Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, October 15, 1857, Image 3
Local & Miscellaneous. Gout East. Our friend Henry T. Clarke, of the firm of Clarke &. toother, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, went down on the Progess, Tuesday morn ing last, on his way to the old home in Pennsylvania. He will feti4 the winter with his friends. Mr. C is one of our earliest settlers, member of the Common Council, a good citizen, and a first rate fel low. We wish him a good time, and hope to see him early in the spring at his old stand. We are, indeed, having delightful weathet. A more propitious autumn for the fanner could not be desired. As yet, we have had no frost to injure the crops which will be bountiful. The Brick building on Main ing erected by Win. A. G wyer, is progres sing finely. Those are the kind of build ings we like to see erected. They look substantial. Mr. J. F. Svai! hus our thanks for Mveral excellent water-melons. They were uncommonly fine for this season of the year. W'e are also indebted to William J. Carlelon, for a fine water melon. ItivtR News. We hav had two new boats in the up-river trade, since our last. The Florilla landed at our levee, Oct. 9. The PhocRcss came up Oct. 12, and leuched at our levee. Those weather philosophers, the wild geese, have commenced their fall migra tion towards the sunny south. "Missouri Cbobsino at Uli.levue. llaviug occasion to cross ihe "Hig Muddy" last Thursduy, with our old friend Thomas Cody; we took passage on board the C. II. Hardin, Capt. Coleman. By the reck oning of "Mr. Cylinder E. Watch," we were a trifle short of three minutes in the -crossing. This we call quick time, and -we would like to see the steamer that does, or can cross the Missouri in less. On our way back, we had the pleasure of stopping on board long enough, to dine with our friend Bennett, the Engineer; who by the way, as well as the Master, understands "his business aboard a steam boat." Success to the boat. She is a worthy craft, and decidedly well managed. Rather loo late in the season, Mr. Bellevut Gazette, to get nibbles at such bails os your "obituart" of "Mr. Cylender E. Watch." Perhaps his "Escapement" is merely out of order. Our old watch tink er, Monsieur Gys, would bring him to life, we'll warrant. Nebraska Meaiistr. Thank you for your advice, Mr. Adver tiser, but we are gratified to announce, that Mr. Watch was "not dead, but tleepeth," and on the third day there was a resurrec tion. At the present time, he is live and running. You have seen, probably, that some of our editors, had really given him up as lost to this mundane sphere, but they were in an error. We have received from the Territorial Printer, R. W. Furnas, the Journals of the Council and House of Representatives of the last Legislature. They are printed in Mr. Furnas' usually neat and tasty style. Will Mr. F. send us another copy of the Laws? Accident. The slujre due here from Iowa city, the Uih m., upset near Stars' Station, beyond Lewis, dislocating the shoulder of a gentlemen from Tittin, Jhio, and seriously bruising the heads of others; the former, however, came on to Lewis, and there remained for medical attendance. The coach was but slightly injured, upset ting as it did, by sliding on a sidling place and fetching up suddenly in a deep rut. No blame is attached to the driver. C. B. Bugle. We publish the following enrd from L. II. Tuttle, Cashier of the Western Ex change Bank: Omaha, N. T , Oct. 5th 1857. The intelligence has probably reached you ere this, of the suspension of this Bank, which look place on the 21st ult, during iiny absence. The causes which combined to produce this sad result shall in due ime .be made known. My pre ent purpose is only to inform you that 1 returned a few days since; have mads to the Bankers and Citizens of this place, a statement of the affairs in the Bank, which I am a-sured Ly them is entirely satisfactory; and, in ad dition to the Assets, which of themselves are sufficient to meet the liabilities of the Institution, have placed in the hands of a Trustee, securities equal in amount, for the further safety of Depositors and the out standing circulation. I now leave again for the east, shall return in thirty or forty days, resume business, and probably be able to meet all demands in full against us in iiixty days, and positively in ninety days froin date, I shall resume my former position at the office, and with the determination and well directed energy which will not fail to se cure success, hope to place the Western Exchange Bank on its former footing, aad prove worthy the confidence of the public. Yours, Respectfully, L. R. TITTLE,'r. Frospret of the Land OfllrrOprn Inc. The Sioux City Eagle says it is inform ed by the Register of the Land Office at that place, that he has "received intima tions that the office will be opened for the private entry of lands and other business on the 1st proximo." We hare also re ceived intimations to the samo effect com ing from different sources, said to be an thentie, but nothing official on the subject. The substance of that information is, that all the Land Offices in this Stale, inclu ding those of Council Bluffs and Sioux City, of course, will be opened on or about the 1st of November, for private entry of the lands remaining unsold outside of the Railroad grants. Council Bluffs Bugle. Ilrnken Hanks. Nemaha Bank, Brownville, N. T. Dayton Bank, Dayton, Ohio. Sanford Bank, (late Monsume River,) Maine. Bank of the Capitol, Indiana. Central Bank, " International Bunk, N. Y. Ontario Bank, Utica, N. Y. New York Security Bunk, N. Y. Uimdilla Bunk, N. Y. Rock Island Bunk, III. Bank of Galena, " " of Naperville, " " of Commerce, Georgetown, D. C. ' of Coming, N. Y. " of Kent. R. I. " of America, Tenn. " of Hollowelle, Mnine. , " of New Jersey, Burlington. Ocoo Bunk, Tenn. Citizens' Bank of Memphis and Nash ville, Tenn. Niagara County Bank, N. Y. lti.4SO.Mc7 A Th regular meetings of Nebraska Lodge, No. 18-1, of Free and Accepted Masons will be held at Masonic Hall, on the second anil fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at 6 1-2 oVIork. L. B. KINNEY, W. M. 1. O. O. I The repular meetings of Bellevue Lodge, NV 4. will hm hnlrl net Rtlip.lnv mumiiintr tt each week, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Brothers of the order who may be in our city on that evening, are respectfully invited to attend. W. H. COOK, N. O. W. W. HARVEY, Sec'y. M A K II I E I. In thl fnnntv (Vt 11 nf ilia tinma nf (ha bride's father, by Stephen D. Bangs. Esq., of this citv, William J. Carleton to Elvira E. r inner, doui or oarpy loumy. In Lebanon, Pa., on the 27th ult., by the Rev. V. W kremxr I M VUtr F (hi..,!K, to Uellainina Stump, of Lebanon, Pa. ' 1. 1st of Let Iters. ' Rpinaining in the Post Office at Belle vue, Nebraska, Oct. 1st, 1S57: B. Jump II. Brown. E'ial Barnard. Aron Brown Samuel Boyce. George B. Buird. Burnett Brady. George Baird, A. K. Brigs. Geisc Blakeart. John Bell, 3. Misa A. E. Boegel. J. M. Bell. C. Rumsey Coy. W. S. Craig. John F. Calston. Win. W. Clarke. Miss Reb'a Common. Win. Colt. Rev. T. II. Canfield. Eugene Caldwell. D. Wm. D. Delashmutt. E. C. Davison. Mrs. Zoa Ducharm. Bennett Doeherty. James Day. E. David Ekles. Micheal Egan. - F. Freman Freeman. D. II. Forman. George W. Fray. John Foster. G. Charles W.GiImore. Win. Ggrhan, Jr. Win. Gihuore, Jr. Hudson George. Narcissa J. Gilmore. H. Miss Mary A Hart. Philander Hepson. Mrs. Susan Ilowag. Geojge W, Hewitt. Mrs. Sarah Howard, T. B. Haycock. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt. John Hays. Ralph Hall. K. James II. Kneland. John Knerr, 3. Wilhelmine Knoak. W. Kafscburger. James V. Kirvan. Mrs Bridet Kibbe. L. Miss A. Linehan.2. Ad win Lott, James Lamport, 2. O. H Leighon, 2. M. J. E. Mason. Peter Morris. John MicDonagh. P. W. F. Piper. James Tiernan. II. M Preed. John Pope. R. raul W. Rockey. S. W. W Stewart. 2. William Stewart. Joseph B. Strickland. Annie D. Smith. Michal Sawerheefer. Dr. Sherward. Dr. Wm. Street. Samuel Stewert, 2 D. Sawer. J. W. Statan. T. John or A. Thomas. R. Thomas. MissHariett Parpte. T. J. Torry, 2. John Taylor, 2. Michel Tiernan. Frank Turner. William Taiper. -j ttobert loinpson, Mis A. Tozier. V. John W. Vanetter. W. Fred. Wilbe, 2. E. C. Warner. James T. White. Herrmann Weis. Henry T. Windiate. Stewart Wilson. Miss E. Walbridge. John Ward. Held for want of proper direction: Mr. Eden SandelilT, Box 218, K. T., in care of Mr. Berthow or Mr. Youngsled. Persons calling for any of the above let ters, will please say "advertised." L. B. KINNEY, P. M THE CHICAGO CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE t Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Doarlop Street, Chicago. CAPITAL, suro,ooo. DIRECTORS) rri'Ni fANnr.LD, ISAAC COOK, II. A. WYNCOOT. MrssT riMrnAS, II. I. MONROE, OFFICERS i Edmund Canfield, Pres., Wm. S. Bates, Seo'y, Henry Chapman, Treat. t pilIS Company wss organized on the 27th A day of March, A. I). 1S:5, under a spec ial charter from the Legislature of Illinois, and business commenced under the most fa vorable auspices. Its establishment ha been upon a tlrm and rcllahlo basis, and In view of Its stability, soundness.and permanency, ranks as one of the first Insurance Companies in the j - " ...- u nn. mi. hi i'mii rri ing themselves against loss or damage by Fire, or i i i ii. .u inn cm, iiiry ug leave io oiler tile following REFERENCES. Messrs. Stone &. Witt. Cleveland, Ohio. ' Williams k. Avery, Chicago, 111. Norton fc Brother, " " Stone fc Boomer, " II. S. Dnrand, Pres. Racine Miss. R. R. Ceo. C. Northrup, Cash. Racine Cm. Bank. Wm. P, ,lnd, Esq., Milwaukee. J. (J. Conroe, Esij. Racine. Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Com'l B'k. Chlcag-.. Henry Farnham, President Chicago 4. Rock Island Rail Road. Daniel P. Rhodes, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, III. J Ion R. Chamherlin, St. Louis, Mo. Messrs. Wadsworlh, Wells &. Seymour, Chicago, III. Messrs. I. If. Burch fc Co., Chicago Bank. Messrs. G. W. Sixer &. Co. Chicago, 111. Win. Klanc.hard, Esq., Morris, ill. Messrs. II. C. & O. G. Cook &. Co., Rock ford. III. Mesas. II. Wheeler . Son, Aurora. III. Messrs. Jndd, Smith & Pratt, Dixon, 111. Nehamiah Case, Esq., Ilulfalo, N. Y. Wm. B. l'nndy, Esq., Springfield, 111. Gen. I. Cum, Springfield, 111. Richard Ivers, Esq., St. Louis, Mo. jl 1 JOHN J. TOWN, Agent atBelleriie VARIETY STORK THE undersigned have opened, near the Printing Office, in Dcllevue, a lnrce ami varied assortment of Goods. Among tut variety may be found DRY GOODS, Such a a Brown Muslin, Calico, Sheeting, Shirting, Hosiery, 4c. KNIVES, FORKS. SCYTHES, WOOD-SAWR. SHOVELS, HAY-FORKS, SPADES, TEA-KETTLES, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, aic, Together with a quantity of Boots dks Sliocs Segars, Rakes, Ropes, Horse-collars, Carpel sacks, Window Snsh, Doors, TEAS AND SUGARS, Tobocco, Glassware, Flour, Crackers and a great many more articles. They keep coiiNtantly on hand, a large as sortment of good Wines and Liquors, Warranted the best quality i cheap for cash. n37tf J.' P. HORN & CO. Land Warrants CONSTANTLY on hand and for tale by J the FONTENELLE BANK. Pre-emptors can makt a handsome saving by neine Warrants. All Warrants sold by the above Institution arc guaranteed. JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. Bellevue. June 27, 1S57. 34 BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE quantity of first rate Brick and Lumber for Sale, at reasonable rates. Enquire at my Offiice near the Benton House. 35 JOSEPH E. PRAY. ST 0 VES! ST 0 VES!! S 1 0 VES!M Till' undersigned takes this method of in forming the citizens of Bellevue, and vicinity, that he has just received the Largest and Best assortment of Cook ins, Parlor K Office Stoves. ever brought to this Territory. He would res. pcetfully invite all in want of Stovks, to call and examine for themselves. 1 am also manufacturing TIN-WARE of all kinds, auch as Buckets, Cnrrr.r. Pots, Pans, Strainers fcc, fcc, and all article! in my line of business. (TVParticular attention paid toRooMNo, Spoctiku and job work of every description. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Or ders solicited. Mv place of business is oppo site (he Printing Office, Bellevue, N. T. n3.Vtf. SAMUEL SN YDER. DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICE. The subscribers hereby give notice that the copartnership heretofore existing between them under the name and style of Todd fc Smith, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to or against the firm will be settled bv Burton V. Todd BURTON W. TODD. E. P SMITH. Bellevue, August 12, 1K57. 40 TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, i COUNTY OF SARPY. t SS. NOTICE is hereby civen, that (he County Commissioners of Sarpy County, will meet on Monday, Sept. 21st, A. D. 1857, at the house of Maj. Watson, at U o'clock, A.M. to view and locate a public road from the city of Bellevue, on the best route to the cor ner of Sections 2, 3, 10, and 11, in Township 13, north, Ranee 13, east j thence west in the line between Sections 3, and 1(1, to the corner of Sectt us 3, 4, (I, and 10, in U same Town ship and Ranse; thence westerly on the most practicable route through An e'rson'a Grove; thence westerly to the Platte or Elkhorn Riv er's. Said Commissioners will meet on the evening of said day, at 4 o'clock, at the Ben ton House, Bellevue, to hear all parties inter ested in locating and establishing said road or highway. By order of the County Commissioners, i.e. STEPHEN I). BANGS, Clerk of Sarpy Co. Bellevue, Aug. H, 1A7. 4) NOTICE!" LL persons indebted to Claike & Fro., will come forward immediately and pay up. ''A word to the wis is sufficient." ('LA Ilk K fc BRO. Hellene, Aug. l. 1.17. If. PALMER & AVERILL'8 COLUMN. PALMER & AVERILL. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In CHINA, GLASS AND Qucciiswarc9 MIRRORS, And Fancy Goods, TABLE CUTLERY, BRITTANIA WARE, &!. Our stock ia entirely new, very large, and carefully selected, and by adhering strictly to the cash system, wc are able to offer very great in ducements to all who may favor m with a call. PALMER & AVERILL, BELLEVUE STORE. Corner of Jefferson and 27th street, Opposite the Fontenclle Bank, CELLEVUE, NEBRASKA WOULD RKSPIXTFULLV call the at tcntion of the citizens of Bellevue, Sar py county, and the surrounding country, to their new and selected stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, . GROCERIES & HARDWARE, Which they ofTer at Wholesale and Retail at prices 30 per cent, lower than ever before of fered in this city. We can and will sell Goods as low if not lower than they can be bought in Om.iha or BlutT City, l'leaae call and examine for yourselves. PALMKR t AVERILL. Bellevue, May 2, l.r)7. Just Itccelred, and for Sale, A LARGE stock of Furniture, consisting in Jart of Wood, Rush, Spindle, Split Bottom, enny Lind, Maple, Mahogany, Children's nd OfTice Chairs, Rockers, tc.t Bureaus, Center, Card. Office, Breakfast and Dinner Tables, Leaf, Toilet, Work and Wash Stands, Oflice l)enks. Sofas and Sofa Lounge, Double and Single Lounges. Trundle Beds, Bedsteads of various kinds, Tin Safes, Mattresses, fce., i.e. Termstash. PALMER & AVERILL. 331 JUST RECEIVED, a large and fine assort ment of Gent's Shoe and Gaiters. 33tf PALMER t AVERILL. AXOTLF.R LOT of Clothing just received at 33tf PALMER II AVERILL. PALMER & AVERILL have onhand Vlot of fine Black Doeskin and Cassimere; also, a large lot of fancy Cassimeres. Those wishing a good article would do well to call and examine the above. 33tf NAlLRandGLASa Cheapatlha BELLE VUE STORE. CI UTLERV A large assortment of Pocket J Kuives, Knives and Forks, fcc, at the BELLEVUE STORE. "V A large stock of READY-MADE CLOTH I N'tJ. st Ess'.ern Prices, can be found at the BELLEVUE STORE. i.o 3(Mf, rpilR LARGEST LOT of Furniture and L Crockery ever broucbt (o the Territory, can be found at PALMER 4. AVERILL'S IjM.OUR, Salt, Salmon, Mackerel, and Cod fisll, at wholesale or Ret.iil. bv PALMER 4. AVERILL'S. A GOOD ASSORTMENT of Gls.s Ware Hi PALMER t AVERILL'S. mm BELLEVUE Commercial IHmiioriiiiii ! ! t pilK undersigned respectfully solicit the attention of the rillenn nf Bellevue and vicinity, X to their extensive assortment of goods, embracing every variety usunlly kept in Ihe west, ilie attention of the ladles Is imrtlml.irly called to our Inrire niiitnrlineiit nf dreas imciiln. rimmm in 111 w ri in iiM, r reni n nun Miieriren .isronei nnu oinmly l.awns, llerages, Lalne, fcc. Figured and Pliiin Swiss, Jaconet and Bonk Muslins, Calicos. Ribbons. An -1 -1 1 1 1 - .. i w 1 1 . I ' I i i i I ' i ' I.. I -ill. I 1. - . I ft l nut nvnem mui wrcnum, iirrpi j i iiiiiniMfs, BOOTS cto 8IIOEB. Ladies fineinororro slippers, kid and morocco buskins, pnrodl ties, and Jenny 1,1ml, kid, en ameled and cnlf skin Ihco boots, black and colored gaiters, Ac. Gnnl's fine moroi ro and calf skin boots, fine cloth, calf skin and patent leather gaiters, aew'd and png'd mouross, slippsrs, c. Children's shoes, a great variety. 1H A Men's and boys' fine felt, wol, Pannma, rurracoa, seanelle, Lsghorn, itBlin, a O 31. O T.II I ixr C3r. Hie largest stock ever opened In this county, roiislstiug of coiits, pants, vests, thirls, coi rs, over-alls, fcc. of all sizes, styles, and quality, for men, boys und children. lars A great variety of boHi English and American manufacture, Carpenters' tools, Ac. House keepers and builders will fiml it tu their advantage to call before purchasing elaswhers. ALSO, (Jtii'Ptiswaro, Medicines, Extracts, Oysters, Clioico Cigars, Furniture, Flour, AImo, a lurgo Gtrooorloo. All the above articles, together with a great variety not mentioned, will he told low for cash. All kinds of mercliHiitsbln rounlry produce taken In exchange lor goods. Also Dry Hides, Furs, fcc. Thankrul for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us by the Iti xens of this county, we earnestly solicit its continuance. BEATON II ROWLEH, 3moi:n Main Street. Omaha ai)h:iuisi:ii:ms. WOOLAVOJtTirH NEBRASKA IN 1857. THIS work will again be ready for delivery by the 17th (net. The first supply was re ceived last week and was Immediately sold. A new County Map, corrected by Mr. Hyers, according to the county boundaries establish ed by the Lcginlnture last winter, has been engraved expressly for the work, and will ap pear in the next edition. Besides a history of the Territory, Its con dition and prospects, the work contains the rlaim laws of Nebraska, and a digest of the United States pre-emption laws, making a complete pre-emplor's guide. Every person Interested In Nebraska should have a copy of the work. Price, with the map, 7ft cents; without the map, Ml cents. Single copies mail ed,i)ostHKe paid, on receipt of price, to any part of the country. C. C. WOOLWORTH, Omaha, June II, 1K.Y7 If.Hf Publisher. iO O KS.S T A TI ON Kit Y AND l'APnil HANGINGS. A complete assortment at WOOLWOItTII'H Bookstore, Omaha City, N. ''. T V" Special agent fur Si noor. Book. i. A. JONKS. ;ko. w. wood. T1IK LAHGLST Drug & Chemical House IN THE WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, Wholesale and K;tail Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye StufTs, 'Window Glass, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, fcc. fcr. fcc. Having purchased the entire stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C. A. Henry ft, Co., together with our own full purchases, we are now enabled to offer the public as complete an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS as can be found west of the Mississippi river. Our stock is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska trade; and having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured in our statement. (hat if Fine Goods, as reearrts quantity, qual ity ana price, are any onieci to lliose dealing in DRUGS and MEDICINES, wt can oiler these inducements tn a greater extent than any other house in the Wes. Country Merchants and Physicians are requested lo examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere no la-tr ju. ls , wood. NO MORE HARD TIMES. H. 9t. PIKE, HAS established himself in a NEW GRO CERY STORE, in Bellevue. on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, where he will keep constantly on hand, all kinds of fresh urocenes, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Teas. Itice, Fibh, &c. He has also a choice lot of liquors, and ev ery other article usually kept in a Grocery Biore. T K meat market is kept in the base ment story, for the accommodation of the cit izens of Bellevue, and vicinity. 35 3m EICHEE & DAVEUPOET, MERCHANT TAILORS, WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of Bellevue and vicinity that they have commenced theTAILOHING BUSINESS in the building formerly occupied bv J. M. Bar (sv.corner MAIN street a..d FIFTH AVEN UE, and intend keeping constantly ou hand CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, it h will be made up to order with neat ness and dipatrh. Also, FURS and HIDES bought or taken In exchange fur goods. no 3'Mf. A valuable tiinder Claim of IrVl acres, with in three miles of Bellevue City, for sale. En quii at this Office. n'J'.f. I - . ... . . . ' Dn Artili- uonicry, uonneia, runs, A.n, IT SJ (luMswarc, I'erfiiini.Ty, Ksaonccii, J'inNervfJ Fruits, Tulinouo, Wondou Wore, Flail, &c. stink of clioico sritixu auiu.i:mi;t. Regular Parket for Kansas, Leavenworth, Weston, St. Joseph, Savannah, lown Point, Nebraska City, Bellevue, Council Hlnlls, Omaha and Florence. (jCnUwiwi THE new and elegant Passenger Jlyv? lSt 8,B',""'r Ploroneo, J. Tlirock- finES uioilon, Master, J. E. Gorman, Clerk, will commence her trls as a regular packet In the above trade, on Ihe opening of navigation in the spring, and will remain in it throughout the season. Hie Florence having been built under the superintendence of the uneersigued, expressly for the trade, is nf extraordinary strength, anil well adapted to it in every particular. A rea sonable share of the pnironage of shippers, nnu uio jiudiic generally, is respectfully soll- cited .1. i Minn. K.YIW no;. Master. 25-s J. E. Gorman, Clerk, SKASOX AlUtX(.EjIGXT. Regular Packet for Kansas, Nebraska Cily, Bellevue, Coui cil BluHs, Omaha, add Florence. ( fKftjS THE new and eleeant Steamer Min-no-ha-ha, Capt. Charles ;.i i"l''r' A,""t,,r. Hutchinson, l leik, will run as a regular packet, to the above and nil Intermediate points on the Mis souri river, and pet-mma can rely upon tier con tinning in the trade regulany during the season. I'lm Miii-iie-hfi-ha j an entirely new boat, built expreMly for the Misiiouri River trade, ami being fitted up in the l itest and most ap proved style, her officers feel confident, that strict attention to the comforts of Passengers, and to business, will luuke her the favorite bat in the trade. C HAS. BAKER, Master. - IIUT IIINSON, Clerk. Clarke, Agent. 2H a II. T Tailoring ! Tailoring ! The undersigned begs leave (o Inform the citizens of Bellevue and vicinity liat ha is preiiared to do custom work. In the latest fashion and moat approved style. He feels confident that his work it unsurpassed East or West ; and by moderate prices respectfully solicits a shiire of (hn public patronage. I In will alwajs be found ready to receive orders at the Bellevue House. JOSEPH BRAY. Bollevue, N. T. March lltli lK.)7,tf Charles E. Watson, C1IVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Bellevue City, Nebraska Territory, pro feeees to be " pouted" in the la y of the land in this ticiuitv, and ofb-rs his services to such aa may need them, on reasonable terms. (.'V Ho will also act as agent, for the pur chase or sale of Real Estate, in the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon application. Declarations filed and pre-emptions obtained. i.(f THElttisSOURI EIVEB ANlTlOWA STONE COMPANY. AT Si'. MAR VS. MILLS CO., IOWA, APE prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAND, GRAVEL, LIME. ROCK, fc BUILDING STONE of every variety, size and shape. Thev have facilities for quarrying ANY iUANTITlT, that may be needed, and also intend to make BRICK. WATER LIME, &C. 100 Laborrcs REFERANCES: P. Choutsau Ja, fc Co., St. Loi'M. Gslenc, Wkasf, k. Ukktox, Council BLirrrs. All orders should be addressed to JNO. W. ANTHONY, StcaiTAar. St. Marys, March 15th, 1857. 21tf. EEAL ESTATE FOE SALE. 30 LOTS IN UKLLEVUK. A lao SHARKS M'.LLFA UE STOCK. do KLK HIM. ADDITION do JUNCTION CITV. Eor further particulars enquire of T. M. McCOlU), At the Fotitenelle Bant, lkllevue, April 18, 18-37. 26-tf PLATTE ETVEE FEEET. rpiIE Platte River Ferry Company have -L ' their Ferry in successful operation at the MOUTH of PLATTE RIVER This route is six miles shorter than that by Cedar I'lan.l, and is a much better route. EXPERIENCED AND CAREFUL MEN will be in attendance at all times to accommo date the traveling public. Rates of Ferriage as lo v as any other point. W. M. SLAUGHTER. ri.l'.lsuioutb, Aug. I, l"jj. UuiM