tl u it If ,1 Ji; j It I t i ; ! a- At - f 1 I :1 , i r, i li u m ji- YM-, ill!-' nit Mi M tacit lis sous. , ) I1I1U mouc th Luimllc. Yostettlav furnn Sitfnor Blit kindly gave ait exhibition of his skill in IcRerJt inn In aud veuinloiui.MU at ih Insaiio As yluin tt Fjtiih Kuii. H-twoeii forty mi.! fifty of tho frmalr-s, who.e mental v.onJilioii ullow of thfir bcuifi; presold, wil. !.. J the performance, and wer highly llipliiHi with the marvelous dexterity of the. magician's i'liiMons ami iransforina tim. Tin1 int n, f.T the most part were still, nm! deeply inloroMotl, while llio wo men were full of laughter and glee Out mini, who g-mluntcd al 1 vnrd with dis tinguished honors, and who for two years has c inhibited no interest in things about him, entered heartily i nt. th spirit of the performance, and, liUo Chevalier Meu prat, appluu led in proper time and plnce. Another patient was an delighted, that he propose to nivo tho Sinor fc'JOO. The effect upon the several patients wcro wide ly dillVront, t.oine luughinff ontriglit, and others exhibiting n lively curiosity or sta ring with amazement, while the faces of n few were as blank as tho wall at which they gaged. The company were hiirhly delighted at tho Signer's? trained canaries, w ho pel formed excellently. Hut the most successful porton of the exhibition wni the tlipltiy of veniriloquuil powers, in winch the magician is without u rival. Jt was a gratifying si'uht to witness tho shades of expression flit ucross the countenances of these unfortunates, as the tlillerent imagi nary personages conversed with the Sign- tor The performances occupied about an hour, and was given in UIU2 s best style; in fact, he seemed to take particular pleas ure in thus administering to the gratificu lion of th"se afflicted people.- Boston JranacrtjH. Looitxo Down a Dandy. "Itvnadi ning at a hotel in Philadelphia," writes i gentleman of Knoxville, Tennessee, "and Mtting nearly opposite Gidean Henderson of this city, a, well known merchant, who was on his semi-annuul tour to the North to buy goods. Ho had two young ladies from this State under his charge, and one of them was sitting on earn Mile of Mr Henderson at table. Directly in front of him sat a dandy, who, having finished his soup, raised his eye glass and stared stead ily, first at one and then nt the other of the ladies. Mr. II. seized a heavy glass tumbler, and I thought was about to spot the fellow's profile by hurling it at his head; but instead of that, ho brought it to his own eye and looked deliberately through the bottom of it at the top of the scamp in front of him. The attention of tho company was fixed upon the fellow; a general giggle began and grow, till he was compelled to quit tho tulle and the room, in tho midst of tho gecrs of the guests." Sore Jokes. The supniintendent of the Mrrietta nnd Ciiu'inmtti llailroad dis eharged iho conductor belonging to that road. The conductor was asked why he was discharged. "Well," said he, "I was discharged for giving a free puss." "What innda you such a fool as to give a free pass?' "Well! you see!'' replied the conductor, "I got tired riding alone, and gave a friend of mine a free pass to eel turn to come ulong for company." A collision occurred on one of the roads terminating in the city some lime ago. The road in question is celebrated for cur vatures. The engineer was thought to be to blame, and accordingly he was taken to tafck by the superintendent. "Did you not see tho light?" said the su perintendent. "Yes," replied the engineer, '! saw the light, but liought U uhis the other tnd of viy tram. A Most Paipable Hit. An anec dote of tho Rev. Mr. Field, who lived in Vermont several year ago, contains a rood reply t As the Her. gentleman wett, at a time. to deposit his vote, the oltu:er who received it being a fviend and parishioner, but of opposite politics, remarked? "I am sorry, Mr. Held, to see you here." Wivf" asked Mr. Field. " lV'cause," said the olTicer, "Christ said His kingdom was not of tlus world. "Has no one a right to vote," said Mr, Field, "unless he belongs to the kingdom of Satan! This at once let in a ray of light to the darkened chambers of the omcer s cram iim, which he had never thought of before. Fashion's votaries have two faults they are hollow-headed and hollow-hearted. A country dentist advertises that "he spares no pains to render bis operations satisfactory. 'Tray, Mrs. IUbrUli, why do you whip ypur children so often? "La, Mrs. tor thy, I do U for their enlightenment. I never whipped one of them in my life that he didn't ackuonledge thut it made him snaart." ' A young Iui-'-hman who had married when he was about nineten years of a?e complaining ol the diiticuUies to which his marriage siuWcted unu, saul, "I will nev er marry so young again, if I live tote as oJJ as MethusuJeiu, "How many deaths,' Ul phybit'ian: asked tbjo haspi Nme! "Nine, why I ordered medicine for ten "Yes, but onp wouldn't take it." A down Last editor advises Lis i t-aders, if they wish to jjot ktth inserted to go and f.ea! frutt where lis watch dog i on guard. GREAT EXCITEMENT! II AN KM I III: STOCK OK MEW GOODS. ( I.K VKU UT.R WHITE S.ISDEIU lfirt received and iwenrd at thMr nw store, In tTt rear am! near to ths Bellevue limine, ill liellevue, III Largest & Best Solectod Work of twiU Hfr brought to Bellevue j i),l. h the will sell for mult at price far be. low those'! which goid hav ben offered heretofore. We don't Intend to follow the bigliralntni stvl of ro In thrir ailverUee menta, but state the plain truth when w any that our Good were purchased at such rrWn. that w dpfy eompnlltion, anit only k piirrliaer to (tivitma rail In order to' atlry thinilvM. Our atork ronaiats In part ol the following article i French, Knifllah and American Cloths, ,' Caaalmerea Tweda, Sattlnrtl, Kentnrkr .team, n-d Ticking, l'l;i id UaPV. riannela, AlC, if. F.rrr r.irletv of Faohlimabla DltKSS GOODS, Ainerkan and Knplhh rrltita, fcc A larpe sianrtinent of HATS, CAPS. HOOTS and SHOES, of every variety and tvle. Ilardwarc Our stork of this is Inrjte and complete. GI.ASSWAUE and tjUF.EN'SW ARE. Windnw (ihiaa of all Site. Ot every dHrription, such a Sucar, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Brgars and Snuff, Candles and boap. We havs made arrangement to have a su perior articls of FLOUR always on hand. In emieluaion, wa would say come and sat isfy youraelves. no 29-tf. CIRCULAR. to nt t.Ar i tmr TsaaiToatts or MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND NKSnASKA. I J larrh. 1S37, valid pre-emption claim on the I'tth and fltlth sections, heretofore reserved for schools, In the Territories of Minnesota. Kansas snd Nebraska, will be recognlied wiiraa tiic scttlrmknt has seen, oa mat be made raioa to the survev. 1st. In cases where the approved plat of survey has not yrt been returned, the declara tory statement must be filed within threk MONTH ArTER THE MECEIPT or SUCH AP- raovr.n plat at the district orrics. Jd. Where the pint I now In the Register's Office, the declaration must be filed within three month from the virst rnat icATioN or THIS CIRCULAR IN VOITR, PtSTRICT. A failure to comply with this requirement, will work a forrelture or tli riaun. THOS. A. HENDRICKi, n 30-Rr Commissioner, Entering Town Sites. Hie following correspondence will show that the act of the last Legislature of the Territory, designating the County Commis sioners as the nroner persona to enter Town Sites, l not recogimea ty tne i:ommisaioner of the Land Office. It is a ntiestlon of doubt whether the Judge tif Prob;ite, or the United States Judges, can be reearded ns "Judge, of the County Court." A soon n that doubt is removed, notice wi.l bo given. In the mean lime no entering of towns not incorporated can be made. A copy of the act of the last Lcglalatui will be placed in the hands of th Commis sioner, and, under the circumstances, th en tries already made mav be confirmed. JOHN A. PARKER, Register. Land Ot1ke, May 19th, 1857. t-Xtsact or A tr.TTra to the commission ca or TUB IAMB OF! Kt, DATCd Land Orrtc. Omaha, April 13, 1857. Under the "act of twenty-third Mav, 184 IJ th "Judena of the Comity Court" are ifiven the authority to enter "Town Site." In this Territory there nr no sucn oincera ns "jmice of th County Court," but tho Legislature has recocnized the "County Commissioners" a the proper pereons to enter "Town Sites," and we have, in view of the spirit of th law, permitted such entries, in the hope that it will meet uie appronauoo or me uepanmeni. Very respectfully, your nneit'nt servant, JOHN A. ARKER, Register, WHOLESALE & IlETAILi STORE IN BELLEVUE. I would respectfully invite the citizens of Bellevue and Dougla Co., to examine my large and well selected assortment or DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, HATS CAPS, DOORS, SASH. Ac. Ac.. And In fact every variety usually called for in the West. I am confident that any one wishing to purchase goods will be entirely satisfied, and And it will be to their interest to call and examine my large aud well selected assortment or goods. Bellevue, Oct. 23, ISM. 1-tf OPADES, Shovels, Hoes, Hv forks, Hay O rakes. Brooms, Scythe and Snath, Nails, Window Glass, Putty, Tea, Indigo, Nutmegs, Powder, Shot, Gun Caps, and 1001 other ar ticles to be had cheap for cash, at CLEARWATER, WMll r. . SAftUMtS. n3l. T POKING GLASSES of all sues, at CLE ARWAEER, WHITE A SANDERS. T)OCKET KNIVES and Table Cutlery to X be round at CLEARWATER, WHITE A SANDERS. n3l. EST American Calicoes at 12 1-2 cents per yard, and other Dress Goods In pro portion, at CLEARWATER, WHITE A BANDERS. n3I. ALA "y LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CROCK- D OUBLE and Single Eastern made Har nesses, at CLEARWATER, WHITE A SANDERS. n31tr CIIAS. CHRISTOPHER, MACHINIST 8l COPPER SMITH In all its Branches. BELLEVUE AND OMAHA. 1 TARDWARE, Spades, KhoieU,. Hoes, -i J. fork, ate., It Uie uru-i.vuc STORE NEW GOODS!! NEW. PRICES!!! Krw Ever) thin;, at the Old Stand of 8AHPY . F.MiMSI'. EDWARD C. B0SBY8HE1L If AS tha honor to Inform the peopU of ths "Huthrn District of Dotislas and th adjoin ing counties, Nehrasaa, that he 1 now open ing; one of the largest Stx- of GOODS etrer brought to Glenwood, Mill county, Iowa, rnnnlntinit of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. BOOTS Jt SHOES, HATS Jl CAPS, QliEKNSWARE, NAI1.S, LEATHER, CORDAGE, IRON, OILS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, fcc And everything that may be found generally In city alore. all of which he will nell CHKAr FOK CASH. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taaen In exrhsnce for Good. Buy er from town or country wishing good and cheap Good, either t wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examining hi torK before purchasing elsewhere, a they will find good bargain and fair dealing. tiLtawoon, lowa. no -u L. Nuckolls h Co. BANKERS & LAND AGENTS GLENWOOD, IOWA. Collectiona made In tows, Nebraska and Kansas, and remitted at current rate of ex change, tre of chare. Loans ellncted lor foreign capitalist, st Wcsir.RN Ratk of Interest, on real estate security. Farms, Town Lots and Unimproved Lands bought and sold. Taxes paid in any County in in Stats also in Nebraska and Kansas. Notes bought and Money loaned on good security. Interest paid on Special Deposits. Land Warrants boimbt and sold. Special attention given to the selection and entry or imuob tor settler or miani aeaier either with Land Warrants or money, in Iowa JNenraska or Kansas. We rlisme Ten Dollars per One Hundred and Sixtv Acre, and make reasonable deduc tion, when entering large quantities. When Land Warrants are sent, lwo aim a Half Cents per Acre, the Land Office Fee, ovist accompany th Locating Fee.. When Warrants are sent, the No's of War rants, date, to whom issued and assigned honld be copied and retained, to guard agdlnat loss in malls. Remittances to Oh. can oa mad in Draft on any of the Lasteru or Soutern Cities. we win enter l-anu wiin warrants or uaao pay all frees, taxes and Commissions, tor one third of the cross profits, accruing from the shle of the Laud all expense to come out of our third of the profit. Our arrangements are such that we can enter Lands in all the OHices In lowa. Nebraska, and Kansas. competent surveyer always In readiness to find and select choice Lands, coa helps, noc a QuAasits, Mill Sites, Mineral Isacts fcc. Within the next twelve months ther will be offered for sale in Nebraska and Kansas, Two and a Half Million Acres of Land, coinprts lng the best portions of those Territories, and extending along the Missouri River, from th Mouth or Kansas Kiver or the line ol th State of Missouri, to the Mouth of L-eau qui-cour River. vve solicit foreign uapitoi tor investment. Investments properly made in Western Lands and Town Lots, are now paying from twenty-live to lour hundred per cent. vve believe that persons patronizing our firm will have peculiar advantages over al most any other in this Country. We were among the first t'loneers ot tins vast and growing country and are intimately acquainted with nearly every portion ot western lows, Nebraska and Kansas, and Deueve we win De able to rend 'itsf action in all business en trusted to us. LETTERS OF INQUIRY WILL BE PROMTLY ANSWERED. REFERENCES: John Thomoson l Hone. Grnydon k. Co., New orn City t wood, iJa con & Co., Philadelphia t Straight, Deming &. Co., Cincinnati; Darby & Barks.iale; Humph reys, Tutt &. Terry j Crow, McCreery & Co, St. Louis ; Isaacs & Almond, Leavenworth City. Kansas: tireene, weare & uenton, Council Bluffs, Iov.j Henn, Williams &. Co., Fairfield, lowa ; Charles nendrie, Hurnngton, Iowa; Hon. Aug. Hall, Keosauquc, Iowa Hon. James Craig, St. Joseph, Mo. t Hon. A S. Fulton. Wvtheville, Vat Hon. F. Mclullen, Lstilville. Va. j Hon. F. Ferguson, Chief Jus- lice, Bellevue, Nebraska. Glen wood, Mill Co., Iowa. 24-tl, r W, H. STARK & CO., Would resnectfullv inform th ladies and Ctn tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand and are manufacturing a complete atock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the beat quality, and warranted t compri sinjt the loliowiug, viz 1 . . . - j Ladies' Fin Lace and Congress Gaiter. 1 " Kid Bootee and Congress Gaiter. " Slippers and Parodi Ties. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootees. Misses " " Childs " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. I'eggeit " " Fine French or rump Boots. " Water Proof and Quilted-Bottom T jots " Patent Calf Boots. " Oxford Ties and Gaiters. " Kip and Calf Shoes. Bova' and Youths' Kin Boots and Bro-an. All or which ar made or th best material th market affords. Our facilities for select ing are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, aud w wish ii uiiiinriiy uuaersiooa nii we Warrant Every Article We SelL We have the best of workmen in our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable ot. jtetpectrunr. no 13-tf W. II. STARK A CO. Greene, Weare & Benton, T) ANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, XJ and I .and Agents. Council Bluff, lowa, Notes and Bills collected anil remitted to ani part of th I nited State. Money received oa ueposii, and interest allowed, t.aatern oi Southern Drafts furnished In sums to suit pur chasers. I .and Office funds paid for Currency or bills of Exchange. Loan effected on good security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and Heal t.state bought and sold on Commission. Laiult entered for settlers and time given for ('a)uieut. tiiiii e opjKxite the Pacina House lu west lower room of Land Office. ' RetraaitMccsi V. 8. Jeauo A Co. 1 W. J Barney A Co., Banktrs, Dubuque, Iowa ; Cook as. argenc, naniters. Davenport, lowa 1 Cul berton A Reno. Banker. Iowa Citv. Iowa People's Bank, New York City t ketchein nogers it, De.inec, nankere, isew York City SelktMi, Wiu ra A Co., Washinrton. D. C. Hon. Cbas. 1 taaon, Com. a Patents, Wash ington.. I). C. t Jln. A. l)i,'e, 8. U. 8 liurlinct"!!, lowa; lion. n. v. Junes. S. S , Duhunue, lowa ) Hon. Joseph Williams Chief Jlistire, Musratine, I a. Council Bluffs, Of. 23, I tf ANOTHER GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes SELLING AT COST AT THE OMAHA CITY Boot and Shoo Storo, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, a good assortment of toadies' and Gentt Rubber, Over and Sandal of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, together with a tnmnlet assortment of work of mtowi man ufacture, including Ladles' and Went' uunaio uver. Alio, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. H. .Ever vat vU of Root or 8ho made t order, a usual, and warranted easy, rainion nie ana durable. nol3-tf. W. HENRY STARK. HOUSE CARPENTER AND A N. BRIGOS. Take this method of In 11. formlns "his friends, and the public generally, that he is prepared loUVlLU Au t in ish, to trie beat manner 4 Dwelling Homes Of every description of style and finish, on th most reasonable term. Thankful for past favors, h solicits a continuance or public patronage, Ilellevue, Oct. 30, 1856. 2-lf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WE would respectfully Inform the Inhabl tant of Bellevue and vicinity that w are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings- of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work menlike manner. Having been engaged In th business several years, we feel confident in stating, that all who favor us with their cus tom, will b pleased who our work. C. P. 8TORR3 B-Hevue, Oct 23, 1856. 1-tf NEW ARRIVALS AT THE CHEAP THE Subscriber respectfully invite th at tention of purchasers, Co bis large and splendid stock or lioods, consisting or DRY OOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS, , BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, &e., &e. All of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market tie Das also a well selected stock or ' IlEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the BEST MATERIALS, and by EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he sell CHEAP FOR CASH. , JOHN CHASE. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1850. 1-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. rilHE undersigned takes pleasure in an JL nouncing to the inhabitant of Bellevue and viclnltv, that they aro now prepared to HUIL.U A.iii rmioii, in me ueai manner, It Styles of .. Swelling Houses, Cottages, &c, &c On the shortest notice, and in th most a & proved style of workmanship. They will also happy to do any work in their lin of business, wnicn uieir rrienas mav stand need of. M Vr.HS at HIL.L.I AKJJ. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 185o 2-tf LATE ARRIV ALII AT GLENWOOD, IOWA. TOOTLE & GREENE ARE NOW IM RECEIPT OF A FBESII Sl'tPLT OF Which, when complete, will compose the LARGEST and best SELECTED STOCK IN MILLS COUNTY. Ot'U STOCK OF GROCERIES Ar bought at th lowest terms tor cash, consist of COFFEE, 8Un.R, TEAS. - FISH, RICE, ' ' ' CURRANTS, I ) RAISINS, CANDIES, MOLASSES, SYRUP, . ; . FRUIT, NUTS, Ac, Ac, Af DRT GOODS. Ladies and Gents, call and see them, and pric for yourselves. They hav not bees summered and wintered in St. Louis, but bought and shipped direct from th Easteri. ciues. juate styles ana a run assortment oi DRESS GOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS and PARASOLS. CLOTHING. 4j A fin atock old and voung, fogies and 'fist' men, call soon If yon want a nice coat vt or pant, on reasonable term. HATS! 1IAT8M New styles, cheap and durable. HARDWARE. A very large assortment, consisting in part . C. .I.I.J. Va..I. (n,J.. VI oiuiui o,., uiiu.BI., I Ul ... Rakes, Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze, Cmsele, ate., fcc, to tne end of tn enapter. U11I.DING MATERIALS. A large lot, consisting of Tin Doors, Sash. Shutter Blinds, Paints. Oils, Nails, Locks, Latcnes, uias, nitty, ate. 11RMTIRE. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes, Cubboar, stand, fcc. (XV W will sell cheaper for cash thar any hous u western lowa. no8-tf. TOOTLE A GREENE. A. Sohimonsky, . rrtOPOGRAPHIC ENGINEER, Executes J. Topographic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every style and description. Fancy, Orna mental and Plain Painting executed to order. Office at th Bellevue House, Bellevue, N. T. Reference. : P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa; Judg GiWaor, Bellevue. 1-ta Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respectfully informs the inhabitants of Bellevue and th surrounding couutry, that be is prepared to dig and finish, WELLS AND CISTERNS, At th iliortest notice, and on th most rea son a hie term. D. A. LOGAN. HHIevne, Oct. 23, 185rt. 1-tf JOHN ANDERSON'S Best Chewing and el Smoking Tobacco, at CLEARWATER, WHITE A 'ANPTRH. PRAIRIE FARMER FOR 1857 VOL. 17. . A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL. DEVOTED TO Western Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechan ics, Education, Llttratur, Markets, and General New. tPITCD v CHARLES D. DRAfJDON. JOHN A. KENNICOTT, Corres'ind Editor AS.I.TCD BY Over Five Hundred Practical Farmer and Mechanic, wh hart heretofore written, and will continue, with many other, to write for the benefit of their brethren and the public. The "Train Farmer" is devoted to the In- ....1 ik. iratm Termer anil Merlianle. It Is Ui Oldest Agricultural Paper in th West is published weekly In nuarto form, for ,ininl eharaeierlseif bv a hleh moral ton labor to promote th lnteresU and ad- vanremeni oi mt whuii i int 1111117. in to develop the Agricultural Resmrrees of the West. A special and competent Commercial Rertorter I . 1. .mnlnveil in a iv accurate market Report weekly. It I essentially Tilt family , . ' ".. 7 I paper for the West. I copy, 1 year, f l in advance, or si the end of the year. II copies, 1 year, $10.00 fr copy to th person sending club. 20 copies, 1 year, $35 00 free copy to the person sending club. ,. 50 copies, 1 year, $75.00 fre copy to th parson sending club. ' fUT An old subscriber sending two wtw ones, or 3, win receive tiises copies one year. (tT Subscriptions at the club rates must be naid Invarinblv in advance. (IV Subscribe now. You want and need "The Farmer." We want you to have it iris- fin-rent mnnev mar he aent b mail at . .' "7 J.. j our rink, provided uie letters are --regisierea. ,rsr AVi.lre.. Prirl Furmtr." 47 Clark tree, rhiravo. III. ' gff Advertisements, or an appropriate ' . . ' . . i I character, inserted at ten cents per nn cu Insertion payment In advance. GODEY'S GREATEST, EFFORT.. TILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS Will be offered In RnnCVIQ I AnY'SROllK UVMS.S W Wm m waeww.. FOR 1857. This work has been the standard for twenty- seven rears. When an imitation nas oeen ai tempted it has failed. It is , THE ONLY LADY'S BOOK PUBLISHED IN AMERICA. NEW FEATURES FOR 1857 1 How to dress with Taste. Children's Clothes How to cut and contrive them. Painting on Glass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Drawing in all its variety, useful to the be ginner and th proficient. p .. . r. ..... , , rasnion irom tne estanusnmeni oi me cel ebrated "Brodie." will be in every number Everv-dav Actualities A new series of these illustrated articles will be given. Point, Brussels, and Venetian Lac ot every variety. A specimen of the stitch to be used in each will be given. In addition to the above. One Hundred rages or Heading win d given monthly. ' uod-v MUendid tune-ravines on sieei, London. Paris and Philadelphia Fashions Godev's four figured Colored t ashions. cinuroiuery rauerns, luuuci vmiagca, Dress Making with Diagrams to cut ty. Dress Patterns Infants' and Children's dresses, with descriptions how to make them, All kinds of Crotchet and Netting work. The Nurse and the Nursery Very excel lent articles upon these subjects will often b given. GODEY'S INVALUABLE RECIPES UPON EVERT SUBJECT. MUSIC Three dollars' worth is given every year. In the various numbers for 1857, will be found the newest designs for Window Curtains, Broderie Anglais Slippers, Bonnets, Caps, Cloaks, bvenmg messes, Fancy Articles, Head Dresses, Hair , Dressing, Robes deCramble, Car riage Dresses, Brides' Dress es, Wreaths, Mantillas, Walking Dresses, Riding Habits, and Morning Dresses. Dresses for Infants and Young Misses, Bovs' Dresses, Capes and Cloaks of Fur in season, Patterns for Needle-work of all kinds and patterns to cut dresses by ar given monthly. Crochet and Netting Work in Colors, Slip pers in Colors. Drawing Lessons for Youth Send in your orders soon, as we expect our list for 1857 will reach 100,000 copies. The best plan of subscribing Is to send your money direct to th publisher. Those who send large amounts had better send drafts, but notes will answer IX draits cannot be pro cured. We think w can show how much cheaper it Is to take the Lady's Book at Three Uol larsthan any other magazine at Two Dollars, We will take a late number of both. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 36 article, the Lady's Book Wi. ' The Two Dollar Magazine contained 32 en pravincs. th Ladv's Book 5A. The Two Dollar Magazine contained 64 pa ges, the Lady's Book 100. Twenty-four more engravings, twenty aix more articles, ana tnirty-six more page, nearly double th ouantitv. The lowest club pric of the Two Dollar Magazine is $1,23 , lowest club price of Lady's Book $1,67, only cents oinerence in uie price, wuicn is tnree and a halt cent on each number, and for that sum (three and a half cents), you receive twenty-six more articles, twenty-four more engraving, and thirty-six more pages month ly certainly a very cheap three and a half cent' worth. This view of th ease has probably never before been presented, hut it is a true statement, wnicn any lady can con' viace herself of br comparing the two maga sines. TERMS, CAShTn ADVANCE. On copy, one year, $3. Two copies, one year, $:. inre copiei, on year, o, Fiv copies one year, and an extra copy to th peron sending tb club, making sis Vi " T ' . L Eight copies one rear and an extra eopy to trk rkBsiAn. BaataHin lha. HakUa 1.. o ww "iain8 Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to " -"., , k5- iT: .k v. from, no matter how many are ordered, l.V """"I W U"WKU SPECIAL CLUBBING WITH OTHER MAGAZINES. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazines both one year for $3 50. Godey's Lady' Book and Harper's Maga zin both one year for $4 iWl. Godev'a Idy'i Book, Harper's Magazine, and Arthur' Horn Magazine one year $n. The above is th only way wt can club with Harper' Magazine. Th mnnev must all sent at on tira for anv or tn ciun. Subscribers in th British Province who ena lor clubs, must remit 36 cents extra oa every subscriber, to pay th A at eric in post- age to the lines. Address. L. A. GODEY. 113 Cbt.not St., Pbilsda., Fa. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. UOr 1U57. . i TtMlK Ch4peat Family Newspaper ia tho 1 West I The Weekly Plain baaler will commence its Sixteenth Volume on th 1st day of January, ism, it win eontina tn same Independent, Jocoe; Fearless, Fighting Jour-, nal it has ever been, Dealing Plainly but kind- ly with all. It Will battle for th Constitu tion and th Union, a "the world's best trea sure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion ism In every form, and batti DU-unlon la. every disguise. Of its vigilance as a Sentinel upoa me watcn-tower 01 L.iDeny, 11 is ausn e'ent to ssy, that it has never yet been found napping at Its post. THE NEW VULUMK ANU lilt ISEMf YEARI The New Volame will comment with a New Year, big with Important events. A new leaf in the history of this Republic will b entered, upon Uia Inauguration of a Bew President and Vice president. During Uj ......(, ., j I I Yc tration will be fully unveiled In regard to tb following important ana exciting nauonai topics 1 1 ne inai setticmeni 01 uie ivaniat n,'n;n..llw ...l.lh Iha wlinl. Slave Difficulty, on which th whol Slavery Ques tion in the Territories is pending The Final Settlement or the Central American wuestion, as against th claims of England Our Rigkt or Transit Across the isthmus, ami tne recog nition and raaintalnanc of th Walker Re public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Duta The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation of the Sandwich Islands Th Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, with or without Poly. amy Admission of Kansas, witn or wtinout laverv Probable Admission of Nebraska and Washington Territories Th Inaugural Message of James Buchanan Th Doings of the New Democratic Congress. These ar ome of the leadine events which will diatwi- cuish the lncominc Administration, and most l.v in . ' j...: tw - mem wm irnBinrc m 1, w.-v......g t.i, AOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE I Cleveland, from its central location, and i . . . . t . : , r, I - irom its greai concentration m nmai, lciegranun, nn mitr iunuiuun,nwi " the world, is admitted to be th Best News Point in the West It can furnish intelligence from all parts of the world, days ahead of th. New York Papers, snd the I'lain ueaier, longing to th New York Associated Press, is the first to publish th Foreign and Domestic Markets. News. Disasters upon the Uke. l,,i: .1 ..,ll I. SBIIU IIUI IHtClliaciH.t K- - w a ; at will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches from Washington during tne Session of Congress,' and has regular Correspondent in all, th principal ernes oi uie unnnn In addition to a full and faithful record of passing events, we intend to devote a consid erable portion of our paper to "Polite Lltera tur." Every Paper will contala a Story, either original or selected, accompanied with the choicest variety of Miscellany, such sa roetry, recoveries. Biographies, joices, ua dities, Ac, Ac, making altogether one of th most Valuable Family Journals in th "irompt to Improve and to invite, We'll blend Instruction with delight." (tST Our Agricultural,' Commercial,' and Telegraphic Departments, will each b wort, the subscription price of tne paper. The Brighton, New York, Baltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Marketa will b reported weekly. ( ri.K.Yia t Single Subscribers,... $2.00 Clubs of Ten (to one OUie), 1.50 Clubs of Twenty (to one Office),... 1.2 Clubs of Fifty, " . " ...1.00 Pav invariably in advance. To tb gettir up of a Club, one copy gratis. Post-Masters are especially requested to act as Agents. They should In every case, where possible, substitme Western Demo cratic Papers for Eastern Fusion Papers. ,. Those desiring the President's Message and other Public Documents, can- subscribe iw, or at any time before the first of December. Subscribers to the New Volume should endin their names as early a the middle of December, so that they may be registered in time for the first number. All funds reclvsd at current rate, and if registered, mailed i our risk. Address J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, O. GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AG RICULTURAL PAPER. PUBLISHED AT . . I f GERMANTOWN, PHILA'IA CO., PENN. Every Wednesday Morsirq. BY PHILIP R. FRE AS.' ' PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We taV tin occasion to announce to Farm- era throughout the country, that it is th in tention of the Editor and Proprietor of th "Germantown Telegraph," not only to con tinue as heretofore the Agricultural Depart ment or his paper, but sedulously to add to its character and value by all the means at command. All necessary space shall be pro vided for a ful (record of Agricultural Details and a full development of every branch of th Farmer' Pursuit. He will in future, a h ha always heretofore, aim to be pn:ticat and to D or real and substantial advantage to husbandry. His course, also, will continue to be thoroughly independent, and wholly tin biassed by any other motives than tho h conceives to be promotive of tb true interest or Agriculture in it broadest meaning. Neither Individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in fluence shall swerve him froia th path of right and duty. carmera, throughout the country, who d- ir Newsnaner. iaaiieil ivlrlv. anrl .ahiIi to any other family news and literary journal published, which makes Agriculture a apecl- aiitv wi fid tna "Gwmantown Telegraph"" I in f ulfill .rv ronHitim,. ani r.n.r i ..... tlrely unnecessary for them to subscribe for a periodical exclusively agricultural. . . rracticai Horticulture, romoiogy and Gar dening, generally, will meet with particular attention. A a Literary and News Journal it shalP not be surpassed by any in the country Neatly printed on good paper, of th largest class, it shall continue to be one of the hand somest newspapers of the day. Every Family, in town or country, wbetner they take other papers or not, will find th Lral benefit, twice tie amount of subscription, No subscriptions received without the cash- nic Tw Dollars In advance. Subscription. not paid within ths vear. $2.50. Mail sub- criDeri win nav tne casn peitage deducuoi I .... . ' Tded the subscription be paid strictly In ad- vance. postage stamps to ttus amount wur returned as cnange with the receipt, Any person sending five new subscribers at one tune, with th rash, will b entitled U th- paper ror one year. ; i Specimen numbera sent on request. ' ' ' 1 LiTiiocRirnno and ecravic ESTABLISHMENT AT ' Bellevue, 23r.W Office Levee, at th old Trading Post. TOWN PLATS, Maps,.Sktchei, Heading of Letter,. Bill and' Certificate, and very description of plain and fancy engraving" and lithographing work neatly done. Our presses being of th best and most im proved kindi W flop to execute work qsl to th best in the United States. S. W. T. SCHIMONSKY, 3mH THOR. P. BOTES. I