Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, August 20, 1857, Image 1

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    .Z :t j J .1 J i r v , Ti i-.I a
f. U V.S.l.t'iil
. J J I if?
1 3 M J A
I.'l V
. J.- ..;
A Family Newspaper Devoted to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusomonts and General Intelligence! '
NO. 41.
. J-
s r
J 1
? 3
1 J
tllthtc dinette.
Terms or Subscription.
Two Doi.t.ass per annum, If paid In advanco,
or $2 50 if not paid within the year.
Three cftptns (arms artitMJsjalfrant'f 5 00
Seven ' lo vdo do " 10 00
Fifteen do do do 20 00
A club of seven subscribers, at $10, will
entitle the person making it np to a copy for
nix months; a club of fifteen, at $20, to a copy
for one year. )V'hcu, a. club., of subscribers
lias been forwarded, Additions aiay be fciade
to it. on the same terms s " ' -
Square (12 linen or 1st Insertion-.
F.acb.ihMrn ietft'fc1srUoji--'.-.- rj J
Due innate, puejiiiiiithL") ....5...I ft'
.r I fhTe ont ,,,, . . . .. ; .1
" six "
" " one year
Ousiness cards lines or less) 1 year
One column, one year
Kue-half column, one vesr
" fourth V,:: i:. . i.i!.
$1 no
n oo
10 oo
5 oo
oo oo
35 00
20 00
10 (H)
35 00
20 00
10 00
8 00
20 00
13 oir
10 oo
ft oo
5 00
" eichth " " "
" column, six months
" half column, six inontlii
" fourth " " "
" eichth " " "
"..,fPl'imn, three .months
" liilf column, three moiiths-
" fourth " " "
eiphth ". , " ....,..
. Annomicln1 candidate for office
Tor eighth sheet bills, per 100
For quarter " " "
For half" fs ' ''
For whole " " ' " '
For colored paper,lialf sheet, per 100..
For blanks, per'qUirei'firtl quirB ';
Fech subsoqiient quire
Cards, per packf j
F.ach subsequent pndk..i ''4 v.ii,..
-'0r Ball Tickets, fancy paper per hun'd
$ 2 00
4 00
)R 00
1ft 00
5 00
2 00
1 00
1 60
1 00
ft 00
4 00
Et auDsequent nuudreU"
Bowen 8t Strickland,
ATTORNEY'S' Af LAW. -Real Estate,
i Citv, Lets an! Claims boiht and, sold.
Piutliailrt Will o 'urll to call at our qlriee
ad'ekamine our list of Clt Lots, fcc4 before
purchasing aUe,wliere. Office in Cook's new
bitilding, eornerv.f Fifth and Main streets.
Ii.l. Boweri."
LAWBellevue, N. T. - " " 1-tf
. .... -. . i i i ; . ) i a
"X . S. A, Strickland, , '
LAW, BelleTiie, fi. T. ' '1-tf
C. T. IIolloway?- '- vr
LAW, Bellevue, y.f.-. ..yrr
.. W, 11. Cook.
A G ENT, Bellevue City, Nebraska. 1-tf
, .- B..P. Bankln. , , ;. " .. '.'.
A LAW, La PI ttte, N.T. . ' -
1 S. XT, Cozens,
ATTORNEY. AT, LAW and General Land
. AGENT. Om;.ha ity. N.T. .Office in
Hanry & Root's new lirick Clock, Farnhaml
streetr-,; ,1 f,,rt , t.,
Joljqr W.iPattison.
AGKNT. Fontnel!e, N.1T. 1-tr.
1I I
James & Isar4 it Co.
4 1 l AND. AGENTS. Qmaha, D9 ngla,s,Conty,
4 JLj .Nebraska TrrUiry.t ' . JVr' ,'"
i-r.t Dfrf. Maloomb St Peck,'.
r MAITA crtT-" Oflica n Harney street,
XJ .onnoslt the Post Office.. Particular at
tention civen to Surgery. ' ' '. 1-tf
p. B. Shannon, "in..!
1 j Post Olfiee. St. Marr, Mills Cor.i Iowa. 2
. P. E. Shannon,
' V CHANT,' Kr, Mary's leading Mills (U,
? Jowi.' H i i X ii W.St.-l Y't-t
r, .... Peter A- Sarpy, ,
i. CHANT, Bellevue, N. T., Wholesale
, Dealer, in Indian, Goods, lUirsen, Mules, Mid
. Cattle.. , , ' r I.if
"D. J. SulUran. M. D.. '
TjiHYSIClAN and SURGEON.' Offire-
X Head of Broadway, Council Bluffs, lows.
V 1. il .. ,
T. B.
.. . . . Cumins &. Turk,, t;
ljittorntyt at Lav and Rial .ldte.1geik;
WILL atleod JailufuUv aui promptly to
all business entrusted to them, in tbs
'TVrrftorial or lawt'cssirts', a th pwchase of
I lots and lands, entries and pre-emptions, tol.
. lections, t,. ... I ..! I f v. :
Office in the second story of Henry ft. Roots
I rw building, nearly opfioiita i tiiS Western
;ETjhangsHank, Varnham street.' i ) .1 ,
' Papers in the Terrlturr, Council Blulft B11
1 -le, and Keokuk Times, pleass copy and
. rharr Vehraskian allies. - - -' I .' 1 I 1
i.--r- - - 1, r-i -t J-f
t Hta'Jo Printing. j
VrEATLY and xpittiHW r.uUJ, CD
nil reoaoii.ihU tennis ms
, T f ;y Aif ui wiviiuvut y "(!
l.AV, GIcnood, Mills Co., Iowa, prar i
ticM in all the CuurU of .wlrn Iowa and
Nebraska, and Uie Sujireme Court of Iowa.
Land Agency not in the Programme ' no 4-tf
D., II. Solomon,
e. T. ifor-LOurr. ; -i ; c. t. kllh
1 ' t Holloway A'Keller, ' '
V city. N. IT., will promptly atU-nd, to the
Co"cclitMt'Hii iiuMg uiiiry, lucdilii); iiid
Warrants, buyine and selling' city lots, &.C.
Office al the
Thos. Macon. Alex, Maconi II. ), Jone
Macon, Brother & Co. ' f .
T: AW AND LAND AG1SNT9, Omaha City
4 Nebraska Territory. ' ' no -tf.
I" ' . 'i QttBtav Sccgcr, "
X i NEfcR, ISxecutes Drawing and Painting
of .every style and .description. r Also, all
business in his lino. Office on Gregory street.
SU.Mwyj Mills county, Iowa. , , . 1-lf
. Greene, Wearo it Benton,
Bluir. Fotowattamie conuty, Iowa. '
Greene Sl Wcarc. Cedar Rapids', Iowa. . -
Greene, Weate k Hire, Fort Dps Moines, la.
Collections made; Taxes paid; and Lands
purchased and sold, in any part of Iowa. 1-lf
it W. W. Harvey,
prompattend ti ajl Imsiness pf Su. ;y
inj laying out and dividingland, survey!"- nd
plaiting town and roads, and will adooinpan?
persons desirous of making claims, and will
act as agent for the sale of claims. Office on
Main street, Bellevue, N.T. 2-tf
. Snyder & Sherman,
cil Biune, Iowa, will practice their profession
In all the Cains r Iowa and jSebraska.
All collections etitfuslkd to tlieir ears, at
tended to promptly. -, ' '
especial attention given to bnving and sell
ing real estate,-and making pre-emptioaa In
nenraska. r- ' , uu .
Deeds, Morlagcs, and other instruments of
writing drawn with dispatch t acknowledg
ment taken, fcc, &c.
I'ir uiiics west side of Aiadisoa street,
juat above Broadway, j 1t .. -. .
nov 13 . . . . . , l-tr.j
Smith & Brother,
and Dealers in Real Estate, Bellevue,
Nebraska Territory, will attend faithfully and
promptly, to buying and selling Real Estate,
City Lots, Claims, and Laud Warrants. Office
at the Benton House. " 21-6m
, J. II BKOW.Y, .
. . triatlittnouth, Cass Co. JV. T.
ATTENDS .to business in any of the Courts
of this Territory. . Particular attention paid
to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col
lection of dehta, ana; tawsi paid. Letters of
inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory
answered, if accompanied with a fee. . : r
,; , ;., , REFERENCES ; i
1 Hon. Lyman Trumbull. U. S. 8. from Ills.
t. Hon. Jams Knox, M. C.
! Hon; O.'H. Browning, Quiney, : -w i"
Hon. James W. Grimes. Coventor of low.
Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C, from N. T.
riOrwn. Wear & Benton, Couueil Bluff, I.'
" Nuckolls t Co., GUnwood, Iowa. 1 I23tf.j
h-fr- t! ;' I I
Ira A. W. Buck.i :' i . rii
T'-'AND' and General Agent. Pre-Emption
J Papers prepared, Ind Warrants botight
and sold;- Office 1n the Old State House, over
thsU,."S. iU,0 A
Hon. A, R. ililOnpre, Receiver, Omaha.
Hon. Enos T,owe, . - ' C ?'
i- Hon. . A. Strickland, ReJlevne." -
Hon. J. Sterling Morton, NebraaVa Ci'
Omaha, June 2(, 1R57.
:r.;l :S
a; M. CtARKK.
CLARKE &.BR0., m
, dellevue; nedraska;5
Dealers In P'ne Lumber, Doors, Sash,
''; Flow,' Meal,, Bacon, &c, &c. "
Direct Goods care Clarke it Uro.
t -U .'- ' : ' '":
,M , t.-. llellcYUe, Kcbrakka. 11-1
IS prf pared Utlrnnsact the (cueral business
of BaukiSi, will receive deosits. Discount
short paper, buy Bills of Exchange, oo all
parts o( the Country, and sell on St.,Iuia,
Chicago slid New York; make collections In
the vicinity and remit for the same at Current
rate ef Exchange.
57" Interest allowed on speeial Dpotta.
JOHN WE ARE, Preiddent.
1 TTTlio. Ik VrkTok. V. Pres.
. r Johx J, Twws.Caxhier. , , ... "tWf
, , Ranking Honrs .Font 0 to 12, A. ad
1 to a, p. m. . . ... . ..
'"7 . Cv7. TT. '.LVpngsdort; T&7ji., ;': ; , ;
-pllVhlClAi AN D SUilC. j:)X. -Offif rn
I . M.viu. Imlwmi XwntitV-Firiii.audlWnU
j Sixlii s'reiv B'llu'J-;"i 1 '-si -itWt
Still continues the above "bniine.s at' '
' MetcliarHs' land Emigrants will find their
goods promptly and cnrefutlv attended to.i
P. Sy, I have tbs only WAREHOUSE (or
storage at the above named landings. - 1
St. Marys, Feb. 20th, 1887. 1 . 21-t(-l
"' ' f Tootle St Greene'; :
GlfliiWood, Iowa. .'. Ws beg lrtave to
call the attention of ihe Good Proiilo of Mills,
I'ottawaitainie Montgomery and Cass coun
tiea, Iowa y also, Douglas and Cass comities,
Nebraska, to onr larfln and late supply of evry
kind of MKRCHANDISK. nsnally kept iu
Western lowii , Our. otock of Groceries is
large and coinpletej having been bouiiht and
shipped a litflo lowet (linn' onr neighbofa.-i.
Our stock of Hardware, Qupensware, WorjoV
enware, Boots and Slioes, Hats and Caps and.
Ready-Made Clothing, have all beeninirchased
in the, Eastern rtUei, at the lowest rash jirlres.
1 Give us a rail before you tiiirchasei and If
we do not sell yon theap goods, w wiil make
our neighbors uo so. : ) .... m ,
Cjf Remember the choapest house Intown.
Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 23, ISM. 1-tf
' Tootle Si Jackson,
. CHANTS, Council Bluffs city, 'Iowa.
Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse
on the Levee at the Council Bluffs landing,
are now prepared to receive and, store, all
kinds of merchandise and produce, will receive
and pay charges on all kinds of freigtb so
that Steam Boats will not be detained as they
have been heretofore, in getting soma one to
receive freight, when the consignees are absent.
Reterfnces t Livermoore tc Coolev, 8. C.
Davis & Co. and Humphrey. Putt it. Tory, St.
Louis, Mo. 1 Tootle &. Fafrieigb, St. Joseph,
Mo. 5 J. 8. Cheneworth &.C0., Cincinnati Ohio:
W. F. Coulbough.- Burlington, Iowa. 1-tf
tSEALERS in Clocks, Watches.' Jewelry,
J Musical Instruments, Rifles. Shot Guns,
and Pistols.'-' ' ' "K '
. - . : 1 1 1 CLOCKS. V. ' ,-r :
Thirty hour and eight day clocks of tbs two
best manufactories in the Union j steamboat
and office spring clocks. '
" GUNS. ' ;
" Single and double shot Guns, from five to
fifty dollars ; Rifles, of our own make ; also.
Eastern make; Pistols of all kinds pistol
flasks, shot bags, wadding and wad cutters
common and water-proof caps colt's caps,
and numerous other articles suitable for the
Western trade, which neither tun nor space
will allow to enumerate. ...
AH of the above articles sold on the
most reasonable terms.' Repairing dons to
order at short notice. ' no 8-tf j
Omaha Citt, N. T. 1 .. i-
rilHE undersigned have opened, at their new
X. store on jjonglas strest, opioait the
banks, a new and splendid assortoieut of
DRY GOODS, . , , ' j. . ... . ,
CLOTHING, ' 4 ':
BOOTS and SHOES. ! " "
. . . . . iROOKS,RTATIOSIF.Rr,ft,
Our stock of Dry Goods comprises all kinds of
1t-t REN'S DRF-S GOODS, . ,1 ..
and everything that, ia raqiiisite to tasks up S
corap4y assortment of Dry Goods. (ll . j
W liavrf a large lot of Clothing that lswel
and fasliionably madeJ and aunt .of the) boat
material. 1 Our slock eouniiflu ,y fil., lands J
UeiiU' l-urni.tllng Uooas, ,.,v; ; ,
' -'l ful'la ilu nnvtn, - . . . , ,,,
Onf stock Tif Boots ana SliheS Is the largest
ver f.fTarpd ttt the cltfv-aiis'of Nebraeka. -They
are purchased dirertlyplrom tthe manufac
turers, awl ars of die best quality.,
r..k x. . .r. o...i
vill U,m3 05 p I, ih:t, : "iu I -M riuyr 1MII -
chased in the F.astern cities, mid we intenfl
nallii.i -thtm' atnstishhijr Ww prices.- tAfl
Ilia ririzetis -of .Omaha tod it-riiitv are ri-
uiiested to call ami rxawiua our stock, as they
Win unii u io iiifir iiiirrriiv iu qo so, .
ry We1 study to please. .
- W.10-tf ...!'. PATRICK it CO. B
!a! ri ii i i . a ' 'j ' 1 1 '. l
I K.i.jl . :.i . 1 1 iu ,-.:. i . in. -i I'li.i
'. ;ait! Jo i i .i ,!.. ill
i : 3 OFTKRS EVERY : i 1
.!t :V.j) V)t t'. C.;i -f..!j i 1..
To the Public,' and will' 'reader
T the -i-anlt -ff ft IS GUESTS. ' ' 1
-i i. j '.: I - rtt-i-i
(."H-i.i.l -..t -i " J.T; ALI.KN.'
J, Believe, Oct 2?, VlM.- -tf . ( i'in n -
mEAl'-TEA,' TUi-'A ,P-W'sTtirl i.
A Wi.lrlli,UiMI"rsiA.Ii,l kIK.
Is s:l 9-BtfM.fcVt'K ttuTTJ ''flT
' From the Dublin Nation. , ' i
" The Itrjecled Tenant. '
My fatlicr plowed this old lea lapd '
Ills sires did for ages before
His means he shared with bounteous hand,'
And always plenty had In store (
liis tarns teemed wllnWitlff nf corVI, ''" ' 1
His kine lowod'6'c'r'th'e1 pasture field,
his cheerful song Wit with Ihe morn, ;' '
His labor bronght ten-fold yield.
' There's every spot he loved so well, ' 1
The hawihorn hedge, the tipland's loam,
' Th mousy bank, the Ilttl dell,' .: r .si!v
'ii 'That lies behind our cottage boms
(My uotlior, too, I see her still, . , , , .
,,1. My footsteps watch with gentl? care ,
Reprove against her utmost will,'
Or in my boyish pleasures share.
fi m : it . i.ti! . i,-...
.There's yonder meadow by the alfeam,t j ,
, . Wiereoft I've rolled in Ihildiyh glee. ('
Aiul in the sun's tirlght enrly beam ' '
' I've climbed for nests the big oak tree j
And when maturcr years draw nigh, '. '
, I went a wooing down. the vale, ' .. ,
And whispered love witll fondest sigh, .
While mirth went round or startling tale.
Tli on famine stalked with fearful strides, .
. . And gnawed at stalwart inan)y hearts, .
i And tore each loved one from our sides
'Tis madness that the thought imparts.
I struggled with this demon wild,
For things grew aadder day by day, -'
I strove to nourish wife snd diild, .
. But one by one they plued away. iM .. -
'Twere better thus a thousand fold, ' ''
To die beneath the old roof tree, t
i Thau ptrili Jii you Jiluli Dwin cold,, . ,
. , Wiere ruthless man had driven me. , . ,,
, A stranger will from henceforth sow
' And reap thisrich and fertile soil,1
And In fn own lovsd horns below' ' ' J.f'-i
A stranger rests from dally toil.
Tliis sod. from o(T my poor wife's grtvp j
, Is all on earth that I hold,
While far across the Atlantic wave
1 I'll shed my lonely, bitter tear. . ','
'Tis thus thy hearts, dear fatherland, . ,: ;
Are reft of joy, of love, and light,
Made desolate by the spoiler's hand i
The lust of gold his only right. ,
A Lawyer's Adventure.
About litre e or four years ago, more or
ess, 1 was practising law in Illinois, iu a
pretty. Jargo circuit. I was called on one
day ia my oflicet in lite town of Q- . ..
by a very pretty woman, , who, not without
tears, told me her husband had been ar
rested for horse-stealing. She wished to
retain mc on the defence.: I asked her
why she did uul go lo Judge B , an
ex- Senator of ihe. United tStates, whose
nffirfl was in the same tqwnl I told her
that I was a ypung man al the bpr, &c.
She mournfully said lhat )xcl itd asked a
retauiiuj fee abovq her means; and besides
did not want t6 touch the ease", for her hus-
lanuywas puspecte.a of, M'longjng to an ex
tensive band of horse-lnieyes and counter
fetters', wh6(e headquarters ,were ' on
I a&ked hej to telf me the whole Irjuth of
the 'matter t aid if ii was, true that tier hui-
lau4 did WouJ to kuch a band?, r J y '
Jl Ah, iir, aid. she, ,''a, belter, man at
heart thaa'. C S orQ . ie y e'r. '; 1 W ed j"' lul e
liknd carjs and. dfiuVV And . Larn afraid
tliev fnade him io what he ncVer Would
Lava Jjij)al.j )i&J had not drank., r I fear
Siat'n can 1e 'proved Uat lie had the horse';
he .didn't PteaJ it; another did, and passed
it to hnn. r
, I didn't like ihe fnse. . knew lhat there
wasagrta, dulikc, to tlie gan locatej
where he. Dained.'nnd feared 'to risk'hc
cs, oeiore a jur,) eini.u io ov
serve my intention to refuse Uje cas', aild
burUito,uari. ,,' y.,.', .. '..''
. , t never couiu see a woman weep wius
out feelinj like a .week fool myself.' 'I
o the case and she gare joe the panic-
glurs. y"" , ",; '.;;, y-" . ; y
The gang, of which he wna not a mein
hey, had persuaded him to take the horse.
He knew the horie'wa stoTvn, and like a
i a"kuawled2cd it when ho wts arrest
ed. Worse ,6 he "had trimmed )ie
horse's tajl attd main to alter ju appear
ance) and the opposition could prove it. '
The tria came on. The prokecutio'i
opened rery. bitterly j' inveiphed pgaiett
thieves and counterfeiters, who had made
the land a'' terror to strangerj and travel
ers and who had rubbed every farmer in
the region of their finest horses, It intro
duced witnesses, and proved alt and more
than I feared it would. - ' ' '
" -The Viine rame for mi to tis for de
few Witnoseesl itad none, t Uic I da-
ierintiH siKfunko'-ein Tit, aniy hopirn;
fci tn' tl.tMfu. jV1fjs arKt'tury t to -
cure a recommendation to guuematonni
clemency and a light sentence. So I
i t . I
painted this Picture: A young man en
tered into life, Wedded to an aqjel; beau
tiful ift person, possessing every gentle and
nobla attribute.' Temptation . was before
nndaU around him. le kept a tavdrn.
lluesui there wcro iwnnvs Jt was not for
him to cmniire' into llieir business; they
were well-dressed ; made large bills and
paid promptly - At an wnguared hour,
whi b ir""n wi'l iMpmr thy urirod
iipon him, ho Iind deviated from the puth
of rectiludo. The demon of alc,hohol hud
reigned in his lirain; ami it was his first
ofrence. Merry pleaded ' for 1 anothi r
chance to save him-from ruin. Justice
did not require that hi young wifeohould
go down sorrowing to the grave, and that
the shndow of disgrace andthd inunt of a
felon fatlier should trosa th path of thai
sweet i child. Earnestly did 1 plead for
thenhxjTho, Womna ;wept; the Jiubbaud
djj the same ; the judo fidgeted and rubbed
his eyes; the jury' looked melting. If I
could have" had the closing speech he would
nnve been cleared ) but the prosecutor had
the close,? and threw ice on the fire 1 had
kindled. liu they did not quite put it out.
-. The JuuVe icharired according to law
and evidence, but evidently leaned on the
side of mercy. The jury lonnd a verdict
of guiltyyiiut unanimously recommended
the prisoner to 'ihe mercy of the rourt.
My client was sentenced to the shortest
imprisonment tho court was empowered to
give, and both jury ajid court signed a pe
tition to tho governor for an unconditional
yardon, which has since been granted, but
not before the following incident occurred !
- Some three months alter this, I received
an accotint for collection from a wholesale
house in Jfew York. , The parties to col
led from were hard ones, but they had
property, and before the'y had any idea of
the trap laid, I had the .property, which
they were about: to, asfcigu, before1 they
broke under attachment., Finding was
neck ahead and bound to win, they ;!caved
in" and "forked over'L three thousand
seven hundred, and pirtqty-feur dollars and
eighteen cents (per memorandum book)
in good money They lived in Shanee
town, about thirty five or forty miles south
east of Moore's prairie."'-! received the
funds just after lank opened,' but othor
bubiuess detainod me till attr dinner. I
then started for C , intending to go
as far as the village of Mount Vernon
that night.
' I had gone alon? ten or twelve miles,
when 1 noticed a splendid team of double
horses attached to alight wagon, in which
were seated four( men, evidently of the
high slrung order. They swept pust, as
If to show how easily they could do it.
They shortened in, and allowed me to come
up with them, and liuihng me, asked ma
"wet or, in .other words, . diminish ihe
contents of a jjj of old rye they had aboard ;
but I excused Tnyself with' the plea that I
had plenty on board. ' They aeked tiie
how far i was goiug I 1 told them as far
as Mount Vernon, it my hore didtfl.tire
out. : They mentioned a pleasant .tavern
teo or twelve miles ahead, as, a good stop
ping lace, and then drove on. '- ' " 'l ' '
' ' I did not like the looks of thos fellows,
nor their actions,'" But 1 was bound to gdj
ahead, I Lad a,'. bract of revolvers and a
km'fe ; my tnrniey was not iu my valise
(jr my sulky, but in a Left round my body.
1 drove slow, tii hopes that they u-ouid go
on, and I should -pee .lheifrn!more. ' ft
was nearly dark when 1 saw a tarern iga
ahead. At the snmetinre f ww their wa
gon standing1 tefWa'lHk door. 1 would
have pressed qn, buttny horse needed rest.
I hauled up, and: wumea came v the
door. She turned as a sheet wheu
she saw .ioe-7-sbe did not peak, bu'i with
a meaning look' she put her finger on he'r
lips, and beckoned me in;' she was' the
wife kf my late client i u. ( h'w
When l entered, 'the party rtongnixed
me, hailed ins as an pkl traveling friend,
and asked me to dridk..-. 1 respectfully but
finnly decliaid to Jo '-A !- u l
. "Uv Vou Uiall drink or fihl!" said
the noisiest, of the1 party. - m t
Juol as you please ; drink I shall not !"
aid I, purposely showing a Colt which
kicks mi tiroes in rapid succession, i
' The party interposed, and very easily
quelled the assailant. Una ofcred me a
cigar, which 1 reluctantly rvfused, but a
glance from the woiuud inducud die to ao-
cept. : bhe advanced and prollered me a
light, and in doing so slipped a note into
ray hand, which she mum bare written a
moment lfor. Kvr. shall I forget
the word, , They werat.( . . '
. M)leware! they ! arcr;imember of the
gan;.' They mean'jp rob and murder
yon. v, I .fare soon ( I will detain them V
1 did not feel comfortable just then, but
tried to dp so. .- .1 u'.-. . i i. ...
Have you any room to put up my
ihon?" Iasked,Jturiing tohe woman.
I "VVhalrf yvu uul going on t-in!jhis"
aMted One cf'tht Jnea r V we are.?
ii w
I shall
stay here ' to-
nicht." I J
We'll all stay,, then, I guess, and ,
make a night of it," said another of the ,
cut-throats, , .. V... .'
; " You'll have to put up your own horse) '
hero's the lantern," said fhe woman.' 1,1
.'"lam used to that," I said. " (Je title
mon, exenao taa a tuuiute v I'll j""- ycu iu ,
a driftk when, I cotne mu"u ,
V Good on yoiir head I More whisky,
old jral," hiuitnd they. ' ' '''' '
1 1 went out, glanced at thoir wagon ii
was old-fashioned, and "linen-pins" sei
cured the wheels. . To lake out my knife,
and pry pue from, the fore and, hind
wheels, was the work of an instant, and I'
threw them as far off in the darkness as'
I could. To untie my horse and dash olf,
was die work of a moment. ..The road,
lay down a, atocp hill, but my lanleru
lighted me somewhat. , . " ' '
I had hardly got under full 'headway,1
wheh I heard a yell from the party I had
so unceremoniously1 left. I . put whip te
my horse. , The next . moment, with a
shout, tliey alartcd. ,. I threw my 'light
away, and, 'left' my horse to ' pick
his way: ' A moment later I heard a
crash a horrible : shriek. -The - wheels
were off. Then came the rush of. the
horses tearing along with tho wreck of the.
wagon. Finally they seemed to fetch up
in tho wood. One or two shrieks I heard
ns I swept on, leaving them- far? behind.
For some time I hurried my horse .you'd
better- believe I " rid !" It was a little
after midnight when I got to Mount .Ver
non. , ' i " ' ' ' ' r,
" The next day I heard 'that r Moore'e
prairie team had run away, and that two
men out of four had . been so badly hurt
that their lives were despaired of; but I
didn't cry. My clients got their money,'
and I didn't travel that road any more. '
t ..4 I - ,!., . . ,.
Tlitnfs V.c .and Otherwise.
i" Matrimony," said a modern Ilenedi'ct
the other day, "produces femarkablo rev
d'utionsi ' Ilere am I, for Instance, in ten
short months changed from a sighing lover
to a Joving aire." ,i ,r;f
- The aieve through which . the man
"strained every nerve" is for sale at half
tho, first cost. . , , ; ; , ,
..A inagaaine report of Alio fashion, say a;,
" There is not much change in gentle
men's pantaloons this month."' ( ' ' ""
There is a lady in lloston habitually so
sleepy that her curiosity cannot be awa
kened. '' '! T
Some graceless scamp says: ''It is wo
man, and not her wrongs, thai snouia i
redressed!" ' That fellow ought to auffer
the torment of being iuvited put to tea. -
- A medical man says tltatlthose ladiea
who make it a business to trouble dry
goods clerks, and never buy anythiug,
ought to fe called counter irritants.
The editor pt the Lynn (Mass.) Xcvs
thinks children's games are becoming pop
ular with older persons, now-a-days, as he)
has seen recently Ma 'large number of full
grown men chasing Jiooji in our:streeis."
A lady 'of rank; complaining that her
husband was dead to fashionable atnuse-.
inenta, he replied, "Hut. then, my dear
you make'me alive lu ihe expense."
"Sea here, my friend, .you are drunk."
'.To, be, sure I am.and hare been for 'hree
years, i ou see, my oroiner and I arc nn
a temperance mission.7 He- lectures, and
1 set a frightful example!", "--J ri .V1
v; A ferman writer one Kirsten--uftee
lhat, though America is popularly sup
posed to be such a marrying country, yet
iu no land iu ihe world at e. there really so
many old maids. . . . '
. ,A SivfiD Scnoomsfcrij. jx'da
Sjogue relates a laughable story of one of
lis scholars,' a son of the Emerald Isle.
He told him to peH hostility.
', horse," commenced .Pat.
; ' Not Are-ality," said the teacher, but
Aos-tility," . , .. ......
"Sure," replied Tat, "an, didn't ye tell
it me the other day, not to say Aof 1 Be
jabbers it's win thing wid ye one day, and
another the iiixt." .. ... i i r
Fxploston In Davenport, Iowa.'1
We learn from Mr.T. J. Orr, who left
Davenport oa the Kkh uIl, that on th
morning of that day, at 6 1-1 o'clock, the
tafonary engine attached to the Machine
shop of the Miss. & Missouri Rail Road
Co., exploded i killing the fireman, tearing
the engine house' to pieces, asd grcs'Jy
damaging lha machine ahop, some of
the bricks of the engine house were sent
through the passenger depot and an emp
ty car standing in it.
It was fortunate that the explosion oc
curred at the lima it did, there being but
few persons about the hop at, iha( hour;
one half hour later the train frointht
West came in' with " largo, number ci
" No," said I ;
i passengers.--1 tntrvr. i
1 ... ,c. , ... .... : , liit
4 .