:o.; r .ilmJi:S. 'f l . A.'? wrW A Family Ncwspaper-Devotod to' Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusements and Gonoral Intelligence VOrTX BELL K VU.I:1, . N E 15 LV SKA;' ,T 1 1 1 j I ! SD AY, AUGUST 27. 1.S57. No!l2 J. r; ": 't J.? v . . .. , ".'i I ... . .. 4 i 4 1 1 ? ....,. ... ., , . . ; ' iw niniMii n ii in i.r'.m 'i m i mini 3ficUtbuc (Sincttc. PUBLISHED EVERT Tlll'KSTl Y AT ELLIXUE (ITV, X. 1, S. A. STjlJCKLANp & CO. Terras of Subscription. Two Dollars per annum, if pnid in advance, or $2 60 if not paid within the year. Three copies' Wnnr address, in advance $. 00 Seven do do do 10 00 Fifteen do v do do 20 00 A club cf seven subscribers, at $10, will entitle the person making it up to n copy' for six months; a club ot fifteen, at $20, ton ropy for one year. When A club of subscribers ha been forwarded, additions may be niade to it. ail the same terms RATES OF ADVERTISING. Square (Urines r. Jss).lst ii)scrlipn.,.$J. 00 J.acii sontorment anseriipn One square, euc uiunlb . J. k i i- & f4 One eqnare, " " three nioiitlis " " six " " " one year Ouiiness cards (t'i lines or less) 1 year One column, one year 4 00 0 00 10 00 5 00 i'.o oo 3j 00 20 (Ml 10 00 Hne-half column, one yMP-y. lourtn " " eighth " " " " column, six months " half column, six months " fourth " " " " eichth " , " " ''coliuriD, three irtonthn " "half column, three months " fourth " ' - " Hffhth - .:' ... 3.) oo 20 00 10 00 8 (0 20 00 13 00 10 00 . ti 00 5 00 Announcins candidate! for office JOB WORK, :h for eighth elieet bills, per 100 S2 00 Pot quarter " i I .. 4 OO For half " " '" 8 (Ki Vor whole " " " " lo 00 K'or colored paper, half sheet, per JOO.., ; 5 00 For blanks, per quire, first quire 2 00 tech subsequent quire 1 00 Cards, per packff. .... A 1 50 Ka.rh subsequent pack ' 1 00 For Ball Tickets, Taney paper perhun'd 6 00 T.ach subsequent buudred"" r". ri 4 00 MUSI XEiSjO.iKI) S. Bo-wen & etrickland, tr ATTORN KYS AT' LAW. " He.iV Estate, 'City' Lots; fetid C1nliil hW'stil ml' .-14 P'-ViTaMri evijl do wid) 1J rail it iurloincf nd examine our list of til'v J-otfl A. p., before burchasinp elseu-iiere. r. Omec In Cook's njy building, corner of Fifth a,ud Main streets. -" f; ( Mr iJ. aj. .ny wen. , ., f ATTORN KY -AMI- U'UU . Sl-IOAJU tA 1 ,.LAW, llellcTiie, N, Tvl .,,):. W , Y'V. Z A. Strickland, ATTOHSKY :AND COUNSF.LLOU AT L.KVft Kellevue, N. T. 1-tf C. T. Hollow-ay, - ' A TT015NF.Y AND COUSELLO;t AT XV. LAW, Hellrvuc, .V. 1 ' - - Il-tf v.'j rr W. II. Cook -.f ' GCNF.R.M. i. VN'D AND RF.ALF.STATF. AUliNT, I'.oUuvuBCity, Nebraska. 1-tf " ' 15. P. Hankin. - -' ; A'ffORXEY Al) COUNSNLton AT l LAW, J-a ri HU, T u .''..f' , .... S. W." Conzens, ; ATTOriNEY AT'fVW and Oqneral Land AGENT, Omhfcity, N. T. Office in Henry 4. Koot'e pevr Urick Dbx-k, Farnhain street. V'' ' 11,4 i ' ' 1 ' -li-iui. John vVPattison. TOTARY VVVLIC AND REAL ESTATE IN AGENT. Fbnteuclle, N. T. 1-tf James B.Tzara &'Co. I"" AND AGENTS, Oiaabs, Douglas Couuly.' JJ Nebraska lerntflrt. - l-U . ' : Dra. Malcomb & Peck. , . OMAHA CITY, ; OIBre on Harnev street, opoosite the Pont Oiiice. rarticular -at tention civth to Knrcorr. ' . 1-tf v.....,,,,. ;,, , -.-r-r- w .., .... P. E. eijannon. . . : REAL. FPTATE AGENCY, Cnrro ,GorJo Post Oiruc. St. Mary, Mills Co., Iowa, j 2 . P. E. Shaunon, . . . .7. '.' COMMISSION i. rOBWARDINO MEIV CHANT. SL AUry'e Landing Mills Co., Jowa. 2-tf Peter A.1 Sarpy,: r ! i : T70riwAnDIN(J & COMMISSION MER 17. CHANT. I'.ellcvue. N. T.. Wholesale Dealer in Indian Goods, Horses. Mulea,'td Cattle. T ' ! - ' - 1-J I D. J. Sullivan, M. D.. . TTJHYSICI.W and SURGEON. Office X Head of Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa - nov. 13 . ; . ' ' 1-tf.,' T. B. CCMINO. JOHN i ... Cumins & Turk, TURK. Allorneyt kt Iaiv and Real EsfuleJlgritfs 1 u.viau i in i. i.i WILL attend faithfully and promptly to all justness entrusted U Uieru, in the Territoriiil or lwa cotu-ts, to the purchase of lota and lands, entries and pre-erajitions, col lections, Alt , Office in the second ttory of jlenry & Ronil pew building, nearly gpposLUt tit Western Er.-hiiiRe bank, Karuliam street. Papers in the Territory, Council Bluffs Hu rle, and Keokuk Times, please copy and rhare Kebraskianoffire. fj : 1 ' Job Printing. VTCATI Ll reaao .x and expeditiously xcuted, on raonablt terms, at this Office. IllSIMSS V A It OS. D. II. Solomon. ftn.t rniTxsr.T.T.nn' at A TTOnTY V LA LAW, Glonwood. Mills Co.. Iowa, prac tice In all the Courts of, western Iowa nnd Nebraska., and the .Supii-me Court of Iowa. Land Agency not in the Programme... nq Hf T. !loi.i.6v'. C. n. m.t.n GrNKltAL LAND AGENTS, liellrvi ity, IV. T.. will promptly uttebd to the rollerting snd inetr; money, locatiris Land Warrants, buvinc and selling city lots, &c Ollice at the Bellevutt i toils?. , . Tiro. Macdv. 'Arrx; 5f..fp!. If. O. Joxf. Macon, Brother & Co. ', ' , T. AW. AND LAND .Hi EN'TS. Omaha City A Nebraska Territory, l ...o V-lt. , T lOrocnAPJllC. AND .CIVIL 1.NGI- M'.l'.U, Executes Drawing find l'aiiwUnir of every sty I" and description. Also, all business in t)is line. OlTice on Gregory aU'et,!, St.' Mary, Mills county, Iowa. '.' m 1-tf Greene, Wcaro & Benton, ' ' T ANKERS AND LAW AGENTS, Council .'Mulfe, Polowattnmie comity, Iowa. Orenne fc Weare, Cedar Kapids, lot,v ' .-ir Greene, Weaie fc itire. Fort Di s Moines, la. Collections made Tjxus pahU niKl Lands purchased and sold, in any part ot. Iowa. 1-tf W. W. Ilarvcy, , , . CURVEY0H AND CLAIM AGENT, will . ., . i i .ii i ... r promptly nurnii 10 an nusinrssoi purvey in? layinjl out and dividinrland.surveyln!rand platting towns and to.lds, nnd will adcompanv persoiyi i!ijmu'Hi of maLiiij: j1.tiius, and .Mill art dVagent for the sale of claims. Office on Main street, Belleyne, N. T. 2d-tf oto. sxyfiin, , .. ..jons n. snenxA.v. 'Snyder & Shorman, i , .' , A TTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT iL LAW. and NOTARIES PU BLIC. Coun cil Ululfs. Iowa, will practice their profession in all the Courts of Iowa nnd Nebraska. , ; AH collections entrusted to their care,'at tended to promptly. .!.. .' ' ' ; ! Especial attention piyen to buying and sclli. Inj real estate, and making pre-emptions in Nebraska. ' ' - Deeds Mtirtapres, and other Instruments of Writing ' ilrawit. wiUi jtiispatch (i ackBows.iJ5 menUi tflken. &c, kc. ,, . , . i. t (r?" .Oififle west afite of Madison street, itist above JJrcadway. - r . nov m v' .-... i -. : t . J-u. , WW. H. SMITH. .1.' , .', . It. SMtTH Smith & Brother,' ' ATTORNEYS. COUNSELLORS at LAW and .Dealers in Heal Estate, ' ISMIcyiie,, Nebraska Territory, will attend faittifidly and promptly to buying and sidling' Real Estate, Citv Lots, Claims, and i.ana War,rautg, tuiire at the Henton Home. . .. . ' 21-tim .i.J. II DKOIV.Y, , ,., ).. ATTORNEY AM) lOVM'ELOR AT L.UF ' GENERAL LAND AGENT, '. AND NOT Ally PUBLIC, , ' FlattenwuJh, 'Cam Co. X. :T.' ATTENjia toluisinees ii any rt the Courts of litis Territorv. .Particular attention paid to ob'ainiiic and locating Land Warrants, col lection of debts, ane taxes paid. Letters -of inquiry relative tn any parts of the Territory answered, if accompanied wilh a fee. ; r.LTEUENCF.!) . fon. Lvmsn TrumHidl. U. S. 8. from Ills.; Hon. Jjfiiies RiioX, M. C. " " ' Hon. O. II.1 Browning, Qninry, " Hon, James W. Grimes. Governor of low. , Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T. Green, Wonre.&, BenfflPi CoiHicil HlufTs, I. Nuckolls H Cp., (Ilepwoodi Iowa. 23Lf. ? Ira A. W. Buck, , .:.( i I" AXD and General Ajnf.' ; Prr-Fmptlon J Papers preiiared, L.'tid Warrants bought and- sold. OIHre In the Old State House, over the U. S. Land Office. .-; IttKhil TO..,-.. lion. A. HI fli'lmore, Ilect lvcr, Omaha. Hon. Enos Lowe, ! ...' I ' Hon. 8. A. -Strickland, HrP.rrac. I 1 Hon. Johiv Finney, .. .. s .. t . ' :' . ' Hon. J. Kti rline Morton, Nebraska City; QMtatta, June 20, 1MS7. ' ' ' " 1 35 ' H. T. CLASKr.. ' A. M. CLASUX. CLARKE & B R 0 . , FORWARDING ab COMMISSION MERCHANTS,. STEMBOAT AND COLLECTING' .' A U li T S, i DELLCVUE, NEBRASKA. Dealers .in P:ne Lumber, Doors, Sash, .. Flour, Meal, Bacon, xtc, &c. CaT Direct Goods oare Clarke & Itro. l-tf '' '- 1 6TEVEIJ.E RAlv OF BLLUVrC : nelleriie, Nebraska. I IS prepared to transact the general business of Banking, will receive deposits, Discount short paper, buy Bills of Exchange, on all parti of the Count) v,-. apt! - soil on St., Louis, Chicago and New. lorki make collections in the vicinity' and remit for the same at Current rates of Exchange, $T Interest allowed on special Deposit v JOHN WEARFt President. - Tiio. H. llr.Nras, V. Pres. Jon J. Town, Cashier. '1-tf Bankine HourawFroia to 12, A. M., and 1 to 3, P. M. - , W. Longsdorf, M. D., . THYSICIAN AND S I7 R G fit) N . Office on X tMiin.netween j wemv-r inn ana twenty. Sixth streets, Bellewe City. 33tf' IV A. SAlil'Y. . F()lWARI)IN(r cv COMMISSION .. .MFRCIIANT, Still enntinm tli uhovc Imsinonfl M ST. MAnYS.IOWA, & BELLEVTJE, N. T. M"erclianls and 'F.miftranla will find their pootls promptlv nnd carefully attended to. t P. NV I t.avethe Mily WAllEIIOCK for storaire at the above nhined 1 idling v at Marys, Feb. l)th,lSj7. i'l-tf-i Tootle"& drce'ro, WHOLESALE L FvETAIL nEAf-EIl?, i Glenwnod, Towa, W" beg le.lve to call the ntlentlim or the Good People of Mill. Pottawattamie, Montgomery Hid Cass roiiu tie, lewa also, Dinmlan und Cass counties, NelirpsJ;,-), to our laive and la IP supply nfiviM kind of ME-UCH AN D1SI-'', 1 itsn.-flly kept in Westnn JiiWa. Our stock .f Grocerius. is largo and ruiiiplelc, having born bought and shipped a little luMi-r .titan Mr neighbors,. Our stnek of Hardware,' Qaeellswari'. Wood enware. Tlots ,trd flukes, Hats flnd C.-'ps and JicndyM.ir! Clothinir.htve all bnm purchased in tltti risterii ril.ies;,aUlielowi!St.caHhprie(i, Give u .1 ca,ll before yon purchase, and if We do not sell you cheap. good!,' We will tnaks our tieishbors ilo so.' . . . . i. . . . ti'if' Kemembrr the cheapost houso intowr.. , . - . ' ToOTLJi ft GREENE.. ! Clonwpod, Imvil, Oct, 2ll, is;i(i. 1-tf TooMo & Jackson, : IjORWARDlNR. COMMISSION MER . CHAM'S, - Council lllulls city, Iowa. Having aj Large and Commodious. Warehouse on the LcWe iit the Council Bluff's lauding, are now prepared to receive' and store, nil kinds of mer.-handise nnd produce, will rvrelve nnd pay charges on all kinds of frelgtlts so that Steam Boats wiU not.be detained as they have been heretofore, in getting some one to receive freight, when the consignees are absent. Rifkhf.ncks i Livermoorn ft Cooley, 8. C. Davis & Co, and Humphrey, Putt & Tory, St. Louis, Mo. ;. Tootle k. Fnireiph, St. Joseph, Mo. ; J. S. Cheneworth ,tCo., Cincinnati Ohio; W; F. Conllmugh, Bnrlisgton, Iowa. 1-tf r4 i- : -vt rHA' f..' KEMP, WILMAM fnopSUAM. t QUN AND" JEWELRY STOHE. i i , , KEMP k FR0DSIIAM, DEALERS io Clocks,. Watches', Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Uiiles, f-bot Guns, and Pistols. ' 1 ' ' I " i . ; . . - CLOCKS.; -j J , -,:! -.' I, IThirty hour and eight day clock of the two best manufactories m the Union ; steamboat and office spring clocks. Single and double shot Guns, from five to fifty dollars; Rifles, of our own luiike ( also, Eastern nnkfl; Pistols of all kinds ; pistol flasks, shot bags, wadding and wad cutters; common, nnd water-proof caps ; colt's caps, and numerous other articles suitable for the Western trade, which neither tinio nor apac,e will allow to enumerate. . , '(" All of the above articles sold on the most reasonable terms. Repairing done to order at short notice. . . , .' no D-tf ' Omaha Ctv, Ni T. ,-. - ,' SEW 7 GOODS ! '. NEWSTOniE!! f I11IE nndorsigned have opened, lit their new X, store on, Douglas street, opposite the banks, a new lind splendid assoi luit'iit of PRY COODS, . ' ' ' ' ' ' CLOTHING, .' ''''' :' i 'BOOTS and tfliOK?, : ' : ... r, BOOKS, BTATIttNERV.fci!. , Our stock ot Dry Goods romprieet all kinds of LADIES'. GENTf.EME.VH aud CHILD- , KEN'S DRESS GOODS, . I A T tt-t-mttc rT Tr r T7 a mT rta and everytl)iug that is requisite to make up a complete assortment of Dry Goods. :r..miwm-. .We have a large lot of Clothing that Is wl nnd fashionably made, and out of the bent material. Our slock consists of all kiuds uf Gents' Furnishing Goods. ! ' ' POOTS and SHOES.' ; Our stock of Boots and Shoes is the largest ryer ottered to the eitixensnf Aehraska.- 'ITiey are purchased directly from the manufac turers, and are of the very best quality. Our goods art, all new, and recently pilr chasrd'in the Eastern cities, and we 'intend sfllii.i them at astonishing low prices. All the ci'iene tit Omaha and vicinity arc re quested to call and examin our stock, as they will find It to their Interest Jo'do an. - VVe study to pleas. 10-tt. PATRICK k CO. BELLEVUE HOUSE. ..MT ..' y. CLJLL-'"! --r 'i ' i , "'TT" '" .1 . 7 ! . : . ' THE PROPRIETOR OF. THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR i . .' ' It It 4 . HOTEL, - OFFERS EVERY ' i.i To th Public, and ; will render - , ' ' ' Assmrors ATTr.Tio . To Me vanls of HIS GUESTS. J. T. ALLEN Tlsllevne, Oct. SI. ISM. 1-tf . ' r -n r , ---,T,. 1 inn rr a Tr a a itn.ir. oiii. ''.-. ,.. ...r, "j- vri ...... X Young JIveon. at ft ft, per nfund. at th EF.I.Lr.Vl'F. STORE.1 of POETRY. From the Knickerbocker. 1 Dark, d'ttk dn nigbt, nnd Mus da npon, No star but one nin peeping j-J'f . Dn hoot-owl sings de sanio olel'tomi, As Iron da Woods I'm creeping, " Boo boo, Inn boo !" who car" for dal, Von good-fois-notrn feddhri d cat? ' ' Dis nijTija koep on singing ! ,, lie sing ni(1 on the bjirje play, ' To ch um the gobluui (.bonis away, While skunk he sweets am. flinging. ( 'froo de woods, push along, " ' Nebber fear the boog-a-b.to," ! Troo de woods, dat'a (In song, , ' . I (iallus son of finger Jlluq I ', . De whip-ian-will spout tut Ue at un, . T'rowsj uiusic from his fiddle , L'e d.inriii fr'j all swasii-4 down Outside and up Ihe middle ' 1 ;' AVhaf dat ? whiit dat dis nlgger'n eyes i-' Displnro with mighty big surprise, Upon the gum tree swinging? ' . h 'T au) ntsa possum at he case, . , , Rocked in de Tadle of de breeze, And listening to de singing. "' Tfbo de woods, )nsh along, : ' ' ' Nebber mind the possum (ooj . '' Troo dn woods, dat's de song, , , ,; .. IV.irUs son of Ginger Blue! De. vibotr s gwinn down pitch dark de night, Cold, cobl dc dew am l.illing ; I fear dis darkey see a sight, ' Dat si't lie tfotd a crawling . ' Who daf dar 1 a goblum cussed I ,: 'Peak I or dis minstrum's banjo bust I Pcakl'aiiil dyse'f unrabb'l '. t.l 'Peak, jtobluB,''peak I but whe'r' or no, , Dis minstriim rlrap his ole banjo, Add ti a LITTl.. TnAi.a'l.1 Troo de woods cut along, T . ,t- . Furder back, you boog-a-boo I Troo dc woods, drap do aong Nimble child o! Ginger Blue I MISCELLANEOUS. , titvuliuit, tVafer-Melons. A tnrttj in a country town 'took groat jiii-a.-iuie in' having' a licit! garden. He itad nil kinds)- of Hee-uhles ami fruits earlier than his neighbors, but, thieving boys in tiio ncitjliboiJiuoJ uimoycij Lint, damaged bis trees, 'trampled down bis (lowers, :md " bgoked" bis cliuicu.t fruits. IIo tried various ' ways' to' protect bis grounds ;'1iit his watch doswero poison ed, and sft-trap caught, nothing but' his fatted fowls and favorite cat. ,. Ono nfternnon however, jtist pt night fall, he 'overheard a couplo of mischiev ous hoj'i talking together, "when ono1 of tliein aid : : ' w. . . . . . , " What tlo you say, ,Joa? . Shall vye come the ; prab game over the melons u nielli ? Old 'Swipes will he sijuii-.g like ten irieii heforo 'i o'clock." !j Tho oihrr iitijected, as there was a high wall to get over. . - i , . . "Oh, pshaw! was. Uie reply; I know a place where you can get over jut as easy know it like a Look.' Come, Joe, let s go. The owner of the melon patch duln t like the idea of be'nj an eaves ijropper; but the conversation so immediately con cerned his' melons which he had taken so miich pains to raiso, tbat he kept quiet and listen'd to ihe pbmsof tlieyiwigf scape graces, so tpai hu might make K aome what bothersome for them. .. .Ned proposed to get over the wail on the' so ith tide by the great pear tree, and cut directly errors to the summer-houae, just north of which were the melons.. . . Joe was a clever fellow, wiio iovea goo fruits exceedingly, nnd was as obstinate as nu n.s. (jet once darted to do a thing, and he would stick to it like mud-turtle to a nrro's to.. .The odier didn't care o nuicli for. the meloa as Ut the fan of get luig tliein. , , Now hear tjie owner s etory. I made a needful preparation for the vi-it : put m brads pretty thick in the bcantling along! the wall where they in tended to. get over; uncovered a large witter vat wiiidi had been filled for some time, from' which, in dry weather, I was accustomed to water iny garden; dug a trewh a foot deep or so, and placed len- ler board over t, which wer kliohtly corned with dirt, and juV- beyond them tome little cords, lastened tightly some eight inches from the ground. 1 picked all the melons I wished to preserve, leav-' mg pumpkins and squnshfs, bout thsize mid ll4)o of muloiis, m their placee,' Tlie boy were (juito right in iupposing it would be dark, but tliey .missed it a lit tle in inferring that CM Swipes " ns they tailed him, woitij be 1 irv ,bd. The old man liked a little fun as well us they, and when the. time came, from Lis hiding place he listened : " Yh!, Jee! dca't you hear some thing ?" ' I think Unit it wn.1 very probable that they did, fur hardly were, the word tittered, tiit.ii ilu'te cuino a sound of foi'ii ble tearing of fiiMinn. (Jet oil' my coat tail !" whisprrcd Joe, " there goes one (f the llnps ns sine as guns! Why get oil, Ned." : . t And Nod wns oil', nnd one. leg of his breeches berides; arid then hn wnsnh-ing, oh-hg; nnd telling jop thnt'he " believed thole was nails iu that tide, of tli wall, for Noiuethiiig had S'Ttitehed tiim tremeieU eu!y and torn his bren lies nil topierev. Jtirt Bympathized willi him, for he said "hnlfihis coat was hanging up tlieie somewhere." They now Marled liainl-iii-liainl,for Ned believed ho knew the way." They had arrived a littbi beyond the tree.", 'when something went awash ! Bwaiih ! into tiio wutur-vat. , . , A Ntieeice ensued, ihen therxclauiation: " Thunder ! that water smell., rather old !" Ned wanted to go luune nt oner, but Joe wns too much excited to listen for a moment to such a proposition.' ' ,' .'.'Never heard anything aloiU thatois lei a before; the old fellow mu:t have fixed it on purpose to;' drown' peoplo in. ('iirioim, thoujh, that wo should both' Tall into it." ' ,v ', i.-.:. , '''..' They piilwd on again for the melons, Presently they were caught by the cords, and headlong they went into a heap of briers nnd thistles, nnd the like, whirh had been placed there for their express accommodation, . V , . "Such a gettin' up stairs !" muttered one. '; ;ti .' . ; 1 . ,-. i ' ." Nettles and tliistles ! how they prick I" exclaimed the other. They now determined to go' more ran tiotisly. At length , they nrWved at the pnlrh. - ' .. : - - ."How thick they arc, Joe? Como here ! There's more than a dozen fat ones here!" " ' j And down they sat in the midst nf them, nnd seemed to conclude- tb.aj they wore amply rewarded for all their mishaps.'' Here, Joe," Mud ;Ned; take this musk-inelon ; isn't it a rouser ? Slash in to it.", -. ' ; .; '.. .'!.'; ',' It cuts tremendous , hard, Ned. ". Ned it s a eatiasli : ' No it isn't, I trl! yo:t its tx new kfnd Old Swipes sent to Rhode Island for the seed last spring. ,. . .,,..' " Well. tUen. all I ve cot to sav. is thai the old fellow trot sucked, in--t hat's nil.",'. i " I'm going to' goilgo into the water melons; halloo! there goes a hall n dol lar! I've broke my: knife. : If I 'didn't know it was a water-mlon, J should say it was a pumpkin. ' 1'utt i., I belivo it i.s a ptimjikiii." "" . .',''" hut the boysdid bendes, while the owner went to the iablo and uninuzled the dog, and led him into the garden, We couldn't say; that they took Jong Mens the the onion and (lower beds revealed in the morning. ' ' ' , ' ' J They paid pretty dear for the whistle. They had not tasted a aingle melon ; they had got scratched, and torn thnjr clothes ; were as wot ns drowned rats, a,nd half scared out of their wits at the ravenous dog and' the apprehension of being dis covered, -: ' ;..'l- Tho next night the owner of the melou patch invited all the buys of tho village, including Ned and Joe, to a feast of mel ons, on the principle of ' returning good for evil." This circumstance changed the boys' opinion of " Old Swipes," and hi jmilons were never afterwards dis turbed. , . . ' i :, . , A printrr not long ago, being " flung" by his sweet heart, went to the ollice and tried to commit tuiicide with the " Mioofing sfick," hut th thing wouldn't go Hi'. -The " devil," wishing to ' pacify him, told him i jeep into the samt nn where the editor was writing duiu to del nqueij, subs-.rjL t-r. lie did so, and the tiled was iu:ig i. 'al. He frays that the pi-tcre of depair which he there beheld .fully reconciled him to his fate. . Spibitl' al 'Apteal A Colossal sail or, full of whisky, went into the llocton "Jiothel," one day last winter. The day was very cold outside, but the air of the chapel was hot, and being crammed with poor people, in all frtages of dirt, its air was not pleasant. ' This tta.e of things Toduc-jd visible e-tfocu upon tho drunken tailor. Ha becam i uualmisli, and dispos ed to vomit, and being jaunned up among the crowd, and unahle to get away, his face was twisu-d into strange contortions, the aweat pouring from his face, and he became very pale. The "preacher noted the changes, and nttriluied .them to tho sermon, and at once turned vj ihe sailor. exclaimed " firother mariner, how shall we helpyoti?" ,4 Jivrn a rrg .'" was the AnJ.l 1.1. Id mhlV . ... . , r , Those who fancy tliat money can do everything, are generally prepared to do.1 amounts to a little over twtsiy I every'hinj- fcr money. jdollari. Romano; ii Jl j:a r. Livr.. Sometime since, six young gentlemen bade farewell Id tho lasses who hud won their hearts amid Scotia's blooming heather, nnd sought th'i nhores of America, in liopo of being , enabled tho belter to preparo for wedded life. They located nl Chicago, where tho remrmbmnco of their " bontiio Annio Lmiries" umpired tln-m to unusal nnd per 1 Nevering exertions, till fortuno ot last so favored them that tliey sent homo to Scot land tho information that they were now ' afixiotis to 'arc their betrothed, and accom panied the message with a goodly remit- ; lance to pny their passnge. The girla, . for iimttial protection nnd society, camo . over too ocean in tho same vessel, and ar rived .in safety at (Jut-ber. Thence they embarked with several hundred other em igrant a river stenmer. to continue their journey down tho St. Lawrence. Tliat .-'.earner was the ill-fated Montreal, and of the six betrothed maidens, five found either fn-ry or watery graves. Tho sixth -rMiuM Jcnnettf? 1'ettigrcw was taken up for drowned, and only by faithful and persistent nttentiou was her life saved. All of her worldly possessions were gone, but the kind-hearted women at Montreal supplied her abundantly when they heard' her tiU'eeting- story. Kventually she reached her destination, and in a late num ber of the Chicago Tribuno there is chronicled the marriage of Mr. Adam Tate, of Chicago, to Miss Jeanette Petti- " grew. IIo alone reaped the reward of ' hi long exertions; and ot the wedding i there were present two of the other five young men, whoso feelings, when tliey contrasted tho happiness of their friend '! with their own herenved condition, must ' hhvo been sad indeed. i . . , )L : Tac I';rst Locomouv l. -In 1757, in Iledruth, in England, as a worUipaslor, late in the twilight; was returning from a. ' viit to his llock,. ho saw before him n ? strange nondescript, as largo it3 black ' ram w ith eyes Hashing fire, and breathing vtry hard, running furiously towards his . bhuw. Providentially ho upran aside, and before the assailant could stop and turn upon him, ho hnd : run such a dis- ' tance as gave hope of deliverencef, when ho came full butt against a luan running,, in an opposite' direction. . "Have you seen mv stenmer I" asked '' the strnntrer. ' ' ; .. "I've seen the evil spirit himself, runl run: ... - ; i " Ty Jove !"' exi lalined the stranger. . "how far nhead is cheT" " The tone of the question, and the com- ' panyof a human crenture, in some meas ure dispelled the frisrht of the faithful man : . nnd ndmoni.-dicd him that he, if any one, should have the cournge to face the pow- ; ors of darkness, so he turned nnd ran af ter the stranger, who ho thought, by mis- ' take, had takcu tho. wrong direction.. They soon came up to the object of their pursuit, which had got into a ditch and was roaring terrifically. The stranger, to the astonishment of the parson sefzed ' and dragged the fiery monster to the road. -. Sho got away from me, sir ; I was giving her a try, the bit of a road being good for a run'. i " Oh' goxlnoss ! well, she is yours then, pray what is she?" ..;! " A .eamer, sir. I rail her. She is a , little cxpei iment of mine, got up to try . whether Mr. ..Watts' idea of running,' coaches by steam' can he carried out. I think it can, sir. if capital can be got for it." -''Indeed! indeed! Pray, dear sir, whd mayyoii.be?" . ; , . ( " I am William Murdoch, at your ser- " y!e ; a mechanical engineer for Iloulton smMVntts, in the mins herealiouts. i Great was the relief and saiiofaciion oC the worthy pastor ondiscoverin? that what ' be had imagined to bo something loose from an unsafe place, was but a bit of . honest mancraft ; a lunatic conceit, it might' ' be; but harmless, except when it ran away; nnd might frighten children and perhaps hurt them. This miniature engine was the first em bodiment of tho idea of the locomotive by steam. R'tilromi .Advocate. ' . Douglas Jerrold, the eminent wit.anJt ditiintruished author, who died suddenly in London, wa a printer by trade. His first literary effort was a review, of an opera, which ho dropped slyly" into the Kditorial box of a paper which he was engaged ;pott as; compositor. To his great delight, the "opy" was handed him, Jo " set." The' latest case of absence of mind is recorded of a ladv about to " whirl ud" some eggs for epomre cake, who whiped j the baby and saug Watts' cradle hymn to the ergs. ' I " 1 . , ., . - i The value of personal property in Cin- ' cinnaii, nccordinutothe Assestors returns.