine i $L255 low est club price of Lady' Book 1,C7, only 42. cents difference in the price, which i three and a half cents on each number, and for tlut sum (three nnd a half cents), you receive twenty-six more articles, twenty-four more ; engravings, and ttiirty-aix more page month , ly certainly a very cheap three and a linlf ; rents' worth. This view of the esse has ' probably never before been presented, but H is !a true etatement, which any ladv can con j vlnce herself of bv comparing the'two maga zines. j " TERMS, CAf hTn ADVANCE -One copy, one year, $3. Two copies, one I veiiri Three copies, one year, 6. i ' Fiv copies one year, and an extra copy to I. the person s Hiding tho club, making ix eoni. &MV Eight topic one year and an extra copy to the persou sending the club, making nine copie $15. , . , Eleven copit one year, and an extra copy to the perou eeuding the club, making twelve . copie $20. . Zv The above terms cannot be deviated from, no matter bow many are ordered. , SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OT1IEH MAGAZINES. f - Godey' Lady'a Book and Arthur's Home Magazines both one year for $3 ftO. Godey'. Lady' Book and Harper's Maga- tin both one year for $4 60. Godey's Lady's Book, Harper's Magszlne, and Arthur's Home Magazine one year $i. f be above i tae only way we can club with Uarper'sJUagaziliS.. i v .... , . 1 he many, nust aU b tent at w time for any of tile Clubs. ); Subscribers in the British Province's who send for clubs, must remit 36 cert extra tan every a.tbseriber, to pay the American post aee to the Une. Address. "r ' , ! A: CODCT." '13 CVr.t S'., fbilads., fa. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. - v . ; For , 1850. ; milE Ch.eap.st Family Newpap.r 1. IW. 1 We.tL.fh. Weekly Piain"iCl.rwo! commence its Seventeenth Volume on the iJ. of January, 1858. It will continue thj ..J. Inrlependcut, Jocose, Fearless, Fightlnc J! nai if has ever been. Dealing plail- b ly with all. It will battlfor the CoL.in don and th Union, as Ui worM'J U V,' sure and last hop." It will oppos, ism in every form, and batUe Di.-unioL 1. every d,.guise oit vieUanc. . s,'1 upon the watch-tower of Liberty, it u dent to say, thst it has never yei be.qfoWi napping at its post. .. "wi THE ,KEW VOLUME "AND THE7 Nkw year 1 . rw The New Volume will commence ,wiiJ, New Year,' big with important event, a new leaf ia the history of this Republi. win be entered, upon the inauguration of a B.i President and , Vice Presfdent. Durins V. coming year the policy pf the New Admin?,! tration will be fully unveiled in. regard to Z following Important And exciting N.tioMl V?r' I- Final Sctt'emnt of the Kin" Difliculty, on which tho whole Slavery 0u tion in the Territories is pending Tlii til! Settlement of the Central American QwiSt. as against the claims of England onr Rii of Transit Across Uie Jsthmu., and the rcS. nition and maintainane. of the Walker R public in WicaraguaTbs.Daniah Sound D." Tlie Acquisition of Cuba-Tk Annexstw! of the Sandwich I.l..,d.-Th. Admil" Minnesota as a Slate Admi..ion of Oren. Admission of Utah, with ot without Pok gamy Admis.ion of Kansas, with or withZi Slavery-Probable Admission of NttaJK and Washington. Territories-Tlis Inauwr. Message of Jam.. Buchanan-Ths rjoinpiof the New Democrats Congress. ,Thee sr. some of the leading event which will diitin. gulsh the ncoming Administration, and mo.t of them will transpire during theeominr ve.V NOW is THE TIME. TO BUBScHi? ' Vlfi.v.eland,. irom.iU eU4-location, -m! rrom its great coocentratiprt. of Rail Ro.ds. Ielcgranhs, tmf water 'communication wiUi the world, is admitted to be the Best Newi Point tn tfie West. It can furnish intelligence from all parts of the world, day ahesd of th, New York PapBrs,nd the Plain Dealer, W onging to Uie iew York Associated Pr,,.i, the first to publish th Foreign and Dome,tic Jtt'Aew, Disasters upon the Lake,, and Comrnercial IntHige,H:.. generally. I will have Dally Telegraphic Dispatcher . Washington during the Session of Congre... and has regular Correspondents in all the principal cities of Ihe Union.., , .r,. In addition to a full and faithful' recorder passing events, we Intend to devote a consid erable portion of our paper to "Polite Liters tnre. Every Paper will contain Utorv. either original .or selected, accompanied with the choicest variety of Miscellany, such s. Poetry, Discovcies.. Biographies, Jokes, Od dttiee, &.c, 4c, making altogether one of th m 1 ,""ble Family Journals in the West I " - n,,"rwnPt to Improve and to Invite. .;i Ji.c'J1 b,crl isstructiowwiUiU-light."-.: (TF"Our Agricultural, Commercial, and Telegraphic Departments, will each be worth the subscription price of the paper. 1 Tlie Brighton, New York, Baltimore, CUVe land and Clnciimatl Markets Mil te reported Weekly. i i V i - . i TElRMS t Pingla Subscribers,...;.. $2,t)0 Clubs of Ten (to one Office),'...';..- 1.90" C ubs of Twenty (to otie Office),... 1.3ft Clubs of. Fifty, ,.'... ....1.00 Pay invariably in atvarice. To the Better tip of n Club, one copy gratis. , 4 CV" Post-'Hrastcrsre especially requested to act as Agents.' ,Thoy ehould in every ci, where possible, substitute Western Dene cratic Papers for Eastern Fusion Papers. ' Those desiring the President's Message and other Public; Documents, an subscribe boh, or afanv time before the first of December. TIT Subscribers to tbe New Volume should send in their names as early as the middle ef December, .0 that they taay be registered Is time for the first number. All funds Teclvd at current rases, and iT registered mailed ei Onr risk. Addres -1 1 . . m I . W. CRAY, Cleveland, 0. GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG ; , 11ICULTURAL PAPER.'' ' PUBLISHED AT CERMA'TOVN, PHItA'IA CO., PESN. Every Wcdsesday MoaVi.iV.' BY rillLJP R. FRE.4S. ' - .'1 ,1 c .n PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNCM. We take tins occasion to ann.uunc to Fsxav rs throughout' the country, that it is the tn tentiomof Uie Editor ami Proprretofl of the "GermAntown Telegraph.'' hot only to cos tmue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of his paper, but sedulo si ' to add Is its character and value .by atlne-ma! it command. All necessary space' 'shall b pro vided for a ful irecord of Agricultural Detail! and a full development of evi ty branch of th Farmer's Pursuit. He will lu future, si h has always heretofore,' aim te be prsctieal, and to be of real and substantial advanUr to husbandry. His course, also, will eonthiw to be thoroughly independent, and wholly aa biassed by any other motives than those h conceives to be promotive of the true Intere of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither individuals, cliques, societies, er any other in fluence ahall swerve him from th path sf right and duty. j . ; -.'-'' Farmera, throughout tha country, who de sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, And eqosl to Any other family newt and literary joorsit published, which make Agriculture a epeti ality. will find the etrmantowrf Telegraph" to fulfill every condition, nd to render It tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe f r periodical exclusively agricultural.')' ' Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Cr dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. . ,t.. As a Literary and News Jwrnsl It ahall not be surpassed byianjrin ths country. Neatly printed on good papery of ths largeel class, it shall continue to be one ot th b somest newspspers of Uie day; Every Family, in town or countn-, wbeth they take other papers or Dot, will and the "GerraAntown Telecraph" to be worth, to lit eral benefit, twice the amount of eubseriptw- No subscriptions received without the ck. Price Two Dollars in Advance. Subscription not paid within tbe ytar, $2.50 Mail o writers will have -Ui-ash. pUg eWsewi when not exceeding 25 cts. per npum, pr" vided tbe snbscriptioa b paid strtstly in ' vance. Postage stamps to this amount bs returned as change with Uiereeejpt- Any pernor, tending' tfyenew Aubscribers one tin, Kith tha cah,jwilH eatitled ts the paper for one year. , . ........ jJ''r - Specimen number sent nn'reanest. ' ' STEAM FERRY BOAT- leTIVIE aubcribrleg.,.UAvA'G Inform dJL public, that be( hss now. In, operstion. 1 first clas Steam Ferry Boat, at Bellevue, V-V nt the point known as old Tr4ers Point Frrfj Tha Bosk is one of th best th Misori Rrvtr, Alid every exertion will he tsed to bio th public to cross tbs Riv with sf7 aad dispatch. 1 : . v . . a ! - t'4-16 ' : NATHANIEL O.' JPEWTw ej ' FOB 8 AUG. J A tainard timber Claim of loOAeres," In three miles of Relieve Cir, for sate P quire a tMe ffle. a7