JBELiLiEVUE GAV5ETTE. 1 crcasinjj emigration, luiir.t lmn a pi r- tin hment ; Lemon nnd Sti i Khun! for j!ir. '' BinM.. in n se A-.vi.im JjOCcll & TCFritOridl. . ima llv settled Miil.v Mea.hlv udvam mi.' ( rus K Mark v.. ( Vll'mau & Stoddard . W "; 1 '' ' ' -Mr. Barn., the Oil j . ' i ' ' . . . i 4 . . i f t ! i ... ....t... I -1.1. ...I. ......I ... li!... I ..... f tn oi lin! i I'lnnil it. it. i cn'i; i u iiii ui III II HII II I id I" I . n IMI 11 II i in i m ti i MUI JIW, urilMIII, tlll.l' IIIM'UI , afIIUla i i i i K a liinamt F.r if.n f. .1 1 i mr t n .iii irtu i.t I.. ...I I I ...Ill 9 ur w.t:..iL..I r.. .If.. - , 1IKN11Y M. 1UIKT, Ntwa ml l.orl .Miter. DKLLEVUC. N.T. THUIISDAY. MA,RCII 4, ISM. nankin." If indecency bo all a man ever practice, indecency will 1e nil ho will cvet learn. consequence, f rasp o the poorer class of emigrant. This clasa of people (w!o arc ty far in the majority) look westward, where in viting land ran lohad ut government price. 'Thia ' ihn Wenl "?eret of the rapid riso ami growth of n western state. As Illinois i.i superior to Indiana, in lior increase of population nml develop ment, so ii Iowa superior (comparatively) f ft 11 I) Whiitem to Si Co., va. TaU met '& Averill j ntim luiM-nt ; Bowerr L Strickland for pllTi., E W McCom.i for District ouht or Sartv -Coumtv.4 (iPpaicli,.onv..vi..intlli-enrc of tin; par- 1 " iwnrciw lerm ot una Lottri, com- tiul li's-trnriinti of thobute Iiiiituo lAj'-Hi'?ni'?ltJ ""h Jl outlay. Judge t aueiy, Tk.,. Im a t,.riiliiilitrv wi.ll nilitnteil to ao1B!BdirirtMr artr .trangcly n. J . ,v"sl r"7 f iNo: . . .i. u .... .1 ... I braskn, so rapidly becomim: developed, nl n.ll f.inirt IhrnoiTh ruMIV sheets. I ' ' " ' ' ' .... 11,1,1. fair t.t miiLii Kinti of fur mora nu- poitanie, tliiin ii now utiticijtuiLul liy l tie iiio.t aanuine. Tlio Teiiitoiy ii beijij rapidly tilled ly ihu bone unJ sinew ot the nation. Its linrdy pioneorj know full well the I ni vest in More for them, und labor with an uiircinitiiii:' toil. I .intern people iiuaioe, perhaps, llial u country Ho ytHMi";, mu.it u ol be primitive in lit, ami dovoid fcoi'nfort; 4nt ' wben lifty years wilt lfi't sntfice''o buHiI i) t aMern 'village, three or four will tuild a plane ot impottunce in tho mighty weM.. Tlio riso, growth, und permanency of imuu of the river town of Nebraska, tdiould ban the doubles of the iuot hci ptieal. Tlio weate-n bank of tlio Missouri, from Kansas to tlio mouth of the Uun This vocabulary iKe rccoptical of the lilthy and vituperative, futnih such anibitio s characters niplo)tnntorial for the indul Kence'of'lheir proclivities. It isa simple, cpsclsC.n.'l, .fl)erva, ,ll'v'lU wmc'1 proinnis oho to call .anJthcr a, foolj liarj tlrunkard, anJ a ihoui k1 and oiu suci JoUaabla, phrase. The intent may in jure bu llttf phraieoloyy never Ciin. This thelo rfaott ofhe very inferior litfra. rasf rrA,''rnay cVtiseJiU fancied cneip'y. i,)Vrou'cl ttirj'criiige bcueath' the weight of. hU blow.' 'it appeal to the vulgar acntea, and Uo vu'gar (upon n level with hiftuflf.) alone can appreciate it. Thero iia peculiarity in retort or attack that is in sinuating, it itlial which tells wiih nust .1. ILL. K.. thin this have wielded thi. power, and $ 14 ff fi"lS wN-wi flUU enough to suppose that W VS 'f wiposeJ that power to however li.nil- growtH and pro -penty, w.th.u .l,,n,(,i e, ed ettent,;we ahould be couteni to aia , . . . . towns arc limit) mo lef uiiniut;. n is not astonishing that hundreds of yminjr, active, and intelligi-nt men are settling n log cabins in Nebraska ; and there in ihnt humble tenement, determined to builJ a homi, when the great beauty of the i i ... . . i 'L "vjf'olm.l rJooihV. R W llulkelejf . ton. judgitrt'mt' Howen Si Strickland lor plfT. Clallin, Allen iSi Co. vs. Palmer ti Av erill ; attachment ; Lemon and Douglas for pill. v Thomas Noonan v. Krastos Hoot, et at; debt ; J S.-cly for plir. . ' . , S W ' Harr 'vs. Marem' Khaw, n al ; debt ; Seely for pill'., Ilowen Si Strickland for di'ts. ' J r . Inm lit that place : . " i K A LAM zoo. Feb. 12. . The main part of the State Insane Ay Kim vrus biiriietl ul 11 and half o'clock ltt tiiglit. Tins roof," by g.eat ell'ort, being torn oil' at the joint of the main building" and tlio winj;. The litter, which isVy far the laret and mo-t ex p isive part, was saved. Loss not yet knmvii. Later". Tho "main part of the' Stato of the Third Judicial District, presiding. The Calendar numbered quite a large list of rases, and several forrjgn lawyers wre'in atteiidence," from the adjoining counties. This is the first tiin ) it has been our good pleasure to see Judge Wakeley, I presidio in our cjunty. His manner is dignified, courteous and grave; - th mobatily, pre- ll( will;' Ilankin that he would bo an unworthy oh. i. . . i..ri h mif exercise or auch power, iiei j- - ' wut J bo unworthy of it because a pre mdiued juVulrper of literary dignity; utiivofihy because he lacks the trnu cour. :.U nln. .nl.a .tlftlt K,WW lllrt lift SO .i : ' . .i nn;ifr' 'country, tho fertility of the soil, and the scandal common to the literary cannaillc, i J ' i,' r ' ii. .,.:,, remi. rkably healthy climate is taken into unvvQrthy because unable to appreciate. A particular class for a length of ii.no. consideration lho soil of Nebraska have tacitly acknowledged the prerogative compares w,.h the finea .n the. world, of this great champion -and apostle of varying from three to m feet in depth, taW cA-W howl Thi. landaproducvencs wh.ch as.om.hes the ujrraotuhleand unmanly atta.k ujvm far,ner of the easu The Buriace of Wua--titUen who enjoys the unlimited confi- y ,s general y more level than Iowa, , . . 4 ,u Trrl. though considerably broken for a few Jence r-f this community, aid ine lerri- , , i ,. . . .t , ', iini miles west of the river. I rom thence toty generally, is not tho fir.-t l!"e mail , , l i I i r . ,i , u ,i I the gently rolling prau id sweeps onward ha has indulged a proclivity that he l"alfl . .b ' .. ... ' , ' ' ' v 1 ,ii it.. iinriiilii'Miil mi, In hit iiliim t,l ivlli'l'il A "imir. i ' of as his favorite prerogative der will out," so will nature find vent ; luftVcyond this gratification, in exercising a (alunt as destitute as it is unmanly, there is an object which if not as weighty us th mo.lt, It none the less contemptable, the lofiy peaks of the Kocky Mountains rises in iti stately gramlieur, casting som ber shadow tar itito the distance. The western country is generally want ing in timber, but tho inhabitants become accustomed to what become a ii'.ces.-.ity. win lorn up. tliu tltir ilt riM-i ill tp tin winjj. which is tho l.ir"st, and most expensive,1 and nciire.-l eompli'tioii.-' Tne oriin the lire is yet unknown, but it is Mippoed to .hive cuught from shavings. . . .. , No portion of the building. -Vive ben occupied ns yet. . ; . ... ; Damagi! e.-timalcd at from Jj to ,10,000 dollars will not probably exceed the former figures. Dtlioil TrVjunc. The Santa Fe mail ha? been received in St. IjOiiis, with dates to the Kith of .Ian. i'iMins brisk; the country was healthy; the legislature ndjnurned on the Sth of January. A gold minu had been li-cov-ered near Fort Fillmore. No palpable tlenMn-tralius of h'uluy on the in it of ibe I'lali Indians, but tho Mono ins were eviden'ly tamiwrimr wiih them. The agents have been instructed to act with caution and liberality towards 'tlmin. and use their utinot enileavors to prevent their uliiame with the Mormons. The Santa Fe (jaette advocates the raising of a regiment of motinti-d rillemen from that lei r. lory for the Ftah War, Mfttiiej that the ma n h can be made from that point to Salt Lake in fifteen days. VI' n.A nnl fir., I VI irrpit n , I V. Il':i ' l r"' i,"- .i,,"! ,.;ii.; ,lv. 1 There is a Milneieney of timber fJr oil J of anuattet riiihts, eniliroueil wiiliin iiie , ' .. - l . .i .i. ii..,.. ..f iiuiiici uate Uemantls, and the enterprise ot haaru of . the . neonle I Ji.icuuso nof , ' ' .. ...-,1 f H,nt K,,Wt ,v,i, h is said ta a aardy P-'1'?1 b able to raise mortuls to the skies,', he doti pricsS that other spirit " which may drag angels down." How greatly must a rtn"vVrlep himself when to return htftnuM do U eVer the prostrate Wiea ff thewho have won a reputation such as h dare' never aspire to. How impotent must V-the fury of a man who would shtower his darts upon the devoted heads of the many who have supplat ted him in thfc people' favor; and then how blindly jgporaiii not to know that such dans can ncver.be.urmed with butiicioiit venom to -n ii i e, win never aiiow mem to siiecumb to disadvantage, however great The great water courses which form a perfect net work of natural communica tion throughout the whole Territory, will bo grasped by the mighty hand of indus try r.nd progress. 1'IllLO. District Court of Sarpy County. Henry T. Clark v. Itjbt C. Wilson; confession of judgment ; an'ys, T li I-em on and L L Uowen, for pill". John J Town v. S W Y Sihimonskj. and James T Allan ; con. of judgment ; a'.tvs. I.i'iiinu for ivltf.. Ttinvi'ii Sirick- provoke a returning shot. Il re'll,ire4 " ' for lengthy trpOM to place in his proper light thi jnividualj vvhb is " making the busi HOB from thoi common eye, for sundry John B Bennet vs. John M Ilef1;"nt taihmeut; any, III' Ilitinet for plflV. , . ,C Chrjjopher . S ASirjekiiiiid.itul; trespas; auy, tb Chipmao and K K lov bng will you continue to outbrave fop AmI L L 0 !,; thljSbV.tf r rebttes of the' neonle'?. lIoV Jojlj v,ni 'jou coiv'inue to ou'tbr'avo the mandate cf society ? , How Ions: will you cowhiie to trample upon the purity of the pres ?-"" It ha become the earnest hope of the csir.tnunity, (who never lack piuy) ih'at i)mu will soon complete your compila tion of a'auderous epithets of indecent phraseology and superlatively vulgar ad jectives! We should feel as unmanly as yourself, were we to resort to the smuo base expedients, and drag your private life before the gaze of an eager world in ...7 .7l ,:t ' U'lifln 'n.1,iril,T Ant V.llir (TlV. ice, (aUays harmless) upjn the devoted , , . M l . ... - I'.1 , Ik. fc VJ . w... hsaact one oi-our eneenieu riuxeiiR, you K W Mt Comas fordfts. '' Wm A Taxtou, complainant, vs. Rich ard Ilogeboom, and Alex. Davis, tlfts; chauncery ; Itichardson Sc Seely, for plfT. Allen F TecU vs. Charles Few: au tachment ; D D Helden for pltV. Georga M Mills vs. Joseph Dyon? dt-Uj Strieklrnd for plir, B-iwen ford Satiniee Land and Ferry Ci. v.. Ste phen Dn per ; attachment; Seely for pltf. John U Meredith vs Henry Hees; J R Meredith for pltf. John Cabler vs. Harrison Berry; at- iderable wrought lumber. ' Throncii orrat exertions, tho' roof ut 'John Weeth vs; H C Williligtmij cer-jthe junelion of the main building Willi the tioran ; I) I) U. Id 'ii for pill. win.', i tv... t r C .. . v... if !-,.,.'. ':!,'. v.-i ,n ii r II ill 4t uliillll I III 1 SI V t t UU-il I mem; Leiirun aird Lowlii for pill" Crow. McCreery 5i Co. vs John Chiso ; nttachmi?n ; I.einon f or plllj, BnveuSi Srlckland jfyr dfl. , " ; ., ,,.:. .. Arnold Si Co. vs, J F ClH'inaii and M W Sioddard ; nit Ichment ; Lemon and Bowen for for pill's, Strickland and Mc Comas for dfls. People's Bank of tho ciiy of New York vs. (ieora Jennings and Reuben Love jy; ultiu hment ; Jas tJ Oliapmnn for pltf., Lem ui, Bowen Si Strickland fordfts. Margaret Weeth vs. John Thomas; replevin; D D Ilelden for phi". Margaret dates vs. Samuel f.a'es; divorce; B.nven Si Strickland for iillT. A F l'ei k va Charles Few ; attachinenl; Maeon Si Brother for pill". ' 1 Collins, K -Hogg St Co. vs. Palmer Sc! Averill ; debt ; Bowen Si Strickland for pill's. , , (ieoro A Oliver vs. R W Bulkeley; debt; Bowen Si Strickland forplir. John B Booth vs. R W Bulkeley; debt ; Bowen Si Strickland for pill. Michael Smley vs. John Gregory; debt; Bowen Si Sinclair! for pliT., Lemon and Seely for lift. -. . George Jennings vs. R W Bulkeley ; debt ;' Lemon for plfT. ' T M M'Cor.l, T B Lem m, Trustees of Fontenello Bank vs. V A Givyeraud Win A tiwyer; debt; Lemon for pill's. ' T M Mrl'ord und T B Ll-niin, Tpi?. tees of Fontenelle Bank v. V A Gwyer; debt ; Lemon for pi If. .... L Nuckolls vs.. Joseph Dyson, L L Bowen, and S A Strickland, sureties', debt ; Lemon for pill". Reuben Lovtjoy vs. R W Bulkeley ; deb'.. .....,-, T M Mi Cold va. John Gxly ; debt; Lemon for p!fT, Bowen 8i Strickland for dft. . . T M McCord vs G Frazier & Co.; debt; Lemon for pltf, Howen & Strickland for dft. George Ciifluiau vs. Co.Tman Si Stod dard; debt; Lemon for pill', Bowen Si) Strickland for dfts. W Seaion Si Sons vs. A Kelluin and John on; d-lt; Eo.v.-n x St.icklind for pl.fs. ' ' ' - N C Galbraith vs. Root Si Dimock; debt; J W Van Watrand. . People' Bank of the city of New York; v. R W Bulkeley and Lemuel . Balden t debt; 'J G Chapman for pill's, Bow m St bVick'un l for dfts' , I ' r;cj!c'sTJijk ofjihe city'f New, York! v.' Stephen ll .Waulesriiud .Lemuel Belr den; .lebtj Jds ii Chapman for plrt", Bowen & Strickland for lifts. ' u ' The Com til oiise Committee lias receiv ed iiistrui tions Ij erect a Court House in thia city. . -W't are indeUed tt ILiv.Fennr Fcr gusoa for Public Dovtinieuis. The Ladies' rBenevoieidSociety, will meet at Mr. Gowe'a, uexf .week Thurs day: . ' Insane As.yluui caught lire last, night at placf d-mands. I le di.-patches business H uird ' liulf 'clock, and wss' nitiiallyi promptly, and his Intimate kn'n'wledge vt eoniiiue d, with carpenters' tools and con- ! ,i, .;," ;,,.,. ,,f ;1.,,. n,loa.,f nn.i-ilp.. enables- him tOjdispme of cases before hidi with great facility. Wo cannot but congratulate the people of tho Third Ju- diciiliiViJtJ jt.p a! thfe ip)li.imiU? if aJ1 able u Julht, "so upriglit 'rt Judge.1 bud so elegant a gentleman. What more catii -,be j jaid jn commendation. f i .this gentleman, than t say of him, that al ihoughflO'ajfpolnii toflne J'mAeJit, he generously comes from his own district, and fulfills the duties of Judge tla.Il. H is a rare thing tliat appointees of an ad iniuirtrati in are willing to perform any more labor than they are absolutely re ipiired. . 1 ,' . . . '.... A.'J. Prtjipleion.-'-was elected' Mayor of Omaha, last Monday. . t ;,:, The Princes Royal of l'ngland was married to the Piiuce of Prussia, on the 'Joih of last month, ,vith imposing cere monies. There was a general holiday ; immense crowds following the bridal par ty wiih cheers, after the' performances had closed. The wife of Commodore Perry, died ut Newport, R. I., Fcb.,11.' Ti i.t fimrH Line tthi: Sooth Pass In the Senate, on the Billi. memorials were present! d by Mr. Doujjlas, invoking C inressi iual aid for- tho establishment of a liue of telegraphic , coinmuiiiciition from the western border of Missouri or low i to Fort J.mniHie und the boutlw'Pase of the Rocky Mountains. It was urged that the usefulness of the telegraph in the threatened Mormon war would more than compensate tin' Government for ihe ap propriations made in its behalf. The me morial was referred 'to the 'committee on Military Affairs. ' ' - 1 Distujct, Cocar.-Hoii. Liisha Wak eley. Presiding Jude; Su-phen I). Bangs, Clerl;' j.'imes G. Chapman, District At torney; B. P. Ilankin, United States Mar shal ;.John M .!och,'sU.riir; and S. II W attle. Deputy... . , , T . . . Attorneys,--Sarpy J Crntnty, L. L. Bowen, S. Al Strickland.' T.''B.( i.e'm'on, Wm. R. Smith, C. T. Ilolloway, E W. Mc Comas. '.''.'' Douglas County. J. Seely, D, P. Belden. Gco. B Lake. AVe have read with much interest, cofj4 of the Nebraska Palladium furn ished! us by D. E. Reed, 'published Ly himself in this city, during the' early organization of the Territory. The TaJ ladmm was bold and fearless in denoun cing the wron 's cimniited by those hiir'li in power at that time ; and ii editorials display n manly independence, candor nhif ability, that the jo.irntU of . the present day, in Nebraska, would do well to im Hate. j (now a m KriTT Dramatised. The New York Ileruld says: Burton's thea ter has been full to overflowing every mgh to see the MerffVVfvwwf Wind sor." wiih its fine cast Burton, Ma th ews, Brcmabaui. Wnlcol and Uiers und Brougham's " Pocahantas, ' wfnch is still fresh. Of course ladies never grow old. On Saturday evening M.r. Brotirhtiui iiade n telling point in thi iece -m allasi6n to tht recent Uravr ntnl- Kfrtfaet'twiif rhr IIoust if Representatives. , W'tiin if& bratjej ijr3 eitielf in "ffJ df 4 t&P Lata ii i-ays s.' HoM havii lon ! - Do you Uiuik you're ia Washhiptarf , To thiBroughaiiiaddyd-y-j J:j1 The e blows must, not be applied, len from the Administration Hide. ,ou '.. : i ; : , .i i XitvJlx Fn au ns os the-PosT-OrricE The British poM-oliioe ha himi:reiplain! that lare number of newspaper con taihg writing arc discovered iiVtbtf mailr received from the L'nHe'd States ; and, ac cording to a , request niode of onr est Office Department, trie latter has rJfrecied the attention of tho posiaia-ter tbrqughv out the country to the necessity. of enferoM ineUi" laws and reguluiiotisoperftheifuV ject; and enjoined them' to pVdteVt th pos tal revenue .froju such , illegal, practices, by exercising greater tare ansl dilligencet in ihe future.- - The British1 ottictf" ha' been'reipui'sted'to "rcfu?n''t'J rtiif'coqtiify'' all uuwspaper, Sic. illegally . foj warded from tho United States at llioi printed rates, with n view of prosecuting-ilie sen ders for the recovery of. the ..penalty of So for each offence. , ,,-,, t - ,; ,', Vf The Land Sales. :The C,ariiJ')f)lrS in this city was re-opened or jjirtwi) ti try of ull the land in this Lantl District which was withdrawn from market on ac count of grants to the several Rail Road,, companies, on Tue.-daV last'. :yh4 amtJuhV oi jiuius mgs restoreu ami wnicti oecomiri now subject to private entry at thitrHe is nearly on million of acres.5 The lei opened very 'briskly pTgpda;''witi, plenty of buyers, their poci.(Us,iiV!r'j warrants and -cold, anxina -tmr tflivwi lTi'.c'e Samuel of a portioh'.of trts oeoflfhC in Western V:a?'l",, TiiEn.MOMi.THicAl..-r-It will be.s'eeii by V . 4 J . I . , . . . . the following Record that Febnary was the coldest uont . that we have JuifJ ijiis winter. The ;Mercury nr. btlolvrfcero . M . H tl v-J . I i - u 9 .luues jjuruig ,tlie monih., .7 (jtf lOt t wa i tlio coldest, and . tM v'Jth, tlie warm- . ..' i it J L. f alwtild liavc paused cljlm:.'. one lt at int to ex- " Ob wa.l om powV lh gift to (tl ns, To ate ouriMvts as othrrs af e us.' tBat ia pity wt imagine a hopUt am brtion leads you on, prompting you to greater length than ever ; and thinking thus, .we must grant to you the arms moat natural to yourself; and when we find you flying otTat tangents, biting hear and mapping there, and when we hear your low prowl, like muffled thunder, we know thai " Had lulcri LtkaU$ arunJo." t Nebraska Terrtlorjr, Four y jars since, . western Iowa was tht limit to western emigration, and the Territoriei west of the Missouri River, wcr regarded in the prospective ; but in iku he-tt ti n, the rj Ii influx of an in- Tootle Si Jackson vs. Michael Jones; at tachm"it; Pojp!eton for jdif. Tootl ? Si Jackson vs John Enoch, sher iff; teplev'm; roppleton for pllfs, Bowen Strickland for dtt. Joui Birtels vs. George Jennings ; at tachment : Bowen Si Strickland for pltf. Jobn J Town, cashier, vs. Stephan I).' catur anj J FCofl'man ; coti. of judgment ; TB Lemon for pld'., Bowen Si Strickland for dft. John J Town Town, cashier, vs. S A Strickland; con. of judgment ; Lemon for plil', Ikiweiiund Strickland for dft. McCord Si Town vi. John Finney ; eon of judgment; Lemou f-r pill's, Joweu and StrickUnd for dft. I farrison lierry vs Juhn Thomas.eoiuta tie ; replevin; Bowen Si Strickland for plfT. lafavettp Comonfort. This distinguished JL'xican chief Las arrived in N:w Orleans and js now on his way nonii, Willi bis two ilaughteis lie was terribly whipped in Mexico, and hi now ru'iniug like a scared pickerel i Gen.' Zuluua is his successor us Pro visional President. TUj new Govern ment is recopnsA;d by but few province and the country is in great C'lifision. Zuloagn goes in for ihe Church, and had obtained n loan of a milion of dollar frgan leading Ecclesiastics. Gt-u. A faro bad . jroug,u:Cf d in favor of Santa Ann, a Du utor. 'I'lie churth party bought over the Uoops lhat supported Gen. Com. oufort, auJ ha tbeu icti the city of Mexi Pauson Bun ws LOW 0.1 1'lLI.I DUSTET. Walkeii asd Phesiiiekt Buchanan. Rich llcvdationx: Purson Brownlow, of ihe Knoxiille (Tenn.) - Whig. : is not choice in his selection of . words, but " speaks ri'ht out." In a recent article oi Fillibusier Walker' capture, be savs: When U aiker wua urrrsted, and held to bail for the sum of 5'2,0U0 to appor ut ihe Federal Court in New Orii ans, C 'I. Slatter u rich old bachelor of ihe city went l.i bail. rSlatter is the owner of th" City lfotel, nnd the' New' Orleans Arcade, the two houses he rents forabinit forty-thousand dollars. He : ha 1 f i y tliouand dollars in the Nieur.ila enfer prise, and has beeii lh? friend of Walker all the time. Ex-Senator' SoubV also. Utminvaunit tCMral Amw-j tea, and ioth o, tliuso. men-, went In fore Buchanan, witli Walker',' and heard him promise Walker not io iatervpt him in fti rr i7(n.--Walker" detnandi his' 'trial,' nnd loth these men will be witnesses, and will iwctr ibis in ihu Federal Court. hat a fix it will placo the old hypjcrite ill ! Ii will piacj him where he tiooJ til years ago. in . the. n flair of ," bargain, i i ri.'ue ul corru nion." which bo origin' iM wgiint Mr. Cloy, nnd tacked up by old George Kreemer! It will bhow hint up to tho world, ns a hypi ite, a two faced and insincere .man, and u gray haired old doma'orue ! It is a disgrace to any groctry kctptr to be deleted in such lapu'c ty. Ii is un worthy of a common black leg. Bat how much more di-!raeeful tor the President of the United States. The testimony of co for tra Cru, and took passage on t'.ieim two men will be believed through tho Tennessee, for New Orleans. Pue- out lho Slate of Louisiana, and unon their blu had acknowledged th; new ecclesias- testuuoy, Walker will be acquitu-d by the ticai government, wu i-a t,uve was ui un, at tlio expense of iwchunan UruaUa, where he tiau ar.n. tl Hie isa. character. liooal (iuard, and would icsist ihe en trance of Sauta Anna slio iid h attempt i Miss lloey of Chiiigo, sued an obsti- to coma. It wa kuppoacd thi t the ciy of nate gallant named Leu. for breach of 'era Ci'uz would iniuiu .ail Uul to La promise of marriuge, and reeoverwd three Li ive und the Puros. t thousnnd dollars . damage's.' She claimed G iit. Zuloiia, after his election us Pro- that the bad been damaged len thou.-and. vis'uual 1 TeMilelit, had nominateu the f tl I wing era ns to the tahinut : Foreign est try, of the nonih taoj Mi(cury go iug 23 degrees below zero tin the fir-t, and 53 degrees above on the latter : r.M. ,D'. , Feh. r 3: 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12. 1.1 11 13 16 17 18 l'J 20 21 O.J 23 21 23 20 27 23 D V iis;"'a.m. J 7 '7 ' '"'7 7 r.' f W4r C v7 3 v ti r- 4 ' r rl .B ."IT -do 2G 0 0 7? 2G 14 16 J 23 10 ' S . 16 . IS T 7"JJ r.M. Ds. "2 30 2 12 2 13 y 9 9 9 7 7- 7 7 7 7 Z. 7 7 MS ' 7 ' o e 2(5 20 12 7: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 10 16 11 20 8 n 18 17 20 2S 32 20 i2.J28tr .2 .33 '2 SO 2 17 ' ' U ' 2 13 " ' '9' v8 2 0 ' 0 5 pi. ; 'o; ii' 2 '40 9: 24' o ' 2 o 2 9 broad acres "toil lie ii L i 1? ton. o nm 2 2 o 44 o 1 18 32 26 39 26 11 36 43 41. 53 31 21 9 - 18 0 20 9 ;is 9 11 9 2 9 Ml 9 ' 23 9 21' 30 33 30 11 " Below Zto. Ve are under obligations to C; O. Woolw'ortlv of Omaha, fur' copies! of Bal Ion' Pictorial, and the Police Gazette. Wool worth ba removed bis stora two door west' of hi, old fctand. . I S. M. Pike, advertises flour of a supe rior quality, for sale. - The Steam Ferry Boat lhat plied be. twecn Bellevue and Junction C'itv. MirmiL' Green peas and new potatoes, arc said I -.1.,-t. ,:.... .. i. , . i f. ., . . i,,, ... .,vi rimiu iimic oldie, uuu SOUK III ril'l 1 relations. Senior C uevas; 1 nasiirer, to be abundant in the vicinity i of New I ', . , . , l Senior Hi iso Muldenado; Li enor, Sn. Orleans. On some plantations the or.iortC" fert of w;Uer nenr ' e ",0",h. tf or La r rain .a r. The rtl el leaders, 0ol- ane trees are punin foitli their Idos-oms; ta" PapP'l'10'1 Creek, where it had gona ii-s and Mirtnnon, were to mai d, w itii the Un I in other are yielding an abundance - into winter quarter. ' An effort has been The sno.v has disappeared and the weather i fine. Now j the tin e. to emigrate to Nebraska. . . ' A horrible, case of spontaneous com-" bust ion is' ri p iiieu'to fiavtj r,eenlyr-pem cUrrtd at Cai io, .JIL j 'A- ijian jsamtaTi. Faxon suQering under the lddirimmirm1 nms, entered ti saioon alld'':cae(f,fttk glass of brandy. t Iinme;jrijffe.ly':affeit3 drinking it his breath dime in contact with a iightid match ni the hand of ay stnrler, and instantly took fire aof JwYnA ed for nearly two minutes, when 'deatn ended his sufferings? '-"Ttfe agonizinj screams' bf the unfortunate innh.be.fly scribed us having been horrible ih theex treme. W hy didn't Tie'tdiiil his mouth, close hi nose, and stop the windofff"' A i . :. ;i TiJi A , Faiimeih, Note Tins.. In a cloudy morning it is a matter of iliiportance. to farmers to know weather it vvijl Ve H"Vr shine or howery iii the afternoon. If theant3 have ileared thejr".holej piti'v. und pded th'i.dirt up high,' it setdoin fail) to bring u clear day to the jfarmer. , Spider-webs wrll be nmeerotis'a.bbut mops of 'the grfjin and jSrA.aoinefpimor ning and fifty yi aVVvObse.ryijoy, ba4 hown the writer ofjihiSjhatihese little' weiher-gues'.-ers "f-eldomgiIi -jhijjcpfrv dictions of a fair Jay. . j tltr ) v.!v .. i 1 ' .i - . l h Bi.S . ' In West -Rutland, Vfjrtrble'tr ed which ha no superio' forVJuIpWe iu the world, nndf orm4 "of klhiJs been ex ported to Rome, ordfefinl'by HarV?irlp tors.' It has a fim grain; and k's ueaQ. ti'ully under tWcb&et Ii Creat Bar rinton, Mass., ih.4re li alleibTw'tnAVl which befids like'a' bow when wtf",.. A small- chnp;?n the Btreef 'idv.nsl'ig hat on, atrahgor sees lij(nnd ' 'cria..'rrt 'l " Ilalio, Jiat, whersj are you going 'UaJ that boy ?" Jt The Iiliuo a Centra! Railroad ComparyS have boeli a t in a nows'rw8 frorir'7a lena to La Sulle. The fence ha been set for sevemy eight miles on an BVrHfn of about t.n boards high,-' aud Swill cost when completed in the coming; iuniniirfc about SI 50,000. " 1 : t;'f church party tnv.p to tho West, to meet of .fruit. tUo iilhej f.Hoe itl the liberals. r - i . , . , , 111 supposed m well informed (marter Futrn thousand persona, it is said, fell mads to raise, it, but o far w ithout kuccesa. Ftom a private letter received iu town Kpr lli:il thest iiuiveiiieiosi ivill result in tL.'t,.ii 1.. iliu lunikiA. Art Kiii'n La .I-i a. . w - - ....... n. ..... .vv... wmm . r ...... u .u ...u IVIIIU'V I Ml lll'"'.n. Illfll . the return of Santa Anna to Mexico, a took place at Naples commentii e on the W8 earn tt,nl Kev' jeo- Jennings of this the Church party wire able an l disposed ( 10th of Dercin-r aud continued at inter-, Clt' 14 n"w preaching repentance to tia Nuc'iolltvf John Chase ; at. 'to t'uy off everything opposed to t'.viin. 1 vaNj until the 29th. I nfrs, in Phila J.lnhia. The Philadelphians ara reioicie? 'Wfr the completion and successful'- opefelibn . of , their first city railroad. .TUV car run north and souiJi, ihrouhthe whole lengih of the city. . Thrte. (upaibin hj running on the route of th rui,: we v bought t ut by the comrany.' R Iriiny Lind. . during ler frrofesswil life, Im given away in chanty, tiorw'toaa seven humlrrd and fifty , thoisarid ollttfv One biirrd red and fifty-four nesvspapert and one hundred alid'foiirreen ipagaji'fj t re published in the citycf ,Ke Ytf; i Th total coinage of the L'bIH'A -mint, cince its es.tabjifeluue.ut W 1792, ba bceu $C0312.94Q, ' AJi.-moM '"'- '-r . . " .ttzir i The Lord Mayor of Laidea-.ef S10.000 a year, io enable hiiht kbef v the oM fashioned hofpitalities'rf'ih city.