Gl U ' :,'M , ' i t Some year '-'V'';l-' r of Hell Tt,"'ntated llit-atfe," somewhere toliCh'' hue 01 ''', ('nii:l'i "?;? . " . I 1 t! I. .. . . I.. I.. VJ a goou , lOoMll." Bllii brisK youuj; may a a Miperiiomerury. It liupR-iiuu that g the. voun ladv in oiieMion, liaJ formally officiated io some capacity ns a ' hand ' ou board of a c.uat toil, it fait which l.e me out nl the jru nn ami yo n alone. Tin was exiretncly anxious to conceal. She oddt is n,rin yon, Bob, but remember nl erinced much anxiety to mailer ihe de- ways thai industry ami per.M-runnce nre mils of lu-r newly chosen profession, nnd i lie witinin.' card; they are the "bower-.'' soon exhibited u more than ordinary dc- Jiouk latui i' and all that .-ort of tiling wi.l groe of comic talent. She was duly pro- do to fid up with, like o many miui I muted, and in tiuiO becne a j-eui'tal fa- trump, hit you mu-t have the tu vbrite'wuh both mumper and public. to bsu-kVin, t le they ain't wort!, nhucks. One uiulitali- wa ana tuif d lo al- If luck run iijaiii i you pretty mioh, prar in a favorite part; a coupie nt boat- don't tuve in and loo! uke a tuck thicken men found tfi-irwity mio u ; pn. ni-m tli f Jot of tln lhts particular imxioiM to see th m;w fuui'ius eommcJiunc. 1 !i Mium as vfcry much cr idnd. and after tW iubihrtie 'f the gfin-ral npp!nu- Mtttw) Jfrt vt4 i0r'8Picar.ts:5a. ouc of the Itouunai) .laiiiifd -lii-i tuiiip;iui-u nil tin; ihjmld.-r, ami ivith na vmpli itto i-xp.-ltn o ef'-lalomfl '1oTk1 i-'n-)tJ?h to bu lu-ard over .ivi ... - . V'.llilL 1 iH v thai al 1" jtiibftawrwid Hill, "i!rv up.' Rut I'm A- d if I do 't now Bill. Is.Sal. I-liiUiiu, fti sire ns you re uoru. Shu's ul'i Flulkia' daughter tliil used to rim the Injured Polly, and shu ustd to sail with him. ..'.'Toia." tall Eill, " you're a foul, and ifwyiu ilout btJp you'ru infernal tl.i'-l.', you'll get put out. Sal' FiuUui! Ymi kriow a sijht if you think fh tts her!" VT0111 was filenccd, but not convinced. Hs watched the actress in all her motions vfiihrintenso interest, and t-rc- lon broke otit'ngairiV '"- t-'-.U j" .Bill, that's lu-r I .idu 'lis. Yovcan't foul me I know her too well.' IjVII, who was a g'xnl deal niit?reMid itl6 , jplajT was oirt of all pali -nco w ith ilu,periieiU inierrup'.ion on the pail of Twii.!'i lie gnvi him n trt-meiidous mlde iu the ribs with bis elbow, m nn em phot-' icjliiutjfor hint ti" keep tpiitt." . I in ths q-.uw, it's a "cot thr'jat." So no.v. .,Tom, without miudiui the admonition, ' JVih, farewell : lenienibor wot I tell you,' faid?-" Vou just wait I'll fix her ; leer p ! uud you'll be sure lo win, and if you d.m'i yduf ej'e4 in m? " '' ' sat ves you riyht if you do j-.-t sUunked." .$tir( enough, he did fis her. Watch-. ; . iii-,' hiVbpporiunity when the actress was I A Goon Siohv. The Paris corres ieepiy absorbed in her part, he bailor out pond nt of the Hooton Travtller tells the in tr.iii'i. vvhicli rui.ff throii 'h the faller- toilowiiiL": ... . v . n n o JtJSI ;." 1'VLbvv Bridge 1" From forcw of habit the aareis instant ly'' find involuntarily ' iwkt t her ht i l to avoid ' ill u .litticlpated colli -ion. Down come the hou.-c wuh a perfect thunder of applause m. litis '-rulpable hit," huh above- which Tom's v-uico enuM be hfiird as he returned IMl's punch in the ribs wj;it uitiprest nMi.'tl tell ve. o d bov. I know'd 'twas her ? . You couldn't fool me." " ''-.. ' fro,U' Vt-.Vn. wudvv-. A..n.,ec.lvi- n hi pr.sma liliyhar-s of the lt it(M:of Finneyt' the revivalist, and ; )u',a! C:",'" ''';"'.' l'r' "'- a MlMnPell fo Ihe-Tollowin- tUect : Ile11.1' ,ev'i"u "l - '"";-r-'' inutc-. .i. w '.'LolrlmV'forll. ' in Ro. li. ter. and io ' ' 'off oil the I TO.vd Ill'Ti U -I'll. file .... - - - , . wnJliinu.-aU-no; Hie caititi .one .I'.ir g. j a s a sSoaimair whiAv-a swariny fori- ou-tf.' t' MariAnnj up,' he confronted him, an'l cVruptty nkMl . "!Sir,io you kujw where you are po in;,l' r,x-t , ,.. .fri a r . 'f htnsitspecit.i mart ninncenMy 'ro plied, lhat.'he wajtljoin up the taiial en the boat " Johuny Sand." " No, Sir, yo i are n H." continue 1 Fin ney ; '' you are , .'01110; 10 lu- l'at-r t'.ian a canal boat ca 1 carry you." The boatman l')uk d at him in atoiii!i ment. niid then r'rturui-d i!ie question: .Sirlti vou know where you ure ro- ins.;---. . .. . I expect to go to heaven." f'No, Sir,; you ura xoing irJo the at nat " ;A,nr caitfi't ; the action of the wbM,"iP. took I'it'i'iii y in his t t ins and to. sl liiu, ifiito ilie uiui ky waters, where he wailtl. lutse-drowtiMd" bail not' tho : boat iirti f rl'Ieiiteil nntl fisjieil hini outi t .ti.J . ' ' '; ' ' ' A tiu piciure of despair, is a prsr re7B.hirtJihroinh n hole' jt the fence to ct rtaubrie'triiif is pitiy'a few'iucljes Is e ! ' '" " ' 1 ' 1 "A KtxTrcKr AsEcnort A South- ra entleiiiun owned a slave, u very in telligent fellow, who was a umvcr.sali.4. Oii0n'o'.easioi he ilhurnted ilie inn Ib-ti-uaf character of bis religion iu th- follow ing.inaniier. , A certain slave had obtain ed a. license of the H.ipiists to preaeh. II was holding forth jo ihe prt-M nee of .....V ' .i.l.vv.-i ' t .t-Art 1 1. .... .. ... ...... many ui 1.14 vi'l"lll Ifiuuiui l II .11 Uliv - . 1 r rr 1 1 1 tim,-whtiv he undertook 10 descrjbe the prucesa of Adiim creation. Said In; when Goo make Aijam. he s'oop down, i-rrae np ft little dirt, wet it a liule, and svarat ii a little ui Lis humU, and s iueee il ia the- right uluipe, an den he lean him up noiiin-.t de fence to drv. Top'dar," , said our dar key. " Vou sy dat ,dar de fu&i man eber made. "V 'Sa-'tin,' snid the preacher. Den." said the other, - gist tell a fel ler whar dat dar fence como from." Hush !" said the preacher. two more questions like dat dar would tpdeall de fe ology in de world." ;ts Rev. Da. Nott, or U.mos Collece A corre?poivJent . of one of the daily K . . T T , . - - I 1... i. says VfV m nearly r "n -" iTe...eni or th . W, Collesr since 1S01. when he suectseded Johnathart Maxer, who filled 'the-post t b wars. IK t a rrradu. i "i . uipa iurty tour-Unm-rtiid you:);- men, 1 ami iias touli ibuted more to tho cause rf education than other man in the i-nitea,, UtiU's. H,i Mill enjoys very pood health, and is doubtless defined tu doJvn'l m-Xtvs'fX'fo a.ud patri ouc; sy o't lu.tvhiuh hu has been, enra e I been enrage I for mora than half rentury. I' i ii i u s Ant t c i ,!inio.r a!i i I mi Aimiiisu fail. or to In. miu i-c' 1 1 1 a t i I'.x'jii.n to J, urt.'i Nihuil i.ii v i I . I . I. . .. . . .! . - - . . .1. 1 in mated, u i.iinchs suit -puns Out ct tin; iiAin au.n.Miiiioin of i.ic cl.i IJjb, you are hI.iuI ic Dun-: liom ! fur I Mrau'-o parts. Yuu'ic mam' to tl.iov ii a ramy u iy. i nt notiyoiir in n i up ,! ma'. I i ii vi' y.iu'rc l!u.h it!i ' trump.'.; t.i .-y won t p:.iy ttl;a;u nam vo.i. I've jvd n n.t tr.ivi icd uroiuid soon.-, Hob mid I've found out tial n- o n a-l''l.s i), y,j,i J,v;. a Juuid, tlit-yM lnu u i ju y.'U stron-'. So li'-n on re ooi n r Wi al liii-n mi a I ild ll'ont. lnl I lav i .iu- tio ! ; In- s i:i -In d wil'i a .Many a liaiio 1 Vi- seen t-uclii-ri it cau.-cllu-y nlav nl lor too ninth.' Kt-i-p your .'-yi-s w-ll blviuin d 15. .b; don't let th in ' ni-j" on Juu ; r.'CfolIotl'th; irait.-- lay as mnrh wulilln- head n with Urn lamus. U i tt-n.pi. rate ; unver ir t drunk, for theN. no ma iei' how jrood your hand, you won't how lo p'ay it -. loth bo.vei s ami t!ie ac-; wont i i-ave you, fur iln-re'i. c. ruin lo bo a mUs t .'. 1 .... ii.-ai. or fin inmj w ron. vnu uuuiner thinj. Hil this (va-i spoken in a low louo don'i an 10 inui.!i on the wi 111: queens is kiuilor puorcaiils; lint more j you have uf iln-m ilie worse for you ; you lilijhl h-iV.f tlilee, uu I n.t r V Wuumi. I1 don't Miy discard iliein all; if you l-i t hold of uin- that's a trump, it's all l'oj.I. no. I tlieru's Miriin to In-one ou'. of four. Ar.J nl .ore ''!,; Hub, be h'-in n ; uUv a inaii's tuck wot don't be you, nor '-lip", or ' nij tiicn v-m cant look vouf man in th nml when that's the cn.-e, llit-re's no fun Thi-re is a co'kI ttory told of ihese hard timed which will, 1 dure say draw laughter from .-onn; of your pauL'-beatcn r' adul's. - A r peculator on tiianji; lotit lilty .harc of a fancy stoe!; winch was woith ten francs a share. lie ottered a rewaul of a hundred franc'.! for ihi-m. and!-d ri his a. he had lori-uiteii the iiumbi-rs. Hi.-for.; his ?dvertisemetit roubl appear i i the papers. the .-tock tumliled i!wn to one franc a isdiare. At niij- o'clock a Ion ' queue uf "honest ini-ii " bt-pje-ed his door, eucli i., ,,..., i ii.oi k i i r..;,,.i "- - ........ ...... .. . ..,.'.. his loa. pharcs thioii"!i t.'ie post ntiioe I from a couicieiice .-irii ken tbi f, and too jcfoi.d ri tired e;re-.iily diiippniiited. Tuev hoped to barn cleared lifiy francs. "I lovij o Ijok i;pju a Joun,; man. There is a hidden potency , conctah d within his which charms and pains me." Tin- dau-ahtcr of a rleriryu aii l.arpen in? to find the above seiiienee at the close of a pi.-ee nf lu-r father's nianu pcrip', as In- left j: in Lis study, .-at do.Mi uud lidded Tiiem's my M-iii;iiioi,ts t-x;ict!y. all but the pain.-." Hoslna Post. papa Hot ci. Lirn. L).1.'.iiy, in a let ter to the Ijoiid.ui News, hpeaks ubuiit ouchotel life as follows: In Iiil iuJ ilio newly married coupk take a home, furnish it. an I live ;tii'ily at home. Iu the , cnies uf Auiei ic'.i, f..r i!ie rule does nut apply to i!ic rural tll tncts they take iipui tuienU in tlio hotel, and live in public. Thft"hob.t - y.-tefn 1 eqti'aMy'wcil adapted. Ii ' aves 'trouble, annoyance and c.peu.-i'i ; but at what n C'-nl of the doiiiisli: aiueiiities ! To eat in public now nnd tln-ii nuy be ile.-iral 1-' ; but for ladies to lake all their nn a's tve iy day, and nii tile year roun i, in Hit- luii lare of puliinliy, to atso iaie daily and almos; hourly wita strangers fro.u eve ry part of Ameii-a and the world. Ti.tte ( ar eeiluiuly not the conditions wiiicii to i an Kmrlishiiian's mind Hre con bicive to .1... 1 1 c 111 the true harpim'3-and charm uf wcdd.d 1 .-f , u And it 13 not only the infl.iense of this staid uf things upmi the hil mid and wife to which an J-jejrliahmaa object.-, Lut its inllueni.-i; upon the younj children who play about ihe corridor and halls of mi h ill ini in-, 'in I bei-iiine premnturely ubl for want of fresh air and tscrci.e, ui;d ovei uuow iiii; tor Ilie t-xper-ences they ac. i Hire lino in-! ncituiiiii linos I tiey t'ntitl act. i ernnjis m-i people may con-iuor sucli objections to savor if old fo,'yimi ;" per haps n n. The system is peculiar to America, and therefore, t-trikes ihe atten tion mor forcibly than if it were common to the civilised world. i i . . i -I . Charles , Lnfratid. who d iti"ii liiteiy in exile nl i!ii? II.i'.Mie, wus an iuit-i-raiu : rovoliitimii,!. In JS30. be was the ii,.-t ; ,,,;, lu pari. , r,r ,h(J Vlt,t nn e, ,0 there was to ' ,,,i0 ,hot ! 1 ' r-.yul tro.'p-. tlmi boiitiuy Labor and cnpj-ol judjej inB!y applied in iiiicuhine are as uie invcsimt-i.ts a thoae t-uil at ked in coinun-rcv. A favorite ninde Brazil ii said to be. ' (f ir.ti'od.ictioij iu Tbi i uy i i-nd if l.e wea s anv:b ng from yoi I am it , upoasible for it " Ax Ai.h i s I Ii.i So 'rni' 1 , The I'uHj Olie. p indent uf I'ji' .M Utile plus A pp at't iiu tolanm.? nneo il. ti-: I'lio Mm nf n wealiny Jewi.-h I'iMi'i'T i.i L mhIi'ii ln'i:t m: m i a au.t -h. d li it oim i hrf.rui. w i h n hi'iu l.u fath i i' I'lfa i'il lii-- iniMii. N ln-n tin- son fouml that the taihcr cmld x I.i mini d to ivo 1. 11 i'.Mi.-.cul U i:n 111 11. Ii, lu' ton tlud.dto 111:1 r 1 y w 11 li mi il. Tin- lather t!u:u U:r. at. m il to witalu-ld ti i y blulliu ti'oiu linn wln'i't-nioii ilio miii replied that it ilio tailn r did ma inttMd to piv linn anything, In would Iutooh? a Chiis tiiin, and ai luidm lo ilio law, ho would h; tn iil il to out-half i f I. is ladu r'a or t 1 1 if. 1 bo faihtr. much ulai mid, ili;w lo .'.I - liiwyi-r to ui'puii- wiitiiu r muIi a law l' al.y wa 111 tl-li inv. I In- lai i n n 'i was i.i tl 11ll1r111.11 1 0 ; lnt tuldi d tliat if In Wiu!d hnml I iui cvt rt'-n 111 vi:. in- wo.i.u j;jvo i4i.n a plan 1 ) Wiku liu co ilu f ru.-t rn'.c I.i t -ii i.iou.ii wt-ri- I . I I UK, I llli puc'ily kiu!ii. il. iiiiiu tu ui lot' iu t-i . tiuul v 1101 :." I-I iiio tin.- in. 'in V. a1' tl at li 111 tin, t -r 1 . t ..1.... 1 ". .. 1 'i.: . . . ' 1 1 1 1 in, c -M i-rii'iii'- ii v .11 1 11 hi iitvr, nun' liit- l;i v wi.l o! Ii;;.- ).ui 1 1 ii ao v-r on a c -lit if your tin ! 1 1 -. 'lluj Jew hul l kdly hCUed hi hat, and ! fl lUc law vT uitiionluny faiilnr ixuaik. The rriT'il.'r mcctim;! of Xebr.mka Acp.'p'i'il ; ' l.mlir... ,n, 18 1, or I mid will Iip IipI I nf MiiDiiic Mill, 011 t ti e Hi-ciiii'l Mini t" 1 1 r 1 1 Tat-iil.i rjvl) inoiuti, at ii 1-2 o'l inrk. t veiling t of ; L. 1). KIN'.NLY, W M. r. o. o. r. Tbc rpcilir iri-tuu- of r.vllvvii Lobre, No. 1, will bn Imbl p i S ilur lay ovPiiiinr of 1 racli wppk. nt 7 o'clock, V, M. lirollivrs ul 1 (lie onlr-r win) may Im in oar city oil Hint cvi'inrp, nra i'i'nupi-iiiuiv noit' ii tu .ni.-nii. s. A. S I UICKI.V.N D, X. G. F. M. I) AVr.M'iJK 1', Scl'v. ( Jli-JI iiraint lutnis. I-A-TF.ftM MAIL, aniv.r.i TiiPd-ir, Tlvir-id.iv, and Stlur livi at 5 'clock, P. M. ' ctor. . Rnla v, T'psdays, ami Th'irsJayt, at 0 o'clock, 1'. M. VK sTF.oN M tL Antivr. Tap.!.ir, Tiiir8J:ijB, a;iJ SaturJay, atii o'clock, P. M. cto-r j T-iPKibv, Tlrir.djvs, aid Simla-,-, flt 0 o'clock, P. M. -.1 COUTIJLrt.V'MAIL.1 i.Z v AKRIvri .. Tiu-idiv. Th r bv, and S.t'.ut J.iy., al 0 o'clock. P. M. crosr.i Mci livi. Wel.vtiJiys, sad FrlJ.iys, nl 10 o'clock, A. M. "SOUTHERN' MAIL. : .,' I vnnirrs I ' , T- i Mivul.avs, Wednesdays. a:.U rii.ny?, at !0l o ClJilt, -.i .1. , r'vn o'clock, A. ct.O'rs ' TTi-irsdavs, atnl M. SaVa-days. nt 9 Offi..p onen 01 " ei'l ivs, P. M. tn So,--Wl P. M. O'i'v from fioV'ne't Tin's rnle will be slrlctlvPilliPifil to. L. 1J. KIXM'.Y, P. M. 1 Corrupt- wcpklv:bV Ci.iltKt; 4: T-0' it f r, j I a ' I . . i , J ' roiMavdin.!; Com. llorcliants. I Flo-ir Kx'ri SiTietfiaP, SI per 03 1'js 1 1 a-, fJ.i.'ii. Meal per 100 Pis. App'es l)ri-d, $:i ;V per b mhcl. I'eaches A 00. Ua-.U-r New .13c V do O'.l i.ip';h.I, ;i to 33c T tanr $ 53 V h is. Cori : ,)'.i. . Oa-.s r.()c p.ppr 7 to Bp, Dried lie. f Up per lb. Sil- G. A., ppr sick, S3. I'.'ris -0c 'r dos M:,..s Dry, 7c t T (.'reivi. 3 II.iv S' I U f i ffi ro-p ten r.r 'i:. 111 ceil' per hlsb. ' I'ork 1'r-sli. 5 to $7 per li'in. Lar.l-t. .- ;' f. ,. ' U n'o'i iji't i'Ofi b is. Put ItO'-S ."1(1. pelts S!iep, 330 ' ilo' ("ori i ''ic 'o I i!ft?."3vi if-.Vii; Vsfno. Litm'ii'r Colto-iwool stip:ic":r -3 ',S m " do srj. i)ur,., SIM UO " do OiV, Wal-ee, Hw--virv J5 00 do Pm- !dtn!T, clear Sou 0.1 fT ni. do l'loorin f.i3 Ui3 1st 7"vi Hoards. ro (o $7. 00 FIiIiijIps -Fine H :' !t 511 ,1 m.' Col'onwoo I $3 (nl I. ith Pine i i n rer rn. Donrs " S3 fit) a 7:i eaeh. ' Sash it 00 Cj ?i 1- per casement. M:V ADVLRTISEMKMb. LL V t LL tl'lt wint craid flo iri wilt fill V at mv V. uliir ii.i Mifii.ii'i Avei.nfi. I ititl ti- n- rant it to be a firs', r t's ar;iclp. nml th liet I ever ollerci for .it in hariv romilv. If it a .,..;.. .iiir.i,,. ii,. ..' ...:u i. J . ! -su,J a koz i article or nicx.vneai tuar, lor ! sale, iu q lati'.i'.ti to s tit purchaseri. 15 S. M. PIKE ACMIKISTRATOH'S N01ICE, TETTF.R-i 'l'estame itiry oa the is'a'.aofl Alex'ii'b-r I)iv:s, lit ( S.irpy co m-y, il-vo.-.fc.l, h ii ini heen irr-tn'ed to the iiihIpsii'ii- -eil. rent, tin,; in said co inty. Iip here'iv nu'ilis all pp-t').is knowi'ia Iheiiiselyea Lo be I nl' Veil to K il l es'ate. to tu k iiiiir.nlisl... pt vmi t, arm tn mp li ning ciaiius, io fe-Piil II. e .iia P'operlv iuelini'i'- op. I. fur i-e'-lement on or befoie the lirst d ij-uf Mi-Te-x'. - I K V. S K UAViS, A-a'-. U'.levae, Mtr:li Is', K'S. 8al5 qt Salo. 1 1 11 n siitMi r.liei has coo I Ib-ar for a.irtr, for VU a ick, nn. I l. w irraiu s pvei v if i: Uoi.'t, be will sack ' ir-ip satisfattion, r-v in I lu uio. ey. Also a f. -,v sacks of r -'Ck-we:; t'a :r. FsV ii 2- Lbl'Bl.V LOV'UOy, I S liorr'iy oo 1 l all iv uvn it m iv ronprra, I. t'nt t i't 'ivii- 11 lli T.lml nmro in ( :tn!ii. o 1 'i i.l iy ihi HI h il i v nf M ncli. t II n'cloi U. . M an I hen' ytt-f in,- ll-li? to prr-"tti-i' tin" r i iirti-r f tin . p, i 1 irlrr nf i"!". 21, -. 111 tr f . v, q i.irlPi of rr. 31, w. lull' ,.fn , q nilrr f rr. 5-, tnvn-.; II. 1 111 t J, rut "f 111 C Il pilncl- pl m rl lini. i.i Ncln.i il. 'IVr l'oiv. 3:13 .lUSKI'll Mir.t.F.n. NOTICE! L F.TTT.rH of Ailiniiil'r.itio-i on thn rV.ite ri-:n"il ; liu ui; lii-rn cr.iutPil tu Mip itirr r"iilinp la Ili'Ui'vnr', i hrrnliv pi" tm" to nil mmoih I mI"Ii.I In n. pt.itp In ill .1111I ji'H'p ili mil", a nl llioc Ii .i viiiir claim PUiin-O Hp r.;i'r nvp rr(ipi' Pil tu 'tp.pnl tlu-in ijioinolv 1 i'Ii "i''P i'p.I f"r 1 li-niPiit. 13 WILLIAM II. WIMCIIT. Ail'mV Ci'' f'.TV-t"IVK 'm" Il 1 ir t )f '. il It 1. i of S iirr ft -i n ml b- .-i. ItW'i'. ma 1 ui'l tuitp I'.i i" '1 b 1 JOHN p II-:in r:n. : i.l'M'AVC SlXi'l'lt, COUNTY SUivVP;SfOtt OF KILLS CO. OFFICK GLLN WOOD, IOWA. ()' ItriKUS pf tt Hip ofli-c of Phikppnre !iVP, S'.. M.irv, will receive prompt at- tpntifiii (1. sr.l'.nF.n. Civil Hnulnppr ni. S-irvPVor, wo il.l ii' iin'c I" n I ! v i i'tn in 'In- ci ii-iin ff Mill) nnd .ulininlii:; c ui'b . tbt In- ii prppirnl to CNi ca'.i- all work ir tin- iu 'iowui' iliar.ic'.rt : l..ivii'' oir ni'r, IrtPlln; of itri',nns for Wit.-r iiivr. ilr.uvinj uf ini9 pl.iia 1ml rn1.i-l! tri-.vlit; iIpI "ei fir liaillln;;! (if nil 8 li-. i II PS illl l'.i'l of co'. I'orrpcl 0I1U the 'ownililpi of MilN f'j inly, (.liowins 111'- Ii ..r '0 I io'i) ef 1 1 1 0 llit.- li-r, vratrr i-o'trq" an l 1 iuim, l;ppf ru'i'U.Vitly on bind. II iviipj b t.l r yjii'i I'-m-c bo!b !n tbU co-m't v nml i i !'. -rovr. Im fi M ii.-iti il uf Coin.' i.i'.i"!' ic'ma lo i.ll who may I'lVor lllin w t l Urir 11 iiro-nt". Gobi .M-il il ! nt tb litP St. I.nti fi'irtn ir. Si-p-jpr .t S, Scbiiiuiti ky for the l.pq' tf.finirr ljilncil mm, 0(ic-c G'.prnvooil, Mills co , Iowa. SEEDS FOR 1850. 7K are now rrp-tircd wlh a full nnd 1,1 dunIiN'tO s' uf a nr.LT),GAr.Dr. and flowkr kkhdi, Of Hie iii-w crop, to i ipply h'iv ilpinntd wholr s ilo .ii, il rpt ail, oa fie vi rv best of li-rnis. Our tock ii ( is u p do no- co ti ja sn' d an. I t akp iioup liPik to mix up ac.iia.) and m ii-Ii of it ptow.i D'i.It onr own ilirec'.io is in tliis N'.a'p. Our fock of I'nioprnn hp.-iIs is ianmlPil il irec Iv bv uiiscIvp toin I most re i i!i!p tfowi-rs in I'ngbiinl and Kkiiicp. H'h l'.pl c i'i '": lo liPtrr iulvnitHCP) to Hip p ibbc enii' bp olerpd lb in we nan rive, Ami we rnrdrtllv bivi-.e nn PV.iiniintioii of n-.u- I s'ock In forp p irtlrtsia". On- 8'in-k co'inis's i i pu t of Sprinir Iip.i', P.1r!pv. Corn. Peni, ' Poivn. &e.. a vr l ir'p virip' v of (ririb-n Ser.l-i a ...I n I' ill assor' or Flower heeds of ioic varieties. Alio, lot) bushels pure Clihrse Smr-r Cnt.c Seeil. Const iiitlv 01 lml n l.-rce asinr' meat of A'rri - tl-'tr.-il at d I.-atir l!iu il imp'.einpiits. j.-.m ..ricp.l sppiI nml linplemptit c-itnlojne Bf.n' ,,., , of s' s tr' 'o p 1 y pnslSt'P. 1.' .! I- it e t. r'. HEMIV D. V.MKIIV & CO., 5inosl 1 CHI Lake S.rcct, Cliicapo. 3?o 'fcjfcLO 2Plt7d11o. : r"ilir. ii'idpri-.pd havlu; jmrclnspd the en I -I. tl p H'ock I' Jewelry, for iii rlv ciwnpil by I A ler. Rem, is pn par. d to fu ll c same at I 2 ) 1 i-r cent lets th in was ever o!TeiP, In this oil v bpl'iivf, as raoio masl he m-ide for 'J.ilxe s:ci'.' iim ! nipii. .Tli" stuck consists of iGOL!) -VD SILVFIt WATCIir.3, Clocks, i Setts uf Cameo, Corl, Ivinmel, Piilnted, I Gold S'otie. M isotiic and Mn-iruina Jewelry, I lire aches. Drops. Cud' Pins, Shiit Hinds. 1 Locke's. Itr.icr ps. Kinjrs. (Jnhl. Silver, and 'd Git.iiil, Fob and Vest Chains. Cold ' and Sliver S'-Pi-'acles Also .1 ti'pi.iI iJ p.. u. nt of MOHTO.VS CI'.I.LIJlt A I'FD . CO.',!) PF.X.5 AUo Mincl I id rmnpti's, ! Ca'.icrv, Polt IIjiups. Po icln-s, Card Cases, . &.. pC. ! A fi ,e n'oi-lc of I! fl-s, Sh?t G ins, Ritvolv ' pis, which w ill he nolo at n nnall atl : vai.cp nlioif coil, as ili s ibftnber wmlies to go o t of ii" ' vi liii- i ,ps. , AM kin in of r'-; 1 i ins done wit'i nenlncsi Slid iliiiia'cll bv cointif tpiil wnlkinen, ; I s-i'l pii ci:i i o t 'ks" Oiinh l Scri -, Wes tern 1'vchii.fp. T"imlia Va'ley,-rn-tern inon. ey. or troM a-,d hi", 01 fur coo ls; i Ki' 'o-p i Vi Ii S rn-, o:i ib-or fmm . l'wroli nn .and opnoi'o the Western J'.vpIi inep It ink. Oimln. N.T. l'irt le.oiil ai.d ( X'liauie. noils suit prices. Oiivdi-.Jaii. JJib, 1S.)S. ... , Jinll-. wriweerv AND IHlUr 1 C1 I AT OfPrVT Tn N I ifMU' n I U Vl X UU i-lVt U I v7Xl iJ. Ml; - .. . . ' s. 31. riKi.,s i:i poMtnues to keen at old nt:,.,.l. o:. Mipmo.i Avenue, ess'. , or M I of III. :i Kite t, flesh Greccik', of sil ki ails. Io: of I im .ii- or-. best ij a.ilily. Also, a ciioic-s Jji'l'-iors ii. l.-.. f,".l . I,. iK.i.rnt . first class ; ' RESTAURANT, Where li" will furnish warm merits, or cold J 1 1- eh. at all hoars of tho day, inclinliiij Ilie i I folioi luf ilitUet ' Ovs jrs. l nr"e.- n--er. S ir.tiiip., t , . . !' iVild'.am-, P ckled Tripe, Hot Coffee, 1',:m I'l-f!. . And Tea. ! IPs c is'.u.-iiprs, and Hip public generally, ars lateen to cue luiu can. Nov. 23. If jQ. XJov- Watoli I AND QIewe!ry . rstablishment in Omaha A.M. FRO!)''! M. ii-ivin; tp '-ed from V the laip fir,n ,.f K"inn &. F.-o Kham, hus opei-e-l n iipiv s o'p a No 3, Cap. I) .vi.s ti,i;liti,c, l.e-w'pp'i h Me;ho (st Ch -rch. whre lie i .vi'. s hit o'.l in'rj is to g'.t liita a'eal' ... . .. . . . .... ., , , , , v ,,. iii r-i I - . . ' Tiir.e pieces ami Jewelrr, of every dccrip- tioa, r.e.-illy and expedi'fn isly repaired, f.tnl jWM. 0. A VHRILL ft 00,,! . -NcW Firill RFLLVAXl", NMtHSh. TEURITOIiY. vlVrr "'"s'gnf J, havln;; pirchned ths' rvRtir.Ki. r.-...... n .... . !.kl 'vk In trade, of Painter Averilt. i L.LL "I 3rv f.'oo.'s, Grocries, Hird f s -are. u i:s ana r.aps jjoo'.s and tShcut. Cr-' -kprv. l- F iriii'.me, d.". Ilo ir jjo.iJ, at low prices, and o.-.'y. 62 t Wewil for ready i GliUAT SACIUKIOE! 1 sr -m W. C. AVERILL & CO , Hiving delrrmlaiil to i-lois out th bl.ii,ro of th stock, will oflVr until the lit of March, tticlr rnllre stock at COST. Croat Bargains may bo Had (n BOOTS & SHOES. JToiOli Drawor Hahogany Front, for only $10. WILL OFFER FU ff?SlBTURE, Without regard to Cost. L ADIE'8 Fine Eiocs. Fancy Groceries at Cost. rp x Hardware eeeEisware ' 3NT 33 GLASSWARE EATS & CAPS, AT IU.LF THE USUAL PRICE. Any one ia want of really cheap poods, will do well to defer buying until they nllend Litis sale. TERMS, ..... CAUL nellcvne, Jan. 2S, R3, 10 iir.Mxvrc lots for sale. 1 o r it, iiio. k 233. L. n, n. 103, l. , . 233. I J 2, " 21 ', " 1, 173, 1, " 3, 171, ' II, ' 23, "11, " ' d, " 23, " , 13, "12. " 139. 87. " 10,11,13, 210. 1, 4X Oat Lot 21, in ItenneU'a qr. ' ' 23, in lio'toin. Also, an niilvided 1-2 of Ulock 153, k 213, Trier, S1730. Enquire of jioriAcn F.vr.Rnrr, At bis Bankin? Iloasp. Connril lilufl's, or 41 J. U. JE.VM.N'GS, Uellevne. ' ATO'l'ICC, is h.-rohtr fiven, tlint h v virtue, i J.1 a n in pars lance ot n Dep.i of "ilorltra j i n e i' td hy All ied Ki lliiai, to thn under sln- : cu j u ue.i vei;s orr ib.ii.- A. u. leal, io e- cur! t!p s ilii tn)' , Fil'tP:i ii Midreil uud I'uity i Six Dollars and rilb.'y-foar cenls'.'in the ful i 1'jw-inj; in tniipr, to wl' 93o) on the 20th day of Dicemhi-r A. D. 137. $.riflon tbe9:h day of Janinry 1 'o, nuJ the residue on the (ltd' pit! V (f2 if, .'r-irr'l I ,." ,U.H. j . ' .t li,'co"x-'i '"i hereafter be found st his old stsnd.oa Mmltst1 Rook H. of Land Records, of Sarpy county, ,,. v,n,l(.. eB,t pf Mntn Street, tinder A. M.I T- t!'f"nd'ii";' 'nj 1sl';i-'" '.V, . l"',"i5 ""'""theT will be hippy to Svsit upon hlsld in the pavuv-ntof, ellierof said notes, the t inm.. .,t .n'ih.r. ! m. w. ra; ul.n'l CI t .1,,. .,.,.! whole sho i d iiuiiie iiAte y b'-come. due, and payiili'p, nnd ilpf.mlt h'vln" Iippii made in the ! , , ' r ,",rr .7 ? - : ,d";"r.' m "'i "u umi..-: op-.i insue i.,itie two iirst, mea notes, nml tut, rest thereon ia-t l Ibis beins tlie third tuna, t.iid mor! I . I . . .. i...... . . . ,w I t . . j r em uns i.vru rurwru, now mrrriliir, VJ Vir- ) oi me aiii'iotuy v in me vesieu, oy oa) I will p oced to tell, sc. i i Ti(itl ttt t , r 4Wt tvn coriliiitr to the condeious then in set lortl). to ' the liilieet bid Irr for casli, at p itilic sale, in I Ilie city of lif ilev.w, N.-T. before the door of ) the lii'lWne Ilo is , o i Sllyrriay. the 3rd d tv of April A. I. IW. nt 10 o'clock, A. M. all the fnl'owine rlescrlhe l pre r.Pi tv. to rit ; the I ii -divided one half of Itlock No 113 in Hie city ' of Rpllevue, Strnf co. N. T, arconlinr to I Srvp hv N. W- T Sphimnn.lf s in Ifi'ji. I nnd also, nil ths na.livldPii half of tlis certai-i piece or parcel of Land aitmiud nnd iylne in tli po n.lvof Sirpvand 'i'erri orv of Nebraska n.rniMviir nirpvano i errrorv or rxehrasks ml known and describe 1 as follows, touitj omin'-i.cii," a' .- pit si:0 rods Norlh, Ki l- '.at of ihe S W corner of sec lit, 'ownthip 13 ronitne I. rine 13. I. of the ft iirincioat r.ipri.lian .' TliPtiPe nor b 171-2 west 23:3 r odi to a co'ton I w-oo I siiim-i. thence N 34 F. 9;5 rods to a post thpr cp f 471-2 F. 2 I;3 rods to a nost. thence S 3 t W i;3 rodt to id ice of belninif t also all lbi iiuptovanicuts s tl bui'dine. eoosis.ine in per", of oie seanv saw mill a id h tet.empnt bered,tami.t nnd apre-r'Piiances 'hpreof. sub- .i"rt I'pyer'beless, t() a IIppJ of Mortal ?e, to 1 secure the na vine t f Two 'Ilio-is-oid Twn ll'i'idre.i Dollar. ($3300) It bejn?; a prior ' nf't rags . oth-r. and hiviaj precedence over all V. A. GWYF.rL M-rlgi-eo 1 - f Palmer . Avenlt, tli d on, as h-re-ofore, at th oam and atyls of business; wtu be carr e th g'.l aivnl. nndpr e. r Vu.riM i. r- WM C. AVFRII.T.. ri J I iJ'Jtl Mo omct ! CUT Ofll n UCATUCD t. rftftfl tui uuku fftn 1 libit uwuaf In IXToToratvaltz t rp II n citlrns know and ftel this eolj wtstV ! 1. pr ( nnd tlinsr that art sUcplne, swsks ! II nw iKp, w.ilk I if wtlklnj, run I B runnlur, fly I to Hip Tin and Stove Stors r Bara'i, bu viler, nnd provide yourselves with such sr., ticlra In blalinr,a i you may want, bvfwrslt Is. too late. Come nil' nrs surferlntf front, the cold, and I will sell you stoves (list . wllLj rniiifml you, In Ibis roU'relon. , Now is Jt, only c' 1 am sellintj kooJs, chtspt, tlnti I'. py ciin be boiifjlit in Si. Louis. Foiilpurllc Money and country prodacs, tsks en in exrhanpe for the same. I Ihvs a bouse and lot, which I will Ssll cheap. Head and run to , 8AMUF.L, ltf Dellevue, opposits ths printing efflcs. , VAK1ETY STORE. ! Till' iindprslpned havs opened, a Isrfs snd commodlnus new stors, on ths eoraer sf Main snd 'Jatli S'reets, In Bellsvos, whtrs a varied Assortment of Goods may bs fvsuU Ainont them Ars ,,,-. DRY GOOD8, i i-ncli os t Biovrn Mnslln, Calico, ;'' - i .Vl.'.-S, CV...I . -ri i r ladrtlnr, ' ' HssUry, a --. ICMVF.t, , , FORKS. , SCVTIIF.1, ' - WOOD-S tWI, KIIOVF.LS. HAY-FORKS, SPA 1)1-TEA-KETTLCk. GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, Jss!,' To-cther with a quantity of SOOtS dt3 shoob Sejrars, Itskes, Hopes, Horss-eollars, CsrssM sacks, Window Sash, Doors, r TEA9 AND SUGARS, ' Tobocro, Qieenswnre, Glasswart. flsss,' Crarkets niid a crest many mors artidss. . . They keep constantly oa hand, a lsrjs as-, sortment of good ... ' ri VVinps and Liquors, .: , r Warranted the vst quslltr chssa for casts;' n37tf J. P. HORM CO."- ' 'fV toois r. BAirLS. rstrs MTS RAHTELS & METZy WOULD respectfully announes t th laW habitants ot Belleure, and rtclUY that they have opened a stors, oa tU cwasr' of Main' nnd 21st Streets, and aow affsf f sale, a variety of goods, which ax aatlr! hew, consisting of "vn1 A Dry Goods and ClolLing, - , - i. liViots nnd SMoes, , ' 1 us .cw I Gro cries, Liquors ''.' Jl Drugs. Medicines, ' '" "i" 'i Taints and Point Brush, Oils and Varnish, f Vindow Glass of all sti,T China and Glasa Wart,1, Hats and Caps, . ..- Hufiala Shoe, Blankets aa1 Fur Glore. " The above Articles ars of tbs first quality, and as one of us remains constantly ia St. Louis, spIpcUm; poods, and watching ths raar ket, ws feel confident that ws ess ssll aa cheap, or cheaper, than any ons sis ia th w est. t The public are invited to giv us a call a4i cj(a mine the goods for themselves. , , V.'o will buy farmer's produc at th high prices. . ,V q (Jive lis a call, At th pew store, cor,f of Main nu I 21st Streets, Belltvu,, Nthraska Territory. e .. Bell-Vue, Kept.' 10, 1M7. t t4tfMi Changed Hands.' ' TESSRS OL1VF.R . RTONR, bsvs pmr 1L chased of II. Cook Griffith, bis tW i interest In the butctierlnfj business, aM sntl 1 P,lte's Groeerr and Provision Stors, sfcr' . .: ... .. . . - , tavor uiem wim inetr patrraisre. : GF.OKG'r' A. OL1VC1U. i, Oct. 29. 0m51 CM.ARLES STONE.-t -q Notice. -'.: yf I.L persons w ho ars indented U ths Us fsk Cru of Palmer Y Ayrill, will flaaastf call and seltls tbs s ma with GEORGE P. AVERII4- -1 N. P. Ml account, not closed wttais) It, davs, will be sued, , , , Jan. 23:h. . . ..... IA W. II. Lonssdorf, I R "iDUATC of Penn. Collet of fistal. I vT Sar-erv. respectfully annsxme U Us sit.. I Mirj-erv, respeciruiiy annavme ta taa Sit. irens of ReHcvne. and vicinky, Lhsl hs is S)sx prepared in practice Dentistry, ia U iL. r. ' riois branches. " ... . OiTice boars from till P. M. f Notice. . ,t it i Til undersltrned having een tteeted Csasral Ajent, of "-b neiievue Land Claiss' in th absence of Col Benton, ths PrsaitUkt. la lU o-ily iverson sathorizeil to transact aasj hsiJ nss for and in the name of said A saoftalssa. a The oifu-a cf the company, ia ths fis aaV Jjowcn S. B.riCI. and, Hetlevn. N, X. U L. BOW EN, -.- . S' ? WJI Ajfi,t ttJ3'C-Z TOS. W. LOWRIE. praetleal CaWnstMsh. sJ r, trforius the people of tVIlssea and V ctni'y, that he is now prepared to rspatr. vaiH f.ish. n, to tnska Ia iml. Im IK. V-1L. any articls of fnmimra which the MsTdai! sir to have, at his shop, ta ChaUa hsxBdlikC in BePetrtte. r , MX 1 -4 IT ccrans mads lu say etyW, at tjsttta. j , jt ssi!i!s noUet. t wYlT f I 3 , f. i i ? : 1 It I t is i i! ij V. II. I.C.VGHK'Rr. rp. I?. 44M