Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, March 25, 1858, Image 1

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    - -iK-flmiw s,ii.-e'-twt).
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f Bni r rr3ftl''',:'
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A Family Newspaper Devoted to nomocracy, Litcraturo, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusomonts and General tntolligencei
i untai hi il i
VOL. 2.
Henry M. Burt & Co.
Terms of Subscription.
Hquare (12 lines or less) 1st insertion-it! 00
Each subsequent insertion SO
One square, ene month 2 50
" three month! .m 4 00
" " six ' fl 00
" one year 10 00
Business cards (tt line or Use) 1 year 5 00
One column, one year ' 80 00
One-half column, one rear 35 00
" fourth " " " 20 00
" e'ghth " " " 10 00
" column, six months 35 00
half column, six months 20 00
" fourth " " " 10 00
" " eighth " " 8 00
" column, three month 20 00
" half column, three monthi 13 00
'' fourth " " " 10 00
" eighth " " 00
Announcing candidates for office ft 00
For eighth sheet bills, per 100 $2 00
For quarter " " " " 4 00
For half " " " 00
For whole " " " " 16 00
For colored paper, half sheet, per 100.. 6 00
For blanks, per quire, first quire 2 00
Eech subsequent quire 100
Cards, per pack 1 50
Each sxlMucnt pack--- 1 00
For Ball Tickets, fancy paper per hun'd 6 00
Each subsequent huudred 4 00
Bowen & Strickland,
' A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Real Estate,
Xi-City Lots and Claims bought and sold.
Purchasers will do well to call at our office
and examine our list of Citv Lots, &c, before
purchasing elsewhere. O.fice In Cook's new
building, corner of Fifth and Main streets.
Ij. L. Bowen.
l LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf
8. A. Strickland,
LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf
T. B. Lemon,
LAW. Office, Fontenelle Bank, Belle-
rue, Nebraska Territory. lyai
C. T. Holloway,
2. LAW. Bellevue, N. T. l-tf
W. H. Cook,
VT AGENT, Bellevue City, Nebraska. 1-tf
. W. H. Iiongsdorf, M. D..
JL Main, between Twenty-Fifth and Twenty
Sixth streets, Beilerus City. 33tf
W. W. Harvey,
will attend to all business of Surveying,
laying out and dividing lands, surveying and
platting towns and roads. Office on Main
street, Bellevue, rt.i o-tr
B. P. Bankin.
LAW. La PI ttte, N. T. 1-tf
J. P. Peck. M. D.
O br4 ska Office and residence on Dodge
Street. (ly6)
Peter A. Sarpy.
.C CHANT, Bellevne, N. T., Wholesale
Dealer in Indian Goods, Horses, Mules, and
Cattle. 1-tf
D. J. Sullivan. M. DM
JL Head of Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
nor. 13 l-tr.
wm. a. sMirai.
Smith & Brother,
and Dealers in Real Estate, Bellevue,
Nebraska Territory, will attend faithfully and
promptly to baying and selling Real Estate.
city Lots, Claims, and Land Warrants, umce
at the Benton House. 21-6ai
Macon As Brother,
XV umaba City, Nebraska. Office on cor
aer of Farnham and Fourteenth Streets. 42tf
D. H. 8olomon,
XX. LAW, Glen wood, Mills Co., Iowa, prae
tiees in all the Courts of western Iowa and
Nebraska, and the Supreme Court of Iowa
Land Acency not in the Propamine, no 4-tf
w. i, EC's
IASHIONABLE Hair Cutting, Shaving,
. Dying, and Bathing Saloon, third door
west of the Exchange Bank, Omaha, N. T.
Omaha, Oct. 1, W. 47
GustaT Seeger,
NEER, Executes Drawing and Painting
4a every srle and description. Also, all
tmsinsss In hs line. Office on Gregory street,
Mary, Mills Coutr, lews
O T E L .
To the Public, and will reader
To the Wants of 1113 G VESTS.
3. T. ALLAN.
fieileVue, Oct. 23, 18S8. 1-tf
J. ii nnowx,
riafismouih, Catt Co. JV. T.
ATTENDS td bullness in any of the Courts
of this Territory. Partidillar attention paid
to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col
lection of debts, ane taxes paid. Letters of
inquiry relative to any parts or trie i erritory
answered, if accompanied with a feei
Hon. Lyman Trumbull, U. S. S. from Ills.l
Hon. James Knox, M. C. "
Hon. O. H. Browning, Qnincy, "
Hon. James W. Crimes, Govemof of IowHi
Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T
Green, Weare It Benton, Council Bluffs, I.
Nuckolls fc Co., Gleuwood, Iowa. 23tf.
Ira A. W. Buck,
T" AND and General Agent Pre-Emption
J Papers prepared, Land Warrants bought
and sold. Office in the Old State House, over
the U. S. Land Office.
Hon. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, Omaha.
Hon. Enos I .owe, "
Hon. R. A. Strickland, Bellevue.
Hon. John Finney, "
Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Nebraska City.
Omaha, June 20, 1857. 35
Dealers ia P;ne Lumber, Soon, Sato,
Flour, Heal, Bacon, &eM &C
CST Direct Oooda oare Clarke to Dro.
Florence, Nebraska, in Main St.
Town Plats, Maps, Sketches,
Business Cards, Checks fc Bills, Certificates,
and every description of plain and fancy en
graving, executed promptly in eastern style.
Greene, Weare & Benton,
Bluffs, Potowattamie comity. Iowa.
Greene fc Weare, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Greene, Weaie fc Rice, Fort Des Moines, la.
Collections mads ; Taxes paid ; and Lands
purchased and sold, in any part of Iowa, l-tf
oio. sNvfita.
John m. SHKkMAM.
Snyder fc Sherman,
cil Blurts, Iowa, will practice their profession
In all the Courts of Iowa and Nebraska.
All collections entrusted to their care, at
tended to promptly.
Especial attention given to buying and sell
ing real estate, and making pre-emptions in
Deeds, Mortages, and other instruments of
writing drawn with dispatch acknowledg
ments taken, fce., fcc.
(Et Office west side of Madison street,
just above Broadway.
nov 13 l-tf.
Still continues the above bnsiness at
W. T.
Merchants and Emigrants will find their
goods promptly and carefully attended to.
P. 8. I have the only WAREHOUSE for
storage at the above ha med landings.
St IHarys, Feb. 20tb, 1837. 21-tf-i
Tootle fc Jackson,
A CHANTS, Council Bluffs eitv, Iowa. I ., , ,.mW . i
Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse . te soil less than they renlly are, we be
on the Levee at the Council Bluff's landing, ' lieve that there are advantages to be de
are now prepared to receive and store, all . - . ,. . ,
kinds ef merchandise and produce, will receive rived from the exchange which amply
and pay charges on all kinds of frelgths so 1 repty for BU. You wait not find here the
that Steam Boats will not be detained as they, ' '. . . , .
hare been heretofore, la getting some one to wild hills and picturesque valleys of the
receive freight, when the consignees are absent. I tnj j plac8 0( &t wavinff orchards
Davis fc Co. and Humphrey. Putt fc Tory, St.
iiiriiinciii bivermoore m. vooiev, s. 1.
W. r. Coulbovgn narUngte, lows.
My llome
I reach my home as evening dies,
And oh I what glances greet my own
A laughing girl with eager (yes,
The Sweetest star that ever shown
An aagel full of mirth and grace,
Willi fairy feet and heavenly face.
I Muse besids the cheerful fire,
And picture faces now no more
As fancies never seem to tire,
But bring me back to scsnes of yore j
The village green, the tlrty stream,
That flit before me like a dream.
And everything fesfilsndent beams,
No sorrows o'rs my musings roll
Each mo.nent with a treasure teemsj
And realms of goM entrance my soul f
While Eden's path lies at my feet,
My heart feels heaven it titty beat
My smiling angel climbs my knees)
And nought around my gladness mars (
Her sunny words gush fresh and free.
And opulent as Indian stars
Then opes her little lips of bliss,
And shyly woos the proffered kiss I
And then I watch her earnest smile,
All wreathed with dimples as it grows t
With not a tracs of earthly guile,
While all Its rosy radiance throw,
A blush like summer o say cheek j
The more it plays, ths less I seke.
And levfs rich heaven goes floating by,
While pleasures wear a deeper hue
Like clouds in an autumnal sky,
With tints of gold and paths ef blue ;
The sunsets have a softer flame,
And poetry a higher claim.
I hold eottlrhunion Hid Si divine,
Aw ft op my darling to my breast
WbiIj 'tween her curls her beauties shine,
.nd eyes tlogJ in dslicious rest
Pure as the daisy on the sod,
Whose dewy heart reflects in God.
For the Bellevue Gazette.
Our little paper the Bellevuo Gazelle
finds its way to many homes in the
East, where they are anxiously looking
for reliable information of Nebraska, ns
deeply interested as ourselves in the value
and fertility of our soil, our future pros
pects, our local and social advantages, and
at the suggestion of friends, I have tho't
to write a little that may prove interest
ing to those who have proposed seeking
a home among us.
It would be far from my intention to
present so flattering a picture of VVette-n
life, as lo plant the demon of discontent
in one home, or win one family from a
lucrative employment and pleasant moral
and social associations, for the uncertain
ties and many little privations inseparable
fr.'m a life in a new country, and which
all should meet and conquer with a cheer
ful spirit before they decide to come.
But there are many men with large fam
ilies of sons and daughters who are lis
tening with eager interest and curiosity to
every report they hear from our broad,
uncultivated lands, hoping they may be
able to make tome exchange, by whirh
(hey can sectire for all homes here, and
thus prevent the loo wide dispersion of
the little household band yet wishing
they knew more of the social and religi
ous influences which would surround them
There are many young married men
too intelligent, enterprising, and iudus
trious, yet with limited means seeking a
farm where they may find a permanent
and pleasant home, yet fearing to ask
their wives to leave their homes and
many social endearments, fearing they
will never find any place that will seem
at dear as their own native hilU, and no
roices as pleasant as those with which
they have mingled from childhood, and
tbo tve would not wish to make the dial-
cutties of reclaiming the wild, uncuhiva-
1 ... , , . . , ,,.
Qd cultivated gardens, the Utteful build
walks, we can bu point
to beautiful rolling jrmiri, occasionally
in'.ervperKd with lree p. ml pUmut!
groves and a rich, dt ep, fertile soil, but
waiting for the hand of labor to develops
its resources and its wealth. But you
would find the same blue sky above, the
same green enrth beneath, owl the same
kind Heavenly Father upon whose bless
ing our happiness principally depends (0
guard you from evil here i nnd in the
small and simply furnished cottages
around us you would find the intelligent
and refined, the wine, the good, and the
fair, as well as, sometimes, the sensual,
the intemperate and profane.
Ferknps the rcligous advantages are,
at Bellevue, superior to many places of
the same size in the Territory, from the
fact of its having been an old Missionary
Station. Each different denomination
cannot, of course, be represented here,
but all hafe, tviih the most perfect har
mony of feeling, mot for worship at ono
place, and Sabbath and Sabbath School
priveleget during the past season, were
enjoyed by all who prised them. The
ladies of the different societies, too, have
united themselves into ono benevolent so
ciety and while their meetings afford a
good oppoituuity fuf forming acquantance
anJ cultivating sociul feeling, their
hearts have ever been open to the call of
the needy, and I hale never known a
case of destitution, or suffering, but (heir
active hands and willing hearts proffered
as;k-tauce and aid. - j But when I hare ob
served the simple nnd unaffected kindness
extended to all and the warm frendahip
subsisting between many who were, but
a short time since, stranger to each oth
er) I have felt there was something in
the change of life calculated lo dcvelope
tome of thu noblest and loveliest traits of
humanity far superior to the el(ibhness
and sluggishness often exhibited inordin
ary life. J. E. NYE. .
Mal-lreatmeiit of Clilldreu.
Children are( from the very origin of
life, mismanaged. Childhood needs a
champion. W ho will gird on his armor
and battle valint.lly and manfully for their
rig hid I .Not for crumpits and ginger
simps, ineat-piet and appU-dumplnigs ;
not even for pluin-puddiug and beef, but
for their birth-right, growth, development!
Society needs a Solomon one to detail
the minutiffi of training ; for it it so in
its dotage that it cannot connect causes
and consequences.
This subject should be kept before the
eyes of the people, should be sounded in
their ears till their very souls are Moriled
the integrity of the race demands it.,
What is the flfst need of children?
Animal growth, physical development'.
Are the mean necessary to secure this
compatible with the confining of children
six hours a day or even three consecu
tive hours in a school-room ? Let oue of
those who constitute the "powers that be,"
sit still for one hour, with the certainty, in
case he rises from his seat, turns hit head,
or obeys the irresistible impulse to make
fun, of receiving from somebody be either
loves or fears, a frown, a blow, a suolding,
or a tweaking of the eari answer this
question. Let him note his mental eino
lions and bis bodily seusations after the
experiment, and tbeu say if this is the
way in which a child should be trained t
mentally, physiologically, morally ?
To this unnatural confinement, which
outrages all the iustinctt of the healthy
child, superadd temperature, now of Sa
hara, then of Siberia, and instead of re
tpirable air, give a mixture of carbonic
acid and other gases rendered offensive
and putrescent by unwashed, obstructed,
diseased bodies, then giv. the result;
teacher, parent, physiologist, what is it,
according to the arithmetic of your com
mon sense ? What can it be but Minus,
minus, minus, continually, till the larger
auu utruer pari ui vimiuy is iul l.eauu
and intellectual power I In body and
mind, the child is dwarfed.
You say that now is the only lime th
child will have for mental culture; and
, that in this lime he must receive at much
as poAsible. How do you know that it is
his sole chance I If you had a hard day's
' work before you, with the certainty of
'having only one meal for the day. wou'd
you, at that meal, so gorge yur a on.ach
as O render youridf uncomfortable the
whole day, and paralyze yiur efforts?
Fie! Give your child now what, at this
t noe. he need's meant of t h and
growth abundant out of-djor tiercise.
plain food simply co iked, and pood exsro
net: then truahi future himsel; and
(il, and voti will have done yur duty
himI MTitrt'll your child's hive. Aye, his
lore I Cnltitni.i his affections; now is
the tiifit for it attach him to yourself
arid to your hoiilCj and lie will be a bless
ing to you the glory of yatfr gray hairs,
an honor to the world. Or would you
prefer to s-e him startle (he world like a
rocket, to explode as soon ?
Khat, fehlly, i gained by (his (axing
the brains of children; this stimulating of
their intellect, this forcing of mentality t
Add it all together t the amount is ex
pressed by it cyphen
Tarenl! to you; heart we appeal rob
not your child of hit birth-right I Lift
Hastings Fioin Cuba.
All of you are not acquainted with
Jack Hastings, are you? Well, I am.
and a real jolly kind of a fellow I And
him to be. Ja k is a printer he was
brought up in the Island . of Cuba, from
which place he emigruled rather sudden
ly not long since, in consequence of its
having leaked out that he was slightly in
favor of Republicanism.
In his youth) Jack was tent lo an Eng
lish school at Havana, where he learned
to spenk.our language pretty correctly
just enough broken to make you laugh
often, when, in fact, he was saying noth
ing lo bo laughed at "i - i
A few evenings since, while Jack wss
iu my office, and we were talking about
this thing and that, the conversation
chnnced to turn on the animals of the
United States. - A Urge number he had
never seen so he told itti as I named
them overt While guitijx on asking 1 im
if he had seen this and if he had seen
that, some evil genius prompted mo to
to bring in the name of a certain unmen
tionable little fellow, spoken of out West
as a polecat l but knoAn, and.nof spoken
of East as a skunk. No sooner hod the
word escaped my lips, than he sprang lo
his feet, slapped his hands together, and
exclaimed: ; '
"Yes, siree ; I should think I had seen
one of them I I'hcw! , let me t'ell you
about it J it was down in Maine. I saw
il a few month after I came over. The
way of it was Hill Mosey askd me, one
Huturdny, if I Wouldn't go with him into
the woods, to hunt after his horse, which
hud rr.mblod off. After we'd got out
'bouthulf n mile, wc got kinder separa
ted ; that is, Bill went up one ridge, and
I went up the oiher, moving parallel,
about fifty paces apart. As l'se going,
thinking about my friends in Cuba, and
other serious matter, I was interrupted,
all at once, by the little dog down in tiie
opposite valley, making one of the queer
est noises you evef heardi I looked
down that way, and saw him there he
was, frisking and cutting round some ani
mal, and gorging at an awful rate. At
first I couldn't think what the critter
could be; but aftei I'd taken a' second
look I decided in my own mind; and then
I called out: ! - Jt ') . . i
"O Bill! come here, quick: here's a
monkey!" ,'u J. "
'Then I gathered a'sticw, arid made
dmrn the hill nt it ns hard as I could rip.
Up I came to it, and gave it s swipe
across the back ; and U, Sti Tatrick ! you
ought to have been there. Such a per
fume! may I never enjoy such another!
il almost took my breath; yet I had not
the least idea from whence it came. Re
solved, that come wha. would the monkey
should not escape, I kept slashing away
with my stick, 'Bill came funning as
hard as hard as he could tear, till he got
where he cnulJ have a fair view of what
was going on -thon he stopped all of a,
sudden, and yelled oul i
"Crane out of that, you i cussed -fool,
you ! What are you doing ?'' ! if. t
"I knew, there must' be something
wrong, so I drooped the stick, and made
up Hie hill."
"What the d I is it?" I asked, begin
ning lo gag and cough like the dog, "ain't
it a monkey ?"
i "Monkey !" said he keeping ofTiwt a
respectable distance j "there :oiuV iu
monkeys in this country. Now you're io
a nice fit! You inferos fool I cUTnt
you know it wat a skunk V
"Purty soon I began to feel awful tea
sick, so I sat duwrj ea the ground, and
just heaved and heavra ! On, my ! yon
ought to have- been theft. 1 thought in
my soul 1 should die in spit ot alt 1 could
d . Uill, he went to a farm house near
t by, and got suit of old cl thes for te,
aud then be ruaoaed to get me down to
the beach, where I stripped off my new
clothes snd threw them away, ai-d then
tumbled ioto the water. . Bill, he hauled
oT and went in and rubbed me for Mar
ly half the day. Oh, I tell you it iss
a iwiui scrape if . . : .
"Next Monday morning I appeared in
in the printing-office as usual, and went
lo work. A little while; however, show
ed that something was wrong. " The boys
began to evhisper ' arourvl among- them
NO. 18.
This wy rrif (h wrfr(. in a
short time the foreman sent for me, paid
mo up, and politely told me he had hands
enough without me. That is how I came
lo he a brakesman on the railroad." JVr
rVr't fyt'rt?. ,
A good Mermon story Is told by a friend of
ours now traveling In the West, looking after
the commercial matters of the house with
whirh he is connected, and who possesses a
Isrge fund of shy wit, which Is brought ad
mirably Into play on all Attlng occasions.
While stopping, a short tims since, st a
hotel In Cleveland, Ohio, It happened that the
Marsh Children, a troupe of Juvenile comae
dinns familiar te ut all, numbering twenty
eight er thirty, arflveM and put vp at the stmt
house. , - i
Their first tppeardnct In the dining-room
naturally attracted great attention, and many
were the Inquiries made In reference to tbeu.
Who and wnat they were; where from ana
whither going, fcc. - .. .. . ' '
They vcoupied an entire table til uader
twelve years of age, dressed alius and nearly
all girls, with five or six middle aged females
their toachers sprlnklsd among thein. At
ths head 'f the tnlile sat Mr. Marsh himself,
grsve, solemn and dignlrled in manner, a lert
of Alexander Selkirk in a small way, monarch
of til he surveyed. At the table and by ths
side of Mr. Q'tiz, sat two or three genllemea
somewhat rural In their aspect, wha were evi
dently a good deal mystified at the appearance
of things, and, on putting the question of what
Itmetnt, (hey were Informed that the grave
person ge at the head of the table was a dele
gate from Bringham Young, a prominent and
noted Mormon, on tils way to Washington lb
settle with the President the difficulties la
Utah, and ths elderly ladies present were hit
slv. wives and the thirty children were a por
tion of his progeny. , ..' .'.
The thing took. The " rural " after taking
t good look at Marsh, and then at the family
arrangmeiita, retired, and ths house, as well
tlie town itself, was soon In commotion, all
eager to look upon a true prophet and hit
harem, . : :
" Amardng smart children for the klnd"
sly s one. Whst disgusting women,' ex
claims Miss I'rlm. " Whst an old wretch,'
responds a .whole troupe of Cleveland ladies,
a they would gate and tttrt at the Utah
saint with at' their eyes, . . ;
The children at last bernm alarmed their
teachers next, and Mr. Msrih, quite beside
himself nut knowing whether to look npoa
these attentions as favorable td his success,
or portending something' of a -more serious
nature. The matter finally - exploded, and
there was a general scnlteriiig, with a'glggl
ing accompaniment by the ladles, and heartf
gofTrfwa on part of the men who were sold
Mr. Marh, determined to sh'w his card or
dered hie bills to be Immediately . posteV
while ll ni himself steped on the cirs in pur
suit of btiftiiiRKi and further alvenUre W
hope he fo ind botti. X. Y. Ntws. . t . ! 1
" Urs ad Downs or Lira The Newark!
(N. J.) Journsl.of the 4th instant, stye i i
Nine veers ago to-day, a youth, eighteen
ytart old, wat impressed Into the service of a
monarch of Europe. Three rears later he
arrived In Philadelphia, having deserted and
secured a passsge to this country in a Phlla-
delphla packet ship. Sit ycarl ago tnvday ha
wandered about the streets of that city a
homeless wanderer) without frlenda, moneys
wardrobe, and unable to Speak a word of En,
glish. After vainly searching for employ
meat) be attempted td commit suicide, but
was restrslned. The next day be succeeded
In obtaining employment,'- and received thirty
cents pef day for his services. la a : short
time hfs health became impaird. and he was
again reduced (o the loweet depths of poverty
and wretchedness He recovered, tniiexpe
rienced a variety of fortunes, Until we find
him, three years ago, upon the stag. Since
that time he has been In vsried drcumstann
ces and different kinds of business,, and about
a year since came to this city with a Consider'
able sain of money, which he had saved, , lit
it now Worth some thousands of dollars, and
Will U-night commemorate, together with a'
few of bie friends, the sixth anniversary of
the failure of hie attempt at auicide, whlei
be regards as a Providential eeeape. ' . )
r ' A Discovers. ' 1 :t,!"
: A certain deacon in one of the towns
of Massachusetts, who was tv very
zealous advocate of the cause of Temper
ance, tome yeart wince, oa a hot sura
iter's day, employed a carpenter to make
some alterations in his parlor.'- In repair-.'
ing a corner ot the mop-board, near the
6re-place. it was necessary to remove the
fire-board, when, lo! a "mare's nest" waa.
brought to light, which astonished the
workman inost marvelously. A brace of
decanters, sundry jugs, bottles all con-'
taiiang 'something to take" -a pitcher
and tumblers were cosily reposing there
in snug quarters. The joiner with won
der-stricken countenance, ran to the pro
prietor with the intelligence.' 1
"Well, I declare," exclaimed tho'deaJ
con, that is curious, surely. . It must b
old Capt. Ii left those things there when
he occupied the premises, thirty yeart.
since.", , ' . " '
" "Frriiapsht did," returned the discof'
erer, "but deacon, that ire in the pitches
must have been well congealed to hart
remained tj long a time ! , . . .
' ' A first rate joke tooU p'ace quite lately
in cur court room. A woman wat testify'
iog in Ubalf of her eon, aod twore " that
he had worked on the farm ever since he
was born.".
The lawyer wh crntt-e xamined aerV
said, you assert thai your son hat work
ed on the farm erer since ha was born'.
"Ida." . .
" bat did he 4a the first year ?n? ,l,
Hie lawyer erar-r-rittd.. ' 1
t -t