1 TWRNTY-FIVE WITNESSES;! ' t)Hioiorg.''r,Conviclca: j Bbaf Diyou nxtnllt hmvn Sum Pirttnfirt againti CouutrrftUtng II, ink f hi: ad f ;u d j j h kai i i j Subscribe! Snbicribe! Sub'icribet JiMlM E.AYK t the Anthor.aftd the Bank Kott engravers nil say that lie it th greatest jvdge of paper money living. CHEATER THAN THE ClinAVESTI .. .. .i-Ttm thin Tin? nra BF.KTI Puili1ij weekiy. only Ona Velle, ii, . , . , . GREATEST EISCOVLRY of the irsnt century for itittiir counterfeit Rank Nuttti 1 describing ery genuine bill In existence, did i etb lulling lit ft glance every counterfeit Hi c.ir dilation. Arranged so admirably that refer Mr la eay and detection Instantaneous. No Cages t hunt tip, but no simplified and arranged lat the nr rcUanl, hanker and bualne uun aaa aa all at a glance. ' It haa taken years to make prfect this ORBAT DISCOVERY. .Tha urgent neces. alty for aurh a work lias aaamcrr lal men., It haa t loiiff bean felt hyi laa been publiihed tu , apply th at to ba a rallforanch a preventive, and neada It doti mora than hna aver lieou allruiiilad hy Haa, ' it'dearrihaa vM-ry hunk not in tlirxe different fainiiaa- Kiuliih, I'rencli and (ier-Man.- 'J'hua each may ruad tha auiun in liia ten native tnn. . Taatl 1'he papor will lie ahnul ZH lv 11 lac ha, and will eonUia the inuat iirifui.t llank hot itit nuhlialiatl, toalhur with tha itle of Uacfiunt.t Altaa liatot All tho priv.ita Dank, ri U Atnarica. a )-. , AQpltft summary of On Fln'Fai.'t Sarep antl Amaru-a will ha pnblialied in r,u li altion, tacetivar with all tli Important newt f tbadity. Alao JNTKUKSTIKd STOIUtS Cram tn old anamiarrlpt found in the I'.aiU.anJ where el to ba found. It )ui never yrt feppaarail In print, and fumlaheatha moat coin. Wte hiatory of Orientnl Ut, and dencrihinc the moat perplexhif puHiliona in wliirh tha Ijadiea and -(Tentl-mtu of that conritry have keen to eften (oniid. Tiien- utorira will con. tanua tlirouicliout , tlia whule year, and will ft tha moat entertalulng aver offered to the J.ubtlC. , . r ' 7 Fimilahad weekly to auhacrihera ouly lU $k year. All le'tera muat lie addreaied . , x. x: JOHN 8. 1)YK, IWoker, , PubliHlier and Proprietor, x liaH . , ': 70 Wall Street. New York. . - .. A. SARPY, .".WTxoletalo a .Botftll Merchant, aaata f main ahu' ,oH.ocKifpii.Ki, . i . .: 1 ST. MARY, IOWA. ' WASjuatrafalvei nnrl now haa foraale.a KrRt aanortrnent" ;of- artrctad mirchan)llaa Adapted to tha want of all In thin now and Ihrivinrcorhniilnl', whlrh ha can aall aac heap can aa onVrrd elsewhere ao liih upon tha 'Mlaaonrl rlverl . Hi jola have been aalactad it an' Tparianpid pi(Vrha-ar, with apaalal ri feranc t the eirrmnatanrea and wnnta of altrlaiaet of aattlera In a new country.' IA aliea and pentlemen, children and youth, all an ha enpplied. Call and ace for youraelvea. VI In atork ronaiata of tha following, amone; a jrraat many other artlclei he cannot now enu merate! Amonp; liia nryidood-,' May ba faund Woolen and Satinet Clotha, iaaalnata, ., TwceUt, Caahmeraa, Linacya, Flannel, Hed, While, Gray and Blue, Cavpian JlaitJv Cotton (iaoda, Khr'elinra and Shirting, Bleached and Unbleached Blue and White, .Drilling, O-nalmrg, lied-ricking, Hickory Checks, &c, itc. -. -a. . rancj Goods. ''A beautiful aaaortmaut ff fiincy prints of Vrary tarlaty ofal rl and pattern. 'Ginghams, Lawns, Fipured Alparcn, noinhaainaa, Hom bSTattn. Shawls, Scarfs llaiidkarrhlafr, Neck- Vchlafs, Crapa, Muslin, Kdj-lnga, Kihbons, "ate., Ac. ' .,--. tlotliln?. A.WCU aeircieu mucn in nummer, t an auu Jointer Clothing, conslatins: In part of fine Dreaa Coats, rants and e-tjiaisn. pood Bummer CloUiiuc of ntl iteicruiUon-. and lioavv 'Clothlnsfor FalTaad Winter use. Alo, Sliirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, Jte. Meita' And Hoys' Hats mid Cap, of va Tloua fashions, hualitlas and prices. Hoots ft. ftfcoei, tlilck aud thin, poHslied and unpolished. f es-erv description, r Mai, Women, and Children's use. ' . t r ..a Ciorrriri. Crushed, Clarified. Loaf Riid Tlrown 5ui;ar, Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, llio and Java Colfeo. Sassafras, (inger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice. Cinnamon, rround Ginger, Nutmecu, rmuh", Tohacco, Clears, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Ylncj ar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, Jtc, &c. Provisions. A large "assortment of Flour, of rarion 4uliUtt aud prices Corn Meal and all the varioua products o( tha 1'aria and Garden; Paeon. T'nh, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches. Currants, Raisins, tit. , , . Hardware. ,t Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking: and TlsaUoff rvoms. Stove-pipe and F.lbowa, rg, tnslaati Iron Kettles, Kryinj; Pans, Skillets Jiaal-lruMa, Shovela and Tongues, Manure and Jiar Forks, Soylhaa. HUovela and Spades, LoA ajtsV Trace Ctiaiua, Axes, Hammer, Pincers, -iroth anl ietl,t faiW, JireU.iHfMi, Files') JSawa, Knivaa mid 'rks, Poukt Rurvra, Ua sora, Butts and Screws, Door Handles, Knot Locks, 4lc, ka. i j- . -s t , . . Tinware,. ... A jcaneral- assortment kpt for househob nrposes. Woodwarf. Wash-tubs, Shaksrs Pails, Wood and Zinc Washboards. LfatUfr. , tola Leather, Harness Leather. Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Raddles, Bridle. Hallers, Ijulats. Circineles, Bslly-bands, Drivinf-lines, Collars, Back atrapa, Girths, Blind-lirldles, &.C., Jledlclnes. A.iteners) assortment of Medicines, for Fevers, Fever and Apie, and the "oonunon aotnpUkitts of the country. Cook's, Lee's, Rappanyton's, Brand's and Javncs' Pills, Qui s'tne, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants, Aaodvnss, LiiUments, and other articlea nace aary for the sick sod the invalid. 1-tf .-' , FAKMCRS KCAU! JOH! Pi HORN Si, CO., near the Printing OITicr, Bsllevne, have on hand shovels. Hoes, Spade. Forks, Haines, an. I a ceneral assortmsat ol Fatuiuis Tools. Call and aee. . Inly, la, ia,7. lw3A GLENWOOD: ' H O T E L, ---. 1 Sai -; 33r cwcl'Wafsvy, ,Crnf jf cflldcnst aod Coolcdge Streets, ' Gl.KXfrpoD, icm i.' nthUi7! "f lotblng ; l CJothlns ! A LARGE STOCK OF BEADY MADE J.X. Clethinr of the latest Fashion, at CLKARWATER. WHITE t SATEJIS. Jaa 4b, IW7. a31. sruivs AiMt(;i:Mi;r. lingular Puckc! fr U.ltnis, T .f.l it Wf I li , Western. St. Joe.h,!st.Huh, Iowa Point, Nehr.ska Cm, 1) llcvue, Council Rlull, Omaha and Florence. THE new and elegant Passenger iinrr Florence, J. Ihroca- MattaSSSSHmnii ffioiton. Master. J. I'.. Gorman. Clerk, will commence her trip a regal.ir i packet in the above trade, on tha opening of navigation in th spring, and will remain In It inrongnout the season. The Florence hsvlng barn built under the superintendence of the utieeraigtied, rxprely for tha trad, la of extranrdinsrv strength, and well adapted to it In every particular. A rea annshl shsre of tha patronage of shippers, and the puhlle generally, ) respeetrnlly aoii- cited. j. riiKtick Moit ton, Master, 23 - e J. E. Gorman, Clerk, mimmm Arni(.i:n:xT. Regular Parket fur Kansas, Nahraaka City, Hellenic, Coui ( II llliill, OinaliH, ft fm -W add Vlureiice. VtTWs TMF. raw and alee-nt Stasmar MTrwrTiBrtf Mln-np-ha-ha, rapt, charier. linker. Mauler. Ifntchinann. Clerk, will run aa a regular packet, to the above and all intrrini'iliale poinla nn Ilia Mia sourl river, and peiioua can rely upon her con t innliiir in the trmla retrulnrly ilnrliij l!,a ;i.o'i. I lie liii-iie-,n-lia is iin entuclv new boat. built expressly for Ihe Missouri "River trade, liml being fitted np In tha Intent ninl most ap- proven bij ip. ner onirera re coniuienr, that stilct nttnnllnn lo the rnml'ortsof IMssaneers. and to business, will make her the favorite li -at in Uia trade, ... V T 1 I f CI IAS. BAKI.ll Master, , ' rt. ClarVa. Atrant. ' ' ' yds, Charles E. Watson, JT CIVIL KNGLMil.R AM) SfRVKYOll, ItallAVtlA Cilv. 'ilraWil Teri-ilorv. tirn. feeeeo to Im " posted" in the jay of tha land ia tin vicinity, ami oiler Ms services to such as may need them, on reasonable terms. (.' V "a will also net as npent. for tha pur chase or sale of Real Otata, in tha Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon application. .Declarations filed and pre-emptions obtained. d-tf c fiTc u j i a it. TOTHLasrn orricr.as in the Ti.aaiToair.s .or lt4NKtTA, KANSAS AND NF.HSASKA. UY joint resolution of Congress, approved M'arrh, D,"7, valid pre-emption claims on the llith and .tilth sections. heretofore reserved for schools. In the Territories if Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, will ha recnguied WHESE Til C SrTll.r.MCN'T HAS UEE, OS MAY BE M A OK rHIOS TO THE Sl'SVEV. 1st. In cases where tha approved plat of survey lias not j et been returned, the declara. lory atatcinent must be filed witiiIn tiiskf. MONTH AKTEK THE SriKITT 0 Sl'fll A P- r-aovr.n rj.AT at tiik msrairT oitmt. 2d. Where the pl.it Is now In the Register's Ollice, the declaration must he filed within thre mouths from tha riasT rrnr.irATioN or this risrn.AB in voi:n pistsict. A failma to comply with this requirement, will work a forfeiture of tha claim. THOS. A. HFADIUCKS, n 30-a.w Commissioner. . , Ejitering Town Sites. . Tha followine; correspondence will show that the act of tha last Legislature of the Territory, designating; tha County Commis sioners as the proper persons tn enter Town Sites, is not recognized by the Commissioner of the Land Ortire. It is a question of doubt whether the Judges ot Probata, or tha United States Judges, ran he regarded as "Judges of tha County Court." Aa aoon as that doubt is removed, notice wl.l be given. In tha mean time no entering of towns not Incorporated can ba made. A copy of the act of the last I.eglalatnie will be placed In the. hands of Ihe Commis sioner, and, under the circutnsitance, the eu tries already made mav be confirmed. JOHN A. PARKI'R, Register, Land OiTice, May llHh, 1M57. EXTSACT Pr A LETTER TO THE COMMlSSIOKfa or the LA.tn orrn r, PAred Lash Ori'iie, Omaha, April IS, ISiL T'ndet the "art of 1 wenty-fhlrd My,1l," the 'Judges of the County Court"' are given tha authority to enter Town Sites.'' In this Territory there are no such officers a "Judges of tha County Court," hut the Legislature has racognlad tha "County Commissioners" a tha proper persons to enter "Town Sites." and we have, In view of tha spirit of tha law. permitted such entries, in tha hooe that it will niaet the approbation of tha Department. Verv respectfully, your ohed'nt servsnt, JOH.V A. PARKKK. Register. CIIAS. CIIHISTuniKR, MACHINIST & COPPER SMITH, In all its Branches. BELLEYUEANDqMAIIA. THE MIS S 0U RIRI VER" AND IOWA 8TONE COMPANY. AT ST. MARYS, MILLa CO.,1 I IOWA. AKK prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAM), GRAVEL. I.I.MK. ROCK, t BUILDING STONE of every variety, sire and shape. They have facilities for quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that may be needed, and also intend to make BRICK. WATER LIMZ, wC. 100 Laborers RFFF.RANCES: P. St. Lovm. Gskene, CltOlTTEAV Jh. , Co., W'EASf, & Benton, COt'MCIL iJn-rrs. All orders should ba addressed: to J.NO.-W. ANTIHNY, S'taETAat. St. Mary, March 15th, 17. gltf. ' r. f7ii. foi.i:s, CIVIL F.NG INF I'll AND LAND Pt'R veyor, being now located at St. Marys, where he expects to make a permanent resi dence, takes this method of interning the cit izens, that he Is prepared to do any surveying! sud from his long experience in the business, b is shle to give entire satisfaction. Sj.JWjrys, Sept. 21, 1So7. 5U6 f . O N T. A MEMORANDUM HOOK, hsrlne ac counts of Lumber bills. Sit. The finder will confer a favor and be suitable rewardel, by leaving it at the print injf office, Bellevue. Oct lt1S DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICE. The subscribara hereby give notice that tha copartnership heretofore existing between them under tha name and style of Todd fc Smith, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to or against the firm will be settled br Burton 1. Todd. Bl'RTON W. TODD. E. P 8MIT1L Bellevue, August 12, 1857. 40 LUMBER! 100,000, o'aVbfyPiMLUlnb" ARNOLD, CBY at PHCRK. (fy Enquire at the Bsnton House. bo. 37. 3tu. fi. JJLIJI UXJLl NEW GGODSi! NEW PRICES !! New Ever) thin;, at the Old Stand of SAKPY . English. EDWARD C. BOSBYSHELL M AS tha lionor lo Infurm the people of the Southern District of Douglas and Ih adjoin intj futilities, Nebraska, that ha I now open Ing one of tha largest Sti of GOODS ever brought to Glcuweod, Mills connty, Iowa, consul in); or PHY HH)IH, GUOCF.RIF.S, BOOTS K MHOF.S, - ; r t4V FEN? WARE, LEATHER, IH)N, DYE-STUFFS, u-if r (tttr it a n v II A It I) WAR!.. HATS k. CAPS, NAILS. CORDAGF., OILS, PAINTS, WOOD AND : If s I T T f l Co 11 K A I) V- M A I E C LOT III NU, CARPENTERS' IDOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, He. And everything that may he found generally in city stores, nil of whicli he will sell CIIKAP FOR CASH. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUt'E taaen In exchange for Goods. Buy ers from town or country wishing good and cheap (iooiis, either ft wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examining his stoca before Purchasing elsewhere, as they will find good bargains and fair dealing. Gi.t. n uuu, low. nu4-lf L. Nuckolls & Co. BANKERS & LAND AGENTS, GLEN WOOD, IOWA. Collection made in Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and remitted at current rat.-s of ex change, free of charge. Loans cllectcd for foreign Capitalists, at Wksiesm Kates of Interest, on real . esla'.e security. Farms, Town Lots and Unimproved Lands bought and sold, i - ' - Taxes paid In any County In the State- also in Nebraska and Kansas. Notes bought and Money loaned on good security. Interest paid on Special Deposits. Land Warrants bought and sold. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lauds for settlers or distant dealers, either with Land Warrants or money, in Iowa, Nebraska or Kansas. We charge Ten Dollars per One Hundred snd Sixty Acres, and make reasonable deduc tions, when entering large quantities. When Land Warrants arc sent, Two and a Half Cents per Acre, the land Ollice Fee, must accompany the Locating Fee. When Warrants are sent, the No's of War rants, date, to whom issued and assigned, should be copied and retained, to guard against Ions in mails. Remittances to us, can be made in Drafts orl any of the Eastern or Soutcru Cities. We will enter Land with Warrants or Cash, pay all Fees, Tuxes and Commissions, for one third of the gross profits, accruing from the Snle of the Land all expense to come out of our third ol' the profits. Our arrangement are such that we can enter Lands in all the Offices in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas.. A competent surveyer always in readiness to find and select choice Lands, Cos, FlF.t.ns, Rock QfARHin, Mill Sites, Mineral Tracts, Within the next twelve months there will be offered for sale in Nebraska and Kansns,Two and a Half Million Acres of Land, compris ing the bast portions of those Territories, and extending along the .Missouri River, from the Mouth of Kansas Kiver or the line of the Stale of Missouri, to the Muuth of L-eau-qui-cour River. We solicit foreign Capitol for Investment. Investments properly made in Western Lands and Town Lots, are now paying from twenty-five to four hundred per cent. We believe that persons patronizing our firm will lia e peculiar advantages over al most any oth-r in this Country. We were among the first Pioneers of this vast and growing country and are intimately acquainted with nearly every portion of Western Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and believe wo will be fible to render satisfaction in all biikiuvas en trusted to us. LETTERS OF INQUIRY WILL BE PUOMTLY ANSWERED. REFERENCES: John Thompson; Hone, urayuim fit . o.. few l ora t ity ; wood, Hu ron '& Co., Philadelphia ; Straight. Deming it Co., Cincinnati; Darby Si. Barks.lale; Humph reys, Tutt Si, Terry Crow. McCreery & Co, St. Louis ; Isaacs &. Almond, Leavenworth City, Kansas; Greene, Wcare & Benton, Council lilulfs. Iowa; Henn, Williams & Co., Fairfield. Iowa ; Charles Ileudrie, Builinglon, Iowa; lion. Aug. Hall, Keosauque, Iowa; Hon. James Craig, St. Joseoh. Mo. : Hon. A. S. Fulton, Wytheville, Va Hon. F. McFullen, t.stilville, a. ; Hon. I-. hcrguson, Chief Jus lice, Bellevue. Nebraska. Glenwood, Mills Co.. Iowa. 21-tf. W. H. STARK & CO., W jld respectfully inform the ladies ami gen tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they havt j on hand and are luanufacturin a complete k'ock or BOOTS AND SHOES, Of tha best quality, and warranted j compri sing the following, vizi Ladies' Ulna Laea and Congress Gaiters. , " Kid Bootees and Congross Gaiter. " Simpers and Parodi Ties. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootees. Misses i . ' Chillis' "' " " UrnU' Sewnd Kip and Calf Boots. . Pegged " ' " Fine Frauch or Pump Boots. " Water Proof and Q ulled-Boltom J ta. Patent Calf Boots. " Oxford Ties and Gaiters.- " Kin and Calf Shoe, llovs' and Youths' Kip Boots and Brogans. All of which are made of the best material the marker affords. Our facilities for select ing are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, and we wish it distinctly understood that we Warrant Every Articla We Sell. We have the bast of workman in our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable fit. Respect fully, no 13-tf W. H. STARK fc CO. Greene, Weare & Benton, BANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCH ANGE, and Land Agents, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Notes and Bills collected and remitted to any part of tha United States. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed. EaAinrii or Southern Draft furnished in sums to suit pur chasers. I and Oifice funds paid for Currency or bills of Exchange. ' Leans etfected on good security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and Real Estate bought and aoli on Commission. Lands entered for settlers and tiuie given for riayinent. Utiles opposite tha Pacific House, n west lower room of Land Office. Reverences i F. 8. Jesup k. Co. W. J. Barusy JL Co., Bankers, Dubuque, Iowa ; Coo: fc Sargent, Bankers, Davenport, Iowa ; Cul barton tt Reno, Bankers, Iowa City, Iowa; People's Bank, New York Ciiyi Ketrhem, Rogers fc Be.inet, Bankers, New' York City; Selkon. Wit! rs fc Co., Washington, 1. C. Hon. Chas. ifason. Com. -f Patents, Wash ington, D. C. Hn. A. Dodge, R. U. S. Burlington, Iowa Hon. t. W. Jonas, S. U. S , Dubuque, Iowa Hon. Joseph Williams, Chief Justice, Muscatine, ! w. Council BI'WTs, Oct. 23, IMo ANOTHER GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes SELLING AT COST ATTI1K OMAHA CITY Boot and Shoo Store, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, a pood assortment of Ladles' and Gents' Rubber, Overs and Sandals of A. No. I quali ty, at a vary small advance, together with a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, including Ladies' and Gents' Bulla lo Over. - Also, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. S. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, as usual, arid warranted easy, fashion- able and durable, no 13-tf. W. HENRY STARK. HOUSE CARPENTER AND JOENrmri. N. HRIGGS, Takes this method of In . funning bis friend, and the public j-ano-sMv, tint he Is prepared to BUILD AND rl.MMll, in tn hest manner Dwelling Houses Of every description of style and finish, on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of public patronage. liellevuc, Oct. Ull, lK.m. 2-tr HOUSE CARPENTERS AND sTOZTNTEsiFLSp. WE would respectfully inform the inhabi tants of Rallevue and vicinity that we are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings or all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work manlike, manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, we feel confident in stating, that all who favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with onr work. c r. STUKKS Bellevue, Oct 23, ISoll. 1-tf N E wTrB II V AL sTfT H IE l II K. 41 THE Subscriber respectfully Invites the at tention of purchasers, to his large and splendid stock of (ioods. consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, "' SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, &c, Jtc, All of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market. lie nas also a well selected stock of liF.AIYY-MAni: CLOTHING, Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the BEST M ATERI ALS, and by EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he sell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. Bellevue. Oct. 23, lSDtl. 1-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOIXKRS. fpilE undersigned takes pleasure In an X nnnncing to the inhabitants of Bellevue and vicinity, that lliev are now prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in tha best manner, all styles of Dwelling Homes, Cottages, &c, &c, On the shortest notice, and in the most ap proved style of workmanship. They will be also happy to do any work in their line of business, 'which their friends may stand in need of. MYERS & HILLYARD. Bellevue, Oct. 30, I85l. 2-tf LATE ARRIVALS! AT GLENWOOD, IOWA. TOOT E & GREENE ask now ar.CEirT or a tresii srrpty or viaiga mm, Which, when complete, will compose the LARGEST Aisn best SELECTED STOCK IN' MILLS COUNTY. Ollt STOCK OF GROCERIES Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, consist of COFFEE, SUG.-iR, TEAS, FISH. RICE, CURRANTS, RAISINS, CANDIES. MOL SSES, SYRUP, FRUIT, NUTS, te., fce., fce DRY GOODS. Ladies and Gents, call and see them, and price for yourselves. They have not bees summered and wintered in St. Louis, but bought and shipped direct from the Eastern cittee. Late styles and a full assortment of DKESS GOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a Tw Dollar Silk. Also, a fsw fine SILK til I ll't i rw.....n... ' . ... oiianiiSi 1JU..M! and rAilASULS, C LOTIIIAU. A fine stock old and young, fogies and 'fast' men. call soon If you want a nice coat vest or pants, on reasonable terms. HATS! II ATS S I New styles, cheap and durable. HARDWARE. A very large assortment, consisting in part of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze, Chisels. Sir., Sir., to the end of the chapter. IIIIEII. MATERIALS. A large lot, consisting of Fine Doors, Sash, Shutter Blinds, Paints. Oils, Nails, Locks, Latches, Glass, Putty, Sir.. I l lt.MTI RE. Bureaus. Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safs. Cnbboars, Stands, Sic. V" We will sell cheaper for cash thar any house in Western Iowa. no K-tf. TOOTLE A. GREENE. A. Schimonsky, rnOPOGltAPHIC ENGINEER, Executes X Topographic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every a!)le and description. Fancy, Orna mental and Plain Painting executed to order. Otr.ce at the Bellevue House, Bellevue, N. T. References : P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa; Judge Gilmore, Bellevue. 1-tf Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respectfully inform th inhabitants of Bellevue and tha anrrounding country, that ha ii prepared to dig and finish, WEILS AND CISTERNS, At the short' st notice, and on the most rea sonable terms. D.A.LOGAN. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS5n. 1-tf Job Printing. NEATLY and expeditiously executed, on rsasoi.abls terms, at this Office. PRAIRIE FARMER FOR lsS-Y()L. 17. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. riEvorrn to Western item Agriculture, Horticulture, meel ics, F.dncation, Literature, Markets, Agriculture, Horticulture. Median anu iienerai ,ews. rniTr.rt ny CHARLES D. URAnDON. JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Correa'ind Editor assisted at Over Flva Hundred Practical Farmers and Mechanic, who have heretofore written, nd will continue, with many others, to write for the l.enefit of their brethren and the public. The "Prairie Farmer'' is devoted to the In terest of the Western Farmer and Mechanic. It It the Oldest Agricultural Paper in the West is published weekly In quarto form, for binding is characterised by a high moral tone labors to promote the interests snd ad vatieemeiit of the whole of the family, and to develop the Agricultural Resonrces of the West. A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to give accurate Market Reports weekly. It is essentially the family paner for the West. I copy, 1 year, $2 in advance, or $2.50 at the'end'of the year. II copies, 1 vein, $20.00 ftee copy to the person sending ciub. 20 copies, 1 year, $33 00 -free copy to the person sending club. 50 copies, 1 year, $75.00 frea copy to (lie person sending ciub. CT An old subscriber sending two new ones, or $5, will rscelte tmsce Cupiel one year. fffi" Subscriptions at the club rates must be paid invariably in advance. CV Subscribe now. You want and need "The Farmer." We want you to have it. g'T Current money may be sent by mail at our risk, provided the letters are "registered."' CV" Address "Prairie Fanner," 47 Clark street, Chicago, III. Advertisements, of an appropriate character, Inserted at ten cants per line each insertion payment in advance. GODEY'S GREATEST EFFORT. STILL CREATER ATTRACTIONS Will be offered In GODEY'S L ADY'S BOOK FOR 1S58. This work has been the standard for twenty seven years. When an imitation has been at tempted it has failed. It is THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK PUBLISHED IN AMERICA. NEW FEATURES FOR 1857: How to drss with Taste. Children's Clothes How to cut and contrive them. Painting on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing in all its variety, useful to the be ginner and the proficient. Fashions from the establishment of the cel ebrated "Brodie," will be in every number. Every-day Actualities A new scries of these illustrated articles will be given. Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lace of every variety. A specimen of the stitch to be used in each will be giv en. In addition to th above, One Hundred Pages of Reading will be given monthly. Godey'a Splendid Engravings on steal. London, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Godey's four figured Colored Fashions. Embroidery Patterns, Model Cottages, Dress Making with Diagrams to cut by. Dress Patterns Infants' and Children's dresses, with descriptions how to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work. The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often be given. s GODEY'S INVALUABLE RECIPES ITOM EVERY SUBJECT. MUSIC Three dollars' worth is given every year. In the various numbers for 1857, will be found the newest designs for Window Curtains, Broderlr Anglaise Rllppersj Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, Evening Dresses, Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing, Robes de Cramble, Car riage Dresses, Brides' Dresj es, Wreaths, Mantillas, Walking Dresses, Riding Habits, and Morning DreBses. Dresses for Infants and Young Misses, Boys' Dresses, Capes and Cloaks of Fur in season, Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds and patterns to cut dresses by are given monthly. Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip pers in Colors. Drawing Lessons for Youth. Send in your orders soon, as we expect our list for 18S7 will reach 100,000 copies. The best plan of subscribing is to send your money direct to the publisher. Those who send large amounts had better send drafts, hut notes will answer if drag's cannot be pro cured. Wa think we can show how much cheaper it is to take the Lady's Book at Three Dol lars than any other magazine at Two Dollars. We will take a late number of both. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 36 articles, the Lady's Book t2. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 en gravings, the Lady's Book Sd. The Two Dollar Magazine contained C-J pa ges, the Lady's Book 100. . Twenty-four mora engravings, twenty six more article, and lhiilytU more pages, nearly double the quantity. The lowest club price of the Two Dollar 'Magazino is $1,25; lowest club price of Lady's Book $l,ti7, only 42 cents difference in the'price, which is three and a half cents on each number, and for that sum (three anil a half cents), you receive twenty-six more articles, twenty-four more engravings, and thirty-six more pages month ly certainly a very cheap three and a half cents' worth. This view of the case has probably never before been presented, but it is a true statement, which any lady can con vince herself of by comparing the'two main lines. TERMS, CASH IV ADVANCE. One copy, one year, $3. Two copies, one year, $5. Three copies, one year, 6. Five copies one year, and an "extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies $10. Eight copies one year and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making nine copies $15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies $20. . The above terms cannot be deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Godey'a Lady's Book and Arthur's Heme Magazines both one year for $3 50. Godey'a Lady's Book and Harper's Maga zine both one year for $1 50. Godey'a Lady'a Book, Harper's Magazine, and Arthur'a Home Magazine one year d. The above ia the only way we can club witlj Harper's Magazine. The money must all be lent at one time for any of the Clubs. Subscribers In th British Provinces who send for clubs, must remit 30 certs extra on every subscriber, to pay the American post age to the lines. Address. K A. GODEY. 113 Chtsuiit ?t., Phtlada., Pa. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. For 1B58: rpilE Cheapest Family Newspaper in the 1 Wast I The Weekly Plain Dealer Trtk) commence its Sixteenth Volume on the let day of January, 137.. It will continue thi seat Independent, Jocoa. Fearless, Figh'ina Joe, nal It has aver been. Dealing Plainly but kinA. ly with all. It will battle for the Consttts tion and the Union, as "the world's best trea sure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion-' Ism in every form, and battle bls-tinlon In every disguise. Ot its vigilance as a Sentinel upon the watcb-tow er of Liberty, it Ma suffi cient to say, that if has never yet been found nappin at Its posf. THE NEW VOLUME AND THE NEW YEAR! The New Volume will commence with a New Year, big with important events. A' new leaf in the history of this Republic will be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new President and Vice President. During the coming year, the policy of Die New Adminis tration will lie fully unveiled in regard to the following Important and exciting National topics: The Final Settlement of the Kansas Difficulty, on which the whole Slavery ques tion in the Territories Is pending The Final Settlement of the C iral American Question, as against the claim! of England Our Rigkt of Transit Across the isthmus, and the recog. nit ion and maintainanre of the Walker Re public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Dues The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, with or without Poly. I gamy Admission of Kansas, with or without Slavery Probable Admission ,of Nebraska and Washington Territories The Inaugural Message of James Buchanan The Doings of ! the New Democratic Congress. These ar j some of the leading event which will distin guish the Incoming Administration, and mail of them will transpire during the Coming year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Cleveland, from its central location, ani j from Its great concentration of Jtail Roads, I Telegraphs, and water communication wltk the world, is ndmlttad to be the Best News Point in the West. It can furnish intelligence from nil parts of Hie world, days ahead of the New York Papers, and the Flaln Dealer, be longing to the New York Associated Press, is tha first to publish the Foreign and Domestic Markets, News, Disasters upon the Lakes, and Commercial Intelligence generally. It will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches Troia Washington during the Session of Congress, and has regular Correspondents, In all tn principal cities of the Union. In addition to a full and faithful record of passing events, we Intend to devote'Veoneld-' erable portion of our paper to "Polite Litera ture." Every Paper will contain a' Stery, either original or selected, accompanied with the choicest variety ff Miscellany, snch ae1 Poetry, Discoveries. Biographies, 'Joke. Od dities, Ac, SiC, making altogether one of th most Valuable Family Journal in the West I "Prompt to Improve and to-Invite, We'll blend instruction with delight." ffy Our Agricultural, Commercial,' asd Telegraphic Departments, will each be wertk the subscription price of the paper. The Brighton, New York, Baltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Marketa will be rsporttd Weekly. TERMS i Single Subscribers, $2.M Clubs of Ten (to one Office),...'... 1.60 Clubs of Twenty (to one Office),. ." 1.15 Clubs of Fifty, " ... 1.00 Pay invariably in acvanee. To the getter up of a Club, one copy gratis. C5f Post-Master are especially requested to act as Agents. They should In'everr case, where possible, substitute Western Demo cratic Papers for Eastern Fusion1 Papers. Thoee desiring the President's Messg and other Public Documents, can suhserlbe now, or at nnv time before tha first of December. CssF Subscribers to the New Volume should send in their names as early as the middle of December, so that they may be registered ia time for the first number. All funds Teelved at current rates, and if registered, mailed ei our risk. Address J. W. G RAY, Cleveland, O. GERMANTOWN JELEGRAPH, THC MODEL FAMILY AND AG RICULTURAL PAPER. PUBLISHED AT OERMANTOWN, PHILA'IA CO., PEXWA Evtnr Wednesday Mobnisc. BY PHILIP R. FRE.1S. PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. W take tins occasion to announce to Farm ers throughout the country, that it la the ln tention of Uie Editor and Proprietor of tor "Germantown Telegraph," not only to con tinue a heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of his paper, but sedulously Ho add to. its character and value by all the means at command. All necessary apace, shall be pre vided for a ful irecord of Agricultural Detail and a full development of every branch of the Farmer's Pursuit. He will in future, as he has always heretofore, aim-to be practical,, and to be of real nnd substantial advantage to husbandry. - HI fonrae, alaft, will continue to be thoroughly independent, and wholly tin. biassed by any other motives than those h conceives to be promotive of the true Interest of Agriculture ui ita broadest meaning. Neither individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in fluence shall swerve him front ihe path of right and duty. ' ' ' ' ' r - Farmers, throughout the country, who de sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, and equat to any other family news and literary journal published, which makes Agriculture a speci ality, will find the "Germantown Telegraph"" to fulfill every condition, and to render it en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for a periodical exclusively agricultural. Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. As a Literary and News Journal it shall not be surpassed by any in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of -the largest class, it shall continue to be one of the hand somest newspapers of the day. . .t Every Family, In town or country, whether they take other papers or not, will And the "Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lit eral benefit, twice the amount of subscript!. TS'o subscriptions received without the cash. Price Two Dollars in advance. Subscription not paid within the year, $2.50. Mail eub scribers will have the cash postage deducted when not exceeding 25 cts. per annum, pro vided the subscription ba paid atrictly in ad vance. Postage stamps to this amount will be returned as change with the receipt. Any person sending five new subscribers at one time, with the rash, will be entitled te lee paper for one year. . 4 Specimen number Bent on request. STEAJVTFERWtDAT- j 711,11 E subscriber begs leave to Inform eke I s public, that he baa now In eperatieMJk I first class Steam Ferry Boat, at Bellevue, N.T. ' at the point known as old Trder'i Point Terry.' The Boat ia one of the bast on the Missouri I River, and every exertion will he uead te ena j hie tho public to cross the Riv- with eafety, and dispatch. ) flW NATHANIEL G. BENTON. for sale. '; A valuahle timber Claim of IIMI acre, with in three miles of Rellerae Citr, forssle. En-, quire at this Office. ndTsf.