TH lnW i Cwwp'wowri met .yes. f 4f ceived proposals tJt building two bridges 'tcroii rrfillion Creek, and awarded ihm contract of the Watson liridge.on line be. 'tween Sec. 3, and 10, Township 14, N., Range 13, E., to Maj. W. R. Watson ni A. )V. Trumbull, and the other on Terrhorial road from Omaha to Cedar Island, iq Hon, Amos Gates, of Saling's Gran.' w William O. .Pearce of Platte Valley, and Barton Sternberg of Hellevue, have jbeen appointed constables for the Belle vue precinct 'We have received from C. C. Wool, .worth, Omaha, the Parlor Casket, Wave. ' Ijr Magaiine, and .Harper's 'Weekly. Woolworth'a is the only place in Omaha, ' Where the late publications are for sale. ), -. i. "t ' - We are still having mild and pleasant .weather.!'. There is no snow, and the Toads are now nearly as dry as they are in aummer. . . 't . A large number of Indians are en- camped in the vicinity of Niobraiah. u : It is stated that a large rein of coal, of food quality, has been discovered hear Punca City.. - t7 .-f ii n " pelegations of Pawnees, Puncas, and -Pottowetamie Indians, numbering 39, had 'an interview with the President, Dec. 21, at the White House. The auditory was Jafge,, including many ladies and Sccreta riea Cobb, Floyd and Thompson.' The .Pawnees were accompanied by Win. II. Dennison,' their Agent, and Samuel Aids, interpreter. The chiefs and braves were "nceoutercd as befitteth the Indian warrior, each having his tomahawk constantly in hand. They evidently seemed to think . that the business that they were on, called for an extra consumption of ochre and other coloring matter. ' . In a card published in the Demoine Journal,' signed by B. F. Allen, F. JL West, and R. W. Sypher, late proprietors of the Nebraska Bank, they state that they " are individually responsible for all the 'outstanding circulation of that Bank, igncd by U. F. Allen, President, and Sam. Moffat, Cashier, and will with draw it as' soon as circumstances will fmitt'.v- ' .". ; ',. .' K Voods,. of Oimaha, has pur fhased the' Jewelry establishment of AN exandec Kemp, where he will sell 'Jew. lry at ffedueed prices. ' Read hii adver li(ejuent, in this day paper. - - ' er'n.i k . . ; i" ; ' ' ' " Secretary Cuming is lying dangerously ill, at his residence i in Omaha. JM. McNeil has disposed of his' inter. eti (n the Douglas House, at Omaha,' to a Mr. Tarr. ' The landlords of the Douglas have (been numerous. i .":: DIED. , i r .In Bellevue, K. T. Jan. 5th, in the 20th year of her age, Mrs. Marcia M. Russell, of in flammation of the brain. " - Jan. ftth, of Croup, Warren C, son of James inl Marcia Russell, ssed 7 months. . .('.There has pissed away from onr fireside Th.weaUh of a love untold." ' w "'sr'ce, three months liad passed' since Mrs. $usel came ia us, young, hopeful and iinbi. tlowsVwinnin universal admiration sad love by the etreetrjess with which was mingled In ber character, tlie buoyancy and lightbearted nss of childhood, with the. holier charms of met entity--the more sacred - duties of 'the faithful wife and mother, " The skill o our. best physicians, a bus. bud's tireless watchfulness, a sister's un failing tendernees, the sympathy and aid of neighbors and friends, were powerlees here. Seitaer love nor care, could stay the failing breath, or win back the departing spirit, and as we saw her body consigned to the (rave, in life's sweet prime, many a tearful eye and quivering lip, attested to the deep sympstby felt for that bereaved hueband, that desolate home and those motherless babes, , ,, ' Mrs. Russell was the youngest daughter of Mr. Warren-Green, formerly of Franklin, Delaware Co, N. Y. Tlowsadjy must fall upon the hearts of those aged parents, the knowledge that the youngest of their household band one so long the joy and pride of ber childhood's home, lias so early found a grave, so far removed from the friends of ber youth. . .. . 'It seems a principle inherent In our nature, to wish to guard with reverential cars end tenderness, the sleeping dust of loved frieade, and the Cemetery of any new plsee, must in deed seem lonely and neglected, in compart sen with the beauty, bloom and fragrance that se afte surround them la the test. , But wild ftewere will spring up luxuriantly here, ia place ef cultivated enea there. The birds wfl p .forth as Joyous melody here j the sua shine and the dew. rest as lovingly as if she were laid U rest ia her owa satire vale j and none there are who knew ber but will somettmee visit the grave of that fair young mother and her lnfnt child. . . , la early life she became a member of the Baptist Society, eonsecreating her heart and Us affections to ber Savior, and her friends are comforted by theakshrancSthA through the dtrfcj Vartejr and shadows off desth, she was S'isij,'y mm, tti . ,,,, A Canadian gentlemau, Mr. Isaac IUwhn an bo has just been elected a member of the Provincial Parliament, has ereated a sensation smnng his constituents by declaring himself in favor of the form of government existing la the U. R. and this avowal ef Repuliran senli ments did not In the leset diminish his popu Isrity. Mr. Buchanan's partiality for Re publican institutions may be accounted for, ears the N. Y. Times, from the fact of his being a son ef the late Janet Boehaaan, for many years British consul In New York, where the II per si Canadian spent the early part of his life. It Is said that the laet turvivr of the Wv omlng masesers is Jeremiah Spencer, now of Torringford, Conn., M veare old, and lu full possession of all his fseultie, mental and physical. The massacre took place eighty years ago but Mr. Spencer, remembers his psssage down the ladder from the chamber where he slept, In his mothers arms, and their flight Into the wilderness. MASOMC. Tli regular meetings of ' Nebraska I-odpe, No. 1R4, of Free and Accented Masons, wilt be held at Masnnle Hall, on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at 8 1-2 o'rloek. T J j. B. KINNEY, WM. , i. o. o. r. ' M- ! Tlie refnlar meetings of Bellevn Lodce, No. 4, will be hold on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brother of the nrder who be in our city on that evening, are respectfully invited to attend. 8. A. STRICKLAND, N. G. F. M. DAVKNPORT, Sec'y. ' : Mall Arrangements EASTERN MAIL. aaaivrs ' Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 0 o'clock, P. M. , , . , , CLOSES Sundavs, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 9 o'clock, "P. M. WESTERN MAIL' ' ARRITri esdavs. Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6 0 Z I 2 s V 3 U 0 2 Assivrs Tue o'clotk CLOSES Tuesdavs, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 0 o'clock, P. M. . SOUTHERN MAIL. . ' . , .! , AKBIVBS ' . .,11 Tuesdavs, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at V o'clock, P. M. ' . , j CLosts, ; i -1 r Mondays, Wednesday.', and Fridays, at 10 'clock, A. M. NORTHERN MAIL. . ASMVCS Mondays, Wednesdays, aud Fridays, at 10 'clock, A. M. rieeca Tuesdsys, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 o'clock, A. M. Office epen on Sundavs, enl v from 6 o'clock P. M. to Soloek P. M. This rale will be strictly adhered to. L. B. KINNEY, P. M. BELLEVUE MARKET. Correct"d weekly by Claske A. BeoTjir.a, Forwarding and Con. Merchants. 1 lour txtra Superfine, f,Q per 99 lbs. .... " Fine, $4,00. ,. . , . . ; Meal $2 per 100 lbs. : ,i Apples Green, $0,011 Dried, $3 50.',. Peaches V , .. .4 00. , j , .;,. Butter .New 40r r lb do : Old packed, 23 to 30c V V Beans $ I 50 Y bus. ...... Corn 60 (t bush, . Oats 50c .. i , . . Beef 0 to 7c. . . - . . Dried Beef 20e per lb. Salt C. A., per sack, $3 SO. , F.gge 23c V dot Hides Dry, 7c do Green, S Hay $4 00 $6 OOVtna Bran. 30 cents per bush. Pork Fresh, $0 to $7 per bun. . Lard 15 e f D (mioiis $3 50 V bus. , Potatoes 50. , Telta Sheep 50e . do Coon25e .i Wood-Cotton, a.50. Hard, 5,00. Lumber Cottonwood sheat'g 25 V m ' do sq. edged - $30 OO i do Oak, Walnut, Baaswuod $45-00 d Pine siding, clear $55 00 m 1 : - do . Flouring 2d A5I0 rv'i -'. . ... ..(I .. 1st ; $7500 -.: f.-t'U Boards, $50 (A $75 00 ... . .! Shingles Pine $S 50 ( $9 50 t m.- Cottonwood $5 00 . - t, . Lath Pine .1 . $12 00 perm. ' .. Doors " $3 6 (si $1 75 each. ' " ' . Sash $1 00 (a, $2 14 per easement. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Flour. nOR sale, a good quality of Flour, at $3.7 L per sack, at the store of 0 BARTELS . METZ. Notice f i To tixo mxlDllo. THE undersigned having purchased the en tire stock m Jewelry, formerly owned by Alex. Kemp, is prepared to sell the asms at 25 per cent less than was ever offered in this city before, as room must be made for a large spring assortment. The-stock eonsists of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Clocks, Setts of Cameo, Coral, Enamel, Painted, Gold Stone, Masonic, and Mourning Jewelry, Broaches, Ear Drops, Cuff Pins, Shirt Stud's, Lockets, Bracelet, Ring. Gold, Silver, and Plaited Gaard, Fob and Vest Chains, Gold and Silvsr Spectacles. Also splendid as sortment of MORTON'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. Also Musical Instruments, Cutlery, Port Monies, Pouches, Card Cases, fee., fce. A fine stock of Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolv ers, fcc., which will be sold at a small ad vance above cost, as the subscriber wishes to go out of the gun business. All kiads f repairing done with acatness and dispatch by competent workaaea, I still continue to take Omaha Scrip, Weo tera Exchange, Neaaaba Valley, eaetera mon ey, or gold and silver, ia exchaage fee goods. ty&tor a 12th Street, one door from Farnham, and directly opaoeite the Western Exchange Bank, Omaha, N.T. Please call and examine geode and erieee. - . T. W. WOODS. Omaha, Jan. 12ih, 1858 . nt9 W. n. Iongadorft . , v, RADUATB of Penn. Coliere f Dental J fiurrery. resnectfully annesineeta the eit. ixeas ef Bellevue, aad vicinity, that he Is now prepsred to practice Dentistry, in all Its vm noua prsMaea. a i OUss hoars fr-m ? till I, P. M. NOTICE is hereby riven, that by Virtae, ai d la pursaance f a Deed ef Mortgage executed by Alfred KelWiw, to the under sign, ed dated December 18th, A. D. 1857. to se. cure the sura of Fifteen Hundred and Forty Sis Dollars and Eighty-four cents, In the fol lowing manner, to wit i 9K) on the 20th day of Deeember A. D. 1857, 1500 on thetHh day of January 185, and the residue on the 9in day of March A. D. 1858, and Recwd.d In Book B. of land Recorde, of Sarpy countv, N. T. Page 291,8,3 one of the conditions In the ssld mortgage ia, that default being made In the payment of, either of said notes, tlie whole should Immediately become due. snd f arable, sad defsult having been made In the wo first, named notes, andlulerest thereon) and this being the third time, said mort rage hue been renewedi now therefore, by vir tue ef the 'Authority In me vested, by said Deed of Mortgage, I will p'oceed to sell, ac cording to the conditions tlierriu set forth, to the highest bidder for cash, at public sale, in the city f Bellevue, N. T. before the door of the Bellevue House, on Saturday, the 3rd day of ApriUA. D. 1859. at 10 o'clock. A.. M. all the following! described property, to wit the u-dlvitled one ha If of Block Nil 13 in the city of Benvue,-8arpv'co." TtT.' according to Survey made by S.'W T. 8hlmonsky i lSOj snd a ho, all the undivided hslf of th rvrtnin piece or pan el of land situated and lying In the county of Sarpy snd Territory of Nebraska and known sind aescribsd as foflxws, to wit i commencing at a post Sliii rods North, bt 1-1 East of the S .W Torner of see 13, lownnliip 13 range -13 F. of the 0 principnl meridian. Thence north 47 1-2 west 23:5 rod to a cotton wood stump, thence N 31 E 'Mi rods to a pout thence S 17 1-2 K 23;S rU to a pnt, tlinc 8 30 W Hid rodst place of be:ining ; als nil the improvements aiul ouildiugs, cousisilng in part, of one steam saw tuili and the tenement hereditament and appurtenances thereof, sub ject nevertheless, to a Deed of Mortgage, to secure the pa vme.t f Two Tlioininiid Two Hundred Dollars, ($2200) it being a prior mortgage and having precedence over all Others. lit-8 V. A. OWYER. Mortgagee Notice. IS hrrsby given, to Charles Van Alsline, . and all others, whom it my concern) to appear at the Lanl Office, In tawibs cityn Saturday the 23rd day. of January 1H5H t at 11 o'clock,' A. M. . Then' and there to offer such evidence, as you may have in support tCyeur respective claims, tnthe N half. offh S F. auarter, section No 32 and the W half of the W quarter see 33,. Township 14, Range 13 E. The entry having been returned, for rein vestigation, by the Commissioner of the Land Office. i, ENOCH Mc CARTY. Xalttlo G-lant CORN & COB MILL. A Penny Sred ia Worth Two Pence Earned; kJ. . THE aubeeriber has one of th Little Giant Corn Mills, where any one can come, end grind commit, for every tenth bushel. You caa make very good meal In it for stock, grind your com en the cob, by so doing you will make arrest serine, ss one bushel, eo ground is worth two to feed to stork without, tl 7 A ; ! V ,1 REUBEN LOVEJOY. Jan. llth 183?, , , , ., S Notice. ALL persons indebted tot! e undersigned Sre requested to call at once.and settle their ae oitt)ts. Tli o e who cannot pay the cash, or rood mere' antahl produce, we want to close their account!, hv note, we hone (hi. Invitation will be reeponded to as tit accounts for 1857 mini ie rinsea. unrt me Ttr.t or January 1858, we will sell goods at reduced prices for cash, or good eos. The highest price paid tor ureen ana ury nines 4 V ) SF.ATON tt ROWLES. I r ( AND CQRN MEAL. THE best of flonr for four dollars per sack, corn-mesl for two dollars per ssck. For sale by ' RITBEN LOYUOY. Bellevue, Dec 29th,' '57 ' ' ' 6 'NOTICE! rrtHERE will be a meeting of tlt : "tt&eV L holders of the Bellevue Printing Press, at Bowen and Strickland's office, on Saturday, eve lug, at 7 o'clock A. M. January 23rd 1858. All the stockholders, will take ftntice, that those refusing, failinC, of 'neglertlng, to rep recnt said slock, and pay buck assessments if any there are, and saeli assessments as oliall be wade at said meeting, will forfeit their amount of stock In said pro.. SILAS A. STRICKLAND. i4t . ,- . Director and Acting Agent. .,' .1 xii-i-. ' o)pm BUT COLD WEATHER & GOOD STOVES Xrx 3Jo1orVQlJL ! . . f .... . r TIHE cltlsena Vsew and feel this cold weath- er and thoae that are sleeping, awake ! if awake, walk I U walking) ran 1 if ranning, fly 1 to the Tin and Stove Store of Sam'l Snyder, and provide yourselves with such ar. ticlee in his line, as you may want, before it ia too late. Come all that ara auff.rinr frnm tlie cold, and 1 will sell yoi atnyes that will coiniorx you, intnis com region, now it your niy cnance, as i am selling goods, cheaper than tiey can be bought In St. Leuis. ' Fontenelle Money and country produce, tsk a In exchange for the same. I hsva a house and lot. which f will .'.11 cheap. Read and run to SAMUIX SNYDER, M Bellevue, opposite, the printing office. ; Notice. THE undersigned having been fleeted General Agent, of Mhe Bellevue Land Claimn In ths absence of Col Benton, the President, is the only person authorised to tunsact any busi ness for and in the name of said Association. The office of the company, Is Uie office of Bowen L Strickland, Bellevue, N. T. ' L. u Bowrv, f ' ' rrocery provision'store. MR. 8. M. PIKE, still continues to keep at his old stand, on Mission Avenue, east of Msln Street, freeh Groceries, of all kinds, of tlie best quality. Also, a choice lot of Liquors. lie has fitted op, In the rear of his store, a first clsss RESTAURANT, Where be will furnish warm meals, or celd lunch, st all hours of the day, Including the following oisnes i-. Roast Beef. Oysters. Sardines, Wild Uame, Hot Corfee, And Tea. Corned Beef, ', Pickled Tongue, Pickled Tripe, Pigs Feet, His customers, and tbs public generally, sre invited to give him a call, Nov: 28. ' ' ttf -A. 3NToxv- "WdTttola. r- AND i 1. Establishment inOmaha Vrr sr.- frods h am. nVving ' ret frV'i" fVom V V the late firm of Kemp k Frodsham, hss opened a new ntnre. at No 3, Cnpt. Down's bulldinr, between the Methodst Church, where he Invites his old initrons to give him M rnll. Time pieces and Jewelrv, of every de.prlp tlon, neatly and expeditiously repaired, flml Notice IS hereby given, that I will nor pay a certain proinlsory note riven to a Mr. Miller, dat ed at Hellevue, N. T., on ar About the )9tb Nov. 1R37; nnd due Ort ilnys frptn date, for nineteen dollars snd 'eighty-seven cenle, or thereabouts. I hereby w.tru and notify any and all persons, from purchasing laid note, as I was deceived by said Miller, and, have not received any value, for the same. ' " . ' C. N. UPJOHN., ' Bellevue, N. T. Dee. 22, 1837. ..... , 3t5 ur.i.i.nvtK LOTH for sali:. LOT n, Block 1W. L. 6, B. 102, L. S, B. BS3. 2, ,t ' 24 17. 4, 44 129. : v, " 3, , " 171, "II, US "11, m l. . J 23, - s, IM, via . I7 " 10.11.12, 2t(, 4, " 40. Out Lot 21, in Bennett's nr. i " . 25, in Bottom. i - : . Also, an undivided 1-2 of Block 15. tt 213. Price, 11M. Enquire of ' HORACE r.VERFTT, At his Banking House, Council Bluffs, or 41 , , . J. B. JENNINGS, Bellevue. v Apple5 lcy-vtr db Salt. Qk BARRELS Apples, 50 Sacks or Fancv 0J City St. Louis Flour, 50 Sacks AG Salt, 93,00 per Sack, for sate for cash, by 3tl i ' " ' . . CLARKE It PRO. TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, i COUNTY OF SARPY. I SS. TVTOTICE is hereby riven, that sesled ere ll posals, will be reeieved at the olfice of the County Clerk in Bellevue, up to Wednes day, the 20th day, of the present month i for finishing, a Bridge, across the Papillion Creek on Section line between 3 Sod 10, Township 13, north of Range 13, east i known ae the Watson bridge, and alio for building, a bridre at 'he junction of said creek on Territorial roau. ruiunc iroin uinana city, to uedar Island .ijuicuv nuivn. iu um a.s-Tea oy county bonds. Tlans and specifications ean be eeen at the county clerk's olHce in Bellevue The county Commissioners .will meet st s.i id office, on Wednesday, 20th day of Jan uary 18jS j to examine aud act upen th said praposals. , Jfy order or County Commissioners, STEPHEN D. BANGS. Bellevue, Jan. 4th 1858 County clerk. List or Letters Remaining in the Post Office In Btlevue 'or the Quarter ending, December 31 1857. , A Adams John , Ayers Wm'F. ? . " ' . B ,' .-'tii Bette Margarett Ann Brown Aaroa , Blakehart G ' ' ' .' Reyme Freeman F j "Boyer Samuel 4 Berry Benjamin Billjngton John L , ''Bleakburn Aboer i , Benton N O rfco' Brue Wm II 1 Bailey Jam- 2 JBexry JIarriapn 2 Camp4lxnJt.8 . C,loss C W' , , , ' Campbell Ira,' CopLm W Carr Adam " ' " ' Cannon Ed , ' ' YaWtliriO: aVararCioVisli: ' Denton' Lewis' '' ; poll A , ' DentouJohn W :'' " - '" rr r,il .v.:tc ;if , . r I ' Eceleitoa John F Elithorpe, ' k. Koipe Fish C ' ' Franklin John " Goer Peter Green Joseph 3 ' Gibbs B V ' v ' Gritntb II Cook 7 ' II Haines Henry 2 ' 1 Henry Wllllim 2 .. , i.,.- ,-, M ; Mty Minnie Mills Iisse '' " Mildowney James ' Me Gavern li?nrlett .. y . , . . . .. Nhroa Jabas If ' ' .iui f !i I- Phillips DMi ' 1 Parsons Otis D Renre Alar)er " Rsy John ' RebtftaJauea .nA v-iovii iiii-naW ' .''. ' ''' ! " ' , Spragns Henry T. ( Spear Chas C 3 btull Miss Lluabeth - Spear Mrs JVUry , - ' . T- ..J! Tod.1 puKen W M rTaylor Joha i ; Tliompson Robert Vinson Miss Maria ' ' lW '" ' l . r. i - VT i I ii ; ' ' '. A ' I I J Wilkinson John F 3 WMirnm C.m W H Willtams Clark Woodward John B . Wallace John M Ward John 5 Persons calling for any of the above will please say advertised. , i L. B- KINNEY P- M ,. : School. I ;: ;v MRS. J. E. NYE, will again epea her Kthool, on Wednesday, November 4th. Grateful to the cltliens of Bellevue, for past patronage, ehe asks Its continuaoee, hoping she may be able to retain the approval and confidence, that has been o kindly estended to tier. ; There will be two terms of twelve weeks each, ths ensuing winter. , For the fust rudiments of reading lad spell. Ing, $1,00 a terui. , " 4 Common Englieh Irariches',' Aritmatlc, Grsmmar and Gepcrsphjr, S,H0 a ternj, -lUeber Flnglish ltrncns, r French. Ift.OO tntin." -,k' JTcwelpy VARIETY STORE. THE undersigned have opened, a lsrrs and commodious nsw store, on ths corner of Main and 2Mb. Streets, In Bellevue, where a varied assortment of Uoods may be found. Among them ars DRY GOODS. Such as Brown Muslin, t'sllco, Misetinr, Shlrtlnr, Hosiery, 4a KNIYEH, FORKS, BCVTIIFS, WOOD-SAWf, PHOVF.L - i t - IIAY-FORKS. SPADES, ' TEA-KETTLKb, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, As., Together with a quantity of .. BOOtS Ct3 OH.003C3 Segsrt, RnVes. Ropes, Horss-collars, Carpet tacks, Window Hash, Doors, . , . TEAS AND SUGARS. TuInkfo, Qiteensware, Glassware, Flear, Crackers snd a great many mere articles. ' They keep constantly on hand, a large as Sortiuent of good t sYines and Liquors, Warranted the beat quality j chsap for cash, n37lf J. T. 11UH.1 at UU. win r. KASri.l.l. rsirs Mars BARTELS & METZ. WOULD respeetfully announce to the In habitants of Relleuve, . and vicinity, that they have opened a store, on the corner of Main and 21t Streets, snd now offer for sale, a variety of goods, which are eutirely new, consisting of Dry (jJckxIs and Clothing, m lloots and Shoes, - ' ' Groceries; Liquors," 1 .. ) , 'i ' , ' ' Drugs, Medicines, , Paints and Ppint Brushes, r' Oils aid Varnish, ,., Window Glass of all sues, China and Glass V) sare, Pi ( t Hals and Ca 'l i Buffalo Shoes, ':' ' '' Blankets and ' : v.v! : ;; : Kuroiores. ' The above articles are el the first quality, and as ous of us remains constantly in St. Louis, selecting goods, and watching tbs mar ket, we fe confident that we can sell as chesp, or cheaper, than anyone elee ia the vet. , . , , , The public are invited to give tie a tall and examine the goods for themselves. We will buy farmer's produce at the highest prices. , , , Give us a call, st tlie new etore, corner ef main aui zist Streets, Bellevue, Jvearasks Territory. t 4 Bellevue, Sept. 10, 1857. . " 4 ttf JOS. W. LOWR1E, practical Cabinet Mak er, informs the people of Bellevue and vi cinity, that he Is now prepared to repair, ear nish, or to make to order, hi the beet manner, any article of furniture which they may de sire to have, at hia shop, In Cbsse's building, in Bellevue. " . " Coffins msde In any style, at the abort, est possible notice. " - J. W. L. Sept. 10. ' ' ' 1 ' ' 44tf' New Firm. jrnilE nnderstgned, having purchased the stock In trade, of Palmer A Aveiill, the business will be carried on, as heretofore, st the old stand, under ths name and style ef Win. C. Averill A Co. WM. C. 'AVERILL. ' ' M VT. If. LONGSDORf. Meat Market Changed Hands. MESSRS. OLIVER A STONE, hsve par chaeed of If. Cook Griffith, hie entire intereet in the butchering bualness, and wilt hereafter be found at his old stsnd, on Miss en Avenue, esst of Main Street, tinder S. M. Pike's Ore-eery and Provision Store, where tbey will be happy to wait upon his old cus tomers, and all others wbe msy. cheoee te favor them with their Vstronags. GEORGE A.OLIVER. Oct. fimSlyJCHARLKS STONE. 7 A MO C--r.iAJT.S HAVfl it opened a first class Saloon, in the Store room formerly occupied by John Chase, where the pnbHe ean alwaya 'find a 5ood supply of Oysters, Sardines. Segsre. and je1 best Liquors In the city, , ' A HOT hPNCH, served dsilv'i except Sun day, from 11 to 13 o'clock. A. M., free to my easterners. ' ' ' ' Give me a rail, and satisfy vonreetves. Cy.S good pritt paid fet alfkiOds of rsme.'ao, - a. Ui:LLEVrE BTom:. , : ; BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA TERRITORY.' rvrirrnci. n..c...i. . n..j J ware, Ifata and Caps, Boots sad Sheee, Croekery, Furniture, A. . ,, We will sell oar goods, at low prices, sad ior reiay pay psjiy,,, j . . . D2 .Avoor.woirrirs : NEBRASKA IN , 1857. r THIS work will again be resJy for delivery by the 17th . Inst, The first supply wss re ceived lat week snd wss Immediately aold. ' A new County Map, corrected by Mr. Ryers, accoruiug io uie conuty oounaanea eetabiiso. edbythe Legislatnrs-last I winter, bss beea engraved evpresslv for the work, aad will tp pesr in the next edition. i . . J. m Besides a history of the Territory, tU con. ditioa and proapecte, the wot k coauina the claim laws of Sehraaka, and a digest of the I nited States pre-emption laws, making a complete pre-eaptav'a rulde. Every aare Intereated la Nebraska ahould have a copy of the work. Price, with the map, 75 eati without the map, 50 centa, caagleeopieaauil. ed, postage paid, an . receipt o price, to any pan of the eouatry. , . , , ... C. C WOQLWORTH, . Omaha, Jane 11, 8J7 32Lf Publisher. MISSIOX SHIRES LUST.-CAIT10X. TOST ia transit by mail, between New 4 .York. aad thla tacyef A Certificate af Stork, in Ue MisatoVprerwrty umbers nat reenllectea. The said Ceettficatea were made out tn the name of Christopher .Gwyes, snd were not enaoratd by him, or made payable th any party. The rbl e ara caattne4 sgainst purehssmr said. bhres,si ap Otis to property, WNf. A. fjM'YF.R. 11 -(Uitv I " - - thi: ' YTtf j wt ATLANTIC MONTHLY. PHILLIPS. SAMPSON fc CO1 no st on, ITS AIM WILL B 'ATI Flair i In Literature, ie leave ine ptevtaeo unrepresented, so that while etch lumber will contain articles of sn abstract and pirmaaOat value, it will also be found that the Healthy appetite of the mind for entertemmeM M tta various forms of Narrative, Wit. and Hasaor, will not go ones red for. The publisher a wtah to ssy, also, that while native writers will re ceive the most solid encouragement, and will be mainly relied on to fill the pages of the Attawne, they will not heeltate to draw from the foreign eceureee at their command, as occasion met require, rely Ing rather ea the competency of an author tetreat particular subject, thsn on any othsr elalra whatever. in this way tnev nope o rosse meir r -. est welcome wherever ths' English tengeeie spoken or read; ' ' ". . . KacoitD In the term Aat they Intend tola elude the whole domaln-ef aeethetlis,"aed hope gradually to make this critical depart- mem a true and fearless repreeemauve mi r ! .ii ii. v.rtnu. kr.nrh... without any rerafd to prejudice, whether personal or natlanal, or t) private eonslderstlons of whst kind soever. Tiiisbi In Politics, the Artaaric vriit e the orgsn of no rsrty cllijue, but will honeetly endeavor to be tlie exponent of what Ite eon durtors believe to be the Amerlesn We It will deal frankly with persons and with part ies, endeavorsngtokeep In lew that moral el ement which transcends all persons and par ties and which alone mskee the basis of a true snd lasting national prosperity.' It will not rank Itself with any sect af aatise.bat with that body or men whien are m lavav ar Freedom, National ' Progress, r.d ltener, whether public or private. is.. ' As sn earnest ot the material at their rest, mand, tbey subjoin the following list of Mters ry persona Intereeted In thelf enterprise fwllh Ing It however to be distinctly understood, that they shall Imp for snppoirt froraevery kind of sblllity which deslrss Uie aventteef their columns, ami In the renumeraliea ' Of which they shall b guided purely by thslr sense of intrinsic merlti William U, Preeeott. Ralph Waldo Kme. son, Wm (J Bryant, Henry Wj1 Longfellow, Rsv. F. II. Hedge, D. D, Nathaniel Haw. thorn, John ii Whlttier,' Oliver Wendell Holmes, James R. Lowell, 1. Lothro Mat ley, Uvorge Wm.' Curtis, Herman Melville, Prod". Cr C. Felton, Prolf. F. J. Child. E. t Whipple, Edaiond Qulncy, Author of ''Wen. aley.' Thomas -W. Tarsons, J. T. Tran bridge, Author of " Neighbor Jackwaod" Ae. Mrs. II. Beecber Stewe, Mrs. GaeklUJ Ae ther of Ruth" " Mary Burton " Ac. Mrs. L. Maria Child, Mra. C. M. Kirkland, M tt. Pike, Author of Ida May, Caste, ",Ae. Miee. Rose Terry, Wlklie Collins Author of "The Dead Secret". Ac. O.Bufflnl AiUharef " Doctor Antonio" Ae. Jthirley Brooke Aue ber af "Aspen Court1 A.. E. M. WhUty, Author ef "Fellilcsl PorUalts" Ae. Jamea Hanney Author of M Singleton Foatenoy " AS. C. W. Phllleo Author of ? Twice Married. The Publishers will ales to have each an, ber of the mags sine ready in time for dletrtbe- tlon and sale, In the more remote parte at tire country, on or before' tne nrsi eay er ees a month for which it Is intended. .'- i TERMS. The ATtaariC MonTMte til be bed of Booksellers, PHodVeal Agents, ar from the Publishers, at Three Dellare year, or Twenty-five Cents a IM amber. . Subscribers rstalttlng three dell era ia ad vance, will receive the work for aua rear, rosy rato. In any part of the failed ftate within 3000 miles-, i . . . . . '- A liberal discount made to whaleeala lest ere and to post-masters and others who act ae scents, to whom speeimea sumbere will be furnished without charge.' . The Publishsrs will aat be responsible for eontrscts made by agents. All persons or dering through that medium must look to thee) for tbelr supply v- All eotoBHinleatlons for the Atlantic must be addreeaed to the Pobllshers.' ,,' THE CH1CA.Q0 CITT J INSURANCE COMPAtiy OFFICE 1 1 Room No, 1 Masonic Tenant, DarVe - Street, Chicago. ' -.: M CAPITAI 8i50,d6oJ ;';', 1 DIRBCTjORir ; :;7 roMrtiD cAHristD, it rat a rat Isaac cook, , ' 'm' t. neaaoVL' ii. a. WTcoor,nt.MfVl ".,i1M,v' v'",,0FrICEMr',,'1, EdmtiBd Canflald, Trt., Wm. f, BatM, Beo'y, Henry ChapattB, Tra. THIS Company waaaraiied on'Uie'lh day of March, A. It ISftS, under a apec lal charter from the legislature of IIHnoie, aad bueineaa commenced under the moat fa vorabla aaaplcea. Ite establishment bee bees) open a firm and reliable basis, aad In -view af its stability, eoundneee.and permanency, tank ae one of the first Insaraace Compaaiee in the eounjry. ; To those destreiie of protetta themaelvea against luas or dsmsge by I ir, ae perils of the ties, they beg leave to offer th following . , REFIRENOKS. . Meaere. Stone Wirt, Cleveland, Otii. w imams & Avery. CUUago, Jtu " Norton A Brather,7 Stone A Boaraev. a -'- r H M II. 8. Durand, Pres. Racine A MiSvR:.RU Geo. c. NorthrupaCaeh.t Racine Ca, Beak.. Wm. P. Lind, Eeo., Milwaukee. . . J. O. Cotirne, Es.fRacioe. . ' ' , Ashley Gilbert, Cssh. Coin'l R'k.Thleatmv Hetiry Farnham, President Chicago A Raekl ' Island Rail Road. , . .... . Daniel P. Rhodes. Esq., Cleveland, Oaite.!" Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, III.. Iloa R. Chamberlin, St. Lanls, Me. ; . Meesre. Wadsworth, Welts A Seyasati' ' Chicago, III. ' ' ' - Meears. I. H. Bnreh A Co., Chicago Bsak.'. Meeers. G. W. Ruer fc Ca. Chicago, 111. -" Wm. Blancbsrd,, Morvia, lit - ' A Messrs. II. C. A a C. Cook A Co.j W. ford. III. . ..Messs. Ik AAa.:nulO Messrs. Judd, Smith A Watt, Disan, UL Nehsmiah Case, Esq., .Buffalo, N. Y. Wem. B. Fuady, Esq-. Sprinrfield, III. Gee. I. Cum, Springfield, 111. Rirt.rd yWi fc,l, VL7J.XT MERCHANT TAIL0Rrt WOULD rsepeetrurty Inform the cirikea at BelleesM and vicMty that taasj ltave commeacad th TAILORING BUSINESS ke the building formerly oceapied by JM Uv.eomsr MAIN etreetaaj FIFTrt AVEN' Ut, and Intend keeping toaataatlj aa Aaadt CleOTHS. w , . CASSIMMEV. . . , . andVtSTCCVi I, Watch will be made p t order wltA aaetw aeae aad diepetch. . . . .... Also. ri'llS end IMDP.S b.lfht a teWa enhsr for geede. ae 3rMt,