Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, April 01, 1858, Image 3
1 I 1 r-Tt train from Union vetterdty afternoon toneisting: of ksvest frelg at tare, baggage and paassngsr ear vet with a serious acci dent, Juat before reaching tha bridge over Greenville creek, tha axel of ona af lha freight enrt broke tha train tntered tha bridge, and tha locomotive and ona freight ear had reach ad tha other and of the bridge whan tha bridge krokt In tha center, and ati of tha freight cara 'nd ona bar? lira etf whent down, aoma of than near fifty feet. Tha bridge ia about ona - hundred feat' long . Tha brakeaman on tha - passenger ear (tha laat ona tn the train) sse ' Ing tha danger pulled out the couplinr pin and I nut on tha braket and checked up tha car be- - fore tt reached tha bridge, ao that tt remained ? upon tha track tinlnlured. There were about thirty passengers. Including three ladlea. ia the car.- The name of the brakeiman who ebowed ao much pretence of mind In tha einer nnfyle Thomas Malcney, ha desrvee an I honorable mention. I ' The conductor of tha train, P. OJIIn, Jr., and threa patisngera were tn tha baggage ear they were all slightly bruised, and that -was all. l"h atova fell apon the conductor, bat be managed io get it off wit' out being ' burned. Dayton (O) Journal March 5. N'tw most Mexico. Aa waa expected. ( tha government of Zuloaga la like that of . Cffwefwt, e9 the paint of breaking to pieces ' and Mexico ia once More adrift. According to the lateat newa Alvarei waa again in arma against the govtrnmt it, and every patty chief . .who could raiae a few men waa exercising a -i aVrt of feudal despotism over aa much territt T y a ha .e mid aweep. Indeed, the whole -country' reminde ona of thoae wild eountrlee f the middle agea, where no man'e Ufa nd Mwvnin'i honor were aafe out of bowahot from a big cattle, and where the aole occupa i tioa of the Inhabitanta waa to make war upon "one anil her, from year' a and to rear'a end. " Ail thia praeagee the return of Santa Anna, but after all, even thia would poatpone the and for a ohort time. ' Chronic desease mnat rt- . main tha condition of Mexico untill It paaiea Into tha hand of tha United States. '"" MARRIED. -On the 27th Inst, in thia city, by tha Rev. William Hamilton, Mr. John Russell, to .Miss Rebecca Clifton. Two hearts in union are combined, -1 . My every bleasing be entwined, - Around their honev-moon j .-. Mar happy apirita cheer the bride, '! And John be ever aa a guide, To light tha uaree of home. MASONIC. The regular' meetinge of Nebraska 'Lodge, No. 184, of Free and Accepted 'Ma none, will be held at Masonic Halt. ' on" the second and fourth Tuesday aveninga of each month, at o 1-2 o'clork. 11 ' L. B. KINNEY, W.M. r 11 ' 1 1 1 ... -m"i m . i. o. o. r. r The regular meetings of Bellevue Lodjre, : No.' -4, will ba hold on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brothers of the order who mey be In wr citron that t evening, are respectfully Invited to attend. ... 8. A. STRICKLAND, N O. F. M. DAVENPORT. Seev. '' Arrangements. ' " EASTERN MAIL, i Aaairat 'Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 0 'clock, P. M. - i'v I closes 1 Snndavs, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 9 "o'clock, P. M. , ( , WESTERN MAIL . I , asmvh ; Tnesdara. Thursdays, and Saturdays, atO o'clock, P. M. I . , - , ; CLOIKS Tuesday, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 0 o'clock, P. M. ; . -".' SOUTHERN MAIL. ,'' I' aaaivE i t -, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdaya, at 0 'clock, P. M. i CI.OSKt Mondays; Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A. M. .- -: .-. ' u ( ,l4 W..i j NORTHERN MAIL. -). (! ' 'f : ' 'Aaaivr.s ; ' 1 1 Mondays,' Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, A. M. , . " Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdaya. at 9 o'clock, A. M. OffictbneA on Sundays, only from 0-j'clock P. M. to o,clock P. M. Thia rule will ba atrietly adhered to. :' L. B. KINNEY, P. M. BELLEVUE MARKET. (?orreeed weekly by Clash a k. Baoritca, nrartlB? and Com. Merchants.' r,V jFlourExtra Superfine, $4 per 8 Jba." - Mea per 100 lbs. , ,Appiea Driedr S3 50 per bushel. ' Peathee . 4 oo. , .. , Bnttaiv-New 0e V 23 . Jieana-43 00 H bua. v . 1 . Corn 50 $ bush. Oata-. -Me j. Beef 7 to 8c.- .: ' Dried Beaf-r20e per lb. ,B , Salt G. A., par aack, $3. - r-Kt 13C v 001 '1. ,;, Jlidea Dry, 7e - - ,-..- d Green, 3 - i , ,;Jiay 4 00 $6 00 tua . .Bran. 30 cents per bush. j - Pork-r Fresh, $ to $7 per bum. . Urd iSelftlb ,v . i . i .Awn A 10 vwuons a w vji ous. . Potatoes 60. r .Peita Sheep 50c ' ' ' . do Coon 2S Wood Cotton, 3,50, Hard, 5,00. i. Lumber Cottonwood aheat'g 25 H m . do aq. edged $30 00 . ... , da Oak, Walnut, Basswood $45 00 rj . . .-. i , do Pine aiding, clear $V 00 l m. Ao Flooring 2d $05 00 (. ' ' let $7500 . f - ! Boarda, $50 $75 00 : . -Shingles Pine $8 50 M $ 50 V - Cottonwood $5 00 ..... Lath Pine $12 00 per m. , Doora " -$3 SO Ci $4 75 each. tiaah $1 00 Q It 1-4 per easement XEW ADTEtttlSEMEXTS. Wanted. CASH will ba palJ by Clarke k. Bra. for any quantity of dry and green hide. ;J5TotiCC.; : II hereby given to Elbert W. Blore, and all V are whom It may concern, that I will .appear at tha Land Office in Omaha eity, JJuaglas "county, pi. y., frflay,th day of April, 185a, at 11 o'clock A. M. and than and thara, prove my right to pre-empt the aoutr weat quarter of aection V, townahip 14, in range 12, east of th Otk, principal meridian ia Nebraska Territory. JHJ ' ' . TlfAVMTB tTAur N$tic$ of tht Forecloiure of Mortgaje by AdrertUement. Territory of Nebraska, ) County of Rsrpy, ) Reuben Lovrjuy, Mor'gagee, vs. Alire Kellnm, ' V. A. (Jwyer, Mortgagors. Deed of Mortgage dated ' December IS;h, A. D. 1H57, and reordrd In Book R.. I'agea 209, 270 and 271, Dscs.nber 21st, 18G7 at 10 o'clock. A. M. Default haritig been made in psvment of the sum of two thousand two huntfred dollars, f2,2O0,l which I claimed to b due at the data of thia notice, and aeeured by a deed of Mortgage bearing date, December lth, 1S57, executed by Alfred Kellum and V. A. Qwyer, of Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory, to Rea ben Lovfjoy, of the city of Bellevii"-, Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory, and recuMed in tha office of the Register of Deeds for Surpy County, N. T., in book B., pagei 209, 270 and 271, on the 2lst dav of December, A. D. 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. M Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that In pursuance of a rower of aal contained la said mortgage, and of tha Statute In auch cases made and provided, the premises described In and conveyed by said mortgage, to witt Alt that certain piece or pare) of land, lying and being siMiste In II. County of Sarpy, and Territory of Nebraska, and dearribed aa follow, to wit : Commenc ing for the same at a post 94. 0 rods, North It decree, East of tha 8. W. corner of aec tion thirteen, (13) Township thirteen, (13), Range thirteen, (13), east of the 8th Princi pal Meridian j thence north 471 degreea, west 23.5 rods to a cottonwood stump, thence north 31 degree, east V.5 rod to a post, thence S tilth 47 1.2 degrees coat, Ui.b rods to a poE, thence south 30 degrees west 0.5 rod to the place of beginning, containing one acre and fifty-seven perch, together with all and alnfular the tenement and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appi-rtainlng, consisting in part of one cngins, boiler and all the machinery and fixture for a perfect steam saw-mill, manufac tured by Cooper and CI i rk, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and said ta be of thirty hone power, will be old at public auction on the 2Hh day of June, A. D. 1959, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M., and the setting of the sun on the a me day, to the highest bidder. The sale to be in front of the Dellevu.) House in the City of Bellevue, Sarpy County, Nebraska Territory. - ' - REUBEN LOVEJOY, Mortgagee. 1. n. LtMOrt, All y. April 1st, 1S53. nlCtl2 To AH. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : The undersigned take thia method of call ing upon those who are indebted to them, to come forward and settle their accounts, and notes, bef re the 10th day of April next, as we must have money by that time. We have waited Ion; and patiently on our enstomera, and if our invitation ia not respond. I tn, w. Shall place the acco ints in other hands for collection. S EATON fc ROWLKS. Bellevue, March 24, 1858. . 1.18.4 Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage by . , Advertisement. Territory of Nebraska, ) County uf Sarpy. $ Reuben Lovejoy, Mortgagee, vs. William R. Johnson, Alfred Kellum, Asron O. Cox, Mortgsgers. Mortcage dated, March 14th, A. D. 1S57, re corded in book E., Page 100, April 21st, 1857, at 10J o'clock, A. M. Default having been made in t' a payment of the Sum of two thousand and two hundred dollars, ($2,200.) which is claimed to be due at the data or this notice, and aeeured by a certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing dale March 14lh, A. D. 1957, executed by William It. Johnson, then or the Mate or Iowa, Aitred Kellum, and Aan-n O. Cox. of Bellevue, Sar py County, Nebraska Territory, to Reuben Lovejoy, of Bellevue, aforesaid, and Recorded in the orlic of Die Register of Deeds, at Oma ha City, for Sarpy County, N. T., in Bonk E, rage iih, on lite ?it oi April, A. U., ISO., at 10 1-2 o'clock A. M. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that in pursua ce of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and of the statute, in auch cases made and provided, tha premises de scribed in and conveyed by aaid mortgage, to wit r au that certain piece and parcel or land, with its aoDiirtenances. situated and Ivlne in tha city of Bellevue, in said county of Sarpy, and territory or Nebraska, and described as Block one hundred and thirteen, (113) in said city of Bellevue, according to the survey there of, made by Mr. SchlmonsUy, in the year 1851, will ba sold at public auction on tha lRlh day of June, A, D. HSy, between the hours of 9 o'clock, in tha forenoon, and the setting of the aiui on that day, to the highest bidder) the sale to be in front of the Bellevue Houee, in the city of Bellevue, Sarpy County, NVbra.ka Territory. REUBEN LOVEJOY, . Mortgagee. T. B. Lemon, Att'y. x March 24th, 1858. n!8tl2 SlierHTs jSteile. BY virtue of an exeention to me directed by the Clerk of tl District Court of Sarpy county, N. T., in favor of John Kahler, and Igainst tha property of Harrison Berry, to sstisfy a judgment against said Berry, for tha sum of- nfteen-hundred and thirteen dollars and eeventy-aix cents, ($15l3,7o ;) now there for f will offer at public auction on the prem ises, oa tha 22nd day of April, A. D. 1858 between the hours of nine o'clock: A. M. and four o'clock P. "M. of aaid day, to the highest bidder, for cash; tha following described prop erty, to wit t n .teaui saw mill with all the apparatus belonging thereto, said mill being situated In the west part of Sarpy county on Elkhorn river, and known aa iht Harrison Berry Mill. Dated, Bellevue March 15th A. D. 1858. JOHN M. ENOCH. 2t ' Sheriff of 8arpy County, N. T snerltTe Solo. BY yirtnaofan execution, tn me directed, by the Clerk of the District Court of Sarpy county, N. T., in favor of Cyrus K. Mark, and against tha property of 'George Jennings, to satisfy a judgment against the aaid Jennings j for the sum of five hundred and lilnety-six dollars, and aeventy-aix cents ($591,76). Now, therefore, I will 'offer at public auction, in front of the Bellvue House on tha 24th day of April, A. D. 1858, between the houra of nine o'clock A. M., and four 'clock P. M., of said day, to the highest bid der, for cath, the following described proper ty, to witt being the N. W. of N. E., St of N. T.., S. E. of N. W. of section 24. townsh p 13, rang 13, E. of the 6th principal meridian, N. T. Dated March ?3rd. 1858. JOHN M. ENOCH, Sheriff. itlS By 8. H WATTLES, Dep. Sheriff. WM. C. A VERILL & CO., DLLLEYl C STORE, BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. TA E ALERS ia Dry Goods. Groceries. Hard. xJ ware, Hate and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery. Furniture, fcc. We will sell our goods, at low prices, and trr rsaiy pay en'y. V Xost. NOTICE Is hereby given, that on th v ntnr f th I nth inst. I lost my p. rket book In Pailevut city, containing aom valu able pspera that are of no ue to anf ona but myself, together with a dollar bill, with soma notes against various persons, one of $15 on Charles Peter Make), and one of $MI,50 on M. D. Shsw, one on I. P. Horn, at co. of about $0,00, ona on B'nrkburn of $S,$I nd varlona others. 1 1 erehy notify all persons from purchasing any of the said notea. Any person finding said pocket-bonk and returning the same ta me, or leaving It at tha office of tha Bellevue Gasette, will be liberally re warded, besides confering a great favor. (tf!8) E. N. LTJOHN. NEW ARRANGEMENTS ! NEW AND lew Prices! B Y L. B. KINNEY & CO. rMIE undersigned are now opening the J. largest and best selected, assortment of Spring and Summer goods, ever before offered In market for tha truth of this, we in-its ths Ladies ami Gentlemen to call and see that this Is no Nsw Paper puff, no fiction, no gais ( But truth In rea'ity, Even in Nebraska I Therefore coma one, come all, and David will be on hand in hia usual good humor to wait on all, Ladies in particular. Every thing may be found in the shape of choice dress goods for Spring and Summer at 10 KINNEY kCOS G ROCERIES of evry description, cheap at I" KINNEY k. COS. BOOTS and shoes, good and warranted at K1NNER &. CO'3. GAITERS, Buskins, and Slipper of every variety at KINNEY 4. CO'S. N AILS, Glaaa and Q ieenswsrr, cheap at KINNEY & CO'S. SOFT WARE Hardware. A TEW Firkin of good Butter and a lot of sin.-.ll white bean', for sale at the H 'rd ware store of T. ic 3. A. Nye Butter 25 cents per tb. Beans $3 per bushel. . Roth warranted to ba not strong, esll around there that have the money. 4tl3 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of an execution, tome directed, by the Clerk of the District Court of Sarpy county, N. T., in favor of Louia Uarte'a and against the property of Georre Jennings to satisfy a Judgment against said Jennings fort' e sum of three hundred and ninety eight dollars and seventy two centsj now therefor I will offer at public auction in front of the Bellevue House, on tha 17th dav of April A. D. 1858 ; between the hours of 0 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clocx P. M. of said day i to th highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed property, towitj Lot 4 in Block 103 also Lot 1 in Block 57, in the CI' v of Bellevue Dated, Bellevue. March 17th 1858. JOHN M. ENOCH, Sheriff. 2t By S. H. WATTLES, Dep. Sheriff. i Notice. IH A VEJbeen very Indulgent with my custom er about paying up, sotn"tirr.ei this prin cipel ceases 'o be a virtue. I will now notify all to eotr.eup to I lie rack and settle old scores immediately, aud vou will very much oblige Your obedient servant, Wtf L. B. KINNEY. Notice. IS hereby given to George Rife, William A. Robinson, and all whom it may con cern, that h will appear at the Land Office in Omaha, on Friday the 0th day of April, at 11 o'clock, A. M. and there prove uy right to pre-empt the a. e quarter of the a. a. quarter of aec. 20, a. w. quarter of S. w. quarter of sec. 21, w. half of n. w. quarter of sec. 28, township 13, range 12, east uf th 6th princi pal maridian, in Nebraska Territory. 3118 JOSEPH MILLER. NOTICE! I" ETTERS of Administration ou the estate J of John Ray late of Sarpy county, de ceased having been granted to the a"bacriber residing in Beltevue, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted tn eaid pntste to call snd settle the same, and those having claims against the estate are requested to present them properly authntieated for settlement. 13 WILLIAM II. WRIGHT. Ad'ro'r Gt'STAVE SEEGEII, COUNTY SUBVEY0B OF MILLS CO. OFFICE GLEN WOOD, IOWA. , CARDERS left at the office of Shakapeare Vr voyes, m. Mary, will receive prompt at tention. G. SEEGER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, would respectfully inform the citizens of Mills and adjoining counties, that he ia prepared to execute all work of the following character t La ying off town aites, leveling of streams for water power, drawing or maps plain and colored, drawing designs for buildings of all s'yles. with estimatea of cost. Correct plats of the townships of Mills County, showing the true positions of ths tim ber, water courses and bluff, kept constantly on hand. Having bad experience both in thia country and in Europe, be fe-la assured of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. " Gold Medal awarded at the late St. Louis fair to G. Seegr k 8. Schimonaky for the best topographical man. Office Glenwood, Mills co., Iowa. 1 1 Notice. "MOTICE is hreby given f George W. Lewis, John Cleaveland, and all others concerned, to appear before the Uegiater and Receiver of the I .and Office at Omaha, en Friday the 19:h diy of April, 1858, at 10 o'clock A. M., and offer (urU evllenc a you may have in anpnort or adverse to the pre emption of John Cle ' veland, to lots 1, 2, and 3, Section 27, Tp 13. Range 12 eat. aa per inatructi'tns of th Coinmis.loiter of tha Land Office to re-loyestiga'e stid pre-emption. JOHN A. PARKER Jr., Register, A. U. GILI.MORE, Receiver. Mrrh 2 Vh, 1V. GREAT SACRIFICE 1 N Store (GrOOi1 W. C. A VERILL tli CO , Having determined to do out the balance ot tbas'ock, will offer until tb lit 4 March, their entlr stock at COST. Great Bargains may ba Had In BOOTS & SHOES. i . Drawer HI g i mm JUa mM M. J t Kahogany Front, for only $10. WILL 0FFEH FURNITURE, Without Regard to Co it. LADIE'8 Fine Shoes. Fancy Groceries at Cost. Hardware, d&ticensware GLASSWARE HATS & CAPS, AT HALF THE USUAL PEICE. Any one in want of really cheap food, wilt do well to defer buying until they attend tbi sale. TERMS, ..!.?. . CASH. Bellevue, Jan. 28, 1358. 10 BELI.EVIE LOTS FOR SALE. LOT fl, Block 253. L. 0, B. 192, L. 8, R. 23. " 2, 2J, 1, 174, " 4, M 120. " 3, ".171, "It," 2S, "11 W. " 4, . " 25, " 8, " 138, "14, 17. " 10,11,12, 210, 4," 49. . Out Lot 21, in Bennett's qr. " " 25, in Bottom. Also, an undivided 1-2 of Block 155, k. tl3. Price, $1750. Enquire of HORACE EVERETT, At hi Baoklne: House. Council Bluffs, or 41 J. B. JENNINGS, Bellevu. Mortgage Sale NOTICE is hereby (riven, that by virtue, a- d in pursuance of a Deed of Mortja; executed by Alfred Kellum, to th under sign ed j dated December 18tb, A. D. 1857. to se cure the una of Fifteen Hundred and Forty Six Dollars and Eighty-four cents, in the fol lowing manner, to wit ; $500 on the 20th day of December A. 1). 1857, $500 on the 9th day of January 1858, and the residue on the 9th day of March A. D. 1858, and Recorded in Hook B. of Land Records, of Sarpy county, N. T. Page 291,2,3 ; one of the conditiona in the aaid inorla:e is, that default being made in the payment of, either of aaid notea, the whole should immediately "become due, and payable, and default having been made in the two first, named note, and Intereat thereon and thia beiufr, the thtrd time, aaid mort-r-age haa been renewed) now therefore, by vir tu of the authority in me vested, by said Deed of MorUrage, I will p'oreed t sell, ac cording to the conditions therein set forth, to tha highest bidder for caah, at public aale, in the city of Bellevue, N. T. before th door of ths Bellevu House, on Saturday, the 3rd day of April A. p. 1858, at 10 o'clock, A. M. all the following described property, to witj the u-divided one half of Block No 113 in the city of Bellevue, Sarpy co. N. T. according to survey made by S. W- T. Schimonaky iu 1856; and also, all the undivided half of tha certain piece or parcel of Land situated and lying in the county of Sarpy and Territory of Nebraska and known and described as follows, to witt commencing at a post 81:1) rods North, 81 1-4 East of the S W corner of see 13, township 13 range 13, E of tha 0 principal meridiaa. Thence north 47 1-2 weat 23:5 roda to a cotton wood stump, thence N 34 E 0:5 rods to a post thenre S 47 1-2 E 23 rods to a post, thsnca S 3u V 0:5 roda to place of begining ; also all the improvements and buildings, consisting in part, of one stsara aaw mill and th tenement hereditament and appurtenance thereof. aub ject nevertheless, to a Deed of Mortgage, to secur the payme. t 'f Two Thousand Twn Hundred Dollars, ($2200) it being a prior mortgage and having precedence over all other. i 12t-8 V. A. GWYER. Mortgage Jtfew Firm. 5TRHE undersigned, hsving purchased th IX ttoek in Irsde, of Palmer. business will bs carried on, aa heretofore, at the old stand, under th name and atvl of Wm. C. Averill at Co. WM. C. AVERILL. m w. h. Loc;popr. ;ddbs VARIETY STOllE. THE undersigned have opened, a (arts and commodious new store, on tha corner if Main and 2.1th Streets, In IMIevue, where a varied assortment of Goods may be found Among them art DRY GOODS, fueh at Brown Muslin. Calico, Sheetlnr, Sutrtlnr, Hosiery, lit KNIVES, FORKS, SCYTI1E, WOOD-SAWS, SHOVELS, , HAY-FORKS, SPADES, TEA-KETTLES. GRIND-3T0NES, CHAINS, fee , Together Willi a quantity of BOOtO c3 SllOOS Sepsri, Rake, Rope, Horst-colUrs, Carpet sacks, Windnw Sash, Deors, TEAS AND SUCARS, Tobocco, Qusenswars. Glaesware, Flour, Crackers and a great many mort articles. They keep constantly ou band, a large as sortment of good sTInra nnd Liquor, Warranted the bist quality i cheap for t ash. l37tf J. P. HORN k CO. Meat Market Chang od Hands. MESSRS. OLIVER k STONE, have pur Chased of II. Cook Griffith, his entire interest In the butchering business, and will hereafter be found at hie old stand, on Miss'on Avenue, east of Main Street, under 8. M. Pike's Grocery and Provision Store, where they will be happy to wait upon hie old tus- tomers. and all other who may chooss to lavor Ultra wiin weir patronage. GEORGE A. OLIVER. Oct. 89. 6m51 CHARLES STONE. Notice. I LL persona who art Indebted to tha late ifU Arm of Pslmer at. Averill, will please can ana settle toe same wiin GEORGE P. AVERILL. N. B. All accounts not clossd within 30 davs, will be autd. Jan. 25th. 10 W. II. Longadorf, GRADUATE of Penn. College of Dental VJ Surgery, respectfully announce to tht clt urns or iseiievne, and vicinity, that ha ia now prepared to practice Dentistry, in all Itt va rious branchts, . Oflict houra from 2 till 5, P. M 48 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE." T ETTERS Testamentary on Ilia eatat of I j Alexander uavts, late or sarpy county, aeceaaen,rinrtngneen granted to u undesign ed, residing In said county, aht hereby notifies all persons knowing themselves to bt indebted to taid estate, to make immediat payment, and thost hnvlng claims, to present tut taint E roper ly authenticated, for aettlement oa or efort the first day of Mav neat. IRENE DAVIS, Asi'r. Bellevue, March 1st, 185S. . ImlS Notice To the OPuLtDllo. THE undersigned having purchased tht en tire stock if Jewelry, formerly owned by Alex. Kemp, Is prepared to sell tht tame at 25 per rent lest than was tver offered in thit eity before, at room must be made for a large spring assortment. Ths t'ock consists of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Clocks, Setts of Cameo, Coral. Enamel, Painted, Gold Stone, Masonic, and Mourning Jewelry, Rroaches, Ear Drops, Cuff Pins. Shirt Studs, I.ockets, Bracelets. Rings, Gold, Silver, and Plaited Guard, -Fob and Vcat Chains, Gold and Silver Spectacles Also a splendid as sortment of MORTON'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. Also Musical Instruments, Cutlery, Port Monica, Touches, Card Cases, kx.t itc. A fins atock of Ritlea, Shot Guns, Revolv ers, Ac, which will b told at a email ad vance above coat, at tht tubtcribtr wishes to go out of the gun bnsiness. . All kind of repairing dont with neatness and dispatch by competent workmen. ; I still continue to (akt Omaha Scrip, Wet tern Exchange, Nemaha Valley, eastern mon ey, or gold and silver, in exchange for goods. gVtora on 12U Street, -tie door from Farabam, and directly oppooit th Wet tern Exchange Bank, Omaha, N.T. ' Plsaat call and txamlne gda and prices. T. W. WOODS. Omaha, Jan. 12tb, 1858. . Im9 (Rrocery PKOVJSIOFSTORE. MR. S. M. PIKE, .till continue to keep at his old stand, on Mission Avenue, caat of Main Street, fresh Groceries, f all kinds, of the bet quality. , Also, a choice lot of Liquort. He hat fitted up, ia tht rear of hit ttore, firat data , , . i , i HESTAURANT, Where he will furnish warot meala, or cold lunch, at all houra of tbt day, including tht following dishes i Roat Beef, Oyttert. Corned Beef, . Sardine, Pickled Tongue, ' Wild Game, Pickled Tripe, Hot Coffee, Plge Feet, Aad Ta. Hi customers, and tbs public generally, art invited to give him a call. Nov. 2J. ' Itf SEEDS FOR 1858. W E are now prepared with a full and aud complete atock of FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, Of the new crop, to supply any demand whole, sals and retail, on the very best of terms. Our atock ianew (aa we do not consign seed and take nono back to mix up again,) and much of it grown under our own directiona U this state. Our atock of European teedt la imported directly by ourselves from tht most rt'iabl growers In England and France. W feel confident no better advantagea to Uit public caa bt offered than wt can give, and w cordially Invit an examination of our atock before purchasing. Our atock consists in part of Spring Wheat, Barley , Corn, Peaa, Beens, itc, a very large variety of 'Garden Seeds and a full assortmsnt of Flower Seeds of choice varieties. Also, 150 bashtla pure Cniattt Sugar Cai.t 6d. . . : t , . Constantly oa hand a large assortmsnt of Ajrrteultural and Horticultural impUmenta. "Tull priced aeed and implement eatalojpia tent upon receipt of stamp to pay postage. HENRY D. EMERY k CO., 3aH CM fc'reet, Ottesgo. ;. - :. , THE i . - .-. ATLANTIC MONTHLY. PHILLIPS, SAMPSON & CO "BOSTON, M A B M. 1 ITS AIM WILL BE Fiatn In Literature, to lsavt no provinco imrepreesnted, to that whllt steh r umber will contsin artlclst of an abstract and prrmsnstit vslue, It will also bt found that lha healthy appetite of tbt mind for entertainment In Ita various forms of Narrative, Wit. and Humor, will riot go uneartd for. Tht publishers wish to say, also, that while natlvt wrlttrt will re reive the most solid encouragement, and will bt mainly railed on to fill tht pa get of tat Atlantic, they will hot beeltal to draw from th foreign acourcea at their command, at occasion may require, relying rather on tht competency of an author to treat a particular subject, than e aey ether claim whatever. In this way the hops to make their Perledl. tal wtleomt wtiertvtr tbt English tongut ia tpoktn or resd. " Srcoitd i In tht term Aar thty Intend to In clude th wholt domain of atethttkt, and hop gradually to maka thia critical dedart menr a true and fearless representative of Art in all Its various branchea, without inr regard to prsjudlct, whether personal or national, or ti jrivatt conelderatlon of what kind totvtr. Tilted i In Politics, tht Atlantic will ba th orgsn of no party clique, but will honestly endeavor to bs tlie exponent of what Itt con ductors believe to bt tht American Idea It will deal frankly with pertona and with part, let, endeavorsngtokeep la view that mora! el ement which tranacenda all persons and par ttst and which alone maket tht basis of a tiutand lasting national prosperity. It wilt not rank Itself with any sect of antici, fat with that body of men which art In favor of Freedom, National Progreu, and Haatr, whether public or private. At an earnest of tha material at their Com. mand, thty aubjoln tht following Hat of litera ry persons interested in their enterprise wish ing It however to bt distinctly understood, that theyshsll hope for support froas tvtry kind ef abiUlty which daalrat tht avtu f their columns, and In tbt rtnumoratlon f which thty thall bt guided purely by their tense of Intrinsic merit i William If. Prtieott. Ralph Waldo Emtr. son, Wm C Bryant, Henry W. Longfellow, Rev. F. H. Hedge. D. D. Nathaniel Haw thorn, John G Whlttler, Oliver Wendell Holmes, James R. Iwell, J. Lothrop Mot. ley, George Wm. Curtis, Herman Melville, ProiT. a C. Felton, Proff. F. J. Child. E. P Whipple, Edmond Qulncy, Author of W aley. " Tliomaa W, Parsons, J. T. Trow, bridge. Author of " Neighbor Jackwood " Itc. Mrs. II. Beecher Stows, Mra. Gasbjll, Aa tlior of "Ruth" " Mary Burton" Ac. Mrt. L. Maria Child, Mra. C. M. Klrkland. Mrt. Pike, Author of "Ida May," M Cattt, avr. Mist. Rost Terrv, Wikllt Collins Author of " Th Dead Secret Ac. G. Ruffint Author of "Doctor Antonio "Ac. Shirley Brookt Aa. thor of " Aspen Court " ki. . M. W bitty, Author of Poli'.iral Portralta " Avt. Jaaaao Hanney Author of " Singleton Fontenoy M die. C. W. Phlllco Auther of ' Twice Married. Tht Publ'shtr will aim ta havt tack nuas ber of tht mtgaiint ready la tlmt for distrlba Uon and tale, In tht mort remote partt ol tha country, on or befort tht ftrtt day of tack month for which it It Inttndtd. ' TERMS. Tht Atlantic Mowmtf eta bt had of Booksellers. Periodical Ageatt, or from the Publishers, at Three Dollars rear, or Twenty-five Cents a Nurobsr. Subscribers remitting three dolltrt ia ad vanct, will rtctivt tbt work for oat year, roT rAio, in any part of tbt Uaittd Statto within 3000 miles- . . ... ... A liberal discount mads to wh)etalt deal en and to post-masters and others who act aa agent, to whom, tpecimea number will bo furnished without charge. Tlit Publishers will not bt respenslbls for contracts made by agents. . All psrsons or. derlng through that medium mutt look to them for their supply All communication for tht Atlantic mutt bs addressed to tha Publishers. THE CHICAGO CITY INSURANCE COM P All V, . OFFICE i Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearbo , Street, Chicago. ' r v CAPITAL, IBoibob. directors! ' : , ; gr-MPMO CANriCLP. ... - ; KCNty CMArMAV. Isaac cooa, . . . t. Moxaoa, M. A. WTNCOor. ' " Edmtnd Canlleld, Praa., Wm. 8. 1tC bwj, oenrj vaapm&B, Treaj. , THIS Company waa organised on tht 27th Amm et MavK S Tk 1 . J - Isl charter from tht Legislature of IlUoote, tmamt-a uwoiincia unaer me moac a vorable aospieee. Ita establishment bar beetr unnn a firm and r.ll. kl. ka.i. - .J i- ui -m ' . mm u w at Its stability, toundness,snd permanency, ranks mm vui w uii ui i inauranca UBNSWf la Uite eournry. To those desirous of proteetinr tliemaelvae airaln.f Im. ajI.m..a V. pi.. . . . WMHiK mj m .f ., wr peril of tht Sea, they beg !tvt to offer tk following KEF ERENCES. Messrs. Stone A Witt, Cleveland, Qbt. Tiiuams a. a very, vuteagoyJIt. Norton k Brother, Sin, ARmm. -' . ' ,'V H. 8. Durand, Pret. Racine Mitt. R. X. Geo. C. Northrop, Caah. Raciae Co. Bank. Wm. p. Uod, Esq., Milwauke. J. G. Conrot, Esq. Racioo. Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Coral B Chicago. Henry Faro ham, President Chicago k Uck Island Rail Road. , . inii r. KQoass. r.sq., Cleveland, Obttj. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield. Ill, Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Louis, Mo. Messrs, Wadswortb, WelU k Styaaour, v Chicago, 111. Meaara. I. H. Burck It Co Cbkart Bank. Messrs. G. W. Slier k Co. Chicago, UL . Wm. Blanchard, Eaa., Morria, III. Meesrs. H. C. k O. G. Cook A Co., Rock- ford. III. .... ...TM. , Messs. If. Wheeler k Son, Aurora. I1L Messrs. Judd, Smith k Pratt, Dixon, lUJ Nehamiah Caae, Ea'q., Buffalo, N. V. ' Wm. B. Fundy, Eaq. Springfield, IU. tlm. I. Cnrn, Springfield, III. -Richard Ivera, Eaq., St. Louia, Mo. ' 1 , , ,T. B. LEMON, Agent, BeUtrtkK , AND tUewelry Establishment in Omajiy WM. FRODSHAM. kavtng rettrsd trai tho latt Arm of Kemp fc erejdakaaa, hat opened a tew etor at No S, Capt. Dowaa VuUding, between th Methodat Church, wktjrtj MuiviA hit old patroas to giv him a call. Tins piecea and Jewelry, of ovary dtocrtp. tieftt neatly and expadiMmwry repaired.