TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES YiOr,7TM ) F6rfctr . Con ictcd. ftaJT Do you wani o Aire a Sure- Vcwnin . . . ... at ft ft j lutttirlU I ' labf'ohbe I lfcioribe I JOHN S. DYE It th Author, and th Bunk Met nuit til iay that he I the, griatest judgs of paper money living. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I BETTER THAN THE BEST I , .Published weekly. .Th whole. Only One (.Dollar a Year.. '. ... v. .GREATEST DISCOVERY of the presstit tenter for detecting rounterfeit Bonk Noteai , 'describing every venule bill In existence, and exr-tniting ai a glance every counterfeit in cir asulatioei.. Ar re need to admirably that refer- ere U eaey and detection instant neou. No Mffee te beet ep, but a eiinplified and arranged Moat the ensrehant, banker and butlneea man , ea all at a glance. 'It Ke taken years te make perfect title -43RKAT DISCOvRllY. The urgent neces . for each a work haa lone been felt by aemmercial nen. It baa been ubllahed to anpply the call for euro a preventive, and need but to be known to be universally patronized. It doe more then ha ever been attempted bv asan Itjdeeerlbee every bank note in three different language Englleh, French and Ger- nan. Tnu each may read the aame In nil ewe nattv tonrue.. 1 Tbbm. The paper will be about 28 bv 42 inch, and will contain the moet perfect Bank Note Lll published, together with the rate of , discount. Aiao list of, all the private Bank . ere in America. A complete summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be publiahed in each edition, together with all the important newe f theday.. Ateo INTERESTING STORIES kfroin an old manuecript found in the hast, and ' a where elee to be found. It he never vet Appeared in print. and f urniehe the moet com plot history of Oriental Life, and deecriblng , the moet perplexing positions in which the Ladiet and gentlemen of that country have . been a often found. Theee stories will con .turn throughout the whole year, and . will . preve the moat antertaining ever offered to the .public. . (-9 FurnUhed weekly to aubtcribera only at $1 -a year. All letter mnet be addreaeed , i JOHN 8. DYE, Broker, . . ,,,, Publisher and Proprietor, Sra32 .70 Wall Street. New York., Xy- P. A. SARPY, " Vmxole$iile tt Retail Merchant, ,-:... ? ST. MARYj IOWA. " HAS inet rrerved-nd now haa for sale, a 'larr assortment "of aelected merchandiss adaoted to the wante of aN in thia new and thjlvinr community, which hecan eel aicheap a tan be offend eleewhere lo high apon the Missouri river, Hia good have been aelected by an experienced purchaser, with special ref erenreto the Circumstances and want of .all r la ' of settler In a new -country." La die and gentlemen,-children and youth, all tan 6 anpplied, - Call and tee for yourselves. Hi ttock consists of the following, among a Treat many ether article! he cannot now na feratj Amon hi ' ' 5 ''.". Mayo found Woolen and Satinet Clothe, Casslsets, .Tweed, Caehmeree,. Lineeya, Flannel. Red. White. Gray and Blue. Caspian Plaid, Cotton Good, Sheeting and Shirting, Unbleached. Blue and White, Prilling. Oiuaburgi Bed-Ticking, Hickory .VAecks, etc., fco i .. . -, r tv oefcuttfuj kasortment of Mney print of Very variety of style and pattern. ' Ginghams, lawns'" Figured Alnaec. Bombazine,, Borrt- havstts. Shawl, Scarf Handkerchief, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Ldgtnge, Jlihbon. itc.e. ", - - . .1.- C0th . AweJI aelcctd atock of .Summer, Fa 11 and VTinler Clothing, consisting in part of fine Pre Coats Pants and Vests, also, good Bummer Clothinc of all descriptions, ami heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, ate. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, uimhtU-s and. prices. Boots St Shoes, thick and thin, Ttoiinhed and unpoliihed. every distrtpttoi, bat 'MtJlWpmep, rnrid V uiruieii sa wwi Croctrlcs. 'Crnahed, Clarldml, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Molasaee, 8vnip Molasses, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio, and Jaya Coffee, Sassafras, Ginger Peper, Clova Spice. 'Clnuainon, . ground Ginger, i Nutmeg, SauiT, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes. Soap, Candles. Vinegar. Tickle Pepper-Saute, fcc, te. rrevlsioBs,. ,..-. A larre 'assortment f , Flour, of various attalitiea and prices t Corn Meal and all the yariaua product of the Farm and Garden Bacon, .Ftah, kalu .dried Applet, - Peaches, Currants. Raisins, etc. , , . , . '.:. ttarmrf. Steves of varioue patterns, for Cooking and Heating rooms, Stove-pipe aud FJbows, largi nna aaail iron aveinea, rryini ruiia, okuicib u. llaad-Iroaa.Shoveia and Toucues, Manure a " Uay Fork, Scythes, Shovels and Spades, Log and Trac Chains, Axe, Ma mm we, fincera Iron ana oteei, iue, itorvr-n..iiips, rn-i Saws, Knives and Forke, Pockt Kmvee, Ka ors, Butt and Screws. Door Handles, Knob. Locks, ate, fee. TtRTtre. A general assortment kept for househok purpoaes. . . - . i Wash-tubs, Shaksr Pailij Wood and Zinc Wiaoftoaraa. - - . Esther. Sol Leather, Harneee Leather. Cowhide, Kin Skin. Calf Skin, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Bridle, Halters, Lariat, Circinglee, Bellv-bands. Lrivinr-iiM, sonars, oeca- trap. Girths, Blind-brille, hx.t , . . WfdlclBes. A general aortment of Medicine, for Fever. Fever and Azue, and the common rompUint of the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappenyton', Bragg'a and' Jaynee- Pilla, Qui l ine, Toutce, and varioiM kind of Stimulant, Anodyne, Liniment, and other article neces sary for the kick and tha iuyalid. . 1-tf GLENWOOD HOTEL, .s - Ctrtf r it Lwciut aii Ctalcige Strt ets, ,3 11 0 J ifexd.o, :.;da)tlil I CUtklin I ClUlBg ! I A'tARCE STOCK OF READT MADE . Clothing oi the late.l Fashion, st ' CLEARWATER. WHITE It SANDERS. 4 Jane 4th, 1857. a3l. 11.' T FARMERS READ! JOHN P. HQBJ at. CO., near the Printing Oalce, Bellevue, bav n hand ahovel. Mom. Roade. rk. Matnee, era R.n.r.i eoHmeet of Farming Tool. slatf, , V. " 1 S - Call and se, 3w3 - r mm arriscejicnt. . B, Nehr'ska City, Bclleyue! Council . Bluffs, . Omaha and iVence, . , THEnewandeleaant Psengr Steamer Florenoa, J. Throck I'mmlnn. Maitrr. J. E. Gorman. Clerk, will eammenee her trip a regular racket 1 the ahoy trad-, on the atiiW of navigation In the spring, and will remain In it throughout the aeaenn. The Florence having been built under tne superintendence of the uneersigned, expressly for the trade, ia of extraordinary strength, and well adapted lo it In every particular. A rea sonable share of th patronage of e'nippers, and the public generally, I respectfully soli cited. ' J. THROCKMORTON, Master. 25- , . J. E. Gosmah, Clerk. ...- . SEISOY ARUA(.C1IKT. Regular Packet for Kansas, braaka City, neiievue, t:om en niune, umaua, add riorence. ' 'THE new and elegant Steamer ra Min-ne-ha-ha. Cant. Charles Baker, Maater, Hutchinson, Clerk, will run 11 a regular packet, to the above and all intermedial points on the Mis souri river, and persons can rely upon her con nuin in the trade regularly during tne aeason. I he iviln-ne-nn-na la an entirely new boat, bl nt expreesiy ror tne nuseonn Kiver trade. and being fitted p la the latest and most ap proved style, ner officers reel conhdent. that tr ire attention to the comforts of Paaaengers, and to business, will make her the favorite bat In the trade. CHA9. BAKER. Master. ' !" i I f i Hiiwmiiinii. rl.rlr. fi$ l .i isrue, Agent. . I . ' ' 20 a t. .. Charles E. Watson, "1IVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, rieiievne Litv, Nehraeka Territory, pro. fesses to be "posted" In the lay of the land ia this vicinity, and offers his services to such aa may need them, nn reasonable terms. (IV He will also act aa atent, for the rmr rhaxe or sale of Real Estate, In the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon application. Declarations bled and pre-emp. tions obtained. ' " 4-tf '1 CIRCULAR. to tii lamp orriccns I tub TraaiToaics Or MINHBSOTA, KANSAS AMD NESSAIKA. T)Y Joint resolution of Congress, npproved J March. 1.17, valid pre-emption claims on the lAth and 3dth sections, heretofore reserved I". IU .11 iniHviir, v. ..lilllicsu.a. Kansas and Nebraska, will be recognised Wl!Et TUI SRTTI.BMSKT HAS SEEK, O MAT ac maps: rntoa t the svnvEY. 1st. In ease where the approved plat of survey ha not yet been returned, the derlara lory statement must be filed within thser months ArTta the nr.rriFT or such ap- esovr.n hat at the pistsict orricK. 2d. ' Where the plat Is now in the Register's Office, the declaration must be filed within three months from the rinsT pvlication or this rtsci'LAn in voun pistsict. A failure to comply with this reQnirement, win woe a Torieiiiir rr io rjurm. ' - THOS. A. HENDRICKS. nlO-.w .'1 . ; - Commissioner. .The. followinr oorresnondenc will show that the act of the last Legislature of the Territory, desirnatlnc the County Commis sioners aa the proper persona to enter Town Site, te not recoguiied by tne uominiionr of the Land Office. It is n question of doubt whether the Judge of Probate, or the United States Judges, can be regarded as "Judges of Wis County Court." Aa eoon as that doubt ia removed, notice wi.l be given. In the mean time nn entering of towns not incorncrated can be made. A gtpyif tl let of the last Igislatuie wllfbl pMced" trt the' hsndVof the Commis sioner, aud, under the circumstances, th eu- trle already made mav be confirmed. , 5 JOHN A. PARKER, Register. " Land OfllceMay.lOth, 1S57. . . fxtsact or a i.stti to the commiisiones or the lamp orncr, PATed La no Orrir. TJmaha, April 3, 1857." r er m a. .v r Under the 'act of twentv-thlrd May, 1814," the "Judges pf the Oounty Court' are given the authority t nter Town wtea."' in tins Territory there are no such officers a "Judges of the County Court.'.' but the Legislature has recoguiied the "County Commissioners" as tha proper peraons to enter "Town Sites," and we have, in view of the spirit of the law, permitted such entries, In the hop that It will meet th approbation or uie uepanmenu Very respectfully, your obed'nt servant, JOHN A. PARKE R, Register. ' .CHAS, CHRISTOPHER, If antlitllOT A. AflDDCD ClIITU mur!M-9 1 v uwr un oiiii i hj In all iu JJrancne. BELLEVXTB ATTD OMAHA. TEX MISSOURI SIYEB, AND IOWA STONE COMPANY. AT ST. MARYS. MILLS CO., I TfiWA. f ARE nrenared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAND, GRAVEL. LIME, ROCK, it . BUlfcUINU Slt'INK or every variety, air and hape. Tliey have facilitiea for quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that may be needed, and also intend to make BRICK. WATER LIME, AC 100 Laborres REFERANCE: f. C'H0utAir Je, . Co., St. Loui. Gbeeue, Weabv, Is Bentok, Copsm-ii. Buuefs. I. v All order should be addressed to V I JNO. W. ANTHONY, S'cbbtab, St. Marya, March 13U,1S37. Zitr. C. F. II. FORBES, "1IVIL ENGINEER AND LAND 8UR KJ vevor. being now located at St, Marya, whara he exDecU to make a Herman jnt rest dence. tskes this method of informing th cit izens, that be la prepared to ao any aurveymg j and from his long experience in the business, be Is abia to give entire sauuacuon. Rt. Marvs. Sent. 24. 137. 5t 10 I.0 8T. MEMORANDUM BOOK, tisvlng ae- A count of Lnmber bills, ate. The finder will confer a favor and be suitsble rewarded, bv leaving it at tbe printing office, Bellevue. Oct ..- j DISSOLUTION 07 COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICE. Th subscribers hereby give notiee thst th copartnership heretofore existing between them nnder the name and atvle of Tadd k. Smith. I thi day dissolved by mutual consent. Alldebtsduetooragainet the firm will b nettled by Burton W. lodd. . .. BURTON W. TODD. Bellevue,' Augu 12, 1837." 40 -J LUMBER!LIBIBER! 1 IA Anlv. FEET' of Pin Lumber 1UU.UUU, for aale by ARNOLD, EBY A 8IIERK. fry riquire at th Benton House. no. 37. 3m. pd. INEW GOODSII NEW PRICES !! New 014 8t"4 SARPY a; EXGLISH. ? IDWARD C BOSBTSHELt , It AS th honor to Inform the people of the Southern District of Douglas and the adjoin ing counties, Nebrasxa, that he Is now open ing nn of the largeet Srora of GOODS ever brought to Ulenwood, Mule county, Iowa, consisting or DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, HATS CAPS. GROCERIES, BOOTS It SHOES, (jUbe.NnwAKb, LEATHER, IRON, NAILS,! fnu it A ! P OILS, PAINTS, o m ai.i i r i re-r 4 j r , iiTfinn a vV li? it t iMir it a t v DYE-STUFFS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GAKI'r.M I r.KS' 1 V 1 V 1 L- r , ATll I'll I And everything that may be found renerallv in city stores, sll of which he will sell . CHEAT rUK CASH. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE tanen in exchsnge for Goods. Buy- era from town or country winding good and cheap Goods, eitrter at wholesale or retail, will save money by celling and examining his stocx before purchasing elsewhere, a they will find good bargain and fair dealing. ULEitwooD, lowa. . , .. no 4-tr Ii. Nuokolla ft Co. BANKERS & LAND AGENTS, ULbnwwii, iuiva. r Collection made In Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and remitted at current ratra of ex change, free of charge. Lans effected ror roreign capitalists, at Wesiesn Rates of Interest, on real estate security. Farms, Town Lota and Unimproved Lands bought and sold. -. : isxespaidln any County in the Stati also in Nebraska and Kansas. Notea bought and Money loaned on good ccuruy. interest paid on npeciai Deposits, and Warrant bought and sold. Special attention given to the selection and entry of I.ands for settlers or distant dealers, either with Land Warrants or money, in iowa, Nebraska or Kansas. We charge Ten Dollars per One Hundred and Sixty Acrea, and make reasonsbiededuc tlona, when entering large quantities. When T . J W.....I. , 'n - 1 1 i . Cent per Acre, tbe ' Land Office Fee, must accompany tne treating tee. ; w nen warrants ar sent, the No' or war rant, date, to whom issued and aealgned, shonld be copied and retained, to guard against loss in mans. Remittances to us, can b made In Drafts on any of the Eastern or Soutern Cities, We will enter Land with Warrants or Cash, pay an reea, laxea and Commissions, for one third of the gross profits, accruing from the ahle of th Landall expenses to come out of our third of the profits. Our arrangements are such that we can enter Land in all the Officee in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. A competent survey r always in readiness to find ana select choice landl, CO a- Milps, Hot a Quasbies. Mill Sites, Minesal Tbacxs, Mi f - t-" !?..; Within th next twelve months there will be offered for sals in Nebraska and Kansas', Two and a Half Million Acrea of Land, compris ing til best portions or those Territories, and extending along the Missouri River, from the Aioutn or Kansas uiver or the line or the State of Missouri, to th Mouth of L-eau- qul-cour River. r w solicit roreign Capitol for Investment. Investment properly made In Western Lands and Town Lots, are now paying from tweniy-nve to tour nnnured per cent. -w believe trial persona patronising our firm will have peculiar advantages over al most any oth-r in this Country. We were among the first Iloneers or this vast and growing country and are intimately acquainted with nearly every portion or western lowa, Nebraska and Kansas, and believe we will be able to rend or satisfaction in all business en trusted to ns. LETTERS OF INQUIRY - WILL BE PROMTLY ANSWERED. H l-Pl'U Lv.t'o . T ,v 'in. uA. Graydou fc Co., New Yore: City t Wood. Ba con fc Co., Philadelphia ; Straight, Denting & Co., Cincinnati; Darby. Barks.lale; Humph- reys, Tutt t Terry Crow, McCreery &. Co, St. Louis ; Isaacs & Almond, Leavenworth .nt... I ,- City, ' Kansas ( Greene, Weare it, Benton, Council tJlutls, Iowa; Henn, Williams fc Co., : c 1 I , . f -i. i ii I-:- ii !!... lowa Hon. Aug. nail, Keosauque, lowa; Hon. James Craig, St. Joseph, Mo. ; Hon. A. 8. Fulton, Wytheville, Va t Hon. F. McFullen, Kstllville, Va. t Hon. F. Ferguson, Chief Jus tice, ueuevue, neorasaa. Glenwood, Mill r.o., Iowa. 21-tf. W. H. STARK & CO.. ' Would respectfully inform th ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand and ar manufacturing a complete stock or . BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted) comprl sing tue following, vit t Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Gaitera. Kid Bootees and Congress Gaiter. Slippers and Parodi lies. Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootees Misses " " " Childa' " - " Gents Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. I'egged " " u II Hn rrencn or nimn Boete, Water Proof and Quilted-Bottom F ots. Patent Calf Boots. Oxford Ties and Gaiter. -Kid and Calf Rhoe. Bova and Youths' Kip Boots and Brora ns. All of which ar mad of the beet material the market adbrda. Our facilitiea for select ing are unsurpassed in Eastern citira, and we wish it diiunctly understood toat w Warrant Brery Article W 8elL W hava the best of workmen in our em ploy. Every sty! of Boot or Sho mad to order, and warranted an easy and rasnionabis nt. Kespectruny, no 13-tf W. H. STARS k. CO, Greene, Weare & Benton, 1) ANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, U and IihI Agent, council tsiutis. lowa. Notes and BUI collected and remitted to any part or tue united cuates. Money received on deposit, and Interest allowed. r.astern or Southern Drafts furnished in sums to suit pur chasers. Land Office fund paid for Currency or Mils or l.scliange. leans eltected on good security. Taxes paid, titles exsmtned, and Real Estate btwight and avid on Commission. Land antered for settler and time given for payment. Offlc opposite the Pacific House, in weet lower room or Land Umce. . , RsristNcs! F. S. Jesup A Co. i W. J. Bsrfiey k. Co., Bankers, Dubuque, Iowa ; Cook A Sargent, Bankers, Davenport, lowa t Cul- berton at Reno, Bankere, Iowa City, Iowa ; People's Bank, New York City t Ketchem, tioger av ne-met, Danners, new xoracityi Selkon. Witl er a, Co., Washington, D. C. rion. t. nae, i iiion, com. n relent, waan-ingtoM,- D. C. Hn. A. 1. Dodge, 8. U. S. Burlington, lowa; Hon. Ii. W. Jone, 8. U. cnier jnitiee, eiuscaun, it wa. Coancil Blisffs, Oct. 23, 150 1-tf ANOTHER " I O GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS -r, . J; . . , ' 1 Eastorn Boots & Shoes SELLING AT COST AT THE OMAHA CITY ! Boot and Shoo Storo, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, a good assortment of Ladles' and Gents' Rubber, Over and Sandals of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, together wilt) a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, including Ladies' and Gents' Buffalo were. , Also, a well aelected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. 8. Every atvte of Root or Shoe made to order, as usual, and warranted easy, rasnion able and durable, no 13-tf. W. HENRY STARK. HOUSE CARPENTER AND N. BRIGGS, Take thi method of In- forming hia frlenda. and th public generally, that he is prepared to BUILD AND i iniSH, in tne best mannsr Dwelling House Of every description of style and finish, on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past rsvors, n solicits a continuance or public patronage. seiievue, uct. 30, in.. -z-tr HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WE would respectfully Inform the inliabl tants of Hellevne and vicinity that we are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work menlike manner, -' Having been engaged In the business several years, we feel confident in stating, that all who fnvor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with our Work. O - . S W C. S1UHK3 Bellevue, Oct 23, 1856. 1-tf , T-: r NEW ARRIVALS AT THE CHEAP THE Subscriber respectfully Invites the at- tention of purchasers, to his large and splendid stock of Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES. TOBACCO, r PATENT MEDICINES. c.. &c." All of which he warrants 6f the best descrip tion, and bought expressly of thie'jnarket. no uai biso n wen srircico siock or. JLOTHINGr, Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the BEST MATERIALS, and by EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN; all of which he sell CHEAP FOR CASH. - . , - , . - JOHN CHASE. -i . Bellevue, Oct. 23, 18o0. 1 -tf. ? : v HOUSE CARPENTERS AND ' JOINEltS. " THE underiigned take pleasure in an nouncing to. th Inhabitants of Bellevue and vicinity, that they ar bow prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best manner, all styles of Dwelling Houses, Cottages, Ac, Ac., On the shortest notice, and in the most ap proved style of workmanship. They will be alao happy to do- any work in their line of business, which their friends may stand in need of. - MYbKS 4. tllLLYAUB. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 1850. 2-tf ' LATE ARRIVAL!! AT GLEN WOOD, IOWA. TOOT E i 5c GREENE ARE NOW, IX BECEIPT OI tf ESH SHrfLV OF iw-ifft? , t.s a VflJ-J ifV fl ff3 OJJa JJ . v ili Jii-U U ii ililJJJIo 1 1 r I " V. 1. . 1 . . 'II . k ' - Itincii, wnen compteie, win compos lliw LARGEST Alto he st SELECTED STOCK IN MILLS COUNTY. OIR STOCK OF GROCERIES Are bought at the Jnwesi tirn) or cash, I consist of' ' '. - COFFEE, - ,. sUU.tK, . -.' - . . TEAS, , .... - FISH, -... - RICE, CURRANTS, RAISINS, CANDIES, MOLASSES, SYRUP, - FRUIT, Klllfa . - A., Ae DUX UUUIJS. Ladie and Gents, call aud ee them, and price for yourselves. -.Ther', hay not been summered and wintered iu St." Lois but bought and shipped direct from the Eaaten. cuies. - i.ate styles and a full ntsonmefitpf DRESS GOODS, frem a ten cent Lawn rn ar Two Dollar Silk. Also., a few fin SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS and PARASOLS. C LOT II I U. "r A fine stock rulL aiul-vuunefvcisa.aai 'fast men, call coon if you want a-nie;-ctat ves. or pants, on reasonable terms. II ATM T II ATS 1 1 New styles, cheap and durable. IIAItUWAItK. A very large assortment, consisting In part of etmiin-s 1001a, spaaee, snovels, torus Rakee, Hoea, Bella, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Sawa, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxea, Adze, Chiaels, ac, lc, to the end of the chapter. UULD1XU MATERIALS. A larg lot, consisting of Tine Doors, Sash. Shutter Blinds, Paints. Oils, Nails, Locke, Latches, Glass, Putty, &x. FH11MITIRE. " " Bureaus, Bedsteads. Tablee, Chairs,' Tin Safes, Cubboart, Stands, fee. tJV" We will eell cheaper for cash thar any house in Western lowa. no 8-tf. TOOTLE A GREENE. A. Scbimonaky, mOPOGRAPHIC ENGLNEER Exscutea X Topographic, F'.cy and Plain Drawing of every style and description. - Fancy, Orna mental and Plain Painting executed to order.. umc ai u ie neuevue louse, jieiiavue, a. . Rirr ar.NCEt : P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, lowat Judge Gilmor, Belleyit. . 1-tf Ho! For Fresh Water.' THE undersigned repectuTlyinforms th inhabitant f Bellevue end th,e jnrrounding country, that he ia prepared to dig and finish, WILLS ABD CI8TEKH8, ' . At th ahortest notice, and on the most rea sonable terms. D. A. LOGAN, Relleyne, Oct. J3, 185. 1-U . : Job Printing. '. ' , . . NEATLY snd expeditiously sxecirted, en reaaonable trims, at thi Office. PRAIRIE FARMER "FOR 1857- VOL. 17. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. yitVorrti T Western Arrlmltwre, Hrtrtlcutttire, Mechan ics, Education-, Uteratutr, Market, 1 ' and General New. " ' citrp y ' ' ' "f " . CHARLES D. BRAGDO. " , JOHN A. KEN'NICOTT, Corres'ind Edrtof ASSISTED Bf -Vi " : Over Five Hundred Praetiral Farmers and Mechanics, wlto have heretofore written, and will coirtinue, with many ethers, , tUwrKe.for tiio benefit of their ' I brethren nd th public, .. . i -Th "Prairie Fanner" 1 devoted to tha in terest of the Western Farmer and Mcahank. It ia th Oldest Agricultural Paper in 4he West is publiahed weekly in quart form, for binding is characterised by a high moral tonelabors to promote the interests and ad vancement of the whole, of the family, and to develop the Agrlcuttrtral Resources of the West. A special and competent commercial Reporter is employed to give accurate Market Reports weekly. It it essentially the family paper ror the West. I copy, 1 year, $2 in advance, or $2.60 at the end of tbe year. II copies, 1 year, $20.00 free copy to the person sending club. 20 copies, 1 year, $36 00 free copy to th person sending club. .... 50 copies, 1 year, $75.00 free copy to the person sending ciub. IJiT An old subscriber sending two xbw ones, or $o, will receive thbee copies one year.- RV Subscriptions at the ctub rates must be jia id invariably in advance. (V Subscribe now. . You wank and need "The Farmer." We want you to have it. ffV Current money may be sent by mail at our risk, provided the letters are "registered." (JV. Address "Prairie, farmery'. 47, Clark street. Chicago, 111. KV" Advertisements, of an' appropriate character, Inserted at ten cents per line each insertion payment tn advance: - . ' GODEY'S , GREATEST ; EFFORT. STILL CREATES ATTRACTIONS -, . .. -t - .-Will be ottered in GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1857. This' work has been th standard for twenty- seven years. When an imitation lias been at tempted it has failed." It is THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK PUBLISHED IN A MB RICA. NEW FEATURES FOR 1857 t How to dress , with Taste. Children's Clothes How to cut and contrive them. Painting on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing in all its variety, useful to the be ginner and the prrifielent. - - '' . v Fashions from the establishment of the cel ebrated "Brodie," will be in erery number. Lvery-day Actualities A new, seriea of these illustrated articles will be given. . Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lice of every variety: - A specimen of the stitch to be used' in each will be given. ' In addition to the above, f .- : One Hundred Pages of Reading will be given poDthly..-..,,.. . .. -..-,. God-y's Splendid Engravings on ateel. Lon.dbri; Psfla ami Phlladlthla FaJihions Godey's four figured Colored Fashions. Embroidery Patterns, Model Cottages, Dress Making with Diagrams to cut by. Dress Patterns Infant' and , Children's dresses, with descriptions how to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work.' The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often be given. ' -.:.- GODEY'S INVALUABLE RECIPES WPOM EVESV St'BJtCT. MUSIC Three dollars' worth I given every year. In the various number for 1857, wfll be found the newest designs for . Window Curtains, Broderlc Anglalse Bllppers, Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, Evening Dresses, Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing. Robes de Cramble, Car-1 J riage Dresses, Brides Dresi es, Wreaths, Mantillas, " -Walking Dresses, ' ' " Riding Habits, ' -'' and Morliing Dresses.' - ' Dresses for Infants and Young' Misses, Boys' Dresses, Capt and Cloaks of Fur in season, Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds and patterns to cut dresses by are-given monthly. ' Crochet and Netting Work in Colors Slip per in Colors. f Drawing Lessons for Youth. Send In year orders soon, as ws expect our list for 1857 will resch 100,000 copies. The best plan of subscribing is te sand yonr money direct to th publisher. Those who send large amounts bad better send drafts, but notee will answer if draft cannot be pro cured. We think we can ahow how much cheaper it is to take the Lady's Book at Three Dol lars than any other magaxine at Two Dollars. W.wilLtaks a lata. number of both... Tit Two Dollar Magazine contained 3D articles, the Lady' Book ft; i ! ',( .Jr The Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 en gravings, the Lady's Book An. The Two Dollar Magazine contained CI pa ge, the Lasly'a Berk, 1(0. . u. Twenty-four more engravings, twenty six more' article, and thirty-six more' page nearly double the jtiRntitt. J Hie lowest club nriceof the'Two Dollar Magazine is $1,25; lowest club price of -Lady's Book 81, "7, only 42 cents diflerene jo the frire, which is three and a half cents on each nmbpr and for that urn. Qhxec -and ..hlf cent,),-you .receives) wrejny-eias more- arute, (wenty-tottr- mofe engravings and tbirty-aix more page month-' ly certainly very cheap three and a half cent' worth. 1 Tbie view of the caae has probably never before been presented, but it is a true statement, which any lady can con- vine herself of by comparing tha two maga zine. ..! : i , - i . - f r . TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. On eopy, on year, $3. Two copies, one year, 5. Three copies, ene year, 6. Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies $10.: ' . - . Eight copies one year and an extra copy to uia person eeauig ui club, making nine copie $15. . Eleven topie on year, and an extra eopv to the pereen (ending th club, making twely itw aw, i. -f f m : ff. :a A .v'a i i CV" The above terms cannot b deviated frem, a matter hew many are ordered.. - .... 1 SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER fH M AG AZIN'FK .Si.. Godey Lady's Book and Arthur's' "Hum Mapriilnes both one year foe $3 o0." ' ' Godey's Ijidy' Book and Harper Maga iln both on year for $4 50.- k Goiya Lady'e Book, llarner'a Msrailn and Arthur' Horn Marazina ona vm a The abeve ie the only way we can club with Harper' Magazine. The money must all be Bent at one time for any of the Clubs. ' ; - l . .l ! Subscriber ia th British Provinces wfto send tor clubs, must remit $4 cents extra en every mibacriber, te nay th American at ag t the lines. .Address. .- I. A. GODEY, CUVaADrP.A DEALER. X West I Th Weekly Plain Tu.U. , emmenee it Bisteenta Volume ok th 1st da v of January, 1857. M will continue th . focose, Fearless. FlcVlng jHr. been. Dealing Plainly but kind- t will halt U tnr th. n ... tion and th Union, a "th World' best trsa wire nV last hop.'? U will oppose Fuaio. ism in every forts, and. battle, bii.uniiw i. very dispiise. Of it vigliane a a Sentinel upon the watch-tower or Liberty, it -is mtH. eient to say, that M a-as never yet been found napping at it post, , . .. .. HE NEW VOLUME AND THE NKW 'i - YEARf i i . The New Volume will Newr Year, big with Important event, a, new leaf in the history of thia' Raiuihh n be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new rresiueat and vies president. During' tke coming year, the policy of the New Atlmii. tratron will be fully unveiled in regard ts-thr rouowing imponant and exciting National topics : The Final Settlement of the Kansa Difficulty, on which the whole Slavery ques tion in the Territories is pending The Final Settlement of the Central American Question, as against th claim of England Our RigSt of Transit Across th Isthmus, and th recer. nition and maintainance of the Walker R. public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Dues The Acquisition of Cuba Th Annexation or tne samiwicu Islands in Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Ore-m. Admission of Utah, with or without Poly. cniiij nuinisiim ui Kansas, wiui or wimout Slavery Probable Admission of Nsbfaska and Washington Territories Th Inaugural Message of James Buchanan The Toings st the New Democratic Congress. These. are eome of th leading events which will diatiev guish the incoming Administration, and meat of them will transpire during the coming yesr. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Cleveland, from ita central location, and from its great concentration of Rail Road, Telegraphs, and watei communication with the world, is admitted to be th Best Nw Point in the West. , It can furnish intelligence from all parts of the world, day ahead of the New York Papers, and tbe Plain Dealer, s longing to the New York Associated Press, is the first to publish th Foreign and Domestic Markets, New, Disasters upon th Lakes, and Commercial Intelligence generally. It Will hafe Daily Telegraphic Dispatches front Washington during the Session of and has regular Correspondents in all tee principal citiea of the Union. In addition to a full and faitfifdl record' of passing events, we Intend te devote a consid erable portion of our paper te "Polite Litera ture." Every Paper will contain a Stery, either original or selected, accompanied with the choicest variety of Miscellany, auch a. Poetry, Discoveries, Biographies, Jokes. Od dities; tec. &c, making altogether one of tbe most Valuable Family Journals in tbe Weet I "Prompt to improve and to invite, We'll blend instruction with delight." , Our Agricultural, Commercial, aad Telegraphic Departments, will each be worth the subscription price of the paper. , .The Brighton, New York, Baltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Market will be reported Weekly. l ' -..'i , .... TERMS r . " " ' Single Subscribers, $2.M : Clubs of Ten (to one Office), 1JS0 Club of Twenty (to one Office),'... 1.2S Clubs of Fifty, . tt ) ... 1.00 -Pay invariably in acvance. To the getter up of m Clnb, on copy grati. 1 tsf Post-Masters are especially requested to act as Agents. They should in every case, where possible, substitute Western .Demo cratic Paper for Eastern Fusion Papers. ' Those desiring tbe President' Message and other Public Documents, csn subscribe now, or at any time before the first of December.' 5?" Subscribers to the New Volume should send in their name as early aa the middle December, so that they may be registered ia time for the first number. . All funds reclved at current rates, and if registered, mailed ei our risk. ' Address - . - J. Wi CRAY, Cleveland,!). GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG-, ' RICULTUUAL PAPER. 6ERMANT0WN, PHILA'IA CO., PEN!!.' via yTWd Nt "s d ayMoiin ma. BY PHILIP W'FREAS. PRICE TWO, DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We take this occasion te announce te Farm ers throughout the country, that it is th in tention of the Editor and Proprietor of th "Germantown Telegraph." not only te con tinue a heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of hia paper, but sedulously to add t its character and value by all the means at command. All necessary space shall be pre-, vided for a ful irecord of Agricultural Detail and a full development of every branch ef th Farmer' Pursuit. He will in future, a has always heretofore, aim to be practical, and to be of real and substantial advsntags to husbandry. His course, also, will continue to be thoroughly independent, and wholly aa biassed by any other motives than those be conceives to be promotive of the true interest of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither individuals, cliques, societies, or any ether in fluence shall awerv him from th psth of right and duty. Farmers, throughout the country, who de alre a Newspaper, issued weekly, and e,ul to any other family news and literary journer publiahed, which make Agriculture a apci-. allty, will find the "Germantown Telegraph" to fulfill every condition, and to render It ea-th-ely unnecessary for them te subscribe for periodical exclusively agricultural.- v i m practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. A a Literary and New Journal it ehall not be surpassed by any. in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of th largest class, it shall continue to be on of the band-, some at newspaper of the day. ' ,.-'' Every Family, in town or country, wfcethaf tbey take other paper or not, will find the "Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, In lit eral benefit, twice the amount of subseriptleaw. No subscriptions received without the essb.' Price Two Dollar ia advance. Subscription! not paid within th year, $2.50. ..Mail sub scribers will have the eaeh pestage deducted when not exceeding 25 ets; per annum, pro vided th subscription be paid strictly la ad- vauca. . Poetag stambs to thia amount will ' he returned as change with th receipt. , I Any person sendlne- five new aubscrfbers at I ons time; with th cash, will be entitled t the' 1 panes fog one year ; , --.-, .; .;. oinnji nnuioera aer on request. , STEAM FERRY BOAT SffWHE subscriber begs 'leave to Inform tb ( al public, that he ha now In operation, a firat claaa Steam Ferry Boat, Reltevii, N. T.. at the point known aa old Trader's Feint I erry.. Tbe Boat ia one of th beet on th Miuri River, end every exertion will be oed to ena ble th pubtt to cres Ui Riv with aafety. and liuipatch,--. -tM4 NATHANIEL O. lENTOKjj TOR RALE. y.i tk,y A valuable timber Claim of 10 aer,!; in three mile of Bellevue City, fer aale. Iai juire at this Oftes. nsTSf.