Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, December 24, 1857, Image 2

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Nsws nJ Local F.JItor. ,
THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1857.
AplffT for Chapman's
Tht editor of the Nebraskian appears
to be to adept at figuring on " mare's
nests," and in lut week's issue, devotes
over a column to an article published re
cently in the .Timet and Gazette. The
article referred to by the Nebraskian, ex
posed the criminal duplicity of B. B.
Chapman, ik receiving 1000 in gold
from Gen. P. A. Sarpy, for his services
ia prosecuting a ciaiw against the United
As usual, the editor commences his ar
ticle by referring to Ferguson having ob
tained f re-emptiea tkle to a quarter sec
tia f 4atid illegally, and that it hnd been
firere by tVe tfliiinony of his neighbors,
that "he had never liwd upon it. We have
a former number expotied the villainy
of his maligners, and will only slate here,
there has been forwarded to the city of
Washiagtoa, the affidavits of thirty-six of
the neigohsra f tke Hon. Fenner Fer
guson, fNPcarMig ttfiWy, that ho did re
side epaa the tract tf land with his fam
ily, and outrivaled and improved it accord
ing to the provisions of tho pro-einption
The editor then fitches into (Jen. Bow
en, mewiber of the Council, from Sarpy
vemny, with his usual amount of filthy, low
scurrilous epithets, known only in the vo
cahulary of the denizens of the London
fish-market, or the five-points in New
York city. Geiu Bowen, is known to be
a gentleman of high standing and moral
worth in Ohio, the State from which he
removed, as well ns in this Territory ; the
home of his choice -and all the vitupera
tion and slander heaped upon him by the
editor of the Nebraskian, will be but the
means of knitting closer to him the hearts
of the genuine squatters of Nebraska. :
! In this sapient editor's apology for
Chapman's conduct in the Sarpy case, he
ir.akes three points. '
First, the receipt of $1000, is not gen
ulne. ;
Second, that a law prohibiting members
of Congress from ' prosecuting claims
agaist the United States, has no applies
bility, when Indian tribes are concerned.
.,Aiura, mat unapman waa retained in
the case before ha was a Delegate to Con
grtss, and finally that his term of office
had expired, before the dale of the re
ceipt What profound conclusions ! What
umaswerable arguments !
'The only parallel case to the above we
er remember to have heard, happened
somewhere in the suae of Indiana. A
A(r. D. had terrowed flora Mr. C, his
oeighbor, a kettle, and it was broken be
fore he returned k. Mr. C. sued Mr. B.
for the price of the kettle- Mr. B's law
yer pat la his answer to the case as fol
lows: t
First, we never borrowed the ketiJe.
Second, the kettle was trokcu when
we borrowed it.
IM ..t . " .
tnira.ine icetiie was sound wnca we
returned it
rtebrntktt Legislature.
Monday, Dec. 11.
Council meet pursuant to adjournment.
Mr. Safford Reported back C. B. No.l,
An act to locato a Territorial rood from
Omadi to Elkhorn River, and recommend
ed its passage. Adopted.
On motion of Mr. Puett, Mr. Robert
son was admitted within the bar as re
porter for the Nsbraskian.
The following bills wura introduced by
Mr. Puett !
C. B No. 13. Incorporating Concord
Town and Ferry Co.
By Mr. Rogers: C. B. No. 1 1. Amend
ing the act incorporating the University
of Nebraska. , ,
' By Mr. Bradford : C. B. No. 15. An
act respecting Judgment Notes.
Mr. I to wen and Reeves, on leave, gave
notice of bills.
Mr. Bowen called up his resolution rel
ative to special acts of incorporation. Af
ter debate, was carried.
Mr. Clancy, on leave, introduced a C.
B. No. 10, re-locating the County seat of
Washington County. Read first lime.
Messrs. Bradford, Salisbury and Rog
ers, gavo notice of bills.
Mr. Reeves reported back substitute
for C. B. No. An net repealing an net
restraing sheep and swine, from running
at large, in Dakota Co.
Mr. Salisbury, Chairman on Incorpo
rations, reported bnck C. B. No. 8. An
act incorKrating Nebraska City, and rec
oinending its passage.
Report adopted. Hill read third time.
Mr. Kirkputrick reported certain
amendments lo the act, reguluting salaries
and fees.
miscellaneous business, on
Bradford, the Council ad
Mr. Kirkpntrick in (he chair.
After soils time spent in debate, Com
mittee arose and reported certain amend
ments. Bill ordered to be engrossed.
The Homestead bill agnn came up for
discussion. Bill ordered to be cngrosed.
Salurdsy, Dec. 19.
Mr. Furnss reported School bill with
cortain amendments, winch, on motion,
was made the erpeciul order for Monday.
Mr. Puett submitted minority report,
relating to the re-location of the County
seat of Washington Co.
Mr. klrkpatnck introduced & bill to or
ganise Green County.
Mr. Howcn: A bill to incorporate me
Emerson Land Co.
C B. No. 19. An act fixiug the time of
convening the Legislative Assembly.
Was passed.
After transacting some further busi
ness, Council adjourned to .Monday. ,
monkish session.
Monday, Dec.
Ou Thursday last, Mr. Holloway
Sarpy," gave notiee in the House, that h
would introduce a bill, m some future day
providing for the sale of the Capitol Build
ing to entble Omaha City, to redeem her
tuerjr ? Who owns the Capitol build
iog I the Territory of Nebraska ! or the
Cay of Omaha f What has become of
iba fifty thousand .dollars? given to the
Territory by the U. fi. to buikl a raHtol ;
who owns the land oa which the rupitol
stands f the Territory of Nebraska ! or
Omaha City I did the city of Omaha ille
gally isue $60,000 in worthless K-rip for
the purpose of mixing it in wkh the $o0,
000 V. S. coin, belonging to Nebraska
Territory f and now claim, that by virtue
of such investment of 660,000, in scrip, in
connection wiih the $50,000, belonging to
the Territory, that the entire amount be
longs to the city of Omaha I Who au
thorized the late Governor, to commence
a building for a ca pilot, worth one hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, when only fifty
thousand had been appropriated, by con
gress for that purpose? finally what has
the Territory of Nebraska to show, bv
After some
motion of Mr,
luesduy, woe. i-
Mr. Fumns introduced a bill lo estuh
lish a Territorial Board of Agriculture.
Mr. Reeves: A bill fixing: the time of
conveninir the Leimlutive Assembly
On motion of Mr. Bowen, Council
went into committee of the whole, on tho
Homestead Bill.
Mr. Reeves in the chair.
After tome lime spent in deba'e, Com
mittee, and asked leave to set again.
Ou motion of Mr. Jvirkpo rick, Coun
cil went into committee ot the wnoio ou
the Homestead Bill.
Afternoon spent in discussing the bill.
Wednesdny, Dec.' IB.
Mr. Fumns introduced a blill lor the
encouragement of the growth of hedge
fences, in the I erntory.
Mr. Bradford : A bill lo aboluu Coun
ty Commissioners and establish County
Courts. '
On motion of Mr. Clancy, the Coun
cil went into the committeo of the whole
on the Homestead Bill.
Mr. Reeves in the chair.
Forenoon spent in debute.
Council went into the Committee of the
whole on the Homestead bill, and spent
the afternoon in debate on its provisions.
Mr. Reeves tn the chair.
Committee arose and reported some
Mr. Clancy moved to refer to select
Committee of three. Carried.
Messrs. Clancy, Safford and Allen,
were appointed such Committee.
On motion of Air. Uowen, the
cil went into the committee of the
on the bill respecting judgment notes.
Mr. JJowen in the cnair.
Committee arose and recommended
that the bill be referred to select Commit
tee of three, with Mr. Bradford as Chair
man. Adopted.
Chair appointed Bradford, Bowen and
Air. Uowen introduced a joint resolu
tion relative to Delegate in Congress,
Laid over under the rule. Adjourned
Thursday, Dec. 17.
Mr. Reeves, Chairmnm of Committee
n Agriculture, reported La k C. B. No.
20, au uct to encourage the growth ol
hedge fences, iu the Territory, and rec
ommened its passage.
The fol lowing bids were passed
C. B. No. 2. An act to iucorporate the
eity of aslungton, ju Dakota Co
C. B. No. 3. An act lo incorporate the
town of G reexport.
C. it. A a. 4. as act repealing an act
restraining sneen and swine, trom run
ning at large, in Dakota Co.
C. U. ISo. li. Au act to amend an act
incorporating the University of Nebraska
Air. Allen introduced a joint inemorm
to Congress, for the establishment if an
oilier Land Ollice in the Territory.
Mr. Bowen called up his resolution re
alive to Delegate in Congress.
M r. Sarford moved to lay on the table.
Mr. SarTord moved to postpone indefi
nitely. Lost.
On motion the resolution was adopted.
Ou motion of Mr. Bowen, Council went
into committee of the whole on the Liquor
Mr. Rogers in the chair.
The afternoon was speut in its discus
sion. Committeo asked leave to set again.
Friday, Dec. 1&
Mr. Puett introduced a bill to organise
the County of Pine.
Mr. Satfbrd submitted a
. - ...
wiv of title, to nronen. or oiherwU. fn. P" Homestead bill.
..- . r 4- , ... . r . .:
Mr. Kirkpa'rick. Chairman of
William A. Richardson, of Illinois,
Las ban appointed Governor of Nebraska
Terrkorjr and N. E. Welch of Omaha,
We promised, to our last issue, to give
a Legislative rmw in this number; tnrt
for want of room it is ji-j-ijMned.
mittee on Finance, Ways and Means re
ported unfavorably to an act abolishing
County Commissioners, and establishing
County Courts. Report adopted.
Mr. McDonald introduced a bill res
pet ting Divorce and Alimony.
On inotiou of Mr. Reeves, the Coun
cil went jnto omrnitt-.-e of the whole, on
he Inyr hi!!.
On motion of Mr. Holloway, leave of
absence was granted to Mr Murphy, un
til Friday morning.
Mr Donelun presented the petition ot
Samuel Huhn, to upeu the charter kuowu
as an act to establish and keep a Ferry
across Plutte River at Cedar Island, iu
the Couniy of Cass.
On inotiou the petition was referred to
the committee ou corporations.
Air Holloway on leave introduced lit
No 12, An act to repeal certaiu act there
in mentioned. On motion the rules were
suspended and the bill was read the sec
ond time by its title, and refered to the
committee on bunks and currency.
The following noiicc-n vi bills were giv
By Mr Armstrong, of a bill to prevent
the improper and criminal use of deadly
By Mr. Gawford, of a lull to incorpo
rate thn town of Bieckenridge, L'Euu qui
court Co.
By Mr Clayes, of a bill to prevent the
use of unauthorized paper money.
On leave Mr Armstrong introduced II
F No 13, a bill relating to mechanics
liens. Read first time.
On inotiou the rules were suspended
and bill read second time by its title.
On motion bill was referred to commit
tee on judiciary.
On leave Mr. Tnggart introduced II F
No 14, a bill to incorporate the town of
Monroe. Monroe Co.
Mr. Thrall gave notice of a bill author
izmg the location ot a territorial road
from Ouiaha to the mouth of the Elkhorn
river. Also of a bill giving preference
to ceruul cluiins in tho settlement of es
By Mr. Cooper, of a bill to prevent the
mpmper issue of thw Omaha and Chica
go JiunU. Also ot a bill auuionzing me
county recoider of Washington County,
to perform the duties of county clerk.
Jiv Air. Donelun. of a bill to charter a
'erry Company across Plutte River, nt
Cedar Island, in Cass County, and repeal
the present charter.
By Mr Targart, of a bill relative to the
formation of new counties and alteiation of
county lines
I5y Air. bullivnn, of a bill to create a
new precinct in the southern part of
Washington Co.
By Mr. Beck, of a bill for the location
or a territorial road rroni llttwiu Land
ing in Burt County, N. T., to Columbus,
Platte County, N.T.
Oft leave, Mr Sullivan introduced II F
No Id, an act to amend section three of
chapter 31 of the code, passed and ap
proved r eb IS. 1W-57.
On leave, Air. laggart introduced H r
No 16, a bill to establish a territorial road
from Tekama to Fontenelle.
On leave, Mr Crawford presented II F
No 17, a memorial for a daily mail from
Iowa City, Ia. to Omaha City. N T.
Mr C romwell gave notice of a bill to
incorporate Puwnee City, Pa wore county
Also a bill to incorporate Table Rock
Mr Almick g!fe notice of a bill to
amend the act entitled an act to restrain
sheep and swine from running at large,
in the counties of Cass, rsemuha and Otoe
Mr Steinberger offered the following
Rtsolvtd, Thnt all pemns asking seats
within the bar, us reporters of papers,
shall be admitted.
On motion the resolution was laid ou
the table.
Mr. Holloway offered the following
resolution :
Jicsolvtrf, That Mr See be admitted to
a seal in that body as leporter for the
Florence Courier. On motion the reso
lution was adopted.
Mr. Armstrong gave notice of a bill to
restrain all stock from running at large in
the territory.
On leave, Taggart introduced II F No
18, au act to establish a lerritonal road
from the military bridge on went Papill-
ion, to Monroe, Monroe county, via Fon
On leave, Crawford introduced II F No
19, an act to incorporate the town of Tea
song. Armstrong offered the following reso
Iutiou :
JtJurW, That ihe committee on the
majority re ' judiciary, be instructed to report a bill ex
empting rroiu taiauon an improvements
ou real estate, throughout the territory.
Laid over under the rule.
The following bills of the House were
takeu up aud read second lime by their
II F No 7. an act to incorporate the
town of Syracuse. Referred to commit
tee on corporations.
n io. J, an art to amend an act
entitled an act to amend an act entitled an
act ti iicTpTite Simpou l'nivrriy,
al Omaha City, N. T. Approved Janua
ry 23, A. D. 18G0. Refered to commit
tea on e rporations.
II F No 4. An act to incorporate the
to wd of Brooklyn. Referred to the coin
mittee on corporations.
II F No 10. An act to define the
boundaries and to locate the seat of jus
tice of the couniy of Platte. Refered to
committee on county teats and boundaries.
II F No 8. An act adopting a part of
the code of the first session laws. Re
fered lo committee on judiciary.
II F No 3. A bill for an act lo author
ise Wm B Hail, his associates and as
signs, to establish and keep a ferry across
the Missouri River, at Nebraska City.
Refered to committee on corporations.
! On motion, the following resolution
was taken up :
. Rtiolvtd, That George M Mills be ad
milted to a seat within the bar as reporter
for the Chicago Times. Campbell moved
the resolutions be adopted. Pending
which, Thrall moved to lay resolutions on
the table. Carried.
Steinberger moved to re-consider thg
vote, on the resolut on admitting Mr ftee
to a sent within the bar as reporter for
the Florence Courier, upon which the
ayes and nays were demanded, and re
sulted as follows r
Jyts. Bock, Campbell, Cooper, Gntes,
Morton, Sullivan, Sieinberger Stewart of
Douglas. Slewart of Washington, Tag
gart and Van Horn. 11.
Joy$. Armstrong, Abbe, Benedict,
Clayes, Crawford, Chambers, Cromwell,
Douelnn, Davidson. Hail.Holloway. Jones,
King, Minick, Robb, Sheldon, and Strick
land. 17. Lost.
On motion the following resolution wa
taken from the bible.
Retolved, That the committee on the
judiciary, be instructed to report a bill for
a generul law, regulating the chartering
of ferry companies. On motion of Mimck
the resolution was adopted.
On motion of Armstong the following
resolution was adopted :
Resolivd, That the committee on pnvi
leges and elections, be and hereby require
to report on the contested cases from
Wn?hingtun county, on Tuesday next,
Morton offered the following resolution:
Retolrtd, That all persons claiming to
be reporters for newspapers out of the
territory, be and are nereby permitted to
furnish themselves with desks and seats,
outside the bar.
Steinberger moved to amend by insert
ing after the word " territory the words
"and within the territory."
Holloway moved to luy the amendment
on the table. , Pending which, a call of
the House was demanded. Marquette
and Benedict were absent. On inotiou
nil farther proceedings under the call were
1' I ., ml
uispenseci wun. ine vote being now
taken upon Holloway's motion, to lay the
amendment upon the tulle, it was decided
Steinberger moved to lay the resolution
upon the table. Ayes and naves were
uunanded, and resulted as follows:
1ves. Messrs. Beck, Crawford, Camp
bell, Clavcs, Chambers, Cooper, oull.van
Steinberger, Stewart of Washington, and
speaker. iu.
Jayt. Armstrong, Abbe, Benedict
Cromwell, Donclan, Davidson, Gates
Hail, Holloway, Jones, King, Morton
Mimck, Robb, Stewart of Douglas, Shel
don, Strickland, Tnggart, and Van Horn.
19. Lost.
Thrall moved to amend by strikiocr out
the words " out of the territory." Lost.
Un motion, the resolution was adopted.
Ou leave, Morton introduced II F No
20. An act to prevent the improper and
criminal use of deadly weapons.
Rend first time.
On motion of Holloway, rules were
suspended and bill read second time by
its title.' On motion referred to committee
on agriculture Qn motion of Hail, tin
committee was instructed to report as ear
ly as possible upon the bill.
On motion took recess until 2, P. M.
ArrtK.toox sess:ox.
Armstroug offered the following reso
lution which was laid over under the rule:
Reno! vol, That the chief clerk be au
thorized to aj point an additional engros
ing and enrolling clerk, which, iu bis
opinion the services of one shall be need
ed. Also the following resolution :
WtW. That T. II. Robertson, edi
tor of the Nebraskian, and Geo. W. Hep
burn, reporter for the Times, be admitted
within the bar, as reporters for those pa
pers. Laid over under the rule.
Strickland demanded call of the House.
Marquette and Benedict were absent.
On motion leave of absence were grant
ed lo those gentlemen.
Armstrong moved suspension of the
rules that the resolution admitting Robert
son and Hepburn within the bar, as re
porters, might be taken up. Upon which
the ayes and nays were demanded and
resulted as follows :
7y. Messrs. Armstrong, Abbe,
Beck, Clayes, Chambers. Davidson. Hail.
Holloway, King, Minick, Poppleton, Pad
dock, Robb and Thrall. 14.
Viy. Messrs. Crawford, Campbell,
Cromwell, Cooper, Donelnn, Gates, Jones,
Murphy, Morton, Sullivan, Sieinberger,
Stewart of Douglas, Stewart of Washing
ton, Sheldon, Strickland, Taggart, and
Van Horn. 17. Lost.
Armstrong gave notice of a bill to more
clearly define the power and duties of
uoianes public.
Steinberger gave notice of a bill to in
coporate the Cleveland Land Co..
On leave Sullivan introduced II F No
21, an act to regulate the exemption laws
of Nebraska. Read first time.
Holloway moved to suspend rules and
read bill second time by its title. Lost.
Morton gave notice of a bill to provide
for the erection of a court house and jsil
in he ermn'y of Otoe.
Poppleton offered the following pream
ble and resolution :
WntatAS, it is belived that many of
the ferry franchises, heretofore granted
by the legislative assembly, across the
Missouri and other rivers, in the territo
ry, have been forfeited, by a failure to
comply with the provisions of their char
ters, and whereas, it is important that ev
ery facility should be afforded for the safe
and speedy crossing of said streams, at all
seasons of the year, and whereas, the
prosperity of (he territory is dependent,
in a great measure upon the existence of
such facilities, therefore.
Resolved, Thnt a special committee of
five be appointed to examine into the
condition of the vnrious charters mention
ed, and report what legislation, if any, is
demanded in regard to them, by the best
interests of the Territory.
Hail moved to suspend the rules, that
the resolution might be taken up and act
ed upon. Carried.
Poppleton moved adoption of preamble
and resolution. Carried.
Messrs. Poppleton, Crawford, Hail,
Strickland, and King, were appointed.
A bill consolidating Nebraska, South
Nebraska, and Kearney Cities, and incor
porating Nebraska City, was received
from the Council, for concurrence.
On leave, Poppleton introduced II F
No 22, an act to incorporate the Omaha
Us ss company. Kead first time.
Strickland offered the following resolu
Rctolved, That the Hons. A. J. Han-
scomb, Wm. Lnrimer.'Jr., W. E. Moore,
and all ex-members of the legislative as
sembly, be admitted to seats within the
bar of the House. Adoptod.
Stewart of Douglas, moved to take from
the table, the resolution, admitting George
Al. Alills, to a seat wiihtii the bar, as re
porter for Chicago Times. Carried.
btewnrl moved tlte adoption of the res
Theayesand nays were demanded, mid
was carried by a vole of 19 to 13.
House adjourned.
(By some mistnke, Tuesday's proceed
ings were not received. Ed. Gaz.)
Wednesday, Dec. 16.
On motion the following resolution was
adopted :
Resolved That the chief clerk be au
thorized to appoint an additional enroll
ing and engrossing clerk, when in his
opinion, the services of one shall be need
ed. The clerk appointed Mr John E Dai
ley of Douglas Co.
Ou motion the following resolution was
adepted :
Aeiolved Thnt T II Robertson, editor
of the Nebraskian, be admitted within the
bar as reporter for that paper; also that
G W Hepburn be admitted ns reporter for
the Omaha Times.
Strickland gave notice of a bill for an
act to incorporate the town of Granada.
On leave, Campbell introduced II. F,
No 30, an act to lay out and establish a
territorial road from Nebraska City, lo
Fall City, Richardson Co. Bill read first
Jones gave notice of a bill providing
for a ferry charter o i Missouri Kiver, at
St Johns, Dakota Co., N T.
ar m ii. a
luarqueue gave notice ot a bin to lo
cate the couniy seal of Calhoun Co.
Benedict gave notice of a bill to pro
vide for taking the Census, making ap
pointment, holding elections, and other
purp ses.
Cromwell gave notice of a bill provid
ing for the stay of executions, and other
Morton gave notice of a bill to incor
porate the Otoe County Coal Mining Co.
Crawford introduced II F, No 21, an
act to incorporate tho Tepeota town and
ferry company. Read first time. On
motion the rules were suspended. Bill
read second lime by its title, and refered
to committee on corporations.
On leave, Taggart introduced II F, No
32, a bill to establish the eastern bounda
ry of Dodge county, Read first time.
Steinberger introduced II F, No 33, an
act supplementary to an act, entitled an
act, to incorporate die Platte Valley Bank,
also to an act to charter the bank of Flor
ence, also to an act for the charter of a
bank to be located in Omaha City, Doug
las county, Nebraska Territory, to bo call
ed the bank of Nebraska, also an act to
incorporate a bank at Desota, Washing
ton county, also to an act to charter the
bank of Tekama, in Burt county Nebras
ka Territory. Read the first time, and
on motion, the rulei were suspended, and
the bill read second time by its title, and
on motion referred to the committee on
banks and currency, and on motion IM
copies were ordered to be printed for the
use of the House.
Steinberger introduced H F, 34, an act
to incorporate the Cleveland land compa
ny. Read first lime.
The following report of Committees
were received.
Your committee to whom was referred
H F. No 9, a bill :or an act to authoii a
W B Hail, his associates and assigns, to
establish and keep a ferry across the Mis
souri River at Nebraska City, Otoe coun
ty, N T, beg leave to report the same
back without amendment, and recommend
iu passage.
C T Hollow at.
P G Coon a. .
A J BincnicT.
On motion report recived.
On motion, the bill was recommended
to the committee on the judiciary t also
your committee to whom was refered II
F, No 2 ; a bill to amend the charter of
the city of Fontenelle, report the same
back to the House, and recommend it
passage with the following amendments.
After the word "serve" in Seo 2, insert
laid fir t rlrnn thall be hld nl the
school house, in Fontenelle, between the
hours of ten o'clock A M, and five o'clock
V Al, ot said day, and li L Keyes, John
Evans nnd Rufus Brown, are hereby ap
pointed iudtres of said firt Uninn l
that said Judges shall be sworn and qual
I .. , . .
weu uj any oiucer autnonzea to aaminis
ter oatlis, and that said election shall be
conducted in the same manner that gener
al elections are conducted, and within
three days after said election, the said
judges ahall make return of the same to
the J uuge of probate of said county of
Hodge, and it shall be the duty of the
Judge of Probate to issue certificates of
election to the persons elected for the res
pective offices of said city.
C T Hollo wat.
A J Benedict.
Dec. I4ih, 1957.
On motion the report was received.
Report of the Committee on roads and
Your committee to whom was refered II
F, No 9 ; a bill to locate a territorial road
from Rock Port, to Elk Horn city, also H
f , xno lo; a bill to locate a territorial
road from Tekama to Fontenelle; having
had the same under consideration, wares
peclfully beg leave lo report them back
without amendment, and recommend their
James Stewart.
W R Tn a all.
D B Robb.
John S Minick.
E C Jones.
On motion the report was received.
Report of the Committee on the Judi
ciary. Your committee to whom was referred'
II F, No 8 ; an act adopting part third of
the first Session Laws, beg leave to report
the snme back and reccommend its pas
W G Cbawfobd.
J C Campbell.
A J Poppleton.
PC Scllivan.
TM Mabqvette.
On motion the report waa received.
Alsf your committee to whom was re
ferred II F, No 5; a bill to authorize the
arbitration of causes pending in the dis
trict courts, report the same back, and
reccommend that it do not pass.
W G CaAwrosD.
J C Casfbell. 1 ;.'
A J Poppleton.
PC Sullivan.
' T Al Maro.vette.
Bills on their second reading being now
in order. . ',, , , , ,
II F, No 27; an act to create a new
precinct in the southern portion of Wash
ington county, was rend second lime, and'
on motion, was referred to the committee
on the Judiciary.
II F, No 28; an act to prohibit the is
me nnd circulation of un-authorised bank
paper, was read second time, and on mo
tion refered to the committee on the Judi
Poppleton offered the following resolu
tion. Resolved That all bills relating to the
formation of new election precincts, loca
ting roads, &c, be referred to the commit
tee on the Judiciary, with instructions to
report whether or not there is not a gen
eral statute in relation thereto. ' On mo
tion the resolution was adopted.
The report of the committee on the
Judiciary relating to II F, No 8; an act
adopting a part of the first session laws,
was taken up and adopted; and on mo
tion II F, No 8, was read the third time.
Passed, and the title agreed to. ' '
The report of the committee onthe J -diciary
relating to II F, No 5 ; a bill to
authorize the arbitration of causes pend
ing in the District Courts was taken up
and adopted, and on motion of Armstrong -the
bill was postponed indefinitely.
The report of the rommittee on Corpo
rations, relating to II F, No 2 ; a bill to
amend the charter of the city of Fonte-V
nelle, was taken up. On motion of Arm- -strong,
the amendment proposed by the -committee
was adopted, and on motion,,
the bill was ordered to be engrossed for a .
third reading on to-morrow.
Strickland moved to take a recess until,
two o'clock. Lost.
On motion of Armstrong, the following"
resolution was taken from the table. '
Resolved; That John T Clopper, be
and is hereby admitted to a seat within,
the par of this House, as reporter for lb
Pittsburg Union.
Murphy moved the adoption of the res
olution. The ayes and nayes were de
manded and reulied as follows:
.lye.1. Messrs Beck, Renedict, Clave
Crawford, Chambers, Cooper, Donelan,
Davidson, Gates, Jones, Murphy, Mar
quette, Robb, Sullivan, Steiuberger, Stew
art of Doughs, Strickland and Taggart.
IS. '
vVayJ. Armstrong, Abbe, Campbell,:
Cromwell, Hail, Holloway, King, Mor-;
ton, Minick, Poppleton, Sheldon, Thrall,,'
and Van Horn 13. Carried.
On motion the House look a recess un
til 2 o'clock. , i
ArnasooN session. ' j.
House met . -,
The following resolution being the spe
cial order of businessof the day uu taken,
from the table. ' ' '
Resolved; That the report of the com-,
miiree on prvileges and elections be take a
from the table, and referred to a commit
tee of the whole Heuse, and made the
special order for to-morrow afternoon. . .
Stewart of Douglas, moved that the
House resolve itself into a committee ofi
the whole, to take into consideration the
special order of business of the day.
. Armstrong in the chair.
After remaining some time therein, tha
committee arose, and by their chairman, '
Arm-tropg. reported mat they ha a4