& i ' ' I'M 3 'rl i : A Family NewspaperDevoted to Democracy, Literature, Agriculturo, Mechanics, Education, Amusomonts and Qonoral Intelligence. NO. 15." t VOL. 2. BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1858. 'i I y? a m y a u i ; m ir a i nj)' r cur -r -or ' 3 I P J a tM ITIIT TBOkSDAT AT EELLETIE CITT, N. T. T Honry M. Burt & Co. . Terns f Ssbscriptloi. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM IN AD VANCE. KATES OF ADVERTISING. fttaart (11 lines er 1m) lit insertion $1 00 00 2 60 4 00 6 00 10 00 5 00 60 00 Each subsequent Insertion Oat tquart, one month 44 . -. . three months 44 44 lis 44 - 44 one year Vaalnett tarda (8 lint er Ittt) 1 ytar Oat column, one year Oae-fcalf column, tnt ytar 44 fourth 44 44 44 44 eighth 44 44 44 44 teluran. tlx monthi 44 . half column, tlx month 44 fourth 44 44 " 44 eighth 44 44 " 44 column, three montht 44 half column, three month 44 f earth 44 44 44 44 oifhth 44 44 44 Aaaeavctag candidates for office JOB WORK. For eighth aheet blll7rer 100 r quarter 44 44 44 44 Tot half 44 44 44 44 For whole 44 44 44 44 For colored paper,half sheet, per 100.. For blanks, per quire, firrt quire Keel stiksequent quire Card, per pack Each eioceqiieat paek For Ball Ticket, fancy paper per hun'd 33 00 20 00 10 00 35 00 20 00 10 00 8 00 20 00 13 00 10 00 A 00 5 00 l 00 4 00 a oo IS 00 Rack taotequent nuudred BVIIilEII CARDS. Bowen t Strickland, L TTORNEYS AT LAW. Real Etate, jra, Cltv Lota and Claims bought and sold Psjrchasera will do well to call at our otnee ad examiae oar lift of City Lots, Jtc, before arcbasinc elsewhere. Office in Cook's new hnildiac. corner of Fifth and Main streets. L. I. Bowen. TTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT L LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf 8. A. Strickland, i TTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT jf. LAW. Bellevue, N. T. 1-t T. B. Lemon, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT X. LAW. Office, Fontenelle Bank, Belle- Tee, Wcfcracfca Territory. ly3l C. T. Hollowav. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Bellevue. N. T. 1-tf W. H. Cook. G ENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Bellevue City, Nebraska. 1-tf ' . W. H. Longsdorf, M. D., TJItYSlCIAN AND SURGEON. Office on X Main, between Twenty Fifth and Twenty Birth eereete, BtlloTut City. 3tf Vf. W. Harrey, COUNTT SURVEYOR OF SARPY CO., will attend to all business of Surveying, laying; out and dividing lands, eurveyins and lattUf towns and roads. Office on Main troo,Bollovt, N.T. 26. tf B. P. Rankin, , ATTORNEY AND COUNSNLLOR AT LAW. La PI itte, N. T. 1-tf . T, P. Peck. VL D. CS URGEON tt PHYSICIAN. Omaha. Ne. O Wiska Offiee and residence on Dodge sum Silzi Peter A. Sarpy, . FORWARDING fc COMMISSION MER CHANT, Bellevue, N. T., Wholesale Doalor la Indian Goods, Horses, Mules, and Cattle, 1-tf IX JT. SulliYan. SC. D.. nrlTSICIAIf and SURGEON. Office Head of Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. a or. ii 1-tl. a, smith. $. R. SMITH ... Smith U Brother, ATTORNEYS. COUNSELLORS at LAW and Dealers la Real Estate. Bellevue. Nebraska Territory, will attend faithfully and promptly to baying and telling Real Estate, Ckt Lota, Claima, and Land Warrants. Office at the Benton House, 21-ftiu Taos. MAeeir. at a. macom. ' Maoon Brother, k VORNEY8 AT LAW k. LAND ACTS., j.. umaaa uiiy, nenrasua. oraet on cor aor of Farnham and Fourteenth Streets. 42 tf D. XL Solomon, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, GlcRwood, Mills Co., Iowa, prae. ncee ia all the Courts of western Iowa and Nebraska, and the Supreme Court of Iowa. Land Acency not ia the Programme, no 4-tf rr. lee's Dying, ond Bathinr Saloon, third door woot of the Eschanre Bank, Omaha, N. T. Oaaaaa, Oct. 1, 187. 47 ' Gaatar Seefer, T25AJH,C AND CIVIL ENGI NEER, Esecutea Drawing and PainUnf ? evory ttjrU aad deerription. Also, all kto '4-v trTgory street, .. ary, J1J toflatj-, lea a, 9 . .f BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE ANO POPULAR HOTEL. OFFERS EVERY To the Public, and , wiJLl render ASSIDUOUS ATTENTION To iht wanti of HIS GUESTS. J. T. ALLAN. Bellevue, Oct. 23. 186. 1-tf J. II RR01T!V, ATTORNEY AD C0CNCEL0R AT LAW GENERAL LAND AGENT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Plattmoulk, Cass Co. JV. T. ATTENDS to business in any of the Courts of this Territory. Particular attention paid to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col lection or debts, ane taxes paid. Letters or inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory answered, if accompanied with a fee. REFERENCES : Hon. Lyman Trumbull, U. S, S. from ltk) Hon. James Knox, M. C. 44 44 Hon. O. H. Browning, Quiney, 44 Hon. James W. Grimes, Governor of Iowa. Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T Green, Weare k. Renton, Council Bluffs, I. Nuckolls Sl Co., Glenwood, Iowa. 23tf. Ira A. W. Back, I AND and General Agent. Pre-Emption J Papers prepared, Land Warrants bought and sold. Office In the Old State House, over the V. 8. Land Office. REFER TO Hon. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, Omaha. Hon. Enos Lowe, 4 Hon. S. A. Strickland, Bellevue. Hon. John Kinney, " Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Nebraska City. Omaha, June 2(1, 1837. 35 it. t. ctAaca. A. M. CLARK t. CLARKE & BRO.. FORWARDING akd COMMISSION MERCHANTS. STEMBOAT AND COLLECTING A G C T 8 BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. Dealers, in P'ne Lumber, Doors, 8aih, Flour, Meal, Bacon, &c, Ac. t" Direct Goods care Clarke it Ilro. l-tf BO YES & CO'S WESTERN LITHOGRAPHIC ESTAslLIgHMEXT, Florence, Nebraska, in Main St Town Plats, Maps, Sketches, - Business Cards, Checks Jc Bills, Certificates, and every description of plain and fancy en- gTSvlnr, executed promptly in eaetera atyie. 3m32 Greene, Weare k Benton, BANKERS AND LAW AGENTS, Council Blulfs, Potowattainie comity, Iowa. Greene k Weare, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Greene, Weaie k. Rice, Fort Dos Moines, la. Collection made; Taxes paid; and Lands purchased and sold, in any part of Iowa. 1-tf a CO. SNVDIB. JOHK II. SHKRMA1 . Snyder & Sherman, A TTORNEY8 and COUNSELLORS AT J. LAW, and NOTARIES PUBLIC, Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa, will practice their profession In all the Courts of Iowa and Nebraska. All collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promptly. Especial attention given to buying and sell ing real estate, and making pre-emptions in Nebraska. Deeds, Mortages, and other Instruments of writing drawn with dispatch acknowledg ments taken, a., Ave. tiT Office west side of Madison street, just above Broadway. nov 1J , j-tf. P. A. SARPY. . FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, j Still continues the above business at ST. MARYS, IOWA, BELLEVUE, N. T. Merchants and Emigrants will find their goods promptly and carefully attended to. P. S. I have the only WAREHOUSE for atorage at the above named landiugs. St. Marys, Feb. 20th, 1857. 2 MM Tootle & Jackson, FORWARDING at COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Council Bluff's eltr, Iowa. Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse on the Levee at the Council Bluffs landing, art now prepared to receive and store, all kinds of merchandise and produce, will receive and pay charges on all kinds of freigths so ILat 8team Boats will not be detained aa thev hart been heretofore, iu getting tome one to receive Height, when the consignees are absent. RiraaiNCEtt Llvermoore k. Coolev, S. C, Da1s Co. and Humphrey. Putt k. Tor v. 8t. Louis, Mo. I Tootle fc Fairleich. St. Jenh. I Mo. , J. S. Chenewortb k Co., Cincinnati Ohio; ; W. F. Conlheiush, S irlir-ct-.q. lyna. 1-tf POETRY. Santhine. BT ELLA SNOW. Brightly falls the sunshine. O'er this glorious earth, Everywhere 'tis dancing, As In joyous mirth. Twinkling on the frost-worit, Hanging high and low, Sparkling bright as diamonds On the pearly snow. Gleaming on the dark clouds, Till they fleecy grow, Floating through the havens, Like a drift of snow. See it in the evening, As It sink to rest, Painting golden billowa O'er the crimson west. Beautifully drifting, In the 44 upper deep," Tremblingly 'tis falling On the earth to sleep. All arouud us shaking Wavy tresses bright, In our hearts is sinking Its smile of golden light. Gl-nclng In the brooklets, As they onward flow, Till their dimpled wavelets Bright as amber glow. Mirrored In the rain-drop, Its many glorious dies Weave a gilded archway, And paint it on the skies. Teeplng through my window, On this wintry day, Its merry smiles and kisses, Drive the 44 blues " away. In my heart lis glimpsing, With Its eyes so bright, Chasing oft" the shadows, And leaving tracks of light. 'Tit Home where'er the Heart Is. 'Tis home where'er the heart is; Wl ere'er its loved ones dwell, In cities or in cottages, Thronged haunts, or mossy dell : The heart's a rover ever, And thus on wave and wild, The maiden with her lover walks, The mother with her child. 'Tit bright where'er the heart is ; Its fairy spells can bring Fresh fountains to the wilderness, And to the desert spring. There are green isles In each ocean, O'er which affection glides ; And a haven on each rugged shore When love's the star that guides. 'Tis free where'er the heart is; Nor chain nor dungeon dim, May check the mind'a aspirings, The spirits psaling hymn I The heart gives life its beauty, Its glory and Its power 'Tie sunlight, to itt ripling ttream, And soft dew to Its flower. MISCELLANEOUS. A Little Satire, with a Founda tion. The little altercations and grudges be tween cbi'dren are oftentimes the best satires upon the quarrels and feuds of grown-up people. The attention of a polmeroan was called to rather a novel nd amusing cast recently.' It appears that Tommy Hines (eight years of age) became enamored of a monstrous large marble, in the possession of Freddie Jones, (a ruddy-faced, smart little chap of six summers,) and, in proportion as his ad miration for it increased, his liking for his own pocketful of "common trash" di minished. At length, after having tho't a vast deal about it during school-hours, Tommy went to Freddie as soon as school was over, and offered to swap all his own marbles for that which to him appeared like a "pearl of greal price." The bargain was closed at once by the astonished Fred, die, and Tommy counted out to him 43 common marbles and 2 "alleys," without a pong, in exchange for the big "bull's eye." The two boys parted, profoundly gratified with the trade. Freddie hurried home, with both hands in his pockets, full of marbles of all ize, to gratify his pa. rents with what he had done. Tommy, upon his pert, looked at his great, big, monstrous marble a thousand times at first, as fondly as a newly-married man upon a bride, whose beauty is her only recommendation, and every succeeding ume with less and less enthusiavn.until en tirely palled by possession, he put it under his pillow at night somewhat discontented. ly.and fell asleep in radier had humor. In the uuroing. the charm of tho "bull's ey," ! fa.a'jiiHtinj the day lef-we, had entirely departed. Tommy threw it down from the bed in disgust, and wept for the loss of his 43 marble and 2 "alleys," and would not be comforted. He was becoming misanthropic and tired ef life, when a ray of hope was communicated to him by hit affectionate prandfather. Evidently regarding little Freddie aa a big hoy who had tnk.cn ad. vantage of a smaller ono, the old gentle man told Tummy thnt ho ought not to sub mit to such sharp practice, but iniiated upon hnving ihe "trado cancelled" and the marbles reHtored. Encouraged by this counsel, his grandson dried his eyes, and was enabled to "punish" a pretty considerable pile of finpjncksnt brenkfart ; but he had no sooner finished these end six or aeveii slices of milk toast, than out he hastened into the street to have a very resolute interview with Freddie Jones. He had but to whistle in the key-hole of hit house to bring him out. Conscious that, under the shelter of his own door, Freddie could not be bullied into conses sion, Tommy skilfully attracted him away a khort distance from the parental man sion, and then holding out the bull's eye with one hand and collaring him with the other, demanded the restoration of his pocketful of marbles. Freddie indignant ly refused, and reminded his unjust play mate of the solemn ratification which had attended the exchange, viz., in the words, mutually uttered : Chip, chop, chain, Give a thing, never ta'.e It back again. Tommy repudiated that vow as inform. nl,and declared to Freddie that he would pound him unless he complied tvi.h his demand. Whereupon the latter broke away from him, and ran towards home as fast as his little legs could carry him , but he was overhauled by the other near the Hines Mansion, and a game ef futi cufTs ensued. Freddie would have held his own pretty well, but the progenitors of young Hines called a policeman, who happened to be passing to interfere, and mediate for a settlement of the matter in dispute. Freddie Jones insisted, with a few iudignunt tears in his eyes, that ' a bargain was a bargain the world over, and and he bhould keen the marbles anyhow. The policeman, who is a jut man, found J his position as an arbitrator in this case a very delicate one, and declined to inter fere. Then the parents of'tho two boys got to loggernenus aoout u ; scoiaing eacu other very heartily lhe upshot of it was, that tho Hineses threaten the Jones es with an action of replevin, and we shall not bo surprised if the cac should come before the court. Botlon Transcript. From the New York Dispatch. How He came to be Married. It may be funny, but I've done it. I've got a rib and a baby. Shadows departed oyster stews, brandy cock-tails, cigar boxes, boot-jacks, absconding shirt buttons, whist and dominoes. Shadows present hoop skirts, bond boxes, ribbons, gaiters, long stockings, juvenile dresser, tin trum pets, little willow chairs, cradles, bibs, pap, sugar teats, paregoric, hive syrup, rhubarb, sens, salts, squills, and doctor's t. bills. Shadows future More nine pound babies, more hive syrup, etc., etc I'll I.' - I'll jist tell you how I got caught. I was al wuys the darndest, most tea custard, bash ful tbllow you ever did see ; it was kinder in my line to be taken with the shakes looking j couldn't look at one long enough; Well, my sister Lib gave a party one night, and I stayed swayed from home because I was too bashful to face the music. I hung around the house whistling "Old Dan Tucker," dancing to keep my feet warm, watching the heads bobbing up and down behind the window curtains, and wishing the thundering party would break up, so I could get to my room. I smo'ed up a bunch of cigars, and as it wss getting late and mighty uncomfortable, I conclu. eluded lo shin up the door post. No soon er said thim done, and I soon found my self in bed. "Now," ssys I, "let her rip! Dance till your wind gives out !" And cuddling under the quilts, Morpheus k ii kl a w" or5-nilDf shell crabs and stewed tripe and was hav. l l - J V j ; . . i . . sit l T ! Urae'.whe" -"-,;! ed at the door and woke me up. "Rap ; ajain. I laid low. "Rap, rap, rap!" Then I heard a whisper, and I knew there was a whole raft f girls outside. "Rap, Rap r Then Lib sings out, "Jack, are you there!" "Yes," aajs I. Then came a roar of laughter. "Let us in,' says she. "I won't P says I. Then came another laugh. By thunder ! I began to get rued, "tiet soarccrows !" I er . out, you petticoat d ed : "can't Too. ret a ! beau without hauling a fellow out of bed I II won't go home with you- Wt-io yon may clear wrtr And, thrwvj t ....... i . . . -..., . ,.u im.c oaw .pciija. .pp.um.u- gTicef 1 1 XS S COUplC Cf AlUSCOV ing inf. ana i a cross uu street any time lUe ui h, ,he conipiny tnd rainer man rice one. twasn i oecause i r,fM ltw gi gnn w piverif , u.u r.i uk tu- cnuers, lor u i was o. arm wv IMfched thro the croi ninn u lence looKintr inro a Knoi-noie. 1 boot at the door, I full better. But pres ently, oh! mortal buttons! I heard a still small voice, very much like sister Lib's, end it said: "Jack, you'll have to get up, for all the girls' things are in there !" Oh. Lord, what a Dickie! Think of me in bed, all covered with shawls, muffs, bjnnets and cloaks, and twenty girla out side tho door wailing lo get in ! If I had stopped to think I should have pancaked on the spot. As it wax, 1 rolled out among the bonnet-wiro and ribbons in a hurry. "Smash!" went the millinery in every direction. I hud to dress in tho dark for there wns a crack in tho door, and tho girls will peek and tho way 1 fumbled about was duuth on straw huts. The critical moment came. 1 opened the door, and found myself right among the women. "Oh, my Leghorn !" crios ono. "My dear, darling, winter velvet!" cries another, and they pitched in they pulled me this way and tha", boxed my ears; and one bright-eyed little piece Sal her name was put her arms right around my neck, and kissed me right on my lips. Human natare couldn't stand that, and 1 give her as good as she sent. It was the first time I ever got a taUe, and it was powerful good. 1 believe I could have kissed that gnl from Julius Cirsar lo tho Fourth of July. "Jack," said she, "wo are sorry to disturb you, but won't you see mo home ?" "Yes," said I, "I will." I did do it, and had another smack at the gate loo. After that, we took a kinder turtle-doving after each other, both of us sighing like a barrel of new cider when we were away from each other. 'Twas at the dose of a glorious sum mer day tho sun was setting behind a distant hog-pen the chickens were going to roosl the bull-frogs were commencing their evening songs the pollywogs, in their native mud puddles, were preparing themselves for the shades of night and Sal and myself sat upon an antiquated back-log, listening to the music of nature, such as tree-toads, roosters and grunting pigs, and now and then thu mellow music o. a di. tint jnc'fass was vvufted to our ears by the gently zephyrs tlmi bighed among the mullen ttnlks, and came heavy laden wiih tho delicious odor of hen roost i and pig atyes, of the.S-'Uin The last lingering rays sun, glancing from the bras buttons of a solitary horseman ahone thro a knot-hole in the hog pen full in aula tuct, uyon; litr hair with an orange-pell hue, and showing off my thread-Care cout to bud advuniage one of my arms was around Sul's waists, my hand resting on the amall of her Lack sho was toying with my auburn locks of jet black hue she was almost gone, and 1 was ditto. She looked like a grasshop per dying with the hkcupt, and I felt like a mud-turtle choked with a codfish ball. "Sul," says I, iu a voice musical as the notes of a dying swan, 'will you have met" She turned her eys heavenward, clasped me by the hand, had on attack of the heaves and blind Maggers, and with a sigh that drew her sho trings to her palate, said, 4 Ve$ !" She gave clear out then, and squatted in my lap she cork- screwed and l curnumuxed and rolled in I hugged her till I broke my mupen- Amr. k., i,.,k ..u ,.r -kLk ' "W -...W. W she ate the week before. Well, to make a long story thort, sho set the day, and w a precticed for four weeks every night bow we would walk imo the room to be married, till we got so we could walk as 10 ducks. the minister nd arm in ,vJed hall. We were just entering tho parlor door, when down I went slap on the oil cloth, pulling Sal after me. Some cussed fellow had dropped a banana skin on the floor, and it floored me. It split an awful hole in my rassimeres right under my dress coat tail. It was too late lo back out, so clapping my hand over it, we marched in and were spliced, and taking a teat 1 watt h ;d the kissing the bride operation. My groomsman was light, and he kissed her till I jumped up to take a slice, unen, on, horror! a little mi year old imp had rrawietl behind me, and nul ling my shirt thro' the hole in my pants had pinned it to the chair, and in jumping up, I displayed to the admiring gaze of ine astouisneu multitude a triilo more while muslin than was pleasant The i.j ,k. r -1 .. .i i wwiKii nlsKCUt i.ivj iiicu i vm i v U saliva a got mad, bSi was finally put to bed. and ... ' , ... .V K. Good Yours, J. W. li. Dtirttr Wait i the Wosld The Louisville (Ky.) Courier says that the artesi an well of Muter. Pupottt, of that city, has now reached the depth of l'XK) feet. It adJs : 44 This Is the deepest well now known to us in the world. The next la depth Is the well wa -" iv Mveae m lata "UIVH Ui VU t JJk, Louisville has, therefore, the deepeet well la 1 the world en t the tallest steeple la the United at Crenelle, near Paris, which Is 1300 feet. ues. the cross on the St. Louis Cathedral VxS ruiv jtj f .' Mr. I.overlng's Mode of Making usjar from tha Chits? Cea. It will bo remembered that iht most perfect specimens of sugar manufactured from the Chinese cane presented for ts aiuination at the late Convention at Springfield, were awarded to Mr. Jesepa S. Covering, or riuladelphia. In the accompanying letter to Mr. Francis, Mr. Lovenng states that a pamphlet descri bing his mode of manufacture would be , shortly ready for distribution. Thst has Mince been issued, and the following are the writer's conclusions : ' 1. That it is obvious that there isa eul- " initiating point iu the development of tha : sugar in the cane, which is the best time . for sugar making. This point, or season ' I consider to be when moat if not all the ' seeds are ripe, and after several frosts, ' say when the temperature falls to 25 er ' 30 Farenheit. , f 2. That frosts, or even hard freezing, does not injure the juice or the sugar, hut that warm Indian summer weather, after ' the frost and hard freezing, does injur 1 them very materially, and reduces both . the quantity and quality. 3. Thnt if the cane is cut and housed, or shocked in the field when in its most favorable condition, it will probably keep unchanged for a longtime. ' ' 4. That when the juice is obtained, lha . process should proceed cautiously and ., without delay. 6. That the clarification should be as ' perfect as possible, by the time the dtasi. ty reaches 15 degrees when the syrup will have the appearance of good brandy. 6. That although eggs were used in those small experiments, on account of '. their convenience, bullock's blood, if to had, is equally as good, and the milk of lime alone w 11 answer the purpose in w the latter case, however, more constant and prolonged skimming will be required to " produce a perfect clarification, which ia E highly important. . u i 7, That the concentration, or boiliof i down, after clarification, should be as ra ; fud as possible without scorching hal ow evaporations being the best. " 'With these conditions secured, h Is about as eaiy to make good sugar from ' the sugar cane as to make a pot of mush, ; and mu?h easier than lo make a kettle of good apple butler. , DlSCIPLINC OK BOASO A MaM- , Was. An officer of the United States . frigate Congress, which has just returned from a cruise of two and a half years, ,; during which she has ssiled 23,000, miles, writes to the Journal of Commtre as follows s "The new mode of disdolmo without . fiWsinir. is Droducincr a renul an1 A',AA u a a ' g o -. l change in the character of seaman; and ; ui almost every particular the change ia : of the most desirable nature. There is, ' perhaps, lest promptness and anermr in the movements of some who formrlv jumped to the ropes from fear of the ' -cats, ana mat clan or reckless, bold ' and dare-devil sDirits. who tmmmmd. in their native element only when the storm at was nignest and howled through the ng . ging with most terrific violence, is to soma ' extent, passing away. But there is risinr in its place a self-respect and intelligent 1 manliness, a reliable fidelity, a sympathy with their fellow men. and a daairet for . their regard, which is full of promise- j -t a uonsiuering ine grade of society from which seamen ordinarily come, and the motives which lead the great majority la seek the service, it is surprising that the improvement in their character should ' have been as great as those most experi enced declare it to be." Four men were arrested last week; in Iona county, Mich., on susps&ioa of havjnf .t been engaged in issuing couuterfea bill -of the Bank of Northampton, Maaav, of the denomination of About t000 of the spurious bills had heei circulated1 before suspicion was aroused. On on of the persons arrested was found $2,000 ' of the money. . , Ludicrous Scene is a CovaT Room., Among the prisioner awaiting sentence in the Brooklyn lJio Court, last . Mon. j day, says the New York Express, was an, Irishman upon whose face the small pos; was found to be breaking out with. Meal ' viruleuce. A general stampede took place, the Clerk turned ghastly vrbMe lo4 ' made a somerset out of the window, and) the Judge, thinking the building wss fall in?, went after the Denutv Sheriff and j otKer officers climbed the pou and took refuge among the rafters. The poor Irisman was forced out of the door and bidden to clear away and never to return ) and as no one would venture back, tha Court was pronounced lo stand adjourned. ' 1 i ' ' Tnt Artesian well of Belcher a Bro, U St. Louis, Is now 2S00 feet deep, being 300 ' feet deeper than that of Messrs, Dtivnot, Lnuisulle, Kv. 'it i I r "A 5; B i t 'f a Bp IT !'; i f