1 - i (From U Nsw. York Port J . ' Two Ulnd of riely. 1 1 The following linn may be objected to by pome ror Beeming iirrTri.iir. m unjunt, I Jfcut ths discerning reader will that tlif y I Mir fr from Irreverent In purpose and spirit. I fin mil respect tney remind us or me eecemric firaethods by which ths Rev. Rowland Hill and jother excellent divines hart sometimes tneul I Wated tha moat aaercd lessons of tha scripture I (Tha Incident on which they wara founded it Xhua related t , For the Evening Post f " A few jreara alnca a powerful revival of i religion waa wittneaaed at Oldtown, Maine, Among me convene waa an inaiau oi iu ri nobseot tribe. Soon after hia conversion. Peol attended a prayer-meeting, and waa call ad upon to " tell hia experience." Not exact ly understanding tha Wine's English, Peol ex- Jressed himself aa follows t " Oh glory, ma eel pioua like hell 1" ine nana oi religion peiem v t, I Iti value bo mortal can prize, j It leada us in aaf ety clear down to tha (rave, - . ' Then gives us a pass to ths skies. ' But tince tha grand choice in the garden waa given, 1 ' ' Vinaa Adam from paradise fell, Full many are found to be ploua ilka I , . heavea, j ' While many ara " pioua like hell." 1 I oace was an orphan boy, mortgaged ' and leased, i And served without hope of a fea, For one who waa lending tha Lord what aha fleeced i From the girl in tlx kitchen and ma. 'Twas a day or two ainca that I gated on 4 tha face ! . Of hr, tha once mademoiselle, And thought, though aha bragged of . abounding in grace," ' That she, too, waa " ploua like ball." But tarea in tha wheat, and the counter . , . teit coin, '. .. Should rob ua of none of our rest Let this be our motto while journeying on God ordera all things for tha beat " I And mind you, no knowledge to mortal ia I - given, By which that frail mortal can tell, Except by tha fruita, who ia pioua like j heaven, Or as Peol waa, " pioua like bell." DAVID BARKER. Two Nobis Acre. Charlea Bodman, Esq., bb estimable citizen of thia city, waa recently called to Baltimore bv tha death of a relative, who bequeathed to him caah and property to the amount of aixty thousand dollars, and also a valuable slave. The cash included ten thaueand doltara in bank. Thia bequeat, aa will appear, waa w rthly beatowed. Mr. thj accident, had been reduced to needy cir f 'eumstanees, took immediate steps to relieve 1 tK.i. w.nl.i B n.l An m QfilK VmT . the Hon.. Charlea F. Mayer, of Baltimore, waa, under the direction of our worthy fellow ritixen, executing the necessary papers, trans ferring the whole property real and personal with the exception of the negro, for their .'use and benefit. Tha slave will be brought to Cincinnati, to be made free Thus, the hearte ,f old friends have been made glad tha in estimable gift of freedom ia about to be be atowed upon a slave and we are afforded the privilrge of recording these noble acta of true . .1 . v. rf: : . : r . . . 4.1 nviui jnm vmcimi.vii uuvmv u ' ' The Army Dill Defeated. The following ia the vote in the Senate on the passage of the Army bill. It.will be seen that the vote was more than two to one against the measure. Democrats in Roman, opposition in Italics Yeas BeU, Biggs, Broderick, Camer on, Crittendtn, Douglas, ' Green, Gwin, Houston, Johnson, (Tenn.) Mallory, Pugh, Settard, Stuart, Thompion, (Ky.) Toombs 16. i Nays Allen, Bayard. Benjamin, Big ler, Brown, Chandler, Clark, Clay, Dix oti,' DoolUtk, Durkee, Evans, Ftusenden, Filch, Foole, iWer. Hale, Hamlin, Hat' lan, Hammond, Hunter, Jverson, John son, (Ark.) King, Mason, Polk, Sebas tain, Simmon, Slidell, Sumner, Thomp son, (N. J.) Trumiull, Ffison, Wright. Yiilee 35. ; .Yea Democrats, ; I . . Opposition, , 6 Nays Democrats, 19 . Opposition, . ' 16 Phillip P. Dandridge, of Va., was mar ried on the 11th ulu, in New Orleans, to Mrs. Betty Taylor Bliw, widow of Maj. Bliss, and daughter of Gen. . Zachary Taylor.. Commodore. M. C. Perry, oT the U. S Nary, died in New York, March 4. He entered the Navy in 1809. " The fare from Chicago to New Orleans by steam boat from St. Louis, is $31, in cluding meals and staterooms. MARRIED. In this countv, naar Belle vue, March 17th, by the Rev. William Hamilton) Henry S. Skaggs, to Lydia R. Ford, both of Sarpy couiity. Friend Skaggs has laid downjhe "stick and tha rue,n and engaged In agriculturean or. copatioa that is mors congenial, and one that printers, seem to run to, as naturally aa ducks take to water. In his laat cocra stat he bas our best wishes. May suc cess always attend you, and youis. Tha bride has our thaaks for a gaaeroue aupply of tha cake. . MASONIC. J. The regular . meetings of - Nebraska XX1' No- f "a AeceiMed 'Maaon. will be held at MasonU Hall, a the eeeond and fourth Tuesday evenings of month, at I t o'clock. '.' L. B. KINNET. W.M. . i. o. o. r. Tba regular anaetiaga of Bellevue Lodge, N. 4, will be hold on 8turHir evening of ach weekjat T o'clock, f. If. Brother, of the order wb may be la aur citv on that vtning, are reepectTillv Invited U attend - - K A- itmcjtLAjfr. x.d Funny to set a milkman looking over the " prices current" to see how chalk is goinj. Mull Arrangements. EASTERN MAIL. ABBIVEt Tueslavs, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6 clock, P. M. CLSKI Sandaya, Tasadays, and Thursdays, at 0 clock, P. M. WESTERN MAIL ABMVBl Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6 o'clock, P. M. CLOStl Tuesdava, Thursdays, sad Suadays, at 0 clock, P. M. SOUTHERN MAIL. ABRIVCI Tuesdavs, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 clock, P. M. ctesis Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 10 'deck, A. M. NORTHERN MAIL, ABBIVBS Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 10 clock, A. M. cLoati Tuesdavs, Thursdays, and Saturdayai at 0 clock, A. M. Office open on Sundays, ontv from 6 o'clock P. M. to 8o,clock P. M. Thia rule will be strictly adhered to. L. B. KINNEY, P. M. BELLEVUE MARKET. Corrected weekly by Clabic k. Bbotheb, Forwarding and Com. merchants. Flour Extra Superfine, 4 per 98 lbs. " Fine, $3,23. Meal $2 per 100 lba. Applea Dried, t3 60 per buahel. Peachea " 4 00. Butter New 20c V 28 ft . Beans $3 00 13 bus. Corn 50 bush. Oats !S0c Beef 7 to 8e. Dried Beef 20e per lb. Salt G. A., per sack, S3. Eggs 13c dot Hidea Dry, 7c do Green, 3 Hay-$4 00 SO 00 tun Bran. 30 eenta per bush. Pork Fresh, fu to 17 per hum lard 15 c lb Onions $3 50$ bua. Potatoes 60. Pelts Sheep 50c do Coon 25c Wood Cotton, 3,60, Hard, 5,00, Lumber Cottonwood sheat'g 23 ra " do sq. edged $30 00 " da Oak. Walnut, Bass wood $43 00 do Pins aiding, clear $55 00 $ m. do Flooring 2d $05 00 1st $75 00 Boards, $50 ft $75 00 Shingles Pine $3 50 $9 60 9 m. " Cottonwood $5 00 lath Pine $12 00 per m. Doors " $3 50 $4 75 each. Kash $1 00($2 1-4 per casement. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. v s. Mardware. A FEW Firkins of good Butter and a lot of am.-. II white beans, for sale at the Hard ware store of T. at J. A. Nye j Butter 25 cents per 9', Beans $3 per bushel. Both warranted to be not strong, call around there that have the money. 4tlR SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of an execution, tome directed, by the Clerk of the District Court of Sarpy county, N. T., in favor of Louie Dartcla and against the property of Georrn Jennines to satisfy a Judgment against said Jennings rort a sum or three hundred and ninety eight dollars and seventy two cents; now therefore I will offer at public auction in front of the Bellevue House, on the 17th day of April A. D. 1R58 between the hours of 0 o'clock A. M. and 4 oVIock P. M. of said dayi to the highest bidder, for caah, the following de scribed property, to wit Lot 4 in Block 103 alao Lot 1 in Block 57, in the Ci'v of Bellevue Dated, Bellevite. March 17th !&,. JOHN M. F.NOCH, Sheriff. 2t By S. H. WATTLES, Dep. Sheriff. ARRANGEMENTS ! NEW AND New Prices! BY Li B. KINNEY & CO. THE undersigned are now opening the largest and beat aelected, assortment of Spring and Summer gooda, ever before offered in market j for the truth of this, we in- its the Ladies and Gentlemen to call and aee that thia ia no News Paper puff, no Action, no gass i But truth in reaM:y, Even in Nebraaka I Therefore come one, come alt, and David will be on hand ia hia uaual good humor to wait on all. Ladies in particular. Every thing may be found in the shape of choice dreas goods for Spring an1 Summer at KINNEY fc CP'S. GROCERIES of evry description, cheap at KINNEY at CO'S. BOOTS and shoes, good and warranted at KINNER at CO'S. GAITERS, Buskins, and Siipprs of every variaty at KINNEY CO'S. N AILS, Gtaaa and Queenware, cheap at KINNEY 4t CO'S. Notice. IH A V E been very InJeVgent with my custom era abou Jpaylng np somtliT this prin cipal ceaaea lv oe a vulue. I will now notify all to cone up to the rack and aettle old scores Immediately, and you will very me oblige Your nHedient eervant, n u a, Kixxrx Notice. IS hereby given to all whom It may concern, thai I w ill appear at the I, ml Office in Omaha, on Friday the 19ih day of Nfurh, at 11 o'clock, A. M. and there provt my right to preempt the s. quarter of the s. e. quarter of sec. 20, s. W. quarter of s. w. quarter of aee. 21, w. half of n. w. quarter of see. $t, township 13, range 12, east of tha Oth princi pal meridian, In Nebraska Territory. 3tl5 JOSEPH MILLER. NOTICE! tva & at I vi TBa sas in its s wis vis w siaie iJ of Jehn Ray Inte of Sarpy county, de- ceaaea ; naving ueen rraniea mine sDscnoer residing in Bellevue, lie hereby gives notice to all persons Indebted to said estate to call and ettle the aame, and those having claims against the estate are requested to present thetit properly auth"nticated for settlement. 13 WILLIAM II. WRIGHT. AdWr Flour. SEVENTY-FIVE Bags of Superfine and fine flour for aale at lowest maraet price for cali by 13 JOHN P HORN It CO. t-tatAVi. sEF.ueiii COUNTY SURVEYOR OF KILLS CO. OFFICE GLENWOOD, IOWA. ORDERS left at the office of Shakspeare Boyes, St. Mary, will receive prompt at tention. G. SEEGER, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, would respectfully lnfcrm the citizens df Milla and adjoining Counties, that he ia prepared to execute all work of the following character i Laving oil town sites, leveling of streams for water power, drawing of maps -plain and colored, drawing designs for buildings of all styles, with estimates (ft cost. ( Correct plats of the townships of Mills County, showing the true positions of the tiin ber. water courses and bluffs, kept constantly on hand. Having had experience both In this country and in Europe, lie feels assured of giving satistdcuon to ail wuo may lavor mm with their pntronnge. Gold Medal awarded at the late St. Loitia fair to G. Seeger & S. Scbitnonaky for the best topographical map. Office Glenwood, Mills CO., Iowa. 14 SEEDS FOR 1858. WE are now prepared with a full and and complete atock of FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, Of the new crop, to aupply any demand whole sale and retail, on the very best of terms. Our stock is new (aa we do not consign seeds and take none back to mis up again,) and much of It grown Under our own directions in this state. Our stock of European seeds is Imported directly by ourselves from the most re table growers in England and France. We feel confident no better advantages to the public can be offered than we can give, and we cordially invite an examination of our stock before purchasing. Our stock consists In part of Spring Wheat, Barley, Corn, Peas, Beens, &.C., a Very large variety of Garden Seeds and a full assortment of Flower Seeds of choice varieties. Also, 150 bushels pure Chinese Sugar Cane Seed. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Agricultural and Horticultural implements. Full priced seed and implement catalogue sent upon receipt of stamp to pay postage, HENRY D. EMERY k CO., 3mosl4 204 Lake S'.reet, Chicago. Notice TO tlxo nPvitoUo. fTHE undersigned having purchased the en X. tire stock rf Jewelry, formerly Wwned by Alexi Kemp, ia prepared" to sell the same at 25 per cent less than was ever offered in this eity before, aa room must be made for a large spring assortment. The stock consista of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Clocka, Setts of Cameo, Coral, Enamel, Painted, Gold Stone, Masonic, anil Mourning Jewelry, Broaches, Ear Drops, Cuff Pins, Shirt Studs, Lockets, Bracelets, Kings. Gold. Silver, and Plaited Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Gold and Silver Spectacles Also a splendid as' sortn.ent of MORTON'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. Also Musical Instruments, Cutlery, Port Monies. Pouches, Card Cases. 4.C..&.C. ' A fine stock of Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolv ers, tc, which will be sold at a small ad vance ahove cost, as the subscriber wishes to go out of the gun bnsiness. All kinds of repairing done with neatneai and dispatch by competent workmen. I still continue to take Omaha Scrip, Wes tern Exchange, Nemaha Valley, eastern mon ey, or gold and silver, in exchange for goods. f5?Store on 12th Street, one door from Famham, and directly opposite the Western Exchange Bank, Omaha, N.T. Please call and examine goods and prices. T. W. WOODS. Omaha, Jan. 12th, 185ft. 3m9 (Rrocery PROVISIOTSTORE. MR. S. M. PIKE, sti!! continues to tccp at hia old stand, on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, fresh Groceries, of all kinds, of the best quality. Also, a choice lot of Liquors. He hae Atted up, in the rear ot his s'.ore, a first class RESTAURANT, Where he will furnish warm meals, or cold lunch, at all hours of the day, including the following dishes Roast Beef, Oysters. Corned Beef, Sardines, Pickled Tongue, Wild Game, Pickled Tripe, Hot Coffee, Pigs Feet, And Tes. His customers, and the public generally, are Invited to give him a call. Nov. 20. ltf AND Jewelry Establishment in Omaha WM. FRODSIIAM, having r-lired from the late Arm of Kemp t Frodsham, has cptbtd a ,iew atore at No 3, Capt, Down's building, between the Methodst Church, where be invites bis old natrons to give him a call. Tims pieces and Jewelry, of every descrip tion, neatly and expeditiously repaired. 6inl WM. C, AVERILL & CO.. IlELLF.Vl'K ftTOKE, BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. DEALERS in Dry Cooils, Groceries, Hard ware. Hats and Cans. Boots and Kh. ' Crockery, Furniture, Jtc. We will sell our coe, at low rrices, and ;r rady jy onlv. ' GRMJACHIFICE Store Uoofs. W. C. AVERILL 4l CO , Having determined to eltfit out ths balance of the stock, will offer until ths 1st of March, their entire stotk at COST. Great Bargain! may be Had 111 BOOTS 8c SHOES. JPoxu? TDrawor mSureaus, Mahogany Front, for only $10. WILL OFFER FURNITURE, Without Eegard to Cost. L A D I fl Fine lioe. Fancy Groceries at Cost. 111 I J a-vs if j m ua Mardware. dueensware J. 3NT DO GLASSWARE HATS & CAPS, AT HALF THE USUAL F&ICB. Any one in want of really cheap goods, will do well to defer buying until they attend this sale. TERMS, .... CASH. Bellevue, Jan. 28, 1858. 10 RKI.LEtlE LOTS FOIl SALE. LOT 6, Block 235. L. 0, B. 192, L. 8, B. 253. " 2, " 21:, " 1, " 175, " 4, 129. " 3, " 171, "11," 2, "11, " 98. " 4. " 25, " 8, " 13S, "12, " 87. " 10,11,12, 240, 4," 49. Out Lot 21, in Hennett'a qr. " " 25, in Bottom. Also, an undivided 1-2 of Block 155, k 213. Price, $1750. Enquire of HORACE EVERETT. ai tits Banking House, council Biutrs, or 41 J. B. JENNINGS, Bellevue. NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue, a1 d in pursuance of a Deed of Mortgage executed bv Alfred Kellum, to the under sign ed dited December 18th, A. D. 1857. to se cure the sum of Fifteen Hundred and Forty Six Dollars and Eighty-four cents, in the fol lowing manner, to wit t $500 on the 20th day of December A. 1). 1897, $500 on the 9th day of January 1858, and the residue on the 9th day of March A. D. 1858, and Recorded in Book B. of Land Recorda, of Sarpy county, N. T. Page 291,2,3 one of the eonditiona in the aaid mortgage ia, that default being made in the payment of, either of aaid notes, the whole should immediately btcome due. and fay able, and default having been made in the w'o first, named notea, ana interest thereon ; and this being the third time, said mort rage has betn renewed; now therefore, by Vir tue of the authority in me vested, bv said Deed of Mortgage. I will p-Oeeed to sell, ac cording to the coiiditloiiS therein set forth, to the highest hidder for rash, at public aale, in the city of Bellevue, N. T. befu, e the door of the Bellevue House, on Saturday, the 3rd day of April A. D. 1858. at 10 o'clock, A. M. all the following described property, to wit, the u-divided one half of Block No 113 in the city of Bellevue, Barpy eo. N. T. according to surrey made hy 8, 'W' T. Rchlmonsky tn 18M; and also, all the undivided half of the certain piece or parcel of Land situated and lying In the county of Sarpy and Territory of Nebraska and known and described ae follows, to wit I commencing at post 84:4 rods North, 81 14 East of the 8 W corner of sec 13, lowoship 13 range 13, E of the 0 principal meridian. Thence north 47 1-2 west 23:3 rods to a cotton wood stump, thence N 34 E 0:9 rods to a post thence S 47 1-2 E 23 ;5 rods to a poet, thence S 3f W 9:5 rods to place of beginuig alao all the improvements ad buildings, consisting in part, Of oue steam saw mill and the tenement hereditament and appurtenances thereof, sub ject nevertheless, to a Deed of Mortgage, to secure the payment 'f Two Thousand Tw Hundred Dollars, ($2200) It being a prior mortgage and having precedence over all others. llt-a V. A. GWYER. Mortgages New Firm. ? HUE undersigned, having purchased the ;JL atock in trade, or ralmerfc Averill, the business will bs carried on. as heretofore, at the old stand, under ths name and style of If We Vi AMIU1 M, IO. WM. C. AVERILL. 51 W. H. I.O.VGHDOHr. rji nf?4 va'7 1 w J No (Comet ! BUT COLD WEATHER & GOOD STOVES fpHE eitizttts know am! feel this cold wealh A. er i and those that are sleenlnc. awake I If awake, walk ( if walking, run I if running, fly I to the Tin and Stove 9tor af Sam'l Snyder, and provide youraeltes with such ar ticles in his line, as yiiu may want, befote It Is too late. Come atl that ara sultertng from the cold, and I will sell you atcrves that Will rninfnrt you, in thia rnlif r;lnn. IVm is ymif oniy cnance, as i am selling rtToua, cneapsr than they can be bouirht in at.Loulai Fontenelle Money and country produce, talc en in exchange fur the aame. I have a bouse and lot, which I Will sell cbtap. Head and run to SAMUEL SNYDER, ltf Bellevue, opposite the printing ofllee VARIETY STORE. THE undersigned have opened, a larca and commodious new atore, on the corner of Main and 25th St rests, tn Bollevue, where a varied assortment of Goods may be found Among them are DRY GOODS, Such as Brown Muslin, Calico, Sheeting, Shirting-, Hosiery, kt KNIVES. FORKS, " SCYTHES, WOOD-SAWS, stinvn e ulv rnbid SPADES. TEA-KETTLE, UKINrJ-STONES, CHAINS, its.. Together with a quantity of Boots cfe SllOOS Segars, Rakes, Kdpes, Horse-collars, Carpet- sac us, vinaow sasn, uuors, TEAS AND 8U0AR9. Toboceo, Queenswsre. Olaasware, Fldtir, Crackers and a great many more articles. They keep constantly on hand, a large as sortment of good Wines and LlqUora Warranted the btst quality t cheap for Cash. n37tf J. P. HORN It CO. Meat Market Changed Hands. ME8SR8. OLIVER II STONE, have pur chaaed of H. Cook Griffith, hia entire interest in the butchering business, and will hereafter be found at hia old stand, on Misa'on venue, eaat of Main Street, under S. M. Plke'a Grocery and Trovlelon Store, where they will be happy to wait upon hia old cus tomers, and all others who may choose to favor them with their patronage. GEORGE A. OLIVER. Oct. 29. 6m51 CHARLES STONE. Notice ALL persons who are Indebted to the late Arm of Palmer k. Averill, will please call and settle the same with GEORGE P. AVERILL. N. B All accounts not closed within 30 days, will be sued, Jan. 25th. 10 Vf. n. IiOpgadorf, GRADUATE of Penn. College of Dental Surgery, respectfully announce to the cit izens of Bellevue, and vicinity, that be is now prepared to practice Dentistry, in all its va rious hranchea. Office hours from t till ft, P. M. 44 Notice. THE undersigned having been elected Ceneral Agent, of "the Bellevue Land Claim" in the absence of Col Bentoo, the President, is tba only person authorized to transact any busi ness for and in the name of said Association. The office of the company, is the office of Bowen It Strickland, Bellevue, N. T. L. L. BOWEN, Ceneral Agent of B. L. C. A. Commissioners' Notice. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA,) COUNTY OF SARPY. , J NOTICE Is hereby given that proposale will be received at the office of the County Clerk, in Rellevne, Sarpy county and a;the'house ef Charles Wilson, near Buffalo Creek t up to the 20ti day of March nett, for building a Bridge seres Buffalo Creek J as per plan and specifications on Ale in tbl Clerk's office and at R. C. Jenklnson's near Plattford, Sarpy county. Payment to be secured by County Bonds. The Board of County Commissior.ere, will meet at the house of' Charles Wilson, near Buffalo Creek, on Saturday. 23th day of Mar eh, 1858 j at 1 o'clock, P. M. to eiamine, and aet upon aaid proposals. By order of the County Commissioners. 6TEPHEN D. BANGS, Clerk of Sarpy County. Bellevue, March 5th 1858 16tf Attention! ALL that want good flour, will find It at my store on Miaaion Avenue. I will war rant it to be a first rate article, and the bt ever offered for aale in Sarpy county. If it dooe not,gtve satisfaction, the money will e returned. Alto a good article of Buckwheat dour, for aale, in quantites to suit purchasers. 15 t M. PIKE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT IDE. TETTERS Testamentary on Ihe estate of i Alexander Davia, late of Sarpy county, deceased, having been granted to the undesign ed, residing in said county, she hereby notifies all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment, and those having claims, to present the same properly authenticated, for settlement on or before the first day of. Mav next IRENE DAVIS. Amr. Bellevie, Mer'h 1, IB,$. Jmli THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. PHILLIPS, SAMPSON fc CO'S IJcto Papjiitf, BOSTON, MASS. ITS AIM WILL BB Ft bit i In Literature, to leave bo proviacd unrepresented, ao that while each lumber will contain articles of an abstract and permanent value, it will also be found that the healthy appetite of the tntnd for entertainment la 1U various forms of Narrative. Wit. and Husaor will not go tmeafed for. Ths puMfsbets wtaM to say, also that while hatlve writers will re. celve the moat solid encouragement, and wilt be mainly relied on to fill the pages of the Atlantic, they will not hesitate tt draw from the foreign eemirtef fft their command as occaaion may requlrefe1ylnej rather on the; competency or an author to Weft particular subject, than on any other claim wnateter, In this way they hope to make their Periodi cal welcome wherever the English tangee 14 ermken or read. Strttno In the term Abt they Intend te ia' dude the whole domain of aeethetits, an4 borta gradually to make thia critical depart merrt i true and fearless representative of Aft In all rta Various branches, without any regard to prejudice, whether personal or national, r tjrrlvate Considerations of what kind Sorter. Tifiatfi In Politics, the AflaiTtc will :b the organ of ntf vtnj CHqnti (rut will honestly endeavor to be trie erwmnt of what Its ten. ductora believe to be the American Idea II will deal frankly wltti ptftOnt and with part, lea, endeavorsng tokeep irr tlrw that moral e. einent which transcends all persons and par. ties and which alona makes tha bails of a true and lasting national prosperity. It 111 not rank Itself with any sect of Atffts, but with that body of men which are in favor erf Freedom, National Progress, and HtfnoT whether public or private. As an earnest of the material at their com mand, they subjoin the following list of liters ry persons interested in their enterprise - wish. Ing It however to be distinctly understood that they ahall hope for aupport from every kind of abllllty which desires the avenue of their columns, and la the renuffleration of which they shall be guided purely by their sense of Intrinsic merit f William If. Preacott, Ralph Waldo Casr sun, Wm C Bryant, Henry W. Longfellow. Rev. F. II. Hedge. O. O. Nathaniel Haw thorn, John O Whlttler, Oliver Wendeft Holmes, James R. Lowell, J, Lothfcrp Met ley, George Wm. Cuftls. Herman Melville ProfT. C. C. FeltCn, Proff, F. J. Child, E. i Whipple, Edmond Quiney, Author of Was. sley. " Thomas W. Parsons, J. T. Trew hrlilire. Author at N.lvhbor J.kwuu! H A. . Mrs. H. Beecher Stows, Mre. Gasklll, A aw thcr Of "Ruth" - Mary Burton" ate. Mrs. L. Maria Child, Mrs. C. M. Klrkland, Mrs. Pike, Author of "Ida May," M Caste, " Ave. Mlest Rose Terry, Wlklis Collins Author a? " The Dead Secret fce. O. Rufflnl Author stf "Doctor Antonio "ate. Shirley Brooks Au thor of " Aspen Court " fcj. E. M. Whitty. Author of "Fallllcal Portraits" ate. Jams Hanney Author of " Singleton Fontenoy " ite, C. W. Plillleo Author of Twice Married. " The Publishers will aim to have each num. ber of the magatine f eady in time for distribu tion and sale, In th more remote parti oi tb country, on or before tile first day of each month for which It la Intended. TERMS. The Atlantic Mffwtllt be had of Booksellers, P.rlodlral Agent!, of from the Publishers, at Three Dollars f ytaf j or Twenty-live Cents a Number. Subscribers remitting three dellirs ia ad vance, will receive the work for one rear roir vaib, in any part of the Unltsd States within 3000 miles- A liberal discount made to wholeeale deal, ere and to poet-maaters and othere who acta agents, to whom specimen numbers will be furnished without charge. The Publishers will not ht responsible of contracts made by agents. All persons or dering through that meiliurt muet look to theas for tbelf supply' All communications for the Atlantic saiat be addressed to the Pnbliahers. THS CHICAGO CITt INSURANCE OQMPANY, OFFICE t Room No. 1 Masonic Tempi, DearW Street, Chicago, CAPITAL,. 8150,000. : 'DIRECTORS! BDMtab cittritLP, mac cook, M. A. WTNCOOP. ttBBBT CBJAntAB-f f. S. MOB BOB, .OFFICERS l Edmund Canfleld, Pres., Wm. 1 BateM, Bec'y, Henry Chtpmam, Treat. THIS Company was organized on the 17 til day of March, A. D. 1859, under a Bpoe ial charter from ths Legislature of Illinois, and business commenced under the most fa vorable auspices. Its establishment bas bee upon a firm and reliable basis, and In view its stability, aoundoessnd permanency, ranks as one of the first Insurance Companies in tb country. To those desirous of protect! themselves against loss or damage by Fire, of perils of ths Sea, they beg leave to offer ta following RErtRfcNCJKt Messrs. Stone k. Witt. Cleveland, Ohio. Williame k Avery, Chicago, III. " Norton k Brother, . , " Stone k. Boomer, u H. S. Eurand, Pres. Racine tt Miss. R. R. Geo. C. Northrnp, Cash. Racine C. Bank.. Wm. P. Llnd, Esq., Milwaukee. J. G. Conroe, Esq. Racine. Ashley Gilbert, Caah. Com'l B'k, Cbteag, Henry Famham, President Chicago k Rock Island Rail Road. Daniel P. Rhodes, Esq., Cleveland, Okie Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springacid, 111. Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Louia, Mo. Messra. Wad. worth, Wells k Seysaeaar. Chicago, III. Messrs. I. H. Burch 4 Co., Chicago Baai. Messrs. G. W. Siier k Co. Chicago, in. Waa. Blanehard, Esq., Morris, UL Msaars. H.CtO. O. Cook I Co., Roek. ford. III. Messa. H. Wheeler k Son, Aurora. III. Messrs. Judd, Smith Pratt, Dixon, IB. Nehamiah Caef, Esq.. Buffalo, N. Y. Wm. B. Fuody, Esq.. Snringfield, IU. I Gen. I. Cum, Springfield, III. ' ' Richard Ivsrs, Eaq.. 8t Louie, Mo. ' T. B. LEMON, Agent, B tile we. School. Af K2"J- E rrYEt wiM e'ln open ber l'i. School, on Wednesday, Novembar 4U. Grateful to tha citisens of Bellevue, foe past patronage, she asks Its continuance, hoping she may be able to ratal the approval and confidei.ee. that has bee kindly erUadod. to her. There will be two terms of twelve weeks Bach, the nslng winter. Tor the fit st rudiments of reading Bad rH Ing, $1,00 a ten. Commo English bra-hes, Arith stasis. Grammar aad Georraphv, 5,00 ten. ' , Higher Fngliih rrBnetea, w rreaeh, a er, '