Local"& Miscellaneous. RtLioioci NoTtcr. -By. an arrange tnent of eichange between Rev. C C Goss of the M. E. Church, in thia city, and Rev. Mr. Gaylord of the Congrega tional Church in Omaha, the latter gen tleman will preach in the School House, next Sahbath morning, at 10 1-2, and in the evening at 7. Ixrao vem crts Still oo ok. The brick work of the large three story brick dwelling, belonging to our worthy Post Master, L. B. Kkkit, is now nearly completed. ( This will bo one of the fin est dwellings in the Territory. We have visited , the brick dwelling of T. B. Lemon, which is now in process of completion. The walls are .up and the building roofed, and the carpenters are busily engaged on the inside. - The view from Mr. L'a dwelling is magnificent, ex ' tending down the valley of the Missouri, a distance of twenty miles. Johx P. Horn & Co., grocers, have commenced the erection, on Main Street, of a two story wood building, 22 by 45 feet, for a store. Ma. Faisi En is erecting a carpenter's shop, near the Presbyterian Church. The Caors, &c From observation and inquiry, we learn that , farm products are looking well, and promise an average yield. ...... .The spring was unusually cold and backward with us, as it was in fact, thro' all the states ; and owing to the poor seed used, and the backwardness of the rea son, much of the corn first planted fail ed to germinate ; consequently nearly all the pieces were very tineaven in growth, presenting; an unfavorable arpect to the farmer, through the early part of the sum mer; but the rains of August gave an im petus to the smaller stalks, and it is now looking fine. If nothing unusual happens there will be a good crop. ( Early planted potatoes will not yield largely; and as we have said, the spring was backward ; then followed warm and dry weather through June and July, re tarding their growth. Those planted late, have come on finely, and are now looking well, promising an abundant yield. There has been frequent and copious showers through last month ; and more rain fell in August than we had previous ly had, this year. The farmers are now, and have been, for some time, engaged in cutting and putting up their winter's hay. There has been much cut, and more will be before killed by frost. It is well known, that all tame grass in the east, ripens early, and when ripe, it is unfit for hay. Here the farmers have a decided advantage over those at the east, in this respect. 1 Our bottom prai ries afford an abundance of grass, which remains green till late in autumn, when killed by frost, which gives plenty of time to secure it. Prairie hay is very nu tritious, and is much relished by all stock. It is free from all dust, common to eas tern hay, and horses brought here that have heaves, are soon cured, or do not show any symptoms of having that disease. The staple crops, as yet, are corn and potatoes. Thes? are more readily used in all new countries, till mills for grinding the various grains, are near at hand ; and for this reason, at first, there is but com paratively little demand for wheat, &c. At this time, there is but little wheat, oats, and barley, raised in this Territory, al though we have noticed several fields of wheat, particularly in this County, that looked extremely fine, and would yield abundantly. All kinds of melons are grown in abundance, and fine ones are now daily sold in our markets. - This seems to be a soil particularly well suited to ail kinds of -vines. "We will also state, for the benefit of our friends in the east, who are unac quainted with prairie countries, that all crops grow more luxuriantly after the soil lias been cultivated several years, and be cones thoroughly pulverized and mellow, than at first Those kinds of grain that 'have large, fibrous stalks, are better adapted to our soil till its excessive rich mess is exhausted. ' " We call attention to the notice of Mr. Lovejoy'sin another column, respecting the large assortment of winter Boots. Having examined them for our selves, and having had a long experience in the Shoe trade, we are free to pronounce them a tip top article well made and of the best material. . Those wishing a durable article an do no better either in quality or price. " Postage Stamts. A quantity of T. O. Stamps and Envelopes, have been re -..:.. 1 - .L. n n . . . icitcu i uie r. u. m th city. This will t a great convenience t our citizens. Birrald Hunters RETvar-ED. The party of gentlemen of this city, that wont on a Buffalo hunt,, several weeks since, returned the latter part of last week, hav ing been 35 miles west of Fort Kearney, They report the Buffalo as being runner ous, and succeeded in capturing five of them. . .Their horses were too much jaded on their journey out, to cope successfully with those monarchs of the Plains. They saw "nary Injuu," of the hostile tribes', but one day they discovered what was supposed to be a party of warriors advancing towards them. Getting their men together, they examined and loaded all of their arms, and , set out to meet them but fortunately, the warriors prov ed to be a party of returning Californians, with pack-mules. Col. Sumner and troops, left Fort Hear ney, August 17th, for the purpose of chas Using a band of Cheyennes, who had late ly committed depredations on a party that were driving mules and cattle across the Plains. When our . hunters returned to the Fort, Col. Sumner had had an en gagement with i the Indians, and the wounded were being brought in. Sever al Indians were killed, but none of the troops. ' ' .- The hunters had a fine time, and were in good health and spirits, when they ar rived home. ' ' ... . Last Sunday evening we had the pleat ure of listening to an able lecture upon Preaching,' by Rev. C. C. Goss, nt the School House." We have not room for a sketch of iv hut ,will say it, was. a clear, and' truthful exposition of the different styles of preaching; and who and how they should preach. It was the most able discourse we have listened to In Nebraska! In this connection, we will say, it would be a decided improvement if better seats were provided for those attending meet ings at the School House. We do not know how others feet on this point, but must say we do not possess a sufficient amount of the ipiril of martyrdom, to sit two mortal hours on a hard six-inch board, twice every Sabbath ; and if our enter ance into the kingdom of heaven, is to be secured by such penance, we strongly suspect we shall not be able to maintain a christian feeling long enough, to be en tilled to a seat with the elect. ' Will not our citizens see that comfort able seats are provided ? TntnxoM ethical Record. For the gratification of the weather prophets, we publish the following Thermometrical Record, for the month of August, kept at this office : ., Aug. a.m. Dff. f.M. Dg. r.M. Dg. 1 6 t56 2 0 9 71 2 6 72 2 89 9 76 3 6 71 2 84 9 70 4 66 2 79 9 70 5 . 66 2 88 9 79 6 . 6 71 2 94 " '9 82 7 . 6 78 2 86 9 72 8 6 75 2 86 9 78 9 6 71 2 87. 9 80 10 6 67 . 2 86 9 67 11 6 69 2 94 9 82 12 6 74 2 92 9 84' 13 6 76 2 92 9 70 14 6 68 2 70 9 67 15 6 66 2 77 9 76 16 6 69' 2 71 ; 9 66 17 6 59 2 74 9 64 18 , 6 59 2 78 9 68 19 6 60 2 78 9 66 20 6 62 2 78 ' 9 70 21 6 67 2 ' 76 " 9 64. 22 . 6 54 2 72 9 6S 23 6 52 2 72 9 67 24 ' 6 50 2 , 74 . 9 59 25 6 55 . 2 , 74 , 9 60 26 6 59 2 81 ' 9 67 27 6 54 2 73 ' 9 60 28 . . 6 60 ' 2 70 "9 51 29 -6 48 2 74 .9' 6 30 6 64 2 82 9 70 31 . 6 62 2 81 9 ,70 , We have but very little sultry weather. A few days In August, were somewhat mug-gy, but nothing like the old fashioned dog days," we used to experience in the Eastern and Middle States. There were frequent showers during the month. Acknowledgment. Friend Whit t:noton was in town la.t Week, with an other load of water-melons, and it being a warm day, suspected the devil needed an internal cooling application, and pre sented him with several luscious melons which were dispatched from tyne to time, as occasion required, much to the gratifi cation of all concerned. . . r, v . - Thank you, friend W., and may your like never grow less, while melons Jast GaisiHorPEss are very numerous, but owing totho lateness of their sppea ance, it is not anticipated that they w do much damage.; , , - , , ., SociAt Ball. Our friends that " trip the light fon'astic toe," are to have a par ty U the house of G. W. Owen, in Ow enton, next Tuesday evening, Sepv 8, at 7 o'clock. Those wishing to have a good time generally, will, cf rourse , be there. BoVf "A rr i v a i.a' The' Wa toss a 'ar rived at our levee,1 Aug. 2V. She makes (gulat weekly iris.; ' j ft t 0 ,'i The lUnstiAt. c:ne ap.Aog. 30, and discharged a quantity of freight at .the levee, for our merchants.' ' l The good light Jraught steamer,, Asa Wivova, arrived at our( landing Sept.; 1 discharging a' large quantity of freight. You have our thanks, gentlemen of die Wilgus, for St. Louis papers. The trav eling public will do well to remember this boat. ' Capt. Ives is a gentleman, every inch of him. We notice that Mr. Mc Phersoni her old CJtrk, has left 'hors tf fice, and gone to sperulatinj along the river. He will trade on the Wilgus. You will find Mr. Hopkins in the office, who looks -like a etkilpman of the first wa'ter? The AVilgiis leaves for' St. Louis on Sunday morning.' ! " . t The oteomer Omaha, wCntdown Mou day evening, with a large lot of passcn. ger from Sioux City. The Omaha, on her upward trip, left at the levee, a fine brass field piece, a six pounder.' Re member the Omaha ; sho is one of the fleetest boots on tho river, and all will bo at home io 'the hands of Capt. Holland, and J. Jewett Wilcox, Clerk. "Akother Bio Fish. The riatls mouth Jeffersoniah says that'a catfish" weighing 165 pounds, was caught at the mouth of rnppillion Creelr, one day last week," &ic-vlounril Bluff Clarion. r JVb Mr. Clarion; the riattsmouth Jffferionian paid no such thing. Put' on your " specs," Major, and you will sco that that was or first fish story. , . , ., , , The DeSoto 'iVo.'puhlished by John E parrish, has changed hands. ; , Mr. Z. Jackson is to be the future publisher. ' : VARIETY STORE. THE undersigned have opened, near the Printing Office, in Bellevur, a large and vartrd assortment of Goods. Among tho variety may be found . ., , , . , , 1 DRY GOODS, Such as '.! , Brown Muslin, .' , i ; ' .; k Calico, ,. Sheeting, fc . ' ' '' r x Sliirtiiig, i ' i Hosiery, lie. MMffi,. KN'lVKS. FORKS, ' " SCYTHES, f . . WOOD-8AWS, SHOVELS, HAY-FORKS, " ,r ' SPADES, TEA-KETTLES, I ojfetner wUq a quantity of Soots cfe SHOOS Seears, Rakei, Ropes, Horse-collars, Carpet- sacks, Window Sash, Doors, TEAS AND SUGARS. Tobocco, . Queensware. Glassware, Flour, Crackers and a great maay more articles. . They keep constantly on. hand, a Uree as sortment of good I I (Wines and IMaiiora. f Warranted the "best quality ; . cheap for cash. n37tf j. t . iiyuiv . i;u,, -l y. 0j -1. LUMBER! LUMBER! lOO'.OOO.safr ARNOLD, EBV Ic SHERK. Enquire at the Benton House. no. 41. dm. pu. .. , ,1 H M . ' ' FOR H A I.E. A valuable timber Claim of 1GO acres, with in three miles of Bellerue City, for salt. En quire at tnis umce. ,n37tt. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES: Or, The Forger Convicted. Do you want lo have a Sure Preventive against Lonnter tiling Bank JVotet f READIREADJ! HEAD! 11 Subscribe! Subscribe 1 Subscribe! ' ions 8. DYE Is the Anther, and the Rank Note engravers all ssy that he is the creates! judge of paper money living. CHEAPER THAN THE CHE. TEST! ' BETTER THAN THE BEST! ; Published weekly. . The whole only One Dollars Year. , , ! . .;: ja ;, GREATEST DI8COVEBY of the present ccuturr for detecting counterfeit Bank Notes; describing every genuine bill in existence, arid exhibiting at a glanee every counterfeit in cir culation. Arranged so admirably that refer ence la easy and detection instantaneous. No pages to hunt up. but M simplified and arranged that the merchant, banker and business nan can see all at a glance. - . It has taken years to make perfect this GREAT DISCOVERY. The urgent neeea sity for such a work has long 1 been felt by commercial men, . It has been published to supply the call for such a preventive, and needs but to be known to be universally patronized. It does more than has ever been attempted by man. It describes every hank note in three different languages Knalish, French and Ger man. Thus each may read the same in his wn native tongue. Tebms. Tbs paper will be about 28 by 41 inches, and will contain the moat perfect Bank Note List published, together with the rate of discount. Also a list of all the private Bank ers in America. ' , A complete summary of the Pinances' rf Europe and America will be published in each edition, together with all the important nw of the day. Also INTEREST1FG STORIES from an old mannecript found in the East, and no where else to be found. It has never yet appeared in print, and furnishes the most mm. plete history of Oriental Life, and describing ui must, (lerjiicxina; positions M'WDich the Ladies and gentlrnien of that country have been so often found. . These storl-i, will con tinue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public, v. ' , . ! n Furnished weekly te subscribers only at $l a year. All Utters must be addressed to JOHN 8. DYE. Broke. fuMixher and Proprietor, I . 3x32 . , , JO Wall Sueet, New York, j -woomvnnTTi's NEBRASKA ! IN- 1857. THIS wnrk will ap In ht ready for sVllvs-y ny me inr ini. ins nret supply wu re ceived laiit week and was Immediately old. A newOny Map, corrected by Mr. livers. croruint; io tns county pnunnsries stabiiih sd by the IginUture Istt winter, has been engraved eipresily for the work, and will ap pear in the sxt edition. Hesides a bietory of the Territory, Its con dition and proenert, the work eniilaln the claim laws of Nehrsftka, and a dlgeet of tlfe United States pre-emption law, making a complete nre-emntor'a ruirfe. Kver netaan Interested In Nehrak ehould have a copy of the work. Price, with the map, 78 cent) wunout me man, oo rente. (Single coplea mail ed, postage paid, on receipt of price, to any Pri oi me counvry. i C. C. WOOI.WOltTH. Omaha, Jane 11, 1S57 3itf rubliaher. iT6 d k sTs tXtion kii y AND PAPER HANGINGS. A complete aenortment at WOOLWORTH'S Rookatore, Omaha City, N. T. , FZJ Special agent for School Dooas. iw3J . THE MISSOURI RIVER AND IOWA STONE COMPANY. AT ST. MARYS, MILLs CO., h r v;.' . IOWA, V APR prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAND, GRAVEL, LIME, HOCK, II UUILUIMi RIOSK or every variety, sl.e and shape. They have facilities for quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that may uc neeueu, una iso inirnu io nui . BRICK. WATER LIME, &C. "100 Laborrcs REFERANCESi P. Choutsau Je, 4 Co., fr. Ix)ni. (iar.KNr., Wsarc, k. BsNTOif, council iiLurrs. , All orders should be addressed to ' j JNO. W. ANTHONY, S-ciTAr Rt. Mafys, March 15th, 1837. 21tf. ' 0M1II V ADVEUTISCMEMS. . A.'iONCS. oro. w. woob. Tiin L-nci:sT Drug & Chemical House IN THE WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY : JONES & WOOD, Wholcsalg aho Hrtail Dealers in Drngs,' - Chemicals, 1 Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, 'WindoAV Glass. . A ' Wines, ' ' " . Liquors, Cigars, '' ' '' ' Tobacco, etc. &.c. Ac. Having purchased the entiro stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C. A. Henry . Co., together with our own full purchases, we a if now enabled to offer the public as complete an assortment of DKUU8 and FANCY GOODS as can be found west of the Mississippi river. Our stock ts of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska trade ; and having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured In our statement, that if Fine Goods, as regards quantity, qual ity and price, are any object to those dealing In DRUGS and MEDICINES, we can offer these Inducements to a greater extent than sny other house in the West. Country Merchants and Physicians are requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere no 15-tf JONES &. WOOD. . BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE quantity of first rate Brick and Lumber -for Kale, at reasonable rates. Enquire at my Q(c near the Benton House. 35. JOSEPH E. TllAY. NO MORE HARD TIMES. . 91. PIKE, ' HAS established himself in a NEW GRO. CERY STORE, la BeJlevue. on Mission Avenue, cast of Main Street, where he will keep constantly on hand,ull kinds of fresh uroceries, ( . . Flour, , . : ' Sugar, . ; ',' Coffee, " '.. v '; . . Teas. Rice, ..f") V7': ;;Fisb.&c. He has also a choice lot of liaunrs. and ev ery other article usually kept in a Grocery Store. A meal market Is kept In the base ment story, for the accommodation of the cit- Izena of pellevue, and vicl)ilty, J. (J333ni . EICHER eVDAVEKPORT, . MERCHANT TAILORS,; WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Bel'.erus and vialnity Uit (!iy have commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS in the building formerly occupied by J. M. Bar tav, corner MAIN street and FIFTH AVEN UE, and intend keeping constantly, on hand CLOTHS, " t : 1 .v 1 - .CASSIMERESL- 4 .; and VESTINGS, Which will be mad up to order with neat ness and dispatch. ' ' Also, Fl RS and HIDES bought or taken la exchange for goods. . .. -. no -tf. , . . REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALE 30 LOTS IN HELLEVUE. Also SHARES BELLEVUE STOCK. ' do ELK HILL ADDITION " do JUNCTION CITY. . Eor further particulars enquire of T. M. McCORD, -, ,At the FontcncUe Bank. IWllevue, April 19,157.' 26-tf Land Warrants CONSTANTLY a hand and for sale by tbs FONTEXELLE BANK- , . Pre-einptors can muke a uaadsoms saving by using Warrants. . . . All Warrant sold by th above Institution are guaranteed. . JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. Bellevue. June 27, 1S57. , . . 34 . Ho! For Fresh Water. ' THE undersigned reanertfnltv Inkn. InhablUnts of Bellevue .and the firronndins country, that b is prepared to dig and Inlsh, WELLS AND CISTERlfS, At the shortest potke, and on th most rea swabl terms. , , D. A. LOGAN. Rellevue, Oct. S3. lS5t t-tf TOWN ANDERSON'S Best Chewing and I Lu.tniy .".Tr-K, Wjfl IK 4. SAVpFRS. '-''r';B ELL E V U E (Coiiimercial lEninoriiiiii ! ! rpilK nnderslirnsd respectfully solicit the irfteiitlon of the cltlr.ens of llellevnn and vicinity, .1. to their extensive assortment of goods, embracing every variety usually kept in the west. Hie attentlon.cf the ladle Is particularly railed to our large assortment of dres good, rnnalstlng In part of silks, French and American Jaconet and Organdy Iwns. Berages, D Lalnes, Ac. Figured and Plain Swiss, Jaconet and Bonk Muslins, Calicos, Ribbons, Artifi cial Flower and Wreaths, Dres Trimmings, Hosiery, Iloimets, Hats, Ac. OOTO c3 Indies fin morocco sllpprra, kid and smtocco buskin, parodl tis, and Jenny Llnd, kid, en alf skin lace boots, black and colored gaiter, Ar. (tent's fiwe morocco and ts, fin cloth, calf akin and patent leather gaiters, sew'd and pee'd luonrosi. cl.n.l....'. .(... . ..t V..i, ' ameled and ea calf skin bant alippcra, 4tc. Childrcn'a shoes, a peat variety IEI A Men's and boys' fin fell, wool, Panama, curracoa, seaneH, I.ecliorn, ralio. a great variety. " ' Th largest stock ever opened in this county, consisting of coat, pant, vests, shirts, col lars, ovsr-alls, Ac. vt all sues, styles, and quality, for 111-11, boys und chilJren. A great variety of both English and American manufacture, Parpen! rV t""li, Ac. kevpers and builders Will find It tu their advantage to call be fun purchasing aliewber. ALSO, - Qiieenswnre, Medicines, Extracts, Oysters, ' Choico Cigars, Furniture, Flour, Alto, a large Grooories, All th jibove articles, together with a great variety not mentioned, will b told low for cash. All kinds of merchantnble country produce taken in exchange tor good. Alio Dry Hides, Fur, Ac, Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to a by th siU- an tKlaa mud wa ae-n.silu m rvl i i 11 .... 4 I ten of thi county, we earnestly solicit its coiitinuaiicg. , 3mos3l P. A. SARPY, Wholesale is Retail Merchant, coanta or MAIN AND OKEOOHT STSKKTS, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now ha for sale, a large assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the want of all In thia new and thriving community, which he can sell ascheap a can h ollered elsewhere eo high upon the Missouri river. HI good hav been selected by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to the circumstances and want of all clssses of settler In a new country. La die and gentlemen, children and youth, all can be supplied. Call and ses for yourselves. His stock consists of the following, among a great many other articles he cannot now enu merate: Among hi - , Pry Goods, May be found Woolen and Satinet Clothe, Cassinets, Tweed, Cashmeres, Linseys, Flannel, Red, White, Gray and Blue, Caspian l'laids, Cotton Goods, Sheeting and Hhlrtingi, Bleached and Unbleached, Blue and White, Drillings, Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking( Hickory Checks, Ac., fcc. Fancy Goods. ' A beautiful assortment of fancy print of every variety of style and pattern. Gingham, Lawns. Firured Alpacca. Bombazine. Bom- bayetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, Ac, Ac. UOthMp. A well (elected stock of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine Dress Coats, Pant and Vests & alio, good Hummer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Kali and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, Ac. Mens' and Boys' Hat and Cap, of va rious fashions, qualities and price. Hoots A Shoe, thick ana thin, polished and nnpoliehed, of every description, for Men, Women, and Children's us. Grocrrlrs. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown KitEar. Molasse. Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coffne, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Ginger. Nutmeg, Snuffs, Tobacco, Cigar, Pipe, Soap, Candle, Vinegar, Pickle repper-rauce, ate., ate. Provisions. A large assortment of, Flour, of various qualities and prices; Corn Meal and all the various product of the Fares and Garden; Bacon,' Fish. Kiln dried Apple, Peaches, Currant, Raisins, Ac. liardwarf. Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking an) Heatinff rooms. Stove-nine and Elbows, larir and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillet Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tongues, Manure and Hay Forks. Scvthes. Shovels and Soadea. lot and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse-Rasp, File Saw, Knive and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ra rors, Butts and Screws, Door Handles, Kno L.OCKS, ate, eie. iiuviarr, A general assortment kept for househok purpose. -.r Hooawarr. , Wash-tubs, Shakers Paila, Wood and Zine Washboard. - ... Leathtr , ... r, . Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skin. Calf Skin. Llnine and Morocco. Saddles, Bridle, Halter, Lariat. Cirelngle, Belly-bands, Driving-line, Collar, Back traps. Girth, Blind-bridle, Ac, .Tieaifiufs. A general assortment of Medicine, for Fever, Fever and Ague, and the common complaint of the rountyy. Cook's. Lee', Sappenyton's, Bragg's and Jaynea' Pill, Qui nine, Tonic, and vjrjou kind of 8timulaats, Anodynes, liiiunents, and otner arucle neces sary for th sick and Uie invalid. 1-tf H. COOK CBIiriTII. c. . acTTtaritLn Griffith & Butterfleld, BUTCHERS, and neater in CATTLE, SHEEP and SWINE, have penaaaently located themselves in Bellevue City, and are prepared to furnish the citirens of .Bellevue with fresh meat on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday morning of each week, liliey can be feund lu th Baseaii-nt of 8. M. Pike's Crc ry and Provision Store, where they will be happy to wait upon their customer. 6t33 GlNWOOD HOTEL7 Y I1f,l V I 3VE. 33 rnxZLWixy, forBfr of Lenttaotfooltdtt Strftts, CLEMTOOD, lOIT.i. 0IIO33S. "JT Q House (i)ossvvare, rerfumery, Essences, Treserved Fruits, Tobacco, Tof)den Vare, Fish, &. stock of choice BEATON II ItOWLES, Main Btrest. IIufTman's Stage Line. BELLEVUE, ST. MARYS .wxerTJl AND OLKNWOOD ISjOESte STAGE LINE. gwr6s v t HUFFMAN'8 LINE will leav Glenwnod, via. St. Mary for Bellevue, on Mon day', Wednesday' and Saturday', at lit o'clock, A. M., and will leave the Beutou House, Bellevue, via. St. Mary for Glcnwood. on the am days at 1 o'clock, P. M. Thia Lin connect at St. Mary, with th Council Bluffs and St. Joseph SUge., and at Olenwood with the various lines from lb Mia sisslppl to the Missouri Rivers. Travelers on this Lin will And every con venienc and accommodation, to mak their trip pleaant and peedy. Comfertabla Coache, Careful Driver and wll-fd Hone. no5-tf. ROBERT HUFFMAN. Regular Packet for ' Kama. Leavenworth. Weston, St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point, Nehruska City, Bellevue, Council niutis, Uinatia and Florence. TH E new and elegant Pa sngr Steamer Vlnrenno. T Tii.L. mnrfnti .t.. t T.' 1 Clerk, will commence her trip a a regular packet In th above trade, 00 th opening of navigation in the spring, and will remain in it throughout th ses son. The Florence having been built under th superintendence of th uneerigned, expressly for the trade, I of extraordinary strength, and well adapted to it in every particular. A rea sonable share of the patronage of shipper, and th public generally, la respectfully oli cfted. J. THROCKMORTON, Master. gft-s J. E. Go maw, Clerk, SEASON A KIM G EM E. T. Regular Packet for Kansas, Nebraska City, Bellevue, Coni c il Bluff, Omaha, aaa jorence. TUP. r, .t.A .1 i c. t,Min-ne-ha-ha, Capt. chrle Maker. M tw 1 1 . . . -1 Clerk, will run a a regular packet, to the above and all Intermediate point on the Mis souri river, and peraoii can rely upon her con tinning In the trade regularly during the season. rh Min-ne-h-ha i an entirely new boat, built expressly for the Missouri River trade, and being fitted up in th latest and most ap proved atyle, her officer feel confident, that trlet attention to th comfort of Passengers, and to business, will mak her th favorlt bat in th trad. CHAS. BAKER, Ma.ter. ' ir'i m . . " Hutchiksoii, Clerk. H. T. Clarke, Agent. 26 a Tailoring ! Tailoring ! The undersigned bgs leave to Inform th citizen of Bellevue and vicinity that he i prepared to do custom work, in the latest fashion and most approved style. H fl confident that his work ia unerpaed East or Wet ; and by moderate price respectfully ollciU a share of th public patronage. He will alwava b found ready t receiv ordera at th Bellevue House. n n . JOSEPH BRAY. Bellevue, N. T. March 11th 1857,tf 8TONE MASON AND Plasterer. rpiIE Undersigned having commenced the X above busines in Bellevue, i prepared to do all work In his line, at the shortest no tice, In the best manner, and on the most rea sons hie terms. WM. WILEY. KV Four or five good Plasterers, will find constant employment, and good wages, on plication to the above. Bellevue, Oct. 30, lS5d. 2-tf Charles E. Watson, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Bellevue City, Nebraska Territory, pro- " fessea to be posted" ia th lay of th land la this vicinity, and Oder hi Service to aach a my need them, on reasonable terms. (T He will also act as agent, for the pur chase or sal of Real Estate, in the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon application. Declaration filed aud pre-emption obtained. -tf FARMERS READ! ; JOHN P. HORN A CO., near the Printing Office, Bellevue, hav en band shovel, Hoe, Spades, Forka, Haiuea, and a general assortment of Farming Tool. Call and see. . July, 15, IWT. 3w36 ( . BOOTS and SHOES Twenty eases at v Boots and Shoes, all aixes, at th , - - BELLEVUE STORE. 50 Sacks G. A. Salt in Stor and must b sold, by CtARKE A BRO a31tf. 1 " T : t i r. v. i. i. 5 f 1