TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES J Or, The Forger Convicted. against Counter friftHR 'iA- 'ott I lUvU'II lU'iAl)!... Subscribe! Subioribat Subscribe t JOHN S. DYE I the A tthnr.and the Bank Note enrrven nil say Hint he la the greatest of paper money living. CHEAPER Til AN THK CHEAPEST' BETTER Til AN THK BEST1 Published weekly. Tha whola only One Dollar a Yaar. GREATEST DISCOVERY of the present century for detecting counterfeit Bank Notesj describing every genuine bill In existence, and exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit In cir culation. Arranged an admirably that refer. ence U easy ami detection Instantaneous. No pages tohu'nt up, but so simplified and arranged that the merchant, banker and business man can see all at a glance. It im taken -years to maka perfect this GREAT DISCOVERY. The urgent nH sity for aurh a o k haa long been felt by rnmnierclal men. It Iihb been published to supply tli' rail for such a preventive, and nceda but to be known to be universally patronized, it ilora more than has ever been attempted by man. It describes every bnnk note In three dillrrcnt languages Kuicliah. French ami Gcr nan. Thus each may read tha same In hia own native tongue. Tebms. Tba paper will be about 2 by 12 Indira, ami will contain the moat pf rfrct Hank Note List published, together with the rate of discount. Also a list of oil the private Bank era In AiniMli'A. A complete aummarv of the Finanrea of Furope ami America will be published In each edition, together with nil (lie important newa nf tha .la ir. Alsn'IN ESTI FO STORIES from an old manuscript found in the East, mid no where else to be found. It haa never yet appeared In print, and furnishes the most com plete lilatory of Oriental Mir, and describing the moat perplexing poult loin In which the I, adieu ami gentlemen of that country have nen ao often found. Theae atoriea will i on. tlnue throughout the whole year, ami will prove the moat entertaining ever offered to the ' public. P. A. SARPY, Wbolcsalo & Retail Merchant, coaxia or main and oacoonr imtni BT. M ARY, IOWA. HASjuat received and now has for aale, a large aaaortnient of aelected merchandise adnnted to the wanta of all In this new and thriving community, which he can aell asc heap aa can be ottered clsewliereso nign upon me Missouri river. Ilia goods have been aelected by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to the circumstances and want of all classes of aettlera in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all can ba aupplied. fall and ace for youraelvea. Ilia atock consists of the following, among a great many other artlclea he cannot now eu merat t Among hia Dry booth, May be found Woolen and Satinet Clotha, Casslnets, Tweed, Cashmeres, Linseye, Flannel. Red, White, Cray and Blue, Caspian Plaids, Cotton Goods. Sheetings mid Shirtings, Bleached nnd Unbleached, Blue and White, Drillings. Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, Jcc, fcc. Fancy lioods. A beautiful aaaortinent of fancy printa of every vnrietyof atyleand pattern. Ginghams, J .awns. Figured Alparca, Homhaxiiies, Horn, bayetls, Shawls, Kciufs Handkerchief a. Neck erchief, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbona, AN F.NTIKF. MOCK OF NEW GOODS. ilg.kwati:k white v s.imilks llarr received sVi PpnJ at their new atore, In the rear and near to the ll llevue House, In I'.ellevue, the Largest & Best Scloctod Slock of Good ever brought to Bellevue i which they will aell for rash at prices far b low Oioaa at which gooik have bean ollere d heretofore. Wa don't Intend to follaw the hiehfalntln atyla of aome in thalr advertiaementa, but etate tha plain tuith when wa aay that our Cooda were purchaaed at audi pricea, that wa defy competition, and only aak purchaaera to rlv in a call In order to aatiafv themaeWea. O i , ... 4 9 1 1 a. ,.ll.til.,i ITlir aTOCK COnaiBlB III pn "l mi luiiimiii) artlclea i French, Engllih and American Clotha, Caaalmerei Trteedn, Saltiuetta, Kentnrky .Teana, Bed Tickinc, Plaid Mi aeya, Flannela,'A.c, k.f. Every variety of Faahlonable DRF.SS GOODS, American and Engllah Printa, r. A large aaaortment of HATS, CAPS, nnnrs mnd SHOES, of every variety and 'Marti ware. Our atock of thia U large nnd complete. (W.ASSWARE and (QUEENS WARE. Window (ilnaa of nil Of eery doacripl ion, audi aa Suear. Cirftee, Rice Tobacco, Scgara and SnuMi Candlea and Soap. We have made nrrnncemetita to. have a au perior article of FI.OI.'R always on hand. In eonclualon, wa would say come and aat Ittfy ywimelvea. no '2-it. CIRCULAR, to tti r and orricr.aa in the Tiaairoair.s Or MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. 11 Y joint resolution of Congress, approved M.J Mi arch. 1857. valid pre-emption claims on the loth and 3tUh aertiona, heretofore reserved for achools, In the Territories of Minnesota. Kansas and Nebraska, will bo recognized WlirSE THE SETTLEMENT HAS BEEN, OH MAY be mai-tk mma to the sumvev. 1st. In cases where the approved plat of survey has not yet tieen returned, me declara tory statement must be tiled within twee months atte the. hkceipt or rcn ap raovcrt plat at the mstbict orrtcr. 2d. Where the plat Is now in the Register's Office, the declaration must be tiled within three months from the r aT publication or THt CIRCULAR IN YOUR rUSTBICT. A failure to comply with this requirement, will work a forfeiture of the claim. T1ICW. A. HENDRICKS. I 30-!? Commissioner. tiC, tc. llAlkl.. lUIUIUt A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting In part of fine thf Coats, Pants and Vests; also, good jRtiMiner Clothing of all deacriptious, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socka, Ae. Mea' and Hoys' and Cap, of va-a-ioua faichloua. analitiea and prices. Boots ii Shoes, tli irk and thin, polished and unpolished. at every flscripUon, for Men, Women, and hiUru'a u&e. troffrics. Crnie, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Molasses, hyrtip Molasses, (iolden Syrup, Superior Teal Rio and Java Coffee, Sassafras, aVtlnger, Pepper, Clove. Silee. Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Nnutt's, Tobacco, t lTrs, t'tpra, Map, (. auulrs, luear, I icmti Fepper-Sauce, 4cc, lie. l'rotbloiis. A large asortment of Fliur, of various iiaUUfS and prirest Corn Meal and all the warinua products t the Farm and Garden) Uacon. Fih. Kila itiM Apples, Peaches, Currant a, Raisin a. &c. Hardware. f "V Furnished weekly ta sabscrlbera only at l a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHM K. DYE. Broker, Piiblinlier and Proprietor, 3m3S 70 Wall Street, New York. Stovea of rnrious patterns, for Cooking anil Heating rooms, Stoie-pipe aad F.lhowa, largi ltd aasall Iran Kettle. Frying Pans. Hkllleta l(and-(rnn. Shovels and Tongues, Manure am) Hay Forks. Scythei., KhoyeV.i and Spades. Lo and Trace ( hains. Axes, Hammer, rincers - Iron and Steel. Nails, Hurxe-Rasp. File; Haws. Knives and ,l'oik. Pccket Kuive. Ra oia. Bulla and Screws, Door Handles, Knoh, Locks, &.C, &.c Tluwarc, A general assortment kept for househoVt purposes. Woodnarf. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zir.e washboards. Leather. Sola Leather. Harnes Eeathrr, Cowhide Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, faddles. Bridles, H.ikert, Liriats, Circingles Belly-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Hack traps, Girths, Blind-bridles, fcc, K.. illedlfiufs. A general asortment of Medicine, for Fevers. Fever and Airue, and the common tomnlaints of the country. Cook's, Lee fSappeiiyton's, Bragg's ami Javnes' Pills, Qui nine, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants Anodyne, Liniment, and other articles neceS' eary for the sick and the invalid. Mf Entering Town Sites. The following correspondence will show that the act of the. last Legislature of the Territory, designating the, County Commis sioners aa the proper persons to enter Town Sites, is not recognised by the, Commissioner of the Land Otliee. It Is a question of doubt whether the .fudges of Probate, or Ihe United States Judp-s, can be regarded as "Judges of the County Court.'' As soon aa that doubt Is removed, notice wi.l bo given. In the mean time no entering of towns not incorporated can be made. A copy of the art f the last Legislatnie will be plared In the hands of the Commis aioner, and, under the circumstances, the an triea already made mav be confirmed. JOHN A. PARKER, Register. Land Offlca, May Wth, 1357. EXTRACT OP LETTER TO THE COMMTSSIONER or the land orricr, r-ATed Land Orrir. Omaha, April 15, 1S37. Under the "act of Iwentr-third Mav, 181 1." the "Jndcres of the County Court" are given the authority to enter "Town .Sites." In this Territory there are no such ottirera as "judge of the County Court," but the Legislature has recogniied the "County Commissioners" aa the proper persons to enter " I own Mies," and we have, in view of the spirit of the l.iw. permitted such entries, in the Hope tnai ll will meet tne appronanon oi me urpannins. Very respectfully, your ohed'nt aervnnt, JOHN A. PARKER, Register. GLENWOOD HOTEL Corner of Loeist and fooledjf streets (il.EMTOOD, IOWA. "riithlnffi I flothtnTTciothlnjIY" A LARGE STOCK OF READY MAD! X"V Clothing of the latest Fashion, at CLEARWATER. WHITE t SANDERS. June 4th, n3l. FARMERS RLVIU! - TOHV P. HORN fc CO., near the Printing J Office, BelleyiiF, have on hand shovels Hoes, Spadea, Forks, II me, and a general assortment of Fannin; Tool?. Call and se NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!! New Erei) thing, at tha Old lUnd of SARPY . ENGLISH. EDWARD (J. BOSBYSIIELL HAS the honor to Infoim the peopla of the Southern District of Douglas ami the adjoin Ing ronnttra, Nebrasaa, ihst lie i nw (ii Ing one of the largest Stocks of GOODS ever brought to tilemvood, Mills county, Iowa, ennaislilig Iff DRY GlHMH, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. HOOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAPS, yt'EENSWARE, NAII.S, LEATHER, COHDVOE, IRON, OILS. PAINTS, DYE-STCFFS, WOOD AM) WILLOW WARE, READY-M ADE CLOTHING, CARPEN I ERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, fcc, And everything that may be found generally in city store, all of which lie will sell CIIKA1' Foil CASH. flT ALL KINDS OK COUNTRY PRO DL'CE taaen in excliiinge for Goods. Buy ers from town or country whhing pood and rlienp Goods, either at wholesale or retail, will save money bv railing nnd examining his atncK before purchasing elsewhere, aa they will find good bargains and fair dealing. Glenwoop, Iowa. na 4-tf Ii. Nuckolls & Co. BANKERS & LAND ACENTS, GLEN WOOD, IOWA. Collections made ki Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, nnd remitted at current rates of ex change, free of charge. Iians elected ror lorcign capitalists, at W:siebn Rates of Interest, on real artU'.e aeenrity. Farms, Town 1MB mm uuimproveu i.anus boogltt nnd sold. Taxes paul in any County in Hie iaie also In Nebraska mid Kansas. Notes bought and Money loaned on good see urity. Interest paid on Special Deposits. Laud Warrauta bought and sold. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lands for settlers or distant dealers, either with Land Warrauta or money, in Iowa, Nebraska or Kansas. Wa charge Ten Dollars per One Hundred nnd Sixty Acres, and make reasonable deduc tions, when entering large quantities. When Land Warrant are sent, Two and n Half Cents per Acre, the Land Office Fee, m ist accompany the Locating Fee. When Warrants are sent, the No's of War rants, date, to whom issued and assigned, rihotild be copied and retained, to guard against loss in mails. Remittances to ua. can be made In Drafts on any of the -.atern or Soutern Cities We' will enter Land with Warrants or Cash, pay a 1 1 Fee, Taxes ami Commissions, for one third of the gross profits, accruing from the si.le of the lind all expeunes tocomeout of our third of the profit. Our arrangements are such that we ran enter I.incw in all the Offices in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kans.1. A competent surveyer always in readiness to find and select choice Linds, Co. Fielps, Rock (juABiiiKs, Mill Sites, Mihkrai. Tracts, Within the next twelve months there will be offered for sale in Nebraska and Kansas, Two and a Half Million Acres of Land, compris ing the best portions of those Territories, and extending along the Missouri River, from the Mouth of Kaunas River or the line of the State of Missouri, to the Mouth of L-eau- ipii-cour River. we solicit foreign l annul ior invesimem. Investments properly made in Western Lauds and Town Lots, nre now raying from twenty-five to four hundred per cent. We believe that persons patronizing our firm w ill ba e peculiar advantages over al miwt any other in this Country. We were among the first Tioueers of this vast and growing country and are intimately acquainted with nearly every portion of Western Iowa. Nebraska and Kansas, and believe we will be able to render satisfaction in all bubiness en trusted to us. LETTERS OF INQUIRY WILL BE PROMT LY ANSWURKD. REFERENCES: John Thompson t Hope, Graydon &. Co., New YorK City Wood, Ba con & Co., Philadelphia ; Straight, Deming Si. ati: Darbv &v HarUgJalct Humph reys, Tutt 4. Terry j Crow, McCreery fc. Co, St. .Louts ; Isaacs c Aiinona, ueavenwortn City, Kansas Greene, Wear & Benton, Council Ulnffs, Iowa; Heiui, Williams & Co., Fairfield, Iowa Charles Ilendrie, Hiirliiigon, Iowa; Hon. Aug. Hall, Keosauque, Iowa; Hon. James Craig. St. Josepn, mo. ; lion. a. Fulton, Wytheville. Va ; Hon. F. Mctullen, Estilville. Ya. ; Hon. F. Ferguson, Chief Jus- iee, Bellevue, Nebraska. ;enwoo1, Mills Co.. Iowa. Zl-tr. ANOTItKR GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes sixlim; at cost A T T 11 I. o M A II A CITY Boot and Shoo Storo, To make room for my own manufacture. Also. a good assortment of Indies' and Gents' Kubber, Overs and Sandals of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very ainall advance, together with a complete assortment of work "f my own man ufacture, Including Ladies' and Gents' Buffalo Overs. Also, a well aelected Stock of Leather and Findings. P, S. Every style of Kot or Sh made to order, a usual, aiid warranted easy, fashion able ami durable, no I3-tf. W. HENRY STARK. HOUSE CARPENTER AND TOUNTIISJFsL- AN. BRIGGS, Takes this method of In . forming his friends, and the public, generally, that he is prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best manner Dwelling Houses Of every description of style and finish, on the most reasonable term. Ilianktm ror past favors, ha solicits a eontinuaim ut publie patronage. Iirllcvue, im. .1", im.s-u HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. WE would respectfully Inform the inhabi tant of Bellevue nnd vicinity that we are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work- inenlike manner. Having been engaged In the business several years, we feel confident in slating, that all who favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with our work. C. P. STORRS Bellevue, Oct 23, l5t. 1-tf NEW ARRIVALS AT THE (HEAP THE Subscriber respectfully invites the at tention of purchasers, to his large and splendid stock of lioods, consisting or DRY GOODS. G ROC Kill 3, HARDWARE, II ATS, BOOTS, . CAPS, SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, &.c, k.c, All of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market. Ho has also a well selected stock of liF-AOY-MAni: CLOTHING, Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the BEST MATERIALS, nnd by EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he aell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. Bellevue, Oct. 23, H5ii. 1-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOINKltS. rjlHE undersigned takes pleasure in an--L nouncing to the inhabitants of Bellevue and vicinity, that they are now prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best manner, all styles of Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &c, &c, On the shortest notice, nnd in h most ap proved style of workmanship. They will be also happy to do any work in their line of business, which their friends may stand in need of. MYERS & HILLY ARD. Bellevue, Oct. 30, ISaii. 2-tf PRAIRIE FARMER run isj7 vol. n. X WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. BuvoTrn to Western Agriculture. Horticulture, Mechan ics, Ldur.ation, Literature, Markets, and General News. i.mTr.n r CUARLKS I). HU A(I DON. JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Cprroa'iiid Editor assisted at Over Five Hundred Practical Fanners and Mechanics, who have heretofore written, and will continue, with many others, to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public. The "Prairie Farmer" Is devoted to the In terest of the Western Farmer and Merlwinte. It Is the Oldet Agricultural Paper in the West is pubiisheiWfeekly In quarto-form, for hiiutiiii- is characterised by a high moral tone lnhnra to promote the Interests nd ad vancement of the wiioi.b of the family, and to detelop the Agricultural Resources of the West. A special and competent Commercial Reporter 1 employed to give accurate Market Reports weekly. It is csBrntialry Tin family paper for the West. I copy, 1 year, $2 in advance, or $2.50 at the'end'of the year. II copies, 1 year, $20.00 free copy to the person sending club. 20 copies, t year. $33 00 free copy to the person sending club. DO copies, 1 year, $73.(10 free copy to the person Bonding ciub. QV" An old snbsrriber sending two new ones, or $3, will receive tiibee copies one year. Subscriptions ot the club rates must be paid invariably in advance. ('V Subscribe now. You want and need "The Farmer." We want you to have it. r'V Current money may be sent bv mail at our risk, provided the letters are "registered." I r Auuress "rrine lauun, ii wm street. Chicago. III. (Vf- Advertisements, of an appropriate character, inserted at ten cents per line eacn insertion payment in anvance. GODEY'S GREATEST EFFORT, STILL GREATER ATT B ACT IONS Will be offered in GODEY'S L ADY'S BOOK FOR 1S37 This work ha s been the standard for twenty- seven years. When an imitation has been at tempted it has failed. It is THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK PUBLISHED IN AMERICA. WF.W FEATURES FOR 1837: How to dress with Taste. Children's How to cut and contrive them Paintln!? on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing in all its variety, useful to tha-Be rinner and the proficient. Fashions from the establishment of the cel ebrated "ltrodie." will be in every number. Kverv-dav Actualities A new series of these illimtrated articles will be given. Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lace of every variety. A specimen of the stitch to be used' in each will b j gj aiu In addition to the above, One lfundred' Pages of Rinding will be given monthly. God-y's Splendid Engravings on steel.. London, Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Godey'a four figured Colored Fashion. Embroidery Patterns, Model Cottages, Dress Making with Diagrams to cut liy. Dress Patterns Infants' and Umitren's dresses, with descriptions how to make them. All kinds of Crotchet and .Netting work. The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articlea upon these subjects will often be given. UOUKV'S l. V ALiV A IH.I. KM-llt.3 TPOH EVERY SUBJECT. MUSIC Three dollars' worth is given every year. in the various LATE ARRIVAL!! AT GLEN WOOD, IOWA. TOOTLE & GREENE ARE NOW IN RECEIPT Or A i'RESH SUrPLV Ut srji-y Imm mm, Which, when complete, will compose the LARGEST an p best SELECTED STOCK . IN MILLS COUNTY. WHOI.TuSAIK & 11 ETA II j I would respectfully invite the citizens of Bellei-ne and Hougiaa iu io examine iny large and well selected assortment of DRY GOODS. CROCr.RIr.S. CROCKERY, II AKDWAKE, BOOTS, SHOES. DRUGS. MEDICINES, II ITS it CAPS, DOORS, S ASH. Sur.. fcc. And In fact every variety usually called for in the West. I am confident that any one wihiug to purchase good will be entirely satisfied, ami find it will bo to ttieir interest to call and examine my large and well aelected assortment of good. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lWfl. 1-tf PADE3. Shovel, Hoe, Hay ferks. Hay 1 rakes. Kroom. Scythes and Snaths, ai Window Glass. Putty, Tea. Indig, Nutmegs, Powder. Shot. Gun Caps, and KHJl other ar ticles to be bad cheap for cash, at CLEARWATER, Will It fc SAMJLKS. n31. L OOK.1NG GLASSES of all aizes, at CLEARWAEER, WHITE fc SANDERS. n3l. T)OCKF.T KNIVES and Table Cutlery to J. be found at CLEARWATER, WHITE fc SANDERS. n31. I) EST American Calicoes at 11 1-2 cents I per yard, and other Dress Goods In pro portion, at CLEARWATER, WHITE fc SANDERS. d31. a LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CROCK D OUBI.Eand Single Eastern made liar CLEARWATER, WHITE fc SANDERS, n31tf- C1IAS. CHRISTOPHER, MACHINIST & COFPER SMITH In all its Branches. BELLEVUE AND OMATIA. IT ARDWARE, Spadea, Shovels, Hoes XX f orks, fcc, at the CPLLEVIT. STORE. W. H. STARK & CO.. Would respectfully inform the Indies and gen tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand aud are manufacturing a complete atock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted compri aing the f olluwiug, viz : Ladiea' Fine-Lace and Congress Gaiters, if. i Slippers and Parodi lies. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Uootees. Missea " " " Child.' " " " Genta' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. . reggeil " Fine French or Pump Boots. Water Proof and Quilted-Bottom I Ots. Patent Calf Root. " Oxford Ties ami Gaiters. Kip and Calf Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Kip Boota and Brogana. All of which are made of the bent material the market a (Fords. Our facilities for aelct- ing are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, aud we wistt it distinctly understood tnat wa "Warrant Every Article We Sell. Wa have the beat of workmen in our em plov. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable tit. Kespectnillv, no 13-tf W. H. STARK fc CO, Greene, Weare & Benton, BANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE and Laud Agent. Council Bluff. Iowa Notes and Bill collected and remitted to any part of tha United States. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed. Lantern or Southern mans rurmtiei in sums to suit pur chasers. Land Office funds paid for Currency or bills of Exchange. Loans effected on good security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and Real Estate bought and sold eu Commission Lands entered for settler and time given for payment. Oillre opposite the I'acifie House lu west lower room of Land Otflce. Rtrtsj vet" : F. S. Jesup fc Co.; W, Barney fc Co., Bankers, Dubuque, Iowa Cook & Sargent, Hankers, Davenport, Iowa ; I ill berton fc Reno. Hankers. Iowa City. Iowa People's B.i-ik, New York City t Ketcbem Kogera & He uet, Hankers, w York I ity Nelkon, Wit rs fc Co., aliiugton, I. C. ; Hon. thss. lason. Com. :f Patent. Wash irgton, D. C. t Il-n. A. Dodge, S. K. S, Burlington, Iowa ; Hon. i W. Jones, S. S , Dubuque, Iowa Hon. 'osenh Williams Chief Justiee, Mueatine, It a. Cuacil I;IiiF, IV I. SI, 1SW 1-tf Ol'It STOC K OF GROCERIES Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, consist oi COFFEE, SUG.aR, TEAS, FISH, RICE, CURRANTS, RAISINS, CANDIES, MOL SSES. SYRUP, FRUIT, NUTS, fcc, fcc, fcc nnv ;oois. Ladies and Gents, call and see them, and price for yourselves, lhey nave not been summered "and wintered in St; Louis, but bought and shipped direct from the Easter cities. Late st les and a run assortment or DRESS GOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS and PARASOLS. A fine atock old and young, fogies and fal' men. call soon if yon want a nice coa vest or pant, on reasonable term. una: nils . t New styles, cheap aid durable. ii titimAiti:. A very large assortment, consis'ing In part of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws. Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze, Chiels. fcc, fcc. to the end of the chapter. Itl ll.UI.X; .MATERIALS. A large lot, consisting of Fine Doois, Sash. Shutter Blinds, Paints. Oils, Nails, Locks, Latches, Glass. Putty, fcc . iiiiMiiitn. Bureaus. Bedsteads. Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes. Cubboars, Stands, fcc CV We will sell cheaper for cash thar any house in Western Iowa. no 8-tf. TOOTLE & GREENE. A. Schimonsky, rpOPOGRAPHIC ENGINEER, Execntea X Topographic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every style and description. Fancy, Orna mental and Plain Painting executed to order. Office at the Bellevue House, Bellevue, N. T. RrrraENcrs: P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa; Judge Gihnore, Bellevue. 1-tf Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respectfully informs the inhabitants of Bellevue and the surrounding country, that he is prepared to dig and finish, WELLS AND ISTEKNS. At the shortest notice, and on the mot rea sonable terms. D. A, LOGAN. Mlevne, Oct. 23, 1R.VI 1-tf JOHN ANDERSON'S Beat Chewing and r rvnomng lonsrco, ar CLEARWATER, WHITE fc SANDm. numbers for 1S57, will be found the newest designs for Window Curtains, Brodenc Anglaise Nippers, Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, Evening Dresses, Fancy Articles, Head Dresses. Hair Dressing. Robes de Cramble, Car riage Dresses, Brides' Dres v e.s, Wreaths. Mantillas, Walking Dresses, Riding Habit, and Morning Dresses. Dresses for Infants and Young Misses, Boys' Dresses, Cape and Cloaks of Fur in season, Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds and patterns to cut dresses by are given monthly. Crochet and Netting Work In Colors, Slip per in Colors. Drawing Lessons for Y'outh. Send in vour orders soon, as we expect our list for 1857 will reach llKl.tMHI copies. The best plan of subscribing is to send your money direct to the publisher. Those who send large amounts pad better aeud drafts, but notes will answer if drafts cannot be pro cured. We think we can show hovy much cheaper it is to take the Lady's Book at Iliree Dol larsthan any other magazine at Two Dollars. We will take a late number of both. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 3d articles, the Lady's Book fi. The Two "Dollar Magazine contained 32 en gravings, the Lady's Book 5ll. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 64 pa ges, the Lady's Book 1(H). Twenty-four more engravings, twenty six more "articles, and thirty-six more pages, nearly double tfc. I'lantity. The lowest club price'of the Two Dollar Magazine is $1,25; lowest club price of Lady's Book $1,07, only 42 cents difference in the'price, which is three and a half cents on each number, and for that sum (three and a half rents), you receive twenty-six mie articles, twenty-four more engravings, and thirty-six more pages month ly certainly a very cheap three and a half cents' worth. This view of the case has probably never before been presented, but it is a true statement, which any lady can con vince herself of by comparing the two magazines. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy, one year, $3. Two copies, one year, $. Three copies, one year, 6. Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies $10. Eight copies one year and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making nine copies $15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra ropy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies $20. V The above terms cannot be deviated from, no matter how many are ordered. SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Godey'a Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazines ioth one year for $3 50. Godey's Lady's Book "and Harper'a Maga- zin both one year for $1 50. Godey'a Lady's Book, Harper'a Magazine, and Arthur's Home Magazine ono year $'. The above is the only way we can club with Harper's Magazine. Tii' money must all ba sent at one time for any of the Clubs. Subscribers in the British Provinces who send for club, must remit 30 cer ts extra on every subscriber, to pay the American post age to tile lines. Address. L. A. GODEY. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. uor rpiIE Cheapest Family Newt pa per in U 1 West I The Weekly Plain Dealer wm commence it a Sixteenth Volume on thai at day l 1 W,7 t uiill ,,IUn. K. Ul rftlllU'llJ, l"n . ui .Vll.lliur III, SOie' Independent, jocose, r earless, rignttng Jour nal it haa ever been, Dealing FUiuly but kind ly w ith all. It will battle for the Constitu. tron and tha Union, aa "the world'a bent trea sure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion Ism in every form, and- batlia IJia-unlon In every disguise. Of its vigilance aa a Sentinel upon the watch-tower of Liberty, it la suffi. cient to aay, that it haa never yet been found napping at its post. THE NEW VOLUME AND THE NEW YEARI The New Volume will commence with New Year, big with Important events. A new leaf in tle history of this Republic will be entered, upon tha Inauguration of a tn President aud Vice President. During tSe comirg year, the policy of tko New Adminis tration will be fully unveiled in regard to tli following important and exciting Nations! topica: Tim Final Settlement of the Kama Difficulty, on which the whole Slavery quej. tion in tiie Territcjries is pending The Final Settlement of the Central American Questien, as against the claims of England Our Rigfct of Transit Across the Isthmus. and the recog nition and maititatnance or the walker Re public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Due The Acquisition of Cuba Tine Annexation, of the Sandwich Islands Tha Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, with or without Poly gamy Admission of Kansas, with or without Slavery Prohalile Admission oi iriraK nnd Washington Territories The Inaugural Message of James Buchanan lhe Doinp of the New Democratic Congress. Ihcse are some of the leading events which will uistm guish the incoming Administration, and most of them will transpire during the coming year. NOW IS TIIE TIME TO SUBSCRlBEl Cleveland, from its central location, and from its great concentration of Rail Roads. Telegraphs, aud water communication with the world, is admitted to be the Best News Point in the West. It can rurnmh inlalligence from all parts of the world, days ahead of tlie New lork Tapers, and toe nam ucaier, oc longing to the New York Associated the first to publish the Foreign and Domestit Markets, News, Disasters upon the Lakes, and Commercial Intelligence generally. It will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches Trow Washington during the Session of Congr'st, and has regular Correspondents in all the principal cities of the Union. In addition to a full and faithful record of passing events, we intend to devote a consid erable portion of our paper to "Polile Litera ture." Evtry Paper will contain a Story, either or selected, accompanied with the choicest variety of Miscellany, auch a Poetry, Discoveries,. Biographies, Jokes, Od dities, fcc, fcc, making altogether one of the most Valuable Family Journals in the West! "Prompt to improve and to invite, We'll blend instruction with delight." V" (ir Agricultural,. Commercial, asd Telegraphic Departments-will wortli the subscription price of tne paper. The Brk-Mon. New York. Baltimore. Cleve land and Cincinnati Markets will be reported Weekly. ILK. vis: Single Subscribers, $2.f)0- Clubs of Ten (to one Office), 1.50 Clubs of Twenty (to one Office).- 1.2& Clubs of Fifty, " " WW Pay invariably in advance. To tha gettsr tip or a Cliih, one copy gratis. fjy Post-Masters "are especially requested to act as Agents. They should in every case, where possible, substitute Western Demo cratic Papers for Kastcrn Fusion Papers. Those desiring the President's Message nnd other Public Documents, can subscribe now, or at any time before the first of December. Subscribers to the New Volume shoulil send in their names as early aa the middle of December, an that they may be registered in time for the first number. All funds reclved at current rates, and if registered, mailed ei our risk. Address J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, O. GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG RICULTURAL PAPER. - rUULISHED AT GERMANTOWN, PHILA'IA CO., PEXN. Every Wednesday Mousing. 1 BY PHILIP R. FREAS. PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUJI. 113 CbMiiut St. We take tins occasion to announce to Farm ers throughout the country, that it is the in tention, of the Editor and Proprietor of the '"Gcrmantown Telegraph," not only to con tinue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment of hia paper, but sedulously to add to its character aud value by all the means t command. All necessary space shall be pro vided for a ful irecord of Agricultural Detail and a full development of every branch of thf Farmer'a Pursuit. He will in future, as he has alwaya heretofore, aim to be practical, and to be of real aud substantial advantage to husbandry. His course, also, will contiwu to be thoroughly independent, and wholly on biassed by any other motives than those h conceives to be promotive of the true interest of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in fluence shall swerve him from the path of right and duty. Farmers, throughout the country, who de sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, and equa1' to any other family news and literary journal published, which makes Agriculture a speci ality, will find the "Germantown Telegraph"" to fulfill every condition, aud to render it en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for. : i- - I "5 , I periouicai exciuHiveiy B(;riruiiiiitti. 1'racticai Horticulture, romoiogy ana Har dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. Aa a Literary and Newa Journal it shall not be surpassed by any in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of the lareeft class, it shall continue to be one of the hand somest newspapers of the day. r.verv raniily, in town or country, wnetner they take other papers or not, w ill find the "Germantown Telegraph" to be worth, in lib eral benefit, twice the amount of subscripting No subscriptions received without the casn Price Two Dollars in advance. Subscription not paid within the year, $2.50. Mail tA arribera will have the cash postage deduct1' when not exceeding 25 eta. per annum, pro vided the aubscription be paid atrictly In ad Postage stamps to this amouut be returned aa change with the receipt. Any person sending five new subscribers ' one time, with the cash, will be entitled to th paper for one year. Specimen numbere eent on request.. . MTiiMRAnnxcT-ai iTexcrii' wfi ESTABLISHMENT AT 33elloirue, TNT. T- Office Levee, at the eld Trading Post rtlOW.V PL ATS. Maps, Sketches, IleadinS of Letters, Rills and Certificates, ana every description of plain and fancy engraving and lithographing work neatly done. Our presses being of the best and most V' proved kind, we hope to execute work q"1 to the best in the United Ktates. S. W. Y. SCHIMONSKY , r,Bi3 THOS. P. BOYES.