Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, January 07, 1858, Image 2

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Ntws and Loc al l:ditor. r
.... V -W -
Emigration to the 11 est. Ilclle
tuc and Harpy Count f,
Al no time, in tho history of western
migration, were there to many eyes
turtdowarJt"th!i"jfraat"ti(l glorious
watt, as at present. (Not,only th former
in hit quiet home1,' Who his gathered the
member of his household band around
the hearth ttofeeand in then long winter
evening's jj delating whether he hod bet
tar, dispose of his worn-out lands, and
push on towards the setting sun, where
nature is moral goncrout to the tiller of
the aoil, filling his store timis Kith the
product j of an exuberant hind, but he
who Jos met wiiiy reverse of fortune, in
tha late financial crash, is u w extending
his vi.-ion but over the .broid and fertile
praties of the wc-st.Svhi'h are offering
homes to those of small mvnns, where he
can eat ihe bread of hii own industry, and
ia a few short years can repair his broken
fdrtonev'enablinf him to spend his declin
ing dsyi in affluence and luxury. '
) In former rear', before the productive
nat ef . the western prairie became gen
rally known,'1 those that were engaged
in'mercintile pursuits when a revolution
in the monetary World caused their tank
ruPWy t became desponding, and often
sought t drown their troubles in dissipo
lion fend in a1 short time, many who once
roamed their rains by thousands, became
S'f'J P,ro11 .' comer grocey, till at
last ( they end a lif 4 of wretchedness, and
find their last resting place in the potter's
Held.' In late years, a relief is found in
the cheap homes of the west, Imtead of
dispair and dissipation, those that have
been unfortunate, quietly pack op at the
earliest moment, and with the courage of
4 Uue philosopher Resolve to brave the
storms of adversity, and go" forth . to the
free and mighty west, wher industry,
tua, and integrity, are' always 'crowned
with euteesf.1 " ;i
We connilently believe, that 'Nebraska,
nolil out greater inducements to the settler
than any. portion of, ihe west. At the
present time, there ia more cheap and fer
tile land, to be had at Government price,
in Nebraska, than in any State or Terri-
tory bordering on the States, while its
climate u rarely surpassed. In no part
t the west,'can one enjoy better health,
than here There are no marshes, so
common in portions of Iowa, Illinois, and
JVtsconsia. ta generate a nox;ous nialuria,
which is so destructive tu human life.
There are always a few diseases incident
' ' MT, country", bfteo-tinies caused by
negligence aod dissipation but as a gen
eral thing, those thai are temperate and
Py a proper regard to diet and cleanli
re seldom attacked by any disease.
CJwing to an unpreredent rjse in the Mis
souri, last ' sprmgwhiich overflowed part
of the adjoiaiag bottoms, there hat been
quite1 a number of eases of ague here the
past season J but not as many as often oc
cur in many of the oldest western Suites.
This is i.facjt.adtoiued by U that are cou
TSrl,A wl! different sections of ihe
vest,. In a few years, we predict that
Nebraska wd be universally, acknowl
dgfd( to be,the heaviest , State in , the
FutOt). r. -tr j.fcl r.' 1.. u , .' .. i"
The winters, as a general thirg ,' are
uwnmnti nuia. 1 no' two past winters
?r? ?flr Severe, as they were, iu fact,
thtMghout the country ; but at the prta
! re enjoying a soft and balmy
atmosphere, . that , ia more ? befitting the
genial stays of October, than that of si-
most mid-wttaer. We are informed , by
ff0'''' ii'Jpf , upwards, of , ten
years iu Itebraska,ihst this is a fair nv.
rage at the ! winters iperwiK-ed here
during: that time. Surely, who can detire
e ? - I I . 'j i ; !' ( - '
. The fu aummer ws very wnua. , M
ne Uiae n July, the asent ury rose to 1 10
degree In the shade; but notwithstanding.
me mjhis are, hardly without u excep
tion, cool and refreohing. So much tx.
that even quite, thick beid-vlytling h almost
indispensable. bleep under such oirewu
atances, is indeed : invigorating; briogiog
hack, as it doe, tha deep and quiet sleep
f rhildhood. ' ' . 1
t From what we have seen of Nebraska,
aaera' inclined to believe that, taking all
things ,iot consideration, there are no
points in the Territory, that posst as' great
er attraction to the farmer, mechanic, and
spectator, than ,De3evue nl Sarpy Coun
ty. Dellnvue, bt rock landing, untur
passed by any on the MUwuri, while the
tw;a is situated on - hi'h blufT, which
commands a view of tLe Missouri valley,
aarly forty milf in es'.- r.C A fT rni'rs
to the south, is Pacific City, in Iowa,
wlii h U to be the t'-rmiu.M vf tin; Ikirlmp-
tan and Missouri RnilronJ, wliile on tlte
north, Lwv the valley of the Muuito,
the Dn re n port and Coiinril lllulTn Hail
road is likaU'J. AikI th valley :f the
riatte, on the iiorth aide, is the only feas
ible Railroad route to tho rnciflr, thee
two roads must tiliimsicly meet at this
point; and at no diMant J.y, the iron
hone will bring to our doors, both from
the commercial cities of the Atlantic and
Taci c. the products of a foreign clime.
oarpy vouuty is smiaieu on ine misou
ri and Tktte river, -fronting 12 miles
on the former and estending 2- miles
along the latter river. It has more tim
ber than any County uf it lze, in 'the
Territory. " The iiuiumersLle. jslundi in
the rintte, afTord an abundance of timber
for all practicable purposes. The timber
it chiefly onk, Muck-waiilnut, hickory,
elm, cedjr, and Cilt.)ii-ood.
Coal has been di-cvcreJ . in fcversl
p'aceH, in diflerent eections of th ' County,
utid it is supposed to exit in quantities
suflirient to supply n largo populnti ni.
Tho surface of the country it slightly
undulating, and is well wutered with many
pure and limpid springs. The noil is a
ikh, black sandy loam, and will average
three feet iii depth.' In some places it is
much deeper. , :
Oh ye care worn and weary toilers of
the east! who are longing for homee of
a (Hue nee and ease, come to Nebrask, come
to Dellevue, and we will extend to you
the hand of welcome!
The Ferguson Land Trial
This important trial camo oil' ut Oma.
ha City, before the Register and Receiv
er of the Land Office, on Saturday
T. Daemon, 'Eq. anil S. A. Strickland,'
of Bcllvvue, oppearcd . as Coun-e , for
Judge Ferguson. Judge Lockwood, tho
Brother-in-law of B. II. Chapman, ap
pearing M contest the right of Judge Fer
guson to pre-empt the land in question.
' The letter of instruction from the
Commissioner of the General Land Office
at Washington, to the Register and Re
ceiver of the Omaha Land Office, stated,
that the first affidavits, made by Watson
and othrs, against Ferguson's pre-emption,
were enclosed in a letter, sent to the
Department by B. D. Chapman. And
here his Brother-iu-low appear as coun
sel in the case 011 the samo side. It the
squatters of Nebraska, were nut satisfied
before, that this was the dirty work of this
Chnpmnu, they will bo fully satisfied now,
that he is capable of doing that which, we
venture the assertion, no settler in Ne
braska, could be found mean enough to
do. , TI10 testimony of the adverse party,
oNtr showed how little , they knew about
the pre-emption of Judge Ferguson.
Their testimony was entirely negative,
and proved nothing, only the la t, mat
they knew less about the Judges living on
his claim, than they woulJ, had they been
disinterested, instead of malkiuvtly will
tng witnesses for the further purposes of
giving a semblsnce of . decency, to the
probability of there being some Lille foun
dation for the wholesale assertion, about
the" pre-emption in the first instance.
Not ONT. of the witnesses deputed the
Judge's improvements. ' ' Whi'e the wit
uese en the other side, ene after anoth
er, could not only swrur to the improve
ments', but all had seen the Judge and his
family, at various times, living on the
laud, f" , ' . '
Settler and squatter of Nebraska !
you have been told that Chapman was a
non-resident of Nebraska ; that he had
no interest or sympathy in common with
you. You have also heard in detail his
black and infamous reputation, from the
time he was concerned as a coarse hand
Clerk, tn Washington, trying to amugle
and steat away negro slaves, from their
owners, dawn to his framing out the Land
OrBcea in Dakota, Nebraska City, and
Brownville; and taking in violation of the
statutes of the V. S , where it is made a
pennl ond penitentiary offense, the sum of
one thousand dollars, from an Indian trad
er, G en. P.A.Sarpy; and the further
purloining if the public documents, given
by Congress, for the benefit of the set
tlers and equuiter of Nebraska. You
may hiand with a reasonable amount of
grace, these most villainous and shame
less acta of Madison &, Co., but how will
he excuse this willful, malicious and pre
meditated attempt to strike at the very
foundation of your rights,' a id highe
aud best interest t for we uuhesitutingly
say, that if Judge Ferguson's pre-emption
can be broken, then one hundred and
fifty in Sarpy County, will share th some
fate, and no les than one thousand in the
Territory. You who have endured the
toils and privations incident to a pioneer
life, will you loook idtely on, and see this
ambitious and corrupt aspirant for your
rrtpi, eue anVv-.g ytj, to 4i-vrb the
nvvt acred interest, inciJent to your
coming h re, after having ios?csed him
snlf of n vnt nmouut of Innd and city lot
in Nebraska, through hi Brother-in-law
Lncjkwood, y Im'utiiii land olfiies, which
pri'perly belonged to Mjuutters ond settlersf
Tltat tho world tun y see this was
prompted in malice, and the object of per
snutiop, set in motion by mnltice and te
venge, we publish the affidavit of Col.
Lonn Miller, one of the fir.t residents of
Oinslm City, and the father of the Presi
dent of the Terrirorial Senate of Nebras
ka. 'Further Comment is unneccsry.""
lrln Mlllar'a evidence In due
of Watson vs. Ferguson.
1 Qiirsfton. A re yon acquainted with the
parties iu this unit ? , '
- .Intwtr. I 1111 acquainted with tlte
parties. That is, I urn acquainted with
Feiiuer Ferguson, but not with Kli P. Wat
sou. Qutst. Slate if ever you have
been present al any fmnerMitioii Mr.
WuUon has bud with your sou, or any one
ulsu in regard to hi purpotu and deMgn,
in prosecuting the suit uaimt Fcnner
, iu. I was present nt a conversation
with H. It,. W atson and my foil ; the na
ture of nhieh was a follows: My tun
put the question to Mr. utsoii, w hat wus
mere iu this reported perjury of Mr. Fer
guson? Mr. Watson in answer, wmt un
lo ttute, that it grew out of a duliculty in
burning some l.ayly Judge Ferguson's
son; the damages to which Judge Fergu
son refused to puy ; aud thut bis brother
said he would make it cost him ten times
that amount, before he got thro gh with
it, if ho did not pay it. He also stated,
in that couveration, that he saw the wife
of Judge Fergusou, at the hiKise on the
claim, but did not think they lived there. .
Counsel for. PiiiiiuilT objected to the
ubove answer. Objection overruled.
Qvct. by Reg. ou will please state
your ugu uml residence iu Nebraska.
.7w. 1 am 57 years of age. My
residence has been in Omaha, mostly, since
October, 1S34.
Qum. Have you been acquainted with
Jud;e Ferguson, since thut period ?
7ti.- I have, since the first days of
my coming here.
Que. 'Please state what is his general
character for truth and integrity. ,
.. As far ns I know, it is ubove sus
picion. I do not believe him capable of
committing perjury.
, Pill's Counsel objected. Overruled.
What the Tress says of our "Rep
resentatives. .
We p'ace Sarpy County third. Sirkk
luitd, A representative from this county, is
often heard upon ' the floor aud figure
pretty largely in the legislation. By ihe
Mugginses generally, he is regarded as
possess ng peculiar and striking talents.
We dill'er with the Mugginses, individ
ually; we think he is pussed only of or
dinary abilities, and that if he would
speak less mid more to the point, it would
be qui e 1 well for hi-J constituent and
the jnteiestsof the Territory.
Charley Jlolloway, from the snme
county, is possessed, of a fair share of
ability, and weal a liht genial, pleas
ant countenance. He ranls above the
average of intellect in the H use. . ,
.,. , A'tbraika CVy Aetcl.
Mr Strickland speaks well and readily.
H croes a -little too fact, soineiimes, but
taken altogether, we regard him as one of
the ablest debaters in the House.
Florviet Courier.
Among tho friends and advocates 0'
the Ferguson re-ol uions in the House
ttand most proinmyiit, and who has tak
en an active un energetic part in engineer
ing them through is Hon. S. A. Striuk
laud. , Thi gentleman is a n-pscseuta-live
inth House for the County of Sar
py. When i"l too much excited, he is a
ery pita to in speaker, of easy addrvss,
uid command much of the attention of
both member with whom he is connected,
aud the lobby without the bar. A god
selection of language apparently suggest
itseif to bis mind readily, when he deems
it proper to make the kJightest effort. He
tno.t generally has the . leadership - on
questions which divide the House, and
pluces lam in antagonism with other able
participants in discussion. ,
Counctf Blvfft Bvgle.
We extract the following from an ar
ticle in the Omaha Times, replying to an
attack made by tho Nebraskian, on the
member of the Legislature, foi voting
for the Ferguson resolutions:
General Bow en sustained the resolu
tions because he believed them to be right
and embodying the sentiment of over
four-filths ti the people of the Territory.
He is a gentleman rf talent and acknowl
edged ability, and to show how he is view
ed by imptrtiul strangers, we will quote
a short paragraph, from a well written
a 'id interesting letter, in the Council
BlufT Bugle: '
" The General is pleasant in his ad
dress before the Council, atfable and kind
in his social intercourse with those around
him. agreeable with his colleagues, whilst
attending to the duties of a committee,
and having a smile for everybody, ren
der him generully a very acceptable
companion. He usually panicipa e in
all the important question presented fir
the consideration of the Council, and is
often consulted on questions arising f r. m
a disagn ement of members 011 the rule,
in which he is well verunl. havm? been
I th piesidinj officer for the preious ses
'sni, wbi h polticn be tc-upird with
much ability and credit to himself, and
satisfaction of the Council."
Whether the indomitable,
energetic lender Strickland, and the reli
able, Meailfnst nnd untirinix Hollo way,
will be consigned to' eternal iiifamy" for
their siippiitt of truth and justice, and re
bilking fraud and knavery, remains to be
seen, but we think not.?"
Nebraska Legislature.
Tuesday, De. 29 1S57.
A Urrre aumbsr of bills of a local character
were tntrod'irrd and referred to t'ne sppropri-:
st commute,
; n.R. No 3'1. A if set to laeaniorit th
town of Coliunbm, was pasieil.
tin motion or Mr Bowen, tlie Council went
into tlis committee of the whole, on C. It.
No 10. An act to locate h Count Seat of
Wmhinirtoa fount y. ' ' :.
Mr. Howen In the chair. - -
After eome tune spent iu sesnlon. the coin
ini'tco iron ami naked leave 16 net again.
Mr Kirk strick, introiliiced a resolution
expelling .Mr Robertson, reporter for tlie Ne from the bar of the Conncil. carried,
: ' tVedaeeday Dec. 30 1S.")7
Tlie followinjr bill were panned.
A hill confinninethi tittle of Geo. L. fitler
to certain Real F.etate in Omaha city. '
Joint H'olntionlrelativ to grant ef land for
Rail Road pnpoeea. .
Coieicil then wnt fno the Co.nmttte of
the whole on the School hill.
Co'incil went 'Hta the committee of the
whole on V. R. No lfi. An set prnvidtng for
the location of th County Seat of Waslunpton
county. ,
After Rpendin some time In session the
eaine was reported back with aoius arneud
nients. paeeed.
An act providinff for the orpanijiatioh of
Ames county and the location of the County
seat was read third time sad passed.
An act to amend an act to incorporate th
University of Nebmnka; also an act to incor
porate the City of Fontenelle. Which has
been signed by the Executive.
Council adlourned. .
Thursday Dec, 31st 1837
Mr Bradford submitted the following report
Your Committee to whom was referred the
matter of Criutinal Code for Nebraska, report
the accompanidg bill, entitled. An act to create
a Criminal Code for Nebraska, and recom
mend its paeeaue.
Mcssers Allen and Reevea rave notice of
Un motion of Mr Sa fiord, the bill for an set
to create n Criminal Code for Nebraska, was
read the first time by its title.
(In mo.' Ion of Mr Puett, the Council went
into the committee of the whole on tlie School
Mr Allen tn the ehair.
After spending some time in session the
committee arose and reported recommending
its passage.
Mr Bowen, reported back a Memorial and
Resolution relative to the estaWislnnent of
additional Lftnd districts fn Nebraska.
Report accepted and memorial adopted.
(tu Motion the Council adjourned unlill Sat
urday 10 o'clock. ,,
Saturday Jan. 2 1.'8.
Tlie following bills wer read third time and
C. B No 28. An set to Incorporat the Em
erson Land Company.
H. V. No- l'. bill to Incorporate the
Grand I.mlge of Free and Accepted Masons
of Nehrank .
II. V. No 50. An set to change the naoie of
William Btrlwhistle.
H. F. No 53. An act to incorporate the
town of North Rock ItlutTs.
II F. No fm. An act to change the name of
Arhil.i Rojers to George Rogers.
C. B. No 47. An act to incorporate the
town of Bedford in Monroe Counly.
C. B. No .V.i. A bill to incorporate the
town of Liberty, C-s Co.
C B. No 50. An act to charter a Ferry at
C. B. No 37. An net to Incorporate the
town of Cambridge in Otoe count v.
C. B. No 38. An act to establish a Ferry
across the Platte River.
C. R. No 70. An act to amend an act, to
incorporate th Florence Bridge Co.
C. B. No 57. An act to sitablisl) a Ferry
across the Misvonri at Liberty, Cass co.
C-D No 45. An act to locate a territorial
torii from Bellevne to Omaha city.
C. . No 70. Joint Resolution relative to
School Lands.
C, B. No 43. An act to incorporate the
town of Milan. ' r
C. B. Nan. An set to locate a road from
Nemaha city to Oto Mission.
. After transacting some niiscellaulous busi
ness tb Council adjourned. .
f.i ' HOUSE...1, . . .,' ,
Monday, Deo. 23.
i - ...
.M0alSC 6EkSIO!(. .
- On motion the House went into com
mittee of the whole on the Homestead
lk!l, which was the special order of the
day.' , ... s.-
Strickland in the chair. - !
After remaining sometime therein, the
committee reported progress, and asked
I leave to set again on Weduesday next at
9 o clock AM. Agreed to.
' Strickland presented a petition of Enos
Lowe. J Milton Thayer and others, pray.
;i g to be incorporated as the Douglas
County Ag icultural Society.. Itefd. to
rommitteo on agriculture.
The following notice of bills were giv
en. Crawford of a bill in relu'ion to writs
of quo warrants and mandamus. Also
of a bill to incorporate tne Frankford
town and (erry company.
By Kogcrs, of a bill to g-ange the
name of the county seat of 1'awnee
Uy Thrall, of a bill to incorporate the
Nebraska Medical Society.
' Also a bill to suppress and punish bri
bery and corruption.
Also a bill to provide for the herding
of cattle and oilier stocks in certain parts
of Douglas and Sarpy Counties.
By King, of a bill to incorporate I all
City in Richardson Co.
Also of a bill to charter the Fall City
' College at Falls City, NT.
1 Also of a bill chartering the Fall City
Manufacturing Co.
Uy Minick, of a bill locating a territo
rial r iad between Aspiowatl in Nemaha
Co, to Beatrice in Gage county.
Also of a bill locating a territoriol road
from Aspinwall in Nemaha county, to'he
Kansas hnn, via Table Rock and Mon
Uy Paddock, of a bill to regulate fees
and sal.irii a.
By Jones, of a bill to incorporate ihe
North Bend Town and Ferry Compa-
ny in Dixon county N T.
By Sleinberger, of a bill to incorporate
tho town of Loupbnrgb.
. Crawford introduced II F, No 01; an
act to i corporate the - Ioma Town and
Ferry company. Head MM time.
On motion, the rules were ' suspended.
Bills read second Hum by it title and re
ferred to com. on corporations.
AUo II F, No an act to incorpo
rate the Oakdule town Com. Read nrt
"'On motion the rules were distended.
Bill read a second time by its tittle aud re
fered to the Committee an corporation, ;
Also H F, No 63; a bill f r an act to
provide for the re-location of county seat.
Read first time.; I '. ;
v On motion the rules were suspended.
Bill rend second time by its title, and re
ferred to committee on ; county seats aud
liy Able, 11 r, INo l4; an act to in
corporate the Kctipse Town, Ferry and
Bridge com. , Read lir) lime. . , ;
On motion the rules were suspended.
Bill read tecoud time by Hi title und re
ferred to Ihe coiniiiiitee on "CoTporatioiw.
By DaviU.n, II F,ioG; a bill 1.x
an act to provide for a territorial load
frouiTkllee to Fort Kearney. Rcud
first time. i ;; ,
The co tunittee on corporations made
the following reoi i. ,
Your coniuiitiee to whom was referred
II F, No SI, an uci to Hiueud .an a t, en
titled an art, to incorporate ihe City Of
Tekaiua, iu Bun co. .t.(i . , ., t
And II F, NuTw; an act to incorpo
rate North Rock B'uil'. . ,
And II F, No .'14 ; an act to iucoporate
the Cleveland Land o.
And C B, No3; an net to incorporate
the town of Omadi, in Dakota Co.
And C B, No 42 ; an act to authorize
the city of Browuvi'le to di pose ot prop
erty; beg leave lo report Uiu same Luck
wiihmit amendment, nd recoiuiuend tlieir
passage. '
Your committee to whom was referred
n bill of L Gerrard, T P Parker and
their associates to establish a bridge across
Loup Fork of Platte River, rcpoit tue
same back, and recommend that it do not
pass. , .
II F, No 23; an act to more clearly
define the powers and duties of Notaries
Public, was taken up, and ou motion of
Mr Strickland was re-coutmitieU lo a
com. of' three.
' The Speaker appointed Messrs Strick
land, Stewart of Dougla, aud Paddock,
such com. . .. ...
The coin, on engross d and enrolled
bills, reported as correctly engrossed, II
F, No 60; an act to change the namn of
Achilles Kogers. to ueorge Rogers. "
On motion rules were suspended Bill
rend n third time by it title.-Parsed, and
title osrreed to. ,
C 0, No 24 ; a bill for nn act to locate
a terntoriul road from Plaiuiuouih to
Chester, was taken up, and on motion the
report of com. adopted. 1
On motion the consideration of the bill
was indefinitely postponed.
C B, No 8 ; u bill for nu art to con.snli.
date the corporation of Nebraska Cay,
South Nebraska City and Kearney City,
and to incorporate Nebraska City, wu
taken np, and ou motion the report of
coin, adopted. .."-.- ,
On motion rules were suspended. Bill
read third time by its title. Passed, and
title agreed to. 1 ,
II F, No 25 ; an act to provide t!ie
erection of a Court House and Jail in
Otoe Co. Nebraska, was taken up, and
on motion the report was adopted.
On motion rules sus. Bill rend third
time by it title. Passed, aud title agreed
to. 1 "
II F, No 44; a bill for an act to au
thorize John A Singleton to erect a mill
dam across tho south fork of. Grand Ne
maha River, in , Richardson' coduty, was
taken up, and on motion the aintnd.nenl
reported by the fcoio.i was Bdopted, and
tlie bill ordered to be engrossed -foi 'third
reading to-nmrrow. : '
II F, No 40 ; un act to incorporate the
townf Breckinridge, and establi.-b s frr
ry at said point was taken up, aud on
motion, the amendment ( report d by th
com.' adapted, and the bill ordered .tu be
engrossed for third reading to-morrow.
H F, No 19 1 2; a bill to incorporate
the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
Masons of Nehra.-ka.' was taken up. and
on motion the report of com. w aa adopt
ed. ..-..;!
On motion rules sus.. Bill read third
time by its title. Pushed, and title agreed
to. ' " ;j -
II F. No 19 ; and act to incorporate the
town Tessong wa taken up. and on mo
tion the report of jcoin. udopied.
Un motion the rules were suponded.
Bill read third lime by its title. Passed
first time. . . ' '
On motion the rules were suspended.
Bill read secont time by its idle, and re
ferred to committee ou roads and bridg
es. By Stewart of Douglas, II F. No 66 ,
an act to amend an act, ent iled an act,
for. locating, opening, repairing, and
changing county road. Read first
time. ...
On motion the rules were suspended.
Bill read second time by iu title, and re
ferred to the committee on roads and
bridges. . , f ,
Also II F, No 67 ; a bill to incorporate
the Nebraska Settlement Association
Reod First lime. .
On motion the rules were suspended,
Bill read second lime by it title, and re
ferred to eotn. on cor, Title agre d to.
. II F, No 7; an act to incorporate the
town of Syracue, was taken up, and re
port cf com . ad-ptJ. '' ' !
On mxion bill was ordered engrossed
for third rending to-morrow.
II F, No 4; an act to incorporate the
totvuof Brooklyn, was taken up, a1Ml 0
motion the report of com. adopted.
' Ou motion rules suspended. Bill rcsd
third time by its title. f Passed, till
agreed to. ; (
! II F. No 3 j an net relative to the in
corporation Of the Simpson University at
Omaha City. N T, was taken up. and re
port of com adopted. Bill ordered en
grossed for third reading to-morrow.
II F, No 14; a bill to incorporate the
4own of Monroe, in Monroe county, was
.aken up and report of com adopted
-- On motion rules upendtd.-- Bill read
third tune by its title. Passed and till
agreed to. v v ' ' ,
II F No 39 ; an act to incorporate the
town of Granada, was taken up, on m
tion report adopted. -Bill ordered third
reading to-morrow. M
II FVNa49; Joint resolution-refatmir
to the establishment of n tri-weekly mail
from Oinalm jCity. to fvkotit 'City : also
a tri-weekly i ail from' Dakota' City i
Niohmrah Leou qui court county, was ta
ken up, h id report of coin, adopn-d.
On imition' rulee suspended, Bill read
third time by title. . Passed and title
ogreed to. - , , . T .
II F; No 45,'an'act to establish i ter
ritor al road from Omaha to Forest City
in Sarpy county, wa taken up and report
of com udopud. .
Ou motion consideration of bill indefi
nitely postponed. : '
C B, No 1 ; an act to locate a territo
rial roud from Omaha to Elk Horn Riv.
er, wa taken up, and the majority report
of com adopted, aud ihe bill . indefinitely
II F. No 57 ; an act relative to minors
was read second time, and on motion fif
ty copies were ordered to be primed for
the use of House. . .
On iiiotio:. was referred to com. of the
wl ole, and made special order for Moo
day lu-xt. ... -
II F No 29; n bill authorizing limited'
partnerships was taken up, and on motion
rules .vere suspended, bill read third liine
by its tide. Parsed and title agreed to..
Ou motion ' the following resolutions
were taken from ilm table. ' '
Resolved ; That the rules of tbii House
be so ainenlrd. as to r quire sJl bills om
i ig from the hand, of com. asuWilute.
for other bill ro pass through their rrg
lar cursnd receive their separate read
ings. . . . ., . ,
On motion of Holloway. the resolutioa
was indefinitely postponed. v
, - Ou motion the following resol utioa was
taken from the tab'e. ' ,.1..' , -
1 Resetvtdf That no smoking be allowed'
within the Bar, or in the Lobby of this
House during session nnd that' the $er
geant at Anna be instructed' to ; enforce
thi resolution.
Holloway moved to lay resolution on
table. " Lot-t. " ' ' 1 ' " ; ' :
Ou motion the resolution was ' referred
to com. ou agriculture. , . ,,,.,
On motion of Holloway, the House ad
journed until to-morrow morning at 10
o'clock. . . ;
' . ' Tnesday, Deo. 29. A
Poppleton presented petition of II Mun
ger and other, praying for a parage of
an act, restraining horses and cattle from
running at large in the county of Doug
las. .'' !i '';
; Porpleton moved to refer i petition lo
com. on agriculture, with instructions .lo
report a bill in accordance with the pray--er
of said petition. I. .1
Taguan moved to amend the motion,,
by instructing the com. to report -a bil
covering ihn entire territory, and submit
ting it to the people of each i township.,
neighborhood, or county for adoption. 7
Motion adapted, aud referred to com..
o.i agriculture.. ., ....- y , Vi . 1; i
Decker presented petition of Joseph'
Robertson and other citizens,' of Otoe,.
Johnson, Clay, and Gage counties,, pray
ing for the location of a territorial , tsoaj
from Nebraska city, through the town'vf
Helena, nnd on to the town of Beatrice,,
aud connecting with the roud to Fort Lev,
euworth aud Fort Kearney, Referred to
coin, on rood and brjdges. ' . ,
The following notices ; of bill we,r?
given. r, , -
. Crawford of a bill to consolidate , the
counties Cumiuing and Izard. ' ; ,' , v )
" Armstrong of a bill to amend the act
providing for the collection of the reven
ue, approved Feb 13ih 1R57.' ,, ,
- Taggart of a bill authorizing the build
ing of a dam across the Eikhorn river st
Fontenelle. - ' '
Rogers of i bill exempting certain mills
from pay in? lax on raid mills.' -?!'(
Cooper of an act uppieuMt)tary t en
act, entitled au act lo uth.rue PG Coop
er, and his associate to keep ' a ferry
across the Missouri River at Cuming city,
appi ov d Jan. Gth 1850. ' ' " T
Crawford introduced II F. Nv 73 ; -bill
for a act auihoriz ug private persons
to rue Hit writs of quo warrant$ atHlsiaa
damut. Referred to com. on the Judici
ary. v. , .. .(.!. T
King introduced II F, No 75 ; a bill
for an act lo innorporate ihe Falls City
Manufacturing Company. ' Referred "to
com. on Internal Improvements. '.',' . .
II F, No 37; a bill to authorise L Ge
rard and T P Parker, and their; associ
ates to establish and keep a toll bridge's!
ferry across the Loup Fork of Plane riv
er, at the town of Monroe in Monroe.
County. . r
Taeeart moved to re-commit the hilbte,
the com. on corporations with in-ururtions,
to amend in accordance with their repsrts
Wednesday Dec. 30.
; Arnu-tronsf prett puir a petition "fropi
ft en journ yiuen prluiersv of the Krrjr
tory, praying for the pasgtt of an act
requiring the Public Printing to. be don