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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1857)
JTT::VA!) MUV.rI,I,!Mtt "Mm;- I .1, !!..; .': " ' a 'nmiiu ' TJnwRnnr T)nvotod to Democracy'' Literature. Acriculturc. Mechanics, Education, Amusomonts and General Intelligence j. Jk t W w PTW f W - IV 1 ' : ) Jirti.rT ' ' ' " ' ji 'j J J 3 u . . ' s ! , , .HI ' I J .1 'i . . ! ' . .1 i I ;i . . ,,' r,. . ' .. t - .1 i -.t' : 1 cllcbuc 6;i(ttt. rUlLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT UELLEVIE (IT1, X. T. 'by Henry M. Burt,& Co Terms of Subscription. TWO DOLLARS PKR ANNUM IN AD VANCE. : ; RATES OF ADVERTISING. Square (12 lines or 1-ss) 1st Insertion.. Each subsequent iosertioft.-.'" .One square, one month ' three months . ' six i " . .. i ... ... t " .", one rear Uusinest cards ( lines or less) 1 year One column, one year One-half column, one year " foirth " " ' " eighth " " . .' " col'imn. six months .... . half column, six months " fourth ' " " " " eichth " " " column, three months $1 00 M) .2 DO 4 00 . fi is 10 00 5 00 til) 00 3 00 20 (XI 10 00 A3 1)0 20 00 10 00 8 00 20 00 13 00 10 00 rt oo 5 00 H M half column, three months fourth " " ' " eighth " " " Aanouncing candidates for office :. . L : ' . JOB WORK. For eighth sheet bills, per 100 Fornnsrter " ' " " " For half ," " " " For whole " " " $2 00 4 00 5 00 H 00 S 00 2 00 00 ''l 50 For eolered paper,half sheet, per 100.. For blanks, per quire, first quire Xech tubsequent quire . . Cards, per pack-..-- ' Each subsequent paelc i' For Ball Tickets, fnncv tiioer per huii'd 1 00 fl 00 Each subsequent huiidred "4 OO CARD B. 1 . Bowon & Strickland, . . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Real Estate, City Lots atil Claims boup-lit and sold.' Purchasers will io well to call at our office and examine our li-it o Ci'y Lots, $lc, before purchasing olsewhre. Olfice In Cook's new builiin, corner of Fifth and Main slrceil. L. L. Bowen. i TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT JY L A W, Hellevue, N. T. S. A. Strickland, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT, K. T. 1-tf ' T. B. Lemon, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ' AT LAW. Office, Fonleuelle Bauk Belle vue, Nebraska 1 erritory ly31 , ., G..T. Holloway, ( . t ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Bellevue, y.T. 1-tf i ' ' VT. II. Cook. ' ' GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, BelUyiie City, Nebraska.l-lf : ' W.. H. Longsdorf, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office on Main, between Twenty-Fifth andTwenty feutth atreets, Bellevue City. . 33tf W. W. IXarvcy, COUNTY SURVEYOR OF SARPY CO., will attend to all business of Surveying, laying out and dividing land, surveying and pUttiug towns nod roads. Olfica on Main trct, Bellevue, N. T . 2-tf B. P. Rankin, ATTORNEY AND I'OUNSNLLOR LAW. La PI itte, N. T. AT 1-tf ' P. E. Shannon, COMMISSION it. FORWARDING Mf.R Kj CHANT, St. Mary's Landing Mills Co., Iowa. . -tf , Peter A. Srpy, . ( -ORWARDIN(; . COMMISSION MER 1 CHANT. Bellevue.' N. T., Wholesale Dealer. in Indian Goods, llorsts, Mules, and Cattle. . . lit ' D. J. Sullivan. M. D., , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office Head of Broadway, Council BlutTa, Iowa. imv. 13 . 1-tf V. . SMITH. J. 11 SMITH . , " Smith & Brother, ATTORNEYS 4. COUNSELLORS at LAW and Dealers In Real Estate, Bellevue, Nebraska Territory, will attend faithfully and promptly to buying and selling lteal I'xtate, City Lots. Claims, and Land Warrants. Office at the Benton House. 2l-im THOS. MACON. Al'O. MACOM. Macon it Brother, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 4. LAND A GTS., Omaha City, Nebraska. - Office on, wor rier of Farnham and Fourteenth Streets. 42tf D. II. Solomon, 1 ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa, prac-, tices in all the Courts of western Iowa and Nebraska, aijd the Supreme Court of Iowa. Land Agency not In the Programme, no 4-tf V. L'E E'8 I FASHIONABLE Hair Cnttine, ' Shaving, . Dyinc, aad fiathim-t . 8alaon, thud door west of the Exchange Bank, Omaha, N. T. Omaha, Oct. 1, 1H7. ' 47 Oustar Seeger, TOPOGRAPHIC AND CIVIL ENGI NEER, Executes Drawiar and Paintinir f every style and descriptioa. Also, all business in his line. Office on GrCorYtreet, hi. Mry, Mills county, Iowa, jtf VOL. 2. BELLEVUE', BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE rROriUETOU OF THE ABOVE LARGE AMD POPULAR : O T.' E . L :, H OFFERS EVERV ; ' To the Pnblic, and will render ASSlILOr8 ATTKXTl'otf . To tht wm,h HIS GVEtTS. . 1 ' J. T. ALLEN. ' Bellevue, Oot. 23. ISM. 1-tf Greene, Wenrc & Benton, , BANKERS AND LAW AGENTS. Council HluffH.1 J'otoivnitamie county. Iowa. (ireine tc Wearo, Ced'ir li.i il-s, Iowa. Greene, Weaie &. Rirr. Fort Di's Moines, la. Collrrtions matlo; Taxes paid; and Lands purchased and e"ld, in any part of Iowa. 1-tf ano. inviicii. joun ii. siilmmak. Snyder & Sherman, TTORNEYS and COCNsr.f.LORS AT V LAW. and NOTARIES riTLTC, Coun cil lilml.i, luwa, will jiractice thuir profnesion in all the Courts of Iowa and Nebraska. All collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promptly. i .' i Especial attention given to buying and s)ll ttifr real estate, and waking pre-emptions In Nebraska. Deeds, Mortages, and o!her instrumenU of writing drawn wilh dispatch i' acknowledg ments taken, &.c. fee. t- ' " '" fl r Oince west side of Madison Inst above Broadway. ' ' HOV 13, . . ; i ! .' 1-tf. j. ii niton s, - . ! ATTORNEY AXD f 01M ELOR AT LAW ... ' GENERAL LAND AGENT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, ' riait.vnoutfi, Cass Co. .W T. ; ' ' ATTENDS ta business In any'of th Courts of. this Territory. Particular' attention paid to obtaining arid locating Land Warrants, col lection of debts r.r.B taxes paid.' Letter of inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory answered, if accompanied with a fee. REFERENCES: ' " lion. Lyman Trumbull. U. S. S. from Illa.j'l Hon. James Unox, ,M. C, ) Hon.' (V H. Biowning. ' ' Q-iiiicv, " Hoo.- Jacies Wi Grimes, Governor of Imwi Hon. H. P.. Bennett, D l to C. from N. T. Green, Weare it Ben'on, Council Bluffs. I. Nuckolls & Co., Glenwood, Iowa. l&itf. 1 ' Ira A. W. Buck, ' T",AND and General Agent, u Pre-Empliotl J Papers prepared. Land .Warrants bought atid sub!. -Office in the Old State House, over Ut V. & JLand UlDce-.-.'- . . REFER. TO ,. Hon. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, Omaha. Hon. Eiios Lowe, ' , u Hon. S. A. Strickland, Bellevue. , v Hon. John Finney, " Hon. J. Merlin? Morton, Nebraska City. Omaha, June 20,4857. . , .. 35 1 H. T, CLABKE. CLARlv, CLARKE & B RO 1 FORWARDING ad COM5USbJ.OTi MERCHANTS;, STEM BOAT AND COLLECTING a c s t s, ,. ,r BELLYU, NEOAfKA. Dealers in P;ne Lumber, Doors, . Sash, Flour, Meal, Eacon, &.c, dc. Direct Goods car o Clarke & SJrd. 1-tf P. AV SAllPY, v; roil WARDING &; COMMISSION . MERCJIANT, Still continues the pbove business at ST. XIAJIYS, IOWA, & BELLEVUE, ' " N. T.' Merchants enr( Emifran'-s will find their goods promptly and carefully iit'et iled to. P. Su I have the only. WAREHOUSE for et-orPtre at tht-ftbovMia'med laiiilin-rtt. St. Marys, F'.-b. iUtU. If 57,. 21-U-i ,' : Tootle & Jackson, : . , ; , I FORWARDING U COMMLSsfioX MER CHANTS, Council ' Bluffs' city, Iowa. Having a, Lirire and Commodionp Warehouse on the Levee at the Council, Binds landing, are now prepared to receive and etore, ?, kinds t raerchaadisii ajw) produce, will receive 1 and pay charces on all kitnts or lreitlis wp that Steam Boats will not be drained as thcV have been heeelofore, in getting eoine one to recwivefreiqht, when OieronsigiMf sar absett. IUrFSENCKs: L!veTmoore Cooley-j S. r. Davib t Coatid lluinphaey.Tut.t k. Tory, St. I-01118, Mo.; Tootle & Fairleiirh, St. Jeph, Mo. J. S. Cheneworth k. Co., Cincinnati Ohloj W. F. Coulboujrh, Burlington, Iowa. 1-tf unvra jtr nnta WESTERN LITHOGRAPKIO EST A II MA 1 1 M EX T, Florence, JVt-brasku, iu Main St Town Plats. Maps, , Sketches. Business Cards, Checks k Bills, Certificates, and every description of plain and faney'en rravrne,f xecuted promptly in eastern style. 3m32 ' NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1857. .'. POETRY. I tnf Mlllr Hoy and I. pr tuu iVTfwn or mgci ntLi.. Ovur fie desk all day, WitU 'weary and aching braiu, ( Wearing my life away, ' .f Counting another's gain ( Over ledger " and,"joptial " and " cash," Over." invoice, "-and 'blotter," and , " , ' bills; 1 . ... . ', . ..Impelled by poverty's lash, ;. , ., Pursued by poverty's Bill , , , , ; , , . This is the life I lead, 1 Ami vet I never repine (l , That life has 119 higher meed , . w , t ', tot a soul and a, hear like mine. . ; ', , I only sijjh when I think : ... . , , How many in life thers be '. t Who have no tender link To lighten their chain, like me. When fadeth the light of day, ' Ai d its weary work Is o're, I place thd ledger nwy,' ' : ' . And close the Iron door; ! ' ' And then, with hurrying feet, ' Away from the busy mart, 1 thread the darkening street, ' -f Wltn snniighi in my LearU - .. I ; .. , , ' 1 Tliere's a little face at the window, It lookt'th out on the night, It watcheth the croud. go by, , (. 'Uy the cleam of the new-lit light. , , ( Like a beacon from the casement, . 1 view it froni afar, V But dearor(to ine.its gleam " Tlian a beacon-light or star ; ' For I know for whom It waleheth, I - And that no human joy 1 Is like, the love which a father ' !BeaT for his only boy. ' " " '. We ire yry dear to each other, My little boy and I j : .' For I am his only friend, . ;. And he is my only ti. r , ..,r, Ji 1 .r Before the parlor fire, , 1. " . 1 , We sit by the study light, . 'I ! . And 1 read to him the stories . , : Of paladin and kliight j , - And of the deeds heroic i. Of men of the olden time, When life was full of earnestness,,' u'l , And rnanbpod was sublime, r f And tales of homely struggles , ; For principle and right .. ,., . Of men who wore no armor, (- . , . Nor ranked as lord or knight ; ;; Of fair and gentle maidens Of purity and truth, " Of holy wives and mothers,. Of brave, devoted youths ; And many a simple story Of quiet homestead life, - Away from the field of glory, : And worldlineae, and strife. 7 ' '-... We often walk together, In the calm of a Sabbath day, And watch the ships at anchor ;. . Upoi Ui sleeping bay f!i . J And M''!' l"w voyages , vi. Which in my youth I made, : Awny utilKho tropics, : ".,.,! -i-i-rll v. And ii. the India trade 1 ! : .-. -Awl of Uios navigators, ' .i . ! ' 1 .. , 80 worthy; of tbe name, 1 i . 1 Immortal grown in story, . ... ! And in historic fame ; Americus aud'Diez, J .1 Columbus, proud and great I ' ' Tiie Cabots and fair Raleigh, With his, untimely fate i . f , . -(-Of ITuIson.'who first anchored . .' ' ; ( W!thin this silent bay , ' . , . . His gallant ship, the only one,-', " Wln rc tkonsaiids float to-day . And of those lesser voyagers , ; Who have circled the world since then, And discovered lands and rivers 1. Before unknown to men 1 Of LaPeronse, Magellan, Of Franklin and of Drake, Of Morgan with his buccaneers, f ,- Of Gorges, Cook, and plake And of the Isles and continent , , f Which to the world tbey gave, j ,( ( , , And how they fuugbt, and Uve.d, and died, Devotedly and brave. , .( -, And Bometimes to the country ' We steal from the world away, 1 To pass wilh trees and flowers, ' In quiet, the fabbath day. ' It it then' that we leksons learn ' From the simple things of earth,' 'And the teachings holier seem Than those of greater worth! "' . hunt for the hidden flower, Where stealeti) the honey-beei-"We watch for the birdling chirping Above us, in tks tree We mark the acorn lying Half hidden in tha ground, And sea the old tree dying Wln re a new-born tree is found. We trace the little spring Till it to a brook has grown, And then to a mighty river, Flowing to the unknown j 1 We watih llm liltl seed Which the lumbandman has sown, Till it from a germing leaf . . To the waving wheat hat grown j Thenre, to the farmer's flail, . , Upon the old barn floor .Then to the cluttering mill, ! ' ' . Then to the merchant's stor Thence, to the freighted ship,; . 1 Bound to a distant land, To pamper a dainty lip, . " Or succor a starving band I - -Thus does each silnplt thing ,-. To is grave teachings give, Thus do wt learn life' purposes, ' Thns do we learn to live j " Tliua do we study tiatnre, "'t Beneath the wood and sky, ' ' And learn life's hidden mysteries, i 1 My little boy and I. fcoiaerimes we go to " Greenwood, " . - .Where the nihot of loved onet lie, Whom iri so tenderly cherish, My little boy and 1 1 . And we ait b down beside them, 'And Mi very aweet to hear ' My little boy communing- 1 With those iti another sphere ' llo spflknth to his mother, .- And, though no voice replies,'- I can see that his soul Is answered, ' By the liglit within his eyes. And he orten Wd me tell him ' Of my mother, who sleepelh near, ' "And says 'fieknowtTHEY are waiting1 ' -; For in in that higher sphere. " ' And I tell him of my father, Bo freat, and good, and brave", ' '' " 'Xnd ho.y he used to bring me ' ' To visit my mother's grave. '-' ' And I think upon'rhe changet 1 Wlilch time will surely bring, 'And how my dreams have faded Sljice life was In Its spring j : Ami of the worth and beauty, . The greatnett and the truth, , Of those who gave me bciitg', . ' And taught lne In my youth. And I think .of my little boy, , !'The type of my early life, Ail shudder to see him struggle i Alone In the worldly slrife. " And I think of the time when he, With a boy as good and brave, ' May com to this same old spot,' To visit his fther grave. We are very dear lo eaqh other, r My little boy and 1 1 ' , , 1, , ; For I am his only friend, And he is my only tie. w . , Ad I feci the tacred duty, ; To guide his untried feet, That his life nay be firfl of beauty, And great, and good, and sweet. At over the ledger I betid, His face looks up to me, " And I ask not for a dearer friend ' Thin such a child can be. ' He brlngeth hie patience and will 1 " To bear with my toilsome fate He taketh the grief from ill, - ' The rancr of heart from hate He bringeth me fiope'by day, ' 1 ' ' . i And eomfort and joy by nlglit He teacheth my heart to pray, And bflngclh my spirit light." And I pray that Lit ledger of life , Unspotted may m er remain, ' 1 With every thin',' beautiful rife, 1 ' And never a blot or stain. , , ., , We art very dear to each other, Mr little boy and Ij ' For ! am his only friend, ; Aod he Is my only tie. . , . And I only sigh when I think How many iu life there be v Who have no tender link . To lighten lit chain, like me. MISCELLANEOUS. . For the Bellcvut Gettt , , . " We have all come here to a strange land, And esn little of each ther know,' But we all betonr to the faded band, ' Of travlert here below. Thy Father it mine, and mine it thine, Wr alika are hi equal care, . His goutiness and love and blessings benign, We each at hit children share." Strangers yet friends; linked by no kindred ti, yd by that coiuiuuu Uuid tympathy that we have all 1 left kindred f rteiuls, sua . pieanaui aocuu , retuuuna, . .-1 . .' and sought a home in this new country logetlier idmriitg iu many inconveniences. Death has called a number from our miJst durinsr the past auiiuner. Amid the iih4 pleasani social relations', surrounded hy all the comforts and luiuries of life, how ler- ril lo teems thq tliaugh( of Ilittating'oue, from tlie loved family circle, and how doultly uflliciing when mrrounded by strangers, and in want f many tf llio comforts and conveniencos of home. Rut two weeks from tint lime I touk my firt eiitliwslaslif view, of llie beautiful country surroundinir Ih-llevue, Iiow wnj that Iiit enthusiasm rliillcd, by bctui,' prni'tii'ully lnmiiulfd, thnl denth was ever in our midst ; and (he first victim wu-i 11 laughinp, Imppy child f,f scarce three fuii nmrs, the sunbeam of ft hnppy home, and how dark 11 uluulow llio Ioks fif Mu h n little life could Cast; only those whobuvo kiiown by etporii't'ice, 'could fully' TfrtFizr. llien came (he lonj and liiierlnp; ' ill iH's'sof one, who, b avin; her only daugh ter iii tin' enro of friends, joined her hnX band with many plmsnnt ntiticljiatiotm fur spending a pleasnnt minuner nt Relli-rtte, and in the prime of life, she, too, was laid iu our cemetery, fur f 1 um the fritmdp of her youlh, and deprived of tho privulege of folding her child in one InM embruup, and whispering a few last wonU of Heo tioualo uounsel, which as the purling ud vico of n dyinsj mother, might have prov ed 11 powerful ulismniuloshield hi-rhuuri from tin in the hour of temptation. , , , Although her husband was entirely de pemlant upon strangers for aBsistanco in her cam, hhe won a wunn place in mofe than one heart, by the patience, awl sweet ness, with which she endured her protrnr ted sud'eriugs, and her huhlmnil, the Tcs poct and unfeigned sympathy of all, for bis untiring wuU hf uluess itid care. . A few weeks more past, alid o: young mati was borno pust to his last rcstbig pluce. - lo Was buried by strangers,, dependunl upon strungers for tho discharge of the ust sad duties, and not a man of God to commit the df jiavted npirit to it. Creator, as his body was consigned to the grave. . Ah! then we bitterly realized that. we wero indeed iu a : new country, and bhud- dercd for the muny young men, who, eni barking all, to make their fortune here; were many of them, so far removed from the many restraining moral influences which surrounded them iu their eastern homes. : The fall has proved an unusually un healthy one,. and there have been few fam ilies entirely exempt from bickness. AU though, I believe, there has been but four deaths, yet lhote have been under circum stances so touching and sad, ,as to caiu every heart to thrill with deep sympathy. Not soon will we forget tho young hus band and wife, who came to us but latet spring with as bright anticipations' for fu' ture happiness and prosperity as any of us, yet after only a short illness, bo h are now resting side by side in that last fleep which' for this life can know, no wakening.- . , . , ... ,-; , - . "J. Then so soon after followed the death of Mrs. S -,'die twet lride of Lut six short months--the fair flower I had so often noted with pleasure, us transplanted to our western soil,iu the lirst Uiuh of it opening loveliness. None who knew her1 can ever forget the fair open lroWf anf sweet winning smile that woti ail hearts, denoting a' spirit unusually fie from taint of ar(UlineM; fcod ioy iinjKtefciblti il seems lo be reconciled ta resign her into the handt of " the great Peotroyer," whii life seemed lo her so beautiful; whenever ry thing surrounding her, yet tinged Ly the golden hue of romance, was vthu-per- lug hope lo her young heart, and the enve men lair premiss ci Icadinjr a rfcj and useful life But while our tears Lave mingled with the bereaved ones, to wliun the 'departed must becotno as 'precious links connectin; them with tlieir future dentiny, have wo not been forcibly re-j minded of he uncertainty of life, and ev. ery vision of future huppiuesd, and inorcj fully realwou Iiqw uuworuiy tne immor tal mind, was all mere wordly ambition, anA wealth aid the honors cf life become most highly valued, as the' means vvhicbj God had placed in our hands, for dispens-, ing the charities of life, and increasing the happiness of all ly whom we are stir rounded. t ' J. E Nk. ' Francis I'igji'ot Indiana, has runaway from Mrs. Tigg and four little Tiggs. Tho Tost says he is a hog. Np::?:. 4 Ki'lirn if l'rlnliri. Iii this ollico nr6 twenty printers engi enl. Only look at theml ' In ages rang ing from , twenty . iu! forty ; in size aivl couijtlexioii, from the ordinary stout,, (wo ne.yer mw a fat printer), to some that might ci'uwl through n greuseij lluto somit lis white at ("ircassinns, and others at brown 'and' roy as, your "Georgia 01 uike is," or rfcnnt-ylvnniu, publican. burnt nit) bearded Jikq tho , J'urd, others aVe lis MuiHith faced as tjie ' (jreult ,SIuve. ( lne hiiKti aveli d nil over the Kortll Amef ichti Contiiii nt, Hunted deer ni 'Arkafwas, una tint i Id horse irtth J'urripaaof Koath Ami icj ;,unptlier has been tout. ori tho rond ocjiiuf iyul has seen life before thp mast: nnulher irrudua'ted nt West Point. and nerved 111 (ho Sirmy; another 'accom- panlHd' Col. lJonnphan 111 ACnopl)iuo L'lhud campaign all over Mexico. nWhat u. b.-k hu cttii write i Vuother, has kept tuveni, si lil l ooks utuuctioji, truvcieuover dn I'n ted Stales several times, been1 well oil', and broken oftu i. Two have been on llm stage i as professional prniterllarv much addicted to,, for u bout half the actors 011 tliu iiericiiii boards ,are lirinters.-y ()iV, we believe, has preached seri6jis, Unoilier has lecttired to'crow'ded htrtises. A sixth has loiii a tnmp orator, member til' ilu: Levialuturn " out went,"! tuulfooyht a duel, we believe. Three have practiced, li )t more, and m ult in horses, cotton and negroes. Two have held " muhieipiil if li ce.'i Tour or live have boon olhaeri or privities. in vuritiusirnilifary cotnpauies.- (Joe served with(Ceneral Houstnn in, the Texas' revolution, and one in the. Canadi tirt i eliclidii. ' Six" br' 'eight hate editea newspapers in various parts of tho United States. One has. .been an oflioe; of packet on the 'j-aguig caiuiwl." On waa wounded, leg o(r ut the storming of Mon tery". Another has clerked it on a Miss-' issippi Menmer, was blown up and M slight ly killed." Some are, or have been marj tm som'ef are" old haWcldrs. ; AlfhaVS seen more oflesS of life "audits changea U scenes... ,'f aey areall live menwgaod practical printers, speaking various lan giiugis, Mid from a newspaper corns hard lo etiuul. (7n. Cuioiiisl. . ". ' '; . " ; . . - . 1. I I ' . I 1 , There is a Clerk who has been in th New York l'ost Office forty-years. II9 formerly carried iho whole Southern niail m u bag under his nrrh across the river to Jersey City. ,Th& same mail now amounts to teu-thousund pounds daily. ' ' A biography of Robespierre, published in a laic Irtah paper, concludes with the, following" remurkuble sentence? 1 '" ' . 'V TUs cxtruordinaryi nian left no cbil dren behind him except his .brother, who was killed ut the same time," , . , A dtitchmun was relating his marvelous escape from drowning .when thirteeis -of his companions were Jost by the upsetting of 'a boat, arid he alone was saved-- ' And hiw did you escape 'their fate f aked one of his hearers. ' I did not g iu dijdum bote'wai tho Dutchman's pla.' id reply,, .. . ...... v.W .hi A teacher wrft lecturing a class of litlfe-. girls on the influence of- aou iuKtructiun id the formation (if youthful character. " Ah, Mi-s Caroliue," mii hfi Aaone of the class, what do' yoa think you,, would hut' lit-en with out your good father and pious mtitlu-i' f " ' '." :i.f ,T.h t " Mtppos, k'r J' auswered Mie Car line, " l.thouldhave beennn, ttruhau,,,, MA TTi-.WrJ,' yau wit'd 'yoit hoarJed'at" thel'uy Hoitf months f slid you foot your bill ' I .,4 . 1 -U.d u rst't .,"No;ir, lulit oujouEtw, ta,thjWP. thin" th-j landlord footed mel" " . , , ,, . -i.Tr , j. . ,-. 1 . , . . H h j". t) 1 A little girl, brought tip to -ieiievt) in' Heaven rts Mair ettal sabbath,'! beirg prouusyd .by hi-r mother the joy of going; to th.t rigio 1'aradis", simply ailed if sho might go to hell on Sunday ufiernoanj ' Voo sav, Mrst Jonea that you bar' lived uiu iho d fetUant fioht vear-r-t tneuoununaersiana iroi .you.icai, you were inai 1 leu 10 nim 1. . .yd "in course 11 uoes. "Have you a hiarriage eortincater'1 ' " . 41 Ye. your, lwnor, thrte: ou 'einr 4wi gals and a loy." ? In one of th rmirtj lately, there were-' long and bturued difcussiona as Id whethi ! m wancs ould la allowed to answer . tbe quPstion-'.What' did Mary say! Three JuJges'lcve lng and elaborate' ' t 1 Mi' opinions in the arnrrftativ, and the ju" tioti being repeated, the answer teas, " net tWOld.".,:. ..;..,... -: 1 ,.'. . -y How long'did Adam remain in Para. . die before he shined I" asked anamiables wife of her hulud. ."Till he. got wife.htt replied. ,' Well how Jong did, he reiiiaiu after committing that bin she again asked. 'Till he was fnaArU out, to be sure," he replied,