Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, August 13, 1857, Image 3

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    Local & Miscellaneous.
Arotoor. We are this week crowdeil
with election news, awl the probable re
sult! hich will follow from the existiug
stala of affairs. Consequently we are re
miss in our local notices but as the battle
has been fought, and the victory won
we will hereafter, ondeavor to intjrm the
public how. ''matters and things" are jro
inn ou iaBcllevup,
Small JJusiniss. Some gentlemen in
this) city, are complaining that their cow
nre milked at unseasonable hours the
depredators' are known, and if it is re
peated, their names shall bo exposed.
The farmers are now busily
in cutting and putting up their
winter's supply of hay, and as our prai.
ries furnish an abundance, it is hoped
that they will profit by the experience of
last winter, and not fail to cut and secure
a sufficient amount for their stock. It is
much more profitable to cut enough nov;
when they have an opportunity, than to
irwA they had done so next winter, when
they find 1 they are short. " Tailing vp"
stock next fpriug, is not a very profitable
employment, however much amusement
it may afford. 1 1' 1 .'
After tho hay is cut and put up in stacks,
proper care should bo taken to guard
against prairie fires. If . the hay that
was burned latl season, had been saved,
it would have been sufficient to keep the
cattle in good condition, and saved num
bers from starvation. . .
' It is asserted by those who have had
the opportunity of beinri informed on the
subject, that nearly half of the cattle that
were in the Territory last fall, died be
fore spring, and tfiat too,, from outright
shiftlessness on the part of the owners in
neglecting to secure hay enough to keep
them alive.. We hope that the good sense
of our farmers will prevent a repetition
of the same, the coming winter.
' BorrAKo A party of gentle
men of this city, consisting of Messrs. Dr.
Boykin, Boach, Ragan, Sagendorf, Mrk,
Clftrke, Carpenter, Cofl'inan, Nelson and
Cap?. Bec'iwlth, left . on the morning of
the Pth.'for -a Buffalo hunt, 200 miles up
Flaite Kiver. They ate going west of
Fort Kenrnev, and expect to be absent
about four weeks. ,
Tbey started upon their journey in high
spirits, " armed and equipped as tho law
directs," with visions of Buffalo and Elk
looming up .in. thi distance mixed up
with a sprinkling of Pawnees and Punas,
those troublesome . red-skins who infest
that region.' We wish them success, and
hope they- may arrive home with their
fcalp$ upon their lioads, and plenty of
Tiie Silver IIr i.s has been JaiJ up
for repairs, at $1. J.ouis, since the last of
June. "i Although she wa3 one of the fleet
est boats on the river, important changes
have been made in her machinery, which
is expected will enable her to ma,ke quick
er time than before. While lying by, she
received n new coat of paint and was
thoroughly refuted throughout for the fall
trade. ' " ' 1 ; ;
1.0. o. r.
The, regular meetings of Bcllevne' Lodge,
No. 4, will he hold on Monday evening of
ach week, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Brothers of
the order who mar be In our city on that
vening, are respectfully invited to attend. ',','
. . VT. H. COOK, KG.
W. W. HARVEY, Sec'v. .
1 . .. ,1 , . .
F. S On Monday evening .next, a general
attendance is requested, as business of im
portance is to come before the meeting.
' mistaken.
The Council Bluffs Jfonpariel, says in
its issue of last Saturday:
'It is rdmored that Cmr-MAN is elected
Delegate to Congress from Nebraska."
Brother MtYjrsnn', we had thought,
lhat you were old enough to know that
Madame "Ucmou,". frequently lies under
a mistake -and still wo have faith, that
you wijl correct the announcement in your
your next. .
Nebraska Congressional Convrn
(ion. We notice by tint Bellevue Gazette,'
that th unterrified Democracy of Nebras
ka Territory met in" Convention at Btlle
vue to nominate a candidate for Congress,
and that on the second . ballot, Ferguson,
one of President Pierre's Territorial
Judges, was nominated. On the first
ballot Ferguson had thirteen votes, Gen.
Leavitt L. Bowen ten, and a third candi
date whobe name has escaped tis had sev
en. , .Thereupon the Ceu'l withdrew from)
'he Convention and threw his influence "in
favor'of th tiominen". On reading the
proceedings of the Convention, we; could
not hr!p thinking that . throat cutting had
arrived to perfection out ,wt, and was
prinked very, skillfully by candidates.
V,'hm 0sei. liowen declined we doubt
no: that he felt as ,lni J,re flliss in
1S51 before the Democratic Convention
at Alliance, when he declined the yiii
term bauble of political preferment.
The Jml:;e bad 'a IXnierratic heart
: r rrr r.-t -
bleeding at .every pore." Judo Bliss
was sacrificed, imolatdd, impaled, upon
tho alter ' of Democracy fir the good of
the lydi District of Ohio, ftnd Gen. Bow
en, our whilom fellow-citlzcn, was offer
ed up in like manner to propitiate the De
mocracy of. ISebiaskn.
The Course 61 politics lievef did run
smooth. We tender to our friend Bowen
our condolence.
The above, wo clip from tho Massillon
(O.) Aw, printed where our fellow cit
izen Gen. Bowen, formerly resided.
We thank brother Wharton, for tho in
terest he manifests ia the welfare of
Gen. Bowen, but assure him at the same
time, that the process of throut cutting
was not dreamed of, at the convention
above alluded to. ,
The arrangement was made prior to
the convention, and it was only at the ur
gent solicitation of the General's personal
friends, that - he1 suffered - his name 1 to
como before the cpuyentioin '( Gen. Bow
en was one of the1 most artivo in bring
ing out JuJgo' Furgiison, the 'suwsi-ful
candidate he in a personal friend a
neighbor of the .fudge and no man . iu
tlie Territory stands higher in his estima
tion,' i . , .. 1 , 1 .
Missouri Rivtu T 11 a it and the
Boats Uei.ojkkno to it.- There is no
trade i it tho United Stutes, if therH be any
in tho world, thnt. employs as many steam
boats as does that of the Missouri Hirer ( j
nor is there a Hirer in which as good, j
staunch built and lino boats are required, j
The Missouri .is, a dangerous stream to
navigate, 'even during tiio highest water,
aiul consequently ..a boat .built, lir.tliBt
streatn'intisf be of the bosk and stum
material, besides beinf put together in the
staunchost manner. There is not a Kiver
in tho West in which. A good boat is so lib
erally supported as in the Missouri, iior is
there a Hiver where' as high prices for
freight and paysng" ate paid ' Steamboat
officers and other crews are better paid on
tho Missouri than in any other river, and
boats that run in it make more money than
they could sny where else, In fact, the
Missouri is the great river of the west..
The people who nre employed on it, and
who travel on it, live faster and better than
011 any other stream in tho known world.
In order to give our readers who reside in
other States an idea of what is going Dn
in the Missouii, river, we will give a list
of the steamboats that are now thero, and
would add, at tho same time, that there
are at least one dozen new boats now
building, that will enter ' the coming' fall
season: . ( .. ' '-, . 1
A. B. Chambers. Fontenelle," Kate
Howard, Twilight Monongahela, Sultan,
Polar Star, Morning Star, J. M. Lucas,
New Lucy, David Tatuin, Emma, Star of
the West, John Warner, Win. Campbell,
F X. " Aubry, Australia, Cataract, Key
stone, Edinburp, W. II- Russell, Admiral,
Emigrant. Omaha, A. C, Godditi, Hanni
bal, St. Mary, E. A Ogden, Carrier, 'T.
E. Tutt. D. G. Taylor, Watossa, Mink,
D. H. MortonSouth Vester. W. H.
Dcftny. Meteor, Silver Heels, Min-ne-ha-ha,
Col. Ciuasinan, J. II. Oglesby. Alonzu
Child, D. A. January, Florence, T. L.
McGill, Sovereign. "
The total estimated value of same, $t,209,0(;n
do do tonace, , 29.300
Areraj-e value of same, . ; $2t,t'.!i7
do tonace of lame, . H23
1 bont is valued at . , , 51,(K)0
1 do do . 1 . .... . ftO.UOO
1 do do . ., : 43,000
5 boats are valuod each at t ; 40 000
1 boat ia valued at . 30,000
(t boats are valued earb at 3.V
do do ,', 30.IKH)
t do . Hn ' v 1 1 liftKMI
1 boat is valued at --. 1 . iii.noo
3 boats are valued each at ; 15,000
A d : :-: do - ' . 10,000
1 boat is valued at . ' ' 6,000
Besides the boats . named abore there
are at present seven or eight iraiihient
boats that have been engaged inthe River
nearly all season, tarrying rai!-road iron,
jurnb2r, ' &c, We may have omitted to
mention one or two of the new, boats built
this season, but from what we have given
above, some idea,1 may formed of the im
mense importance" of the Missouri iver
Tnile. St. Lou in Republican. .. ,
New Missouri Rivtn I'ACKrt, E.M't
RrtAwn. A new' and ' Kplended boat
named E."M Ryland,,) 'honor, of 'one of
our st. JUoius merchants, and lutendeijfor
the Missouri River, trade, arrived at our
Leveo yesterday morning from Pittsburgh,
She is a' sidi? wheel stenmqr,nnd was built
under the s'upei Iwleudejjue of. Capt. At
Jacobs. The hull was built by Mr. J. S,
I'rincle, and is 18-5 feet, beam 30 feeH
hold 0 feet. , The plank on the bottom H
4 indies, and 4 1-2 inches on the kuukle
keel; 18 by 7 inches wJth extra fastenings;
her timber!, arie the' heaviest ever1 put in
a boat of, her b'ngth. In fact, so jiibstan-
lially has, bhe been built, that bheVamU
No. J in tho insurance olhoes. I he ma
chinery was built by J. Snowden & Sons,
Brownsville; cylinders 20 iocfies in diam
eter, with 6 feet stroke; 3 boilers, 40
inches in diameter; 2ti feet long. She is
supplied with all the liite improvements' in
machinery- ...The draught of watr is only
J'J inches, bhe was hunt bv Can. G.
Blunt, an old awl popular commander on
the MiKtouri river. ' The first clerk is our
old friend R. R. Abrams 11 cl-.ver jreutlei
man ana a gooi nuucss . man. . lie is
ably assisted by Adam Jacobs, jr. The
Ryland has an upper cabin fitted im ex'
pressly for deck Passengers. Sf. jAuit
RtpvOticdn. - H ,
The Detroit Jfirtrtistr a discovered
a w srTiie in which' the reo are a
iiuiwitCfc xlio bird . loo' like a carrier
pigeon on various new rends, bearing vtwi
Utiiet, bill then as he is one iCiif, it i
'j roper device for tmr rcf.
, IJon. j. .Ttlolloway. ,
This entleniaa left a ur city' but two
days ago, oii the tanior Min-ne-ha-ha,
on a visiting lour East . . , ,
Mr. Hollow a , Cnmo here about three)
years ago,' and 'ha been a 'resident of
Bellevue since hai time. He has been
one vC (he ft w who has labored faithfully
and untiringly from the bcglning fur Sar.
py county and the best interests of its
County seat, Bellevue. Helms justly and
deservedly won an enviablo reputation as
a sound practical lawyer, and politically,
he has a well earned fame for his integri
ty and fidelity to his constituents as well
as for the and untouinroiuitiuf straight
forward course. he has always pursued.
As a member of the lad legislature, and
chairman of one . of tho most important
Committee', (the Judiciary)be discharged
his duties.4n a nyumcr to c ommaud the
afliniisHon of nii piJiiical enemies, undAt
a reward Tor hia services; he has received
the endorsment rtsoootidjtimeof the squall
tcr ofarpy county, and was elected- to
the Leg is In 1 uVe 611 last Monday h,ovig
a just apprecjtjop ofjii moral worth us
a man, ujid his uatfulncss as a , legislator,
1 1 1 I i I " 1 11 I l I
ll I V X II It I I 111 1 14 I C I
AU.N'OI.n, J". ii V A. SUKKK.,
F.nquire at.tlic JJciiton Mouse. ( ' '
no. 37. 3in.,nlfV) , ,
1 1
A eahmhle timber Clainlof 10Uacr, with
in three miles of BeJIevue City, for sale. Ln
quire at tins Ollice. . i' ' ' . n37lf. . ri.
.Or, .The forger .CoijvjclecJ
KS" Do you waiii to run a Sure Preventive
cgaintt Counterfeiting tank Js'otcs 1
Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe!1
JOHN S. DYK is the Author, and the' Bank
Note enjrravurs all .iy that he is the greatest
judpe of paper money living. ,.; . u ii;
Published weekly.'' The'1 whole only One
Dollar a Year. ' ' ' '"
century fur detecting counterfeit Bank Notes)
describing every genuine bill In existence, and
exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit In :eff
culation. Arranged o admirably that. rcfr'i
eoce Is easy and detection, lnstantaueoua. No
pages to hunt up, but so simplified and arranged
that the merchant, banker asd business, mau
can se all, at a glance.
It has taken years to make perfect this
GREAT DISCOVERY. The urpeht neces
sity L't such 4 woik li4S .loiijt been fll by
commetclal men.' It lias been published (d
siinpl v the call for sach a rr&venUve, and need
but to be known to be universally patrotured
u uoes i ore man nai ever Deen attempted Io
nian. It describes. every bank note In throe
(litfurent lanmiaitei Eaclish, French and Ger
man. Thus'each may read the same, la his
own nuuvc lonjjur. , ,r
. Ttmi. -TJi JiftperAvill b about 33 f42
inches, and will contain the moit perfect Jiank
Note Lift, published, together wilh the rate of
discount., Al9 a Ijstvf all the private Bank
era in America.. , .,, , .
A' ompctei summarr of the Finances of.
Europe and America will be published ia each
edition, together with all the important news
of theday. . Aleo.f NTERCSTU G STORIES
fioiu an tild iimiiiikcript futuid in the Eot,snd
no whi re else to be found, ltih" never yet
appeared ii print, and furnishes the most com
plete hlstdrv of Oriental Lite, and describing
the moat perplexing positions in which the
i.ames ami penuemeu or tnat country nave,
been so often found,. These etori-s will con
tinue throughout the whole year, and will
prove the most rnterta hung ever offered .to. Urn
public. . 1 1 ) ; i 1 t: 1
I, r r urnished weekly to subscribers onlv
at $1 (vjrBf.. All Voters laiist iieaddrtiied
to . JOHN S. l)XV., Ilroker, ... .,
(' Publisher nnd Proprietor,
3m32 70 Wall Street, New ,'oik. , ,
OFFICE: 1, -i
Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearbop
Street; Chir.Mgo.
1 " t 0
CAPITAlt 150.000.
Is.vac ,cqok, , , ..,.-r M,, OKBrir .,
II. A. wvproor. '. i . .... 1 . .. , ,
Edmund Canneld., Pres., Wr4. Eites,
A , Sec7, Henxy. Chapman, reas,,, .
L day of Mani-hi i D. 1I5. under a spec
ial charter from- he Legislature of Illinois,
and business commenced under the most fa
vorable auspices; - Its ettahlitthment bae been
upon a firm find reliable lia( lad in view of
it atabilHy,soiiiidnss,and rrnunrnPATnks
as one of the .first :'snruiifc:Ojinpani''s in the
rrxiiuri", fo ii'ovt deairens of 'prelectim;
Uitmsi.'lves, ajrsinat loss crdsm.lse.hv lire. 01
perils of l lie Sea they bi'g leav to eiler the
i'olluwing : r .- ' ',!...
;. . i REFERENCES. a . .... v.
, Mfesr?.'sine'&. wjtl. Clcvcli-.n, blu-.y
. -J' '"'William Avery, Cblcaro, jll. ,
' ' ' ' Norton .t Brother, t
" S'.orwe, i. BooDiitr, .
JI. S. Durap.f, JPreir. ltacii-. i. Miss. JR. R.
' fien. C. Noi'hi'ipi Canh. P.aciue C, Uaiili.
Win. P, 1,1 nd, Esq., Milwaukee., ., '.
1 ' .TV C7. Conroe, Esi, Riiclne. .
Ashley tlijhert Cash. Com'l B-, Chic.ipo.
lfenrv Farnhatn. President Chicago t Rock
- Island Rai: Road.
Daniel P. Rhodes, Knq.YcWsland, Ohio.
.-Thms Campbell, Esq., Bprlofeid; llii i
. Hon P.. Chumberiin. Kt. Louts, Mi
..MesKrs, Wadsworlh, Welle. Jt heymoiir,
- i . Chkeco. ill-' ! ' n .. . i
1' Messrs. J. If. Burch It C., Chicago Dank
Mtssrs. O.. W. ti'er 4. Co. iiiiei;j, 11U
Win, Blanchard, Esq.Iorriji, lil. ,. I
Mewurs. II. C. & (h (i. Cook k. Co., Rock.
m i mm . I . . r i l r i
'Messs. It. Wh'-eVr Sl R'n. Aurora IU.
Mssr. Judd, Smith k. friVi Dixm., Ill;"
Nehamlah Case, Kn.. Hi'tfalc t. Y.
Wm. B. Ktirdv, F.f.. rritirtMd.' lit.
Gen. I. Cure, Sprtr.jf.eU, nLT.I.TV
.. Kiuiiard Iverx, Esq., &. Louis, Ma. .1
31 , J03IX JU TOWN, AsejitatBellerne.
" nothing ! tlothlnjj 'cieifclng!1""
j ClP'hint of tV latest as1 ?n.
J.;r.e 4 h, l.. 1.31.
: i WOorAVOllTMS i
THIS wnrk will acAln be rctiily for dolivery
by the 17th lfit. Tti first unpvlv wsn re
ceived Uh week and was immediately sold.
A new County Map.corrected by Mr. llyere,
according to the county boundaries ettalilieh
ed by the Legislature lst winter, hax been
encr'sved exprmnlr for the work, and will ap
pear in the next edition. .
Besides a hIMorv of the Territory. Its con.
illtion and protnecta, the woik contains the
claim Uws of Nebraska, and a llfpO't of the
I'nlted Stntes pre-emption laws, innkinff a
complete pre-enipttir'a cuide. F.very person
Intereeted In Neliranka should hare a copy of
the work. Price, with the map, lb cent";
without the mnn, 00 cents, tiinirlc copies mail
rd. postac paid, on receipt of price, to any
p,rt of the r.oiiiitrv. '
Omaha, June 11, 1807 3att Publisher.
1 jo o icsfs i; A;fi o 'S ii ii y
A oomplete assortment at , 1
WOOLWORTH'S Bookstore, ,
. Omaha City, N. T.
CfT" Special agent for Knioot, Books, , i ,
' IOWA, ' '
A f) K Wep.ired to furnish Western Iowa ami
NemMlca with NAM), CHAVKI., MMK,
JIDCK, liUll.lUNU STONi: of errrr
vi!y. aim nHil ehiine. Ther have facilities
rrtr'in.irrrn) ANY AN riTY, that may
be needed, 11ml bInq intend to nuke '
100 Laborros
Sr. Loin. .' tistEHB,
Council Ilti'i is. . 1 1
Ciioutkad Ja, A. C,
U'KAsr, Sl. Fkntom,
1 ..All orders should be addressed to 1 1 v ,
f,1 J.NO. W. ANTHONY, Scctat,
p. Marys, March l!th, 1857. a 21tf. ,
J. A. J0NS.
. or.o. w. wood.
Drug & Chemical House
' ttmcp, ,, . . .11 1 '
, Chemicals, .
. . . . ralnte, , .
Oils, , ,
Dye Stuffs, , .,.
Window Glass,
. I , Wines, , .1 '
. . ,, . j .. . Liquors, , p i
' . Tobacco, Ac-. &c. ke.
Having purchased the entire stock of
DRUGS and FANCY GOODS tormerly be-
longing to C, A. Henry A. Co., together with
our nirn lull psrenascs, we are now enabled
to totter the public as complete an assortment
oi DRUGS and FANCY GOODS as can be
found west of the .Mississippi river. .,. Our,
stock, is of , magnitude enough to supply the
whole Nebraska trade j and having been pur
chased under the most favorable circum
stances, we fool assured, in our statement,
that if Vine Goods, as retards quantity, qual
ity nnd price, are any object to those dealing
in DRUGS and MEDICINES, we ean offer
these Inducements to a greater extent th nanny
other house in the West. Country Merchants
and Physicians are requested to examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere . j.
nol3-tf . , JONES & WOOD.
A LARGE quantity of first rate Brick and
Lumber for Sale, at reasonable rates.
Enquire at my Ofliice near the Benton House.
Tno.more hard TIMES.' 7
' S. 1I. PIKE, -I
HAS established hlmseir in a NEW GRO
CERY STORE, in Bellevue, on .Mission
Avenue, east of Main Street, where he will
keep constantly on hand, all kinds of fresh :
Groceries.' '' . , '. ,', ' ;',
....(.Floiir, : . 1 , i. ,i 1
Sugars ' 1 ' :
f 1 . " n : Tea. r
... I . ,,.-, 1 .Rjce, , i4
v; .,' ; :"' " " .' Fi-ji.&c."
. Jit his also a choice lot t liquor", and ev
erv other article usually kept in a Grocery
tr7LA meat mafltel is kerf in.iiie.base-
meiit storv, fijr the accommoiUt jon o the cit
Iress of BellKue. and vicinity..' ,, . 35 3ra '
"T70L"LD respectfully inform the citizens
Y of Bellevue and vicinity that thy have
commenced .the, .TAILORING. BUSINESS ia
the building formerly occur lent bv J. M. Bsr
tav. corner .MAIN street and FIFTH AVEN
UE, and in'end kepin ..const ntly on hand
CLOTHS, ... .
, , . i ' and VESTINttS," .,
WHjich will be made up to f nler with ,nat
ncsi and d'sp.itch. .
, Also. FURS aud HIDES .bought or taken is
exchanjr lor guMj. . , ne 30-tf. .
Eor.iimlHT particulon ciKju:ie of
,.,,,. . T, M. M.CORD,. ,
, t . , At the Fontenelle BanV. J
Bel !-u, April IS,' 1 857. t ' 20-tf
J " HO Noah C. Worth, and all others whoia
Friday, August 21st, V1, at 1(1 o'clock A.
M. I vill apply at lae Land OiTic in Omaha,
for the purpose of proving uy right to pre
empt th North West quarter of sectlna num
ber 17, in iunvnsnip number 14, in rase miss
her 13 east of the. Wi piti cipal meridian of
Nebraska Tvirilory. --i
, Land Warrants
CONSTANTLY on hnd and for sal
Premptors rsn make a lisndcon saviae
bv oa'.ns Warritis ,
"AH Warrso's ss'd ly hs aboys JctUcii
sre g uui'ti. .i ' ...
Fe'lf' -If, June C7. Jt
1 1
-' B:&'L"'li;E Y..U E
Commercial Hiniforium ! !
rpHE undersigned respectfully solicit the attention of the citizens of Relievo and vicinity,
X 1 to their extensive assortment of goods, embracing every variety usually kept In the west.
The attention of the Indies Is partlrnlarly called to oitr Inrpe assortment of drees goods,,
consisting In pnrt of silks, French and American Jaconet and Organdy fiwns, Bersges, D
I.aines, fce. Figured and Plnln Rwlsa, Jncmiet and Bonk Muslins, Ciilieoe, Ribbons, ArtlA
rlal Flowers and Wreaths, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Bonnets, I'lati, Ac,
BOOTS cJ(3 & XX O 313 f3 .
Ladies fine morocco slippers, kid and morocco buskins, pnrodl ties, and Jenny Llnd, ,
aineled and calf skin Ince boots, black and colored gaiters, Ac. Gent's fine morocco and
calf skin boots, fine cloth, calf skin nnd patent lther gaiters, lew'd nnd pej'd monriss,
slippers, kr. Children's shoes, a great ynrlrtyv, ! . ,
Men's and
great variety.
boys', fum felt,;, Pnnnin
The 1,'irc'et stock ever onriied in lh(s r'niuit'v.
Isrs, 'ovpr-afls, tc. of, all sizes; styles, and qnalitr, for men, boys nrtd children
-,:-,',c'i . ... 11 . , .. 1 , . . 1..
Aprl(T vsriety of Hoi If Fngllsn anej American manufacture, Carpenters' loolb, A.c. Hus
keepers and builders will find it to their advantage to call. before purchasing eleiwhers.
. . Mil.,,, 1 . . . I ..; . I ; , . Ill I 1 ..' I I , , .. , I
Medicines ,
Kxtracts, i.'-.
Choice Cigars,
Furniture, .
Flour, I.. 1.
- Alno, a
AH the above articles', together With a great variety nA menlioned. will be sold low for
cash. All kinds pf merchantable country produce taken in exchange for goods. Also Dry
Hides, Furs, Ac. .Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore exteiulcd To us by the citi
zens of this county, we earnestly solicit ite continuance. . . ,
, 3eiOi31 . Main Street.
Wholesale Se Retail Merchant,
cosnfr or MAI A!f D ORtaORT',
..'.'ST. MARY, IOW A.,. '
HAS just received and now has for sale, a
large assortment of selected merchandise
adapted to the wants of all in this new and
thriving community, which he can sell sschcnp
as can be ollbred elsewhere so high upon the
Missouri rlvrr. His goods have been selected
bv. an experienced purchaser, . with special
reference to the circumstance asd. wants pf
all classes of settlers in anew country. La
dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all
can be supplied. Call and see for yourselves.
His stock consists of the following, among a
great many other articles he ennnnt now enu
merate'. Amftpr Ms " ,
,'!': Dry Mods, ";, ft.;;. !
May be found .Woolen and, SaUoet Cloths,
CasslneU, , Tweeds,' .Cashmeres, Linseys,
.Tweeds,' Cashmeres, Linseys,
fd, White, Gray and Blue, Caspian
ton Goods, bheetlngs and Shirtings,
u.d Unbleached, Blue and While,
r lannel, Red
Plaids Cotton Good
Bleached and Unb
Drillings, Osnabnrg, .Bed-Tloking, , Hickory
Checks, Ac, &.C.1 , ' ... . . .' 1
;.:l,'it. . rSllKT tltlftA.
4 L..lf.,l n.t nf tnr nelflsnr1
- i.
every variety of s vie and pattern. Ginghams,
Lawns Figured Alpacra, Bombarines, Bom-
erchiefs, Crape, Muslin. Edgings, Ribbons.
V . w..,
Ac; Act' '
A well selected stock of Summe r. Fall and
Winter Clothing, . consisting in part of fine
Dress Coats, rants and estsalso, good
Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy
Clothing for Fall nd Winter use. Also, KhirU,
Knit Flannel Drawers And Undershirts, Socks,
Ac. Mens' and Dovs' Hat nnd Caps, of va
rious fashions, qualities nnd prices. Boots A
Shoes, thick ami thin, pnliKhd and unpolished,
of everv description, for Men, Women, and.
Children's use. '
Crnshed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Siii'nr,
!ToIa3se. Svrnn Molasses. Go:rten Svrnp. !
Superior lea, Uio and Java ionee, assarras, ,
uinger, repper, i lores, onice. i inmmon,
eround Ginter: .Niitmegs. hnuffs. Tobacco,
Cigars, Tipes, f nsp, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles
Pepper-Pa are, Ac., &r. -
. ii. T !;i provisions. : uv i : .'.'
A larje; assortment of J'lo'ir. vf -irarious
qualities and preT,orn' Meal sn.f all th
various products of th Farm and Garden i.
Bacon, Fish,'. Kiln dried Apples, Peaches,
Currants, Raisins, Ae. ! i I .
llardirarfi !'.,-i ! j
Stoves of ta'rion patterns, for Cooking and '
Heatipj rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbows, lirg j
and small Tron Kettles, Frytnjr rVns, fikillet '
Vlsnrl.lrm.s RSnvels nit Tntiiriii.' Ms nnr '
Hav Forks, Scythes, Shevli Snds, Let
end Trace Chains. Axes. H.ijnmers,' Pinters
iron and B'.etl. wan , Hors-Kep. me ;
Saws, knives a'nt Fork'. Pockt Knives; lis
rors, Butts and rscrews, imtr
r I f sndls, Kno
; " ' ' :' ,!'J' '" i
Lock. Ac, Ac
.. , Tinware. i
A gnraCassortiaB kept for hpimeh.k
pirposes. ' ' 1' '
, , n '.. WooJwarc.
Wa-fJibs, Shakers rail,, Wood And 'tr.,
AVaslitxiard. .,.,( . ; '; :.: ..,;;
rwi laUirr . . " I
Sole leather. Hiriwss -Lomher, ;owhldi,
Xlp Nkins. Calf SkiinCLftikii: and 'Murox-i:o,
Siddli'?, Bridies, Halters, Lariat ..C1rringoR,
B.-tly-band. Drlvtiig-Mnes, Collars. Back-'
straps, Girths, HI ind-bridles.' Ac., .V 1 i" '
A general assortment of Mdlrire; for
Feven, l'ever and Ague, and the common
complaints of the onintrv- Cook's. Lie's.
Ssppenyton's, Brad's an.! J;iynes' Pills, ii
nine, Tonios, nd vsrimis kinds of Rtimulan's,
Anodynrs, Linimen's, and other articles neces
sary for he sick and the invalid. l-rf
" ' w " ' ron salk. :
Block Irt 10. Block 177 t IM ?. Block
21H t Lot 4, Block liS i L"t 10. Block .W i Lot
0. bloc k. 2 L! i Lot. Bloek 143 Lot 4. B'.k
fiHt L,t2, Block 13j; rt , Block 7 Iyt,
tt,Jl ar.t 1?, Block Jit, In Bellevue City.
For terms en'inie of (
" Pellevo Honse,'April3t. 157. C'i-tf
h. coots csiriTK.
' m V " v...a -"t .u
uniuni v. xjiiiir-rnciu,
r, i ' ' . . v.
BCTCHtPJi, as oeaiera in. CATTLE,
bill I P and SWINE, have rmanrutlv
located themreive in Bellevue Crty, snd are
precsrel to furnish the eit:ins of BIv i-
nith ficah btal tn Tosfiav. Trt'trsisy ad
ia'Tdy csorntngef eseh week. Thy.inl
f ar.d in tr.s taees of P. Fks Ceoo.
r ri Frey..on frrre, 'whsTs he
KrPr ' if"1 h,r eut-err
ll U 4
i, currneon, seanetle, Leghorn, palm, a
cnnlstlhf nf enflts.' nnnU
yesis, shirts, col
1 ,j
1 1
tJlassware,1 ,m.
I'erluinery, ,
Kssenc;', 1
J'rcsurved Fruits,
1 Tobacco, ' .1.1,
Wooden Ware .
.Fish, &..!
stock uf vliuioo
Huffman's Stago Line.
A N D G L E NWUO 1) Jt'iCr??'
HUFFrA'.S LINE will leave Glenwood,
vire.i St. Marvs for Belle, on Mon
day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10
o'clock, A. M and will leave tlie Benton
House, Tteiuvue, via. St. Marys for Glenwood
on the same days at 1 o'clock, P. M.
This Line connects at 8t. Marys, with th"
Council Blufls and 8t, Joseph Htegee, and at
Glenwood with tho various lines from the Mia
slutppl to the MlHSouri Rivers. ,'
Travelers on this Line will find every con
venlence and accommodation, to make theti
trips pleasant ' Riid speedy.,. Comfortable?
I Coaches,. . Careful Drivers and well-fed,
Horses: : ' '
! . o!J-tf,l .ii-.! - ROBERT HUFFMAN1.' 1
,l . ... .
; PlUt racket for Kansas, Iavnwrthr
j ., " "'on; St. Joseph, Savanniib, Iowa Point, ,
'. ;.ka rtCllv,' Pne,!. C0"""",
Bluffs, Omaha 1 and Florence. '
THE new and elegant Passenger
oiramer a loronco, .1. mrock-
.77 ""'" i. irr, r uormsn.
wierK, wm commence ner tr ps as a rerular
. paclc.-t In the above trade, on the opening of
; navigation In. the spring, and will remain in it
. uiroueiinui me season.
The Florence, bavins been built "imrfnr fha
superintenilence of the uneersigned, expressly
for the tradV, Is of extraordinary strength, n'e!
well adapted to It In every particular. A rea
sonable share of the i.sironage of shippers,
snd the public generally, is respectfully soli- ,
cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master.
5Vs LE.Gosm Aft, Clerk,
Regular Pocket for Kanas, Nebraska, City
Bellevne, Comcil Bluffs, Omaha,
aa r lorence. 1
TIIF. n mA -I . O.
'Miir. r.iin.nn Vi f.t ek.,iu
- " naKer, Piaster,
Cleri.. w II run as a rnlir
packet, to th
auove ana an intermediate points on tlie Mis
nounrrver. ana persons can rely upon her con
tinning In lh. r reu!ariv durLi.a rh
The Min-ns-hs-h Is mi entirely new boat,
built expressly for th Mis.ourt River trade,
and being fitted ip 1n the latest and most ap
proved style, her officers feel confident, tha
tiict attention fo the comfort. of Psssengers,
and to business, will make her Ui favorite
b-at in tb trade. ... , . .
Tailoring ! . Tailoring. !
, The undetsieried begs !a to inform tho
cerusts o: ijei evue and ylaieuy thst t it
prepsrej is a sus'orv work, in. th latesr
annn sin mot
aprirci''ed etvle H rt
f,ldnt that hi wort f ansurpassed Kast
r West tni y moderate price respectfully
solicits shnre of in public patron m. He
will always b found ready to rcive orders
i iiw .eiievuf :iir.
Betlevtie,. ff; T. March Uth
'lllE Ifnilersixned isvin eoninenred th
- J-.! aov- buniiiesa in If. llerue. is peeper i
to do all work in bis line,' at the thortest no
lice, in the best nianmr, and on the most rJ
sonable terms. WM, WILEY.
lj"t" l our or five good Plasterers, will Bad
outlAnt euiployident, and good w e ap
plication to th .)f. !, .
Bellevue, Oct. 30, K'.J-tr '' ' "'
, . Charles E. Vfatsoa,
Bei?-viie Ci'v, N"Nrska Terri'orv, pro
fesses to be " f.osted" in Ui lay of the land In
ihis vicini' y, and olTers his serticrs tt such as
nty "ie-.-H tVni,n rf .isor.abU tri m.
I'TiS He will also act as airent. for the ur-
...I.- VI II .. J
"has or sale of Real Estate, in th Territory,
or Western lows. Information furnished onon
application. Declarations filed and pre-emptions
ohtainvL i ..' . 4-tf
T01IN P. HORN A CO., near the Printing
J OtTire, Lr.iievie, have on band shovel.
litM-it, Spades, Forks, !Iuee, and a general
assortment of Farming Tools. Call aid,
July, 1MW, J3d
BOOTS and fcllOES Twenty eases at
P x'. and lo, ll sisea, at ta
Pack. O.
sole", by
A. u,ij Store id tni V
. i .: CLAlKi; fetltO.