Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, November 05, 1857, Image 4
Local & Miscellaneous. From unavoidable causes, we ire sev eral days behind our usual lime of publi cation. Ftust The FJinton House in Ru ins ! Loss $15,000! It becomes our duly to record one of the roost disastrous confligrations ,'. that has ever occurred in lielievua. ' . L' About 9 o'clock,' on Sunday morning, Nov.;8ih,the Denton House was discover ed to be on fire, in the Ceiling, near the stove pipp, over the second story. The alarm was immediately given, but the flames were pooh seen issuing from the roof. The citizens were immediately ou the ground, making every eflbrt to subdue the raging elements. Buckets of water were passed up to those who were now on the oof; but owing to the insuflicient quantity that could be obtained, and the strong north-west wind, the fire spread with such rapidity, as to render it impos sible to remain on the roof only a short time. Meantime, tho furniture and pro visions were being removed from thello tcl.and were nearly all saved from entire destruction, although moro or less dam aged by rough handling. Every possible means were used to sub due the flames, but without success, end in an hour from the time tho nlarm was given, the building was a mass of smoul dering ruins. The total loss cannot be fur from Sl-3,-000. " Thero was no insurance on the builJing or furniture. !..-,. ' The Hotel was owned and kept by J. F. Cofluian, and tho loss, wo fear, will be a disastrous one to him. Mr. Coflman receives the sympathy of our citizens, and wo hope they will extend to him that ma terial aid, which he so much deserves. The boarders will suffer more or less, by this calamity, in the destruction of ma ny little articles, which, in themselves, are of no great vnlue, except to their own ers. I he lire originated as near as we can learn, from a stove pipe, which passed through the, floor, over the second story. If a sufficient quantity of water, could have been readily obtained, the building might have been saved. The baru belonging to the Hotel, situ ated a short distance iu the rear, was on ly saved by keeping the roof continually wet. Our citizens are deserving of much praise, for the assistance they rendered in saving the furniture, &c. The Benton House was built of wood, for the town company, at a cost of S10V 000, and has been occupied little over a year. It was one of the largest Hotel in the Territory, and its destruction is not only a great calamity to its proprietor, but to the town; and tliu traveling public. We doubt not, however, that measures will be taken to erect another in iu place, early in the comuig spring. Since the above was in type, a meet inff of our citizens has been held, where it was resolved to erect another building for a hotel, forthwith. Much fririt and animation prevailed. Two thousand dol lars were subscribed on the spot, towards carrying out the resolution cf the meet ing. A building committee was appoint ed and on Thursday morning, hanJs are to be on the spot, engaged in actual ser vice. The meeting adjourned, to meet again ou Wednesday evening. We have been furnished with full pro ceedings of tho meeting, by the Secreta ry, but for want of room, we are com pelled to omit it. Alfred Matthias, of Plattford.has been appointed by the Governor of Pennsylva nia, a Commissioner of Deeds, for that State, for this Territory. Ball at Laiumee. The large two ttory Hotel at Larimer, will be opened next Thursday. A Ball will be given in tne evening, end from the preparations being made, we judge it will be a magni ficent affair. A general invitation Is ex tended. Tho Bchevutt Debuiini; Association, will meet at the School House, Friday Evening Oct. 13th. i Bead the new advertisements in to-day's paper. No room far particulars. We are indebted to C. C. Woolworth, Book Seller, at Omaha, for the New York Family Herald, Frank LeshVs Il lustrated Newspaper, Ballou't Pictorial, and Harper's Weekly. Mr. Woolworth has for sale a large variety of standard and miscellaneous works, stationery, and all of the most important periodicals of the day. Remember him. Store on Fnrnharn street Our friends in Omaha, wilt always find the Bellevue; Gazette,' at Wool worth's Book Stort. Trice 5 cents per copy. Ritr.R Nttvs. Tho steamer Ilccpori- Krr.ViBAUTEI & METZ; The following boats are advertised to leave St. Louis, for points above : Ad miral, Oct. 29th ; Isabella, Oct. 29th ; Ben Bolt. Oct. 30th; Omaha, Oct. 3 1st. The splendid steamer Florilda, Cupt. Baldwin, arrived at our wharf last even ing. Not. 10th, leaving quite an amount of freight, as well as passengers. The Captain and his gentlemanly clerk, Mr. Johnson, are courteous and efficient offi cers, and well deserves the patronage of the trnveling public. St. Louis papers received. Extra Copies of the Gazette for sale. Five Cents per Copy. After an elapse of two months, the Da kola Herald, comes to us, much improved in its mechanical appearance. It is now one of the neatest papers published in Ne braska. We recognize, as its publisher, our old and esteemed friend, John L. Dai ley ; and with his regular habits, the pat rons of the Herald, can be assured that that institution, hereafter, will bo run ac cording to "timetable." The Glenwood Times office, lias been purchased by J.& J. It. Tyson, who have commenced the publication of the Glen wood Weekly Union. It makes a much belter appearance, than the late Times. Wo have received tho second number of the Cns County Sentinel, published and. edited by E. Giles, at Hock Blulfs, N.TV - t ' Baknum Once Monr. The Stamford (Ct.) Advocate says: It is certainly with pleasure that we announce the probable fact that P. T.Bar- tiuin is ajain on his legs: that he is to day a richer man than he was before his connection with the Jerome clock compa ny. It is said that he has bought all the claims against himself for from five to twenty-live cents ou the dollar, with the exception of some $15,000 held in and about Danbury which he will probably have to pay in full. The whole of the vast property assigned by him for the ben efit of his creditors has again passed into his hands, and he is now re-furnishing and re-fitting Iranistan' in good style for his future and permanent residence. A Romance on the River A Mar riage os the Florilda on ur.a Maiden Trip. On the lUth inst., as tho fine steamer Florilda was about starting on her maiden trip from Omaha to St. Louis, a tall, gaunt fellow of about twenty-six au tumns enme on board with a blooming country girl, of apparently not more than fourteen gentle summers. He informed the clerk that she was his sister, and so timorous that it would be necessary that they should occupy a state room together. The clerk saw that their mutual concern was deeply sincere, and assigned them a room one next the captain s register ing them as Mr. Barbour and sister. The subject being incidentally menticued to the captain, J. H. Baldwin, he remembered that a young lady much resembling his fair passenger had come on board to see them away. The statement of the kind brother that they had no relatives in that part of the country, and were bound to Joliet, therefore excited his suspicion. A plan was formed, which resulted iu cou vertintr suspicion into certainty. I he captain, whose heart is in the right place consulted with his officers, and it was resolved unanimously that the pair should be wedded. The happy intelli gence was communicated to the parties in the moei considerate and appropriate man ner. They were called into the cabin and their mutual delightful destiny unfolded. The young lady nt once rushed to her fra ternal companion's arms with more than sisterly fervor, crying ' Oh. Jim, diJu't I teil you we couldn't pass for brother and sisier?" and clung to him in a transport of grief and joy. It was evident that she would perform, without prompting, her part of the mar riage ceremony, but he appeared to think her "too willing.'' He was however, in formed succinctly of the captain's ultima tum he must marry her, or one tdiould be landed ono side of the river, aud the other upon the opposite side. To this he seemed not unwilling to assent. His Hero, however, would not trust her Lean der across tho Mississippi. But his re luctance was overcome by the clerk'a sol emn and confidential assurance that the cantain was in a terrific passion, was a most desperate person, who would sooner shoot a man than eat, and that he had a' pistol in his pocket, which, it was plainly to be seen, his hand was burning to use. The young gentleman, feeling thus com pelled lo volunteer, explained that he would have married before starting, but that he should have missed the boat, and "se help him God," he would have mar ried her in St. Loui. Arrived at Bruns wick, Mo., a justice of the peace was summoned, who shortly appeared in th" ladies cabin, where a circle was formed with the happy twain in the center, and they were made one The Wide was the beaming picture of delight, he the saint lier one of submission. Copt. Buldwiu, and the clerks Messrs. Johnson and Dill, each gave appropriate advice and kissed the bride, whose gratitude was unbound ed. The boat arrived her on Saturday, when Mr. and Mrs. Barbour took the cars for Joliet, having so far fulfilled the rea sonable expectations of their friends. St Louis Dm. tocu v. trru. rmtt msti "I VTort.l) reeueclfnllv announce to the In- VY habitant! of Hellcuve, and vicinity, that they have, opened itore, on the corner of Main and 2lst titrcrta, and now offer for air, a variety of goods, which art mtlrely new, consisting of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Liquors, Drugs, Medicines, Tuiiits and Taint Brushes, , Oils and Varnish, Wituluw Glassof all sizes, China and Glass Ware, ' ; Hats and Caps, Buffalo Shoes, Blankets anil Fur Gloves. The above article are of the, first quality, and as on, of in remains constantly tn St. Louis, solfrtiiiff poods, anl watching the mar ket, we ft-el confident trial vr ran sen as cheap, or cheaper, than any one else, in the The public are invited to glre us a call and examine the poods for themselves. We will buy farmer's produce at the highest prices. Give us a call, at the. new store, corner of Main aud 21st Streets, Bcllevue, Nebraska Territory. . , . n.'llevue, Sept. 10, 1R57. sVltf x otici: IS hereby given; that the County Commis sioners of barnv County, will meet at the hot'se of Bernhnr'd Myers, in said County, on Tunsd.iv, Nov. 1 Tin, lew, at Ho cloK, in the forenoon, in answer to a petition signed hv several inhabitants, to view and locate a road, which ia proposed to run from Ilellevue, to intersect the Territorial Road, at Bernhard Myers, and crossing the l'npillion Creek, at the People's Rridc, or in that vicinitywhich. In the imlirinetits the of Commissioners, will be for the best interest of the settlers. And said Commissioners will meet on th evening of said da v. ut the l!enton House, at 1 o'clock, to hear all parties interested tn said road. - Hv order of the County f'olnihissiotieri.'i 1 1 - STEPHEN 17. 'BANGS, " 49 Comity Clerk of Sarpy County. '. . .' "TV oTitu'.'T ""TV T "S hereby given, that the County Commit X sioners of Sarpy Counts', will meet at the house of Charles VViUon, near Buffalo Crock, on Monday, October 2, 1S.7, to view and lo cate a public road or hiphwnr, from the city of Bellevue, to tho city of Plaltford, In said county, commencing at the latter point, across Sections 18 IT, 11'. iiud 13. in Township 12. Range II. Ihenco to the most suitable point for crossmir nulla lo l. reek, thence !v mo most practicable route to lb city of Bellevut' Said Commissioner) will meet on the even inir of said dav, at the housr of Alfred Mat thias, tn tho city of PlarUord, tff"uear all par ties interested in locating said road. By order of the County Commissioners. STEPHEN D. BANGS, Clerk of Sarpy County. Bellevue, Sept. 23, lr7. 4o PLATTE RIVER FERRY. rjlIIE Platte, River Ferry Company have .L their Ferry' in successful operation at the MOUTH .of I'LATTH RIVER This route is six miles shorter than that by ueuar isiano, ana is a mucn oettcr route. EXPERIENCED AND CAREFUL MEN will be in attendance at all timet to accoinms date the traveling public. Rates of Ir'irriage as tow as any oiuer point. AV. M. SLAUGHTER. Plattsmouth, Aur. 1, 157. 3m40 BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE quantity of first rate Brick and S. i.uinhcr tor sale, at reasonable rates. Un.uire at my Ofiiice near the Benton House 3j . JOSEPH E. PRAY. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! THE undersigned takes thji method of In forming the citizens of Bellevue, and vicinity tnat lie nns lust received Me Iaugkst and Rest assortment of , Cooking, I'urlor & Office Stoves. ever brought to this Territory. He would res pectfully invite all in want of Stovks, to call and examine for themselves. 1 am also inaniuactiirin - , i , TIN" WARE of all kinds, such os Buckkts, Covrr.r. Pots, Pans, Si-rvinkbs to., &.c, and all articles In uiy line of business. '(VParticular attention paid to Roofimo, Spouting and job work of every description. All work warranted to ive satisfaction. Or ders solicited. My place of business is oppo site the Printing Olficc, Bellevue, N. T. n li.Vlf. - : BAM17F.L SNYDER. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. OTlt L. The Rubsciiberg hereby tive noiico that the copartnership heretofore existing between them under' the name and style of Todd tc Smith, is thl day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due toor against the firm will be settled by Burton W. Todd. BURTON W. TODD. K. 1 SMITH. Rellevue, Augnst 12, 1M7. 40 TFRRITORY OK NERRAXKA, ) j " COUNTY OF SAHPY.' ) &- ' NOTICC is hereby given, that the County Commissioners "of Sarpy County, Will meet on Monday, Sept. 21st, A. 1). 1837. a t the house of Ma Watson, nt o'clork, A-M. to view and locate a public road from the citv of Pel!vne; on th best route to the cor ner of fictions 2, 3, 10, and 11, In Township 13, north, Range 13, rait ; thence west in the line hetw een Heel Ions 3, and 10, to the corner of Srcti ns :i, 1, and 10, In the sfime Town ship and Ratine ; tlcnfe weitrly on the inof.t practiciiUe mute ttirougti A'eivon'! (jrovej thence westerly to the I'lstte or Klkhoru Riv er's. Said Commissioners will meet on th evening of said day, lit 4 o'clock, at the Ben ton 1 Ioiiup, IMleyoe, to hear oil jiarties inter ested In locating and establishing tald road or nignway. By order of the County Commissioners, ui. STEPHEN' D. HANGS, Clerk of barpy Co. Bellevue, Auj. 19, 1S57, . 41 f IX persons indebted to Clarke It Bro., will come forward immediately and pay up. A word to the wina is suflicienl." CL ARKE & BEO. . Bellevue, Aug. 12, 1S57. tf. Tailoring 1 1' Tailoring I The underaijrned beg! leave to inform the eitiiem of Bellevue and vicinity that he ia prepared to do custom work, in the latest fashion and mt approved etyle., He feels eoi.fident that his work Is unsurpassed F.Mt or West t and by moderate prices respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. . He will alwavs be found ready to receive orders at the Bellevue House. , , JO.ST.PU BRAY.' Bellevue, N. T. March 11th lW,tf , PALMER &. AVERILL'S COLUMN. PALMER & AVERILL. Wholesale and Retail Dealers la CHI N A, GLASS AND JticciisWiire? i J, . . i -I MIRRORS, And Fancy Goods, im$ mams, TABLE CUTLEHY; BRITTANIA WARE, &c. Our stock Is entirely new, verv large, and carefully selected, and by adhering strictly to the cash system, wo are able to otter very great in- , duccmcnts to all xo . may favor us with a call. PALMER & AVERILL, BELLEVUE STORE. Corner of Jefferson and 27th street, Opposite tho Fontenelle Bank, BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA ! WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the at tention of the cituena of Bcllevue, Sar py county, and the surrounding country, to their new and selected stock of . DRY GOODS, ; FANCY GOODS, , GROCERIES & HARDWARE, Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail at pricei 30 per emit, lower than ever .before of fered in this city. We can and will sell Good as low if iiot lower than they can be bought n Omaha or BiulT City. 1'ltaoe call and examine for yourselves. -. ;rr, , PALMER M., AVF-RllX. . Belleyue May 2t IS&T.. t 4. v vy . , Jiitt Ittceived, aud tot Sale, . r.t,i!iimff A LARGE stock of Furniture, conbisting in part of Wood, Rush', Spindle, Split Bottom. Jenny Llml, Maple. Mahogany, Childrcn'4 -Tij Oilice Chairs, Rockers, (tc: Bureaus, Center, Card, Office, Breakfast and Dinner Tables, Leaf, Toilet, Work and Waah Stands, Olhce Dcxks, Sofja and Sofa Lounges, Double and Sincle Loiir;cr, Trundle Beds, Bedsteads of varlons kinds, Tin Safes. Mattress's, tc, Sec, Terms cash. PALMER 4. AVERILL. 33tf JUST RECEIVED, a large and fine assort ' tnent of Uenr's Sliots and Uaiters. i 33tf , PALMER. Si. AVERILL. ANOTLER LOT of Clothing just received at 33tf PALMER i AVERILL. 1 ALMER & AVERILL have on hand a lot of fine Black Dock sin and Caesimrrei also, 0 l.'i r jo lot of fancy Cassitneres. 'I Ito wishing a Kood article would do well to cell aud examine tin above. 33uf NAILS a ml GLASS Cheap at the BELLE VUE STORK. . C1UTLKUY A lar;e assortmett of Pocket J knives, Knives and Forks, (tc, at the BELLEVUE 6TORE. A larpe stock of READY-MADE CLOTHlN' Eastern Prices, can be found at the BELLEVUE STORE,. .'no 30-tf. rpiIE LARGEST LOT of Furniture and L Crockery ever brotirht to the Territory, can be found at. PALMER (t AVERILL'S I?LOUR, Salt, Salmon, Mackerel, and Cod . fish, at wholesaje or Retail, bv PALMER fc AVERILL'S., A COOD ASSORTMENT of Class Ware at PALMER k AVERILL'S. PI i s rv . ill i s BELLEVUE Commercial Emporium ! ! fPIIR undersigned respectfully nolloit tha attention of th rltixena of Helium! and vicinity, X to their extensive assortment of Rood, embracing every variety usually kept In tht wtat. The nttentlun of the ladles Is tmrticularly ralleil to our larffi assortment of dress (foods, consisting in part of silks, rrenrh and American J.vonet nml Organdy Lawns, Bcragea, !) Laines, A.c. Fltpired and Plain Swiss, J.iconet and Bonk Munlins, Calicos, Ribbons, Artifi cial 1'lowert and Wreaths, Dress Tiimininys, Ilonb-ry, Hounds, l'l.its, 4.C. BOOTS cJ63 0IIOEQ. I.adlet fine morocco slippers, kid and morocco buskins, parodl ties, and Jenny I.ind, kid, m ameleil and calf akin lace hoots, blnck and colored callers, lie., (icnt'a nut morocco and calf akin boots, fine cloth, calf akin and patent leather gutters, lew'd and ptg'd monroo, Uppers, &.C Children'! shoos, a great variety. m A 5 Men's and great variety. lojV rtnt full, weol, Panama, curracon, isanetts, Leghorn, palm, J CLOTHING. The largest stork ever opened In this emtnty, eoiiBlsUns of coals, prints, veiti, ihlrti, lot hits, over-alls, &c. of nil bizcr, styles, and quality, for un.ii, boyi oud chlldrn. A great variety of both r.nRllidi ami American manufacture, Carpenters' tools, Ilout keepi i! and Uuilden will find It to their advantage to call beior purchasing tlstwtitr. . L Qiicrnswnru, Meiliciiius, Kxlracti, Oysters, Clioico Cigar, Furniture, riottr, . Also, a lurgo Gi- rooorios. All the above articles, together with a Rreat variety not mentioned, will le sold low for cash. All kinds of merchant ibln country produco takou In exchange for poods. Also Dry Hides, I'uis, S.c. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us by tha elU- eens of this county, vc cftrncj'.ly solicit l'.i continuance. 3mo3l OMAHA AI)M'iniM;Mi:MS. WOOIWOltTLI'S NEBRASKA IN 1057. THIS work will aain be ready for delivery by the 17th inst. Tlio first siiply was re ceived last week and was Immediately sold. A new County Map, corrected by Mr. Ilycm, acouidinf; to tho county boundaries eillih ed bv the Li'nial.itiiio hint winter, bus been enclave, I expressly for the work, and will ap- peiir in the next edition. ucHiiieg a history ol tlio lerritory, us eon- supenniemiffnce 01 tne uneersipned, expressly ditiou and prospects, the work contains the for tho trade. Is of extraordinary strength, and claim laws of Nebraska, ami a digest of the well adapted to It in every particular. A rea Unitrd States pre-emption laws, makinjr a sonablo share of the patronage of shippers, complete pre-emptor's cuido. Every person and tjie public generally, respectfully soll intciested in Nebraska should havo a copy of cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master. Uie work. 1'iice, wun tue map, . cents; without tlic uiap.oOcciits Sinirlc copies mail ed, posUgo paid, on rucoipt ot price, lo any part of the country. , , C. t. WOOLWORTH, Omaha, Junoll, 1857 3t Publishor. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PAPER HANGINGS. A complete assortment at WOOLWORTII'S Bookstore, Omaha City, N. T. IJtT" Special agent for School Books. 2w32 1. A. JONES. OEO. W. WOOO. THE LARGEST Druir & Chemical Houso IN THE WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES So WOOD, WlIOI.rSVLE AND Retail DcALEnt IX Ur'i,',', ., . ,' , Chemicals, Paints, . Oils. . Lyc Stii, "Window Glass, ' ' 1 Viucs, i . , Linuors, Cigars, Tobacco, he. (tc. ice. Having purchased the entire stock cf DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C. A. Henry tc Co., together with our own full purchases, we are now enabled to offer the public as complete an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS as can bo found west of the Mississippi river. Our slock Is of magnitude ewm;,'h to supply tho whole N jbi.ikd trade snd having been pur chased under the most favorable chcuti stances, we feel assured In our statement, that if Fine Coods, as retards quantity, qual ity anil price, pre snv object to those "dealing In DRUGS' and MEDICINES, we can offer these inducements to a greater extent than any ohrtiouse in the Wcs'.. Country Merchants and Physicians are requested to exJinir.c oiir stock before piirrh.ising elsewhere no lb-tf JONES 4, WOOD. " ' NO MORE HARD TlMES S. M. riKi:, HAS established himself in a NEW GRO IV.RY STORE, in Bellevue, on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, where ho will keep constantly on hand, all kinds of fresh Groceries, ' Flour, " , Cofi'ce, Tea. , - Hice, Fish, &c. . . II lias also a. choice l it of 1iOot , and ev ery otlier article usually kept ia a Grocery Store. M f.VA meat marVet Is kept In tbe base. mrit story, forth! accommodation of the eit lyeiis of Jlelievue, and vicinity. i5 3i EICHEE & LAVE3JP0HT, MERCHANT TAILORS, WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of Bellevue and viVl.iity that thev have commenced the TAILORING HUMM'SIn . the baildir.R formei I v occupied bv J. M. liar tay.corner M AIN street and FIFTH AVEN UE, end! Mend keeping constantly ou hand CLOTHS, ' 1 ' ' CA8SIMERES, ' 1 ' tnd VESTINGS, Which vill ke wade to order with tieat nsi irul-l spue. I 1 Also, FUKSand IIipUS bought or taken In e.hanga for poiMs. ' no 30-if. - - ""n zxhK. " A vahiabl limbrr Claim of IftO acres, witb In three wiles of UeUevut Citv, for le. En quire at this Office. ' n37tf. . r- s i 'W S O, (ilnssware, I'er'timery, rssenccs, J'rescrvuJ Fruits, Tobacco, Wooden Ware, Fish, &c. stock of clioii:o BEATON L ROWLES. Main Street. SI'imt. AICUVNGLMLM. Itepilnr Packet for Kansas, Leavenworth, ,y enon. -i. josppn, navannan, lows rnini. iie-ir.HKS t-HV, nenevue, w Ut . . , Omaha and Flor(jcrjJu. 1V ,rrlw THE nnwsntl 1iirn. :.. ,.orT'. i jm .4aoi ... . b a iu liBi - - A 1 II ' BiWjiCrriJ,initnii. M.iatr. J U LU J J XJ " . ot Cleik, will commence her trltJiooJ-by., aw": nicL'pf In (hn uKnua t i l a nn . A .n li.Tuli.ntlnn In 1 1 1 A artrlnr. a... I . . .T - CO1 throughout the season " . I B , " H.AlnMHI l.Tll' D I . Jlie I- lorence having been built under the j-s j. r.. uosman, uierk, SEASON ARRANGEMENT. Regular Packet for Kansas, Nebraska City. Bellevue, Com cil Bluffs, Omaha, add Florence. THE new and elegant Steamer mm-uu-na-na, uant. uuarles Baker. Master. . IInliln.nt. Clerk, will run as regular packet, to the above and all Intermediate point! on the Mia. smiri river, and persons can rely upon her con -tinning In the trade regularly during the season. The Mln-no-ha-ha Is an entirely new boat, built expressly for the Missouri River trade. ,H miiu uj. M, Ui B i,upsc enu most ap. proved style, her officers feel cnnfiln .. stiict attention to the comforts of Passengers, E":VibtV.-wi" ,aoke hrt th' 'rorlu' CFIAS. BAKER. Master. Hotcii i.ssoff, Clerk. II. T Clarke, Agent 26 BOOTS! BOOTS I! BOOTS!!! V UK subscriber has nst received FORTY U. CASES of GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS.of nil kinds and sizes, direct from one of the best manufacturing establishment! in New Eng hnd, made expressly to order and warranted. Ibeso boots being from the same home as those I received last year, Is the best recom mendation that enn be given them. The sub scriber defies any other firm in the Territory to produce as good a lot of Boots, and to sell them at such low prices. Sold cither by the case or single pair. Call and examine for yourselves. ' RUBEN LOVEJOY. Eollnvuc, Pept. 3, 1537 43 tf. THE CHICAGO CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE s Kooia Io. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearbop Street, Chicago. CAPITAL, 8150,000. DIKECTOBSi K r M C K D CANflCLD, ISAAC COOK, II. A. WNcour. HF.NBT CIIArXAir, ii. s. Moaaoc, OFFICERS EJimind CanSeld, Tret., Wm. S. Btef Scc'y, Heary Chapman, Tre. rplIIS Company was organised on th! 27th .L day of March, A. D. 1855, under a spec ul charter from the Lelature of Illinois, aud business commenced under the eiost fa vorable auspices. Un establishment has been iipon a f.riu and reliable basis, and in view of its stability, soundness, and permanency, ranks as o:. of the first Insurance Companiee In tbe country. To those desirous of protecting thenisivei ajr.iinst loss or damage by Fira, or ntrUs of the ba, they be leave to offer tb following REFERENCES. Messrs. S'one A WCf, Cleveland, Ohit. Williams 4. Avery, Chicago, II!. " Norton K. Brother, ' Stone (t. Boomer, u II. fc. Doiaud, l'ree. Raeiae k Miss. R. R. Od. C. Norlhrup, Cash. Raane Ce. Bank. Wm. P. Lind, Es., Milwaukee. J. G. Conroe, Utq. Racine. Ashley (lb. rt, Cash. Coin'l Bit, Chlcag.. Henry Famhain, President Chicago k Rock Island Riil Road. Daniel P. Rhodes. Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, IU. ii'u i- i iu5ruo, bt. IMM, Mo. Messrs; Wadsworth, Wells Sct CUicare. III. Seymour, Messri. . H. Uurch 3t Co., Chicago Bank. Messrs. . W. Sier 4. Co. Chicago, I1L Wm. Blanrhsrd. Esq., Morris. III. Messrs. H. C. t O. O. Cook & Co., Rock ford. III. Messs. H. STjeeler Ron, Aurora. III. Messrs. Judd, Smith fc Ilatt, Dixon, HI. Nthtmiah Case, Esq., BnS.ilo, N. Y. t Wai. M. Fundy, Esq., Sormneld, 111. ' ,r Cen. I. Cum, Springfield, III. Jtichard Iters, Esq., iii. Louis, Ms SI JOHN J. TOWN, Afnt at Bellevu. LA 111 ft lP.Hw r.Aieo-