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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1857)
i Local & Miscellaneous. From unavoidable causes, we are saV rrnl Jays behind our usual time of publi cation. Fibi! The Benton House in Ru ins! Loss $15,000! It becomes our duty to record one of the most disastrous confligrations ,' that has ever occurred in Bellevuo. - . About 9 o'clock,' on Sunday morning:, Nov.! 8ih, the Denton House was discover ed to be on fire, in the Ceiling, near the stove pipo, over the second story. ' The alarm was immediately given, but the flames were soon seen issuing from the roof. The citizens were immediately ou the ground, making every effort to subdue the raging elements. Buckets of water were passed up to those who were now on tho toot j but owing to the insufficient quantity that could be obtained, and the strong north-west wind, the fire spread with such rapidity, as to render it impos- Hibla to remain on the roof only a short time. Meantime, tho furniture and pro visions were being removed from the Ho tel, and were nearly nil saved from entire destruction, although more or less dam aged by rough handling. F.very possible means were used to sub due the flames, but without success, and in nn hour from the time tho alarm was given, the building was a mass of smoul dcring ruins. The total loss cannot be far from $15,' 000. " Thero was no insurance on the building or furniture. . , . ' The Hotel was owned and kept by J. F. Cofl'uinn, and the loss, wo fear, will be a disastrous one to him. Mr. Cofl'man receives the sympathy of our citizens, and wo hope they will extend to him that ma tcrial aid, which he so much deserves. The boarders will suffer more or less, by this calamity, in the destruction of iiui' ny little articles, which, in themselves, are of no great value, except to their own ers. lne lire originated as near as we can learn, from a stove pipe, which passed through the, floor, over the second story If a sufficient quantity of water, could have been readily obtained, the buildinjr might have been saved. The barn belonging to the Hotel, situ ated a short distance in the rear, was on ly saved by keeping the roof continually wet. Our citizens are deserving of much praise, for the assistance they rendered in saving the furniture, &c. The Benton House was built of wood, for the town company, at a cct of 10,- 000, and has been occupied little over year. It was one of the largest Hotels in the Territory, and its destruction is not only a great calamity to its proprietor, but to the town; and tho traveling public. We doubt not, however, that measures will be taken to erect another in its place, early in the convng spring. Since the above was in type, a meet ing of our citizens has been held, where it was resolved to erect another building for n hotel, forthwith. Much spirit and animation prevailed. Two thousand dol lars were subscribed on the spot, towards carrying out the resolution cf the meet ing. A building committee was appoint -ed and cn Thursday morning, hanJs are to be on the spot, engaged in actual ser vice. The meeting adjourned, to meet again ou Wednesday evening. We have been furnished with full pro ceedings of the meeting, by the Secreta ry, but for want of room, we are com pelled to omit it Alfred Matthias, of Flattford,has been appointed by the Governor of Pennsylva nia, a Commissioner of Deeds, for that State, for this Territory. Ball at Larimer. The large two story Hotel at Larimer, will be opened next Thursday. A Ball will be given in the evening, end from the preparations being made, we judge it will be a magni ficent affair. A general Invitation Is ex tended. The Bellevue Debating Association, will meet at the School Evening Oct. 13ih. House, Friday i Read the new advertisements in to-day's paper. No room far particulars. We are indebted to C. C. Woolworth, Book Seller, at Omaha, for the New York Family Herald, Frank Leslie's Il lustrated Newspaper, Ballou'i Pictorial, and Harper's Weekly, Mr. Woolworth has for sale a large variety of staudard and miscellaneous works, stationery, and all of the most important periodicals of the day. Remember him. Store on Farnham street. uur friends in Omaha, will always find tne ueiievue Gazette, at Woolworth'i Book Store. Price 5 cents per copy, , Ritrn Ntw. The tteamer Hespori- an.arrived Oct.31st. The St. Miryf,:T) Nov. 3d. The Watossa. Nov. 8ih. Tho fnllmvinn-W .r n,lvPr.isr,l t.i ! " " a leave St. Louis, for points above . . n ij- miral, Oct. 29th 5 Isabella, Oct. 20th ; Ben Bolt. Oct. 30th; Omaha, Oct. 31st. The splendid steamer , Florilda, Capt. Baldwin, arrived at our wharf last even ing. Not. 10th, leaving quite an amount of freight, as well as passengers. The Captain and his gentlemanly chrk, Mr. Johnson, are courteous and efficient offi cers, and well deserves the patronage of the traveling public. St. Louis papers received. Extra Copies of the Gazette for sale. Five Cents per Copy. After an elapse of two months, the Da kota Herald, comes to us, much improved in its mechanical appearance. It is now one of the neatest papers published in Ne braska. We recognize, as its publi.her, our old and esteemed friend, John L. Dai ley; and with his regular habits, the pat rons of the Herald, can be assured that that institution, hereafter, will be run ac cording to "time table." The Glenwood Times office, has been purchased by J.Si J. R. Tyson, who have commenced the publication of the Glen wood Weekly Union. It makes a much better appearance, than the lato Times. Wo linve received tho second number of the Cass County Sentinel, published and edited by E. Giles, at Rock Bluffs, ft. M : v ' .: . .. C ' . v. ... . 13arm:.m Once Mont. The Stamford (Ct.) Advocate says: It is certainly with pleasure that we announce the probable fact that P. T. Bar noiii' is nrain 'on his legs': that he is to day a richer man than he was before his connection with the Jerome clock compa ny. It is said that he has bought all the claims nirainst himself for from five to twenty-live cents ou the dollar, with the exception of some 515,000 held in and about Danbury which he will probably have to pay in full. The whole of the vast property assigned by him for tho ben efit of his creditors has again passed into his hands, and he is now re-furnishing and re-fitting Iranistan' in good style for his future and permanent residence. A Romance on the Riveb A Mar- RIAGK ON THE FLORILDA ON HER MAIDEN Tnip. On tho 10th inst., as tho fine steamer Florilda was about starting on her maiden trip from Omaha to Su Louis, a tall, gaunt fellow of about twenty-six au tumns enme on board with a blooming country girl, of apparently not more than fourteen gentle summers. He informed the clerk that she was his sister, and so timorous that it would be necessary that they should occupy a state room together. The clerk saw that their mutual concern was deeply sincere, and assigned them a room one next the captain's register ing them as Mr. Barbour and sister. The subject being incidentally mentioned to the captain, J. H. Baldwin, he remembered that a young lady much resembling his fair passenger had come on board to see them away. The statement of the kind brother that they had no relatives in that part of the country, and were bound to Juliet, therefore excited his suspicion. A plan was formed, which resulted in con verting suspicion into certainty. The captain, whose heart is in the right place consulted with his officers, and it was resolved unanimously that the pair should be wedded. The hupny intelli gence was communicated to the parlies in the mot considerate and appropriate man ner. They were called into the cabin and their mutual delightful destiny unfolded. The young lady nt once rushed to her fru- i :,u ..,,, v,., ternai comjiamoii s uriii:) una mua- umu sisterly fervor, crying "Oh. Jim, didn't I tell you we coultlu t pass for broilier and sister?" and clung to him in a transport of grief and joy. It was evident that she would pertorm, without prompting, her part of the mar riage ceremony, but he appeared to think her "too willing." He was however, in formed succinctly of the ca plain's ultima tum he must marry her, or one should be landed one side of the river, and the other upon the opposite side. To this he seemed not unwilling to assent. J lis Hero, however, would not trust her Lean der across the Mississippi. But his re luctance was overcome by the clerk a sol emn and confidential assurance that the captain was in a terrific passion, was a most desperate person, who would sooner shoot a man than eat. and that he had a pistol in his pocket, which, it was plainly to be seen, his hand was burning to use. The young gentleman, feeling thus com pelled to volunteer, explained that he would have married before starting, but that he should have missed the boat, and " se help him God, he would ha ve mar ried her in St. Loui. Arrived at Bruns wick, Mo., a justice of the peace was summoned, who shortly appeared in th ladies cabin, where a circle was formed with the happy twain in the center, and they were made one. The Wide was the beaming picture of delight, he the saint- her one of submission. Capt. Baldwin, and the clerks Messrs. Johnson and Dill, each gave appropriate advice and kissed the bride, whose gratitude was unbound ed. The boat arrived her on Suturday, when Mr. and Mrs. liar lour took the cars for Joliet, having so far fulfilled the rea sonable expectations of their friends. SI Louu Dm. rniti miti A IKPtfTQ f AlV'VV LLilll A.LjUvJ ' J 11LJ.JXU, V01'1'1' re.,ctlniiv annoiinre to u e n- w habitant 01 ieueuv, ami iiniini. ... m .1 ,1 ....1 that they have opened store, on the corner of Main ami 81st, Kirrcts, and now oflcr for hIc, a variety of good-, which art sutirsly new, consisting or. Dry Goods and Clothing, ' Boots and Shoes, , Groceries, Liquors, Drugs, Medicines, Faints and Faint Brushes, Oils and Varnish, Winduw Glass of all sizes, China and Glass Ware, . Hats and Caps, Buffalo Shoes, Blankets and Fur Gloves. The above article art of the first quality, and as one of w remains constantly In St. Louis selecting poods, ami watching tha mar kel.we feel colilldcni in.ll wr ran sen 1 rlionn. or cheap r. than 8HV one else in the I 1 , The puMic are invited to pire us a call and examine the goods for themselves. We will buy farmer's produce at the highest Give us a mil, at the new store, corner of Main ami 21st Streets. Bellevue, Nebraska Territory. Bellevue, Sept. 10, 1R57. 4 Uf X OTIC K TS hombffivMi: that the County Commis J. Rioners of barny County, will meet at the house of Rernhnrd Mvers, in said County, nn Tunsilai'. Nov. 17th. lSo7. at tl O clock, ill the forenoon, in answer to a petition signed by several inhabitants, to view and locale a road, which is proposed to run from llcllevue, to intersect the Territorial Pond, nt Bernhard Myers, and crossing the Pnpllllon Creek, at the People's Bridge, or in tha. virlmtjywnicn In the judgments the of Commissioners, wil be for the best interest of the settlers. And said Commissioners will meet on the evenili!? of said dav. nt tho Benton House, nt 1 o'clock, to hear alt parties interested in said rortil. llyordorof the Comity rtiithlsionrv. H 4 RTEIMIl'N1 D. 'ft ANUS, ' ' 49 County Clerk of Sarpv County IS hereby piven, that the County Commis sioners of Sarpy County, will meet at the house of Charles Wilson, near Buffalo Creek, on Monday, October 2i, 18.77, to view and lo cate a public road or hiphwav, from the cltv of fiellevue, to tho city of Plattford, in said county, commencing at the latter point, across Sections 18. 17, It', and 13. in Township 12, Uanpe It. thence to the most suitable point for crossing llull'alo Creek, thence bv tho most practicable route to the city of Bellevue Saul Commissioners will meet on the even ing of said dav. at the housf of Alfred Mat thias, tn tho city of Pinnford. tTliear all par ties interested In locating said road. By order of the County Commissioners. STF.PI1KN' V. BANKS, Clerk of Sarpy Couutv. Bellevue, Sept. 23, 1857. 4rt PLATTE RIVER FERRY. rrUIE Platte lliver Ferry Company have .L their Ferry' in Successful operation at the MOUTH of l'LA lTl: RIVKR This route is six miles shorter than that by Cedar I la ml, ana is a mucn netier route. EXPKR1KNCKD AND CAREFUL MEN will be in attendance at all timet to accommo date the traveling public. Rates of Ferriage as low as any oilier point. "IV. M. SLAUGHTr.R. Plattsmouth, Am. 1, lx7. 3m40 BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE quantity of first rate Brick and J.. l.uintier tor bale, at reasonable rates, Enquire at iny Ofliice near the Benton House 3. , . . JlJM.rU U I'K.VV. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! TUF. undersigned takes thj method of In forming the citizen of Mellevne, and vicinity mat lie nas inst received tne lahgest and Best sssortment of . , Cooking, I'arlor &. Office Stoves. ever brought to this Territory. He would res pectfully invito all in want of Stoves, to call and examine for themselves. 1 am also manufacturing . ' TIN-WARE of all kinds, such ai Buckkt.s, Comi Pots, Pans, Strmners fcc, &c., and all articles in my line of business. "("VRarticular attention paid to Roofing, Spouting and job work of every description. Ail worx warranreu to give s.iii.sractioii. ur ders solicited. My place of business is oppo site the Printing UJlicc, Bellevue, N. T. n 35-tf. BAMUF.L SNYDF.R. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. OT1CL. The subscribers hereby cive notito that the copartnership heretofore existin? between them under the name and style of Todd k Smith, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts doe to or against the firm will be settled hv Burton W. Todd. JtLRTON W. TODD. K. l SMITH. Rellevue, Aufnst Vi, 1837. 40 TF.ttRTi'OllY OK NKRRASKaTTs COUNTY O? SARPY.. J NOTICE is hereby piven, that the Couutv Commissioners of Sarpy Oountv, will niet l ou . Monday, Sept. ;ir, A. I). 1857. at the house of M. Wts(n. nt 9 n'elock, A.M. to view and locate a public roail from the city of rSeUavne, on the bt route to the cor ner of frictions ", 3, 10, and 11, In Township 13, north, Ranpe 13, east ; thence west in the line tietween bee' Ions end 10, to the rorner of Srcti us 3, 1, y. and in tho snme Town- snip and Kange ; tli'-nCe wes'rly on the most practicable role iliron:rh Au- eryfin's Gnuex thence westerly to the Platte or Elkhoru Riv er's. Said Commissioners will meet on the evening of said day, nt 4 o'clock, nt the Ben ton Houxe, Illlerue, to liesriill parties inter ested In locating ami establishing said road or nipnway. ny order or trie county Commissioner, us. STEPHEN D. BANCS, Clerk of barpy Co. Bellevue, Aug. IS, 1Sj7. , 41 NOTICE! X LL persons indebted to Clarke k. Bro., will come forward immediately and pay un. A word to the wise is sufficient." CLARKE &. BRO.i Bellevue, Aug. 12, 1337. tf. Tailoring ! V Tailoring I The undersigned bet; leave to inform the eitisens of Bellevue and vicinity that h is prepared to do custom work, in the latest fashion and mst approved styl. ' He feels coi.fident that his work is unsurpassed East or West; and by moderate prices respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage, lie will always he found ready to receive orders t ths Bellevue House. . , JOSEPH BRAy. pellevue, N. J. Mrch Jlth i.ovts r. unni. , PALMER &. AVERILL'S COLUMN. PALMER & AVERILL Wholesale and Retail Dealers la CHI N A, i. . GLASS AND i Qucciiswurc, i J, r, , . ,i MIRRORS, And Fancy Goods, TABLE CUTLERY, ERITTANIA WARE, &o. Our stock Is entirely new, very large, and carefully selected, and by adhering strictly to the cash system, wo are able to otter very great in- . ducements to all who . may favor us with a call. ' PALMER & AVERILL, BELLEVUE STORE, Corner of Jefferson and 27th street, ! Opposite the Fontenelle Bank, ' BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA WOULD RKSPl.CTFULLY call the nt tention of the citizens of Bellevue, Sar py county, and the aurroundius; country, to their new and (elected dock cf DRY GOODS, i "FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES & HARDWARE, Which thev oflVr at Wholesale nd Retail at price : W per cent, lower than ever before of fercd in this city. We can and will sell Goods as low if iiot lower than thev can be bought in Omaha or Ulufl'City. Please call and examine for yourselves. . . T,,r PALMER Jk. AVF.RIU.. . Bellevue; May 2, IHuT. v v . . , Just IttceivcU, and for Sulc, A LARGE stock of Furniture, consisting in part of Wood, Rush', Spindle, Split Bottom, Jenny Lind, laple. Mahogany, Children's and Oilice Chairs. Rockers, tc; Bureaus, Center, Card, Office, Breakfast and Dinner Tables, Leaf, Toilet, Work and Wash btands, Office Desks, Sofas and Sofa Lounges, Double and Sintlc Lounges, Trundle Beds, Bedsteads of varlons kind, Tin Safes, Mattresses, fce., &c. Term cash. PALMER It AVERILL. 33! f '- i I I' ST RECEIVED, a large snd fine assort- if wtnl of Usitt blioes and Gaiters. 3jtf PALMER Av A YE KILL. ANOTLER LOT of Clothing at aatf PALM Lit ii lust reteivej AVERILL. IALMER & AVERILL have on hand a lot of fine Black Does sin and Cassimere; also, o larjo lot of fancy Cassimerrs. 'i'Uoee wishing a t-ixxl article would do well to rail and examiue Oie above. 33uf NAILSand GLASS Cheap at'the BELLE VUE STORK. . CUTLKRYA large sssortmett of Pocket Knives, Knives aud Forks, tc, at ths BELLE V UK STORE. - A large stock or READY-MADE CLOTHING, t Es stern Prices, can be found at the BELLEVUE STORE, ' no 30-tf. rpHE LARGEST LOT of Furniture and L Crockery ever bronrht t the Territory, ean be foond at. PALMER AVERILL'S I? LOUR, Rait, Salmon, Mackerel, and Cod. fish, at wholesale or Retail, bv PALMER k AVERILL'S., A GOOD ASSORTMENT of Glass Wsre at PALMER L AVERILL'S. PRO EDM BELL Commercial f piIF undersized respectfully solicit the attention of the citizen of Hellem and vicinity, J. to their extensive Assortment or Roons, emnrnciiiK every variety usually aepi in ui weei. The attention of the ladies Is particularly called to our Utfn assortment of Hresi Roods, consisting in part of silks. French end American Jaeonnt ntul Organdy Lawn, Berage, !) l.aines, A.C. - Flpnred and Flain Swiss, J.iconet and Cook Muslins, Culicos, Ribbon, Artifi cial Flower and Wreaths, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Hounds, Flats, ke. BOOTS cJC3 SXIOES. Ladle fine morocco slipper, kid and morncm buskins, perodl ties, and Jenny Llnd, kid, a imrlfil an,! i stf k iii In ce boots, blnck Bnd colored callers, Ac. tient' fin morocco and calf kin boots, fine cloth, calf akin and patent Uppers, A.c. Children's shoos, a great variety. Men' and great variety. boys' fin full, weal, Panama, ciirracon, seanelte, Leghorn, psltn, CLOTHING. The larpesl stork ever opened In this county, consisting of coats, n.mts, vest, shirt, sol la, ovcr-allu, &.c. of all sue, styles, and quality, for men, boyi and children. A fjreat varietv of both rnallsh snd American manufacture, Carpenters' tools, A.. House keepers and bulldeis will find It to their aUvanlnge to call before purchasing slitwutr. A L Quornswaro, Meiliciuus, Kxtiucti, Oysters, Choico Cigars, 1'urniliiru, l'lour, AUo, a lurgu OroooriOfa. All the above articles, together with a f;reat variety not mentioned, will be sold low for cash. All kinds of merchant ible country produce taken In exchaugo for pood. Also Dry HiJea, Furs, &.C. Thankful for tho liberal patronaio heretofore extended to us by the eiti- fcens of this county, wo carnej'.ly solicit i'.i continuance, BEATON A. ROWLES, 3mo31 " ' ' Main Strut. omaiia AiHi;iniM;m;yrs. wooiwoitxirs NEBRASKA IN 1057. THIS work will again be ready for delivery by the 17th inst. Tho first supply was re ceived last week and was Immediately sold. A new County Mup, corrected by Mr. livers, according to the county boundaries establish ed by the Legislature' last winter, bus been engraved cxprcsslv for the work, and will ap peiT in th tixt edition. Besides a history of the Territory, Its con- ditiou and prospects, the work contains the claim laws of Ncbrauka. and a diecst of the United Stales pre-emption laws, making a complete pre-eoiptor's guide. Every person Interested in Nebraska should have a copy of the work. Piice, with the map, 73 cents; without the uiap.oUccnts. binipe copies mail ed, posUgo paid, on ruceipt ot price, to any part of the country..; 0. C. WOOLWORTH, Omaha, Junojl, 1857 'Hit Publisher. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PAPER HANGINGS. A complete assortment at WOOLWORTH'S Bookstore, Omaha City, N. T. JT Special agent for Scnooi. Books. vv32 i. A. JONES. OKO. W. WOOD. THE LARGEST Drug & Chemical Houso IN THIS WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, WnoLtSAu: A si) Retail Dritrnj in Dr'is?, , ' , Chcnilcals, Paints, Oils. Dye KUifft, Window Clati, ' ' Wines, I . ' Liquors, Cijirs, Tobucco, Ac. itc. ice. Having purchased the entire stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C. A. Henry & Co., together with our own full purchases, we are now enabled to offer the public as complete an assortment of DRUGS aud FANCY GOODS as can bo found west of the Mississippi river. Our slock Is of magnitude eno-.qh to supply tho whole .V.'liragka trade t and Having lieen iiur- ring been pur- rhascd under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured In our statement, that If Fine Coods, as retard nn.intity, qual it V and price, are anv obict to those "dealing In DHl'GS and MEDICINES, we c-n offer these inducements to a greater extent than any o'herhouse in the West. Country Merchants and Physician are requested to examine our stork before purchasing elsewhere no 15-tf JONES i. WOOD. NO MORE HARD TIMES. h. 5i. riur., H AS estaWihe-l himself in a NEW GRO CERY STORE, in iielleue. on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, wlire be will keep constantly cm liauJ, all It lads of fresh Groceries, . Floar, Coll op, Teas. . . ' Itice, . IIThas"lto'a,l'hoice I A of liijuors, and ev ery o'.her article usually kjt in a Grocery Store. ' CVA rneat msrVet is kept in the base mrie storr, for the sccommodstion of the cit izutis of Bellevue, and vicinity. 33 3111 EICIIER & LAVENP0HT, MERCHANT TAILORS, WOCLD respectfully Inform the citi.rns of Uellevuo snd vu-i.iity that thev have commenced ths TAILORING BUSINESS In ths building for ui'ii Iv occupied bv J. M. Bar tsy, corner MAIN street and FIFTH AVEN UE, nl Mens keeping constantly ou hand CLOTHS, 1 l CAMIMERFX, ' ' and VESTINGS, Whieh will k msde tip to order with ceat- ness and-l sfntca Also, Fl'KS and HIDES boug' eveJiar'gA f or goets. ht or taken In no 30-i. rou s iM4. A valuable limber Claim of 100 acres, with in three miles of Litllevuc City, for sale. En quire l this Office. ' a37tf. IJJI E V U E HiSmporium ! ! leather gutters, ew'd and ptj'd monro. S O, Glassware, Perumery, I'sscnccs, Preserved Fruits, Tobacco, Wooden Ware, Fish, &e. stick of choico Sl'IU(i AUKAM.LMLM. Recilnr Pncket for Kansas, Leavenworth, Weston, St. Joseph, (Savannah, Iowa Point, Nehr!ska City, Bellevue, Council BlullVi, Omaha and Florence. (FlTZiS T,IE n"w4""l eleRant Psssenrer JZi2Si 1,1 Florence, J. Tbrock 3at3K3CiJ10Iton Master, J. E. Gorman, Clerk, will commence her trips as a regulir packet In tho uhovo trade, on the openlnc of navigation In tho spring, and will remain in it throughout the season, , .. The Florence havlne been built under the superintendence of the uneerslirned. expressly for the trade. Is of extraordinary strength well adapted to it In every particular. A for the trade. Is of extraordinary etrenirth.and rea sonnbla share of the patronage of shippers, and tjia public srenerallv, Is respectfully soll- cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master, '- i. K. Gorman, Clerk, SEASON ARRWGEMENT. Regular Packet for Kansas, Nebraska CUT, Bellevue, Com eil Blufls, Omahs, sdd Florence. Y..T,IE ncw and e'ant Steamer, cant, cbarle "Baker. Master. ttutrhln nn. Clerk, will run as a regular packet, to the shove and all intermediate points on the Mis souri river, and person can rely upon her con tinning In the trade regularly during the sesson. 'I he Min-nn-ha-ha is an entirely new boat, built expressly for the Missouri River trade, and being fitted up In the latest and most ap proved style, her officers feel confident, that stiiet attention to the comfort of Passenger, and to business, will make her the favorlt b-at in the trade. CHAS. BAKER, Mater. . . HoTciiijisosr, Clerk. II. T Clarke, Agent. 26 s BOOTS ! BOOTS 1 1 BOOTS II! 9 M K subscriber ha just received FORTY U. CASKS of OF.NTLEME.N'S BOOTS, of all kinds and sixes, direct from one of the bell manufacturing establishment in New Enr hnd, made expressly to order and warranted. These boots being from the same house as those I received last year, is the best recom mendation that ejin be given them. Ths sub scriber d. fie any other firm in ths Territory to produce as good a lot of Boots, and to sell them at such low prices. Sold either by ths case or single pair. Call and examine for yourselves. RL'BEN' LOV F.JOY. Bellevue, Sept 3, 1337 43 tf. THE CHICAGO CITY I tl O II D A II A r nniiniuu i n u u n 11 U t J u IT I r ft it It OFFICE i Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearboi Street, Chicago. CAPITA Li, 8150,000. DIRECT ORSi r.rMUKD CAsriELU, IA AC COOK, II. A. WVNCOOP. lir.NKT CIIArXA, II. S. MOV BOS, OFFICERS: Elmtjnl CanSeld, Pres., Wm. 8. Btet, Seo'y, Eenry Chapman, Treai. rpt'IIS Cmipaiiv ui organized on ths 27lh .L day of March. A. D. 1855, under spec ial charter from the Legislature of Illinois, and business commenced under the most fa vorable suspire. Its establishment has been upon a firm and reliable basis, and in view of its stibility, soundness, and permanency, ranks as o:. of the first Insurance Companies in lbs country. To thoss desirous of protecting themsiives against loss or damage by Fire, or nirils of ihe bta, they beg leave to offer ths following REFERENCES. Messrs. S'one k WP. Cleveland, Ohi. Williams &. Avery, Chicago, III. " Norton A. Brother, Stone k Boomer, 'II. H. Duiand, Pres. Racine k Miss. R. F. Ou. C. Noitlirup, Cash. Racine Cs. Bank. Wr.i. P. Lind, Esq., Milwaukee. J. G. Conroe, Esq. Racine. Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Com'l BV, Chlcsj. Henry Farnham, President Chicago fc Rock Iitand R iii Road. Daniel P. Rhodes. Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, III. o'w iv. i usuiserun, M. jvjuis, Mo. Messrs. Wads-.vorth, Wells k Sey Ctiicaza. 111. ' Seymour, Messrs. 1. II. Bunh St Co., Chicago Bank. Messrs. a. W, Sier 4, Co. Chicago, III, Wm. Blanrhsrd, Esq., Morris, III. Messrs. II. C. & O. 0. Cook Si Co., Rock ford. III. Messs. H. Wheeler k Ron, Aurr. 111. Messrs. Jmld, Smith fc Itatt, Dixon, III. Kebtmiah Cass, Esq.. Bufljlo. N. Y. i Wsa. B. FunJy, Esq.. Swinoeld, 111. Gen. 1. Cum, Springfield, III. Richard Iters, Esq., Si. Louis, Mis S! JOHN J. TOWN, Afrt at Belleryiu