TWENTY" FIVE. WITNESSES; Or". rh ToririT Convictotl. - JCd" Jo tou piii o Awe a Sun Afivufiiw agaiotl Vovnirrfriiinft Bdnk Yarf ? ; : ju;aii, hhadij: hi: An ! . Sabicribe! Sabsoriba! Subscribe! , JOHN 8. DYK it tha Author, ami th Hank Nnla anirravara all an that ha ia Ilia rnill - - --- - - . . . - r. paper money living. cheaper than the che apkxtf wetter than the mesh Published weekly. 'Hi whole only Our Dollar Year. GREATEST DISCOVERY of the preacnl century for dotecting counterfeit Bank NotM uescnning every genuine hill In existence, ami eihibitlng at A glance every counterfeit In rlr . culatlon. Arranged no admirably that refer , enre U easy and detection Instantaneous. Nn , pages to hunl up, hut eoelmplificd ami arranged , that the merchant, hanker and business inau tan see nil at a glance, - . ., It has taken years to make perfect tlila GREAT DISCOVERY, ' The urgent necea. , aity for audi a woik lias Ions; been Mt t y , commercial men, II, line been published to supply the rail fur such a prevent ive, and nerds but to be known to be Universally patronized. It iloea more than has ever been attempted by man. It describes every bank Wile in three different languages English. Frrurh and Or. man. Time each may rend the eamo In hit own native tongue. " Tkrms. The paper will he about ?S by 4'2 Inches, and will contain the most perfect liank '.Note I.I Hi published, together vl:h the rule of diaroiint. Also a lint of all the private llanl ra In America. A complete summary of Ihe Finance if . Europe and America will be published In rjrli '(lit Inn, together wllh ell the Important, new, .of theday. Also I NTHHHS Tl I'd STOU1ES from an old manuscript found In the Fast, and no where else t he fnnml. ' It linn never yet appeared tn print, and furnishes the must com plet history nf Oriental Llfei and dcscfihliv the moat perplexing position In which the 'Ladies and gentlemen of thfl,r. eoaiitrv haen bean ai often foand. 'These sforlcs 'will ma itlnne throughout the whole year, ami will "pr re the most mitortatnlngeVer ofle"rcdo tlm public. ' 1 Wholesalo i&, Bet ail Merchant, foasta of min and uRuoonv "letKii, KT. MAUY.JOWA. . It AS just received and now line for sale, a large assortment of "elected merchandise adapted to tlm wants of all in this now and thriving community, which lie can II Bsc heap aa can he ollcred elsewhere no hind upon tlie Missouri river. Ilia goods have hern selected by an experienced purchaser, with api-cial reference to Uia ciicuinslancce and wants of all classes of eeltlers in a new country. La dles and gentlemen, (.'hildreu and youth, all cau be supplied. Cull mid ace. i'or yourselves. His stock consists of the following, anion); a Kreat many other articles he cunnul now enu merate s Among hia Dry Goods, May be found Woolen and Satinet Cloths, Casalneta, Tweeda, Cashmeres, : Linaevt, yiauuel, Ked, White, Oray and lilue, Caepiaii S'Uids, Cotton (iooda, theelin?s and Slurtinps, Jleached aud I'nbleitohed, llhia and White, J)rijlinj, DHiialmn, J)e4-Tlckin, . Hickory Checks, &.C., &,c. . j. , -j.f ,. . . - .Tuncy V.ooftt, , A beautiful nasoriiueut of faney prints of very varMyof tyieand pattern. Oindhams, Lawns, Figured Alpacca, Homhazinv Hom bayetts, Shawls, Scarfs liandkerchtefa, Neck rchiefa, Crape, Muslin, Liljjinge, Jtihhons, (loth in-. i A well aeleeteil stock of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothtne;, cousisttmr in part of fine Press Coats, rants and eetst also, - cood Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, KhivU, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, $rks, itc. Mens' and Hoys Hals ami Ciiim, of va nous fashions, auahties and pliers. ISoolsfc Shoes, thick ana thin, polished and unpolished, f every description, tor Men, Women, laid Children's use. Groceries. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Ilrown Sugar, Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Svrnp, Superior Teai Kio and Java Collie, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snuffs, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, Jtc, 4.c, w - - i Provisions A larga assortment of Flour, nf various qualities and prices ; Corn Meal and all tha various products of the Farm am) (harden; )lacon, Fish, Kiln driest Apples, Puaches, Currants, Raisins, &c. Hardware. Js" Furnished weekly to subscribers only at $1 a year. All letter's must be addressed to JOHN S. DYK, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 3m32 70 Wall Street, New York. Stoves of various patterns, for Cookin aiij Heating rooms, Stove-pipe and I'lbows, largi and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans. Skillets Hand-Irons, Shovels mid Tongues, Manure ami Hsv Forks, Scythes, Shovels and Spades, Ism ami Trace Chains. Axes, Hammer, Pincers. Iron and Steul, Kails, Horse-Kaapa, Files. Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ka r.ors, Butts and Screws, Door llaiuilsa, kuoh, Locks, &.c., &.c. Tiswarr. .A general assortment kept for houaehok purposes. '. Woodvrar. f a sh-t"be, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zfnc j Washboards. Leather. Sole Leather, Hlraess Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skiaa, Calf Skins,' Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Bridles, Hill era. Lariats, Circlnglee, llelly-tianda, IViving-lines, Collar, Hack straps, Guths, Blind-bridles, &o., i.. JlrdlrlBOS. A general assortment of Medicines, for Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the cwiumon eomplaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappenyton's, Bragn's und Jsvnes' Pills, Qui nine, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants, Anodvnes, Liniments, and other articles neces - aary for tke sick and the invalid. 1 -tf GLENWOOD HOTEL. Cernf r of Locust and Cooled je Streets, ' CLCXWOOP, IU.V.4. ClothlBfT f lotbfn ! Clothing ! A LARGE STOCK OF READY MADE Clothing of the latest Fashion, at CLE AR WATER. WHITE t bAKUCRS. Jana4th, S$7. . p31. ,V. i - FARMERS' READ I JOHN P. HORN A (MX, uses the Printing Office, Bellevue, havt on hauA-fthovels, Hoes, Spades, Forks, Hsmes, and a general assortment of Farming Tools. Call and set, Inly, IS, 157. 3w33 SIMM. AimWM'JIKYL'. racket for Kansas, Lesvanwoitli, Wettont. Joeeidi, Sivanniiliilowal'oinl, - Ncln.eka t'i'y, Ilelleviie, I'uiincil lihillfi, Ouwha n4 l'i"nce, iff15 TIIKrcwamlelcirlnt raeentrr lViraf sieamer Florcnoo.' J. Ttiro. k iVwliKCttSJipnii,,,,, Easier, .1. P.. Uoiiuan, tVtkr will iM'itnem"fl her tripe as a regular packet In tin above trade, on tha ojisnhic of navi);alion in tln spring, and will remain in it throughout the arason, The Florence hnvini; been built under the superintendence of the ntieerahvned, etpresaly for tha trade, ia nf entraordltiarT atrenjrih, nnd wnll adapted ta It In ever? particular. A rea amiable ehiireofthe patronage of ahippeia, and the public cenerallv. la reapectf ullv soli cited. .1. TIIIMlCKMOItT'lN, Master. 2.1-s J. E. CjvaTjClerkj- - si:Vso isimi.i:tiifT. Regular racket for Kansas, Nehirtska C?ity, Hellevtie, Com eiMlluira, Oninhn,' -i- - add I'loreuee. ' ' - ' ' i Till', new and elegant Steamer iyTr) Min-no-lm-hH, CipU Chailos ravTJLU!X: ;er, Master, Hutchinson, Clerk, will run as a regular packet, tevthe above and all Intermediate points on the Mis souri river, and person can relv upon her con timiinc;ln the trade regularly dui inR Uie season. The Min-nc. ha-ha. is Un 'entirely nuw boat, built expressly for the Missouri Kiver trade, and lieiuir htted up in the latest and most flp proved nI vie, her dlicera feel contiilent, 'Unit Nh let atient ion to I lie com Tort n of I'assetu;) s, ami to liiisinesi, will mk her the favorite h -at in the trailer ' - C I! A. r.AKr.U. Master. ! Ili ri iUn.x, Chilli. tf. T ClavVe, Atret.t. ' "fi CharlcB E. W.itaon',' r' ' m iT, k.xotm'f.r am) t-r::vi:von, J llellevun Cil V, Kehri ika I ernlorv. lro- fcHes to be noMled" la the lav of the'land in this vifinily, oll' ia iiis aerWi-es to hiicIi as may need l hern, oil rrayonahle terms. r "y lie will alse) tiri as aeid. I'or the pur chase oria"'of KeU folate, in llie Ten ilorv, or Western Ihvh. lul'o) inat ion furnished mum application. Peclai ationa lilcj uuU pii'-einu, I 'una ohtatneil. -i-ir c i ifc: u . to.j h ,ANiworricK. i h nit lT.naiTonits CP flllNNIiaoTA, KANSAS KISIIASKA, ' 1Y joint resolution nf Congve, apjiroved J March. IHj7, alid pi e-( nip! ion c'lniw? on the loth and nertions, heretofore reserved fuf achonls. In t!i Territories of Mintu r.ota, Kunsas and IveLMska, will - lw reof;nirw WIIKSK TJIU StTl LI MKN T Jl VS HH.N, OR MAY Di; iuapk. vhioh to Twt. srRvrr. v 1st. In cases. wiere tiif'dpprnveil plat 4f survey ba let -yet been retarned. llie:'ilfr fnr.t tory statement laust be filed within tiirfk MONTHS AVtrR TUB HUKII'T OP a net! AJ-- 1'novi.o I'l.A c at Tiir. jiiari'.iuT ovnrK. 'id. Where Ihe pi a I is now ia the llcgister's Oilier, 1bv declaration BHtjlii Xded Killliti three mouths from the kiiist pvju.u ation ok this ciik'it.aii tv vnrn msTnicY. A fallura to vomiilv willi this renuiremen!. will work a forfel' nre of the claim. ' THUS. A. 1IF.NOKICKS, n 30-Rw i Commissioner. .!: lEaterinff Town Sitei.f;'- Tlie following - rorresivi'nflenre' Vfll 'show that ths art f the last Legialaturt of 'Hi TerviUiry. desigrnnting the County Commis sioners as the proper persons to enter Town Sites, is not recognized, by the Commissioner of the Land Otline. 1 .. , It is a, (pietitiou of doubt "wliethrr the Judges of Pridate, or the United Stales Judgr, can be regarded aa "Judges of the County Court." As soon as that doubt is removed, notice wi.l be given. In the mean time no entering of towus not incorporate,! ran ha made. A copv of the act of the last Legislatiue will be placed in the liaiids of the Commis sioner, and, under tho circumstances, tlie u liies already made may be confirmed. .. JOHV A. PARltEHsF-epialer. Land Oll'.ce, May 19th, f.XTRACT or A i.KTTr.n to the ronnnssioKS or TtlK LANy Ol flUK, DAled . . h nd Orru a. i. - Omaha, April l.r, ISoJ. I, a 'a. ' - a,' i Under the ''act of I wenty-third Mar, 11,1." the "Judges of th Cnnnfy Court'' are g lien the authority to enter "Town Sites." In rbis Territory there are no such officers as ''Judges of the Count V Court," but the Legislature lias recognieil tlie oii'sty t ommmsiont'is ' as the proper orson t enter " Town Sites,"' and va have, in view of the spirit 'of (lie law, permitted such entries, in the hope that it will meet tha approbation of the Tlepartinent. cry respect rally, your otieil nt servant, : ' JOHN A. PARKER, Register. CIIAS. CHRlSTorHKR, MACHINIST & CDF PER SMITH, lit all its Branches. BELTJ3VUE AND OMAITA. THE MISSOTJtil RIVER AND IOWA STOJiE COMPAMY. AT 3 i LIAR i S, MILLs CO., IOWA. AUK prepared to furnish Western Iowa end Nebraska with SAND, OKAVEU I.IMV. ROCK, & Bl'IMM.Vd sn?JK: of every variety, si.e and shape. Thev hare facilities fur quarrying NY QUANTITY, that may he needed, mid also intend to make ' BRICK. WATER LIMZ, &C. 100 Laborros RnVl'llANl'S: l- f.'ilou-re-Ai Je. i Co., Loi l-. CHi.tNl'., YfcA8 4,.iik.iOK, Covei ir. Tltv't't's. ' ' . . . , - All vili IiiiW be ad Imnsed " JNM. W. ANTHONY, S rejisv. St. Marys, March lith, IWI, 2Ui'. . r. iirroiau'sT,'-" (IVIL r.NGINl'.K AND LAND PITU J veor, being how located at tit, Marys, niieia lie expects to make a permanent rc.-.4-dence, lakes tlila method of iui'ormiiig the ci' lieus, be i pieparcl to Jo any surveviiig j aiivl from liis long experience in the bitsiiicim, l;e is able to entire saiisfaction. St.JiIarys, Sept.. 21, lj7. 'r,l4,' LOST. f MEMOR ANDl'M ROOK, having ac vc. counts of hills, kr. The finder Mill corifer a fa-or and be aupible rewarded, bvlaavinglt at t'l priming ortice, Bcllevue. Oct ' H IS DISSOLUTION OF COPAHTTERSHIP. VTOTICF.. 'l"he subscribers hereby give X notice that the cojartnerfhip heretofore existing between them under the name aud style tf Todd & Sini h, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due toor against tiie arm will be settled hv Burton Todd. inn ,,JU'RTO.N W..T0DD.n tP P. SMITH'1" ' . Ih llevue, August 12, 1837, 40 LUMBER! LUMBER! 100,000, sati "--- ARNOLD, IHiV Jt SIIERK. CvTI'.nqutre at the Bcuton House, lio, 7. 3 in. pd. NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES !! Kcw Evorjthing;, at Iho Old Stand "f " ' "HAKPY k i:(;f.isn. EDWAED C. BOSliYSIIELL HAS lh boimr to h.fw an the people of the Southern District of P.iuirlas and the ndjoin iif commies, NehrasK.i, that lie is now ojicn iag one of the latent 8ft-fiia of TrOUIiSevcr bmncrri to filenwooJ, Mills fouhry, owa, V eon usi niir of DUY (JlKlDS, , (;rUHT.IUF..S., . . IIAKMWAHK, " HOOTS Jk. SI K)KS II ATR k. CAl'S, CjrV.F.VSWAUt!, NAILS, ' m:tiif.u, : cokdacp," , inov, . ; . Olf.S, TAIVTS, DYT'.-STlTI'g, WOOD AM) WfM.OW WATtlf, . iiKAny-M A 1)1', (T.OTIIIMi, ODI.S, VANKI.i: NOTIONS, &c.. And rverj tliinir that, may bo anwl eucrally in city stole., nil uf wliir'h tin will aell . . ... CMCAP 1'Ull C.SH. . 1r Jil.. KIXUS OF COCNTJiY PUO Dl'CK taKen in rxchi.nirc lor (ioods. Iluv ers i'rmt town or country wishing pood and cheap Goods, either it wholesale or retail, ttill save money by cnllinp ami examining his atocK before, purchasing cluewhere, as they will find (rood liarains and fair dealing. " Gi.isrwoon, Iowa. no 4-tf L. Nuckolls & Co. BANKERS & LAN'D AGENTS, , GJ.UNVVOOJ), IOWA. Cullectioia niado lis Tnva, Nebraska and Kansas, ami remitted lit currciit rat'a of cx ehartf. fri''of rtiae. ' 1 " 1msiTs clfeeled Vo'r f (Vrelfn Cepltsllsts, at ItAl l.s of Interest, on real oeui'.e Tcrurilv. Farms, Town Lots Olid UiiliHp'ro ed LaiuU boiiclil ami sold. .. . ,, ,', n" Taxes i.i t 1 in nny CoiMiLy, iii'lhe State also in Nchr.iska ami kansa.s. ( , Notes hoolit ami Money lojiied oa pood acciirity. , ' -V . ) Interest paid on SpeciiiiLDnposlts. Laml Warrants houpht aiul solit. Sjiecinl at ti'hl piven Id the selection ami rililrv ef T.hrtds for Hcttlcrs or ilisliint dealers. til Sifta il j. la ml-rranla or moi.t-v, in Iowa, '4Wbfaka or-ICIrriefP). . Wp cImii,'!.' Ttai, IVJlai j'cr t)e Hutulrcd and Sixty Acicn, and iiiaku itMsomtbie. ilaJuu tiolis, when eiilcring large ipactiiics. . Vi'iion Laud Warrants are sent, Two .and a Jijlf Cents per Acre, (lie Lalnl Oil'ice Fee, must accompany the Locating Fee. When Warrants are sent, the No's of War f.Hils," flAtt, to 'lioih "Tsa'aed " and assigned, s'lonld he copied atil l etni"il, to guard against loss a waila. . Remittam es to us, can be inade in Dfaas on any of the Eastern or Soutcrn Cities. We' will vnler .ami itl V.'ajranU or Ca ill, pay all Foes, Taxed ami 'Comnissiujia, .for one third r the proas profits, accruing bom the shle of the Laud hll expojisea toepmr out of our third of tlie. profits. ()ur airaiigciueuiH .are 8m.l that wc cm enter L.unU in all tlie Ofliccs Id Iowa, Nebraska, aud Ivitoiaa. A compt'teiil stirveycr always lu. reaJiucs to fiiul and select choice Lands, Co. I'lrt-Df, Jtoea QuAiiHlts, Mu.U Swat, M'tNta.M, Tracts, ir. . , . Within the next twelve montjis lbercwillt! offered for sale In Nebraska and Kansas, Two and a Half Million Acres oJ J.aud compris ing flie best jiorluma of .tbiMtJlYfritories, and extending along the Mtaijoui'i Kiyer, Troni the Mouth ol' Kansas River or ths line of the State of Missouri,! tb th Mouth of L-eau-cjui-conr River. ) , . , .,'. .r We solicit foreign Capitol for Itivcstineiil.J liivestinents projierly made in, Western Lands mid Town Lots, are now paying from twenty-five to four hundred per cent. we iieueva tliat neitous iiatroiiulng our firm will hav u peculiar advciutagus over al most any oth'r in this Country. We were among the first Pioneers of this vast and growing country and are intimately acquainted with nearly every portion ot extern lowa, Nebiaak and Kansas, aud believe we will bd able to render e iusXaction in all business en trtisted to us. , . LETTI'ltS OF INQUIRY Wlf.LiU: PIIOMTLY ANSWKIir.l). ftKFT'RKNCI'3 i John Thompson; Hope, Craydon & Co., New YorK City; Wood, lla con '& Oo.i Philadelphia Straight, J)PMiiiig &, Co., Cincinnati; D::rbv &, llarks.lalcj Hiiinjdi retrs. Tutt & Terry 5 'Crow, M.-Creery & i)t Kt. LonH . Isaacs & Almoad, Leavenworth City, Kansas; Weene, Weare fc'Renton, Coaneil Rhitl's, Iowa Henrt, Williams fc Co., Fairfield. Iowa s Charles Hendrie, Rullirtgton, Town ; Hon. Aug; Hall, ' Koeiuqne, loVa ; tion. .lames t raig, joseiin, jio. s Hon. A, K. Fulton, Wytheville, Va ; Hon. F. McFullen, l.stilville, Va. ; Hon. F. Fergusan, Chief Jus tioe, lielh'vue, Vebraska. Cleiiwoixl, Mills Co., lowa. 24-tf. W. II. STARK & CO., a Would resTMH-tfiillv inform the ladles and ten tlemeii of Omaha and vicinity, that they havt on hand and are manufacturing a complete stock or BOOTS AND SHOES, Of tha bent ipiality, and warranted ; compri- ; the i'oliou mg, vi : . i .. : La.! ies' Fine Lace and Congees Otiters. " .", .kid JiODces and Congress tiaiter. " " 'Slliipers uiid Paroli Ties. , Heavy Morocco add CaTf Kootees. Mies " " (tiiilds :' ' !.i . (ientt' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. ' ' ' Pegged " . , f l ine ie!h or Ttftip Boots. " Water Pi-f asiiiSn'-eWtiom 1 yols. i . ...i . t it i .. I lb.vs' ,i e e.i, i. 'iic.JVOi.a. OV-rarJ lies a'ul.fiAitcrs. Kin am Crilf Shoes, . ,, , and Youths Kip Boots aiul Brogans. iT Which are mud.! of tha best inn All The oir.rket ailoids. , Oiir f.icilitte for scletU tug are unsurpassed in F.asteni citic, mid we wish it distinctly understood that we "Warrant Every Article We Soil. WetJii tbe ln'st cf workuM B lu our era ploy. Ft cry utylo of Boot or Shoe ivade to order, and tti'rr.tiiled an easy aud fa ohionaLlt lit. llespoctfuilv, uo 13-lf W. If. STAUK St CO. Greene, Voaro & Benton, BANK KKS, DKALFRSIN F.VCIIANCF., an l Land Atits. Council BlufTs. lowa. Notes and Bills coilecfrd, and remitted to any part tf the I'nited S:stes; Money received oil deposit, and interest allowed. Fnsfern pr Suithern Drafts furnishM in sunn to suit pur chasers. I.ajid thfic (nuiU Vi'A t rCufrency or hills of Ffchanje 'Lest. erf-cted on good security. Taxe paid. tit lea examine!, and Heal F.atate bought and sold on Commissiaiii payment. Olllce opposite the Pacific House, in west lower room of Land Olllce. ; . i RKKetKcts: F. 8. Jeaup k. Co. ; W. J. Barney A. Co., Bankers. Dubuipie.lnwa ; Conk Si. isttgeiil, liankere, Davenport, lowa j Cul berton & Peno, Atanktrs, Iowa Citr, lwa Peoplf rh"ik Ntw York City Ketchem. K.irr & Be Banker. Ntw'.Yorfc Citvj Selkon. Witt y V -tSo-.-A "nthmrton, I). C. ; Hon. Chas.afdion,v Coa.; Paiatits, Wash ington, 1. C. 5 Hn. A. r'. Dodge, S. U. S. Hui liinrton, Iowa Hon. vir. W. Jones, 9. U. H , Dubii'.pie, lowa j Hon. losejih Williams, Chief Justice, Muscatine, f a. Coancil lilurrs, Oct. 23, 185 1-tf GRAND' ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes , fii;i-U,N(l AT COST, r T It 1'. t) Jt A II A CITY A Bd6t "anUSlioo- Stdro, To make room for lny 'owri iiiiniifac'ure. Also, a good Hssortment of Tnties' and (ients' Uul'her, Oxers and Sandals of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small ndvance, together with a rniuplete assortment of work of my own man iifacture, ihcluditi.Idleg' ami Gents' Jlullalo Overs. v- ' Also, a well selected Stock of I ' ' ' ' Leather '.and Findings. t P, P.l'ery style of Hoot nr Khoe-miule to order, as iwual, .n.iict warranlrd easy, fashion aide and durabls, no 13-tf. . W. III'NTlY RTAHK. HOUSE CARPENTER AND - aTaOHXrXiJJHL- A.l V. llfllLiOS. Takes this method of in- oiining his i'ririids, uul the public geuprally, tbatbe is prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best manner , Jlwcllisg Houses Of every description of style and finish, on the innt reasonable: terms. Thankful for past favors, lie Bolicils a continuance of public patronage., , .. , . JiyUtvucpct. 3l, ISrili.-r'Mf-p ,i , - i t i--y t J- -HO03S CAPiNT0 Afit) W l Would .respectfully Inform the Inhabi tants of lilellavue and viriuitv tliat :w are piepare4 Ui ERECT and FINISH Buildings of nil Description,' " ' On the shortest JR)f ice, nrid tA thA mrtJt Av'ht-k-menlike manlier. llavingbeCilieiigaltectln the business several , years, ,wc J' (luj cwLt'lent in statin::, that ail Ulio favor U'l with, their cus tom, will be pleased Willi our w'orlr. ' :- ' r V. V. STORKS Ilelleviie, Oct 21,' ViM. l-t NEW ARRIVALS AT THE , . i i3e:ai THK Siibseriber respectfully invites the at tention of purchasers, to bis largo and splendid slock iif (ioods. consisting of ,. , DKY liOODS.' (; HOC Kill F.S, . ' IIAP.UW.VRK, HATS, , . , ,". JlOOTS. CAPS, SllOI'5. toi'.acco;, . i PATKNT MF.DICI N KS, &c, tr,, All of which lie warrants of tho best doscrip tion, diul bought expressly for U) in market. He has also a well selected slock of liKADY-MADH O LOTI-II lTGV, Mails alter the L AT KMT FASHIONS, f the lJLST MATK1UALS, nnd by KXPKKI- I.NCI'l.V:0UU.MJyvV aJtvLj-Mdutftrhe sell C 1 1 1A FOR CASH.-- ' - "JOllN'CIiASE.r Bnlleyue, Oct. 23, 185. 1-tf ' " M HOUSE CARPENTERS AND' JOIN KltK. fllHK undersigned takes pleasure In an X nonncingto tlie Inhabitants of Bellevue and vicinitv. that thev are now prepared to HU1LI) AND FINISH, in the beat maimer. all styles of Dwelling1 Houses, Cottages, &c, &c, On lb ' shortest no'. ice, nnd In the most ap proval style of workmanship. They will be also linppy to do any work in their line of business, which their friend may stand ia nee: of. ' MYl.KS ,V IHLLYAJID. llellevue, Oct. 30, lsj.i.2-tf LATE ARRIVAL!! AT AJLF-N WOOD, K)W.. TOOTLE 1 455, ..GREENE Ani? NOW IN MKCKIPT O T A IBESH SlTl'LVOy AVliTch. when complete, will compose the LAIlflEST n b SF.LFCTFD STOCK ; ; lN MILLS COUNTY. ' orii HTotBi. orcIitoccKir.s ; Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, - coiuui of COFFtF., . , ; srn.-wU, . v . ' , . TEAS, , I'lSiL ... . UlCE, ' . cntriwrs, liAlSlNS, CANDIES, MOLXSSES, SViU'P, Fit HIT, " . JVl'TS, &.C, itc, te Jdtea sn" liin,"caMi.J see' the m;.1lid Hire for ;iniiselv3. They have twit let:' sumiiiervd. ai.ij wintered ii hi. Louis, btl bought an. I shiii' direct from the Lasterr ciUei. Late xiy'les and a lull assortment of DiUS COOUS, from a tea cent Lawn to a Two D:d!i Silk.. Aho, a few fine rili.K SUA tt'i.,.it; KT an.' PAKASOLS. m ' ; t !. ! IllAt. A fine stock old and youijp, fogies and 'fast' men. tail soon if you want a nice cor est or pant, onesottahli' terms. - , -"HA 1 Si f a I ITS M a it NtvUe.a.iiiM.t 'klev' IltEiUUAUi:. ,,., A very large assortiiniit, consisHpjr la fjrf of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels', Foek, Hakes. Mors, liells. Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, Files, Anger. A s, Proadaxes, Adie, Ciiisels. ir &e., to the end of tbe chapter. lit l Liu v; !tmti:im ii.s. A larire if, consisting of Fine Doors, Sish. Shutter lilinds, P.iints. Oils, Nails, Locks, IiU'hes, lilacs. Pu'rv, &. f- ' , IT ItMTMtE. t , ,J Ihtrewta, rdstesds. Tables, Cli.ilrs, 'Titi Safes, Ciibboars, Stands, 4.c. 'V W will s-11 cheaper for tili thar any im.ihr in esu'rii low;). no St-tf. A. Schimonsky, rnorOuRAPHIC EN(J INFER, Executes X Topographic, Fancy aud Plain Drawing of every s'vle and description. Fancy, Oina menUl and Piain Pdinting executed to order. Oflice at the l'.eUe. i lluiie. Ilelleviie. N. T. 1 1 r a .. ... ma a Ho! For Fresh Water. THE anderalf aed respertfully infia-rii inhabitauls cf Bellevue and tha surround rW cauniry, that he is prepared to dig aial finish. r WILLS AND CI3T32E5S, , , At the shortest notice, and on the meet rea aoiubla terms. . , D. A. LOGAN. HfMevue, Oct. 23, 15. 1-tf Job Printing. VJI.AII.Y and expeditiously executed. 4 IC reasonable terms, at this Office. on PRAIRIE FARMER FOR 1S17 VOL. 17. v A VBLULY FAMILY JUUKNAL. ' ! nt;rtTFT-to v ' Vr'cstern Agriculture., JlorliculUirc, '.' ics, Lilaeatlon. Lit'Tature, JUarkets,, ; and (Jeneral News. ' N " r.fcn tn at . 'CHARM'S 1). BRAG DON. jOlHi A. a'.NMCOTT, Conea'ind Lditor Over Five Hundred Practical Fanners anil Mechanics, who have heretofore written, and will continue, with rianv others, to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public. Tlie "Prairie Farmer"- is devoted to the in terest of the Western Farmer and JJechanic. P is the Oldest Agricultural Paper in the West us published weekly in quarto form, for bindiii! ia eharactcrlsed by a high moral tone labors t promote. the lHeresls end ad vaiiceineiit'of the whole' of the family, and to develop the Agricullural Resources of the West. A special and competent Commercial employed to give accurate Market Kejiorts weekly. It is essentially the family paper for the West. I copy, I year, $2 in advance, or $.50 at the end of the year. II copies, 1 year, $20.00 free copy to the person sending chili. 20 copies, ) year, .Sii.J ( free copy to the person Bending club. On copies, I year, $7."i.0l free copy to the person sending chili.. X'w An old subscriber sending two new one-', or will receive thiieb copies one ye;-r. . li.v . Subscription at the club rates must be paid invariably in pdv.lnce. I -tj" S-ibserihe now. You wait and need "The Farmer."- Ve Want yon to have it. ( V liu reftt money may be sent by mail at our i ik, provided the .letters are "registered." Address "Prairie Fanner,'' 47 Clack stl. e.lj ribc,,. HI. I J i jhU'! AltT 'Afiifrli"inl'nt,'or Ml (npiytoiiriate character, inserted at (en cents per line each fiaer"lon payment. In advance. ' j oI)i:y'.'- greatest. EFFORT. ' T!r.L Cnr.ATfeR attti actions , , , i - Will be ofl'ered in , . . t GODEY'S L ADY'S BOOK ... v. - fou mi. ' x This work has been the standard fortwenty eeveii years. When an Imitation has been at tempted it has fa iled. It is THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK PUBLISHED IN AM Hit IC A. NEW FHATUP.ES FOR lSr7 : How to dress with Taste. Children's Clothes -How to rut and contrive them. Painting on (ilas. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing in all its variety, useful to the be ginner and tho proficient. ' , . ' Fashions from the stabliahintnt of the cel ebrated "llrodie," will be in every liumlier. F.very-day Actualities A new series of these 'illustrated articles will be given. ' - Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lace of oory variety. "-.A iptciiueu f tlie etitrh to he Ttaert'lrr aeli 'i!l be giveh; s la addition Mthe aoove, One Hundred 1" Tages of JlcadtJig will bs Jit ) I'in nend fngTaA injfi otV Steel. given month TV; Goilry'ii ii'Ien Imdoii.i'jiris and Philudelubia J'asliipns- (iodwy'e. four figured Colored FasliionaJ i r i Euibro'ulery Patterns, i Model Cottajef, Dress flaking with Diagrams to cut by., Drees Patterns Infants' ami Children's dresses, with dcHcriptioiis how to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work. . The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often bt given. CODEY'S INVALUABLE RECIPES DPON r.VERY SUBJECT. MUSICt-Thrce dollars' . orth is g4ven every- vcur. ,.. - - - - In the vsriou nnmhera for lf57, vrill be found the newest designs for ', ' Window Curtains, Kroderic Anglaiso Slippers, Bonnets, Caps, Cloak, Evening Dresses, .! Fancy Articles, I lead Dresses, Hair- Dif ssing. Holies lie Craml.le, Car riage Dresses, Brides' Dress- en, Wreaths. Mantillasj (. - , rali,i:ig J-ircssea, .' Ar lUdins Habits, iiA-J- and Morning Dresses. .1 " Dresses for Infants and Yaaiie Misses, Boys' Dresses, Cape and Cloaks of Fur tn season, Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds and patterns to cut dresses by are given monthly. .... Crochet and Netting Work In Colors, Slip per in Colors. Drawing Lessons for Youth. ' Semi in vour orders soon, as we expect our list for IH.'iT will reach 1011,000 copies. The fcest plan of eiibsi rihing is to send your money direct to the liublicher. Those who send large amounts liiid better send drafts, but cotes will answer if drafts cannot be pro cured. We think we can show how much cheaper it Is to take the Lady's Book at Three Dol la r than anyqther inagazlnt at Two DolV'jTs. W I4" will take a laW number of both. Tfie Two Dollar Magazine couttiined 'M articles, the Lady's Hook t'-. v f V Tip" Tw'j," Dollar iMsgaicine rontaiqej 32 en- fraMT;?v. the I.n.h-'s Hohk S'i. ,; ' Tlie 'Fwo Dollar Alagaine contained Ctp.-u gee. the Lady's Book KIO. Twenty -four more engravings, twenty six more articles, a:id tinny-six more pagea, ne -rlv double the. 'piantity. The lowest chili price of the Two Dollar '.Magazine u $1 .."); lovvesl club price of J.ady'.s Look .1,17, only li cents diliereuce ill ihe price, which is lliree a inl a half c.uuts on er.cli nwui'ier, and for that sum. (three imd a half v"it). you receive twi'n'y.sin more articles, twenty-four more engravings, and thirty-six more pages mon'h-l.vtTt-tril-i f fverr fjieip fhrt ;.i"i(r.n(h? cmi-vorrVr'. Tlifs riew of the else lift's proOiulf neser loil c pftentt rl, but H is a true statement, which any lady can con vince herself of by comparing the two uiaira, zincs. TEflM"", CASH IN ADVANCE. On copv, one year, $:t. Two topics, one year, Three copies, one year, ti, live copies one yeai,and an extra copy to the peron gemling the club, making' six copies $10. Lie-lit coph s one year and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making nine copies $15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra to the pi rson seadiiiji the club, making twelve ' copies $:o, !rV The above terms' ramiot be deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. SPECIAL CM'HMNV, WITH OTHF.U ! MAGAZINES. Codey's Lady's Book and Arthur'a Home Magazines oolli one year for $3 fto. Codey's Lady's Book and Harper's Masa- r zine notn one year for 9 1 SO. Godey'a Lady's. Harper' Magazine, and Arthur'a Hoajoj'NUiraaJni one year $. 1 ha abov e is Hit only way we car. club with HarTera Maraiine. The inoner miiat all ba Bent at ona time for any of the Clubs. Subscribers in th British Provinces who send for clubs, must remit :i(l cents extra on every subscriber, to py the American post age to the lines. Address. L. A. CODEY, 113 ChesBiit St., PhlUda., Pa. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. For 1857. ri'ITK Cheapest Family Newspaper In tke JL West 1 The Weekly Plain Dealer will commence its Sixteenth oluine on the 1st day of January, 1X57. It will continue the same Independent, Jocose, Fearless, Figh'ing Jour nal it has ever been, Dealing Plainly but kind ly with nil. It will battle for the Constitu tion and the Union, as "the world's best trea sure and last hope." It will oppose Fuelon ism In every form, and battle Dis-milon J& every disguise, of its vigilance aa a Sentintl upon the watch-tower of Liberty, it is suffi I'lent to say, that it has never yet been found JiPrpinjt at its poet. ' , . , , THE NEW VOLUME AND THE, NEW ' Y EAR! i 'Hie New Volutin will commence with a New Year, big wilh important eventa. A ihw leaf in the; history of this Republic will be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new President and Vice President. During the coming year, the noliey of tho New A 4 mint t t rat ion will be fully unveiled in regard to the following important and exciting National topics: The Final Settlement of the Kansas Dillicultv, on which the whole Slavery auc tion in the Territories is pending The Final Settlement of the Central American Question, as against the claims of England Our Right of Transit Across the Isthmus, and the recog nition mid maintainanee of the Walker Re public in Nicaragua The Danish Hound Dues The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota ns a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, with or without Poly gamy Admission of Kansas, with or without Slaverv Probable Admission of Nebraska and Washington Territories The Inaugural Mess.itfe of .lames Buchanan The Doings of the New Democratic Congress. These are some of the leading event a which will distifl gui. h the inc.kioiiig Administration, and most of tbemwill transpire during the coming year. NOW IM THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Cleveland, from ilg central location, and from its great concentration of Rail Roads, Telegraphs, .and waler'coinmiiuication with the world, is admitted to be the Best News Point . In the ASVst. It can furnish intelligence from nil parts of the world, days ahead of tht New York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, be longing t the New York Associated Presets the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic Markets, News, Disasters upon the Lakes, and Commercial Intelligence generally. It will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches roia Washington during the Session of Congress, and has regular Correspondents ill all tht principal cities of the Union. In addition to a full and faithful record of passing events, we intend to devote a consid erable portion of our paper to "Polite Litera ture." Lvcry Paper will contain; a Story, either or selected, accompanied with the elioieet variety of Miscellany, such as Poetry, Discoveries", Biographies, Jokes, Od dities, &c, &c. making altogether one of tbt most Valuable Family Journals in the Westl "Prompt to improve and to invite, JWe'll blend instruction with delight." C W Our Agricultural, Commercial, asj Telegraphic. Departments, will each be worth the miliNciiption price of the paper. 1 The Brighton, New York, Baltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Markets will bt report" Weekly. - " - TERMS: " ' ' ;! Single .Subscribers,. ....$2.90 ' . Clubs of Ten (to one Oflice), 1.60 . Clubs of Twenty (to one Oifice),.. 1.25 . ' Clubs of Fifty, " . 1.00 ', ' Pay invariably In advance. To the getttr np of a Club, one copy gratis. Post-Masters are especially requested to act as Agents. They should in every case, where possible, substitute Western Demo cratic Papers for East-em Fusion Papers. Those desiring the President's Message ana1 other Public Documents, can subscribe now, or at any time before the first of December. CT5f" Subscribers to the New Volume should send in their names as early as the middle of December, so that they may be registered In time for the first number. All funds recivtd at current rates, and if registered, mailed ei our risk. Address J. W. CRAY. Cleveland. O. GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG ItlCULTUUAL l'APElt.. rUBI.ISHR.D AT , CERMANTOWN, PHILA'IA CO., PEXN. Eveky VnI.DA,Y JVIoknino. , . LY PHILIP. R. 'PREAS. ..,jr PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. "We take tins occasion to announce to Farm ers throughout tbe country, that it is tht In-' tention of the Editor and Proprietor at tht "(iermantown Telegraph." not only to con tinue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of bis paper, but sedulously to add to its character and value by all the means at command. A. 11 necessary space ahall be pro--vided for a ful jrecord of Agricultural Details and a full development of every branch of tht Farmer's Pursuit. He will in future, as ht has always heretofore, aim to be practical, nnd to he of real nr.d substantial advantage to husbaudry.. His course, also, will coiitimn to he thoroughly Independent, and wholly tin biassed by any other motives than those lit conceive lo be promotive of the true intertst of Agriculture ju us bruadwt meanuig. Neither individuals, clique, societies, or any other in fluence shall tmene him from tlie path of' light and dHtv. Farmers, throughout the country, who de sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, and equal to any othef family news and literary journal published, which makes Agriculture' a speci ality, will find the "iieriiiaiiiovva Telegraph" to fulfill oyery condition, and to render it en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for a "riodical exclusively agricultural. . . i Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. As a Literary and News Journal it shall p.ot be surpassed by any in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of tht largest class, it sh.-ill continue to be one of the hand-. Boniest in vvspapers of the day. Every Family, in town or country, whethete they take other papers or not, will Jump tht. "(iermantown Telegraph" to be worth, in liU eral benefit, twice the amount of subscription, No subscriptions received without the cash. Price Two Dollars in advance. Subscriptions not paid within the year, $J.5tf. Mail sub scribers will have the cash postage deduettd wheu not exceeding 23 cts. per aiiuuw, pro vided the subscription be paid strictly in ad vance. Fostage stamps to this amount will be reti rued as change with the receipt. Any pemou sending five new subscribers at one lim-, with the ranh, will be entitled to tht paper for one year. ' Specimen number sent on request. STEAM FERRY BOAT. "FlHE subscriber begs leavt to inform tha JL public, that he ha now In operation, a neat-eleaa. eWeam Feny Boat, at Bellerue, If. T." at tbe point known as old Tr'dar'a point Ferry. The Boat is oa of tht lead oh the Missouri "liver, and ewery exertion will ba uaed to ena ble the public U cross tht liiv with aafety, and dispatch. tMlti NATHANIEL O. BENTON. . roit's 4 i.r. A valuable timber Claim of 100 acres, with-" In three anile of Bellevue City, for sale. Zv quirt at this Office. nSTti.