Local & Miscellaneous. Iltnoiois Notices.. Next SuiiJay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, C. C. Co t will preach to the children of the Sunday School. His subject in tho evening, at 7 o'clock, will be, The Legitimate Province of the Pulpit. One week from next Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 19th, and 20th, die second Quarterly Meeting of the present Con ference year, will take place. Rev. Mr. Chevington, Presiding Elder of the Dis trict, will he present. History or Bellevuk.- Rev. C. C. Goss is now engaged in preparing a work upon the history, advantages, and pros pects of our city, which is to be published soon. From a personal acquaintance with Mr. G., we have no hesitation in saying, it will be a full and reliable rec ord of transpired events, resperting the tarly history of Bellevue, extending back to the year 1804, to the landing of Capts. Lewis and Clark, and tho subsequent es tablishment of the Ameican Fur Compa ny, under the supervision of Francis De roin, as their agent. As there is much connected with our city, concerning the history of the Territory, it will bo a val uable book to those interested in the growth and prosperity of Nebraska. We presume- the work will have a large sale. New Buildings. The various build ings now going up, in this city, are pro gressing finely. We are glad to see that our citizens are disposed to build with brick ; giving as it does, any place, a per manence and neatness in appearance. Oua Fr.RRY. We are glad to lenrn that our new Steam Ferry Boat, is well patronized, and is making constant trips between Bellevue and Junction City. The boat is well officered, and fully de serves the patronage that she is now re ceiving. Editor Gaxette : Yesterday I cross ed the Missouri River at Bellevue, on the Steam Ferry Boat, II. II. Hardin, and noticed the time of crossing by my watch, which was 3 1-2 minutes. I went to Council Bluffo and thence to Omaha, crossing the river on the Steam Ferry Boat at that place, in 17 3-4 minutes. Traveler. Absent. Judge W. H. Cook, left our city yesterday, for a visit U his friends in the Keystone State. He will be absent about two months. He is a popular J udge and a good citizen, and we hope he will induce more of the same sort to emigrate to Nebraska. Good luck to you, Judge. May your sojourn with " the loved ones at home," be pleasant and profitable. Just Like Him.-T. W. Whittington Jeft us several Nutmeg Musk-Melons last week. They were first rate, and no mis take. Tbose Plums. Our friend John, who sits on the box, and presides over the Whiteys, between Bellevue end Omaha, lias our thanks for a lot of wild Plums. Pears. We were presented with a lot of Pears, by H. T. Clarke, a few days since. They were good, too. All Hands in Luck. Tuesday af ternoon, as we were " pursuing the even tenor of our way," a gentleman dropped in, and gave all hands an invitation to take supper at the Ferguson House ; and the appointed time found us on hand, to a man, with vigorous digestives, fully pre pared for the occasion. We partook of a first rate s'upper, gotten up by a Nebraska Cook, had a social chat, and enjoyed our selves generally. Gentlemen of the Fer guson House! you have our individual and collective thanks, now and forever. Good, Better, Best. Who wouldn't be an editor ? just think of it. During the past week, there has been a regular avalanche of good things, pouring into our office, from "early morn till dewy eve," consisting of melons, plums, and pears ; and then we were invited to a supper Concluding this to be our last " God send,'' we Lad recorded our good luek, and gone about other duties. But just in the nick of time, as our supplies were running out, in came Judge Cook, bearing a burden of monstrous size, which he proceeded to un roll in a formal manner, as though i were some antiquated mummy, and soon brought to view, a huge pile of apples. We " pitched in," and ate to our heart's content, thinking of the days of yore, when we use to make daily vista to our favorite trees, in the old on hard, and occasionally extending our excursions to the neighbor's. Ah, Judge, in the full ness of our heart, w can only say thank you. Wild Plums ore now markets. tellin; in our lit tu roa FLRAisun. -Last Sat urday afternoon, as soon as the flection of Judge Ferguson was known in this city, our citizens repaired, with u sis-pounder, to Elk Hill, and fired 1 00 guns in honor of tho election of the Judge. As we lis tened to tho booming of ennon, echoing along the volley of tho Missouri, we fan cied wo heard a " still, small voico," issu ing from the domicil of our late Uolognte, now defunct, singing the well known Af rican melody, " Oh, carry me back," &c. with all the melancholic pathos exhibited by a well known gentleman of color, who was once proprietor of tho " Float ing Scow," and made classic in song. Ladies' Benevolent Association. We had the pleasure of spending a few hours with the Indies of this Association, at the house of Rev. William Hamilton, on Wednesday last. The object of these ladies, is to procuro funds to furnish the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, that are now being erected in this city. As that was their annual meothig, the follow ing officers were elected : Pre.idenl, Mrs. Lovejoy ; Vice President, Mrs. John Finney ; Secretary, Mrs. Nye ; Treasur er, Miss Maria Hamilton. The next meeting will occur Wednesday, Sept. 2!J. Steamers Arrived. The Wntossa again heads our list. She arrived at our landing, Friday, Sept. 4. The Alonzo Childs arrived the same day. She has our thanks for St. Louis papers. The Florence arrived Saturday, Sept. 5. She is a popular boat. The Admiral cume up Saturday even ing, Sept. 5, and discharged a large quan tity of freight, for our merchants. The Admiral is a capital boat, and Capt. Baker and Mr. Darst, her Clerk, are gentlemen whom the traveling public well remember. The St. Mary passed up, Sunday morn ing, Sept. G. Sheriff's Sale. We would refer our readers to the Sheriffs Sale, adver tised in our paper, to take place at tho Benton House to-day. The property to be sold, was part of the original claim be longing to II. T. Clark, of this city. The land was purchased and pre-empted by R. C. Willson, who attempted to play the rascal, but we believe not with success. When will all men learn that honesty is the best policy ? Remember the sale. We call attention to the advertisement of Bartels & Metz, in to-day's paper. They have recently located in our city; and have erected a large two story More, on the corner of Main and 21st Streets, which they nov occupy. We have ex amined their goods, and find them to be of the first quality, and at low prices. They are gentlemen, in every respect ; and we hope our citizens will give them a call, and satisfy themselves. Weather is delightful ; cool and pleas ant The Atlantic Telerrafh a Fail ure. it will be seen by tlie iollowing, that the Atlantic Telegraph is, for the pre sent, a failure; but we are confident of its ultimate success: The British steamer Cyclops had re turned to Valcntia, with Mr. Field on board. That gentleman immediately re paired to London, to confer with tho Di rectors, and telegraphed from London on Saturday, as follows: "Iter majesty s steamer Leopard, ar rived at Portsmouth on Friday evening, and reports that the Atlantic cable .was lost at a quarter before 4 o clock on Tues day morning the 11th inst., after having laid out successfully 33 j nautical miles of it 100 miles of it being laid in water over two miles in depth, and the greater part of it while going at rather more than five miles per hour. At that time there was a heavy swell on. The Niagara wns going at the rate of 4 knots per hour, and as the Lngineer found that the. cable was run ning out in too great a proportion to the speed of the ship, he considered it neces sary to direct the breaks to be applied more firmly, when the cable parted, some distance from the ship." The Agamemnon, Niagara and Susqiie hana, will remain a short time where the cable parted, to try some experiments in deep water in that part of the Atlantic, which is considered, will be of great value to the Telegraph Company, and then a'l go to Plymouth England. The experi ence now obtained must be of great value to the company, and it is understood that the Directors will decide whether to have more cable made and try again immedi ately after the equinoctial gales, or wait un til another summer. The impression prevails at Liverpool that another trial will take place in October. The vessels were returning to England with the remainder of the cable, still ovr 2.000 miles in length, and perhaps suffi cientto unite the two continents. The directors are sanguine of ultimate success. A conference was to be held in London on the 15th inst., for the purpose of deter mining whether to go on immediately with the balance of the cable, or wait until another turnmer. Itriiiorrulit-lout rulioii in Iowa We learned yesterday, from a ftiend in Iowa, jr.st on his return from the State Democratic Convention of Iowa, held at Iowa City, 2Cth ultimo, that the conven tion passed oil' very harmoniously, and willi an imusutil amount of determination and assurance, on the part of the Dele gates, and other Democrats present, to carry tho State in the coming election. Benjamin M. Samuels, of Dubuque, was nominated for Governor, and Geo. Gallaspy, of Wapello County, for Lieut. Governor. We understand our old friend John H. Sherman, of Pottawntamie Co., received a very complimentary vuto for Lieut. Governor, We are pleased to hear this concerning our friend Sherman. It has been our pleasure to know him sever al years; and although a very young man. to bo spoken of in connection with so dis. tinguished a position nevertheless the compliment was justly duo Mr. Sherman; and such a nomination, young as he is would have reflected credit upon the De mocracy and the Slate of Iowa ; for the Democracy of Iowa liuvo no more tried, uncompromising anil unflinching Demo crat than John ll.Shermiin. With liisclonr head and good judgment, and by his pow erful pen, ho has done much for the cause ; and that friend John may live to reap the glorious reward, in thu chapter of fume, which his faithfulness in the cause, so richly merits, is our earnest hope. OneCcnt Reward. The Ncbraskinji of last week offered the above reward, for the names of tho remaining two persons voting for Judgo Ferguson. We have the name of one of them, and if tho Neurits kian will send us a one. cent sliin-plaxler, payable in one year at ten prr ceid, wo will communicate the same. . No bucking now. An Arr ant Poltroon, The last num ber of Chapman's organ, published at Omaha City, yclept ye Ntbrnshian, indul ges in some low-flung scurrility, and stale falsehoods in relation to the Nonpareil. This is very easily accounted for Chap man has been defeated, and tho editor, like his master, feels "orful" bud, and wants to euse his mind, by giving vent to his wounded "phelinx." Poor fellow! if it docs him any good to cull us hard names, we will not object. It is not to wondered at, that hi feels bad, for the man who brought him to tho Territory, gave him shelter, clothed his unbreeched limbs, and astonished his pockets, by helping him to reach up into Uncle Sam's "strong box," has been defeated. Wo certainly could de sire no higher commendation und eulogy, than the abuse of such a person ns(he ed itor of the Nebrankian, who unites the contemptible vices of vulger impertinence, low servility, and base demagogueism, with that of arrant poltroonery. Under the con trol and direction of Chapman, this editor fir.-t emerged from obscurity, to which his intellectual imbecility and moral deficiency had consigned him in Ohio, und he is now in a fair way to be again consigned to that fate from which his servility, his adapta bility to u nervice loo base fur the generality of men, could alone hnve dragged him. Such a character ordinarily, only the scav enger and nuisance abater would be justi fied in handling witha pair of tongs. We have no difjiositio'n to htir him. Council Bluffs Nonpareil. MASOMC OTIt i:. Tin regular meetings of Nebraska Lodge. No. IS 1, of Free anil Acer pted Masotii-. u ill meet in Masonic Hall, semi-monthly, on Tues day evening, at 7 o'clock. L. II. KINNEY, W. M. m a i: it 1 1; i. In this city, Sept. 8, at the Henton I!oiihi, by Judije Cook. Mr. Amos J. Davis, of Lsri mer City, to Mis Henrietta Hewitt, of Fair view. VARIETY STORE. THK undersigned have opened, near tbe Printing Oin.ee, in Hellevne, a large and varied assortment of Goods. Among t!iu virUty may be found DRY GOODS, Such as Urown M'islin, Calico.. Meeting, Shirting, Hosiery, Ac. kxivf.s, forks SCYTHES, WOOD-SWS. SHOVELS, HAY-FORKS. SPADES. T E A- K ETT L E S, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, Ar., Together with a quantity of Boots dBs Sliocs Kegars, Rakes, Ropes, Horse-collar, Carpct sacki, Window Sash, Doors, TEAS AND SUGARS, Tohocco, Qucensware, Glassware, Flour, trackers and a peat many more article. They keep constantly ou baud, a large as sortment of good M ines and Liquors, Warranted the best quality cheap for cash. n:mf J.' P. HORN Jt CO. Land Warrants CtONST ANTLY on hand and for sale by ' the FONTENELLE II AN K. Pre-emntors ran make a handsome earing by iunv Warrants. All Warrants sold by the above Institution are gtiaran'eid. JOHN" .1. TOWN, Cashier. Bellfvie. June 17. 31 oiiuii adveutwimem's. V KMAVOUTHH NEBRASKA IN 1057. TlltS work will nrMn be ready fur delivery by (tie litli inst. I'll In it supply was re ceived last week und wan tin mediately sold. A new County Map, corrected by Mr. Uvcrs, according to the county boundaries e itablinli ed by the Legislature ' I ait winter, has been engraved expressly for the work, and w ill ap pear In the next edition. Resides a history of the Territory, lt con dition and prospect,, the woik contain the rlalin laws of Nebraska, ami a digest of the United State pre-empt inn laws, making a complete prr-emptor'a guide. Every prison interested 111 Nebraska sliould have A copy of the work. Price, with the map, 75 cents) without the inap,r0 cent. Mingle copies mail ed, postage paid, on receipt of price, to any part of the country. C. C. WOOLWORTH, Omaha, June 11, 18&732tf Publisher. 1 KU K S, S TAT JO N lilt Y AND PAPF.ll HANGINGS. A complete assortment nt WOOLWORTIFS Rookstore, Omaha City, N. T. ,, special ngeni ror M HooL Uook. J. A. JUNKS. IIKO. W. WOOD. Till! LARGEST Drug & Chemical Houso IN TUB WEST. OM AHA CI f V, NEIIKASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD) Wnoi.i sai.i: and limn. Dealers is Drills, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, live St ii (Is. Window Glass, Wines, Lbpiors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. Ac. Ac. Having purchased the entire stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C. A. Henry A. Co.. together' with our own full purchases, we are now enabled to oiler (lie public s complete an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS an can be found went of the Mississippi river. Our stock is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska trade and having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured in our statement, that if Fine Goods, as regards quantity, qual ity and price, are any object to those "dciiling in DRUGS and MEDICINES, wn can ouVr these inducement In a greater extent than any other house In the West. Country Merchants and Physicians are requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere no l.'Mf JONES it WOOD. N0 MORE HARD TIMES. H. 91. 11 ui:, HAS established himself in a NEW GRO CERY STORE, in Hellcvue. on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, where tin wilt keep constantly on hand, all kinds of fresh urovcries, Flour, ' Sugar, Coffer1, Teas. Rice, Fish, &c. He has also a choice lot of liquors, and ev ery other article usually kept in a Grocery Store. C'A meal market is kept In the base ment storv, for the accommodation of the eil izerisof Rellevne, and vicinity. 35.1m EICHER & DAVENPORT, MERCHANT TAILORS, WOULD respectfully inform the citi.ens of Jlc.llcvue and vicinity tiiat they have commenced the TAILORING HURI NF.SS in the building formerly occupied bv J. JW. Uar tay, corner MAIN street and FIFTH AVEN UE, end Intend keeping constantly on hand CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, and VESTINGS, Which will be made up to order with neat ness and dispatch. Also. Fl RS and HIDES bought or taken in exchange for goods. no .'td-tf. THE CHICAGO CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE: Itooiu No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearhop ISireet, Chicago. CAPFJ'Al 8l.r0,0()(). DIR. E C T O K S : I'PMUkB ( AKMEI.n, IIKNAV CHAPMAN', il. S. MONHOE, ISAAC COOK, II. A. WVNCOOr. OFFICERS: Edmund Caufield, Prei., Wm. 8. Bales, bec y, wenry t'napman, Treas. rpillS Company was organized on the 27th L day of March, A. D. 1S.V), under a upec iai charter from tlie Legislature of Illinois, and biiRiness commenced under the most fa vorable auspices, lis establishment has been tijMih it nlUi utd lciidtdtt basii, mid in view of its stability, soundness, and permanency, ranks as one of the lirst Insurance Companies iu the couniry. To those desirous of iirotectin? themselves against loss or damage by Fire, or perns or inc. iea, uiey org ifjve to oiler the following REFERENCES. Messrs. Stone &. Witt, Clevehnd, Ohio. J . ' Williams &. Avery, Chicago, HI. " Norton tc llro'her, " Stone & Roomer, " H. S. Durand, Pres. Racine ft. Mis. X R. Geo. C. Nortlirup, Cash. Racine C. Jjank. Wm. P. l.ind, Esq., Milwaukee. .1. G. C'onroe, Esq. Rariue. Ashley Gijher. Cash. Coin'l JS'k, Chicago. lk-nrv Farnham, President Chicago Rock Island Rail Road. Daniel P. Rhodes, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, 111. Hon R. Chamberlin, St. Louis, Mo. Messrs. Wadaworth, Wells & Seymour, Chicago, 111. Messrs. I. H. Iltirch A. Co., Chicago Bank. Messrs. u. W. Mer & Go. Chicago, 111. Wm. Blancbard, Esq., Morris, III. Messrs. H. C. A, (). G. Cook A. Co.. Rock ford. III. Meiss. H. Wheeler A Son, Anrer. 111. Messrs. Judd, Smiih A. Pratt, Dixon, III. Nehsmiah Case, Esq.. ll.illalo. N. Y. Win. II. Fundy, Evp. Springfield, III. Gen. 1. Curn, Springfield, 111. Kicliard Ivers, Esq., K.. Louis, Mo. 34 JOHN J. TOWN, Agent at Rellevue BRICK AND LUMBER. LARGE quantity of first rate Hrirk and .TV lumber for Kile, t reasonable rates. Eno'iite at rov Office near the Kenton Hoes. 3' JOT.ri! E. TRAY. PRO B0I1D FUEL GO. BELLEVUE (CoMiiucrcinl SiSiiiporiinn ! ! t P HE undersigned respectfully aollrlt the Attention of the ell iem of n. 'levue und vicinity, .1 to their cxtensh o assnitmcnt of goods, embracing every variety usually kept In lh west. The attention of the ladies I liaitlcnl.irly called to our farce nsHoitmeitt of dress goods, consisting In part of silks, French and Ainerlron Jaconet ami Organdy lwns. ilerages, De Lsines, Ac. Fignied and Pl iln Swiss, Jaconet and Book Muslins, t'alicos, Ribbons, Artifi cial 1'lowcie and Wreaths, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, flouuets, Flats, Ac. 3QOOTS c3 SHOES. Ladies fine morocco slippers, kid and morocco buskins, pa rod I ties, and Jenny Llinl, kid, en ameled and calf skin lare boots, black and colored gaiters, Ac. Gent's fixe morocco ami calf skin boots, fine cloth, calf skin and patent leather gaitsis, st''J and peg'd monroes, slippers, Ac. Children's shoes, a great variety. If J Men's ami bos" fine fell, weol, Panama, riuracoa, seanette, Leghorn, palm, a great variety. O L O Till I TNT Gr. The largest slock ever onmed In this roimly. consisting ir coals, pants, vests, shirts, rol l.m, uver-alls, Ac. of nil si.es, styles, and quality, for men, buys and children. fMWrH! groat variety of both Euejish and American manufacture, Carpenters' tools, Ae. Houso kei peis ami builders will bud it to their ndvautage to call befme purchasing elsswhsre. ALSO, tJuei'iiKwnre, Medicines, Kxtructs, Oysters, Ctioicn Cruris, Furniture, Flour, Also, a lurjio Grooorios. All the nbove articles, together witli a great variety not mentioned, will be sold low for raxli. All kinds of merchantable rountry produce tuken in exchungo for goods. Also Dry Hides, Furs, Ac. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us by the ltf zens of this county, we earnestly solicit its continuance. BEATON A. ROW L EH, nmos31 Main Street. P. A. SARPY, Wholcflalo & Retail Merchant, COHNLn 0' MAIN AMP I.HIX.OHY SIHkKIS, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale, it large assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of all in this new ami thriving community, which he can sell asc heap as can be oll'ered elsewhere so high upon the Missouij river. His goods have been selected by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to the circumstances and wants of nil classes of settlers ill a new country. La (!ies and gentlemen, children and youth, all cmi be supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His slock consists of the following, among a great many other articles he cannot now enu merate : Among his Pry Goods, May lie found Woolen and Siilinrt Cloths, Cassinets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Linseys, Flannel, Red, White, Gray and Hlue, Caspian Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Shirtings, Illearhed and Unbleached, Dlue and White, Drillings, Osnahuig, lied-Ticking, Hickory Checks, &.C., A.c. Fancy Goods. A beautiful assortment of fancy prints or every variety of style and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alpacra, Rnmhaines, Itoin bayelts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, Ac, A.c. eiolhin;. A Well selected stock of Summer, Fall snd Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine Dress (fi.iis, Pauls and Vests; also, good Summer Clothingof all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, Ac. Mens' and Rovs' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, qualities And prices. Hoots A. Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, und Children's use. lirororlrs, Crushed, Clarified, Ioaf and Rrown Sugar, Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Gobln Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio arid Java CoH'ee, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmeps, Smitl's, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, PickU Pepper-Sauce, Ac., A.c. 1'iotbioiis. A large assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices Corn Meal and all the various products of the Farm and Garden; Ha con, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, Raisins, Ac. Hardware, Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking anj Heating rooms, Htove-pipe and Elbows, larg ami small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets I land-Irons. Shovels and Tongues, Manureaud Hay Forks, Scythes. Shovels and Spades, Log and Trace Chains. Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse.Rasps, Files Saws, Knives und Forks, Pocket Knives, Ra zors, lluttsand Screws, Door Handles, Knolt Ijocks, Ac, Ac. Tinware. A general assortment kept for lionseliok purposes. ' Woodwarf. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Ziue Washboards. Ixallirr. Sole Leather. Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins, Cdlf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Itridh-s, llallers, Lariats, Circingles, liellv-bands. Driving-lines, Collars, Hack straps, GirJis, lilind-hriillcs, Ax., Mfdirlncs. A general assortment of Medicines, for Fevers, Fever and Agie, and the common complaints of the country. Cook's. Lee's, Sappenyton's, llragg's and Jaynes' Pills, Qui nine, Tonics, ami various kinds of Stimulants, Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles neces sary for the sick and the invalid. l-tf li. cook r.aii rim. c. e. niirimiiLii Griffith & Rutterfleld, BUTCHERS, ar.rt nepers in CATTLE, SHEEP and SWINE, have permanently loca'ed themselves in liellevue City, and are prepared to furnish tbe citizen of liellevue wi'ii fresh meat on Tuesday, lliursday and Saturday morning of each week. They ran be found in the Baseuviit cf S. M. Pike's Groce ry and Provision Store, where they will he happy to wait upon their customers. 6m3.t G LEN WOOD HOTE L 'uv lonirr cf Loruvt anl(oolo(l;eStrcrts, c.i.i.Mvoon, iowa. I I Ci 1 1 (ilusHware, Perfumery, Fam.'uccs, J'rescrved Fruils, Tobacco, Woodon Ware, Fish, &u. Muck of thoico M'lti.Nt; aukv(.i:mlm. Reculnr Packet for Kansas, Iavenworth, Weston, St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point, Nebraska City, liellevue, Council lllull's, Omaha and Florence. fVWU THE new a ml elegant Passenger ifyrTO Steamer FlorODCQ, J. Throck tsiscacnSrfinritton, Master, J. K. Gorman, Clerk, will commence her trips, as a regular packet in the nbove trade, on the opening of navigation in the spring, and will remain in It throughout Hie gearon. The Florence having been built under the superintendence of the uneersigned, expressly for the trade, is of extraordinary strength, and well adapted to it In every particular. A rea sonable share of the patronage of shippers, nnd the public generally, Is respectfully soli cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master. 2.Vs J. E. GonMAN, Clerk, SKASOX AltliG.TMEXT. Regular Packet for Kansas. Nebraska City, Jltllevue, Com cil HUrts, Omaha, p add Florence, i fHT)S THE new and elegant Steamer Wj! Min-nc-ha-ha, Capt. Charles jrar.raa linker, Master, Hutchinson, Clerk, will run as a regular packet, to tho above and all Intermediate points on the Mis souri river, and persons can rely upon her con tinning in the trade regularly during the season. The Min-ne-ha-ha Is an entirely new boat, built expressly for the Missouri 'River trade, and being fitted up In the latest and most ap proved style, her officers feel confident, that ' strict attention to the comforts of Passengers, and to business, will make her the favorite b -ut In the trade. CIIAS. UAKER, Master. Hutchinson, Clerk. H. T. Clarke, Agent. 2fl s TailoHn!Tailoring ! The undersigned begs leave to Inform the citizens of Bellevue and vicinity that he Is tiretiared to do custom work, in the latest fashion and most approved style. He feels roi fiilent that his work is unsurpassed East or West; and by moderate prices respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. Ho will always be found ready to receive orders at the bellevue House. JOSEPH BRAY. Jlellevue, N. T. March 11th I857,tf Charles E. Watson, C1IVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, J Rellevue City, Nebraska Territory, pro fesses to be " posted" in the lay of the'land iaj this vicinity, and off rs his services to such as may need them, on reasonable terms. LV He will also act as agent, for tbe pur chase or sals of Real Estate, In the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished nposj application. Declarations filed and pre-emptions obtained. 4-if THEMISS0TJRI RIVER AND IOWA STONE COMPANY. AT S T. MARYS, MILLs CO., IOWA, AHE prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAND, GRAVEL, LIME, ROCK, A. LUILDING STONE of every variety, size and shape. They have facilities for quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that may be needed, and also intend to make BRICK. WATER LIME, tVC. 100 Laborres IlEFERANCES: P. Choutsao J. A. Co., Bt. Lock. Gkllne, Wkask, A, JJknton, Cornell. Bt.rrrs. All orders should be ddree-.-d to JNO. W. ANTHCN, grmcTABY. St. Marys, March li(h,17. 21tf. reaesteorTs'ale .10 lots in bel-levuk. AlsoSlIAItES BELLEVUE STOCK, do ELK HILL ADDITION do JUNCTION CITV. For further particulars enquire of T. M. McCORD, At the Fontonelle Bank. JJ.1"'!' 4?ril yj 26-tf FARMERS READ! JOHN P. HORN A. CO.. hear the Printing I Odice, Btllevue, hj've on hnd shovels, Hors. Spades, Forks, ILinies, and a general assortment of Farming fools. Call and see. July, l. H.r.7. 3w3fl BOOTS and SHOESTwenty cases cf Roots and Shoes, all sixes, at the BELLEVUE STOKE. Sack - A '" soieU4 must b -JU soli, by CL ARKE t ERO. i a r.