Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, April 01, 1858, Image 2

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HEX 11 Y M.
Nw and Lorsl
lion. Frnnrr Fers;uson-L,and
Rales In Nebraska.
Through the pe rseverance of our Del
egate the Public Land tales of Nebraska
1rtrvrt)pnpotpmedrwIjic! otherwise
would havecome pfT in Juw)( This fore,
fight prove tfia Mf.' Ferguson i keenly
alire to the interest of the actual settler.
He, niXvtll a others, in aware that the
f liblicjuues during' .these depressed times,
j would contribute g ready to the interest of
!, class, of the community--the spec
tilatoh Money would) necessarily be
tfoiije buhuartt VuJ, (Wf the lime being,
seemniffj!ehty 'would agoin visit us : but
he Is. also aware (hat uie actual settler
.who is spending his Sen my profits upon
the improvement of His- farm U without
! notice' of 'sufficient length of time virtu
ally uiialle lOj pay for his la'nilfcand thcre-l
,y, procure a parted tiue. many may
smrgne'that in vleSv of present as well as
anticipated prosperity in the country, the
yiQtler who would enjoy . the benefits of
.the pre-emption law can enter his land on
(time, and, eTe the expiration of the allot,
"i ' time,-Van readily cancel the debt,
fllut We trust that the day is passed when
.the husbandman, after several years tf
4oil and trouble, is to submit . to the out
'rtfgeous brty per ttnt principle, so long in
Vogue'.'1 h is ture an honest and Sndustri-
rosnaii can, readily. accumulate the sum
jpf; $2W but the sagacity ,of. Mr. Fergu
son anticipates the plea of such, living
TimnA ffs; knowing our wishes and un
derstanding our. wants he reasons truly,
that the ambition of the-.industrious far
eiterhas prpmptedhim to expend his pro-
'M upw comfortable and substantial im
provement! which secure for himself and
family a comfortable home for the future.
uq'i Y' tons Conrftlesclnc.v '
l We understand thot Messrs. Poppleton,
Jlahscoto; and Rankin, of Omaha, have
taken the preliminary- steps toward or
feanrting a Know Nothing Lodge in that
fcity immediately. The object, as set
forth by Hnnscom, is "to whip the d d
Irish, who are getting to thick there."
Renegade K. N.'sr, and those who have
tmered tosen the secrets, will be admit
ted. "Muggins Retreat has been se
xurtlliot the Hall ! 1 s U is expected that
?..e Iriihw4ll be compelled to soiaf. -
.im . . . j ........
"That Will never do. Mf. Courier. . We
IiViit0PP.r',,Wy"it enter -our most
. tamest and solemn protest against the
iestcratumi f the "Muggins' Retreat
fWsdch'a purpose; as a place of the kind
it has been dedicated to higher and better
'vpoiej. Jr'ven its proprietor, an adopted
tWW wi' jmol seriously object, as by
pvery principle of sound Democracy he
ehoutd.lKnt tb,4 machinations and' wire
vortinj of ahese' dark-lantern rroscriD-
fi ves should. have a place leneath a roof
consecrated to pure principles of Demo
cratic truth, for the the concocting and
furthering of , their . path-bound political
ostracism. ' ' " '' " ' r
Latest Pftws Foh .Utah -The ar
rival in this city, Saturday evening, of Mr
John Hartnett,..- secretary, of Governor
Curamyig of Utah, places us in possession
of- late(.. news from . camp Scott Mr.
HarJoet,. (eft the camp, on the 26ih of
January, and has -mad the trip to this
poin( in forty-fire days,' having been de
tained at a r-tream on the route seven days
Ay rwuning ice, -,. :K ' - ' army, .were resting' quietly Jo
cmp, and though eager for a brush with
the Mormons, are determined to remain
$na4 tire,,tjuAul the supplies of troops and
lrorw, them from Fort Laramie
and the states, which were expected, at
furthest; jn ,31a y. ... .7
Jha health of the army continues very
good, hut four deaths have occurred since
the soldiers have encamped, and two of
these having resulted front accident.
They have had no mails from the east
for months, and all reading matter has
been devoured over and over again. The
.Mormons are busy constructing fortifica
4ons and all manner of defences, and
ieeiu - determined to resist to the bloody
fld ! f .. 1.
si The provision trains commenced mor-
sag-Tom Fort Leavenworth en the 10th. departing for the plains dai
ly. Mr.. Hartnett, if here on govern
ment business,- as we understand, and
.148 remro in a short thrift. v
tucciiJ.i- ' . -JUo. Democrat
I'fitliJ not generally ' known that Gen.
Comonforti'tex-precideiit of the Mexican
republic to ihe eon of an Englisman who
was a cotton manufacturer at Fuebls, and
who there -married a Spaoith lady.
"Madame Goldstfhmidt is expected to
arrive in England early . in June, it is
wWiho .Intent ton pf taking up her
'pfehdaneut residence therend, possibly
tf injrnff iV piMjci " .
r r
anul k l9,w-
For tht Brlltvus Gaisttt.
M. EoiToa:
Dtar Sr. Your, remarks In
the last Gazette, on tho Rev. M. Chiving
ton, on account of his allusion to a certain
"preacher in Bellerue," are considered
by many as severe and inappropriate and
to considered by men making no preten
tion to piety. I can only account for their
severity, in the desire on your part, to
vindicate the character of an absent friend;
a desire certainly praise-worihey, and
the vindication no less so, provided it be
done with a proper spirit. . - . f :. "
s to the quotation from the " certain
minister'' it certainly was correct, in sub
stance, if not in words. The application
of that quotation to the. Rev. Mr. Goss,
was also correct,' as I heard the remarks
from his own lips. Hut why an apology,
for the expresMon was necessary to vindi
cate the standing of Mr. Goss, 1 do not
understand, as , with others, was under
the impression that Mr. Goss rather glo
ried in the independence of his opinions,
as well as in tha right to express those
opinions untrammeled. A right, cer
tainly, which no one will deny him.
He admitted to the writer of this
1 , am
cle tbat our views would not ditler in re
gard to the character of God, but would
likely differ in regard to the character of
Jesus Christ, and they certainly do differ
wUtly, NWhat his views of Christ are,
he candidly told us in his "farewell dis
course." Among many remarks, I will
mention but one, vis tl "That God , was
not in Jesus Christ till his bsptism ; if so,
the inference is plain, that until his bap
tism he was only a man only a creature.
1 know of 116 body of Evangelical Chris
tians that entertain such an idea concern
ir.g our Savior. ,' "
.' I believe Mr. Goss is sincere in the
entertaiuineut of his views, tho they dif
from the large body of Evangelical Chris
tians. I doubt not, also, Mr. Goss sin
cerity in thinking tbat he gets those views
frm the Bible. ..This he tells us is his
guide ; but certainly the same liberty must
be allowed to others that is accorded to
him! the liberty also to oiirlvIora
over, Mr. Goss came here as a Methodist
minister, and Mr- Chivington is the Pre
siding Elder of that denominatiop iu'this
district and he certainly has the right
to warn his people against the entertain
ing" of erroneous sentiments, being ac
couutable to the proper tribunal for his
method of doing it. Besides this, I did not
understand Mr. Chivington as using the
expression quoted in the Gazette, bout
being a "worse sinner than any present
if he did use it, it escaped my notice.
Ho said iu substance, and nearly, or alto
gether in words, that the "preaching of
such sentiments was daubing with untem
pered mortar, end the following of such
would lead both "him and them to a place
from which they would not return."
3 1 have not a word to say agaiutl Mr.
Goss as a man;' I admired his self-denial.
His object teemed to ba to do good, and
should he again make his residence
among us, I presume his course will be
the same, trying to reform . man by the
imlomitalU power of the human wilL"
But as to his theological opinions, I must
confess, and it is vrilh torrow, that I could
see no hope for the sinner . in the Gospel,
as he preached ' it. The only hope for
our lost werld being iu the Atonement
and Righteousness of Jesua Christ, ap
plied to the sinner by the Holy Spirit.
I admit, Mr. Editor, that the country
newspaper is not the place to discuss such
matters, and I should not have said thus
much, only for the fact that in your re
marks on Mr. Chivington, there seemed
to be a blow, (tho 1 hope not intended,)
at Christianity itself. Our little town
will not be honored by holding up to rid i
cule, Christian ministers, or "Missions'
as "Stock jobbing Companies."
Among the ministry there may be
those who are actuated by mercenary mo-
lives; strange if it were not so, when,
among the followers of Christ there was
a Judas; yet, as a class, minister wil!
not sutler when compared wun loose in
other professions. Such was the express
ed opinion of that great Statesman, Dan
iel Webster. Jlis language was, on
certain occasion, iu substance, "There
not in our country a more laborious and
self-denyiog ciasi of men, and a class to
whom we are as much indebted as the
clergy of the various Evangelical denora
inations in the United States.
The day is past when Christian insti
tutions and the Christian ministry can be
cried dowu. or sneered at with impunity
There is a paper in our Territory, (I will
not name it.) that has secured for itseif
an uoevialle reputation, for its abuse of
honest men, and sacred things. The
"Gazette," I hope, will never follow
its footsteps.' The above remarks, Mr.
1 Editor, ar? penne? with the kindest fl
ings lowarJs yourself, as welf Si to the
parties concerned, but with feelings no
less kind to our little community.
Youra respectfully,
It is with pleasure that we give room
for tht preceding communication, a I tho
from an honest conviction of what we
consider justice and right, we must differ,
but in so doing, we trust that we shall Ve
the last to deny the same privilege to
We did not defend Mr. Goes wholly on
the ground of friendship; but because we
considered it an Act of downright coward
ict ami di honomble to any man, much
less in Mr. Chivington, a professed min
ister1 of the gospel, in taking advantage of
Mr. Goss absence, to accuse him in 'al
most unqualified language, as we under
stood it, o preaching doct ines that Would
send him and his hearers to au endless
belli. , . . , i
Mr. Chivington was well aware what
Mr. Goss was preaching last summer,
when he was here attending the Quarter
ly Meeting, and if it was an imperative
duty to warn Mr. G.'s hearers of the er
roneous doctrines that he alleges that
Mr. G. was preaching, why did he not do
it at that time, in the presence of their
minister I " Aye, that's the rub." Why
did he not speak to Mr. Goss in private,
about what he was preaching ? instead of
telling other preachers in the conference
that Goss, way down in Bollevue, is not
exactly sound, he preaches infidelity!
We repeat, because he did not dart to do
it ; he was fearful that he could not sus
tain tho charge, and like a shrewd mam
kept silent. ' . 1 . ..
It was this simple act alone, that " stir
red us to mutiny;" and in no case will we
keep silent while the strong attempt to op
press the weak ; but if Mr. G. had been
present when those charges were made,
Mr. Chivington would have been spared
by us, as we should, under those circum
stances, considered him an honorable man-
The quotation that we made from Mr
C.'s remarks, was read to several, before
they were published, that agree with him
on the subject in question, who heard it ut
tered, and allowed it to be correct in sub
stance. We endeavored to give a correct
quotation, but if wo did not,,, it certainly
was not intentional. ;. ; ,
We make no man's religious creed our
own, farther than we can conscientiously
adopt it, and wo will not defend Mr. Goss'
or any other clergyman's theological doc
trines, unless wo consider them to be true
and of vital Importance to the human race.
We did not take especial pains to ascer
tain Mr. G.'s theological views; but sup
posed him to be a Methodist,. as he was a
member of that church, in good and reg
ular standing ; but we rfii know that he
prea.hed many practical truths, with'
which we had sympathy. It is more im
portant to us to know how men live rather
than what they lelievt. .. .
As soon as a man leaves private life
and assumes the office of teacher, he be-
co nes a public man, and all public men
are public property, subject to criticism ;
and it is the duty of an honest and faithful
editor, whether of a country or city, secu-
ar or religious journal, to keep a faithful
watch of their doings.
In what respect we aimed a . blow at
christianty, we are not aware. - It is cer
tain that none was intended. We cannot
consider a mere minister, or the doctrine
of hell (ire and damnation, a part or par
cel of the christian religion. A minister
is but a man, and subject to all the frailties
of the human race, and the doctrine of
hell fire and damnation, is to us, a mon
strosity, fit only to govtr i those tbat are
but one remove from the brute. It is true,
however, that in the same proportion that
mankind depart from right, wdl they re
ceive punishment ; but that we, who are
not responsible for our existence, shall
atone for the errors of heart, eommitted
centuries ago, does not seem ratioual.
The btautiet of heaven instead of the
terrort of hell, should be the great motive
power to actuate mankind to do right He
that seeks heaven only because he ftart
hell, has yet to learn the first principles of
the christian religion.
The man that cheats and wrongs his fel
low man, six days of each week, and on
the seventh becomes exceedingly pious,
reads the Bible, and makes long prayers,
that he may be seen and heard by men,
strikes a deadlier blow at cbristiauity than
he who makes no profession, but treats his
fellow men like brothers. The most ac
ceptable service to God, is in doing good to
his creatures, whether it consits in cloth
ing the naked, feeding the hungry, improv
ing their physical and mental conditions,
or teaching them all the precepts of the
christian religion.
These remarks are made in spirit
kindness toward the author of the above,
whom we hold in hi?h esteem, knowing
that be has sacrificed many of the comforts
and pleasures of life, while laboring with
untiring xeal for the good of an unfortu
nate portion of the human family 1 bt be
es use we cannot agree with him in .theol
ogy, we hope he w ill not fail to accord (0 us
a liberality of spirit,' and an honesty of
purpose. Local Editor. ' V
A nssaantlc Itorr which may
' or may not be True.
. For some days past considerable ex
citement has been felt in some circles
in this ' cammunity in reference - to
an affair in humble life, tho par
ticulars of which we cannot permit to
pass unnoticed. So far as we have been
able to gather the facts of the case, they
appear to be as,followst " " r.t '
About thiee years ago George Fry, of
this vicinity," became enamored of beau
tiful gipsV girf, who in ; company with a
uuiuber of her people had encamped in a J
wood near, piute. Mr. rry s love
was fondly reciprocated by the fair gipsy,
and she consented is marry - him. . But
"true love never did run smooth," nnd so
it happened in this case.- The consent of
the father of. the lady could not be obtain
ed to her marriage with'a man not ac
customed to gentiiity !" However, "love
laughs at locksmiths." . When Mr. Fry
found that he "could not win the favor of
the old folks," he set about planning ways
and means toteal the object of his affec
tions. In this be was not unsuccessful.
One night when the hard-hearted old man
was wrapped in the arms of .Morpheus,
and all around was lonely and drear, Mr.
Fry approached 'the camp of the wander
ers, and was met by her for whom his
heart had long iu agony sighed. After
fondly embracing her, he solicited her to
accompany him, without delay to a village
a few, miles distant. Wi'hout hesitation
she comp'ied with his request, and on the
following day they were married. The
rage of the old g psy when he foui.d that
his daughter had "sloped" can better be
imagined than described. 'Nothing could
soothe his temper save the return of his
child. In vain he sought for her. Noth
ing could be heard from ' her. 'Finally
when he found that he himself could find
no traces of her, he offered a heavy re
ward to the person who ' would 'discover
her whereabouts, and in the presence of
several "kidnappers." he exhibited large
quantities of gold and silver, which in
duced theirt to make the effort, and - iu a
few evenings after, in a mot inhuman
manner", they accomplished their object.
In the absence of Mr. Fry they wrested
her away and delivered her over to the
bauds of a father unsusceptible of the di
vine feelings of love. Immediately the
entire group of gipsies fled from the
country. Rumor said that they had ' re
turned to England ' from Whence they
hailed. ' '" '' ' ' .- .'!'
Two years noiselessly, glided by, and
nothing was heaid from his absent wife,
a I tho' he long cherished the hope that the
wo'd escape from her "tyrannical parent"
and return to him whom the loved. Time,
however, gradually rusted Mr. Fry's love
for his gipsy wife. He felt that it was
"not good to be alone" so long, and at the
end of two years he again united li a des
tinies with another of Lve s fair daugh
ters. Suffice it to aay, with the latter he
experienced no visible difficulty. . Things
moved smilingly along Mr. Fry lived
happily with his wife and the rest of
mankind. But a In a! how short lived are
some connubial ' Combinations. .T Last
week '. Mr. Fry's 1 first ' . wife his
gipsy wife in Company with "George
Fry the Second," arrived in this place iu
search for hun. ' By the assistance of of
ficer Shade she was . successful in finding
him. Our pen would fail in the attempt
to describe the meeting of the heroes of
our story. It was overwhelmingly aflcc
ting, r Limited space forbids us from en
tering into details, at this time, of the ex
cruciating suffering Mrs. Fry has under
gone since her departure from this place.
The int' lligence oi her husband's second
marriage was a severe shock to her, but
she emphatically declares her exclusive
right to him. It appears, by the way
that Mr. Fry's aecoud wife was a "wid
ow," that her husband weut to California
some years ago, and, soon after his arri
ai there, it was rumored inat-ne was
murdered. A few weeks since . a letter
was received from him by her, we have
been informed, in which he states that be
will return in the net steamer, &c.
What the finale of this romance will bo
is beyond the power of human ken.
SAiwn&urg(Pa.) .Vctct, Feb. 27.
'Taoors FaoM Fokt Smith, Abkam
as. The steamer Lady Walton arrived
yesterday morning from Arkansas river,
having carried from Fort Smith to Jeffer
erson barracks a detachment of the sev
enth regiment of United States troops.
They number about two hundred, and the
ofiicers are Col. Y, Morrison. Capts. Lit
tie and Wayman, Dr. Williams, and
Lieuta. Brooks and O'Connor. They are
destined tor 1 tab, and will be joined un
mediately by other detachments. .
The steamer Arkansas, which left Ft
Smith at the same time, with two hundred
troops, is reported sunk badly, below Cat
ro. The troops will arrive, from the
sunken boat oa some other . steamer.
Mo. Democrat.
..WiwTia Spobts. -The people of S
perior, Wisconsin, at the head of Lake
Superior, amuse themselves, durinz the
winter, with such intellectual and edify
ing pastime as dog races, - Stout dogs are
hitched to sleds, after the Esquimaux
fashion, and galloped over a track on the
ice. The best tuna made at
The best tune made at the la
of, .-races" was by Davison dog, which ran
half a milo in 2-59.
11 U . . - -
Local & Territorial.
TrttaMOMCTBic ALk The .following, is
our monthly Tbermometrical Record for
March, which has been exceedingly mild
and pleasant :
March, '58.
a :
"9 -'---'
. 9f "
9 -
is 10
42 1
67 "
40 -50
9 41
9 68
9 62
9 60
f 14'. 7 ' 68
f l5w 1 k 7 1 tiO
23 n
26 '
J 9.
9 .
2 73
' 7
Rivta News. The River business has
opened quite brisks considering the earli-
ne? s of the. season.,. Three boats have
passed up since Saturday morning, load
ed ' with paen?ers and freight.
t 1 r
The Carrier passed up Saturday, March
27. '-rjun-; iz
The fas! and popular steamer Omaha,
Capt. Winelund, and J.' Jewett Wilcox,
Clerk,' arrived -on Sunday afternoon,
March 29, with a good load of passe n
gers.' The Omaha and her obliging of
ficers are favorites with the . traveling
public 1 Wilcori who is one of the moat
accommodating and gentlemanly . Clerks
on the River, has our thanks for St. Louis
papers.,; .:
The elegant steamer Florence, Thro k-
morton, Master, and Gorman, Clerk, ar
rived on Tuesday,' March 30, And dis
charged a quantity of freight for our cit
izens. Gorman, her accomodating Clerk,
has our thanks for favors.' The public
will do well to recollect him. ' - '
We notice that the steamer Asa Wil-
gus has changed hand. She was sold
on the ISih ult, to Messrs. 'Jas. 31. Tan
ner, A. C. Hopkins, and Henry Thorn
brough, for, $35,000. The .Wjlgua has
been run but one season. She will be
commanded by Mr. Tanuer, who was for
merly .Engineer on the . Wilgus. , , Mr.
Hopkins will take charge of the office
j 1 1 ; - v 1
Preparations are being inade to erect a
commodious Brick Hotel in this city.
. a r ; y: ' k... ? '-! . ' -! J T
We are pleased to notice' that many of
our citizens are fencing their lots, plant
ing trees, and otherwise ornamenting
ihem. r This Js . certainly; commendable.
" Scatt'e germs of the beautiful j, by the
way-side let them fall"-you will not re-
gret it.
il' i ti - f
1 s - -
The new Brick Hotel at Omaha ii now
being plastered. , . , , , . f. ,
Avebil & Co. are removing their stock
of goods into their new store on Main
Street.' where ihey will be happy to se
their eld friends.' ; ' v
Read Clarke & Brother's advertisement
in this day's paper.
Edward Bigelow has commenced dig
ging a cellar on Hancock street, opposite
the School Houe, where he will erect
large concrete dwelling.
We are in receipt of Congressional
speeches, from Hon. Fenner , Ferguson.
At this moment, the 31st day of March,
a beautiful Prairie flower, in full bloom,
lies before us, a forerunner of what ia
yet to come. 1 What is more 1 welcome
than the' first (lowers of spring li
farmers in this vicinity have sown
their wheat, and it is now coining up
This is a month earlier than wheat Is
usually sown in the State of New York.
A regular session of the 1 Board of
County Commissioners win inset at Judge
Cook's office on Monday next, April 5tb
at 9 o'clock A. M. AU persons having
County business are requested to attend.
The Germania Band gave an instru
mental concert in this city, on Monday
evening last. They discoursed most ex
cellent music, and delighted those that
heard them. ' They are all talented per
lormers ana aesemnz ' or natronase
i - .
I wherever they rosy jo. ,
S. M.
Fiat has our thanks fur a lot of
The District Court' is now in session
at Omaha, and the following are the
names of the United States Grand Jur
ors n . attendencei' The..llr six are
from this county ' "
Kichard Hogeboom, Wm. II. CooU
Jainea-S. Allan; Philander Cook, A. C.
Strickland, Harvey Link, Edward Creigh
ton, A. F. Salisbury, R. H. Hl
itsrnson jonnson, iimotny Kelly, II
B. Porter, Geo. Clayes, Lorin Miller.
and Geo. C Bovey
"'ATF.' Salisbury, Xt foTman.'
Hon. t. A. Strickland.
In the laa Omaha Nebraskian the
common receptacle' of all fifth; iwe notice
man' The whole 'tbrie of the"pliilinmcis
of the yery. lowest pot-house jcast such
small compass, and a heart reeking in
vice and corruption. e do not lay this
morbid excrescence of a sickly " intellect
at the.tjogr of ;the mooncalf who assay
to preside ever that "moral" sheet. We
knowt h did ,not preduce .jt j, bus- the
'charcoal pencilling! tf "one Rankin,
who keeps himself at Omaha feasting ou
bad wktfaky; are plainly evident in every
line and word. - We know a thinir or two
about thfs whiffit' of fellow: and ara
welt satisfied that every word has beu
dictated by-envy, malice, and a bate de
sire to befoul the fair character of Mr.
Strickland by this assassin-like attack.- -
Ye happen to have the pleasure of a
fersonal and intimate acquaintance With
Ion, S, A. Strickland,' and are '.conver
sant with his private and public character
since his residence in the Territory 'of
Nebraska. And knowing him,' both per
sonally and by reputation, we lake great
pleasure in recording our testimony as to
his' qualities of head and heart, and in
stating, what is too well known1 111 and
out of his own county to be successfully
gainsayed by "peiiny-whiitle scribblers,
that he is above doing a mean act, and
prizes too highly an unsullied reputation
to, barter, away his honor for trash, or
even to gain personal preferment. As a
man, as a private citizen, be is respected,
and honored l y oil who know him, and
loved for those qualities 'of ' heart that
draw around him a circle of warm friends
wherever he goes. He is generous to a
fault; honest in all his dealings; kind
and affable in his bearing to all; gentle
manly in his . deportment, and possessed
of refined teelings and a - sympathizing
heart that always readily responds to the
appeals of the distressed, and cheerfully
giver wherrthe- hand W charity 'Is itret'eh-
ed out t lami ! ? .1 I . XX
His public character is too well known
throughout the Tertito'ry to suffer detrac
tion, in the blightcst degree, from such a
pitiful source as the one above alluded to.
The shafts of envy and malice, although
aimed and driven with tho nerve of des
peration, fall harmless at his feet ' Ho
has always been a warm, firm and un
flinching advocate and supporter of the
rights of the people. He has assiduously
labored, in the capacity of .Legislator, and
otherwise, to promote the best -interests' of
the county he represented; but in 'his
zeal to represent their leV interests, he
h'ts not at any one time lost sight of the
welfare of tht whole Territory 1 neither
has his judgment been warped by section
al prejudices, or. nia patriotism circum
scribed within the limits of a single couo-
In the great issue that lias been forced
upon us by scheming, corrupt deu agogaet,
luxe nanKin.j uinana 'vs. .Nebraska
1 erntury, be .has stood, shoulder to shou'
der with the people, in the front ra nip.
Me favored the removal ' of the CapiM
from Omaha, not from personal Motives,
or with a view of : personal aggrandize-
menu but because he felt that the !
desired it, and that the welfare of She
Territory loudly called f r .jt, , For'fhis
bold stand such narrow-minded,: selfish,
illiberal men as. Rankin hated him, cur ¬
ed him, and are ,stjh seeking vo cm h
him. He has been, and always will e,
an "eye sore," a thorn, a plague to these
toadies, whose , motto is "rule or,. ruin"
ttut their enorts to rum him will fall sur
born to tSe earth. He is too securely ec-
trenched in the hearts of his constituents
and the people who love honesty, to suffer
irons tnese. low, ribaldrous attack, rce-
ry loves a shining mark," is .' verified in
this case; but "the expectations of the
wicked shall 'perish." Forence Courier.
. n'-"'f
De-Opening of the Iave Trad
No Hoax.
The New Orleans Delta of the 4 h
ult., reiterates its. former statements in re
gard to the re-opening of thq Slave Trade
in that State, and heralds the passage.' of
an act through the popular branch of the
Legislature authorizing a' Company al
ready formed, to import 2,500 negroes
from the coast of Africa, to be indentured
for fifteen years as "free laborers." The
Delta, is 0 opinion tha 'Jamaica, close by,
could furnish , the . needed , help ) mdeh
cheaper-than to go all the way to, Africa
for h. The Picayune is opposed to the
traffic, as. is -the Bulletin, and thinks the
importation of. such "pagan laborers," to
become eventually free, will increase 'the
evil of free blacks which ha already
been prohibited by law." The cotton plan
ters and slave workers will of course fa.
vor the movement, bu'. the slave growers
and luve sellers-are opposed to:it.V
Oeveland Plain Dealer. . 1 . i
" : , :,
Jobs DsAav-Tbis individual, tha
coachman who married Boker'a daughter,
is marker in the public store at New
York, to which he was recently appoint.
ed by Collector Schcll. ',' ' . . y