!r. i L :: A Family Newspaper Dovotcd to Democracy, Literature, Agriculturo, Mechanics, Education, Amusomonts and General Intelligence. BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1858. NO. 16.' VOL. 2. I 3 v ; ''" IVcUehu (SajtUt.jBELLEYUE HOUSE. ' rVBLURKD EVtBT THCB8DAT AT ; J BELLE VIE CITV, N. T. Henry M. Burt & Co. m m ' ' ' Terms of Subscription. TWO. DOLLARS PER ANNUM IN AD VANCE. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Squar (12 line or If) 1st insertion $1 00 SO 2 50 4 00 6 00 10 00 5 00 lacu subsequent insertion On square, one month u " three months " : i . - ". one year Business cards (0 lines or less) 1 year On column, on year 60 00 35 00 20 00 10 00 35 00 20 00 10 00 8 00 2Q 00 13 00 10 00 00 1 5 00 i One-half column, one year rourtn M it' , iriitU " ". " column, six months ....... half column, six months lourtft " " . " ijrhth " " " .!.. . ,,IK. . ?'fl;half co( iimn, three months V rourtn . . " . " "' eirhth Aanouacing candidates for office JOB WORK. ... . . .- Fox eighth sheet bills, per 100 For quarter u " " For half " " " $2 00 4 00 ft 00 19 00 6 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 fl 00 4 00 For whole " " " For colored paper, half sheet, per 100.. For blank, per quire, first quire . Fiech subsequent quire , Card, per pack' F.ach attlmequentpack"" For Ball Tickets, fancy paper per hun'd Kaeh subsequent huudred UU8IXES9 CARDS. Bowen St Strickland, k TTORNEYS AT LAW. 1 Real Estate, XV. City Lot and Claim bought and old. Purchasers will do well to call at our office and examine our list of City Lots, fcc, before purchasing elsewhere. Oihc in Cook's new building, corner of Fifth and Main streets. I. L. Bowen. TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Bollevue, N.-T. 1-tf y-'' 8. A. Strickland,' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf .', T. B. Lemon, . . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT XX LAW. Office, Fontenclle Bank, Bell vu, Nebraeka lerritory. Iy51 C. T. Holloway, ATTORNEY' AND COUNSELLOR AT IX. LAW, Beilevue, N. T.. i-tf W. H. Cook. ' G ENEttAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Bellevu City, Nebraska. 1-tf "W. H. Longsdorf, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURG EON. Offic on Main, between Twenty-Fifth andTwenty- fiixttt treet, Hellevue city. mi , , i ,W. W. Harvey, . BOUNTY SURVEYOR OF SARPY CO., vy-wlll attend to all business of Surveying, laying out and dividing, land, surveying and itlattine- town and roads. Oflic on Main atreet, Bellevue, N. T 26-tf B. P. Rankin, ATTORNEY AND-COUNSNLLOR AT LAW. La PI itt. N. T. 1-tf J. P. Peck, M.D. QUttGEON & PHYSICIAN, Omaha, Ne- O br ska Office and residence on Dodge Street. or) Peter A. Sarpy, IORWARDING t COMMISSION MER .V CHANT, i Bellevue, N. T., Wholesale Dealer in Indian Goods, Horses, Mules, and Cattl. 1-tf . . D. J. Sullivan, M. D.. THYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office jj. Head i Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. nov. 13 . t-ti. ril a.lillTll. J. H. SMITH I V Smitn si Brother, A TTORNEYS k COUNSELLORS at LAW XX. and Dealers in Real Estate, Bellevue, Nebraska Territory, will attend faithfully and promptly to buying and selling Real Estate, City Lots, Claims, and Land Warrant. Office t the Benton House. . . 21.6m THOS. MACOK. AVO. MACON, Macon St Brother, A TTORNEYS AT LAW fc LAND A GTS, XI Omaha City, Nebraska. Offic on eor- Mr of Farnham and Fourteenth Streets. 42tf ' D. H. olomon, : - A TTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT r. LAW. Glenwood, Mill Co.. Iowa, prae. tice in all the Courts of western Iowa and Nebraska, and th Supreme Court of Iowa. Land. Agency not in th Programme, no 4-tf r;, ! IT. LEE'S " -;! T7ASIIION ABLE. Hair Cutting, Shaving, a. JJying, and Bathing Kaloon, third door wt of th Exchange Bank, Oinabl, N. T. , uotana, uci. l, l7. 7 Oaatav Seeger, : mOPOGRAPHic Avn nvir. f.nri 'L STEER, Execute Drawing and Painting ( vry styl and daeeriptUa. Also, all business in b line. Offic aq Gregory street, M17, Vills Cm-, lewa. l-7 THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR HO T EL, OFFERS EVERY I To the Public, and will render ASSIDUOUS ATTENTION To the wants of HIS GUESTS. J. T. ALLAN. Bellevue, Oct. 23. 1856. 1-tf j. ii nrtovrx, ATTORNEY AXl 101MLL0R AT LAW , GENERAL LANS A3 EXT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Plaitsmouih, Cats Co. JV. T. ATTENDS to business in any of the Courts of this Territory. Particular attention paid to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col lection or debts, ane taxes paid. letters or inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory answered, II accompanied witn a ie. REFERENCES : Hon. Lyman Trumbull, U. S. S. from Ills.; Hon. James Knox, M. C. " Hon. O. H. Browning, Quiney, " Hon. James W. Grimes, Governor of Iowa, Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T Green. Weare &. Benton. Council Bluffs, I. Nuckolls k. Co., Glenwood, Iowa. 23lf. Ira A. W. Buck, ' T AND and General Agent Pre-Emptlon J -J Paper prepared, Lnnd Warrants bought and sold. Office in the Old Stat Home, over uie u. s. Land umce. REFER TO ' Hon. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, Omnha. Hon. fcnos Iovce, . Hon. S. A. Strickland, Bellevue. Hon. John Finney, " . . Hon. J. Sterlitig Morton, Nebraska City Omaha, June 20, 1857. 35 T. CLAIKC. A. K. CLARKE. CLARKE & BRO.. FORWARDING a.d COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 8TEMBOAT AND COLLECTING A 6 C W T 8 BELLEVUE. NEBRASKA. Dealeri in P'ne Lumber, Doors, Sash., Flour, Meal, Bacon, &o., &c. Direct Goods care Clarke it Bro. i-tf BOYES & CO'S WESTERN LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT) , ' Florence, Nebraska, in Main SI. Town Plat. Mans, Sketches, Business Cards, Checks it Kills, Certificates, and every description of plain and fancy en graving, executed promptly in eastern style. 3m3J Greene, Weare & Benton, BANKERS AND LAW AGENTS, Council Bluffs, Potowattamie comity, Iowa. Greene & Weare, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Greene, Weaie it Rice, Fort Do Moines, Is, Collections madei J axe paidi and innds purchased and sold, in any part of Iowa. 1-tf GEO. SNYDER. JOHN H. SHSSMAN. Snyder & Sherman, A TTORNEYS and OOU NSF.LLORS AT LAW, and NOTARIK.H PUBLIC, Coun cil Blulfs, Iowa, will practice (heir profession in all the Courts or Iowa and rvenratika. All collections entrusted to their care, at- tended to promptly. Lspecial attention given to buying and sell ing real estate, and making pre-emptions In Nebraska. DeeJa, Mortages, and other Instruments of writing drawn with dispatch j acknowledg ments ie ken, etc., blc. Tr Omce west side of Madison street, just above Broadway. nov 1J i-tr. P. A. SARPY. FORWARDING &. COMMISSION ' MERCHANT, Still continue th above business at ' ' ST. MARYS, IOWA, St BELLEVUE, N. T. Merchants and Emigrant will find their good promptly and carefully attendml to. 1. a. 1 nave trie omy w Aiir.tiuu&t. ror storage at the above named landing. St. Marys, Feb. 20tb,1857. 21-tf-I Tootle & Jackson, T70RWARDINO t COMMISSION MER. -L CHANTS, Council Bluffs city, Iowa, Having Large and Commodious Warehouse on the Levee at th Council Bluff landing, are now prepared to receive and store, all Kind or merchandise and produce, will receive and pay churge on all kiads of freigths so that Steam Boat will not be detained a they have been heretofore, in getting some on to receive rreigni, wnan in consignees are aneeni, - RiraECEs: I.ivcrmoor k. Cooley. S. C, Daiit et Co. and Humphrey. Putt k. Tory, St. Louis, Mo. 1 Tootle (t Faiiieigh. St. Joseph, Mo. J. S. Chene worth . Co., Cincinnati Oh toi W. F, Coulbcuxh, Birliugfis leva. POETRY. True Hand and True Hearts. Y rANCI A. CARLE. Give me the hand that is warm, kind and ready, Civ m the hand that Is calm, true and tcady, Give me th hand that will never deceive me, - " .. ' ... Civ tn the grasp that f may believe thee. Soft is the palm of the delicate woman, Hard is the hand of th rough, aturdy yeo man 1 Soft palm or hard hand It mattsrs not -never, ' Give me the grasp that is friendly forever. Give me the hand that is true as a brother, Give me the hand that has not harmed another, Give me the hand that has never for sworn It, Give me the hand that I may adore it. Lovely th palm of th blue veined maiden, Ugly th hand of th workman o'er gladen j Lovely or ugly it matter not, never, . Give me the hand that is friendly forever. Give me the grasp that Is honest and hearty, Free a the breeze and unshatcled by party; Let friendship give me th grasp that become her, Close as the twine of the vine in summer. Give m th h nd that is true as a brother, Give me the hand that has not wronged - another; Soft p Im or hard band it matters not never, Civ me th h nd that is friendly forever. . CAUL. BT FLORENCE PERCY. Up the sky, in silent; holy, Comes the young inon, slowly, slowly, Softly with her light divine Filll g, like a cup with win. ' ' 1 On the broa?l bay falls her luster Where the anchored vessels cluster While their sails gleam snowy white, ' Brightened by her pearly light. ' Thou whose restless, high endeavor Led the from my sight forever, To thy home beyon 4 the sea Comes there auy thougut of ms ? . Only last year thou wert roaming With me in the dewy gloaming, ' Talking with low-m.irmuring lips . Of the moonlight and the ships. . Now again I wander nightly 1 When the falling radianca whitely, All across the sleeping bay ,.. .. Builds a broad aod shining tyay, . But the scene so dreamy tfnder . Loses half it mystic aplundor, . Since ukm the whispering shore Hi ou wilt walk with me no more. For though fame and beauty ever -Crown thin earnest life-endeavor, - On the moon-ris and th tea Thou hast looked thy last with uie. - r .; : t . For the Bellevu Gazette. ; ?: Enigma. ; I'll lay a wager that I'll how, A certain thing which we all know, Yet knowing it we know it not, 7 -F' r it's shrouded In. a inystsfious plot. t Th thing is this ts will be ei -Tliere was on time a living tbeme; . That them tho dead, yet still it lives, And query multiplied by query give. That lived, was dead that wa not, lives, And now is shaken through law' diassy , . , slaves, ..,.. , , y ..... . , - ..,t To find th end, yet know not th begin ' flag. "' Tho' all conversant with th yarn Pa ' 1 spinning. ' . One is twain, yet is not twain, ; , If twain tt were, 'twere on again j Yet twain tworid be, both fint and last, But 'tis not, nor. was in th past," 1 - - -T We know, don't know, do V now, loo, J.if was, death is, life li the issue i liingle, doublet, triplet all, ' ' ' Yt single, single, single UV, Tis single, doublet, triplet, too, 'Tis both, 'li neither, yet 'ti tru j It look all through, chamelion featured. Tho' the last was not maturely creatured. Solve my qnery and you'll find , A rl life' drama on your mind 1 ' Now in conclusion, Til merely tell tou. Tber is ssore la this than Utters spell yo 3.T.T- MISCELLANEOUS. Mi Harriet Hosnicr, the Amer ican Sculptor. Mhs Il.irnei llosiner, though bIiu lias achieved ulrendy a hijfli ar istic reputa tion, is cnlv in her'Veitth year. Her futh' r is a pliysiuiua of W'uti't iuwn, Mam., and this mutliurless girl was left in hii th'ire at ou i-arly uge. She was a delicate child, nnd her lather' first cure was to airenihuii lurcoiis iluiion. With thu view. 114 eiicourngeu her to takti a." much outdoor t-xuicim its ponMblo, and bhe Mion louriu'd to lov tlioso excitiujj tp ii tj usually iiiOiionliioJ hy toys and young nnMi. Sin- wuilted, ruda on hor.e Luck, polled nn t'ttr on ihu Charles River, tired uns and pial clinr cd trues, and prepared whli her own lmmlj the bin cinif lis of naturnl lii.-iury which her skill mijht secure. Among her early uccompli.'Iuneiils were music and dfuuluj. A coriespondciit of the New York Mirror thus ptal of skiiio of her. hand i wjrl. in Iter liomo at, aterunvu: 'There wertf lird' nest of vuiioiu kindj, wiih their dirlerenl colored eygsj 0 e u crow's nest she tlimlml forty feet to so cure, theti having tied it to her lock, slip ped down the ulmot Lranchlens ir mk. Munding besido the ueA, or parched up on the window casing:), us if jinit ulihted, are bird.i killed, cured nnd curled t.y her 1 1 1 1 f . 1 1 : . - 1 1 own lianui; .Minerva uiru 1 percuuu over the door, besido which, on u rustic : lab'.e covered with mosj, her lovonte white hen will ever siand surrouuded by her chickens and her put kitten, 'mount ed and wired by her own hnnds, stands ready to purr in the comer. At leost live hundred rpecies of butterflies, artis tically arranged, form one picture, so to speak, between the front windows; vari ous reptiles, preserved in alcohol, are her center-table ornorntnts; deer-antlers, with cured ex-shelis on thu brunches, are her car.dclnbras; a lluejay her inkstand; a turtlr.rh"ll, suspended by a chuiu, her card-receiver; thr e half lemons trim- m'd with gold leaf, bound tojether, uie her,wiifer-box,'Safjd-box, etc. ' Here; too, 1 are hi r. first eiiprts ut Uravviug. paintiog, nnd in plaster; (her first nun ble.but, Nupjli oii, is in her father's liln-aiy.) As we gazed around ' the ' parlor which her mind fashioned ui.d her hands arranged,! and fell the orinhty (tu which -pen wf 111 1 no cannot do justice, ) of all its little de tail., we invohininrily did homage to her genius nnd felt a lirmcr faith in her fu ture. ' Some years ago, she evinced a decided taste uiid't ileiit for sculpture, and wrought a bust .from the marble 1 with' her . own hands. Her fa;her accordingly decided to send her to Italy to study; and at Homo sho placed herself uuder tho tuiiio t of (Jibson. Among' the works she sent home as proofs of her industry and skill, were a statue of the nvninh (Enne, and statue of Puck. In Europe, she execu-i ted a medallion heud if Ludy ConiUncc Tulbot, und a monument to an halm 11 girl in the chunh of Andre della Fraure. This design represents a young girl sleep ing on a couch which retts utou a sar cophagus; the drapery nnd altitude ore described a admirable, and the likeness striking. But her chef a" auort is tho Beatrice Cenci, a full -length statute, which attracted ercnt attention and elicit- ed warm iirai in londod, and ' which has recently been exhibited vvh ' na loss mrxets in this citv. Wlicu she bad com- pitted tlm work, h-r master, liibson, de! clared ihat he had nothing more to teach her. The fttttut) represents the unfortn. j iiate lientrica n t!e eve ot " etveutun. Her biographer tells us that the jailor, in entering nor 'con, round ner tranqmiiy uttacheu thereto, tliei tt imii oe lawtui asleep. It is this point of time in her for any agent or agents, to bo appointed sad tory that Miss Hosuier lias selected j by the Governor of siid .Territory, to se for iliu 1 ration. The wretched girl, worn ; lect, subject to the approval cf" the Secre- out bv physical and moral suffering, hat' yielded to the pressure of exhaustion. One hand, relaxed and drooping, yet holds her rosary ; the o lier lies under htr droonin'f head. I na sweet counienauce is modelled aftr (ha - famous picture of (juido, nd to have bean painted immedi- atelv after seeins Bennies on her. way to the scaffold. The limbs urn arrnuged with great ?race. and the lines ore flow - inff.l fnin! whatever point . iof liew Uin work is examined. ' The drapery is beam partiof sections designated by ocd num lifully wrought, and deliumg and half ber us. afore 1 id; and appropriated as revruluig ihe limbs beneath. - There is aforesaid,) lm!l be held by UiO Territory little to criticize in the design ami ixecu. 0f Nebraska, for the um and "purpo.-e tion, and its completeness and fkvsh give aforesaid; Provided, Uie land so to Ui lo britliant augury of the future of the gift cut-di &hall in no case be further than fif ed artist. . VYe might fear that the ap- teen miles from ihe line of lands granted plause which this work has elided would 10 said road , and selected for and oul ac injure the prospects cf Miss Ilosmer, did ' rounl of tuch of said roads: Provided, we not know her firm and self-reliant na. ! further, that the lauds hereby granted for lure. Sha has a masculine strength of ; and on account of (aid roads severally, i miad; which i proof against the daugerf! , of flattery, anJ a vary high conception of I ilie aunbniea of her, art. ; Before she ve.iinred to oppcar as an urtbLshe went throng 1 a severe preliminary training,' ' fen st'tdring anetcmy in the dist'nj-' room, to fit herself forthetusk before her. She will not rest content with her first achievements ; slirt Mill pies onward with the constu ncy of the iruo artist, ' whose ideal becomes moro t levnted with every freh nituiiunent, nlluring to n yet higher and higher stnndnoiut of excel leiice and greatnuji liailou't Pictorial. a 11111 Making n grant of nltcrnat sections of . the public hinds to tho Territory of Ne braska to aid in tho construction of ver tain llailrouds in said Tsmiory, and for other purposes. Sic, 1. ? tt siircW 6y House, of Rrnresrndiiivfs of Ullllttl I Siules of ,'lmcrka in Congress anscmbled, That there b nnd is hereby grumed to the Territory of Nebraska, for 1I10 pur. po-u of iiidin in the construction of Hail Hoadii. from tho Missouri river wyMward ly, to tho western boundary of said Ter ritory, as follows : From some1 point on ihc Mis-souri river north of the mouth of the Platte river, taking thenco the most eiiihlu route into nnd elong tho valley of said Piatto river, to the western boundary of 'sniJ Territory. From the Missouri river, at some point between' tho Kansas line and the mouth of the Plutto river to intersect with the firt uained roud at or near Fort Kearney, and from the Mis souri river at some point between the northern boundary of the Omuha Indian lls-rVution, as nt present established, and n point ut or near the tnoutn ot tna ink biurah river, up and along said Niobra ra li river, or any other eligible route, to the most convenient point of intersection with the first named road, in the neigh borhood of Fort Lnrnmie, or at some oth er eligible point, tith a branch running through the 13lnck Hills along Dupont und Sulphur rivers, in a northwesterly direction from Fort Laramie, to the west line of said Territory. Alternate sections of land on eaoh side of said road, to be designated by odd numlicrs, to. the -extent r.ud 111 the manner following, 'that' is .to say: to tho lirst nnmeu rona along trie Platte Valley, twelve sections in width 011 each side of said road to Fort Kearney, or tho poii.t at which the eecoud iiained road shall intersect it, and fioin thence onward, twenty sections in widiu On each side, to tho point where tha third named l oad, a'oug the NioHrarali, iptorects ; aud from thence onward, tweniy-fivi sec lions in width on each side, to the western boundary of the Territory ; to tho second named road, starting between tho Kansas lino aud the mouth of the Platte river, twelve suctions in width on each aide thereof. Provided, from the poiut of convergence with the Platte Valley road, where the lands appropriated would con flict, alternate sections on the south side of this road may be taken to make tip the defkieiK y occasioned by the appropriations ,i0 the Platte Valley road. To the third numed ' road, starling at some point be- twef-n the' Omnha Indian Heservaiion, and a point at or near tho mouth of' the Nubraiab river, twelve sections iu width on each side thereof ; Provnled, uai from the noint of convergence with ihc Piatto Valley road, where the lands appropri nted would conllict, alternate sections on the north tide of this road may be taken to muke up the deficiency .occasioned by .the orpronriation to the l'latie all ; y road i and to the northwesterly lrnit;h thrmih Tlie lllack Feet Pass,' twelva ftc- uon in width on fach side thereof. out it casa it shall app-ar that tho United Staves have, when the lines or routes of 6aid road ' are definitely fix d, sold any sections or purls thereof, granteo as afore- aid, or that the right of pre-emption has tnrv of the Interior, from the tanls'tif , the United States, nearest to the tiers of section abovo specified, so inoch land 10 ulterjiate lection or parts ot sections, as : haU be eoual to such lauds as the United Si lies sold or otherwise appropriated, or to w hich tho rights of - pre-emption have ajtached as aforesaid, (which lands thus selected in lieu of those sold, and to 1 Mhivh pre euiptiou rights have attached as , aforesaid, together w ith the sections and ahall be exclusively applied in the con- ' strucnon of that road tor and on ' account of which tuch lands ar hereby granted, and shall bt) dipa4 6f only as the work progresse;, aud the same shall be sppUd to no o'hr ptirpw ha,ever Ani pro- viilod further, that any and all lands her toforo reserved to thu United Slates by auy Act of CungraM, cr in any ulhsr maa- tier, by coinpt nt authority, for anjr law ( ful purpose whatsoever, be and the same are hereby reserved to the United States from the operations of this act, except so far as may be found necessary to locat ' the routes of said rail roads through such 1 reserved lands, in which case th right of., way only shall be granted, subject to th ( approval of the President of tho United Stales. - i Sic. S. Jtni bt it further tnacltd, That tin hliernnte section and parts of section t ln.,.1 ..tin II p.innin Is, fit ITmiIAI whh h9 ieclions and hfifl r9 auflirkna liArotitf ttnlnliil tr. ' if A ferritory of Nebraska, shall not be sold P .-1. ... KT . I l. l ll . L . I J for Isms than doubla the minimum pries of , tho public lauds, when sold ; and the , sumo shall be subject to private entry and i pre- emption, the same as other lands at ' such double minimum price. . Sec. 3. And It it further enacted, Thai ' the lands hereby grained to the said Ter : ritory shall be subject to the disposal of . the Legislature thereof, for the purposes 1 aforesaid, and no other." And the said ' rail roads shall be and remain publio high ways for the use of the . Government of 1 the Uni'cd States, free from toll or other .. chargo upon the transportation of. any property 0: troops of the United States.' Sr.c. 4. flnd6iMrAermacifd, ' the lands hereby granted to Mild Territory ' shall be disposed of by said Territory ooly : in the manner as follows, that is to say: , that when twenty continuous miles of any of such roads shall be completed, the land ' granted by this act, lying opposite to such ' continuous twenty miles of road, may be sold; and whenever any additional eon- tiuuous twenty miles of any of said roads , shall bo completed, the lands granted by this act. lying opposite to such additional' twenty miles, may be sold, and so from time o time until all are completed. . And t if any of such roads are not completed , within : years, nq further sale shall , 1 t t .1 s a. iiaBa. oe mauo, ana tne lanas unsoia snau re vert to tho United States. : , 1 " Src. a. Jini be it further enacUd,ThX r the United State mails shall be transport' ed over said roads, under the direction of, the Post Office Department, at such price as Congress may by law direct: Provided ' that until such price is fixed by lavy, the Post Master General shall hare the power to determine the same. Sec 0. Jndbeit fur tktr enacted, That should a State Government be formed io said Territory of Nebraska, the grant hereby made t-hall inure to the benefit ot such State, subject o all the conditions, i restrictions, limitations and provisions of ' this act.' ti ; ! .. yu . . ) MouMTAiKccas are generally uncon- 3uerable, not 1 0 much on account of the' efence , offered by their craggy nights, ; as from their patriotism and hardy babitav' In high a ad barren places, maa'soompaa1 ions renders him conversant with Mitre V an intercourse which attaches him to the inourtain nymph, sweet Liberty." High-1 landers," when worsted are renovated," like Antssus, by a touch of their native' earth; and so we might be, when' attacked ' by the fares and sickliness of money get' ting and enohey spending, ' if we would quit the crowded cities, lake a walk in the fields, mid touch the fresh green earth. When the leafless and embittering me trepolia turns our moral honey .into fall,: vca may always rcrerse tae prcc;a vf straying among the flowers of the country.- ' s ' ' :' I Undo . Robert J writes a reader from up the river,, was a - character wall known for his oddities.' Somewhat igno rant, too, was this : same Uncle '. Robert,' and - not gifted with a keen insight into matters and things, v. ' 1 vJ " Billy," said he one day to: friend. who had dropped in to uke a smoke with him ' Billy they've been and 'lectod mej to an offic is the church. " ; 1 '. U 1 . ," Well, Uncle Bob, what waa itV . ,t't "Brier!" i . Brier! What do you tneejiP-.'v.V Brier T . - v ( w I guess you mean Elder, Uncle Bob1 " Elder ! Elder ! that's it, " said : h brishteniog op, I iaougot n was aome thine; sjrean !" : - . ,! I .-. . ' ., . .. ' 1 - 1 .111 . , M 'r Why is a cowardly soldier like butter t Because he's sure to run when exposed to Are. , ru-' ' ? ' The present is a rery artificial state of society, as the monkey' raid when hf master jmt breeches on him. ' "' '" lJ ' Hope a sentiment exhibited in a doj's tail whenAvaiung pr a bone. 1 I r. " ' have heard of a fellow who waa determined to commit tui-.ide, even if he perihcd in the attctrp.