W1IIHMU M4l-' ' 'i ' ' . Hi n!l'M 1M IN IP ;i . .' m..! V A Family Newspaper Devoted to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusoments and General Intelligence. VOL. 2. BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1858. no. 13;;' J.C ir"l 1 It I I j iflW Wtt Ai'Y XUT j&Tir iTIW ' rvuttinid tvaar rmimt It' '' ' ' BCLLEVtE ClTTi St TV " Henry M. Burt & Co. Terns f SsbscriptloB. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM IN AD-VANCE. - RATES OF ADVERTISING. Square (11 Untfl or less) lit Insertion.'!! 00 Each subsequent insertion 90 On square, one month S 50 " thres months 4 00 ..' six J" 00 M - ana year 10 00 Biialncia carda (0 linaa er Wit) 1 year 5 00 Ons eeliftnn, en year 80 00 Oae-half column, ana year 35 00 " fourth - - " 20 00 eighth " 44 u .....10 00 column, alt month 35 00 ' half column, at months 20 00 fourth " " M.i 10 00 . eighth." , " 00 " , column, three month 20 00 " half column, three month. IS 00 fourth - '... i 10 00 eighth - H u 00 AeAlag candidates far office 6 00 JOB WORK. Por etfhth aheet hill, per Far quarter " 100 St 00 - 4 00 " II 00 roe aair 41 For whole . 1 00 Per colored pr,half aheet, )er 100.. 5 00 Por hlanka, fer quire, A ret quire 2 00 Kech auVeequent quire 1 00 Carda, fr pack 160 P.aeh mhnthutnt pack" 100 Por Ball Ticket, fancy paper per hnn'd 4 00 P.ach aubtequent huudred 4 00 DUIIIfCSI CABDS. , , . . Bowen ft Strickland, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Real Etate, City Lota and Claim bought ana eold. Purehaier will do wHI to call at our office aad examine our list of Citr Lets, fee., before oerchaeina; lewliire. t)Aice in Cook'a new bntldine;, corner of Fifth and Main etreeta. -i : i, If. I. BOVettt ,-.;-! . TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Belleeue, N. T. 1-tf 8. A. Strickland, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bellerue, N. T. 1-tf T. B. Lemon, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT , L AW . Office, Pontenelle Bank, Belle eee, NWata Territory. lyM O. T. Holloway, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf W. XX. Cook GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Bellerue City, Nbraka. 1-tf W. H. Longtdorf, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office on Main, between Twenty-Fifth and Twenty Siath aweeta, Bellerue City. ' 33tf COUNTY. 8URYEYOB OF SARPY CO will attend to all buaine of Sunreyinf. laying out and dividing land, eurreylne and platting tovma and - roada. Office on' Main atreet, Bellerue, n. .i .. wit B. P. Rankin, ' ' A TTORNEY AND COUNSNLLOR AT X. LAW. La PI itte, W. T. 1-tt J. P. Peck, JC.D. BURGEON Jt PHYSICIAN. Omaha. Ne O br-ki Offlc and reaidenca on Dodge Btfoet ..'.1 ; (Iy8) y ' Peter A. BagpT, TTORWARDING A. COMMISSION MER- l; CHANT, Bnmie, N. T., Wholesale Dealer In India Good. Horaea. Mule, and Cattle. 1-tf D. af. BuUiran, SC. D.. DHYSICIAN aad SURGEON. Office J. Head of Broadway, uouncii Blum, lowa . aoe. 13 1-tf. wa. a. miTH. 1. . aMiTU . Smith ft Brother, . ATTORNEYS H COUNSELLORS at LAW j rt--1 . 1 t 1 r- . . . n . 1 1 . . Vebracka TerrHorr. will attend faithfully fend proeewtty to baying and telling Real Eetate, iy ueta.cuima, and und war rani, unci at the Benton Houee. tl-m tve wacew. . macor. ' Xuon ft Brother, ATTORNEYS AT LAW A LAND ACTS., Omaha City, Nebraska. - Office on cor. or of rarnftim "4 Fourteenth Street. 42U D. H. Solomon. A TTORNEY' and COUNSELLOR AT V LAW, deawood, Miila Co., lowa, prae tice in an the Court of weetere lowa and Nebraska. aa4 the Sunreme Court of Iowa. Land Aeencf Mt In the Programme, no 4-tf - 1 . . . w. 1. r. e ' X Drlag, aad BathlnK Saloon, third door wwi i w cscaaace uanK, umana, w. i. Omaha, Oct I, lft7. 47 OmttAT Seeter, . mnartRiienir tun nm wi. JL NEER, Ettea Drawing and painting ut eeery atyl and description. Alio, all VoaUosa In hie line. Office on Gregory atreet, C Miry, Mlfli eoenY, lowa.- - BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR ' i . t. .1. H O T E L , OFFERS EVERY To the Public, and will render ASSIDUOUS ATTENTION To tht varJt of HIS G VESTS. J.T.ALLAN. Bellerue, Oct. 23, 18M. 1-tf j. 11 nnoivN, ATTORNEY AND C0CNCEL0R AT LAW GENERAL LAND AGENT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC,' PlatUmovih, Cass "Co. 'M T.' 1 - ATTENDS to buiine in an of the Court of thla Territory. Particular attention paid to obtaining and locating Land Warrant, col lection or urnt, ame taxM paid. letter of inatilrr relative to anv nart of the Territorv answered, if accompanied with a fee. REFERENCES t Hon. Lrman Trumbull, U. 8. S. from nio.t Hon. Jame Knox, M. C. mm Hon. O. H. Browning, Quinry, " Hon. Jame W. Grime. Governor of Towa. Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T Green, Weare A Benton, Council Bluffi. I. Nuckolla at Co., Glenwood, Iowa. 23tf. -. Ira A. W. Buck, AND and General Agent. Pre-Emptlon J Paper prepared, Land Warrant bought and old. Office in the Old State Hou, over the V. S. Land Office. ' . . "REFER TO Hon. A. R. Glllmore, Receiver, Omaha. Hon. Eno Ixiwe, " Hon. R. A. Strickland, Bellevue. . Hon. John Finney, .. , - ? " Hai. J. Sterling Morton. Nebraaka Citr. Omaha, June 20, 1M7. -....-.w : 35 h. r. ciAKe. A'. CLASS K. CLARKE & BRO.V FORWARDJNG'and commission MERCHANTS. 8TEMBOAT AND COLLECTING ' AGENTS, ,t , BELLEVUE. NEBRASKA. Dealers in P'ne Lumber, Doon, Saih, Floor, seal, Bacon, ftc, &C. 3T Direct Goods oare Clarke ft Bro. BOYES & CO'S WESTERN LITHOGRAPHIC E9TABI.ISIIMEIVT, Florence, Nebraska, In Main St. Town Plat, Map, ' Sketches, ' Bueinei Cards, Check & Bill, CertiCcates, and every deaeription of plain and fancy en graving, executed promptly in eaitern stylo. SanSt ' ' -:.-: e.; i " Greene, "Weare ft Benton, ' ' " ; RANKERSsAND LAW AGENTS, Council ni ..if- f - : . . t . . Greene A Weare, Cedar Rapid., Iowa. 1 Greene, Weate at Rife, Fort Dee Moinen, la. Collection madet Taxes naldi and Lands purchased and sold, in sny part of Iowa. 1-tf BO. SMTDES. JOHN H. SHESMAX. Snyder ft Sherman, ' A TTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT - v 4 ur ...i vnTinirs nror in rM.M cil Bluffs, lowa, will practice their profeseion la all the Court of Iowa and Nebraska. All collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promptlr. - 1 ' Especial attention given to buying and fell ing real estate, and making pre-emptions la Nebraska. Deeds, Mortage, and other instruments of writing drawn with dispatch; acknowledg ments taken, sic, ate. tar Office west aide of Madison street, iuat above Broadway. nov 19 ' j-ir. P. A. SARPY -1 FORWARDING &' COMMISSION MERCHANT, 0 - ' Still eontlnnea the above bnelneas at ' ST. MARYS, IOWA, ft BELLEVUE, If. T, ... Merchants and Emigrants will find their good promptly and carefully attended to. P. 8. I nave the only WAREHOUSE for storage at the above named landings. St. Marya, Fb. 20th, 1857. 1 1-tf -I Tootle ft Jackson, FORWARDING h COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Connril Bluff city, Iowa, liavlnga Large and Commodious Warebonae on the Levee at the Council Bluffs landing, are now prepared to receive and atore, all kind of merchandise and produce, will receive and pay chargea on all kind of freigtb ao that Steam Boat will not bo detained aa they have been heretofore, In getting aome one to receive rreignt, wnen tne consignees are absent. RarsasHCMf Llvermoor . Cooler, S. C. V . . J . i. J U.MKWHM B..44 4. Cl. Louis, Moj Tootle . Fsiriefgh, St. JfVPJhi mo. , j. o .enrworin 10., v-cmncri vwim W. F. Coalbough, Birliagto, I. Iw ' i-tf POETRY. From Porter's Spirit. Woman's Itlthta. ' ir vi ygaweit. Women's Right I what are they pray I Bay, what are Women's Rights f Are they to " wear the pants " by day, And speeches maseo'nlghU? Are they to sees: for office, Which men alone should station? ' Are they to mass our country1 laws, And thus destroy our nation t , Are they to bluster, smoke cigars, And mis In rows, or fights ? Are they to crests civil wars t Say, are thesi Women's Rights? No, no, s thusand noes I cry I These, sre the rights of women . A heart for home a love for peace With eyes that teas can awim In. A modest mien a silent tongue A plessant amile of love . A cheerful face that'a ever young A spirit like the dove. A happy heart contented mind A care for household duties, A aoul submissive to Its God Aye, these are woman's beauties. From the Nebrsska Newa. Iteplj. Woman's Rights I what ars they pray," Ah I what are Woman's Rights ? They ars to work and toil by day, And rock the cradle night. She Is not to " seek for offices, Which men alone ahould atation, She ahould be amply eatiifled, ' With man'a wit legislation. She la not to " bluster, smoke cigars, Or mlt in rows or fights," 1 These are maw's prerogativee, - And form his cbelf delights I : . ' ) - . i:.t. , The Na' ion's purse strings open wide, -. To receive her contributions I But she is quite too week a thing, . To speak of distributions? , O, woman Is a vessle weak, To be by man protected, And she must nothing higher seek, If aha would be respected I She must keep " a silent tong-e," ' Nor strive to find her level, And sbs must hsvs " a love for home," ' Tho wedded to a Devil I She muat bear "a happy heart," And quiet dlspoaition, Tho' every part with anguish smart, From vilest Imposition I . If drunken husband knock her down, la a fit of desperation, , ! Shemuat amile and smile again, , , , In gentle'st submission I O! woman's is a happy lot," " ' 1 ' ' ' '' ., ...A life replete with beauties! And surely she should murmur not, At doing woman's duties. ' ,' All this, It seems "Di Vernon" thought, ' But I would turn the table, ' And say', that woman has I fciOHr,' To be what she is able) ! . t ; God, gave her being, mind and aout, He made ber all a humane, And 'tis In vain man would control ' The destiny of woman. The greatest good aha can attain, la woman's highest duty, He own redeeming excellence, , . Is woman'a caowsmo seavtt. L. F. WutTIHOBS. Nemaha City, Dee., 1857. . My Child's Origin. ', ai davis SAakia. , ' Ona bight aa old Saint Peter alept He left the d. or of heaven ajar, When through a little angel erept, And came down with a falling star. One summer as the bleeced beam Of morn approached, my blushing bride Awakened from some pleasant dreams, . And found that angel by her side. ' God grant but thla I ask no mors That when he leaves this world of sin, He'll wing his wsy to that blessed shore, And find that door of heaven again. St Peter'a Reply. ST ST. PSTEB. Full slghteea hundred years or moe, live, keep, y dc,qra, securely tied, Tfcut li so (ttle y$el w tcyt Fri been sussing all t' 1 while. I did not sleep as you supposed, . Nor leave the Jour of heaven ajnr : Nor haa a " little angel " left, . . ;1 . t And gone down with a falling atar. Go ask that ''blushing bride" and ses ' If she won't frankly own and say, '( ( '" ' That when' she found that angel babe' She found It by ths good old way. ' ' ' ' ; ..-(. ; " . ,1 , :.. ,1 t God grant but this I ask no more That should your number be enlarged, That you will not do a before, And lay it to old Peter's charge.' MISCELLANEOUS. What Is the News? Unique in the world of letters, the news paper is like no other thin;; it bears no resemblance to any other literary produc tion. It is the ephemeral record of the great and exciting now of the world's history, a collection of the jottings of hu mor. ' It is the bust, industrious collector of the world's highway, picking up every thing, frorrt the 'revolution of an empire to One of natures freaks a pig with two hcadsj or a cat with two tails. It is an omnivorous monster, greedily opening its capacious jaws for anything and every thing offered . It is a sleepless caterer to the appetite of the million. Tho hetero geneous confusion of subjects in a news- )aper is singular to contemplate. The udicrous and the pathetic the sublime and the ridiculous are met with in strange proximity; vice and philantrophy jostle each other strange cunning and stranger simplicity, love and murder, poll- tics and poetry, are huddled together. In one corner we ' have births, marriages, and deaths life and death, as it were, hand in hand the cradle and the coffin side bv side. Here, George is earnestly requested to communicate with his sor rowing friends, and no attempt shall be made to interfere with his movements. There, "If that lady who gave her name Tail, and left the child she called Tommy Brown with Mrs. Cork, does not come or send, tho child wilt be put into the work house." Here a long liat of "Want Pla ces" painfully remind us of the scarcity of employment, and the superab mdance of labor. There, the heartless votary of fashion offers a statvtng salary to the pos sessor of every imaginable prospective qualification. There, false and fictitious companies their names are legion com posed of n parcel of tricksters, spurious insurance companies, bubble annuity soci eties, whose chief capital is unbounded impudence, and, on the part of the public, unbounded credulity these having joined their purses to produce a prospectus, and having taken an office, invite the com munity to invest their spare cash in de posits to insure their precious lives, to purchase for themselves annuities. Here, the honet finder -ot parse of money honorably advertises 11 that it may be owned there, the professional shark an nounces a vacancy for- a apprentice,' cot eluding hie pompously arrayed advantage . . 1. . I - ' C - . 1 ..II 1 1 wnn me very significant worus, "nej win be treated as one of the God-fearing fan - ily,f "a premium, will be requirea."- There, a bloated capitalist trumpets forth' his thousands to lend "on approved securi: ty," cr "Diamonds and plate purchased to any amount for cash;" here, is anapp al by some broken-h?arted. man, who l clares that a loan of five dollars woulu save hint and his family from irretrievable ruin. There, a brutal husband half kills his unoffending wife here, a drunken, unfeeling mother is prosecuted for ill- treatment of her child. There, a benev olent stranger is commended for his dis interested adoption of some friendless er- phsos here, full particulars of the cost y celebration of some high-life marriage there, the melancholy destruction of some hope -aba ndonded miserable. Un told riches and abject poverty-f-the ' vota riea of pleasure and the victims of des pair theatres and Crimiual courts, (ire a 1 strangely mingitu no wiui uuiuer, ana the pewspaper must le considered a very "great fact," Again; "the pewipaper" ia a test of the habits and tastes of the people. No feather thrown into the air more surely indicates which way the wind blows. The grave poli ician turns at once to "the lead er,"aod the foreign intelligence, to note the movements of party. The fundhold er to the price of stock, and then scans the political horizon to see if there be any cloud gathering, and threatening to affect prices. The merchant bestows his atten tion on the "price current," and the ship owner to the shipping intelligence. The literary man devours the reviews of books and pores over the advertisements to learn what ia in the press. The young officer eagerly looks la tht army intelligence to behold, for the f.rst time, hia, name in print, iba avthur, sculptor, rainier, c tor, all view a favorable critique as an earnest of their future fume HI are eith er sunshine or shade hona or desnair lie niomenl they have perused the no-, tice taken of them by the public journal ist. It is in ihe newspaper we find every-, thing from the settlement of a war iii a controversy on the moon.- Godry't ' La dy'$ Book. .: . Steam Navigation or the Missoit at 60 Yr.Ans Aoo. The first steamer that navigated the Missouri as fur as the mouth of the Yellow Htons, was that en gaged in the famous expedition of Lewis &l Clark, some fifty years ago, the Wes tern Engineer, a boat of about the size of a reapciable yawl. She accomplished the trip from St. Louis to Sioux City in one season. The first regular boat in the Mis souri river trade wa the Oloo, which ran one whole season, under the commind of our fellow citizens, Cnpt. J. II. IIil, late of the firm of Hill & Conn. Thia waa we believe, in the year 1618. The Otoe was a very different boot from those new navigating the Missouri. She drew four feet ef water, light, and her cotempora ries being of a similar drau't, it is no won der that a trip in that stream was consid ered a matter of extreme hazard and diffi culty. The Hancock plied in the trade after the Otoe. In the spring of 1830. Capt. Andy Wineland mnde a govern ment trip to Fort Leavenworth. lie had to cut his own wood. His boat was the Globe, and like tho other boats of those days, was slow and of a heavy draught. This was the only trip made that season, by steamer, in the Missouri. .. How great has been the chsnge since the Otoe, the Hancock and the Globe pressed the sands and lazily plowed the waters of the mud dy Missouri River. St. Louxh Dtm. ' '! What the Isdiabb bid at thb Smitusokiah. On Monday morning, about (wenty of the Indian chiefs and warriors now fn the city, visited the Smith sonian Institute, and were conducted through, -the rarioos deportments, where they evinced, their surprise, and, delight, after their wild fashion. In the "picture gallery (Stanley's Indian Painting's,) they were particularly interested by the repre sentation of a war dance around two cap tives a woman and a chiid. They were much disappointed at, not finding portraits of any of their own tribes in ihe gallery. In the apparatus room, a number of them were induced to join hands, and a revere galvanio shock ' was given them. Some of them gave vent to the significant " Ugh," indicating their surprise, , and turned fiercely about to discover the per son they supposed had struck them, others rubbed their arms and elbows, and from the general talk in their own language, one would suppose they had entered upon a scientific discussion of the nature of the singular manifestation. , "" Afterwards eeveral of them took shocks singly, and it was curious te witness9 the grim deterednation with which these sto ics of the wilderness undertook to assume, that air of iinpassivenes ybicfy tradition asserts f'le'y maintain when undergoing torture as captives. i'But it 'was no go;' t ey had to kuoekleto acienoe,,'and as one after the other of the astonished brave was doubled up, tumbled upon, bis knees, and knocked into a heap generally by the powerful battery, he was saluted by most uproarious jeers and laughter1 by his lows. . ' :' .i :ii.': f(.i !, Some of the party mounted . the high north tower of the Institute; but when at the top only one pf them could be pre vailed upon to approach, the edge and look down the dizzy hight, most of them squatting down as soon as they reached the summit. One of them was observed placing small pieces of tobacco on the parapet. The interpreter explained that this was intended as an offering to the Great Spir it, as the Indians bejived that, at this highl they were nearec. the Deity, than they had ever been before, and according ly Improved the opportunity to pay their" worship.":'' - -- J .-.1 1.'. On descending, the Indiana had a great war daoce . with amgiog, iu the .lecture room, and shortly after concluded this most interesting visit. , natninglon Slatm. " Last 1 year 184,771 tmairrants arriv ed t the port of New York. Of these, 57,104 were from Ireland, and 78,759 from Germany, . It la believed that the emigration froea Ire. land alone will be diminished during the com ing spring, in consequence of the recent finan cial depreeeioa ia this country, - The emigra tion front Germany will probably, on the con trary, be as large aa ever at that aeeewn. The expected Aoctuation In the number of tm migrant from the two conntriea which supply onr foreign recruits, is accounted for by the fact, that the Irish generally come here for labor, which iejuat row not abundant, not likely to be for aome months yet, snd that the Germane earns with money to bey laed, which I new among the cheapest things ia tho mar Didn't Knosr Ma, own Oak-jr.. A citizen of Jamaica . Plains, L.., I went to answer the ring'at the 'door,' ay the request of his Wife, whefr 1 he 'found' nothing but a basket) On' removing thai covering a beautiful little child Appeared aome five months old. .The lady scream, ed, one of the lady visitors took up the, baby and found a note pinned to its dfesi, which charged' the gentleman of 'Ihe louse with being its father, and imploring urn to support it. A rich scene ensued, tetween the injured wife and indignant, iusband, the fatter utterly, denying all (Viowledge of the little one, and asserting hs innocence. The friends interfere,' arid at last the wife waa induced to for jive the husband, tho he stuck to it like, a Trojan that he had been a faithful hus-' band. Finally the lady very roguishly1 told her husband that it was strange be should not know his own child for it wai their mutual offspring, which had. just, been taken from its ci-adle up stairs by, the nurse, for thi very purpose of ptajinf the joke. - - How JoiVwoit riiK Pau'eViL-Joe H i unquestionably the handsomest' rdab' la Cincinnati. , . - s 1 -.J.,-; A 1 UW ..Joe sports a wife, besides several other? creature comforta. .Well, he and his wife Harry1 , John 7, and George-, and their wives, all board at the sime? house. A day or so ago, while they ffjr at a table, luxuriating on . detached per, tions of a boiled Turkey, which Lad tec stuffed with oystew, the conversation turn-' ed en Christian nam, when Mn. llat 17 contended that she eould ( name taortv distinguished men who bsd,horo iht, name of Henry, than any gentleman could of Am own ' name ; and concluded by offering gold 1 pencil asj i ' water. against a suitable '. equivalent, should eh)) w,2l-i- : -' '! ;; il.i' ;;ie4tt The trial commenced.. Mrs.i Ilarry, - started 'off with ""Harry of the West," adding1 a 'dozen others. f "1" " George - now gathered en Oeerg' Washington, the . fer ,eorse5r of Esgrs land. Lord I George ..Franks, &e,,x ,tt 'Now, Mr. John r-, what have yo W say f said the 'charming" Mrs. Harry;. -'"Oh ! I can give you a hundredihe tw Adams Lord John Russell Jeha Tyler John, John, bring me some valtrv Jonh." . . ; . , "Stop, stop, you can't wlo. Mr. JV. seph , now yoor turn comes," eontinu ed the juicy liute gamester; tit 1 .-ill Ue Now, if. ever a bashful man livedo Hi is my friend Joe. vHe dared not look up, j He had been racking his brain for.", a a. answer, but to no purpose, and in despair,' he made one grand effort, and railing hie' head replied t - - ( , r -re! s'ns "My dear medam, I bare lost. .1 fant not now think of any rry distinguished man who ever bore the name of IJoseph except the gentleman we Tead about in' the sacred scriptures ha when wa ajticlr a favorite of Mrs, Pouphaivbut I will Mir offer him. fur. I ihiuk fit wa. J f dett fool Ihxr did hear of ! ,." " , t -Here'a fhec pencil,- aalfri. tfafrV, iiMeeiitj vt nverr tv unir, e sn aoa me out' er ladies scud out of the ioat.nslre'j a?i Would you rather die by the guiVotine? or be roasted to death I By that lafter process; because a hot atake (steak) ia Utter than a cold chop. ,, -t.tti 1 ."i- - T 'tT ttctl The poet Rogers once obst'rved to a lady. "How desirable, U was, in any danrer-to have rrsenct of .mrnd." 'Yea," jihe. quickly rerdiedr,out I would rather bare1 nearnceof body. '' .'-.' t; n Did the defendant approach the plain-. tiff's triatimr inquired an attorney, in ii case vf assault and battery,' the other day;5 "No, sir-eeT waa the reply,, "he went ail 'em with a poker," ..; . : Catsa awo ErracT. "Mother, hiiT book tells about the abgry wares) pf 1 thsr; ocean.' Now what -make the eeee get; angry I" vBecauss' (t hat. Ven- croeaeel eo often, my eon." , A link boy . asked J3ri Burveax.' (hr preacher, if he would hare a light No- ch'ld said the Dr.. "I am ' one of the. lights of the world.: ! wish' then; re plied the boy, yoii were hung up ir thef end of our alley, for sre hart draadfut dark one. . ,.-,..,. .r.,A '..vtV! e.-ii -oMadam' said m eroes 'tempered! physician to paueu. womea me admitted to paradise stair tongue,. srauld ma ice it a purgatorj, - "aoi some pnysv clans, if allowed, to 'practice' there, re plied the lady, "would make it a desert. ,Tf artificial propagation af fiala.TtS, i" .1 - v. ?.t. j. ' oeen jotrooucea into canaaa wnn i Mr. Bunks is the twentieth pofsti baa filled; the gubernatoratl chair ef 2& s,c))4aetu during the seventy-Mean yeetm iinxe be adopts of vhe State cMiuuooj, it '. i nr Hi Hi ' 1 ? f f r i I i Mi i IS if 4 r t a ' 'A u.. sr: it i a i - - & t 1 iF i S I : t-- J I t- I in hi 1! II s