Id I ( a i; 1 !f(! 1 1 ' it ft" i -I; it 1 ..? "A ' $ X II ! t i .; f !'; ENTTWY-FIVE. WITNESSES; ,Qtt The Forr CotiicteJ. frJF Do you ivi hti iv .Virf Prrvrntit irtfniW CouiiUrfrilinR ILwk .Vort I 1U-.AI! JI:AI)SJ 11KAD!!! BuUcriba! Subscribe)! Subioribe! JOHN' 8. DYE is th Anthor.and thf Rank Not engraver all ay that h it th greateat judge of paper money living. CHt Ami THAN THE CHEAPEST! better than the besti V ruWlshed weekly. The whole only On Dollar a Year. ; GREATEST DISCOVERY of th present century for detecting counterfeit Bank Notes) describing every genuine bill In existence, and exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit In cir dilation. Arranged ao admirably that refer ent la easy and detection Instantaneous. Ko f )tl to hunt up, but o simplified and arranged hat th merchant, banker and bualneia man can all at a glanc. It ha taken year to make perfect ttil GREAT DISCOVERY. Th urgent nece. ity fur dich a work ha Ions been felt by Commercial men. It ha been published to aunnly th call for audi a preventive, and needs "Vut'to" be known to be universally patronlcd. It doe more than ha ever been attempted by mn. It'descrihet every bank not In three different language English, French and Ger anan. Thus each may read the same In hi own native tongue. Tr.M. Th paper will be about 29 by 42 Inehe, and will contain the most perfect Rank ,'ot List published, together with the rate of discount, Alio a list of all the private Dank er In America. A complete summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be pnbliHhed in each ditlon, together with all th important new of the day. Also 1NTEREST1FU STORIES from an old manuscript found in the F.ast,and ne where else to be found. It ha never yet appeared In print, and furnishes th most com plete history of Oriental Life, and describing the most perplexing position in which the Ladies and gentlemen of that country have been ao often found. These stories will con tinue throughout the whole year, and will vrov th most entertaining ever offered to the public. CV" Furnished weekly to subscriber only jt $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to . JOHN S. )YF., Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, '3m32 " ' Id Wall Street, New York. IP. A. SARPY, Wholesale it Retail Merchant,, coax i a or maim and oacnoay itbekti, ST. MARY, IOWA. ' HAS just received and now ha for sale, a large assortment . of selected merchandise adapted to the want of all in this new and thriving community, which he can sell ascheap -a can be otfered elsewhere ao high upon the Missouri river. Hi goods have been selected by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to the circumstances and want of nil classes of settlers in a new country. La iie and gentlemen, children and youth, all ran a aupplied. Call and see for yourselves. til atock consist of th following, among a arrat iany other articles h cannot now enu rAi Anion; hi lh Goods, May V found Woolsn and Satinet Cloths, Cassiueta, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Llnsey, I'laiiuel. Ud. White. Cray and Rlne, Ca.pian Maids, Cattoa Cirods, Sheetings and Hhlrtlngs, ltleathed std Uid.Uaci'ed, lilue and White, Drillings, Osnaburg, Ueu-Tlcklng, Hickory Checks, ic, lie. -' A beautiful aortioent of fancy print of vert variety of tyle ami pattern. Gingham, Lawn, Figured Alpacea, Bomhazint, Bom kvtti. Kliawla. aVarf Handkerchief. . Neck erchiefs, Crane, Mnslin, Edgings, IliJibona. AC, Ac. Clothlns. A well selected stock of Summer, Fall Winter Clothing, consisting tn part of fine Presa Coats, Pant and Vest also, good, Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Sock, fcc. Mens' and Rova' Hat and Cap. of va rious fashions, aualitie and prices. Boot A Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished, f every description, for Men, Women, and Children' u. Groceries. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Ttrown Sugar, Molasse. Syrup Molaases, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spire, Cinnamon, gTound Ginger, Nutmegs, Snutfs, Tobacco, Cigar, Pipe, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickle Pepper-Sauce, Ac, Ac Provision. A large "assortment of Flour, of rarloii litia ami nrices Com Metl and all the vartoua product of th Farm and Garden; Paeon, Fish, Kiln dried Ai'p)i Peaches, Currant, Raisins, Ac Hardware Stove of various patterns, for Cooking and fl sating rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbows, largi nd amall Iron Kettles, frying Pans. Skillet. Hand-Irons, Shovel and Tongues, Manure an) Ilaj Fork, Scythes. Shovel and Spade, Loj nd Trac main?. Axe, nmmers, rtneera Iron and Steel, Nail, Horse-Rasps, File 6aws, Knive and Fork. Pocket Knives, Ra. or. Butts and Screws, Door Handle, Knoh, Lock, Ac, Ac Tinware. A general assortment kept for houtehob Mr nose. Woodware. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pai's, Wood and Zinc Washboard. Leather. Sol Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Lariats, Circingles Belly-bands, Ur(ving-iine, louars, JJack traps. Girth., Blind-bridles, Ac, A,. Sledlclnes. A general assortment' of Mediclues, for Fevers. Fever and Ague, and the common tomnlainta of th country. Cook's, Lee EanDenvton'. Braes' and Jaynes Pills, Qui i In, Tonic, and virions kind of Stimulant Anodvnes. Liniments, and other articles neces sary for the tick and th invalid. 1-tf FARMERS RE ID! TOHX P. HORN A CO., mar th Printing J Office. Bellevoe, hav on hand shovel Hoes, Spades. Forks, Ha mes, and a general assortment of Farmiug Tool. Call and see uly, 15, 1H.S7. 3w36 GLENWOOD HOTEL xro: by : Comer of Locust and Coolcdge Streets GLEXWOOU, IOWA ; Clotting! Clotnlnir! Uotbhijc! A LARGE STOCK OF READY MADE x. Clothtnr of the latest Fashion, at f CLEARWATER, WHITE A SANDERS, mi nil, iw. Bt. m ki(4 ,itiu(.i:Mi;M. - Reg ilnr! P.icket for Urns is. I.earuvmlh, Ve,on SI. Jinrjih, S.itauti.ih, low Point, Nebr ek t'ltr, llellevue, CoiiimiI IllnfT, Oiniill.t and Florence, jVW u Till; nr-.v and elegant P.mrngrr LfrViffi S' en iner Florence, J. Ihrock- inoiton, M.isler, J. I., tiortnan, Clerk, will rommence her trips as a regular packet In th abov trade, on tha opening of navigation In the spring, and will remain in it throughout the season. The Florence having been built under the superintendence of the unrerslgned, expressly for the trade, is of extraordinary strength, and well adapted to It In every particular. A rea sonable sh.tre of the patronage of shippers, and the public generally. Is respectfully soli cited. J. THROCKMORTt N, Mailer. 25- J. K, Uorm an, Clerk, SKASOX AUUiXGKMnVr. Regular Packet for Kansas, Nebraska City, nellevue, Com cil Mlulfs, Omaha, W adit tlorence. fun . u I I l di.. lir iirw aim circitiK ruramrr 'Mln-no-ha-ha, Capt. Charle llaker, Master, Hutchinson, Clerk, will run as a regular packet, to the above and all Intermediate point nn the Mis souri river, and persona can rely upon her con tinning in the trade regular y during the season. Th Miu-nn-ha-ha i an entirely new boat, built expressly for the Missouri River trad, and being fitted up in the latest and most ftp proved style, her officers feci confident, 1(lt atiict attention to th cnmfortsof Passengers, and to business, will make her the favorite b-at In th trade. CIIAS. RAKER. Master. Hutchinson, Clerk. If. T Clarke, Agent. 2t Charles E. Watson, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Rellevue City, Nebraska Territory, pro fesses to be " posted'' In the lay of the land in this vicinity, and offer hi service to auch aa may nerd them, nn reasonable terms. Cif" He will also act as agent, for the pur chaxe nr sale of Real Estate, in the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon application. Declaration filed and pre-emptions obtained. 4-tf CIRCU!jAR. orricEa i th TitnaiTonir.s or MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND NKnRASKA. BY joint resolution of Congress, approved Mrch. l7, valid pre-emption claims on the lrtth and Htlth sections, heretofore reserved for schools, in the Territories of Minnesota. Kansas and Nebraska, will be recognized wiirsr Tnr sr.TTi.r.Mr.NT has bef.n, or may as ma nr. raio to nir. sitavr.v. 1st. In cases where the approved plat of survey has not yet been returned, the declara tory statement must be tiled within Tnar.r. MONTHS AFTER THE RECEIPT OV SDCII At- raovrn at the district office. 2d. Where the plat is now in the Register's Office, the declaration must be tiled within three month from the rmr fublication or Till CIRCULAR IN YOUR. PIMTHICT. A failure to comply with this requirement, will work a forfeiture cf the claim. . THUS. A. HENDRICKS, n 30-ftw Commissioner. Entering1 Town Sites. The following correspondence will show that the act of the Inst Legislature of the Territory, designating the County Commis sioners is the proper person to niter Town Sites, is not recognized by the Commissioner of the Land Office. It is a question of doubt whether the Judge of Probate, or the United States Judges, can be regarded as "Judges of the County Court." As soon as that doubt ia removed, notice wi.1 b given. In the mean time no entering of town not incorporated ran be made, , A ropy of the act of the last Legislatme will be placed in the hands of the Commis sioner, and, under the circumstances, the en trie already made mat he confirmed. JOHN A. PARKER, Register. Land Office, May lth, 1857. extract or a letter to the commissioner Or THE LAND OFFICE, BATed Land Offic. Omaha, April 15, 1S57. Under th "act of twentr thlrd Mar, If 1 1 " th Judge of the County Court" are given th autho.ity to enter " iown Mtes." in tins Territory there sre no such officers as "Judges of the County Court," but the Legislature has recognized the "County Commissioners" as the nroner person to enter "Town Site," and we have, in view' of the spirit of the law. permitted auch entries, in me nope mat it w ill meet the approbation of the Department Very respectfully, your obed nt servant, JOHN A. PARKER, Register. CHAS. CHRISTOPHER, MACHINIST & COFPER SMITH, In all lU Brancnet. BBLLEVUB AND OMAITA. THE MISSOURI BIYEB AND IOWA STONE COMPANY. AT S r. MARY S, MILLs CO., IOWA. ARE prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAND, TRAVEL. I.I.MK. ROCK. A Bl lLIUNG STONE of every variety, aiz and shape. Thev have facilities for quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that msy be needed, and also Intend to max BRICK. WATER LIM-V tC. 100 Laborers REFERANCESj P. Chouteau J. A Co., St. Loch. GaeEHi, Wear', A Bektoh, COCNCIL BUCFFS. All order should be addressed to JNO. W. ANTHONY, S crtart St, Mary, March 15th, 1837. 21tf. "c. r. ii. Fonncs, afiriL ENGINEER AND LAND SUR veyor. being now located at St. Marvs where he expects to make a permanent reni dence, takes this method of informing th ci uens, that he is prepar'U to do any surveying ; and from hi long experience in the business ne is nie to give enure sniisiaction. LMary, Sept SI, 18j7. Bt4tt m ' I. OUT. C MEMORANDUM BOOK, bavin? ae counts of Lumber bills, Ac. The finder will confer a favor and b suitable rewarded by leaving it at tb printing office, Bellevue. Oct lt DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. N' OTICE. rh aubtenber hereby give notice that th copartnership heretofore existing between them under the name and style nf Todd A Smith. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debt due to or aeains th firm will b ettled hv r.ur'on W. Todd. BURTON W. TODD. E. P SMITH. Bellevue, August 12, 1S57. 40 LUMBER! LUMBER! 1 ifi f(t FEET of Pin Lumber J-JJ,JJVI, ior sale hy ARNOLD, EBY A SHERC Enquire at th Beuton Home, no. 37. 3 in. pd. NEW GOODSII NEW PRICES !! New Ever) thin;, at the Old Stand of sari'v a i;n(;i.isii. EDWARD C. EOSBYSHELL HAS the honor to Inform th peopl of the Southern District of Douglas and the adjoin- ng counties, NehrasK, that he is now open ing one of th largest. Stock of COODSever brought to fJlenvrood, Mill tounty, Iowa, consisting of DRY Coons, fJROCERIF.S. HARDWARE, ROOTS A SHOES, H ATS S. CAPS, l)U E E N S tV A R E, NAILS, LEATHER, CO It I) ACE, IRON, OILS, PAINTS, 1)YE-STITFFS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, -READY-MADE CLOTHING,' CARPENTERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac, And everything that may be found generally in city stores, all of which he will sell CHKAI FOR CASH, rr ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taken in exehenge for Goods. Buy er from town or country wishing good and chrap (foods, either t wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examining hi toe before purchasing Wwher, aa they will find rood bargain and fair dealing. Gi.F-Nwonn, Iowa. no 4-tf L. Nuokolls Ac Co. 1 BANKERS & LAND AGENTS. ULENWOOD, IOWA. Collection made in Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and remitted at current ral.-s of ex change, free of charge. Ioan effected for foreign Capitalists, at Wrsir.aN Rates of Interest, on real estate ernrity. Farms, Town Lot and Unimproved Lands bought and sold. Taxes paid In any County in tb State also in Nebraska and Kansas. Notes bought and Money loaned on good security. Interest paid on Special Deposits. Land Warranta bought and sold. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lands for settlers or distant dealers, either with Land Warrant or money, in Iowa, Nebraska or Kansas. We charge Ten Dollars per One Hundred and Sixty Acres, nnd make reasonable deduc tions, when entering large quantities. When Lund Warrant arc sent, Two ami a Half lnts per Acre, the Laud Office Fee, must accompany the Locating Fee. When Warrants are sent, the No' of War rants, date, to whom Issued and assigned, should be copied and retained, to guard against loss in mails. Remittances to us. can be made in DrafLs on any of the Eastern or Sontcrn Cities. . We will enter Land with Warrant or Cash, pay nil fees, taxes and Commissions, for one third of the gross profits, accruing from the Bole of the Land all expenses to come out f our third of the profits. Our arrangements are such that wc can enter Land in all the Oiliccs in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. A competent surveyrr always in readiness to find and select choice Lands, C'oa Kield, Kock Quarries, Mill Sites, Mineral Tracts, Ac. Within the next twelve months there will be offered for an! tn Nebraska and Kansas. Two ami a nnir IMillion Acres or Imil, compris- ug tne best portions or those territories, and extending along the Missouri River, from the Mouth, of Kansas Iliver or th line of. the State of Missouri, to the Mouth of L-cau- qui-cour River. , . We solicit foreign Capitol for investment. Investments properly made in Western Lands and Town Its, are now paying from twenty-five to four hundred per cent. We believe that persons patronizing our firm will hate peculiar advantages over al most any oth-r in this Country. We were among the first Pioneer of this vast and growing country and are intimately acquainted with nearly every portion of Western Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and believe we will lie able to render satisfaction in all business en trusted to us. LETTERS OF INQUIRY WILL BE TROMTLY ANSWERED. REFERENCES! John Thompson i Hope, Graydon & Co.. New Yoric City ; Wood, Ba con A Co., Philadelphia ; Straight, Dcming A Co., Cincinnati; Darby &. Darks.lale; Humph reys, Tutt A Terry Crow, McCreery A Co, St. Louts ; Isaacs A Almond, Leavenworth l ity, Kansas; Greene, Weare A Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa; llenn, Williams A Co., l airneld, lowa ; manes llendne, Hurling'on, Iowa; Hon. Aug. Hall, Keosnuquc, lowa; Hon. James Craig, St. Joseph, Mo. i Hon. A. S. Fulton, Wythevill. Va ; Hon. F. McFullen, tstiiviiie, va. ; lion. F. rereuson. Chief Jus tice, Bellevue, Nebraska. Olenwood, Mills Co., Iowa. 24-tf. W. H. STARK & CO., Wcild respectfully inform the ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that tbey have on hand and ar manufacturing a complete tock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted; compri sing the following, viz t Ladiea' Fin Lace and Congress Gaiter. " Kid Bootee and Congres Caiter. " w Slipper and Pa rod i Tie. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootee. Misses " " "- Chi Ids' " " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boot. " Pegged " " " Fine French or Pump Boot. Water Proof and Quilted-Bottom T ot. Patent Calf Boots. " Oxford Ties and Gaiters. " Kip and Calf Shori. Bots' and Youths' Kin Boots and Brora ns. All of which are made of the best material the market affords. Our facilities for select ing are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, and we wisn it distinctly understood that we Warrant Every Article We Sell. W have the best of workmen in our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Sho made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable lit. jtespeciruiiv, no 13-tf W. H. STARK A CO. Greene, Weare & Benton, T ANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, xj and lami Agents, council lllutt.i. lowa Notes and Bill collected and remitted to any part of the United State. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed. bastera or Southern Drafts furnished in anins to suit pur chaser, iand ouice fund paid for Currency or bill of Exchange. Loan effected on good security. Taxe paid, titlea examined, and Real Estate bought and aold on Commission. Lands entered for settler and time given for payment. Office opposite the Pacific House, in west lower room or Land Ufllre. RcrEr.KCE: F. S. Jtsup It Co.; W. J. Barney k. Co., Banker, Dubuque, Iowa Coo1; A Sargent. Bankers, Davenport, lowa Oil- nerton it, Iteno, ranker, lowa City, lowa I People Bank, Nw York Citvt Ketchein, Ror A Be net, Bankers, New York City; neiaon. wit: r &. Co., . aslnngton, II. C. Hon. Cha. . laaon. Com. f Patents, Wash ioyton, D. l ; Hen. A. Dodge, 8. V. R. Hurlinfton, low j Hon. I. W. Jones. 8. V. 8 , Dubuque, lowa ; Hon. Joseph William, vnier justice, muscaiine, i wa. Coaocil Bluffs, Oct. 23, 13SA 1-tf ANOTHER GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes SELLING AT COST AT THE OMAHA CITY Boot and Shoo Storo, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, a good assortment of Ladies' and tients' Rubber, Over and Sandal of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, together with a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, including Ladies' and Gents' Buffalo Over. Also, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. S. Every tyle of Boot or Sho made to order, n uiuaf. and warranted easy, fashion able and durable, no 13-tf. W. HENRY STARK. HOUSE CARPENTER AND N. BRIGGS, Takes this method of in- forming his friends, and the public generally, that he is prepared to BUILD AND fi.xiati, in the best manner ' Dwelling; Houses Of every description of style and finish, on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past ravors, ne aoiicits a continuance or public patronage. Bellevue, Oct. 30, IS.'iO. 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WE would respectfully inform the inhabi tants of Jiellevue and Vicinity that we are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, nnd in the most work menlike manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, we feel confident In stating, that nil who favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with our work. CP. STORRS Bellevue, Oct 23, 185U. 1-tf NEW ARRIVALS AT THE CHEAP THE Subscriber respectfully Invite the at tention or purchasers, to nis large and splendid siocic or uoous, consisting or DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS, BOOTS. CAPS, SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. Ac. All of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, and nought expressly ror this market He has also a well selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the BEST MATERIALS, and by EX'PERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he tell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 183tl. 1-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. milE undersigned takes idea sure in an X. nouncing to the inhabitant of Bellevue and vicinity, that they are now prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best manner, an styles or Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &c, &c On th shortest notice, and in th most ap proved style of workmanship. They will be also happy to do any work in their line of business, which their friends may stand in need of. MYERS A H1LLYARD. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 1850. 2-tf LATE ARRIVAL!! AT GLENWOOD, IOWA. TOOT E & GREENE are now nt ar.ccirr or a rctsix scrrLT or Which, when complete, will compose the LARGEST and bkst SELECTED STOCK IN MILLS COUNTY. OI R STOCK OF CiROCERIES Ar bought at th lowest term for cash, consist of COFFEE, TEAS. FISH, 1UCE, CURRANTS, RAISINS, CANDIES, MOLASSES, SYRUP, FRUIT, NUTS, Ac, Ac, Ar DRY GOODS. Ladies and Gents, call and see them, and pne ior yourselves, luey have not been summered and wintered in St. Louis, but bought and ahipped direct from the Easten cities. Late style and a full assortment of DKKSS GOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS and PARASOLS. CLOTIIINO. A fine stock old and young, fogies and 'fast' men, call soon if yon want a nic coat vest or pants, on reasonable terms. HATS! IIATSII New styles, cheap and durable. HARDWARE A very large assortment, consisting in part of Smith Tools, Spades, Shovels. Forks. Rakes, Hoes, Bells, Mill. Crosscut. and Hand Saws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze, Chisels. ic, &c, to the end of the chapter. IIIILDIXU MATERIALS. A large lot, consisting of Fin Doors, Sash. Shutter Blind, Paint. Oils, Nail, Lock, Latches, Glass. Pnttv, Ac .. FIRNITtRE. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chair, Tin Safes, Cubboan, Stands, Ac W will cell cheaper for cash thar any lions in Western lowa. noS-tf. TOOTLE A GREENE. A. Schimonsky, fpOPOGRAPHIC ENGINEER, Executes JL Topographic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every style and description. Fancy, Orna mental and' Plain Painting executed to order. Office at the Bellevue House, Bellevue, N. T. RcrraKKCES : H. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa; Judge Gilmore, Bellevue. 1-tf Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respectfully Inform th inhabitant of Bellevue and the surrounding country, that h i prepared to dig and finish, WELLS AJTD CISTEBJTS. At the shortest notice, and on th most re, aonabl terms. D. A. LOGAN. Rellevue, Oct. 23, JS.VI. 1-tf Job Printing. " NEATLY and expeditiously executed, on reaonabl term, at this Office. PRAIRIE FARMER FOR 1S.38 VOL. 17. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. nr.voTr.n to ' Western Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechan ic, Education, Literature, Markets, and General New. r.niTi.o ar CHARLES D. lilt AG DON. JOHN A. KENNICOTT. Corres'ind Editor assisted ay Over Five Hundred Practical Farmer and Mechanics, who hav heretofore written, and will continue, with many other, to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public. Tli Prairie Farmer" is devoted to the In terest of the Western Farmer and Mechanic It is the Oldest Agricultural Paper in the West is published weekly in quarto form, for binding is characterised by a high moral tone labors to promote the Interest and ad vancement of the wiiott of the family, and to develop the Agricultural Resonrce of the West. A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to give accurate Market Reports weekly. It Is essentially the family paper for the West. i copy, i year, i in advance, or i.ou at the' end "of the year. 11 copies, 1 year, $mtx free copy to the person lending club. 20 copies, 1 year, $35 (K free copy to the person sending club. 60 copies, 1 year, 7ft.0O free copy to the person sending ciub. V" An old subscriber sending two new ones, or ao, will receive thbeb copiea one year. QV" Subscriptions at the club Tate must be paid invariably in advance. ffy Subscribe now. You want and need "The Farmer." We want von to have It. V Current money may be sent by mail at our risk, provided the'letters are "registered." jT A.ldress "Prairie Farmer," 47 Clark treet, Chicago, III. 5?" Advertisements, of an appropriate character, inserted at ten cent per line each Insertion payment In advance. GODEY'S GREATEST EFFORT. TILL greater attractions Will be offered in GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR ISM. This work has been th standard for twenty seven years. When an imitation ha been at tempted it has failed. It is THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK PUBLISHED IN AMERICA. NEW FEATURES FOR 1853 t How to dr?ss with Taste. Children's Clothes How to cut and contrive them. Painting on Glass. Patchwork. Hie Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing in all its variety, useful to the be ginner and the proficient. Fashions from the establishment of the cel ebrated "Brodie," will be in every number. Everv-day Actualities A new aerie of these illustrated articles will be given. Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lace of every variety. A specimen of the stitch to be used in eacli will be given. In addition to the above, One Hundred Pages of Reading will be given monthly. God-y's Splendid Engravings on steel. London, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Codey'a four figured Colored Fashions. Embroidery Patterns, Model Cottages, Dress Making with Diagrams to cut by. Dress Patterns Infants' and Children's dresses, with descriptions how to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work. The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articles upon these subject will often be GODEY'S INVALUABLE RECIPES rroif everv subject. MUSIC Three dollars' worth i given every year. In the various number for 1S5M, will be found the newest designs for Window Curtains, Broderic Anglaise Slippers, Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, Evening Dresses, Fancy Article, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing. Robes de Cramhle, Car riage Dresses, Brides' Dresn es, Wreaths, Mantilla, Walking Dresses, Riding Habits, . and Morning Dresses. Dresses for Infant and Young Misses, Hoys' ureases, capes and Cloaks or Kur in e.iran, Pattern for Needle-work of all kinds and pattern to cut dresses by are given monthly. Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip per in Colorr. Drawing Lessons for Youth. Send in your orders toon, as we expect our list for 1837 will reach 100,000 copies. The best plan of subscribing i to send your money direct to the publisher. Those who send larg amount had better end drafts, but note win answer ix drarts cannot be pro cured. W think we can show how much cheaper it ia to take tne LAxy book at i n res hi lars than any other magazine at Two Dollar. We will take a late number of both. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 30 article, me lauy hook Th Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 en graving, the Ladv'e Book 5rt. 'Hi Two Dollar Magazine contained 64 pa ges, the Lady' Book 100. Twenty-four more engravings, twenty six more article, and thirty-six more page, nearly double th quantity. The lowest club price of the Two Dollar Magazine is $1,25; lowest cmo price or iauys uook J,nV, only 42 cent difference in the price, which I three ana a nair cents on earn number, and for that urn (three and a half cents), you receive twenty-six more articles, twenty-four more engravings, and thirty-six mure page month ly certainly a very 'cheap three and a half cents' worth. This view of the case has probably never before been presented, but it Is a true statement, which any lady can con vince herself of by comparing tha' two maga zine. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy, one year, $3. Two copiea, on year, $S. Three copies, on year, ft. Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies $10. Eight copies on year and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making nine copie $15. Eleven eopie on year, and an extra copy to the person (ending the club, making twelve copies $20. CTV The above term cannot b deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Godey'a Lady' Book and Arthur' Horn Magazine both one year for $3 50. Godey'a Lady' Book and Harper' Maga zine both one year for $1 50. Godey'a Lady' Book, Harper' Magazine, and Arthur' Home Magazint one year $rt. The above is the only way w e can club with Harper's Magazine. The money must all b tent at one time for any of the Club. Subscriber in th British Province who end for clubs, must remit 30 cents extra on every aubaeriber, to pay th American post age to the lines. Address. L. A. GODEY, US Chmit St., Philada., Pa, CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALERT j? or iw&u. THE Cheape.t Family Newapapar In Ik. West I The Weekly Plain Dealer commence It Seventeenth Volume on th i, ot January, 1858. It will continue tht stJI Independent, Jocoe, Fearless, Figh-lng J0r nal it has ever been, Dealing Plainly but Iim ly with all. It will battle for th. Constitl" tion and th Union, a "th world h.i t,.T ure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion ism in every form, and batti Di-imi0i, u every disguise. Of it vigilanc aa a Sentinel upon the watch-tower of Liberty, It is suffi cient to say, that it ha never yet been found napping at its post. THE NEW VOLUME AND THE NF YEAR! The New Volume will commence with. t New Year, big with important evint. new leaf in the history of thi Republic wilt be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new President and Vic President. During ths coming year, the policy of the New Admlnii. tration will be fully unveiled in regard to th, following Important and exciting National topic: The Final Settlement of the Kanu JWhculty, on Which the whole 61avery qun. tion in the Territoriea is pending The Final Settlement of the Central American Question as against the claims of England Our Rirfct of Transit Across the Isthmus, and the rern. nition and maintainanee of the Walker Re. public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Duei The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Oreton Admission of Utah, with or without Poly, gamy Admission of Kansas, with or without Slavery Probable Admission of NebrnU and Washington Territories The Inaugural Message of James Buchanan The Doings 0f the New Democratic Congress. These art some of the leading event which will distm guish the incoming Administration, and moat of them will transpire during the coming tnr NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE)' Cleveland, from its central location, am) from its great concentration of Rail Rosdj, Telegraphs, and water communication with the world, ia admitted to be the Best Newi Point in the West, It can furnish intelligence from all parts of the world, day ahead of tin New York Papers, and the Plain longing to the New York Associated Prest,i the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic Markets, ftews. Disasters upon th Laku, and Commercial Intelligence generally. It will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches iroa Washington during the Session of Congreii, and has regular Correspondent in all the principal cities of the Union, In addition to a full and faithful record of passing events, we intend to devote" a consid erable portion of our paper to "Polite Litera ture." Every Paper will contain a Story, either original or selected, accompanied witk the choicest variety of Miscellany, auch Poetry, Discoveries, Biographies, Jokes, Od dities, Ac, Ac, making altogether one of th most Valuable Family Journal in th Weit! "Prompt to improve and to invite, We'll blend Instruction with delight." ITS" Our Agricultural, Commercial, and Telegraphic Departments, will each be worth the subscription price of the paper. The Brighton, New York, Baltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Markets will be reported Weekly. . , TERMS: , Single Subscribers, $2.00 Clubs of Ten (to one Office) 1.50 Clubs of Twenty (to one Office),. 1.35 Clubs of Fifty, " ... 1.00 Pay Invariably in advance. To the getter up of a Club, one copy gratis. Z5J Post-Masters are especially requested to act as Agents. They should in every case, where possible, substitute Western Demo cratic Papers for Eastern Fusion Papers. Those desiring the President' Message and other Public Documents, can subscribe now, or at any time before the first of December. Ci Subscribers to the New Volume should send in their names as early as the middle of December, ao that they may be registered la time for the first number. All fund reelved at current rates, and if registered, mailed ei our risk. Address J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, O. GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG RICULTURAL PAPER. PUBLISHED AT I GERMANTOWN, PHILA'IA CO., PEXN. Evrav Wednesday Mohhiko. BY PHILIP R. FRE.4S. PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We take tins occasion to announce to Farm r throughout the country, that it is the in tention of the Editor and Proprietor of the "Germantown Telegraph," not only to cen tinue a heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of Ms paper, but aedulo at r to add to ita character and value by all uie mean at command. All necessary space shall be pro vided for a ful irecord of Agricultural Detaili and a full development of every branch of the Farmer'a Pursuit. He will in future, it h has always heretofore, aim to be practical, and to be of real and substantial advantage to husbandry. Hi course, also, will continue to be thoroughly independent, and wholly un biassed by any' other motive than those he conceive to be promotive of the true interest of Agriculture in it broadest meaning. Neither individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in fluence shall awerve him from the path f right and duty. Farmer, throughout th eountry, who i aire a Newspaper, issued weekly, and eawl to any other family new and literary jourml published, which makea Agriculture a spefi' ality. will find the "Germantown Telegraph to fulfill every condition, and to render it en tirely unnecessary lot them to aubacribe fori periodical exclusively agricultural. Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. Aa a Literary and New Journal it h" not b nr paused by any in the countrr Neatly printed on good paper, of the largest class, it shall continue to be on of tb hand somest newspaper of the day. Every Family, in town or country, whether they take other paper or not, will find the "Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lit eral benefit, twice the amount of eubscriptiojj- No subscription received without the caw Price Two Dollar in advance. Subscription not paid within th year, $2.60. Mail : acriber will hav the cash poslag deducted when not exceeding 25 ct. per annum, pro vided the aubscription b paid strictly I ' vance. Postage atampa to this amount u be returned aa change with th receipt Any person sending five new ubcriberi one time, with th rash, will b entitled to U) paper for one ye r. Specimen numbera aent on requet. ' , STMFERRY BOAT. trTOIIE subscriber beg leave to Infors tht JL public, that he ha now in operat"-, first class Steam Ferry Boat, at Bellevue. at the point known a old Trder' Point Fsrrj Th Bot la on of th bt on th Mi"1 River, and every exertion will b used to bl tha public to croa the Riv with and dispatch t'410 NATHANIEL C. BENTOV. FOR HALE. A valuable timber Claim of l0aer,f1' in Uire mile of Bllv City, for i'- -B tjulr at tbia Offic. . , : rJ7 II til