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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1857)
Ov. Tlv 1 O.'l wmvisssss; T Onvielt'd. . l r.n itr.Ai ! li tli. French nriil Gci .1 I the H I mi ill P. A. Wholesalo & roRNr.a or mais ST. M It Y, IT S just received nml i" i il!tirra Sure Prcrniiive ,!, fWit ' llvtk .Vu.V WWW !! llKAl).!! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe I .1M1IVS. DYE ts the An'hor, and th Rank Note t-ngr.ivri 1 1 say Hi it i is gii-alent judge of paper iiioiipv lax ill cheaper th an the cheapest' BETTER ' II AN Till: HEM'! Published werkly. The v. hole only One Dollar a i" ir. greatest discovery -r tiiepresent cpiiI hi y lor ilflcftliv.: riiiiu'ifiU Bank Notes; ilesci ibiu-' eterv f.i 1 1 1 i 1 1 lull in I'Ms'ciicc, lliul exhibiting at a glanc rvn counti i "!" t in cir culation. Arranged so admirably 111. it refer ence is easy ami detect ion i-is' in!,!! i.i. N" panes tohunt iim, lnil so simplified -'mil 'i l i a lu'i'il 111. II the merchant, banker .mil bunio as man mil sec ;ill ill H glance. II has l.ik" fi's lo make perfect this GREAT DISCOVERY. Tin- it :r-nt luces, sity for aurh a tto.'k li it long hern fi ll by ro.nnic: , i 'I in Il has hci a pnMi .IumI to supply III.' 1 i! for 'i 1. Il ,1 prei riil iv i', and ti"eds Iiii! 'o n Um.i a ,i lo In- n-d versa ity patronied. II dors llloli' III. Ill lias CUT been lltii'lllili"l I'V mill. I' iIi-mci iiirs rv i v hank note in three dill'i'tent I incin'N Eat; Iililn. 'I n n i .li li in. iv l own lull ice toi.u,nc. TriiM i. Tli" piper "ill be nlioiii ?S bv M inches, and w ill Piiiiliiin tlie inn.-! effect li.liik Note List puhlil In il. lotp llo T W iill 111" l.'H' of discount. Aim ,i lit of the private Hank ers in Aii'i'i ii-;i. A ni'T'lri" foitn-nnrv ir tli" Fiustici-s of F.UI'np'l mill AllM'l ll'.l Will In' lilli li lili'.i ill I'.H'll pilili to ;i'i!ii'i-u i!!i ii II llo' i m; r: ji nf news .f iiipii.iy!'in n:i;' si n ii stories from nn iilil in mi iscript fo iml in llo" Easi.ninl III) will TP I'Ue to In I'oUII'l. K It.lS IliM'I Vi't appeared in print, iiiul f'li ni'ilii's Hip most com plete hisloi v of Oiieiil'il l.ifp, iiii'l i1p-.pi li'in't tllP IIIOHl liTiplll' l.llliolH in wliii li Hip I.iiiliiM ninl (rpiitli'iin'ii i f !i it poniilrv liiivo Iippii nfliTi fonn.l. Tli . i.'.oni'a will i on timip t In nuoijout Hip wlioln yt iii, nn.' v ill I'lllVP till! PlltlTl.lilllll) CVI'l' I'lilTt ll to Hip jmlilic. saupy, llctail Merchant, AMI (illll.OHV iini.l.T!", IOWA. now Iiiim for :iIp. n III,;.' .ll'llllllllPIlt I'l HI'll'PlPlI ! 'i!piI to tlm u'HtiM of .'ill in l-liii Iipw iiiul I )n t inPiini'iiiuiii v, w hi i li Iip cm mi'II fin' lu'.ip .n mil Iip oll. rpil I'lifulitTfi bo liii;li upon tin ripr. lln roo.'.i Ii.ivp Ih pu bp.puIpiI liy llll PU'Ti'-IU'i'il Jllil'ilulMIT, with sppciil rpfrpipp to tin- riiTii!ii'il:iiiPP?i nnd wnutn i .ill claasps i f pptlli'M i-i ii iviv I'o'in'.iv. I.i ilira ami p'ntli'iiip.'i, rliil'lii'ii nn.l youth, nil run In- Nii')'ii-,!. t'.ill iiii.l tie- f'T yonripKc-i. llin nloi'k poiisi' ln oi (Iip follmviii", ntnnna BTPiit many oiIipi- nrticli's lie tamiifl nu.v cmi-Mt-rate : Anion,; liii Ir Cooi'iS, May l'p fouml WooIpii nml S.ttinft Clotlis, CassliiPl. TwppiU, ('.milium', I-iniry. Vlm.iii'l. UpiI. W'liilp, Cuiy nml IHup. PliiiiN. Cotlon (Jooili, Klioptiiuri ;ui l Slirtincs, llli'.-ipliivl :i'nl I'nlili .ipIipiI. lllno nml Wliitp, Drilling", ;uialtni , lp-Tirkiii(;, Hickory ( IippUh, Kv.t he. ... B .wiry uuiM A lip.niiif' l iiHMoil iiii-i il o" i'.i ii'" v vein i o pvcry vmii'lv iifnlv'n'itii.l pntti'rn. I'iihsIi.-ium, Lawns, l-'iiriirnl Alp.ippn. lloinliiiiniM, Hom liRVPltK. Sli:iwl, Si-arft ll:inill.Plpliipf, Ni'rk-prplili-rt, Cr.ipp, Mnsiin, I'. hviii','", Ribbons, ('lathing, A well SPlrr'p.l nto.-k of S ii'i'TUT, irt! AVintrr Clothim:. conii' ini: in p: i t of fin" Dros Co.itu, r.iti!s nml i"l'U n!n. poo'l Sinn hut Clothing of nil ili'spript'niin. nml hi'nvy ! Cbithinu' for I'nll nn.l W.nlpr h-p. AUo.Miirli, Knit KI.hiiipI Dmwi'is ni.l I ii.Ipi sbiiN, SopU, .tp. Mi'iim' nn.l ll u-n' H it-) nml (. of vn rioiiH fiisbion, iinnlitip nml prlpp. lloo'j ,V S'iops, t!ii. k ami thin, p.iliMbpilnml iinpor.Klii'il, ifpvpry ili'upription, lor Mrli, Woiupii, nn.l i'liiblrpiiN HHP. Crorrrlo?, CrusHoil, Cl.ii ilip'l. l.o.if ami Hrown S.nrsr, MnlntuPK. Svrnp Mol ikm, n Syrup, suppnr Trui Kio nml Java l'oli'.'e,as,ifr:m, iini;pr, J'ppprr, ( lim n, t;iiri. Cjmi.iiiion, Xro'iml (iitigpr, Niniipir. Sinitl'-, 'J'obiiPio, Citfnrs, 1'ipps, o.ip.l'ainllp',, Tickles I'eppar-Saiii'p, Kr., -'. A lam .tortiiu'M of V'luir, of vnrinn 4)ii.i1itii'"aii.l pi ii-"" : "i'r'i Mp.iI anil nil tin vti'iiiiM 'ioilin:t of t'..p I'ari.i n:-..l C:inii; ll.n-ipi. VU, Kiln iIiip-I Al'iiV, IVaihos, Ciiir.intM, R. ' '.p. r- pr:,;Oii'i W'-i'lily t s".'.pri'pr ot.'y lit $1 a All Ip'i -rs rois'. n.lJipsieJ to JitliN . ' I". ltro'T, l'.iblii'i.'r nn.l l'r.on'i"'.o", SinSi vl WaU "t :vr', N-w Yorl;. iiil'J31Ji aVJl NEW GGOCSli HEW FRICES!! AS I.N'l lUI. blOCK Or fJEW GOODS. oppiirj nt tliir nl lu-ar to tlm llpllmu Mi vi rpp'lv!.l mill toi'p, iii tlm rpnr nml llnimp, in IU'Upviip, lb" Largest & Best Selected Stork of (; rvpr lironi;ht to llrllpvnr which thiv will i'll for ruth lit prlpp far bf lmv tboip at which (fooilii have burn nlliTPil liprploforp. V ilon't Intpml to follow lh hiahfnbitin mIvIp of Homo In tbpir HilvPitHPiiii'i.t", but tiiLp tlm i. lain truth wlipn vv nnx tbnl our CooiN vvpi'p piirchniml nt mirh prpp, Hint we ili l'y poiii.i'lilioii, nml only aik piiiplnmi r to p. vp im a mil in nnipr to m'kiv liifini-ivrn. Our n'oi'k ponsiMt In pnrt of Hip following nrllrliM : l'riTii li. T'nclbili nml Ainrrican Clothi, t'l'iMiltlPIPH 'I mrpiU, Snl'liipll'i, K"iit'ii l.'V .l.'nni, Ri il Tii-kini:. I'lni l liii.M'J . Flnntirls, Alp., & r. r.vpfV vntii'ly of l''aibiontibiii Dul.SS (;)Oi)S. Aini'i ii'itn nml Kn-ilinh I'iIiiIh, 4p. A I.i rir.' n "UMi'ii.'iil of 11 AT.'-, CATS, HOOTS nml .SIIOI'.S, of ppry variety "ml Klyle. tin Our Btoi-V of tb'n it lnrsrp ami pompb Ip. (il.ASWAlii: n ml (J I ' V. '. .NhW A It P.. Wiiulow (llas of nil SiPt. Of pvrrv ili'scription, hiipIi nn, ColTep, I'ipp. 'Po'.i.ippo. Serais nml Sniul', t'ii tni Iff ami Sua p. Wp lnvp niaili' n rrn ii CPtiiPitl lo Imvo a su pprior an ipIp of I' I .Ol' II always on ha ml. In ponrlmion, we vvonbl s;iy pomp nml snt I .fv yonrii'l.'pT. " tio'.'t'-lf. C I U C, U L A K . 10 TH I.ANP oKrurnt IV TUT. TrRITtltt'.S OK MINSI'IOTA, KANSAS ANTI N K II R A S K A . 1Y joint resolution of ('onri'si, upproVPil .March, IV7, valiil ptp-pinp'ion claiins on Hip 1 i I h .inJ Hi'lh ti'rtioiiH.liPri'toforp rpsprvprf for m'liooln, in th" 'IVrritoript of Miiinesotn. Kansas nml N"brnk;i. will Iip rpcoi;tii.pil wnrnr rn srrTiiMK.MT tt.vs nr.r.f, on may II F. MAHK I'llloH TO TltK "UllVKY. 1st. iii piipi wIhtp tlie npprtivffil plat of survpy has not yet brrn rptnrnpil, the ib't'lnra lory (itatpiiipnt 'iiniit he fi!e'I vviruiv tiirkf. MONTH! At'TEIt THE rr.Ct.IPr OF Sfl'M AP- 1'iiovr.n I'l. a r at the imsihict ornrE. ".I. Wheii' Hip plat is nmv in tin- lli'uNH r's Oiiicp, t!ic I'.pclaratii)!! must lip fi!"'! within tbri'o iiiontlis from Hip r iist it hlication ok this i in rt.Aii in vot'n iumtiict. A failure to comply with this rcipiirpmpnt, will work a forfeiture of Hip claim. THUS. A. nrNDiurics, n 30-Sw Cominisuionpr. Euteringr Town Sites. T!ip f.illnwins rorrpspnnilpiipp will show th nt. th act of the lnt Lpcinlalnrp of thr Tpriiiorv, i!pii;:nat ins Hip County Conimin ii)iio ii ii.i t'.i" koj't p"i koih to pnter Town i Silps, is, iv;'. v"o:'!ii.i ii by ttp (.'..onMiisioper or i hp i.nmi i inn p. It ii a question of ilonlit wbi'lherthp .Indies of Prohntp, or tin" I'nilPil Siiites .liiil tps, c in Iip rei;ar.pil n. 'Mml reH of Hip County Court."' As hooii as fiat ibuiht in removei!, noiiep wi.l bp ivpii, I'l Ho! iiip.'in lime no putpiiu uf towns nut'il ran bp m.iile. A copy of tin' art of tin 1.1 t 1 !:!. sla I in p will bp placpil in tin' bamls of Hip Coiiunid nionrr. ami. iin.b r I !n circuriHtancps, the cu ll ic n'.re.'iilv in I'le M v be ponlirmi'.l. .'Oil A. PAIIKI'.K, Kee,iter. Land Ol'i.".', May P. "Mi, IMT. I THACT OF . I.KITI'.H Til TUF. 1 OM MISS IHXI.I1 or THE I.AM1 01'HI I., PATl'd ! Lwn Oittcp. J Omaha. April IS. lar. S!:o'. p!s .1 ml T.' allies. Ma mire an I li.-vMiPs. SIhupIs una Siiaiv's.Jo'i n.iiiis. Api. li iuiuien, pit"'T. Ilpatln" rooms. S'ovp-jiipp an I I'IIiowt. lar ami R'nall lr :i Keltlev.. Pi vio,' Pans. Ski'V's ll.m.I-lroiis.Sb.o-.pb.n Hay Forks. ami Tr.ic. - Iron iin l Stri'l, Ni'iN, I lorse-1, ' .ji, I .li s Saws. Kiiie and Fork.". Pocket KiiU.'. Ha .ors, llMtlsiiiui eoreiv.s, Door llaiiun-S, Knolt, Locks, i..'., A.P. Tlp.'.T.irc. A CPliPr.'.l ftssonn.eiic kepi for houseiii' purposps, iVoathvnr.'', Wash-tubs, Siiaki-ra 1'aiis, Wood and 7.:re Washboards. I.cathrr. Sol l.!hT, H ir:u""i Lonllipr, rowhl.!. Kip Skins, C ilf SUius, Llninrs ami Moroppo, S:i 1 Hps, Ilridb's, Il lltPI'S. I.U'hls, (".. i'.;;les. P.elly-bands, Drivinsr-liiips. ("uliars, ll.ick trap, Girth, !iiid-bri lies, Sic, .Mfilirlnt's. nprpral assortmPiit of Me.licinpn, for r.'.-ers. Fiver ami AtriiP. arid the coiunion up,'.ii!,ts of 11 co'iutry. Cook's, J .', S iii"'iv'o!'s, I'ra's mid Javnes Pills. ui. liii. Tonics, nn I variotig kin. Is .f Si iinul ni's. Aim Iviips. I. linipni i. a inl othiT m tie le a upck iiarv for the sirk an t tlip invalid. 1-tf (Senwood hotel, 1IY Comer of Locust an.1 f ooledso streets, fii.r.viroou, iotv i. C'ldthlcsr ! (lothin?! ('lotliiaj! A la nor. sroc Cloiliine of tli Stovon of vntio is vi". 'i !is, for Cooklr.j ari.J i larc and well !. Vl i.ooiis, C'UOf'KF.PvY, ROOTS. 1)IU'(.S. 1'ii.b'rth' "a.-l of twpiity-Miird M.iv.ISII." tli c .liiilc.'ps of Ho' County Court'' nrp civpii thr authority to I'liirr "Town Sitps.1' In this Ten itoi v tiiPi e nrp no sm h otl'u prs as "Judces of Hip Co'iutv Court," but thp L;l:slatr hai rpcojriii.ed llp "Couutv Coniinissionprs" lis Hip prooer perso'i) to pntpr "Town Sitps,"' mid wp bnvp, in virw of Hip ipirit of the law, ppnni'.trd such pntries. In Hip l.opp that it will fleet the approbation of th D.-partniPnt. Very rest'PcMiillv. vour oiird'nt m-rvaiit, JOHN A. l'AUKF.R, R.'-iister. WMlHiKSAIiK UKTAII, 3JJ?M'i! Ill mOTi I v.auU resppctfuVy itivilp t lie rititis of Reli". ur ami IVuilas Co.. to rxainin mv Itw Everjthuig, at Vho Old Stand o" SARPY & r.vni.isit. EDWAItD C. EOSiJYSIIELL HAS th honor to Inform tin1 poplr of Hi Soiithrrn District of i' and Hip adjoin ilijf count les, .NebrnsM I, Hint hp Is now open. Iiur oiip of th lamest !"TOi Kt of GOODS rvrr hroiii;lil to (.lenwooil, M ills county, Iowa, ronsist iiig of DRY coon, cnocr.HiF.s. II A IIDWA KK, HOOTS Ac. SHOF.S, HATS l CAPS, (HT.F.NSVVARI-:, NAILS, 1.1'. I'll LR, COIiDAtiH. IRON, OILS. PAINTS. DYE-STCFFS, WOOD AND Wlf.T.OW WAIIF., RLADY-M DF. CLOTH I N(i, CAR PI. Nil '.US' TOOLS, YANKLi: NOI IONS, Ap., And pvrrythjiz thai may b found iri'iipriilly in rity store, all of which h will sell (HIIXP TOR (AMI. f;V ALL KINDS OF COl'NTRY ."HO nrCF. taKPii in pxrbiinirr for Cooda. lluy pes from town or country winliini pood ninl clipap tiooiis, riiber l wliolesab' or retail, will nnp iiioney bv calliiv; nml px.iiniiiiiu; his stocif before iiurrh.lsini: pIsewbiT", na thi'y will find (rood (oimaliia iind fair dealing. Ci.r.NWooi), Iowa, no 4-tf L. Nuckolls &; Co. BANKERS & LAND AGEflTS, CI.KNWOOI), IOWA. Colb'pti.. n iiiniln in Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, iind remitted nt current rates nf ex clia uye, 1 1 i'i' of rhai .p. Loans pil.'i'ti'd for I'orpiRii ("npitnlists, nt Wmii-.h Rai ls of Interrit, on real eata'.p kipiii ity. F.ini'is, Town Lots nml I nituprovi'd Lands bought it iiit sold, 'In vi a paid in any County in the State alio in Nebraska and Kansas. Notes bought and Money loaiiPil on good ar purity. Intprest paid on Sprial Dpposits. Laud Warrants boiilit ami sold. Special atU'iilion pi von to tin' ai'lection and entry of Lands for settlers or distant dealers, cither with Land Warrantor muiiry, in Iowa, Nebraska or Kansas. Wp cliaru" leu Dollars ppr Oiip Il indrPil and Si;y Acies, and in, ike reasoaaliie deduc tions, w lien entering lar;p ipiaul ilies. Wnen Land Wairant urn scut. Two ami a Half Centa per Acre, the Land Ollice 1'pc, must ari oiiipniiy the Locatini; 1'pp. When V.iirani.i are sen., I ie N""i of A' i ' rants, date, to hIi'jih u ' , i slionld be ropied iM.d lei.ii.ii'.i, . , .. ; loss in mails. Remittances to us. can Iip mad in Drai'.s on pny of the Kastpm or Soutprn Cities. We will enter Land with Warrants or Cash, pay nil Fees, Taxes and Commission, for one third of Hip cross profits, accruing from the Si.le of the Land all expenses of our third of the prolil s. Our nrrniipeiiiPnU are audi that we can enter Lands in all the Otlices in lowii, Nebraska, and Kansas. A competent a, irveyer always in readiness to find and select choice jnnds, Co a Fiklds. Rock QuAHHits, Mill Si its, Minkhal Tracts, Within the next twelve months there will be ollered lor sj.i It in Nebraska and Kilns, m. Two ami a Half Million Acres nf Land, conipris inif the best portions of those Territories, and cxti'liJInj; aloin; the Missouri River, from Hie Mouth of Kansas River or t tin line of the State of Missoiiii, to the Mouth of L-eau-ipii-coar River. We solieit toroicil Capi'nl for inves'iiinnt. liivesLuieiiti properly made in Western Lands nml Town J.o's. arp now pnyin"; from twenty-live to four hundli'd pi-r cent. Wp believe that persons pa 1 our firm will ha e ueculinr advantaires over al most any other in this Country. We were anions; the fust Pioueera of this vast and Crowinc country and are iutituatply iicipiaiutPil w i'.h ni'.irly ei ery portion of Western Iowa, Nebraska iind Kansas, and believe we will be able to rcnitiT satisfaction in all en tmiitcd to ua. LETTERS OV INQUIRY WILL lit: l'llOAlTLY ANSWEULD. RI'.FLRF.NCF.S: John Thompson; Hope, Citaydoii &, Co., N"eY YorK Ci'v ; Wood, Ra con Co., i'biladplpiiia ; Straight, Demin? v. Co., Cincinnati; Darby ii. Harks lale; Huinph reys, Tittt &. IVrry ) Crow, McC-rerry . Co, ! St. lxj'.iis ; Isaacs St. Almond, Xavemyorth Cily, Kansiia; (rene, Weire ii. Renton, Council Illu'l'i, Iowa llenn, Williams & Co., Fairfield. Iowa; Charles Hemlrie, Hnrlinirton, ANOTiinit IPRAIRIE FARMER fl A M fl FMTPRPR SE Foil 17-VOL. 17. U II II II V at w 1000 PAIRS A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. EaStCm B00t3 & bhOCS Western Agriculture. Horticulture, Mrchan les, t.uueaiion, i.npratiirp, .Markets, M'.LLLNG AT COST AT THE O M A II A CITY Boot and Shoo Store, To mak room for my own manufacture. Also, a pood assor'uiPtit of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs nml Sandals of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advai re, together with a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, Including Ladies' and Cents' Hilda lo Overa. Also, a well splected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. S. F.very style of Root or Shoe made to order, as usual, mid warranted easy, fashion able and durable, no 13-tf. W. HENRY STARK. HOUSE CARPENTER AND TOJLLNJ AN. RRKiCS, Takes this method of in , forminp his friends, and the public fpiierallv, thnt lie is prepared to DU1LD ANT) 'I NISI L in the heat manner Dwelling Houses Of every description of style nail finish, on the most reasonable, terms. Thankful for pnst favors, lie solicits a continuance of public patronnpa. Hellcviie, Oct. 30, lH.Vi. 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND J"ZXLNriI!3FvlJE3. WP. would respectfully inform the inhabi tants of lielleiup nnd vicinity that we are prepared to Kill-XT nnd FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work inenlike manner. Havinpheen enpnped in Hip business spveral venrs, wc feel confident in Rtatinp, thnt all who favor its with their cus tom, will be plcasi-d with our work. C. P. STORRS RelWnc, Oct 23, lad. 1-tf and General News. rniTr.n bt CIIAULES I). Jill AG DON. JOHN A. KKNNICOTT, Corres'ind Editor ' ASSISTFO BY Over I'iv Hundred Practiral Farmers and Mechanics, who have heretofore written, and will continue with mar niliiu, to write for the tienefit of their brethren and the public. The "Prairie Farmer'' is devoted to the in terest of the Western Farmer and Mechanic. It is the Oldest Aprienltnral Paper in the Went a published weekly in quarto form, for bitidmp is characterised n nipn moral (one dnbors to promote th Interpsts snd ad vancement of the wiioi.r. of the family, and to develop the Apricultural Resources of the West. A special and competent Commercial Reporter is employed to pive accurate Market Reports weekly. It is essentially the family paper for the West. I copy, 1 year, $! in advance, or $2.50 at the' end 'of the yar. II copies, 1 year, $20,00 free copy to tli person stidinfr riuh. 20 copie a, 1 year, $3o 00 free copy to the person aenditip rlub. 50 copies, 1 year, $75.00 free copy to the person semlinp chin. fjj" An old subscriber sending two sr.w ones, or $.", will receive three copies one year. (""j?" Subscriptions at the club rates must be naid invariably in advance, i'7" Snbseribe now. You want nnd need "'I'iie Farmer." We want you to have it. 1 1"-.-;?" Current money may' be sent by mail at our risk, provided the letters are "repistered." C'-tF Address "Prairie Fanner," 47 Clark street, ( biearn. III. ('j, Advertisements, of an appropriate character, inserted at ten cents per line each Insertion payment in advance. CODI'.Y'S GREATEST EFFORT. STILL ORF.ATF.R ATTRACTIONS Will be offered in NEW ARRIVALS AT TIIE GOD E Y'S L AD Y'S BOOK c in:. ii Iowa; Hon. Aup. Hall, Keusauque, Iowa Hon. James Craig. St. Joseph, Mo. : linn. A S. Fulton, Wythe ill-, Va llmi. 1". Mcl'ullen, I'.stilville, Yii. ; Hon. F. Ferguson, Chief Jus tice, lit'llevue, Nebr;:sk;l. i.lenwoixl, .Mills Co., Iowa. , 21-tf. T DRY GOODS. GUOCF.illES, HARDWARE, HATS. BOOTS, CAT'S, SHOES, TOHACCO, PATENT MEDICINES. &c, fcc. All of whii;h he warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market. He has also a well selected stock of RFA DY-MA HP, OLOTHINGr, Made after th LATEST FASHIONS, of the REST MATERIALS, and bv EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he sell. CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS.iii. 1-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOiNlillS. fl III E iimlerslpned takes pleasure in au X iionucinp to the inhabitant of Bel'.evua ami vicinit v, tha't Hipv are now prepare I to KITLI) A ND FINISH, it.' ihe besi. ui.i.iiicr, all styles of Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &c, &c, On the shortpst notiee, and in th most ap proved style of workmanship.- They will be also happy to do any work in their line of business, which their friemti miv stand in need of. MYERS IllLLYARD. Bellevue, Oct. 30, DS.'k'i. !i-tf FOR 1857. Thiswork has been the standard for twerfty ven venrs. When an imitation lias been at n' '' I P has failed. - It is !"!IE ONLY LADY'S BOOH I'iiLlSIIED IN AMERICA. NEW FEATURES FOR 1857 i Ho-T to dress with Taste. Children'! Clothes How to cut and contrive them. Pnintinp on Glnss. Patchwork. The Dress mnker and the Milliner. Drawinp in all its variety, useful to the bc pinner and the proficient. Fashions from the establishment of the cel ebrated "Hrodie," will be. in every number. Everv-day Actualities A new series ot these illustrated articles will be given. Point, Brussels, nnd Venetian Iace of every vnrietv. A specimen of the stitch to be used in each will be given. la addition to the llradinp will he above, ' One Hundred Tapes of piveu mou'hly. Go,l-v's Splendid EnrrnviiT'i on r!pp1 London, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions io l"V s four (rr o."l . olore'l t ailuons. Embroidery Patten.s, Model Cottages Dr"s3 Mnkinfr wi'.h Diaprnms to cut-, bv. Di'p'js Pn'.lerns Infiinta' nnd Children's ilri-isps, with descrin! ions how to make them. All kinds of Cto'.-liet .in I N'rttitiT work. 'Fhe Nurse nnd Hie Nursery Very excel lent arUcles upo.i these subjects will often be piven. GOD E Y'S INVAt.l MILE RECIPES UPOV I'.VKRY SIJBJFXT. -three dollars' worih :.s giren i',l ns ioi'tmetit of GROCF.IMES. HARDWARE, SHOES, MEDICINES, II ATS J;. CAP?, DOORS, SASH, kc, kc, An.1 in fact every variety usuallv railed for in Hie West. I am confident that any one wi,!un to pun-base cooiis will b entirely s.itiiH-il, a:d find it will I to their interest to rail and examine my larx and well selrcted Htmortuirnl of -oii'ls. I.. B. KINNEY. Bellevue, Oct '2.1, 15.'. 1-tf s PADI'.S, Shovels, Hoes, Hay fmk. Hay rikrs. l!ioa:iis. Si-v tli' and Snaths, Nails, Win low Glass, Pii'v, Tea, Indigo, Niitlntf .s. Powder, Shot. Cun Caps, nnd 1001 other ar ticles to be bad cheap for rash, nt CLEARWATER, WHITE 4. SANDERS. IK1. L OOK1NO GLASSES of jll sizes, nt I LEAEWAEER, WHITE 4. SANDERS. lull. "POCKET KNIVES nnd Table Cutlery to X. be found at CLE A R WATER, WHITE 4. SANDERS. iSI. IV F.ST American Calicoes at 12 1-2 cents per yard, and other Dress Goods in pro portion, at CLE ARWATER, WHITE k SANDERS. i.:u. V. H. STARK & CO., Would respectfully inform the ladies and Ren ll"tiin of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand and are inatwii actum.;; a complete alock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, nnd warranted compii- sinj the followiiic, u : Ladies Fine Lace am'. Congress Gaiters. Kid Bootees and Congress Gaiter. " " Slippers and Parodi Ties. ' Heavy Morocco and Calf Hooters. " " Cbilds' " " " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. Pewpil " " Fine French or Pump Boots. Water Proof and t iilted-llottoin F Ots. '' Patent Cult Boots. Oxford Ties and Oil iters. '' Kip and Calf Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Kill Boots and Brojans. All of which are made of th best material the market affords. Our facilities for select inj nm unsurpassed in Eastern ri'ii, and we v, ish it diitinctly understood that we Warrant Every Article Wo Sell. We have the best of workmen in our em ploy. Every style of Boot or SYv m id- to order, and warranted nn easy and f isuionable lit. Rcspectful'v, no 13-tf W. H. STARK fc CO. Greene, "Wcaro & Benton, I" ANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, ) and Land Agents, Council Phuts. Iowa. A D LARGE err ASSORTMENT OF CROCK Ol'BLE and Single Eastern made Har nessea, at CLE R WATER, AYHITE 4 SANDERS. i :il' f K OV REXDY MAD!-. la'.'--' I lslllol;, t " CLE AKWA1 LK. lii i T. i: S VNDER5. June 4th, 1C)7. iiul. J Ho OHN OrTice, Bell r RE ID! P. HORN ,i CO., m ar the Priutin; viie, have on hand s!iovis. s.Sna. es. Forts. II lines, an.l a penera i I I -Ml' AM..' (has. tinusToriir.R, MACHINIST & COFFER SMITH In Rll its Iranches. bf.llcvut: and omaiia. Uo!i, lloeii. ail irtment of Fariiiiu To !s July, l , l"-"; Cnl a Ml see. i ' Spades, . 4c. at the rn i rviT. snn:i: Notes and B. lis collected ami remitted to any part of the I'nited States. Money rceived on lieposit, and interest allowed. Eastern or Soi.ihein Drifts f imiuhed in sums tosuitp ir clusers. Land Olfice fandi paid forC irrenrv or hilts of Exchange. Leans eifected on good seeuri'y. Taxes paid, titles exainuied, ami Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. Lands ir.tered for settler and time civeu for paymeiit. Oiilcp opposite tl.e Pacific House, in west lower room of Land Office. II.:. I rcn, r : F. S. Je.-uu & Co.; W. J. ! Barney 4 Co., Bankers. Diibuiiie, Iowa j Cook .V ai'eiit. Bankers, Davenpi r. low i ; Cnt berion & lt "i , 'Jankers. Iowa C.'y. Iowa; ' reoi'ie llll:.. Vnr'.- I'iiv U .....m J J Rogers 4 II.- let, Bankers, New-' York City; .-i-.i,.iii. -is in., i akinnsioi:, l. i.; Hon. ("has. I.ison, Com. f Pa'enls, Wash ii'j'on, D. C. ; 1 1 mi. A, '. D nU. S. I". S. Purlin;'"!!, Iowa ; II v W. Jo.i.'s. S. I". S , Dabuqiie, Iowa; lion. Inseph Williams, Cl.i'-f .l'i.i ice. M irntine, Ii i, Coim il ;l't:. Oct l'. !-'. LATE ARRIVAL!! AT GLEN WOOD, IOWA. TOOTLE & GREENE AllF. NOW IS RF.CK1PT OF A FRESH SITPLV OF Which, when complete, will compose Hip LARGEST and SELECTED STOCK IN MILLS COUNTY. OIR STOCK OF UKOC'EUir.S Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, consist or COFFEE, SI'G.aR, TEAS. FISH, RICE, CITIRAXVS, KAISINS. CANDIES, MOLVSSES, 8 YR UP, FRUIT, NUTS, 4c, 4c, 4e mil' ftOODS. Ladies and Gents, call and see them, and price for yourselves. They have not beer summered ami wintered in St. Louis, but bonsht nnd nhipped direct from the Fasten cities. Late stvlns and a full assortmpnt of DRESS GOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few; line SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS and PARASOLS. I 1,0 th I Y.. A fin stock old and youn;r, foiries and 'fast' men, call soon if you want a nice fHt vest or pants, on reasonable terms. HATS! II ITS I! New styles, cheap and durable. ii.iumy.tiu:. A very larjr" assortment, coiisii'iasr in nart of Smith's Tools, Spades, SnoveU, Forks, Rakes, lines. Hells, Mill, Crosse it, and Il imi Saws, FIIps, Augers, Axps. Brondaxes, Ad.e, Chis.'N. 4c. . Ve.. to the nd of His rhap'er. iu n.ii(; ti ati;;i! ti.s. A 1 ir;p hi , -i if '.' i lb as. n!i. Sh it ei- II . i . . '. .-. ' . '."'is. La.clies, C- .. p i -. IT iSXITl iiC. Biireaus. lied eads. Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes. Cubboars, Stands, fcc 'XV We will sell cheaper for cash thar any house in Western Iowa. noS-tf. TOOTLE 4. GREENE. A. Schimonsky, rpOPOGRAPHIC ENGINEER, Executes L Topographic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every style and description. Fancy, Orna mental and' Plain Painting executed to order. Olfre at th Bellevie House. Bellevue, N. T. Rf.kf.sfnces: P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa; Jade Gi.more, Bellevue. 1-tf Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respectfully informs the inhabitants of Bellevue and the nrr'u'"loij country, tint he is prepared to di and liuisU, ' WELLS AND CISTERS3. At the shortest notice, and rn ttie most fea somble terms. D. A. I.OuAN. '.pviip, Oct. 23, lVi.l-tf J OHN WDERSOX'S Best Chewinjj ar.d Smnkiiii; Tobacco, at CI. E i:W TFR, WHITE 4 SANDERS. MUSIC everv year, In" thp various numbers for 1357, will be found the newest designs for Window Curtains, Broderic Anrclnise Slippers, Bormrts, Caps. Clonks, Lvemnc; Dres.-n.-s, Fanry Articles, Hoiid Drpsies. H.iii Dressinsr. Robes de CrambW, Car riage Dresses, Brides' Dres.i es, Wreaths. Mantillas, AVfi 1 k wi-; Dresnes, It Mill-; liahits, and rornin'; Dresses. Dresses for Infants and Yo-inc Mitstis. Bovs' Dresses, Capes nnd Cloaks of Fur in season, patterns lor pelir-work of nil kinds ! nnd patterns to cut dresses by are piven I SHltltfllV. i Crochet and Netting Work in Crharp, Slip- pers in Colors. Drawing Lesions for Youth. 4 i Send in your orders soon, as we exrect our list tor iaj will ream iiki.iiiki copies.- inc best plan of subscribing is to send your rr.Pnry direct to the publisher. Those who send larce amounts bad better spud drafts, but notes will answer if drafts cannot be pro cured. We ft. Ink wp can show-how much-cheaper it is to take the Lady's Book at Three Dol lars than any other magazine at Two Dollars. We will take a late number of both.- The Two Dollar Magazine contained 30 articles, tile Lady's Book "2. The Two Dollar Magar.ine contained 32 en gravings, the Lady's Book 5rt. The Two Dollar Magazine contained Cf pa ges, the Lady's Book 100. Twenty-four more engravings, twenty six morp articles, and thirty-six more pages, nearly double tl.e riantily. TIip lowest club jirice'of the Two Dollar Magazine is: SI, 25; lowest club price of Lady's Book $1,07, only 42 cents difference in the price, which is three and a half cents on e-ich number, and for that sum (three and a half cents), you receive twen'y-six more articles, twenty-four more engravings, and thirty-six more pages month ly certainly a very cheap three and a half cents' worth. This view of the case has probably never before been presented, but it is a true statement, which any lady can con vince herself of bv comparing the'two magazines. TERMS, CASH IN' ADVANCE. One copy, on year, S3. Two topies, one year, $3, Three copies, one year, 6. Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person (ending the club, making six copies $10. Eight copies one year nnd an extra copy to the person sendin; the club, making nine copies $15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra ropy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies $20. The above terms cannot be deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazines both one year for 3 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga- zin ho'h one year for $1 .M), Godev's Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine, and Arthur's Home M'gazir; or:p vprr S-t. TIip almve is Ihe o ily tiny we can club w ith Harper's Magazine. Th.' mnii'-v ni'isi all be sent at one time for any of the Clubs. Subscribers In Hit R-itisri Provinces who send for clubs, wut remit 36 cei t extra on every subscriber, to pay the American posl-at;-.' to the 1. lies. Address. 1 A. CODF.Y. Ml Chrsnut K;., Ph.laiU., Pa. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. , For 1857. ! rpiir. Cheapest Family Newspaper in the J. West I The Weekly Plain Dealer will commence Its Sixteenth olume on the 1st day . of January, l07 it will continue the same independent. Jocose, I earless, Hgtiting Jour nal it has eef been, Dealing Plainly but kind ly with all. It will battle for the Constitn- t'ion and the Union, as "the world's best trea sure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion. ism in every form, and battie Dis-nnion in every disguise, Of its vigilance as a Sentinel upon tne watrn-tower or Liberty, it is suffi. clent to say, that it has never jet been found napplne at its post. THE NEW VOLUME AND THE NEW YEARI The New Volume will commence with a ' New Year, big with important events. A new leaf in the history of this Republic will be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new President and Vice President. During the coming year, th policy of the New Adminis tration will he fully unveiled in regard to the following important and exciting National topics: The Final Settlement of the Kansas? Difficulty, on which the whole Slavery nueg. tion in the Territories is pending The Final Settlement of the Central American Quest ion, as ngalnst the claims of England Our RigKt of Transit Across the Isthmus, nnd the recog nition ami maiiitniuanre of the Walker Re public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Due The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, with or without Poly gamy Admis.'jon of Kansas, with or without Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska and Washington Territories Tli Inaugural Message of James Buchanai. -The Doings of the New Demopratic Congress. These are some of Ihe lending events which will distin guish the incoming Administration, and most cf them will transpire during the coming year. .iii7 io tiii- Title 'I't err ocr-n i a i? i ,v,T io 1 no ll.ill. 1 w ..uuovniuiil Clcrcland, from its central location, and from Its great concentration of Rail Roads, lelegraphs, and water communication with the world, is admitted to be the Best Newt Point in the West. It can furnish Intelligence from all parts of the world, days ahead of the- mew lork Papers, ana tlie I'lain J'eaier, oe loniring to the New Y'ork Associated Press, is the first to publish th Foreign and Domestic Markets. News, Disasters upon the Lakes, and Commercial Intelligence generally. U will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches Troiu asnington during tne ression or congress, and has regular Correspondents in all the principal cities of the Union. In addition to a full ami faithful record or passing events, we intend to devote a consid erable portion of our paper to "Polite Litera-. ture." Every Paper will contain a Story, either original or selected, accompanied with the choh-pst variety of Miscellany, such v Poeliy, Discoveries". Biographies, Jokes, Od dities, 4c, 4c, making altogether one of the most Valuable Family Journals in the Wcstf "Prompt to improve and to invite, We'll blend instruction with delight." fjfy" Our Agricultural, Commercial, aad Telegraphic Departments, will each bs worth th subscription price of the paper. The Brighton, New York, Baltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Markets will be reported Weekly. TERMS: Single Subscribes, $ Clubs of Ten (to one Offier"), 1.50 CIuhR of Twenty (to one Office),... 1.23 Clubs of Fifty, " " 1.00 Pay invariably in ni.vanp. To the getter up of a Club, one copy gratis. Post-Masters 'are espepiall- requested to act as AgPtits. They should in every case, where possible, substitute Western TJeipo crnttc Papers for Eastern Fusion Papers. Those desiring the President's Message nnd other Public Documents, enn subscribe now, or at any time before the first of December. -(Jf Subscribers to the New Volume should send in their names as early as the middle of December, so that they may be reeistered -in time for the first number. All funds reclved at current rates, and if registered, mailed ei our risk. Address ' 1 J. W. CRAY, Cleveland, O. . GERMANTOWM TtLEGRAPK the model family and ag ricultural pateu. rrnr.isiir.n at GERMANTOW.N, PHILA'IA CO., PENN. Evrav WfciiN iiiday Mor. mnu. . -i BY PHILIP R. rilEJS. .. . PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We take tins occasion to announce to Farnv rrs throughout the country, that it is the in tention of the Editor and Proprietor of the "Gerinnntown Telegraph," not only to con tinue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of his paper, but sedulously to add to its character and value by all the means at command. All necessary space shall be pro vided for a ful irecord of Agricultural Details and a full development of every branch of the Farmer's Pursuit. He will iu future, as t has always heretofore, aim to be practical, and to be of real and substantial advantage to husbandry. His course, also, will continue to be thrroughly independent, and wholly un biassed bt any other motives than those he conceives to lie promotive of the true interest of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in fluence shall swerve him from the path of right and duty. Farmers, throughout the country, who de sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, and equal to any other family news and literary journal published, which makes Agriculture a speci ality, will find the "Gcrmantown Telegraph" to fulfill every condition, and to render it en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for aa periodical exclusively agricultural.' Practical Horticulture, Pomoloey and Gar dening, generally, will iiiect with particular attention. . ' As a Literary and News Jcnrnal it shalli not be surpassed by any rn the country.. Neatly printed on good paper, of the largest class, it shall continue to he one of the hand somest newspapers of the day. Every Family, in town or country, whether they take other papers or not, will find thr "Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lit eral benefit, twice the amount of subscription. No subscriptions received without tlie cash. Price Two Dollars iu advance. Subscriptions not paid within the year, $2.50. Mail sub scriber, will have the cash postage deducUd when not exceeding 25 els. per annum, pro vided the subscription be paid strictly in ad vance. Postage stamps to this amount will be returned as change with the receipt. " Any person sending five new subscribers at one time, with the rash, will be entitled to the paper for one year. Specimen number tent on request. UTnotiunnxc"AD cxcrivixc EST A HL1SI IMENT AT Bollovuo, TX "X". Olnro Levee, at the old Trading Tost. rpOWN PLATS. Maps, Sketches, Headings L of Letters, Bills and Certificates, and every descripti n of plain and fancy engraving and lithographing work neatly done. Our presses being of th best and most im proved kind, we hope to execute work equal to the best in Ihe United States. S. W. Y. SCHIMONSKY, :iair? TIKis. p. p,n i.s.