Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, September 03, 1857, Image 2

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, Tho Territorial lload, running from the
riotte Hivcr to Dakota, for which there
was on appropriation of fc30,0(K) by Con
gress, has Wen in part located, nt least
through Sarpy ami Douglas counties. To
iho very capable, alio nnd efficient man
ner, in which the Commissioner, Mr.
George It. Sites, sent here by the Depart
ment of the Interior nt Washington, to lo
cate this road, has discharged his duties,
the pooplo owo much. Mr. Sites boing
nn Engineer himself, with experience suf
ficient to warrant success in a matter of
this kind, has withal paid that close, per
nonal, nnd searching attention, to tho loca-
tionof the routo, that the result is only
what we couid expect from our personal
knowledge of his excellent sense and good
judgment. Commencing ut tho Plutte
River at Larimer City, on tho third bench
of land, high and dry at all seasons of the
year; thence north in almost a tangent to
the western limits of Hellenic; thence up
a small valley just on the western confines
of Bellevue, he has taken the Mud Creek
valley until near Omaha, he approaches
the city with the slightest down grade;
thus shortening the distance from Platto
river to Omaha on the usual route, some
nineteen miles, to about fourteen and a
half on the new line; and besides the great
advantage gained in distance in the new
route, it is an easy, gentle grade, that has
an incalculable advantage over the one now
traveled. We do not wish to reflect upon
any one, but this much, in justice we must
say, we are astonished that this route was
never before discovered by the many who
Lave run over almost the same territory,
for the purpose of establishing a road. We
repent, Mr. Sites justly deserves much
credit from all concerned, for the efficient
manner, in which he has discharged his
most important official mission, to Nebras
ka Territory.
Iowa RtruBLtcAR Nomijiatio. We
learn that Thomas II. Ronton was not
nominated for Governor by the Uepubli-
cans of Iowa.
Ralph P. Lowe, of Lee county, received
the nomination for Governor, and Oran
Faville,of Mitchell county, for Lieut. Got.
, Washington Coc.nty OrriciAL. We
coppy tho following oflicinl vote for Dele
gate, in Washington county, from the Do
Soto Pilot
John M. Thayer, 141.
' Rird B. Chapman, 57.
Fenner Ferguson, 50.
B. P. Rankin, 12.
PEnsoANL. We tako pleasure in call
ing the attention of our readers to the
article of Mrs. J. E. Nye's, in to-day's
paper. Saying nothing of her communi
cations heretofore, wo are proud to an
nounce to our readers, and the rest of
mankind, that Bellevuo can boast of a
correspondent of her own, in the person
w mrs. x y. .cue.., ., ....-
iiy nnu luirm ui a ouci iui uj wiu. juoiijt
recommends itself to the favorable consid
eration of the literati of die east or west.
As was remarked of Henry Clay's mouth,
her pieces speak for themselves.
Great Bargains 10 a 1'urciiasiks.
c would call the attention of the pub
lic, to the sale of timber land, horses, cat
tle, oats, and household goods, and nu
merous other articles, by James M. Ar
net. on Saturday. Sent. 12. at Saling's
Grove. All the property advertised, will
positively be sold without reserve.
- Go and see.
For the Bellcvue Gazette.
A Few Suggestions for 1'arents.
There is in every human heart, k
Some, not completely barren part,
Where sreds of truth, aad love miht'grow,
And flowers of generous virtu blow.
To plant, to watch, to water there,
This be our duty and our care.
The teacher who looks around upon the
group of immortal minds, confided to her
care, feeling that her influence and in-
struct ions may exert an important influ
'ence upon their character, happiness, and
usefulness for life, perchance their desti-
ny for eternity, iiua consider the re
sponsibility of her position, to be a mighty
Pleasant indeed is the 'companionship
, f thiklhoud. They tome to iu with their
sportive innocence, their confiding love,
- their boundless trust, ever unsealing the
deep fountains of our afrectiotis, and call-
inir forth our wannest lovo and sympathy,
even when compelled to renrove thain for ,
their fault, and to condemn thoir errors,
Not light is the task to hush each day with
gentle hand, the throb of every unruly
passion-each day with cheerful brow to
curb every wayward impulse, and desire
and invest with a charm that shall recall
all wandering thoughts, the lesson, to them
oft weariful and dull - And so often
when tho work is well' begun, tho sway
ing of a green branch in tho summer's
breeze, tho jnerry song of a happy bird,
comes winning them from their task, with
veguo yearnings for like freedonij
We have all been children once, and
have known their restlewness, nod we
hove never "forgotten those, who, amid
our childish foibles, ' strove to awaken us
to tho dignity of our immortal nature, the
vnlue of that miud which elevates man
lao Lrtites, und tho importance of
early disciplino to develop and enlarge its
capneities. I low patiently tho faithful
teacher watches for tho first dawnings of
those germs of intellect, which she feels
must result, in the deep slruglings of the
jmn0st soul, and how anxiously ahe watch-
cs tncjr oarly growth.
Tho fixed thought, tho concentrated ef
fort, tho close attention, the laudable pride
in success, she greets with joy, as sure ev
idenecs of expanding mind ; ana once
truly uwakened, each day adds to its force
and energy, to drive away the lazy, lin
gering mists that have so long obscured
its brightness.
If I have ever experienced one hour of
unalloyed pride and plcusure, of deep,
fervent, thankfulness and ; happiness, U
has been when those who had gone forth
from my instructions and care, to situa
lions of honor and trust, have returned,
earnostly expressing their gratitude for
that unwearied effort, that had al last
aroused them from that lethargy, into
which ignorance ever sinks her votaries ;
and thus fitted them for tho discharge of
faithful and honorable duties. And I
wish not to experience hours of deeper
humiliation, sadness and sorrow, than
when at the close of a term of school, I
have been compelled to admit there had
been those under my care, who had de
rived compariiively little benefit from my
instructions. At such moments, I have
wished a voiuu might go forth to every
fireside in our laud, that should awaken
the minds of parents to' the
and necessity of aiding the teacher hi her
arduous duties.
What can be tho influence of any teach'
er in comparison with the mothcr,-who
with anxious solicitude, watches the first
dawnings of the infant mind, or the father
who with loving pride caught the first ac
cents of the lisping tongue? Well do
know that same love, pride and earnest
solicitude, follows them not only throng
the helpless hours of infancy, but with mony
sad forebodings through all their dreamy
and restless childhood and youth; and with
many a fervent prayer, too, lest they be
lured by the deceitful glare of fleetin
pleasures, the poison of"passionate delight
and principle, dignity and purity, be
by yielding to idle and enervated habits.
But I think they too often satisfy them
selves with furnishing the means of in
struction for their children, and absorbed
in their own engrossing cares, neglect to
I pjgj
Well do I remember, that the knowl
edge that a widowed mother's only hope
for earthly happiness, would be materially
affected by the improvement and success
of her child her daily interest in my ad
vancement, and the dewy lustre of her eye
as it rested upon me in approval and love,
when unusually surcessful, had the power
to awaken all tho enthusiasm of my nature;
and a care that they should ever be in their
l''-ce the proper time, a few daily in-
qtiiries a constant watchfulness, I believe
to be very important to all. Are compo-
m "
sitions required, a tew words expressive
of their interest, and pride in their succes,
and a requett to see neatly written copies
of them, will secure more care than many
words from their teacher. Is declama
tion required, a little interest in the selec
tion of a suitable piece, a little assistance,
with the firmly expressed injunction, that
they should yield ready and implicit obe-
dience to the requirements of school, are, to
both teacher and scholar, of incalculable
- value; and such assistance I believe to be
necessary iu order to awaken that glow of
enthusiasm and pride, of so much impor-
- J tauce to the proper development of char
acter. Once let the better feelings of the
mind and heart be fully awakened. Once
let them be fully established in the right
path, and though at first that path be dark
and steep and rugged, for the earnest aud
uucomplaii-ing tpirit, the clouds vull rol
back, leaving the heavens silvery with a
brightness that shall disclone new beauties J
tactions at every step, to which tho
will re.y admiration and
and atlr
, i J. E. N YE.
r)EsoTo7N."T., Aug. 14. Srj.
Editor: Permit me through the
rolu,nnJotyoureueuemPrrr,a. aie,o t
. . ii . . i .
thu nnnnlp. iVnshiniiloii count V at lanre. .
nd my friends in particular, my reason
. . '
for resigning the oflioe of Register, to
Inch I have heen legally elected.
Tho people nre aware that I held the
office ex-otticio, of County Clerk, and was
the only specified officer of the county who
was autiioiizeu iy law, to open tne poii-
hooks of the election; and with the nssis-
tnnce of two disinterested house-holders,
was required to canvass the vote.
election, 1 called to .ny assi..r..,ce Mr.O.
Colestock and L. II. Clark, Lsq., for each
of whom I httvo great respect, for their
manly bearing and their unexceptionable
character as citizens, and tho latter for his
pgal attainments.
Upon opuntnir the roturns from the three
prcciuts of this county, it was immediately
iHcovcred that thoso from Cuming City
precinct were not full, for the reason thut
the poll-book did not accompany them as
the law required; there being only an ab
stract stating who was voted for, and the
number of votes received . by each, sent
from Cuming , City precinct without the
poll-book as the law expresily directs.
Could I as a sworn officer of the law-
could we as honest and faithful canvassers
of the returns of the recent election, permit
this undoubted illegality to pass unnoticed?
Most cetainly not! 1 for one have too
much respect for the oath I have taken, to
perform the duties of my ollice according
to law, to permit so gross a violation ot
the stutute to pass unuoticed. If the peo
ple think I have no more respect for my
oath than that, I can inform them that they
are mistaken in the man. ,1 will do what
believe to be my duty, taking the law for
guide; I believe I did do my duly and
do rig'At when I threw out the Cuming
City returns for its acknowledged illegali
ty; and I feel a conscientiousness that legal
and impartial men will justify my course.
In support of my position 1 have only to
refer tho people to the well known fact,
that two yenrs ago the Desoto returns were
made with the very same deficiency and
the Territorial canvassers threw the whole
vote out of the canvass, for the reason of
the illegal returns; and their action was
afterwards approved by the Congress of
the United states, as will be seen by refer
ence to the contested case of Bennet vs.
Chapman, which is well known to have
been made and decided upon the illegal
ruiuiiia oi iuaoiu jiieviui.., uim iciumo
ure CAacuy u.b u iuo .. ,u 4ur-
tion. An objection was made to the De-
soto returns for the reason that the judges I
and clerks used more words iu making
their certificate to the correctness of tho
riMiirwilr Ihnn ivn Inwl rlnurn in Ihp fnrm
or the statute. I asked any candid, unpar
tiul man if a poll-book ought to be declared
illegal and thrown away because the clerks
used the following words, viz: "We certify
the above to be a correct list of the per
sons who voted at aid election," instead
of the following, viz: "Certified by usi
T TU ll 111
111 uuswei uv-ui uio iiujicov wumioi.c
no! instead of invalidating the returns, I
it mokes them more perfect if possible.
Another objection was made to the Desoto
poll book, which though more serious it
may appear, I could not think ought to
destroy them end cause them to be thrown
away as illegal. ; The objection was that
the Desoto poll-book was not returned
within the lime prescribed by law, which
uses these worJs: "securely sealed and
enclosed, shall wiihm three days thereat
ter be conveyed to the County Clerk.
1 ne tacts in tne case are tue-se, me elec
tion look place on Monday; on Wednes-
day, being the secoud day thereafter, the
Desoto Doll-book was conveyed to mv res-
idence and securely locked ud in mv
. . .
drawer and there remained until Friday
the fourth day, when I took them to Fort
Calhoun and canvassed die vote with the
assistance of O. Colestock and E. Ii.
Clark. Again I appeal to any and every
honestly impartial and candid men to
know if we or any of us did wrou" in ac
ceptinsr of the Desoto poll-book as a legal
instrument and properly returned. Ithiuk
you will concur with me and the balance
of the board of canvassers, who dec lured
the poll-book legal and properly returned,
and not because it lay in a drawer at my
residence instead of a drawer at Ft. Cal
houn, it was not returned in tune, I run
not believe that so whimsical an objection
can invalidate an election return and dis
traucnise a whole precinct, it it was con
veyed to the county Clerk within three
days, the requirements of the law have
been complied with, and such is the rase
If there are any who differ with me in
n-.-.., ir. ,),oB m.tor. T .;r,,!
vituivit iu .uiiiiw imwiivi.) viiivi ti j Uiphteen dollars and thirty-four cents, secur
they will do me justice to believe that I am ed by mortgage on the North-weit quarter of
noura in my ujniuuu, uuu ju uoing wnui
I conceive ta he inv dutv. I hone thpv ivil
vi;... T A :f .!
""V' uv " "uu
that in such a manner as the law directs,
and not at has been intimated, that 1 deci
ded thus because it elected me, which I
mot positively deny; and such being the
case, I came to the conclusion to. resign
the office of Register, to which I have been
legally elected and which I could hold in
contest before any court.
But the position is too delicate for my
sensibilities, therefore I resi-jn und hore
to convince the people that I have not been
prompted to decide these questions from a
sinister motitive or hope of personal ag
In the popular vote there was but fovr
cf a majority agmin at me. and I am per- ,M,.:. iii.,, .t 1
fectly willing nd Want that majority toL t Uim.1 IIIDLS I
rule, notwithstamlinfr in legal 'point
view I was elected with a majority of fiiV
y - our. After thanking my friends for
hir earnest endeavors in my behalf, and
th'f warm solicitude for my success, I beg
of them permission to retire into private
lilt. I reiennff the sweets oi retirement
to the taunting insinuation of hiving sal in
Hgment in rSy own case. Appealing to
(jod for the rectitude of my intentions, I
can say of a truth, that I have done what
'ived t0 bs v whoIe dut
ole duty as u
... r, .
law directs
A FtMALB Preacher. In Ireland
they arc having a sensation over a young
and extraordinary female nreacher. She
is drawing crowds of all sects to listen to
her eloquence. Her hair, cyArcws and
eye lashes, are almost white, her face pale,
and she is only twenty-two years of age.
si,e has many invitations to preach from
all Darts of the country, and even from
reward, and says she is prompted to speak
in obedience to an answer to her prayer I
a twelvemonth since.
How to iret board cheap pass an eve
ning in the society of a perfectly fashion-
able young lady.
Corrected weekly by Class a tt BioTiita,
Forwarding and Com.' Merchants.
Flour Family, $5,00 per 100 lbs
" Extra Superfine, $5,50 00 "
" Fine, $4,50.
Meal $4 00 per 100 lbs.
Applci Dried, $1 00 fii $5 50 bus.
Peaches " 4 00 (Si 4 50 " ' .
Butter New 30 to 40 c lb
do Old packed, 25 to 30c B
Beans $5 00 V bus.
Corn $1,75 ft bush.
Oats $1
Dried Beef 20c per lb.
Salt G. A., per sack, $3, 25.
Bacon Shoulders 14 (u) 15c lb.
Sides 19c. j
Sugar cured 18c ft ft
Eggs 25 35c ft doi
Hides Dry, 10c
. do , Green, 4c
Hav $25 00 fa $25 00 ft tun
Pork clear $32 00 ft bbl., 20 per lb.
Lard 20 25 c ft lb
Onions $3.50 ft bus
Potatoes $2 00
Pelts Sheep $1 25
lo Coon25c .
Lumber Cottonwood sheat'R 30 ft m.
" do so. edeed $35 00 "
do Oak, Walnut, Basswood $15 00
do Pine siding, clear $od UO ! m.
do Flooring 2d $153 00
1st $75 00
Boards, $50 $75 00
Shingles Pine $8 50 $9 50 ft m.
" Cottonwood $5 50
Lath Pine $10 00 per m.
Doors " $3 60 $4 75 each,
bash $1 00 $2 1-4 per casement.
W,LL M ftt be auctlonto u,e h, hegt
I 1,1,1,1,,,. n Saturday. Sent. 12. on my rrem-
ises, at Saling's Grove, 30 acres of corn on the
ground, 300 doz. sheaf oats in stack, 15 acres
St?tMSi! gco0wdaan0ca0lf.y0aUTotCaoi
' 1 - 1. : - - i.i 1 . j l i
younz norsrs with a choice bioouea brood
mare and coit, a 101 01 nousenom iurnuure,
one eood saddle pony, ana a nose 01 other
property, farming utensils, etc. .
VV. r. BIMUW.UU.ti, Auctioneer.
TS hereby given to Wm. F. May and to all
... - - 1 l, .. I T ...1,1 . . k T ..J
COIIVCIIIEU, Hint 1 wiii auprm ai 1,110 ajoihi
omce i omaha, N. T., on Saturday, sept. 12,
and prove my right to pre-empt the north-
east quarter of Sec. 19, Township 14, Range
13, east ot tne tth principal meridian in Ne
braska territory.
43!t juscm
anilK eubxcribrr has iust received FORTY
all kinds and sizes, direct from one of the best
manufacturing establishments in new Eng
land, made expressly to order and warranted.
These boots being from the same house as
those 1 received last year, is tn oest recom
mendation that can be given them. The sub
menaauon mat can ne given mem. ine uu-
scriber defies any other firm in the Territory
them at such low price. 6old either by the
case or sinrle pau. Call and examine lor
1 1 -
Bellevue, Sept. 3, 1857. . 43 tf.
" HAMa
CHOICE lot of sugar cured canvased
Hams, for sals bj
Bellevue, Sept. 3, 1837.
NOW have on hand, and am constantly
making, at my Yard, a large quantity of
superior brick, which I am selling as cheap
as can be bought elsewhere in the Territory.
1 am also taking contracts to put up nricic
buildings of any size, at short notice. Those
tn want of brick, either io larse or small
quantities, will do well to give me a call.
Bellevue, Aug. 17. 187. 42
BY virtue of an execution, delivered to me
by the Clerk of the District Court, for
Jiarpy County, . T., in favor of Henry T,
Clark, and aeaintit the Drooertv of Robert C
1 WilUon, to satisfy a judgment, against said
miison for the sum of two thousand and
section ii, iownsoip 1:1, ix., jtange 11, t,,
-ow, inererors, 1 win oner said piece or par
eI of land at public sale. at Ue Benton House,
on the 10th 4 v .,f 8nk t ton Wk. fni
en to tne mgnest bidder.
. JOHN M. ENOCH, Sheriff.
uciievue, W.T., Aug. Z7, 1837.
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing in
the butchery business, under the style of
Griffith k. Butterfield, was thia day dinnolved
by mutual consent. Charles K. Bulterheld ia
authorized to settle all debts due the firm, and
iiaoiuties owing by said firm.
, . a E. BUTTKUFIEL1).
Aug. 22, 1R57. A t
fiy The bnxtness will be carried on at the
ntrl at a nA in all it varlntia ririnrliaa a h r t.ts-
fore, by 11. COOK GRIFFITH.
- -a CLARK & BKO.
J8 freby Wii to Cnrad Baoman, and to
Sept., at 2 o'clock, P. M., to prove my right
to pre-empt tn gouth l-z of the hortn w
- " h "' f of the south west 1-4 of
LOT 6, Block 2M, L. A, B. 12, L. 8, B. 333.
' 2, M S4.V " 1, 175, 4 , 121).
3, " 171, "11, 23, "11, Wf.
4, " 25. 8. " 138. "12. M 87.
In ,1 ,4 A U Jll
Out Lot 21, in Bennett's qr.
" " 25, in Bottom.
Aluo, an undivided 1-2 of Block 155, k. 213.
mce, $1700. 1 Enqnire of - - - -HORACE
At his .Banking Iloum. Council Bluffs, or
41J - J. B. JENNINGS, Bellevue.
N Commissioned
meet on Monday, Sept. 2lst, A. D. 1857, at
the house of Mai. Watson, at o'clock, A.M
to view and locate a public road from the
city of Bellevue, on the best route to the cor
ner of Sections 2, 3, 10, and 11, in Township
13, north, Kane 13, east I thence west in the
line between Sections 3, and 10, to the coraer
of Section 3, 4, V, and 10, in the tame Town
ship and Rant;e thence westerly on the most
practicable route tnrougn Anuerson's urovej
thence westerly to the Platte or Elkhorn Riv
er's. Said Commissioners will meet on the
evening of aaid day, at 4 o'clock, at the Ben
ton House, Bellevue, to hear all parties inter
ested in locating and establishing said road or
iiy order or the County Commissioners.
Clerk of Sarpy Co.
Bellevue, Aug. 18, 1857. 41
?rniIE co-partnership heretofore existing b
tween the undersigned in the brick ma
king business in this city, was this d&y dis
solved by mutual consent. The debts due the
firm, together with all its liabilities will be
settled by L. Beldon,
: ' J. i . COr KM AN,
Bellevue, Aug. 8, 1857. , 3t41.
LL persons indebted to Clarke A. Bro,
will come forward immediately and pay
"A word to tne wise is sufficient."
Bellevue, Aug. 12, 1857. tf.
THE Platte River Ferry Company have
their Ferry in successful operation at
This route is six miles shorter than that by
ceiiar isiann, ann is a mncn oetter route.
will be in attendance at all times to accommo
date the traveling public. Rates of Ferriage
as low as any other point.
W. M. BLAUulHtiK.
Plattsmouth, Aug. 1, 1M57. 3m40
ATOTICE. The subscribers hereby give
Xl notice that the copartnership heretofore
existing between them under the name and
style of Todd & Smith, is this day dissolved
the finn wlll be Bctticd by Burton AV. Todd,
t,. P oMllrl.
by mutual consent. All dents due to or against
Bellevue, August 12, 1857.
THE undersigned takes this method of in
forming the citizens of Bellevue, and vicinity,
that he has just received the Largest and
Hist assortment ot
Cooking;, Parlor & Office Stoves.
ever brought to this Territory. He would res
pectfully invite all tn want of Stovt.s, to call
and examine for themselves. '. ;
I am also manufacturing
of all kinds, such as Buckets. Corrr.r. Pots
Pans, Strainers &c, &c, and all articles in
mr line of business.
("Particular attention paid to RooriNO,
opoutiwo and joo work or every description,
All work warranted to rive satisfaction. Or
ders solicited. My place of business is oppo
site me mining umce, Beuevne, in. i .
n 3."-ir. t-SAMUUL. BIN YDKK
l.i.Mnri a ti n p nnaana tit
Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearbop
btreet, Chicago.
CAPITAL, $150,000.
Edmund. Canfield, Pret Wm. 8. Bates,
Sec y, Henry Chapman, Treas.
rpiIIS Company was organized on the 27th
-L. day 01 marcn, A. 1J. moo, under a spec
ial charter from the Legislature of Illinois;
and business commenced under the most fa
vorable auspices. Its establishment has been
upon a firm and reliable basis, and in view of
its stability, soundness, and permanency, ranks
as one of the first Insurance Companies in the
country. . To those desirous of protecting
themselves against loss or damage by Fire, or
eerils of the gea, they beg leave to offer the
Messrs. Stone k, Witt. Cleveland, Ohio.
Williams k. Avery, Chicago, III.
" Norton k. Brother, "
" Stone & Boomer, "
H. S. Durand, Pres. Racine k. Miss. R. R.
Geo. C. Northrup, Cash. Racine C. Bank.
Wm. P. Und, Esq.,. Milwaukee.
J. G. Conroe, Esq. Racine.
; Ashley Gilbert, Cash. Com'l B'k, Chicsg.
Henry Farnham, President Chicago k. Rock
Island Rail Road.
Daniel P. Rhodes. Esq., Cleveland, Ohio.'
Thomas Campbell, Esq., Springfield, 111. -Hon
R. Chamberlin, St. Louis, Mo.
Messrs. Wadsworth, Wells k. Seymour1,
Chicago, III.
' Messrs. I. H. Btirch k. Co., Chicago Bank.
Messrs. G. W. Sixer k. Co. Chicago, 111.
Wm. Blanchard, Esq., Morris, III.
Messrs. H. C. Jr. O. G. Cook fc Co., Rock
ford. III.
Messs. H. Wheeler Jr. Son, Anrora. III.'
Messrs. Judd, Smith It. Pratt, Dion, 111.
Nthamiah Case, Esq., Buffalo, N. Y.
W.v B. Fundy, Esq., Springfield. III.
Gea. 1. Curn, Springfield, III.
Rlcbvd Ivers, Esq., Bt. Louis, Mo. ' I
84 30HV J. TOWN, Agent at Bellevue.
riothlntl (lolhiux! Clothlnjrl
Clothing or the latest Fashion, at
June 4th, 157. a31.
Wholcsal and Retail Dealers la
' " 7 !
.1 .;i.ov
And Fancy Goods,
Our stock ia entirely nevr, tery
.... . ' 9
large, and carefully selected, and
by adhering 6trictly to the
cash system, we are atIa
to offer very great fn-
ducetnents to all who '
...... . , . i
may favor us with
Jt. . a calL , .
Corner of Jefferson and 27th atreet,
Opposite tho Fontenelle Bank,
tention of the citizens of Bellevue, Sar
py county, and the surrounding country, to
their new and selected stock
Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail at
prices 30 per cent, lower than ever before of
fered in this city. We can and will aell
Goods as low if not lower than they can J
bought in Omaha or Bluff Cfty. Pleas call
and examine for youreelven.
Bellevue, May 28, 1857. . ; ;
Just Received, and for lale, ;i
A LARGE stock of Furniture, consisting its
part of Wood, Rush, Spindle, Split Bottim,
Jenny I.ind, Maple. Mahogany, Children's aadi
Office Chairs, Rockers, fcc.i Bureaus, Center,
Card, Office, Breakfast and Dinner Tables,
Leaf, Toilet, Work and Wash Stands, Offic
Desks, Sofas and Sofa Lounges, Double and
Single Lounges, Trundle Bed. Bedsteads of
various kinds, Tin Safes, Mattresses, Ac kt
Term cash. PALMER Jr. AVERILL..
33tf ',1
JUST RECEIVED, a large and fin assort
ment of Gent's Shoe and Gaiter. .
ANOTLER LOT of Clothing just reeeivJ
at 33tf PALMER it AVERILL.
PALMER Sc AVERILL have on band a lot
of fine Black DoesKtn and Cassimers s
also, a large lot of fancy Casslmerts. Tbo
wishing a food article would do well to call
and examine the above. 33tf
NAILS and GLASS Cheap at th BELLE
CUTLERY A larg assortment of Pocket
Knives, Knives and Forks, fee., at th
r" A larg toek of READV-MAE
CLOTHING, at Eastern Price, can b fonnd
at th BELLEVUE 8TORE. no 30-tf.
THE LARGEST LOT of Furnitnr and
Crockery ver broupht to th Territory,
can be found at PALMER Jt AVERILL'5
ILOUR, Salt, Salmon, Mackerel, and Od
fish, at wholenal or Retail, by
: ti