Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, August 13, 1857, Image 2

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r i l i i ii t u
Chapman's Rooster
man' courae in llic last Congress u not
enJorn'J ly wic fourth of the iiuuitcr
aovorcigm of Nebraska ! " How are the
mighty fallen !" 1 low hai th fiao gold
Lnronie Jroesl" "Tell it not in (ath,
publish it not in the atrcct of " Oiuahu,
that Chapman it rebuked ! !
Sculduggery, waa tried in every shape.
Cuuriera on horse-back were sent to al-
mobt every precinct, stating that r'ergu
noil hnd declined in favor of Chapman ;
but all would not do. Even sculduggery
did not save him ! The people of this
territory the squatter sovereigns, have
duar hia trinve so deepand his putrid
political carcass will bo buried so low, that
even Gabriel's trump will scarcely reacli
his leadtn ear. !
Dakota ! his favored Dakota, which
was to give linn six hundred majority,
came up missing, (nfier he had sent friend
J. II. Strickland there with a press to en
lighten thnt dark precinct) forsook him.
Well might he exclaim, " save me from
GONE UP-DRIED U P ! ! Kfriendf .
nut, we nnvc jusi lenrucu nun uhuu in
another phase- another appearance to be
put upon the action of the people. Mr.
Chapman contests the election ! lie will
go to Congress, whether the people want
him or not, and his fir at step is to file an
affidavit ahrough his counsel, Poppleton,
in the Clerk's ullice, foi bidding him to
return the votes of Florence precinct, on
FEIKiUSON T1UUMPIIANT! CC0l,nt of froud ,i0 IIeds- But
we are pleased to say that he "cant
Honor to whom Honor Isdur.
The citizens of Sarpy county ihe whole
Nebraska territory, are under InstinR ob
ligations to Otoe county, and the glorious
and indomiiitable precinct of Florence,
in Douglas county fr the manner in
which they stood up to the work, on the
ever memorable 3d day of August The
result has plainly shown, that thore is a
"God in Israel" that sculduggery it at a
discount and that, ns the lN'ebraskian,
frankly admits, "the sober second thought,
has brought all things aright." Again, we
any glory to the men who "had the nerve"
to stand miand battle for the ioiit. The
Omaha Times, truly says:
"In caso Mr. Chapman carries out his
threats, nnd contests the sat,before Con
gress, will his case not look a little auspi
cious in the eves of members? ' Will they
not be apt 10 ask each other why it is, if
ho is so popular in Nebraska and so iairiy
elected, that he always is obliged to ap
peal to them?",
We wish we had room for the whole of
rirother Wyn tan's remarks, lie has given
some home thrusts and hits bearded the
lion in his den.
Avn'rirv.u i'tr Asv.n
t il l I M l 3 0Ti:STHt
Oxi't Coino It!
Chapman Retires to Elyria, Ohio!
"Tin: corxTitY Nti't:" :n
The last Ntbraskiati has under its edi
torial head, a large -Rooster,' with the
Imckney'd expression, "Crow! croWfCia
man, crow I!" placed above it, and tin
deri.eatli, " I). D. Chapman Elected!!"
a libel published to the world in flaming
capitals. '
come it." The prestige of hs low cun
ning has departed he has to contend
with one Jim Mitc hell, as he calls him,
who is at all times " armed and equipped
according to law " whoso strong arm is
always nerved for the moiiT.and Chapman
will be compelled to take his little wife,
(God bless her) his trunk and band-box,
and we ud his way to Elyria, O. He will
retire within his own beautiful domicil,
and there meditate upon the theological
views of the doctrine of human depravity
" The country is safe." Ferguson is
elected. Shout the glad news over the
length and breadth of our beautifid prai
ries let th6 turbid waters of the Missou
ri catch the sound, and echo back in thun
der tones, that Nebraska is free sculdug
gery dead and " the country is safe."
: The Contrast.
Now. that Ferguson is elected to Con
Fellow citizens, cast your eyes above, grew, ond Rankin, Thayer, and Chap
and you will see that Chapman a Bird has man defeated please notice how great
kicked up his heels. He is growing small the contrast. Col. Rankin, an old settler,
nnd beautifully less gone up dried up. fought openly boldly and manfully he
How an alitor, who claims,., nnd in wnged a fierce war against his adversa
somethings should, deserve the public ries and now, that the battle is fought,
confidence cun, in the face of facts and and th people have decided their prefer
figures which will not IU, commit such Lnce at the ballot box, you observe Col
n fraud upon his readers, H past our com- B, p, Rnnkin, with true loyally to the laws
prehension for just under the announce
merit of the triumph of Chapman, the fol
lowing paragraph appears:
" The returns come in slowly. Oil!
riallv not u single County in the Terr. to
ry has been heard from, up to the pres
cut writing, (Wednesday, P.M.)
Then he ' goes on to state, that, " we
expert to give the vote on Congressman
of his country, and in obedience to the
well expressed wishes of tho people, cheer
fully submitting, as a Jackson, or a Clay
has done before him.
General Thaykr, who is a favorite
w ith the people, took also his chance for
Congress, appealing to them in every city
town and hnmtct, through the length und
I l.L e -t r i i .
in another article of lo-dav'a rower." But "rel,in 01 ,He armory, out wnentne re
did he do it ! No !-whv ! Because the "" a" to him the election of Per
ficrum would not show their announce- ?uson- he quiellV acquiesces, and without
ment to be true. Poor fellows !- tho teat lhe ,cast "rpearance ' n"et. remark.
from which you draw your sustenance is "II ia voice of lLu reoPle n"J 1 a'
Hbout to be cut off the yap upon which content.
you have grown so fnt and saucy, is about Now ,et us ,ake a vicvv of ,he com,llct
to dry up ! Even Dakota shares and lots of tlli Gfih-ratif pot house politician from
will fail to save vou! ' Uyria, Ohio B. . Chapman u im.n
FERGUSON', the people's candidate who like lho locUsta O'y opener) peri-
the squatters' candidate, is triumphantly '"'nlly com" to c,,rse lhe laJ a '?ht
elected. His Roost tK is on his feet ,he fair fron of e country, by his
-proud, with head erect." From the Pesurtjrous presence-a man wno nas me
1-ieM rcliublo source of information, all unparaleled impudence, he unblushing if
'of lho conaues ond i.recincts are in. tx- froniery, lo come from his home in Ohio,
.:ept Cedar, which cannot under any cir
cumstances, cast more than 75 votes, and
they are claimed for Gen. Tu vvra. The
Returns of this County, therefore, cannot
in aiy manner affect the result. We ap-
HI Jnds;c rergrtRon net on the
Hoard of t iiuvnssersf
This seems to be in tho nest of pot-house
politicians at Omaha, tho great question
f th day. Corrupt officials with thread
bare characters scratch the hair on their
win, or smooth, the carrmncies on tneir
faces, as they agonize over the question
which they cannot solve to their satisfuc
tion. Land agents, who, since claim jump
ing has ceased to be profitable, have turner!
to politics as a more inviting field for spec
ulation ; asl tho question as they lounge
at Keith's, or walk inquiringly about the
streets, .bankrupt puntuians trotn abroad
and escaped convicts from other states,
who have fought shoulder to shoulder in
this contest for Chapman and tho sois
worry over this question which is their
pillar of fire by day, and their dark cloud
iu tho night time.
Will the Judge act? Thai's the ques
tion. 'MY ill he be so immodest ( tney
ask. Only think of an under-striker or
whipper-in of tins man Chapman, talking
of modesty. " Oh ! shame where is thy
But seriously, will the Judge act I Now
we have not consulted with his Honor, but
if he be the sensible man we take him for
he most ctrlaimy vnll net on the Board
and fearlessly and independently dischnrg
a great public duty, with on utter disre
gard and contempt for the jeers und sneers
of Mr Chapman or his barking puppies
The position which Judge Ferguson occu
pies, was not of his own seeking. An act
of the Legislature made him a member of
the Board of Canvassers, and the action of
tho people, unsolicited ' on his part, made
him a candidate for Congress and he
would be unworthy the confidence indica
ted by the earnest support which he re
ceived, if ho were to shrink before the
sneers of interested parties, iu the face of
the first responsibility which presents itself.
We believe that there are times when
private scruples should bo laid aside, and
tho eye of the patriotic and honest citizen
should only rest upon the public good.
W believe that this is peculiarly such a
time. Having: failed in an appeal before
the people, to receive that support which
would have placed them above the necessity
of resorting to fraud and corruption to attain
the objects of ambiliou theso pilferers
from tho public purse, fall buck upon these
old means which they know so well how
to use, and through which they have boast
ed lhat under any circumstances, success
should be iheirs. But we will see. W ih
lis worship and his support of them un
der all circumstances is linn and unbend
ing. Fol icy which is the guiding star of
most politicians, has had no influence up
on him. No honest conviction has been
smothered no expression has been shap
ed to suit the exigency of the times. He
speaks fully and freely all that he feels,
and in language easily jinderstood. Thjs
has made him enemies, but the luxury of
saying what he believed, has seemed to
compensate him for the opposition which
e has excited. This much we feel call
ed upon to say of Col. Rankin as a public
man. As the first Treasurer of tho Ter
ritory, and subsequently as United States
Marshal ; we believe his enemies even,
have Ji'ot urged against him a want of "ca
pacity or a neglect of duty. In every
trust which he .has held, we believe he
has bcon honest,1 truthful and efficient.
In private life, ve know him to' le an
earnest and devoted friend, And the dark
er the hour which glooms over the path
way of his' fellows, the wanner is his
sympathy. To. our knowledge ho 1ms
never jdeserted a friend, at lhe dictate of
policy or the call of ambition. As a citi
zen, we know him to be public spirited
and generous even lo a fault. He is
scrupulously exact in the dischorgoof all
his liabilities as this whole community vili
cheerfully attest.
In tho canvas which has just closed,
we must coufess that his' course ha been
shaped not w ith reference to policy, for
wherever we have met him he has been
standing upon the same platform, and ad
vocating the same doctrines with an en
thusiasm1 and an energy which few men
possess. If an energy that knows no tire
and a fearless advocacy of sound doc
trines merited success; Col. Rankin
would to-day be our Delegate. But he
was ot first supported by the leaders of a
cliuqo with which we have no sympathy,
and we fetred the purposes for which
they would have attempted o use him.
After he was basely and heartlessly be
trayed bv the very man, w o above all
others should have been earnert and con
stant in his support; we had formed com
pacts to sacred to be broken ana we op
posed him and worked for the suceesaof
another. This has been our course and
our justification. " '
fortunes from their unsuspecting acquain
tances in the east.
There are uy amount of towns or cities
laid out( in this Territory, high sounding
names are, given' to . them plats are
drawn up, share certificates pripted, and
agents start to the States to gull what they
call the "eastern green horns." These
flash names generally take, and the shares
are disposed of like hot cakes.
We are down upon all such operations,
and will, as long as we retain the situation
we now hold, expose these corrupt bogus
sculduggery associations, however hard it
may apesr to those who are deeply inte
rested in them.
We say to our eastern friends come and
see, before you invest. Or if you can't come
end to men honest men with whom you
ere acquainted and letlhein invest for you
t is far better to purchase shares in towns
of reputation at a thousand' dollars per
r.'.re, than in bogus towns without any
existence at ten dollars per share.
lnc ott quoted expression, "llcll is
iaved with good intentions." was original,
it is said, with Father llibera, a Spanish
Jesuit of the 16th century. It 'o'.cursinone
of his "Reflections. . His worksore in use
in many Roman Catholic schools in Great
Jriiain. -
Beware of Bogus City Lots.
. e have .before us, an envelope, gotten
up in the city of Omaha, by interested per
sons, and printed at the 'ebraskian of
nee, on the race of which, is a map or
sketch purporting to be a " Topogpaphical
Skttch of a portion of Nebraska Territory"
The Missouri river is laid out in regu
lar form, commencing away north, at
Sioux City, on the Iowa side, and Logan
Dakotah and Omadr, on the Nebraskian
side of the river and all, (of couse) right
up chuck tothe.river whilst Bellevue and
some other towns of far more importance
than all the Dukotah's and Omadi's in the
world, is placed some six miles from the
Missouri, and made to appear as small
insignificant places,' scarcely r perceptible
upon this great Envelope Map this new
invention pf "sculduggery."
Now for the benefit of the public, we
will give a short sketch how this matter
first originated; A certain Mr. O.
Davis, was largely interested in a town
called Harney City, situated we believe
on Shell Creek. Messrs Foppleton and
Byers, was also largely , interested in
town called Tekamah, which is at least
eight miles from the Missouri river, but
upon said beautiful envelope is made to
appear riht up to the bank. , JJy looking
Wholesale and Retail IVilm la
r i n
A LL persons indebted to Clarke & Pirn.,
will come forward immediately and pay
up. "A word to the wise is soflicient." i
Bellevue, Aug. 12, 1857. tf.
rpHF rinttB River Ferry Company have
X tlieir lerry In successful oneration at
This route is six miles shorter than that bv
Cedar Island, and is a much better route.
will be in attendance at all times to accommo
date the traveline public. Rates of Ferriage
as tow us any outer point.
PlaUsmoutli, Au. 1, 1SJ7. 3m40
m " T" 1 t nrn .1
rvuiii.c. uie suoicrioers Hereby jrive
notice that the copnrtnershiD heretofore
existing between them under the name and'
style of Toua Jt Smith, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. All deblsdne toor aeainst
tne tirm win dc settled by rurton W. Todd.
Beflevne, Anfrust 12, 1857. 40'
S hereby pivon to G. Denison and to all
concerned, that I will appear at the Land
Office in Omaha, N. I'., on Friday, Aup. 14,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., and prove mv right to
pre-empt the south 1-2 of the north east :4
and the north 1-2 ot the south east 1-4 of Sec
24, Township 1 1, Ranee 12, east of f e 6th
principal meridian in Nebraska Territory.
zuy I- II. CASK
I II 1,1 1 . ,
IS hereby given to Conrad Baumsn, and to
all roncerned, that I shall appear at the
Land Office, In Omaha, N. T , on Friday, Aug,
14, to prove mv right to pre-empt the east 1-2
of the north wM 1-4 and the north 1-2 of the
south west 1-4 of Sec. Ill, Township 14, Range
13, east of the 6lh principal meridian in Ne
braska Terrritory.
Iit:w 1 HUM AS NYE,
x o t i c t:
"S herebv given tolWilliam Harrison, and
t,iser is. i.arrmon, and all other persons
concerned, that I shall appear at the Land
Office in Omaha, on the 17th day of Aug. 57
prove my right
at 10 o'clock, A. M.f and
1-4 C Sec.
pre-empt the N, W. 1-4 of S.W. 1
and the N. 1-2 of S. F.. 1-4, and the S. W. 1-
of N. E. 1-4 of Se S. in T. 13, R. 13, east
01 urn pr. menu. .. 1.
pend the vcti in the several Com ties:
anil ask Nebraska, who had twice repudi
ated him at the lallot box, to fkdorse him
endorse a man who has covered the
wholo territory over with his foul and in
famous electioneering schemes swinging
nnd jumping his wagon Roads to ami fro,
in order to cover u given amount of terri
tory, to induce ono portion of the commu
nity to vote for him through fear and
another, because of pecuniary advantage!
Aud yet, with all his foTeign stock of im
ported men, horses aud buggies his great
amount of "filthy lure,n scattered so pro
fusely over the territory he has, as tho
r turra show, received the endorsement
of less than oe fourth of the people of
Nebraska, und yd this fawning, cringing
sycopliant, blubbers and whines like a
whipped spaniel, because, forsooth the
people have again administered to him a
! just and merited rebuke. "Sic tramit
1 gloria mindi." 1
Ax ule Cu.s. iim 1:. Couiaeii:;"
Ftoiu the above it will be seen that , said Mi. Hopkins, indignantly, "b you
Ferguson is20 votes ahead of t'hap-! supj.os.uhat noUdy hus got any conscience
;r.:v--i!.-l only th !:l prerim-t in Ce-1 but yourself? Sly conscience is as good
iar to 1 c l.eari! fr.-:u. ...ri jvurs yes, i;.-l better t 'o, for it has
, " -I rious trlunh ol the . uever h-ea iu the u-UU cg;.rc tl' wy
I vl j'e y .1 bv c y om:. '
our honest Governor ns President of the 1 , ., . ,, , . .
$ ard, we fear not tho result. The choice
of the people will be ratified, and political
villainy b ino.t signally rebuked. . ;
W ill the Judpe act?
7 S 3 '
1 -1 0 P p
c n .
! 2
JJougla, 371 117 13fi 75
Washington, .ty C.'J l:j'J 14
Sarpy, SSJ 70 13:1
.Monroe, U" 2
Platte, 7 (VI -SI 15
Dodge. 21 07 15
Burt, 1 S .! 101
Utoe, .13.1 101 17 179
Nemaha, M 213 10 m
. HkhiirJon, .Y.I 79 .1 13
Cass, 7.1 77 110 V
. Pawnee. .11 l(i iw
JohuMu. 7o 1 -jo
.Dakota, ; 134
lt7J ll.V 1330 1314
haw ot a rail-road, called the "Chicago,
Lyons & Tekamah Air Line II. R." run
ning from Tekamah, west to Harney City.
It might as well be mentioned here, that
they have happened to hit upon a signifi
cant name, (air-line,) but if they had any
regard for the truth, they would have
called it the ' Gasa Line," for that is all
it will ever amount to. PLit to return
the canvass from personality and abuse of j Mr. Davis made thej draft in
The Contest-Col. II. IV llnukin.
The conflict is over and the dead and
wounded lie scattered around us. ' We
have, ns a jonrnalist, refrained during
(ho; first
private character. Our aim has been place, and an engraver 'by' the 'name of
higher nnd we believ it has been nobler. ! Hoadle. of Buffalo. N. Y.. interested in
A sincere desire to subserve the interests th.e city of Saratoga, situated right along
of the entire territory, and not the j the side of Omaha, catched up the idea
tious purpose of a cliipio which we dc and engraved this renowned envelope
spise, has prompted all that we have said ' ihi 'ijpr" envelope, which looks some
in our columns and stimulated us wherev thing like the map of Mexico, printed iipon
er we have labored. And now that the J ten cent muslin after a hard fought ltt!e.
heat of the contest has cooled, and an 1111- ( This Beadle, has nuolher rail-road, run
biassed bene of justice asscru its bway)n;ng from the great city of Saratoga,
we feel called upon to say a word with : (which also appear upon this bogus yaller
regard to the gentlemen whose name envelope) called the "Davenport and Ta
headi this article. He is our neighbor cific R. R." rurrriing away up the Platte
and our frsonel frietid. lie has leeu a river to siine other bogus city, leaving
roident our county sime m first 01. Florence, the only city of enterprte, in
?ai.izaiion. We have tried the mettle of thai vicinity altogether in the shade. It
ins stcei in ui inv a lunl fouL'ht t attle. 11 ihn ttmt .,... ,(,rr ..i,n
710 Aarbn Brown,YilsonReynolde.Richard
Kimball, John Uernard.O. A. Vilie, and
all othre whom it may concern take notice
that on Friday, August 14, 1857, at 8 o'clock
A. M.I will a'pplv at the Land Office in Omaha
for the purpose of proving my risht to pre-empt
the W. 1 or the N. W. qr, "in section number
18, In township number 13, in range number
11, and the E. ( of the N. F.. or. of section
number 13, township number 13, range number
U, east of the nth principal meridian in e
brak,i Territory.:
' ;" j. 11. smith
Ilellevtte, July 20, 1S57. 2t.
1 '
And upwards.
"IOl'SBF.RO, the well known Dagurrean
X. and Amnrotype Artist, -would respectful
lv invite the citizens of Hellevu, and stran
cr generally, to g v him a call at his l.lrge
Tent, or Dngtierrean Room, which his been
put up wih a largo s de and sky light, for
taking hkenesse. and h;ivm plenty of light
the picture can be made with but little shade
He alphas the fines': Sock of cases an-
small frames everbrotight here, which lie will
eell cheaper, including the likenesarg, than
ever have been mild bv anv other artist in t'
city, Ht therefore trusts that alj persons that
wish to brnin good and cheap likenesses to
give him a call, at the new and lare Tent,
nearly opposite the School House, and in front
of Pike, i) (.rorery More.
N. 11. Houses, Horses and Buggies will
be copied, on short notice, but only in elottdv
weather, If called for soon, at reasonable
price, a-i be probably will not stay longer
than one week.- . . .
3(1 ROERbT.RG, Operator,
1 1
And Fancy Gopds,
Our stock is entirely nevtr, very
large1, and carefully selected, and
by adhering strictly to the
cash system, we are able'
to' offer very great in- (
ducements to all . who " j
may favor us with '
; a call. ''
Corner of Jefferson and 27th street,-
Opposite the Fontenelle Bank,
tention of the citizens ef Bellevue, Sar-
y county, and the surrounding country, to
;ieir new and selected stock of , j
Which they offer at Wholesale and Rtall at
? rices 30 per cent, lower thaa ever before of
ered in this city. We can and will sell
Goods as low if not lower than they can be
bought In Omaha or Bluff City. Tlease call
and examine for yonrselves;
Bellerue, May 28, 1857. . .-,,,
Just Rrcelved, and for Sale,
A LARGE stock of Furniture, consisting in
art of Wood, Rush, Bpindle, Split Bottom,
le, Mahoganv, Children's sno
.lennv Und. iuanl'
Office Chairs, llockers, 4.c.t Bureaus, Center,
Card. Office, Breakfast and Pinner Tables,
Lear, Toilet, work ami wssn atanns, winc
IJesks, Sofas and Sofa Lounges, Double Bd
Single I)uni;es. Trundle Beds, Bedsteads of
various kinds, Tin S.ifes. Mattresses, ic,
Terms cash. PALMER 4. AVERILL.'
33tf "
rUST RF.CEIVED, a large and fine sort
' ment of Cut's Shoe end Gaiters. - ,
. 10
and liavc very wh?ro ami al-.vuy fmii-.J
him n M , fcarl 'i aud ttpmlrnt ci .
vnent. Ht t-tit::ftc:n:i an 1 r-iiiun!.
i wiicr. c.r-.- !''' r, .- tr-i to 1 tf
some nicu shiirjrrs
liave ihto thimuiintry, wiihout ono
jifr.ny in tlioir po ket but Uass uough
in their fVe n li( them from all rnr
f ! . ; it 1 -l" ?.-
THE unjersigned takes this method of in
forming the citizens of Bellevue, and vicinity,
that he has just received the Lahgbst and
Best assortment of i
CookiiiK. Parlor K OUlre Hiorr.
ever brought to this Territory. ' He would res
prctfully invite all In want of Stovis, to est)
ami examine for themselves.
I am alo manufacturing '
of all kinds, such as Huckkts, 1'eiri.a Pot,
Pans, STHviKERk JLc., c, and all articles in
my linn of biiini'ss.
ijV"P;trticuiar atteiition paid to Uonrixc,
Srocua arid job work of even' description.
All vturu v. Jirai.tcd t;i give satUfactiun. .Or.
di'is solicited. ; Mv ijjreof busilD'SJ in orno
. siLe Hie Prin'i!' Ollice. Brtll.-viif, N. T. .
. '" r " vvrrr. sxydt.r.
ANOTLER LOT of Clothing tist received
f 1 r t
PALMER ft AVERILL have n hand a lot
of fine Black Doeskin and Casstmeret
also, a large lot of fancy Cassiraeres. Those
wishing 'a good article would un well to call'
and examine the above. ' 1 33tf;
NAILSand GLASS Cheap at tbe BELLE
UTLERY A large assortment of Pocket
J Knives, Knives and Forks, Jtc., at the
rV A large stock rf READY-MADT
CLOTH I NO, at Eastern Prices, cao be fount
at the BELLEVUE STORE. no 30-tf...
rpHF. LARGEST LOT of Furniture aiwf
L Crockery ever brntieht to the Territonr,
can be found at PALMER k. AVERILL'
ILOURi Salt. Salmon, Mackerelaad Ci
fish, at wholesale or Retail, bv