Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, February 25, 1858, Image 3

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    mmmmmmMM1mmMMmmmmmmmmmimmim, ii 111 1 1 ii i ii r mm t it n i r ' n n ' i fin i - " , . . - '"',MMMMI"I'I'MM'M'MM''M''MM
- MAIIUIF.II. 4 . . .-i v
In Lewlstoan. T.. Jan. ItMth. by the Rev '
Jame S. Woods, 1). I)., Cvrns K. Mark of
Re'lcvue, N. T.,to Mr. Mary Hoover, widow
of the late Dr. L. Hoover, of Lcwlstown.
Th regular meeting of Nebraska
'Lodge, No. 184, of Free and Accepted
iMasoni.. will be held at Masonic Hall,
on the econil and fourth Tuesday evening of
ach month, at 0 1-2 o'clock.
I. o. o. r.
The regular meetings of Bellevue Lodge1.
No. 4, will be hold on Saturday evening of
each week, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brother of
th order who mav be in our city on that
evening, are respectfully Itivlttd to attend.
FV!f. DAVENPORT, Sec'y. . ,
Nail Arrau;eHieiit.
Tuesday. Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6
o'clock, P. M.
B-.ndavs, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 9
o'clock,'?. M.
Tuesdays, Tliursdays, am! Saturdays, atO
o'clock, P. M.
Tuesdays. Thursdays, aid Sundays, at 9
o'clock, P. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday, at 9
o'clock, P. M. , . , i . i v
..!. CLOSS ... , at.. : :
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday, at 10
o'elock, A. M. ' '
northern mail.-
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday, nt 10
o'clock, A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9
o'clock, A. M.
Office open on Sundays, only from 6 o'clock
P. M. to8o,clock P. M. This rule will be
strictly adhered to.
L. 11. KINNEY, P. M.
Corrected weekly by Clarke & Brother,
Fonvardiug and Com. Merchants.
Flour Extra Superfine, $1 per 93 lb.
Fine, $3,25.
:,,Meal $2 per 100 lbs.
ApplesDried, M 50 per bushel. .. '..
Peaches " 4 00, ,
,Bntte.r New 40r. V tb , i
do , Old packed, 25 to 30e W lb , ,
Behns $t SObin.
Corn SO bush.. ; ; r
Oat .')0c ; .,
,'Beef Tt8c. ' , .
Dried Beef 20c per lb. ,' ' ,
Salt G. A., per sack, $3. "' , '
Eggs 20c f doz ,(
" Hide Dry, 7c
i do Green, 3 ,
Iay $1 00 ( $0 00 f tun
Bran. :(0 cents per bush.
" Pork Fresh, $:i to $7 per hun.
Lard 15 c 1? 1b
" Onions $3 50 1 bus.
Potatoes 50.
Pelts Sheep 50c
do Coon 25e
Wood Cotton, 3.50, Hard. 5,00.
Lumber Cottonwood sheat's25 '(3 m
do so. edced ?30 00 "
do Oak, Walnut, liasswood $15 00
do Pine Hiding, clear $;.0f) $ m.
do Flooring 2d Si5 00
f.s , 1st S75 00 .
Itl 1)111.11.2,1, f 7. Mt -.l.i.-iU
.,,Sliinfls Pine ! SO .at V. w. nil
" VttoiiwiK)il Si Atf) i .((
Lath Pine ' $12 00 pet m. l
Doors " i $3 50 ftfl f 4 75 each.
,y ash $1 00 fSj$2 J-4 uer caaeBieiit; : t i
HP o r Sale.
f r.HE subscriber has good flour for sale, for
J. $3,50 per sark, and he warrants every
sack to give satisfaction, if it don't, he will
refund the money.
Also a few sack of Bock-wheat flour.
Assignees' Sale.
Y virtue and in pursuance of a Deed of
Assignment, made by Lemut I ueldeu, to
the undersigned, a trustees for the benefit of
creditor, dated October 20, A. D. 18.Y7, and
Recorded iu book B, page 73, 7 , 77,78, and
79, of Land Records for Sarpy county, N. T.,
we will offer for sale, on Thursday, March J,
AU..lj8,at 10. o'clock, A. M., before, the
door of the Bellevue House, to the highest bid
der, tb following property , to wit: , Lot No.
4, in Block No. 183, L 12 in B 170, L 12 in B
107. L 10 in B 219, L 4 in U 133. 1. 7 in B 72,
L 11 in B CO, L 10 in B 92,1. 11 in B 137, Lota
1, 2, 3, 8 and 9, in n 84. Also the undivided
one half of L 23 in the Bennett claim, and the
undivided one half of L 20 iu bottom claim of
Bellevue Land Claim Association, find 1-Stb
of one share of the undivided property of the
aid Uud association. The abov property
will be sold, subject to a deed of mortgage iu
favor of Andrew Sagendorf, for the sum of
nine hundred and fitly dollars. Also L 3 in B
'-'17, L 7, in B 203, L 10 in B 133, subject to a
mortgage in favor of George Stringer for the
sum of $907.1)4-100. Also L 10 in B 19.
L 7, B 172,1. 7,8, and 9, i.i B 112, the said
latt named lot being the brick yard ; we (t ail
sell together, and all the brick thereon, in lot
to auit purchasers. Also the machinery and
appurtenance and utensils for making brick 5
and a lot of wheelbarrow, chairs, one table,
and one board cabin, near said brick vsrd, all
ia th city of Bellevue, Sarpy co., N. 1'.
Term made known on dav of sale.
T. B. LEMON, ,
11 Assignee.
LETTERS of Administration on th estate
of Jebn Itay . lat ot Sarpy county, de
ceased; having kea granted to iUe arbacrilnr
residing in Bellevue, lie hereby give notice U
all person indebted to aidetaU to call and
Ml th tame, and thus having claims
against th estate are requested to present
vmciu property amnsnticateci ror tettienienT,
SEVENTV-FIVE Baga of Superfine and
fin flour for aula at lowest maraet price
ui HTon sr.i ;r.n, i
O F F I C E C I .E N W V O I), 10 W A .
RDF.RS left at the cilice if Shal.spe.ire
Royes, Ht. Mary, will receive prompt at-
G. SEEGF.R. Civil Enpineer and Surveyor,
would respectfully Inform the tl'.icn of Mills
and adjoining count Iks, that ha I prepared to
execute all work of the following character :
laying oir town sites, leveling of streams for
water power, drawing cf msps plain and
colored, drawing designs for bull. lings of all
tyles. with estimates of cost.
Correct plat of the township of Mills
County, showing the true poviions of the tin
ber. water courses and bluffs, kept constantly
on tlahd. Having had experience both In this
country and In Europe, he fels assured of
giving satisfaction to all who may favor hlui
with their patronage.
Cold Medal awarded nt the late St. Louis
fair to C. Sceger A. S. Sehlinonsky for the
best topographical map.
Office Olcnwood, Mills co., Iowa. It
WE are tiow prepared with a full and
and complete stock of
Of the new crop, to supply any demand whole
tale and retail, on the verv best of terms.
Our stock is new (as we do riot consign seeds
and take none back to mix up agai'i.) and
much of it grown under our own directions in
this state. Our stock of European seeds is
Imported directly by ourselves from the moat
re iable growers in England and Era lire.
Wc feel conlident no hetter advantages to
the public c an be oflercd than w can eive,
and we cordially invite an examination of our
tock before purchasing. Our stock consists
in part of Spring v Heat, isaricy. Lorn, reas.
Keens, fcc, a very lame vniiutv of Garden
Steds and a full assortment of Flower Seeds
of choice wirii'lir. Also, IM bushel puis
Chine? Sugar Cnne .Seed.
Constantly on hand a large assortment of
Agricultural and Horticultural inipleuicnts.
Full priced seed and Implement catalogue
lent upon receipt of !mn to :a postage.'
3mosl4 2u 1 Like Street, Chicago.
i. co At, orici. i
William H. Siniili,
Williaui II. Brow.
In attachment in the
First Judiuiil Distiict
Court, i.i and for the
County ot Sarpy, and
Territory of Nebraska.
WILLIAM H. BROW, the defendant in
the above entitled cause, who is a non resi
dent of the Teiritoiy, will take notice, that
William H. Smith, the plnintilf, did on the 7th
day of January, A. D., 1H5S, sue out of the
said Court, n writ of attachment against the
firoperty and effects of taid defendant, chini
ng that t' ere is due from the defendant to the
plaintiff, the sum of one thousand dullara. on
a penal bond, made in writing, and signed by
the said defendant, on the first day of July
A. D. 1857.
' And that unless said defendant appear on
or before the next term of said Court to be
holden eVv'th serond day of March, A. D. 1858.
lit the city if Ilellftvue. judgment will be taken
against him, for the above amount, with in
terest and co.U. ..
T. B. Lerr.on, i ' '' " ": "
L. L. Bowon,
Att'ysfor Pill's. )
Ordered to be published in the Bellevue Ca
xelte, four successive weeks.
4111 . J. W. PADDOCK, )
Clerkof Firt Jndi-i
cial Dis'rict Court, )
lor Sarpy County. $
By STEPHEN D. BANGS. Dep. Clerk.
Crow.McCreery t Co. )
vs. " S
John Chaae. J
In nttachment in
the Firs'. Judicial
District Court, in the
Co'in'y of Sarpy. and
Territory of Ne
To JOHN CII VSE-Sir Yo.t ore hereby
untitled, that 011 the 12Ui il'iy of January, A.
D. IrtiW, Crow, MeCr.iry & 'Co., filed in'tlie
cilice of the Clerk of the First Judicial Dis
trict Court of Sarpy county, Nebraska Terri
tory, their petition, claiming of y u the sum
of tevvn hundred dollars, as money due them
upon a certain .prouiisiorv note, niad by you
In writing, dated .May aih, A. D. 17, iind
f ayable at six months from dale thereof, to
he orjter of the sai l plainlJiT k. The origi
nal notice in said cause, has been returned
to this office by the BheritFof this county, not
served, that . you could not be found ill the
Vo'i are alo notified that attachment issu
ed out of the said ofTice, against your pmpi-r-ty,
hi the above cause, to satisfy said claim,
according to the prayer of the plaintiff. Now
unless you appear niid answer said petition,
on or before the second day of the next term
of the District court, to be begun and holdnn
in the city of llellevne, the second day of
March, A.D., ISjS, judgment will be taken
against you, for the above amount, with inter
est and coals.
T. B. Lemon, "i
Bowen c Strickland,
Att's for Pill's. )
Ordered to be published In the Bollevuo Ga-
lette, four successive weeks.
Clerk of First Judi- J
rial District Co'irt,
for Sarpy County, j
4tll By STEPHEN D. BANGS, Dep.Cleik
Cyms K. Mark
Ooffman & Stoddard
IVoficc .
In attachment, in the
First Judicial DIs.
) rict Court, in and for
j County of Sarpy ami
Territory of Nebras
ka. and George Jennings,
To George Jennings 5 Sir, Yon are here
by-notified, that on the 4th dav of December,
A. D. 1857: Cvrus K. Mark. Filed in the Of
fice of tiie Clerk of the First Jin ieial DUtricl
Court of Sarpv eoniitv, and Territory of Ne
braska, his petition claiming of vmi the sum
of l ive Hundred and Irty-rigiit Dollars, as
money due him, lipon a certain promissory
note, 'made in writing and signed by Coltman
and Stoddard, on the 7th day of April A. D.
1857; and payable to your order, on or before
the firt day of No-ember next thereafter,
and the laid not being by you endorsed, and
the payment therof enara'nted at maturity
You are also notified, that atlai hment. was
sued out of the olllce of the Clerk of the snld
Co-t, airalnst your property, to satisfy the
aid claim, according to the prayer of the
plain tint . h'ow unlet you appear, and ans
wer said petition, on or befor the second day
of next terra of the First: Judicial District
Court, in said county, ba begun and held in
the Citv of Bellevue, on the second day of
March A. D. IK.V f rudgment will be taken
against yoa, forth alovt anv.unt, witb inter.
est and cost.
T. B. Lemon
L. L. Bowen
Att'y for Pl'ttF.
Ordered to be printed )n the Bellevue Gai-
zett four (uccessive weeks
re weeiis.
) J. W. I
Clerk of
) d.rlsl J)i'
f ths First Jn
District Court of
S.'irpy Conrtv
IHl Br ?-rhn D. Ftn-gi D-r'' C'tV.
Store QjrOfHlN
Having determined to rlos out th i slance of
the stock, will olT'r until tho 1st t-f March,
tbetr entire stock at
, i bit 1
nay bo Had In
Ioxxir Drawer
IB ii re a s5
Mahojany Front, for only $10.
Without Ecgard to Cost.
LA 01 E S
Wine Shoes.
Fancy Grocorics at Cost.
,;.' it. ?:
-a. TNT 23
1 ... ...
Any one in want of really cheap goods, will
do well to defer buying until thoy
attend (his sale.
TERMS, ... - . - CASH.
Brflevuc, Jan. 13V3.' - " 10
To tto Xxx"fcllc.
y HIT undersigned having pin chased the en
tire stock of Jewelry, formerly owned by
Alex. Kemp, l.s prepared lo sell the same at
2.") per cent less than was ever oirered iu this
eitvbefore, n Vootn innst be nisriif for a large
spring assortment.' Tho stock consists of
Setts of Cameo, Coral, Enamel. Painted,
Cold S'.one. Masonic, and Mourning Jewelry,
Broaches, K;ir Drops, Cull' Pin, Shirt Studs,
Locke's. Bracelets. Rings. Cold. Silver, and
Plaited Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Gold
and Silver Spectacles Also a splendid as.
GOLD PENS. Also Musical InnM-uments,
Cntlerv, Port Monies, Pouches, Card Cases,
&c., & c.
A line stock of Hifies, Shot Guns, Revolv
er, ke., wlucli will he sold at a email ad
vance above cost, a the subscriber wishes to
go out of the gun business.
All kinds ol repairing none wita neatness
and dispatch by competent workmen.
1 allll continue to t.ik Uuiuliii Scnr, Wes
tern Exchauee. Nenuiha Valley, eastern mon
ey, or cold aud silver, in exchung for goods,.
r xl". ,.1,1. c'i . .1
lfjv oiore on j.u ixirfi, "11 uoor nom
Farnham, aud directly opposite the Western
Exchange Bank. Ojruiiin. i.'. T.
I'Jeasa call and examine goods and prices.
Omaha, Jan. lith, 1853. 3mtf
1 i . 1, . r 1.,
I.csal A'otioe.
The Peoples' Hank
of the City of 'ev
George Jcnnning
. ami
In attachment, in the
First Judicial J)i
trict Court in and for
the County of Sarpy
and Territory of Ne
braska. Reuben Lovejoy
To George Jennings, You are hereby no
tified, tint on the twelfth day of Jat uary,
A. D. 1S3H ; the People's Rank of the City of
New York, by their Attorney, filed in th orl-
iee of the Clerk c f the First Judicial District
Court of Sarpy County Nebraska Territory.
their petition, claiming of you th sum of
Five Hundred and Sixty-one ($ Ml) Dollar.
as money due them upon a certain promissory
note, made bv you in writing, dated August
5th 1S.)7 i and payable ninety days from the
date thereof.
You are also notified, that attachment issued
out of said olfice, In the above cause, to satis
fy said claim, according to the prayer of the
plaintiff. ' .
!Tow unless vou appearand answer saM pe.
tltion on or before the necond day of the next
term of the District Court, to be begun aud
lieLUrctJi" CUV of Bclleviit o the serf! rlav
of March A. D. IS.f ; judgment wi'J be
taken against you for the above amount with
intret and co'st.
James G Chapman )
Att'y for Fl'uT S
Ordered to be prirdej the Bellevue Gat-
t. ...... .! .....i,.
zette fotir successive weeks.
( J. W. PA
Clerk of
f Jiidirial
the First
Court of Sarpy Co,
P-y ep!iT V. r,ir;-s. pp.,tT cl'rk
MR. S. M. PIKE, still continues to keep at
his old stand, on Mission Avenue,, east
of Main Street, fiesh (iioccilos, of all kinds,
of the best (jtiality. AUo, a choice lot of
1 In has fitted up, In the rear of hi 'ore,
first class
Whera he will furnish warm meals, or eold
IukcIi, at all hours of the Uy, lnoludlnf th
following ilisnes t
Boast Beef,
Wild O.imr,
Hot Coffee,
And Tea.
Coined Beef,
Pic kle I Tongu?,
Pickled Tripe,
Pigs Foot,
His customers, arid the public generally, ore
Invited to uive him a call.
Nov. 2d. ltf
Jcwclpy i
Establishment in Omaha !
WM. FRODSIIAM, having retired from
the late firm of Kemp id Frnilsham, I
has opened a new stors nt No 3, Capt. Down's
luiilding, ltweenthe Methodst Churrh, where I
he invites his old patrons to pive him a call, i
Time pieces ami Jewell y, of every descrip- j
tion, neatly and expeditiously repaired. Oinl
111:1.1.1: 1 1: 1.1)1 H 1 011 sai.i:
OT 0, Work ?f.'. L.T., H. 1 t , I,. 8, II. 2.V1.
5M 1, " T;,
a, ni, "ii,"
Ml. '
" i. " 2"), " S,
" 10,11,1?, 210,
0'it Lot 21, in ttennett's qr.
" S!S, in H'lttom.
Also, an nndivl le, 1-2 of llloek 1SS, i S13.
Prlee, $!7S0. Ennu'r of
At hi Banking House, t'ounrll I'lnirt, or
41 . H. JENNINGS, llellcvue.
TOTICE ia hereby given, that by virtue,
'd in pursuance or u Dee.! of .Alortgige
executed bv Alfred Kellum. to the under sign
ed dated December lSih, A. D. 1857. to se
cure the sum of Fifteen Hundred and Forty
Six Dollars and Eighty-four rents, In the fo
lowing manner, to wi' ( $Sii0 on the 20th day,
or Ii.eemh.-r A. J. .)7, snooon tiievtli day
of Jannnrv lH.r)8, and the residue on the 9tli
1 day of March A. I). lsu.S, and Recorded . in
Hook Ji. or i.nmi Kecorcls, or Mrpy county,
N. T. Page 291,2,11 s one of the conditions in
the said mortgage is, that default being made j
in the payment or, either of said notes, tlie
whole should Immediately become due, and
payable, mid default having been made in the
two first, named notes, andlnterest thereon
and this being the third tune, said inort
ptge lias been renewed; now therefore, by vir
tue of the authority in mo vested, by' said!
Deed of Mortgage, I will p-oceed to aril, ac- j
co-Ming to the ronditions therein set forth, to !
the highest bidder for cbhIi, at public sale, In '
the city of Bellevue, N. T. before the door of
the Bellevue House, on Saturday, the 3rd dav
of Anril A. 1). 185s. at 10 o'clock. A. M. nil
the following described property, to wit, the J
u-divlded one half of Block No 113 In the city
of Bellevue, Sirpy co, N. T. according to;
suney made t v l . Nciiiinonsky in isan;
and also, all the undivided half of the certain
piece or parcel of Enid situated and Iving in
the county of Sarpv and Tf rri'oryof Ncbranka
and known and described us follows, to wit;
coiniii'-ucins; at n post 81:1 rods North, - 1 1-1
East of the'S V corner of sec 13, township 13
raiure 13. i; or tlie li principal meridian.
Thence north 47 1-2 west MiS rods to a cotton I
wood stumo, thence N 31 E Um rods to post i
thence S 47 1-2 E 23;' rods to a post, th ',c !
S 3d W 9:r rods to pi ice of hegining
n ljrt .-ill ,
the improvements and huildinirs. consisting In
part, of one steam saw mill and the tenement
lieinlitament and ajipurtenances thereof, sub.
j.:ct nevertlicloiis, to a IVed of Mortgage, to
secure lhi pavme t ' f Two Thousand Two
Hundred Dollars, ($2200) It being a prior
moitgage and hiving precedence over all
U;-3 V. A. CWYEtt. Mortgage
113. JSTCl02?li3l5Ll, !
'1 O. A
.. -syy ,. ii;irM
citizens know and frel thit cold weath
er 1 and those that are sleeping, awake I
if awake, walk I if walking, run I if runi.v
tlv! to th Tin and Stove Store of Sain'l
Snyder, and provide yourselves with such ar
ticles ia his line, as you may want, before it is
too late. Come all thit are suffering from
the cold, and I will sell you stoves that will I
! comlort you, in tin col.l region, .sow 1 your
otily cl.a'nee, as I am selling poods, cheapen
i than t'jcy can be bought in St. Louis. j
I I ontenelie Money and co.intry produce, tak- .
j rn in exchange for the same. j
1 luve a house and lot, wlucli 1 will sell.
cheap. Read and run to
ltf r.ellevue, opposite th printing offlce.
I.rgal Aollcc.
A. F. Peck i In the District Court of
v the First Judicial Distret
Charle Few I of the Territojy of Ne.
brasxa, fitting in and for
the County of Sarpy.
Notice is hereby given to Charle Few that
a writ of attachment issued out of t!'e office
of the Clerk of the First Judicial District of
the Territory of Nebraska in and for the coun
ty of Sarpy, dated the twenty-fifth dav of Jan.
nar A. D. DO, at the auit of the said A. T.
Peck, against the good and chattle of the
eaid Charle Few for the uin of Five Hundr-!
Ik llAr. directed to the Sheriff of Sarpv coun.
tv, which aaid writ has been returned " not
Now, therefore, nnleks you the sai.l Charles
Few be and appear before the aaid Ditrict
Court on or before the second diy rf the next
j "le U ltt 'V''0' Jf h"Wen in the City
"f Bellevue on the first Tuesday of March A.
D. 1S'8, judgment will be rendered against
..r... i. e...i r.t ,h. ..wl A T t..l. . meir
... ..u vi.r .n, 4 , . , uuu ,W.. 1
property attached will be eo'.d to talisfy I
judgment and cost cf the same.
renruary j'n .iH.iiA at rKwi
Afv fr PrflT.
Till, undei sinned hae opened, a 1atg
S'id eoiiiinodlous tiew Al"ie. on the corner of
M.i in and S. reels, in Bi-llevue, wlier a
vailed assort-iueiit of Uoo.ii may be lound
Among them are
Such na
Brown Mslin,
llosinry, ft
M'ADES. TE.V-KEril.r.Si,
'I O'relher with a quantity of
Boots cjb Slaooa
Sugars. Bakes, Hopes, Horse-collars, Carpel-
sack.-., Window SimIi, Doom,
1 L . . . .... . tt
i co, i. ,,t, , intu, i ,oiir,
tiaekei nml a yient mniiv mote n 1 1 1 r.n.
They keep r rtnxt t nt ly on hand, a large as
sortment of r.'od
tViiim and Liquor,
Warranted the bst oualitv t cheap for rash,
li37tf J.P. HORN & CO. r. R.vnrt.1.
rsiti Mil
WOl'I.D respect rnlly announce to the In
habitants of Belleuve, and vicinity,
that they have i.pened 11 stoic, on the rorner
of Main and 2Nt Streets, and now offer for
sale, n varity of goods, which are enthely
new, consisting of
Dry GuoJa mid Clothing,
ilviots unJ Shot's,
(Jr.) Trips, Liquors.
lJriiR.i. Mfditincs,
I nints ami Faint Uruslin,
Oils mid Vnniish,
Vindow(lusof all aies,
C'liiim ami lilnis Ware,
I Iiitsj nn'l Cups,
lli 1 1 T V 1 o Shoes,
lliiuikeis and
Fur (Jlovt.'N,
The above ail ich s are of the first quality,
and as one of us remains constantly in St.
Louis, selecting goods, and watching the mar
ket, wc feel confident that ran Ml as
cheap, or cheaper, than anyone the in tho
The public are Invited to give u a call and
examine the goods for themselves.
Wc will buy farmer s produce at tlie highest
Give u a call, nt the new toie, corner of
Main aud i!lnt Streets, Bellevue, Nebraska
Bellevue, Sept. 10, 1S57. 4 ltf
TOS. V. LOWK1E, practical Cabinet Mak
tJ cr, Infoi ins the people of Bellevue and vi
cinity, that he is now prepared to repair, var
nlsh,' or to make to order, In tho best manner,
any article ot furniture wlilelt tiiey may de
sire to have, at hi bhop, in Chase's building,
in Bellevue.
Coffins made In any style, at the short
est" possible notice. J. W. L.
Sept. 10. 41tf
New Mpim.
l" " ' " . "1' .
HU"'k.,i,,,, ,-i'(lc..0f P liner Ac. Avenll, the
will be earned on, as heretofore, at
' ',e oll. tnd, under the name ui.d style of
-jvr. 1 1 I i !
W. II. LuNGswoRF.
Meat Market
KSSKS II 1T)M' liave pur
ehssed of II. Cook Griffith, hi er.tii
interest in the butchering business, and will
hereafter bo found at his old stand, on Mls:on
"venue, east of Main Street, under S. M.
Pike's Grocery and Provision Sore, where
they will be h.ippy to wait upon his old cus
tomers, find all others who may choose to
favor them with their patronage.
riLi.i.KTi'i: ST0111;,
lV E M.ERS in Dry Goois, Groceries, Hard-
J v are, Hats and Caps, lioot and Shoes,
Crockerv. Furniture, Lr.
We will sell our goods, at low price, and
for ready pay only. 52
' ' re""" are indebted to the late
;J ' firm of Pnliuer. & Averill, wtU plea
call and settle the es me with
N, P. All aecount t;ot closed witiUn 30
dav, will be tar.
Jan. 2jth. 10
V. II. Longsdorf,
(GRADUATE of Penn. College of Dental
T Surirerv, respectfully announce to the cit
izen of Ilellevue, and vicinity, that he it now
prepared to practice Dentistry, in all it va
rious branches.
Office hour from 2 till 3, P. M. 45
i.r.oiL xoTirr..
Margaret Gates,
Petition fur Divorce, in
Dis'rict Court, Firt Ju
dicial District, within aud
for th countv of Sarpy,
Samuel Gate,
ierrnoryoi .euratka.
The defendant. Samuel Gate, will take no
tice, th it Msrjaret Gatee, the petitioper, on
tlie 2d day of February, A. D. lSiS, filed hr
; petition iu said court, praying that trie bonds
i of matrimony exiatin? between petitioner and
j defendant, may he dissolved giving cause,
1 abandonment and willful absence for more
1 than two yeare, lust paitt and that miles
' said deft appear and answer Mid petition, on
r before the second day of next term of said
! District court, a decree will be taken in ac
cordance with the prayer of said petition.
' Wy Bowen A Strickland,
I her Attorney. J
i clerk of said court,
tl By S. D. BANGS,
Deputy clerk.
Job Printing.
AT F ATLY and expeditiously executed, on
isor.l terms, t thl C(fiee,
rim.r.irs, Sampson co
lltto UTagajiiu.
II O H T O N, M A S S.
I'iMf 1 fn Literature, to lav no prvli
unrepresented, so that while ch t unbar WlM
contain articles of an abstract and pr
value, It will also h found that th healthy
appetite of the mind for entertainment la Us
various form of Narrative. Wit. an4 HuraM,
will not go uncared for. '1 he publisher with
tos.iy, also, that whil nativ writer will f
reive' the most solid encouragement, and will
l mainly relied on to All til pact of U
Atlantic.', they will not hesitat t draw
funic the foreign sconrce at their cma4(
as occasion may require, relying rather antb
competenry of an author totrtati particular
subject, than on any other claim whatever.
In this wav thev hope to inak their Periodi
cal welcomo wherever th Enjlish tonga la
jtoken or rend.
Kkconti 1 In the term Aar they Intend tl.
elude thu whole domnln of aesthetic, aa4
hopo gradually to make thit critical depart
ment a true and fearless representative of Art
in all Us various branches, without any regard
to prejudice, whether personal or national,
t j private conwlileratlon of what kind oevr.
Til 1 ant In Politics, the Atlantic will
the organ of no party clique, but will honestly
endeavor to b th exponent of what lta cj
d ietnrs believe to be the American idea It
will deal Trankly with person and wlU part
ies, etidcnvorsngtokecp In vlw that moral l
einent Vthleh transcend all person an par
tie and which alone make th bail of a
true Btid lasting national prosperity. It will
not rnnk Itself with any aect of amtiks, but
with that body of men which art in favor M
Freedom, National Prore, and Ifoaor,
whether public or private.
A an earnest tt the material at their
in and, they subjoin the following Hit of litera
ry persons Interested In their enterprise (with
ing it however to be distinctly undertodf
that they shsll hope for support from every
kind ofabillity which desire th avenue f
I heir columns, and In the remuneration of
whiili they shall be guided purely by tliear
sense of Intrinsic, merit 1 '
William II. Piescott, Ralph Waldo Eater
son, Win C Hrynnt, Henry W. I-ongfelleW,
Rev. F. II. Hedge, D. D. Nathaniel Uw
thorn, John O Whittler, Oliver Wends!
Holmes, Janie R. Lowell, J. Lotliroa Mat-'
ley, (Jcorge Win. Curtl. Herman Melville.
Proir. C. C. Fvllon. ProlT. F. J. Child, E. 1
Whipple, Edinond Q.ilncy, Author of Wea-.
slcy. " Thoma W. Paron, J. T. Trow
bridge, Author ot " Neighbor Jack Wood" fce.
Mr. H. Ileecher Stowe, Mr. Oaiklll, Ao
Ihor of "Ruth" Marv Hurtonw k.e. Mra
L. Maria Child, Mr. C. M. Kirkland, Mr.
Pike, Author of Ida May," " Caste," t.
Miss. Rose Terry. Wikli Collin Author e
"The Dead Secret". &c O. RiilTlnl Anther
'Doctor Antonio" fee. Shirley Drooke A,
hor of "Aspen Court" &-'. . M. WbJtty,
Author of "PolKical Portrait " fce. Jaiaeo
Hanney Author of ' Singleton Fontenoy ate.
C. W. Philleo Author of " Twice Married.
The Publisher will aim to have earh nuia
ber of the magatine ready In tlm for diatribe)'
Hon and lale, in the more remote parte ei U
country, on or before the first day of eaefc
month for which it in intended. . .
TERMH. llie Atlantic Mokthlt eaa
be had of Bookseller. Periodical Agent, or
from the Piihllehers, at Three Dollar a year
or Tweiitv-live Cents a Number.
Subscriber remitting three dollar ia ad
vance, will receive the work for one roar.
post run, in any part of toe Laitea oxate
within 3000 mile. !
A liberal discount made to wholesale deal-'
er and to post-master and other who act at
agents, to whom ipecimen number! will ao
furnished without charge.
'ilie Publisher will not be reponlbl for
contract mail by agent. All person or
dering through that medium must look to t)e
for 'heir supply- .......
All communications for the Atlaatle asaat'
be addressed to the Publisher. - i
OFFICE i - .
Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearko
Street, Chicago. ',,
capital., 8iro,oot. '
loxricn cAxricLD,
u. . xoaaoa, 1
Edmnnd Canfield, Pres., Wm. 8. Bated,
. Sec'y, Henry Chapman, Treat,
rriHIS Company wa organized on tb 27Da
L day of March, A. D. ISftS, under a a
ial charter from tlie Legislature of Illiaoia,
and business commenced under tb anoet fa.
vorable auspices. It establishment haibeea
upon a firm and reliable basi, and la view ot
It (lability, soundness. od permanency, rank a
aa one of the first Insurance Companlr la the.
country. To tho desirous of protectiaa;
themselves aealmt loss nrdaraar by Fire, oa
peril of the Sea, they beg leave to offer tka
Messrs. Stocie &. Witt, Cleveland, Ohio. .
William &. Avery. Cbicaco. III.
Norton ic Brother, ,
Stone r Roomer.
If. S. Durand, Pre. Racine k. Mi. It. at.
(ieo. C". Northrop, Cash. Racine Co. Kaak:
Wm. P. hind, Eq., Milwaukee.
J. G. Conroe, Ecj. Uacin. .
Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Comf Blc, Cbicaco.
Henry Farnham, President Chicago k, Roeai
Island Rail Road.
Daniel p. Rhode, Yj"., Cleveland, Ohio. ,
Thoma Campbell, Esq., Springfield, IU.
lion R. Chauiherlin, St. Eouis, Mo.
Messrs. Wadsworth, Well it Seyatoor. .
Chicago. III.
Messrs. I. If. Burcb A. Co., Chicago Itaakv
Messrs. G. W. Sner Jt Co. Chic are, III.
Wm. Rlanchard Escj., Morris, III.
Messrs. II. C. fc O. G. Cook v Co., Roa
ford. III.
Messs. II. Wbeeler k. Son, Aurora. III.
Messrs. Judd, Smith &. Pratt. Dixon, Ftls
Nehamiah Case, Esq., Budalo, N. Yv I
Wm. B. Fund y, Esq., Springfield, Il ' '
Gen. I. Cum, Springfield, 111.
Richard Ivers, Esq., St. Louis, Mo,
' T. B. LEMON, Ageat, Beerux
t 4,
J. E. NYE, will era I a oaa h
School, on Wedneeday, November 4ta.
Grateful to 1ft ri titer. of Bellerue, foe faat,
patronage, she ask It continuance, boplar
she may be. able to retain the approval a4
confidenc. that ha been ktndly exteadoet
to her. There will be two terau ol twelve,
week each, th mining winter.
For the Sit rudiment 0 reading aa4 afk
Ing, $1,00 a term.
Common English branchee, ArltbeaaHo,
Grammar and Geotraphv, $3JXI a teraa.
Higher fifliih branch, or French, fsl Jt)
tcun. ' '
; .1 1
rr tr
r 1
1 &
if 1
er .
at :
f r
! E