Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, October 08, 1857, Image 3
Local & Miscellaneous. In the absence of our Religious Report er, we are unable to Hate who will offi ciate at the School House next Sabbath. But presume there will be preaching and praying as usual, at 10 1-2, A. M., and 7, P. M. The man that goes home with the girls, will of course be there. Thanks tor Favors Recti vkd. Week before Inst, we announced the death of Mr. Cylinder E. Watch, of de cline, of this city. For the benefit of Mr. W numerous relatives, we requested Nebraska, Kansas, and Ohio papers to copy. As we have not yet received all of our exchanges, up to the time that they would receive ours, containing Mr. VY'a obituary, we ore not informed how many of them complied with our request. But we notice that the Omaha Times, Florence Courier, and Desoto Pilot, coped it, and for their benefit and all others that may hare done likewise, we publish the follow ing transcript of the Coffin Flate, which, we have no doubt, will be read by them with a pood deal of interest : " Cylinder Escapement, Eight Holes Jewelled ; M. J Tobias, Liverpool." Sold, gen&. men told ! Please cony, for the benefit of your readers. Ws Still Prosper. Not withstand iug the hard times, our citizens continue to erect buildings, whtch shows that they are not to be bullied by a little adversity. Johic P. Hon & Co's two story store, on Main Street, is being pushed towards completion, and when finished it will add -another to those substantial improvements that have been made on Main Street, this season. J. P. II. & Co. keep a variety Btore, and their new building will aliord there ample room for a large stock of goods. "S-eatoi & Rowles are erecting two dwelling houses on Warren Street. Whitmoyxr & Sherk have erected a dwelling house on Hancock Street. Mr Leach has commenced the erec tion of dwelling on Jefferson Street. Rev. C C. Cos, read portions of the History of Bellevue, which he is prepar ing for publication, X the School House, Thursday evening of last week. It was well received, and we ro glad to learn that it gives general satisfaction At the close, a vote of thanks was tendetfd Mr. Goss for the able manner in which he had treated his subject, and the evening's en tertainment, with a rsquest to coutiuue the History, which he had written only up to the union of the Mission and Town Com panies. It U no easy task to gather up facts, and systematise and weave them to gether, and make them entertaining to a general audience ; but we think Mr. G. has been quite successful thus far, and we shall have a history of our city, that will not only be readable, but as accurate as time and patience can make it. The New Bridge. The Carpenter work on the Government Bridge, that is to be built over Pappillion Creek, a mile and a half south of this city, on the Wag on Road, which extendi from Platte Riv er to the Running Water, is completed, and as soon as the iron arrives, it will be ready for erection. This Bridge is to be one of the largest and most substantial in the Territory. Its extreme length is 68 feet, width, 16 feet. The frame is con structed of large oak timber. Riter News. The new steamer, E. M. Rvlano, passed up on the afternoon of Oct. 2d. The Carrier arrived Oct 4, bound for Sioux City. She made our levee in 8 days from St. Louis, which, considering the low stae of water, is remarkable good time. Omahas. A band of Omahas visited our city, last rriuay. I hey were on their way to the Otoes, who reside in the south part of the Territory. The weather has been unpleasant most of the time, during the past week. Rain, log, lowering clouds, mingled with a little isun-shinenow and then, has been the or dor of the day. We printed a large extra edition, last week, of the Gazette, for the benefit of the Bachelors, which went off like hot cakes, and the cry was for more. Wheth er they have an admiration of hoops and cotton, or not, they do appreciate the la bors of the printers. e wouia coia mend their example, in ths particular, to some that are fathers of the "blessed baby, Tha wife and daughter of Lieut. Hern don, U. S. N., commander of the lost steamship Central America, passed the summer at Newport. Habitues of the Fillmore House will remember the exqui site voice of Miss H., as well as her good natured use of it. Miss H. is considered one of the best private singers in Ameri The family are from Virginia. The Atlantic Telegraph Cable is about the siio of a dime in diameter. The outside is composed of eighteen strands of small wire next is six strands of yarn, next three coats of gutta percha ; inside of all are aeven copper wires for tele graphing. The aggregate length of smaller wires required in the manufacture of one mile of the cable is 126 miles! It weighs eighteen hundred pounds to the mile, is quite flexible, and it was estimated to be strong enough to bear in water over six miles of its own length if suspended vertically. Tho whole capital of the company is $1,750,000, and has been taken in shares of (5000 each. The proportions in which these shares have been taken are, 101 in London, 88 in America, 86 in Liverpool, 37 in Glasgow, 28 in Manchester, and the remainder in other pails of England. Newspapers lit Minnesota. At the present time forty-three weekly and three daily newspapers are printed and publish ed in Minnesota. Of these 17 are He- publican in politics, 14 are Democratic, 12 are independent. More than half of these forty-three newspapers are less than one year old. Nine of them date the commencement of their existence within the past two months. The Land Office building in Dakota is nearly completed. Death or a Famous House. Mr. Feltons' famous stallion Ticondcroga Black Hawk, which took the first premium at the recent United States Agricultural Fair, at Louisville, Kv., died a tew Cays since at Govanstown, Md., q lite suddenly, and his death was generally imputed to poison. He was valued by his owner at $10,000, nd he is said to have refused $8,000 for him a few days before his death. - A Singular Dyiso Request. We find the following in that sober and truth ful sheet, the Salem Observer An old man dying in Boston recently, was asked if he would have a clergyman sent for. He requested to see Rev. Dr. Colyer, who called upon him accord inc-ly. The sick man said: "I have just sent to request you to keep those confounded cats in your yard quiet to-night." List or Lelltrrs Remaining in the Post Office at Belle vue, .Nebraska, Uct. 1st, loo7: B. James H. Brown. Elial Barnard. Samuel Boyce. Barnett Brady. A. K. Brigs. John Bell." 3. J. M. Bell. Aron Brown1 George B. Baird. George liaird, Geisu Blakeart. Miss A. E. Boeffel. Rumsey Coy. W. S. Craig. Wm. W. Clarke. , Wm. Colt. Eugene Caldwell. John F. Calston. Miss Reb'a Common lev. T. H. Canfield. D. Wm. D. Delashmutt. E. C. Davison. Mrs. Zoa Ducharm. Bennett Doeherty. James Day. E. Micheal Egan. F. D. H. Forma n. John Foster. David Ekles. Freman Freeman. George W. Fray. G. Charles W. Gilmore. Win. Ggrhan, Jr. Wm. Gilmore, Jr. Hudson George. Narcissa J. Gilmore. Miss Mary A Hart. Philander Hepson. Mrs. Susan Ilowag. Geojge W. Hewitt, Mrs. Sarah Howard, T. B. Haycock. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt. John Hays. Ralph Hall. K. James II. Kneland. John Knerr, 3. Wilhelmine Knoak. W. Kafeburger. James V. Kirvun. Mrs Bridct Kibbe. L. Miss A. Linehan,2. Adwin Lott, James Lamport, 2. O. E. Leighon, 2. M. Peter Morris. J. E. Mason. John MicDonagh. P. W. F. Piper. James Tiernan. H. M Preed. John Pope. R. Paul W. Rockey. S. W, W Stewart. 2. Wiljiam Stewart. Joseph B. Strickland. Annie D. Smith. Michal aawerheefer. Dr. bherward. Dr. Wm. Street. Samuel Stewert, 2. D. Sawer. J. W. Statan. T. John or A. Thomas. R. Thomas. MissHariett Parpte. T. J. Torry, 2. John Taylor, 2. Michel Tiernan. Frank Turner. William Taiper. Robert Toiupson, Miss A. Tozier. V. John W. Vanetter. W. Fred. Will, 2. E. C. Warner. James T. White. Herrmann Weis. Henry T. Windiate. Stewart Wilson. Miss E. Walbridge. John Ward. HelJ fur want of proper direction: Mr. iAlen Cwiiuit'iiit, liux UJH, K. i ., la care of Mr. Berthmv or Mr. Youngslcd. Persons calling for any of the above let ters, will please say "advertised." L. B. KINNEY, P. M THE CHICAGO CITY ' INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE i Room No. ljlasonic Temple, Dearbop Street, Chicago. CAPITAL, 8150,000. DIRECTORS! tDMrD CANFItlDf llfNKV CHAPMAN, ISAAC COOK, H. S. MONROS, H. A. WVNCOOP. OFFICERS i Edmund Canfield, Pres., Wm. 8. Batei, seo y, uenrj wnapmaa, xreai. rrUUS Company was orfranled on the 17th JL day of March, A. D. 1R.V1, under spec ial charter from tha Legislature of Illinois, ana nusmess commenced under me most it vorable auspices. Its establishment has been upon a firm and reliable basis, ami in view of its stabilitv, soundness, and prrmanency.ranks as one of the first Insurance Companies In the country. To those desirous of protecting themselves against loss or damage by Fire, or perils of the Boa, they beg leav to'ofler the following REFERENCES. Messrs. Stone . Witt. Cleveland, Ohio. Williams A. Avery, Chicago, 111. . " Norton ft. Brother, " Stone A Boomer, II. S. Dnrand, Pre. Racin ft Miss. R. It. (ieo. C. Northrnp, Cash. Racine Co. Bunk. Win. P. L.lnd, Esq., Milwaukee. J. f!. Conrne, Esq. Racine. Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Com'l Ti'k, Chlcagn. Henry Farnham, President Chicago tt Rock Island Rail Road. Daniel 1. Rhodes. Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, 111. linn R. Chambcrlln, St. I-eniis, Mo. Messrs. Wadsworth, Wells A Seymour, Chicago. III. Messrs. I. II. Burch ft. Co., Chicago Hank. Messrs. O. XV. Ki7cr ft. Co. Chicago, 111. Wm. Blanchard. Esq., Morris, 111. Messrs. II. C. ft, O. U. Cook ft, Co., Ruck ford. III. Mesas. II. Wheeler ft. Son, Aurora. III. Messrs. Jmld, Smith ft. Pratt, Dixon, III. .eiiamiah Case, Ksq., Buflalo, . Y. Wm. B. Fundv, Esq.. Springfield, III. Gen. I. Curn, Springfield, III. Richard Ivers, Esq., St. Louis, Mo. 34; JOHN J. TOWN, Agent at Bellevue VARIETY STORE. THE undersigned have opened, near the Printing Olfice, in Bellevue, a large and varied assortment of Goods. Among the varluty may be found DRY GOODS, Such as Biown Muslin, Calico, Sheetine, Ubirtin Hoaiorjr, Ac. iv..ivr,, fUKK.. SCYTHES, WOOD-SAW'S. SHOVELS, HAY-FORKS. SPADES, TEA-KETTLES, GKIND-STONES, CHAINS, ft.c, Together with a quantityof Boots cfe Shoes Segars, Rakes, Ropes, Horse-collars, Carpet sacks, Window Sash, Doors, TEAS AND SUGARS, Tobocco, Queens warn. Glassware. Flour, Crackers and a irreat many more article. Tliry keep constantly on hand, a large as sortment of good Wlnra and Liquors, ' ' Warranted the best quality ; cheap for cash. n37tf J.' P. HORN ft CO. Land Warrants CONSTANTLY on hand and for aale bv the FONTENELLE BANK. Pre-emptors can makta handsome saving by lining Warrants. All Warrants sold by tha above Institution are guaranteid. - JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. Bellevue. June 27, 1857. 31 BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE quantity of first rate Brick and Lumber for Sale, at reasonable rates. linquire at my Ofliice near the Benton House, 35 JIIM.1'11 l'KAY. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! THE undersigned takes this method of in forming the citizens of Bellevue, and vicinity, that he has just received the Laroest and Best assortment of Cooking, Parlor & Office Stove. ever brought to this Territory. He would res pectfully invite all in want of S-rovr., to call and examine for themselves. I am also manufacturing TIN -WARE of all kinds, such ss Buckets, Corrtr PT Pans, Idtkaisess Sec, ac, ana all articles In mv line of business. Itf Particular attention paid to RooriNo. Spoutino and jod worn or every description. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Or ders solicited. My place of business is oppo- sue ine rnnung uuice, jinevur, n. i. n 35-tf. HAMLir.L 5.YDEK. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. Nuuur.. llie siibscriDers nereby rive notice that the copartnership heretofore existing between them under the name and stvle of Todd fc Smith, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to or against the firm will be settled by Hurton W. Todd. BURTON V. TODD. K. P SMITH. Bellevue, Afljust 12, 1857. 40 TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, ss. COUNTY Or KAKf i. Tyi u i n t. is nereoy given, mat tne bounty i.1 Commissioners of Sarpy County, will meet on Monday, Sept. 21st, A. D. 1857, at the nouse or 3iai. waison, at v o'clock, A.M. to view and locate a public road from the city of Bellevue, on the best route to the cor ner of Sections Z, 3, 10, and II, in Township 13, north, Range 13, east ; thence west in the line between Sections 3, and 10, to the corner of Secti ns 3, 4, 'J, and 10, in the same Town ship and Range ; thence westerly on the tsost practicabls route through Anderson's Grove ; thence westerly to the Platte or Elkhorn Riv er's. Said Commissioners will meet on the evening of said day, at 4 o'clock, at the Ben ton House, Bellevue. to hear all parties in1 cr ested in locating anu establishing said road or highway. . . By order of the County Commissioners. l.s. STEPHEN I). BANGS, Clerk of Sarpy Co. Belleyne, Aug. 1, 157. 41 NOTICE! C LL persons indebted to. Clark lc. Bro., jt will come forward immediately and pay mil V A word to the w iae is sullicient." CLiKKE Jt BRO. Belle v.te, Anf. 1?, 1A7. f. PALMER fc, AVEHILL'S COLUMN. PALMER & AVERILL VThoIeuU and Retail Dotlers In CHINA, GLASS AND MIRRORS, And Fancy Goods, TABLE CUTLERY, BRITTANIA WARE, to. Our stock is entirely new, very large, and carefully selected, and by adhering strictly to the cash irystcni, wo are able to offer very great in ducements to all who may favor us with a call. PALMER & AVERILL, BELLEVUE STORE. Corner of Jefferson and 27th street, Opposite the Fontenelle Bank, BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the at tention of the citizens of Bellevue, Sar py county, and the surrounding country, to their new and selected stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES & HARDWARE, Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail at prices SO per cent, lower than ever before of fered in this city. We can and will sell Goods as low If not lower than they ran be bought in Omaha or Bluff City. Please call and examine for yourselves. PALMKU It AVERILL. Bellevue, May 2?, 1337. Just Received, and for Sale, A LAROE tork of Furniture, ronsMinp la Jart of Wood, Rush, Kpindle, Kolit Bottom, enny Lind, Maple, Mahogany, Children's and Office Chair. Rocker, Jtc.t Bureaus, Center, Card, Office, Breakfast and Dinner Tables, Leaf, Toilet, Work and Wash Stands, Office Desks, Sofas and Sofa Lounge.., Double and Single Lounges, Trundle Kwis, Bedstead of various kinds, Tin Safes, Mattresses, r.,fce Terms cash. PALMER fc AVEKILL. 33tf JUST RECEIVED, a large and fine assort ment of Gent's Shoes and Gaiters. 33tf PALMER it AVERILL. ANOTLER LOT of Clothing ust received at 33tf PALMER k. AVERILL. PALMER lc AVERILL have on hand a lot of fins Black Doesxin and Cassimers; also, a large lot of fancy Cassimeres. Those wishing a good article would do well to rait and examine to above. 33tf N A tLSsnd GLASS Cheap at the BELLE VUE STORE. CUTLERY A large assortment of Pocket Kiflves, Koives and Forks, fcc, at the BELLEVUE STORE. W A Urge stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, at Eastern Prices, can be found at the BELLEVUE STORE. uo 30-tf. rpHE LARGEST LOT of v.n,iture and L Crockery ever brought to the Territory, can be round at i AVEHILL'a TT'LOUR, Salt, Salmon, Mackerel, and Cod X ami, at wlioiesale or Retail, bv PALMER A AVERILL'S, A GOOD ASSORTMENT t4 tJiass War at PALMER k. ATF-FILL'!. PHD 0 jl 0 BELL (Commercial rpitF. undersigned respectfully solicit the attention of the rltitnns of Ni-llevue and vlclnltf, A. 10 ineir extensive assoriniriu ui nuu, vinoiai-in rin t lei j uaunilT 'l iri iiiw The attention of the ladles It rartlculaily consisting In part of alike, Frenc mri Ol BUKS, r rem ll mill n lliri Mich ....I . .. J.i.... Ilnes, he. Figured And Plain Swiss, Jaconet and fiook Muslins, (.'itlinos, Ribbons, Artifi cial Flowera ana Wreaths, Ureas Trimmings, Hosiery, llonnots, FUu, c. BOOTS c3 SHOES. Ladies fine mororco slippers, kid and inornero buskin, pnrodl ties, mid Jenny I.ind.kid, an aineled and calf skin laro boots, black and colored palters, A.C Ont'i flue nmroceo and calf skin boots, fine cloth, calf akin and patent lenlher i;iUlef, tew'J anj peg'd iitoiuoss, Uppers, 4.C Children's shoes, a preat variety. Ifi ii Men's and great variety. boys' line felt, wool, Panama, Tlie largest stock ever opened in this riiuntv, nnnlttlni; nf cnnls, it.ints, vests, shirtj, col lars, over-all, Lc. of all sizes, stylus, uud uiillty, for men, boy ami children. . A (creat variety of borh I'n'jilfli anil American manufacture, Carpenters' tools, fcc. House keeper tiud builder will find it to ther cdvantage to call buture piucliiising elssMher. A L (JueoiiMwarf, Medicine, llxtnu'ti, Oystors. Choico Cium, I'urnituro, Kl'iur, Also, a luiu Gr rooor Iogj. Ml the above articles, together with a cieat vnrMy not inentioned, will be sold low for rash. All kinds of merchantable country prodnre taken in exrhauu fnr eootls. Also Dry Hides, Furs, Ac. Thankful for tlui lilieial iintinnace heretofure extundnd to u bv the siti- ton of this county, we earnestly solicit Its coiiUn.iuiii.c. 3mo:U o.Miin ADvi:iuhi:.Mi:is. wfVorXvuit'rirs NEBRASKA IN 1057. THIS work will apnln be ready for delivery by the 17th Inst. 'Hie first supply was re ceived Inst week and was immediately sold. A new County Map, corrected by Mr. Byers, according to the county boundaries establish ed by the Legislature' last whiter, ban been engraved expressly for the work, and will op pear in the next edition. Besides a history of the Territory, its con ditiou and prospects, the work contains the claim laws of Nebraska, and n digest of the United States pre-emption laws, making a rnmplcte prc-einptor'a guide. Every person interested in Nebraska should havo a copy of the woik. Price, with the map, 73 cents; without the map, ftO cents. Single copies mail ed, postage paid, on receipt of price, to any pnrt of the country. C. C. wooiwortTil, Omaha, June 11, 1X57 32tr Publisher. HOOK S, S T A T.I ON K 1 1 Y AND PAPER HANGINGS. A compluts assortment nt WOOLWOHTH'S Bookstore, Omaha City, N. T. Ci?" Special agent for School Books. JFw32 1. a. jonks. i.r.ii, w. wunn. TIIK LARCKST Drug & Chemical IIouso IN THR WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, Whoi.i.sali: and Hi.tail Dcalliis i.n Drugs, Chemicals, 1 Paints, Oils, Dye Muffs, Window Glass, Wines, Liquors, Clears, Tobacco, Ice. tc. fce, H.tvinir purchased the entire stock rf DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to ('. A. Henry fc Co., together with our own full purchase's, we are now enabled to offer the public ss complete an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS as can be found west of the Mississippi river. Our stock Is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska trade; and having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, we 'feel assured in our statement, that if Fine Goods, as regards quantity, jiii Ity and price, are anv ohiect to those tea ling in DRUGS and MEDICINES, we can offer these inducements to a grca'er extent than any Other house in th West. Country Merrhattts and Physicians are requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere no 15-tf JONES t WOOD. NO MORE HARD TIMES. H. 11. PIKE, HAS establinhed himself In a NEW GRO CERY STORE, in Bellevue, on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, where he will keep constantly en hand, all kinds of fresh (rocenes, ' ' Flour, Snnr, Uolloo, Tea. Kir, Fibb, &lc. He has also a choice lot ft liquors, snd ev ery other article usually kept in a Grocery Store. A meat market is kept in the base ment sorv, for the accommodation of the cit izens of Bellevue, and vicinity. 33 3m EICHEB St DAVEXPO&T, MERCHANT TAILORS, WOULD respectf.illy inform the citizens 'f Bellevue and vicinity that thev have commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS in the buildlne formerly occupied bv J. M. Bar tav.corner MAIN street and FIFTH AVEN UE) and intend keeping couttantly on hand CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, Which will be made up to order with neit diss and dipati:h. AUo, I URS and HIDES bought or tskenin exchange for goods. uo &-tf. Von Lif. " A valuable timber Claim f luOarrss, with in three mile of Bellevue Citv, for sale. En- I qniie t in Oifire. r.37tf. E V U E Rhiiiiorium ! ! csileil to our large nssortment or dress goons, n-m, uriinri mm .i.innv i.awiiK, l''iHr, T t ....I - 1 1 .... M "J? cnviarus, aeanelte, t.lis n, paltn, a S O, - (jlusawaio, IVriumory, Ilbst-nccs, l'lcsoivuJ Fruits, Tobacco, Wnodoii Ware, Ki!i, tVw. bt ck uf clioioo Main bltsst. . M'ftlM. AlUtWGLML.Vr. Reguhir Packet for Kansas, Leavenworth, Weston, St. Joseph, bavannah, Iowa Point, iebr..Hka City, Bvllevue, Council illufiti, Oinaiia and Mreiiee, THE new and elegant Passenger Zi Steamer Florence J. Throck- 5inoiton, Master, J. !'. Gorman, Clerk, will commence her trips as a regular packet in the above, trade, on the opening of nnvli'ntion In the spring, and will remain in it throughout the season. The Florence having ben built under the Htipei iiitemleiire of tho unnersigned, expressly for the trade, is of extraordinary strength, and well adapted to it in every particular. A rea sonable sham of the patronage of shippers, and the public generally, Is respectfully soli cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master. 2j-s J. E. (ioiniAK, Clerk, " M:S0X AHKX(;EMUNTr Regulur Packet for Kansas, Nebraska City, lJullevue, Com cil Bluff!!, Omaha, , u till Florence. I (C!TmJS eli-cant Steamer WVMin-rie-lia-ha, Cant. Charles r-JCSaCXSjjaker, Master, llutchinson, ('leik, will run as a regular packet, to. the (i hove and all intermediate points on the Mis sourl river, nnd persons enn rely upon hec con tinning in the trade regularly during the season. The Min-ne-hn-ha Is an entirely new boat, built evpr.'Hnly for the Missouri "River trade, nnd being fitted up in the Utest find most ap proved style her officers feci confident, that stilct at'entlnn to the comforts of Passengers, and to business, will mako her tha favorlts b-at la the trad'!. C!!A. BAKER, Master. Hutchinson, Clerk. II. T. Clarke, Agent. 2tJ Tailoring" ! Tailoring ! The undersigned begs leave to Inform the citizen of Bulievue and vicinity that he . is pictured to do uuvLoin work, in the latest fashion and most approved style. He feel confident Hint hi work is unsurpassed Ea-ii or Went j and by moderate prices respectfully solicits n fhare of the puld.c patronage. 9 will always be found ready to receive orders at the Beljevne House. JOSEPH BRAY. Bellevue, N. T. March 11th lS57,tf ... Charles E. Wataon, . C1IVIT. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Bellevue City, Nebraska Territory, pro fesses to be " pouted" In the lay of the land in this rielnitv, and offers his service to such aa may need them, on reasonable terms. TV He will nlso act as agent, for the pur chase or sain of Rual Estate, In the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon application. Declarations filed and pre-emptions obtained. 4-if the MfssbuBi nrvis"A3ri)TowA STONE COMPANY. AT ST. MARYS, MILL CO., IOWA, ARE prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAND, GRAVEL. LIME, ROCK, fc BUILDING STONE of every variety, size and shape. They have facilities for quiii rvmg ANY QUANTITY, that may be needed, and also intend to make DRICK. WATER LIME, &C. 100 Laborres REFINANCES: P. Choutsao Ja, A Co., St. Loci. Geke, Wiasv, A Bsntoh, Couxtu BLrrrs. All orders should b addressed to JNO. W. ANTHONY, Srcatraav. St. Marys, March 15th, 1857. 21U. REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALE. HO LOTS IN NELLEVUE. Ako SHARKS BELLEVUi: STOCK. do Y.LK HILL ADDITION dj JUNCTION CITY. Eor further particular enquire of. T. M. McCORD, At the Fontenelle Bank. IMIevue, April 19, IS57. 26-tf PLATTE RIVER FERRY. rpHE Platte River Ferry Company have L their Ferry in successful operation at the MOUTH of PLATTE RIVER This route is six miles shorter than, that by Cedar Island, and Is a innch bet'er rotate. ' EXPERIENCED AND CAREFUL MEN will be in attendance at all time to accomme. date the traveling public. Rates of Ferriage as low as any other point. W. M. SLAUGHTER. riaVsmo'ith, Aug. I, 137. ; 3m H '