Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, October 22, 1857, Image 2

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' lll'.NUY M. HIT It T,
New Hint Local I'.ili'.or. .
"Omcloua Omrlnlt."
Tor sovorul weeta pat, onirics linvc
appeared in the columns of iho vNVArtM
Ai'.i, under tho nliovo caption, from ilio
pen of iis riiitor.'T. H."RoliHwm The
iljtn l of thooo articles was lo-di'fame,
malign and Lin etc en the ihnrnctor of Col.'
1'arker and (jilltnorp, Register and Re
ceiver vf the liBiid Olliro nt Omaha.
Those artielea have been - ungeullcmauly
nml slanderous in the extreme. Such
scurrility, and low, vulgar epithets, toward
those in whom the public Lave imposed
the utmost confidence and trust, cannot Le
iustii'il on any around, not even Ly the
most provoked attacks of a public or pri
viitP enemy.
To say nothing about the use and np
phcnlioti of such language, to particular
individuals, no editor who pretends to
class himself among gentlemen, would a I
low sui h lan;uiii:o in the columns of his
paper; much loss, glory in being tho au
thor of such language himself. Such
conduct, ought la place any member of
the editorial fraternity, beyond the fellow
ship of such fraternity. A man who will
ue the columns of a news paper, to make
such attacks upon personal character, mutt
be, lost to all sense of shame very low
in the depths of moral polution and infa
my. I'uce to face business, is the most
honest way of -settling disputes j and w e
doubt not, if Mr. Hobertson had gono to
the Land Ollice, he would have had alt
his jeulous apprehensions, of fraud, dissi
pated at once.' ' At any rate, if he
khrw that these officers were guilty of
Mich gross and fraudulent transactions, as
he charged upon them, he ought to have
taken steps to have brought them to justice.
It wns his duty a a good citizen, for the
public welfare, to have doimso. If he
did- not know it, he hud no right to have
laird ened hia paper, with such slander and
base inuendoeTsTTouched'in" surh uncouth
and unfriendly terms. In either case, he
is justly reprehensible.
' Uesides, what have these government
officers done, to call down such maledic
tions upon them ? They simply voted for
Judge Ferguson, aa Delegate to Congress.
This is thn extent of their crime the
cause of so many defamatory articles, in
that sheet. against them. They took no
active part in tho election, as did other
government ollicials, for Mr. Chapman;
inn as ail good ana peuceable citizens
bhould do, went to the polls and deposited
a vote for the man they thought best qual
ified for the office. This is the Alphu and
Oaiega of the" crime, For which they huve
Lecu held up between the heavens and
the earth, as guilty of the basest rascality
and fraud, that could be Leaped upon ho
inanity. For this simple reason, memory
has been souuded to its utmost depths, and
imagination goaded on to Us utmost activ
ity, to find something to say against them ;
lruihtess hearsay, extorted and magnified,
has been paraded forth as facte, and
charged upon these men, with all tho im
portance that could Le commanded by a
T. II. Robertson. Such raking and
scraping of the past, as has been exhibit
ed in this case, in order to find something
to say against them, shows on its own face,
such evidence of intnttion, that no body
believes it. The ihing itself, carries 'with
it, its own refutation. Even Mr. 11.'
own friends, think less of him for such a
'course, no matter how much they may
sneer approvingly, in his face. Even he,
r thinks less of himself, than before. This
is evident, from tho fact, that he dares
not Ijok these men in the face, nor shake
their hand, as cordially as he once could.
He is evidently conscious, that he has en
deavored to do them an injury. Rather
than injure them, however, such a course
will ouly tend, Sampson like, to pull down
ruin upon himself. The LIow, struck,
will only rebound against his owu pate,
The hole, dug for them, will! constitute
ihe grare of his own infamy and disgrace
We make these remarks, ith no feel
ings of partiality towards the gentlemen,
in question, and with nothing but the best
feelings toward the editor of the .Yebra
. kiiu. With on.) of the former, we are
persma'ly unacquainted ; with the other,
we have ouly a slight acquaintance. We
! nover traiacted any business with them,
except : preen!pting a quarter section of
land ; and so far as that is concerned, we
' must-aay, that we never wish to do busi
nets, 'with iuore gentlemanly and courte
us " goverrfrnont officers ; nor do we
'expect, to see uch business, done up in a
more systematic manner. As for Mr.
Hobertson, we have but a partial acquaint
ance with linn ; having once entered tin
ice, on business, we were treated in the
most gentlemanly manner.
We hav been led to-itrake these, re
mark, from a tone of justice, 'lb" , the
men, we believed so unjustly traduced,!
as a, matter of principle,' and nof-front,
any (eating toward any vne. IfSvelia
any ill feeling, the columns of ja paper, is
the last place, in which we should attemp1
to exhibit it, even if we had the privi
lege; and least of all, should we think of
doingTi; trrtoQ;ttttgar biliinggvh.z
have long been disgusted with such a
rourse.'and' especially With remain papers
in the Territory. The public do not wish
such slang, in a news paper ; aotj .as for
the immediate patron of a purer, they
do not want to pay for such vulgar twad
dle and foul aspersions.
Besides, every paper should Lo, more
or less, a family new papqr devoted to
the interest of the family ; . one that the
family must have. But a paper thus con
ducted, is not fit to Le introduced into the
family circle. Where is the parent, who
would allow his children to reed, week af.
lor week, such harsh and uncouth Ian
guage, as we often find, in many of the
papers, claiming to be devoted to the fam
ily interest f No one, who ha any re
gard for their purity, aud i correct moral
training. A profane awearer, if he is not
too vile a wretch, and too deep sunk in
vice, will usually, be' careful of his Ian
guage, in tho presence of his family,
and such, we should conceive to be the
case, with those member of the press
whose papers are all besmeered and be-
stuttered, with' the filth and corruption of
their owu defilement.' If a paper is not
fit to le taken , to an , editors own
family, certainly ha Can not expect that il
is fit for the family of others. We have
heard these very statements expressed, in
reference to those very articles, in the
paper under consideration and we would
siigjjest to Aft". R and to every other ed
itor, i who is guilty of such foul mouth
slanagan, that the public do not wish it,
disapprove it. They may not speak t an
editor personally about it ; but one who is
' - . -
miagling with them, often iiear their dis
approbation expressed, i
Suppose a man has been defamed or in
jured, the columns of a paper is not the
pkice to seek redress.' With all such mat
ters, there is a righl way lo remedy them
and tho right way ia the best way. .
Squabbles are usually confined to
few ; the public have no interest in them
and why should they be pestered with
them ? ' We humbly submit, thu it is the
hight of impudence, to seek to obtrude
such personal matters, upon the public
through the columns of a public journal
Hut when no injury has been done, and
men are pursuing the even tenor of their
way, in a quiet, unobtrusive, gentlemanly
manner, for a journalist, because he has
the columns pf n paper at his controlv to
defame and blacken the character of such.
or strive to do so, the case is still more
agrivating.' Character ia. the most
cred thing, under the 'sun when once
lost, air is lost. The man who tamper
with it, especially without any provocation,
i unworthy a place among men ; he ia a
dangerous man ; he puts his fingers, ali
contaminated, into the most sacred place
that can be found upon earth. An editor
who filches a moji'a purse, is a saint, com
pared with on, who will endeavor to
blacken his character, and wont only des
m i a a
troy bis reputation, tnrougn. tne columns
of his paper.,
The press, certainly, needs reforming
in this respect. If the adage is true
Like priest, like people," how much
more true is this of the press t The iu
fluence of the press is far more potent
than all other influences combined ; hence
the imperative necessity, that that influ
ence should be, of the highest and purest
character. Its tone of morals ought to
be healthy and vigorous, rather than a
mass of moral rottenness and impurity.
Personalities and abuse, so often found in
journal of the day, are a disgrace to
them, and stamps their authors with mer
ited disgrace. Such base imputations,
never ought to tarnish the whiteness, of
the paper on which they are impressed,
much less the purity, of so many, compos
ing the family circle. If editor would
make it a rule, never to say in their pa
pers, what they would not say to a man's
face, the pre would Le the palladium of
peace and harmony, rather than of dis
cord aud anarchy.
Drt.roiTE fbom New Mtairo. A
Telesrranhic dispatch from Judge lirocch-
us, dated at ltoonville on tne wn, siaie
that Otero is re-elected delegate to Con
gress from New Mexico, by 4,000 major
ity over Judge liaird.
- . . . ... .
Judge Jtrorclius is on bis way to asn-
inDAn from Neva Meiim. :
The Indians arc reported to be qvuet.i
- . .
Mate Election. C'
Iowa. We have nothing definite, of
the result of the State ticket, but probably
the Democratic. candidate, are elected.
From fh CWwrl Bluff papers, we learn
loth4)eiiocralp candidates, for mem
bWoftliY legislature, in that district,
rre aire wciefl. t , ,
)i Pi'mnJtvou. From return receiv
ed, we judge that Packer, the Democratic
candidate for Governor, is elected. ..
Oa to. A yet, we have received but
few return. It now ha the appearance,
LhaLChose isjr-elected Governor. -
Tut StEAMca Tropic Sua Livas
Losr.--We learn from Mr. 'Averill, of
the firm of Palmer &. Averill, of this city,
who has just returned from St. Louis, that
the Rait Road Packet, Tropic, which plie
bet ween Jefferson City and Westonr on
her do wn wa rd trip, Oct.1 (L in going around
a bend, two mile below- Waverly, Mo.,
was suddenly struck by a strong wind and
forced against a snag, which stove a hole
in her side, and un' n Lout three min
utes, in twenty-five feet of water, within
fifty feet of shore. She had fifty barrels
of lime in her hold, which exploded, as
soon a it came in contact with the water,
raising such a quantity of steam as to make
it impossible to distinguish any object.
This caused great confusion among the
passengers, and many of them immediate
ly plunged into the river. . According to
the Captain's books, seven were drowned.
The passengers were of the opinion, that
the number of drowned was much larger.
The current wa very ewift, and the bank
at the shore, was nearly fifty feet in a per
pendicular height, which rendered their
escape extremely difficult.
' One lady, that plunged into the water,
swam ashore with apparent ease, and was
rescued. ' '
' Court. The District Court, for the
first Judicial District, for Douglas County,
(Judge Wakely presiding.) commenced
its session last Tuesday, at Omaha. A
large calendar is on the docket, and a
long session is expected.' Judge Wakely,
bo far as we hove seen, is prompt and
well calculated to expedite business, as
fast as il ionvenient.with justice to all
parties. . cHei exhibits ;good judgment,
learning, candor, and firmness, qualifi
cations that are indicitive of a good J udge.
i 1 7 ' 1 i ' .
- Laud Orrics at Omaha. It has been
our fortune lo have mi'ch business to trans
act at this office, appearing there almost
every day, for the last three months, being
engaged by many of the settleM, in ar
ranging the preliminaries of their entries;
and in many contested suits, before the of
fleers. Col s Parker and Uillmore. It is
with pleasure, we hear it remarked, with
out an exception, by the many settles who
have done business there, that the uniform,
courteous and obliging manners of those
gentlemanly officers, their prompt and
willing readiness, to trouble themselves at
any lime, to give the settler such informs
tion as they desired, concerning their
lands, have won for themselves the good
opinions of our settlers, and that popular
ity, which they so justly merit.
. ..f., :
. Kahai election. the election in
Kansas, for Delegate to Congress, mem
bers of the Leislature, fie, occurred Oct.
5. Although the election was a very an
imated one, every thing passed off quietly
United States troop were quartered near
those town, where disturbance were
most likely to happen ; but fortunately
their services were not needed.
Our returns are not complete ; but it is
conceeded by the St. Louis Republican
that Parrott, the Free State candidate
for Delegate, was elected by a large ma
jority, over Ransom.
Treaty Concluded with the Paw
Gen. Geo. W. Denver, commissioner of
Indian affaire came down ou the Omaha
faoiu Nebraska to. Weston, euroute for
Washington. He reports having made a
full and satisfactory treaty with the Paw
nee at Table Creek, in the vicinity of Ne
braska City, on the 21in of Sept., The
government has now bought all the land
of the Pawnees, with the exception of thir
ty L forty mile oa the Loup Fork. . The
treaty lasted three days, and wa closed
with satisfaction to all. The Pawnees
agree to send their children over ten year
of age to mission acnool lo be established
also to send apprentice from their young
men to learn the diflerent trades. .5
Lout Democrat.
We hope that the labors of Uncle Sam
and those of ihe Missionaries who attempt
to civilixe the Pawnees, will be crowned
with success; but we confess that we are
a little sceptical on this point. The Paw
nees are the moat thieving and degraded
of any of the tribes of Indians who inhab
the north west, and are cer ainly in want
of regeneration.
In this connection, we would enquire
where are the converts of the warriors and
braves of the Omaha nation? For ought
I i ., i , t
iweuww.meje waj pe aiarge pumper v
Industrious and pious Indian among that
tribe, as upward of ten year of faithful
schooling, ought to produce ome good re
mits; but a yet we have not seen them.
There is one thing thai we do protest
against, and that is, fof any religioua de
nomination to tend Missionaries among
these Indians, for the ostentibU purpose of
christianizing them, coaxing a .' large
Quantity of land from them, for that pur
pose, but in a timely moment, to catch the
spirit of speculation, and resolve itself into
a stock-jobbing company.
Thi may be all right, but it eem to us,
ur smack a little of the way f the world'
Hold Yowb TiMrea. The obliging
editor of , the Florence Courier, again
coinple with our request,' and publishe
our last notice, relating to M Mr. Cylinder
E. Watch,".prefacing and concluding it
with the following :- ' ' '
"A Miserable Attempt at Wit.
It affords us pleasure to comply with the
request of our brother of the Gaxeite, and
"for the benefit of our renders," that
they may have a hearty, side splitting
laugh, we suppose publish this specimen
of his inimitable wit. 1
Who is sold, reader T we who com
plied with the request of a cotemporary
or he who makes o desperate an attempt
to be funny, with uch remarkably ill sue
cess?"- ' 1 ''.'''
We acknowledce lhat it was a "ARter
able Jltkmrt at Wit" but are not prepar
ed to endorse our brother's statement, that
we were remarkably unsuccessful ;" for
if our memory, serves u right, there were
several others equally as green as him
self t and concidering tne circumstances,
we are not at all surprised that he should
think it a " desperate attempt to be fun
ny." Hereafter, we will be exceedingly
cautious, and not request him to copy any
hing that may appear in our columns
est his obliging disposition, snoum run
way with his brains.' Ifold your grit
neighbor, if you have been " sold,"
The Legislature of Tennessee convened
Oct. 5. and amon? its first acts, was to
elect Andrew Johnson, Dein., late Gover
nor of that state, to the U. S. Senate, for
six years. Gov. Johnson is a self-made
self-educated man, having Wen a poortai
or, until sometime after he attained hi
majority. His wife taught him lo read.
Pie served six yeais in Congress with great
ability, and was twice elected Governor of
Chapman Loves his Country bnt
Corner Lots More, I
We cut the following choice bit, from the
Nebraska New. It is no wonder that the
immaculate Chapman, should think that the ,
prosperity of Nebraska depended upon his
re-election to Congress. Of course he had
no idea of benefiting himself, by the ope
ration it was purely from philanthropic
motives that he. condescended to be it can
didate for re-election as no one tit could
represent Nebraska; , , ..'";'",",
"As for Chapman's integrity and incor
ruptibility, wo present the following, as a
specimen, can present more if called for,
and hereby invite brother Furnas, of the
Brownville Jldvtrtuer, to publish some
documents that are held in hia neighbor
hood, of similar character.
Know all men by these presents, that I,
Miles W. Brown, have bargained and
conveyed unto W. F. Lockwood, Chap
Brother '-in-Law," one share in
South Nebraska City, upon the conditions
following: That the said W. F. Lock-
wood, is to lecure tne location ot tne uni
ted State Land Office, at a point within
one mile of the Block House, in Nebraska
City, N. T., the said share to be placed in
the hands of II. R. Newcomb, to be as
signed to said Bbowb upon failure of re
ceiving the location of said Land Office as
aty-ve specified. The said Baowa further
agrees to pay one fifth of fifty dollars ($10)
in mo ev to said Lot it wood upon the same
condition above written.
A. B. Woolston,
Nebraska City, N. T.. May 14, 1856.
We have a certified copy of the above
precious document, in favor of the integ
rity of Chapman & Co., and the curious
can see it by calling at this office. Now
we know that the Nebraskian will say that
Mr. Chapman was'ul responsible for hi
Brothvr in-Law' acts, that be wa not cog
nizant of the n, &c, &c.
-Let ua see; "The W. F. Lock wood is to
ttemt ihe Location, &c, &c." How is he
to secure it? he said, "through Chap
man." - Would Lock wood make a bargain
without he knew from Chapman that he
could do so? Would Lock wood travel to
Brownville the next day and make more
such bargains without Chapman' consent
and assistance? Wilt any man with his
eyes open look at the above facts and the
relationship existing between Chapman
and Lock wood, and believe that the latter
acted without the knowledge and consent
of the former? , Who is there that doubt
Chapman was to have at least one-half "of
the one-fifth of fifty dollars (S10) in mon
ey?" Who u there lhat doubt that thi
wa a co-partnership between Chapman
and Lock wood, by which from the con
rressional office of the former, they ex
pected to levy blackmail, to induce bribes,
lo encourage corruption, and together
share the fruit of their iufamy and their
villainy? Who doubts their meanness?
Who will defend their corruption? Who
will re-gW their rottenness? Who will
give u more and longer editorial upon
Chapman' integrity, purity, incorruptibil
ity, and unapproachable probity!
. From the Plain. '
Our young and adventurous friend, Capt.
C. Ben Russell, arrived at home, in this
city, on Tuesday last, after an absence of
some three month, during which time he
has visited Salt Lake City, and intermedi
ate points. He tells us that the Cheyenne
Indian depredation are unabated, and are
daily growing of a more daring and aggra
vated character YV hen he left Salt Lake,
the Mormon had fortified Fort, Bridger,
and aay they will defend that fort against
the ' passage of the U nit ed States troops;
that can be sent against them, Lc , which
means lhat they will run the very first time
bui troops are brought to a starw against
them. But the spirit of Morm6nism is de
cidedly of a hostile character,-and will re
quire chastisement, before being reduced
to subordination and a decent respect to
law. ' -vs. II
On the way in, Mr. Russell was chased
by the Cheyennes, on several occasions.'
Their shots came so near hi destruction
as to pierce hi saddle bags, coat and hat,
yet he arrived unhurt.
He tells us. that two week ago, three
men, in the empluy of Russell & Waddell
were killed by the Cheyennes, but we do
not now recollect the place of the murder,
They also stole some fifty head of stock,
and some two hundred United States guns
from the trains of those gentlemen. The
Indians, he adds, are prowling about ror
Larunie, and declare their intention of ta
king lhat post. Lexington Expra$.
The distinguished Hungarian patriot,
Koasuth, delivered a lecture at Glasgow
on the 7th inat., "on the origin and plan
of the orcanic structure of modern Eu
rope." There was a large attendance,
presided over by Mr. Buchanan, M. r.
In the course of the evening Governor
Kossuth introduced his two sons to the
meeting. .- ' 'j y. ., :
Piebrb Chouteau, Ja., & Co. The
New York Timet, of Saturday, says:
"The assignment of Mr. Pierie Chouteau,
an old merchant iff the fur trade, with
large liabilities here and at St. Louis, was
announced in the day. His late
partner, Major Jno. F. A. fc'andford, de
ceased a few months since; the house at
the time was supposed to be very wealthy.
The firm had been identified with the trade
of Missouri nnd the Rocky mountains for
fifty years. ' Their capital here was large
ly employed of late years in railway ne
gotiations. Major Sandford' was a lead
ing director in the Illinois Central.' , Mr.
Chouteau took his place after his decease.
The .failure to-day,' we are requested to
notice, does, not affect the iron ho is'e of
Chouteau, Jr., &. Sandferd, which has been
rapidly winding up under the juuior part:
ner, Mr. Murdock. , - , '.
We learn with rome surprise, from Fort
Leavenworth, that Col. Sumner is under
arr,est and ' that a Court of Inquiry,' or
Court Martial, has been ordered in his esse.
He returned from ihe expedition against
the Cheyennes a few days stnce.-o:.
L&uu jiryuvuean.
New Yoaa, Oct. 9. Harper & Broth
ers, extensive publishers, suspended yes
terday. i The house i reported to have a
surplus of upwards of one million.
George P. Stiles, formerly Associate
Judge of Utah, has returned , to 'Council
Bluffs, it being his former residence.
.i. .. 1 1
11 . -T
The recent stale election in Georgia pas
resulted in the choice of Joseph E, Brown,
the Democratic candidattor jGovejnor,
by from eight to ten thousand majority
and certainly seven Democrats te Con
gress. The first Congressional District
remains to be heard from. James L.bew-
ard, delegate to the last Congress, is the
Demoratic nominee, agaiust Mr, Barton,
American. The opponent of Mr. Sew
ard have made considerable capital out of
the eircumstancs connected with the pur
chase of Blythe Island for a naval depot,
in which Mr. S. was somehow mixed up. is a gain of two
administration member of Congress.
Corrected weekly by Clash ft. BaorHta,
Ftnrsrdlag and Cn.' Merchant.
' Flour Family)' $5,00 per 100 IbV 3
" ExUa Superfine, V3 Q 44 J ' - tr
Fin, $4,50.
Meal $3 50 per 100 lbs, " ' '' v
Apples Dried, $ 60. .'-" V
Peaches 44 4 00.
Butter New 30 to 40 e -
' do ' Old packed, 25 to I0 V
Bean $4 50 V bus. !..
Corn 70 bush.
OaU 755c ' -. -A. ..I
Dried Beef 20e per lb. ; (
Salt O. A., per sack, $3, 50. :
Bacon Shoulder 14 15 lb.
8ide 19c.
Suirar cured 19c i lb '
EffR 30c V do
Hide Dry, 7 8e 1
do Green, 3c
Hay $4 00($0 OOfttua '
Brin-60 cent per bush.
Pork clear $32 00 V bbl., 20 per lb.
Lard 22 ft 25 c $ - . ,
Onions $3. V bua
PotatoeftO 1 00. ' ' '
Pelts Sheep 25c '''
do Coon25e '-: ,"':
-, . Lumber Cottonwood sheat'c; 30 V n
.,.,. do sq. edred . $35 00 "
. do Oak, Walnut, Baeewood $15 00
do Pin eldinr, clear $55 00 V a. t
do Floorine; 2d $ft5 00 ' J .
;" 1st $75 00
Board, $50 Q $75 00
i Kliingles Pine $9 50 ( $9 50 sa.
Cottonwood $5 50 '
UL-Pine $12 00 per as. '
. Door - $3 60 $4 7& each. ,
bask $1 00 $3 M per raiement.;
TOST la transit by mall, bttwsta Ntw
i York, and this place, 4XrUficate of
Stock, in th Missioa property auaber not
recollected. Th said Certificate were aiad
oat la the" asms of Christopher Gwver. and
were not snoarsed by him, er mad payable to-
anv pany. ruorc are caiiuonea against
purehaslnf-said Snare, a aotitletepropertv.
will b convey' by thn. '
3t80 ? J - WW. A, OWTER.
i .i earn '
THE eo-partnershlp, heretofore exlitlnr,
between Co (Tin an 8toddarl. ha been
this day dissolved, by mutual consent. Th
business will De continued by J. t . Coffrnan,
and all dues and debts of th concern, will be
t Bellevoe, Oct. gyiftfl. t-'J A 4t50
Flour, for sale, for ch. i I J
, , VJLiAKaiE a FRO.
' 4tt
IN this cltT, on day last week, a Isrri told -Watch
Key. Th owner can have it b '
callinsr at thi offiee, and paying for thl ad-
Vertisemenl.' '- " I -irtj
Oct. 12. 49
W. II. Longadorf, '
GRADUATE of Penn. College of Dentil
Surgery, respectfully announce to th tit.
liens of Bellevue, and vicinity, that he I now
prepared to practice Dentistry, to all it va
rious branche. - -
' Office hour from 1 till 6, P. M.
8TRHE subscriber ha for sale, at hi place,
JJL two mile west of Belle vue, 2000 araf ted
apple tree, of different varieties.
Bellevue, Sitt, 17, 1857. 45tf
In DellCTitc. "
XnHE subscriber oners for sile, hi dwell.
in; house and lot, situated on Washing
ton Street, lot 9, in Block 250. The house is
new and built of pine ; jia a rood cellar and
tone foundation. Inquire of J. J. Town, it
tne r onteneue Dana, u. wraon, iueiiea,
or of the subscriber at, hi Store Store, oppe
tit th printing; office. '
ronteneue money win d taaen in paymeat
for the abov property.
oAjyiubi nr.
Bellevue, Sept. 17, 1837. . . ' . 45tf '
JOS. W. LOWR1E, practical Cabinet Mak
er, informa the people of Bellevue and vi
cinity, that he is aow prepared to repair, var
nish, or to make to order, in the best manner,
any article of furniture which they may de.
sire to have, at hia shop, at the trading poit,
Bellevue landing. .. u , ;
(J5T Coffio mad io.any tyle, at the ihort-.
est poisibl Dotic. . J, W. L. "
(Sept. 10.. . . . . , '.'- 44tf .
LOT 6, Block 255. L. 6, B. 192, L, , B. 2i3.
2, . 245, 1, ' 175, " 4, 12.
' 3, 171, ' M, ,lll. f W,
" 10,11,12, 240, 4, 49.
Out Lot 21, m Bennett' in' I 'i t
u M 25, in Bottom.- -Alio,
an undivided 1-2 of Block, 155, t 211.
Price, $1760. Enquire of .T-, .
At hia Bankina House. Council Bliiffn. or.
41 . J. B. JENNINGS, Bellevue. ,
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing In
the butchery business, under th style of
Griffith t Buttcrfield, wa this day dissolved
by mutual consent. Charles E. Butterfiellis
authorized to aettl all debta due the firm, and
liabilities owing by said firm.'
Aug. 22,1857,;;,- ;yT( t. 42
Fyrhe business will b carried Wat $
oldatandia all its various branches, ' hereto
I NOW have on band, and m constantly
mskinp, at my Yard, a large quantity of
auperior brick, .which I am seilinr aa cheap
aa can be bought fltewhere In, the Territory.
I am alio taking contracts to put up brick
buildings of any alt, at short notice. Those
in want; of brick, either in large or amalf
quantitie. will do well to c:ive me a call.
Belleva, Aug. 17, 1857. . ,49T
100,000. SSiMr
(ty Enquire at th Benton House. . , V.
no. 37. 3m. pd.
I WOULD inform all persons who are in
want of Stoves, Tin War, fee., that they
can purchase them, with Fontenell money,
at my Stove store, opposite the printing office.
Sept. 24, 1857; 3t4
C t7u. FORRES,
veyor, being bow located at St. Mary,
where he expect to make a permanent resi
dence, take thl method of Informing th cit
izens, that he i prepared to do any surveying i
and from hia long experience In the business,
be Is hl to give entire atisfation L
St. Marys, Sept. 21, 1857, r, t ... , , ..6t4l
9)10,000 . ,
WORTH of oalaabla proparty for (ate at
a bargain', for which Fontenell money
will b taken at par. Thi property compris
s some of th most valuable Lots in tbe city
of Bellevae, and also on Improved farm near
th city. Apply te it
T. B. LEMON, -1
4fttf - . . ; Fentenelle Banki
QmHE subscriber bee ' leave to
Inform fbe
public, that he has sow In operation, a
first Us Steam Ferry Boat, at Bellevue, N.T,
at the point known a old Trder's Point Ferry.
Th Boat ia of th beat oa th Missouri
River, and evary eiertkm witl,trnsed to en
ruver, an evary eaerpoa wm,wrnea i
ble the publie to eros th Riv with i
ad dispatchf ::T I. "rnon-i
46Mt wt.hAniel' G.( BENT
A . ... 1 ,
ux.r t i MOTIiJli,,,,,,,,!,
IS hereby given to William PneUir
all concerned, that I shall appear at the
Land Offi .in Omaha.N.T , oo Saturday, tbe
17tajdavof Oct. to prov my right to pre
empt th south 1-2 of th S E 1-4, NfH".
th 8 E 1-4 of Section 29, and thS WW ot
S W 1-4 of Section 28, all ia Township 14,
all in Range 13. East. ' ' L