Local & Miscellaneous. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to tbe "Gatette" for subscription or advertisements, will please make lmmediaU payment toT. B. Lemon, th autborlied agnt for collections; and person who hav account! against tht paper, will pre tent them, with their voucher, to tht agent, for settlement, without delay. DiLttrot. Our city presents at the present time a lively aspect. Business is improving1 very fast, and buildings and improvements of various kinds are ad vancing rapidly. Tbe Fontenelle Bank building, now in progress of erection on Main Street, is a fine brick building, 23 by 42 feet, two stories high, with a basement of 8 feet. Mr. Bulkeley, is putting up a large frame Store adjoining the Fontenelle Bank, 22 by 0 feet. Mr. Wattles is putting up a jsrge brick Livery Stable. Mr. Johnson js building a' house 22 by 30, in the same neighborhood. S. A. Strickland is build ing a fine dwelling house, and besides these, there are now in progress of erec tion fifteen dwellings. ' Stone is now being hauled to build the foundations of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches, and the Court House and other county buildings will be finish ed this fall. Bellevue, in a short time, will present a beautiful appearance, situated as the city is, on one of the handsomest plateaus on the Missouri river, whose high bluffs presents a barrier to that ever changing stream, through which it cannot break or overflow in all time to come. Let those who wish to seek a delightful home in the far west, visit this city look at its advan tages, and prospects in the future, and they will be satisfied. In our next we will recur to this subject again. Bellevue Lodok No. 4, or I. O. of O F. On Thursday evening the 6th inst., a new Lodge of the I. O. of O. F. was insti tuted at this place by D. Grand Sire Holly, under very favorablo auspices. The following Brothers were elected of ficers for the present term, and duly in nailed, to wit: VV. H. Cook, N. G.; R. W. Bulkley, V G.i W. W. Harvey, Sec'y; S. A. Stride land, Treasurer. Thb Carltle FrxRY. Messrs. Car- lyle and Bennett's ferry over Platte Riv r, at Cedar Island, is in successful ope alion, and travelers meet with no delay t this point. They have employed care lul and attentive men at this ferry, and the traveling community are assured that every attention will be paid to ensure a speedy transit ncrosss this stream. The enterprising onJ gentlemanly proprietors 'deserve the thanks of the public, and we hope that their energy ia establish a good ferry may be rewarded by the patronage of the public. Steamboat Arrivals. During the past week the follow Steamers arrived at our landing, and passed up the Missouri: Watossa, Hesperian, Alonzo Child, Ben Bolt and Florence. They all had a full complement of freight and passengers. Tho river is low and is still falling. Call akd try them. -By reference to another column, you will find the adver tisement of Roscsuao, the celebrated Da guerean and Ambrotype artist ' He will remain a fev days to give you an opportunity to "Secure the shadow, 'ere the substance fades." Mr. Whitehead, another artist, holds forth in the School Housa. Tbe good cit izens of Bellevue, have now a choice, if they wish life like pictures of themselves v friends. New Steam Boat. The Hesperian, a new boat passed up on last Friday morning. She is a staunch, beautiful craft, and front appearances, she is one of the test boats on the upper Missouri. How ie it. We understand that during the session of the Legislature, last winter, some three or four enactments were made for the pur poM of locating roads of considerable im portance to the citizens of Sarpy county and the city of Bellevue. Commissioners were also appointed to locate those roads, and . they have never performed their duty. The roads and In dian trails running through the Prairies to different points are being all fenced up, and a stranger would scarcely know how to get from one point to another. We ask for information how is it? ' ' CSTCov. Walker has not. as is ru mored proclaimed the Free State men of Kansas insurgents, but has summoned the military to protect tbe officers in their tl forts to collect taxes under the Territoria liins. Home Aoaix. Wo' clip the following from the Capitol Chy Fact, printed at Col umbus, Ohio : "A Testimonial. Fred. Rife, Ksq., well known to the sojourners of the " Neil House, was presented by Ins friends, with a beautiful set of spoons. Fred's untiring1 energy has made him one rf the most popular attachees to a hotel in our city. May his shadow never grow less." Not long since, we received a letter from friend Rife, in which he remarked : " After perambulating tho states of Indi ana, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri also the territories of Minnesota, Nebraska and Kansas, last winter, 1 came to the conclusion that there was " no place like home," and so I returned." Now Fred., perhaps you found tha there was something wrong with the whisky for it is said that out here, and the other places through which you were traveling,whisky kills foriy yards ofT-hartd, whilst at Columbus it will kill in five feet and then you will have to take a rest! quite a difference, but let that pass. We will say this for Fred he is a clever, whole souled fellow ho treats stranger with politeness and urbanity, and if they should be athirst, he is the very boy who can Jixupn. nice cool lem onade, either with, or without a fy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1TOTI.GE'. IS hereby given to O. Dcnlson and to all concerned, that I will appear at the Land Office in Omaha, N. T., on Friday, Aug. 14, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and prove iny right to pre-empt the south 1-2 of the north east 1 -4 and the north 1-2 of the aouth eait 1-4 of Sec. 24, Township 14, Range 12, east of the Oth principal meridian in Nebraska Territory. 2t39V . L. H, CASE. KOTICE TS hereby given to Conrad Bauman, and to jl an concerned, mat 1 snau appear at the Land Office, in Omaha, N. T , on Friday, Aug. 14, to prove iny richt to pre-empt the east 1-2 of the north west 1-4 and the north 1-2 of the aouth west 1-4 of Sec. 19, Township 14, Range 13, east of the flth principal meridian in Ne braska Tcrrritory. 2t39 THOMAS NYE. MOTICE TS hereby riven to William Garnson: and JL Elser B. Garnson, and all other persons concerned, that I ahall appear at the Land Office in Omaha, on the 17th day of Aug. 7, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and prove, inr right to pre-empt the N. W. 1-4 of S.W. 1-4 of Sec. 4, and the N. 1-2 of S. E. 1-4, and the S. W. 1-4 of N. E. 1-4 of 8ec. . in T. 13, R. 13, east oi om pr. meria. n.i. 2t39" . JAMES J. WEAVER. A GOOD LIKENESS FOR $1,00, And upwards. ROESBERG, the well known Dagurrean and Ambrotype Artist, would respectful ly invite the citizens of Bellevue, and stran ger generally, to give him a call at his large Tent, or Daguerrean Room, which has been put up with a large aide and sky light, for taxing likenesses, ana naving plenty or light, the pictures can be made with but little shade He also has the fines': S'ock of cases and small frames ever brought here, which he will sell cheaper, including the likenesses, than ever have been sold by any other artist in this city. He therefore trusts that all persona that wish to obtain good and cheap likenesses to give him a call, at the new and large Tent, nearlv opposite the School House, and in front of Pile, Grocery Store. N. B. Houses, Horses and Buggies will be copied, on short notice, but only in cloudy weather, if called for soon, at reasonable price, a he probably will not stay longer than one week. 30 ROESBERG, Operator. TAKE KOTICE. TO George Dixon, and nil others whom It may concern. You are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Office In Omaha on the 8th of August, 1857. at 8 o'clock. A. M. to prove my right to enter by pre-emption the oouiu cast quarter or aecuon number ii8, in township number 14, in range number 12, east of the 6th principal meridian in Nebraska Territory. A. D. WETMORE. July 27, 1807. nxrotio. QTnO Barnard Relley, and all other whom ait it may concern take notice, that on M. I will apply at the Land Office in Omaha, m jl - , .... ior m purpose or pro vine mv rigut to pre empt the W. t of the N. W. qr, section num ber 14, in townshin number 13. in ranee num ber 12 eat of the 6th principal meridian of ncDnati lerruorr. "CHARLES C. SPEAR. Bellevue, July 20, 1857. Notice. irnOJohn Bernard, O. A. Vtlie, and all A. other whom it mav concern take notice that on Friday, August 14. 1857 at 8 o'clock. A. M. I will apply at the Land Office in Omaha, ior me purpose or proving mav right to pre empt uic rt.oiun.r. qr, oi section num ber 13, in township number 13, range number 13, east of the 6th principal meridian in Ne- orasita lerruory. CORNELIUS R. LIGHT. July 27, 1857. 2t. . Notice. 9T0 Aaron Brown,WilsonReynold.Richard A Kimball, John Bernard.O. A. Vilie, and all othres whom it mav concern take notice that on Friday, August 14, 1857. at 8 o'clock, A. M. I will apply at the Land Office In Omaha, for the purpose of proving my right to pre-empt the W. i of tha N. W. qr, in section number 18, in township number 13, in rang? number 41, and the E. of the N. E. qr. of section number 13, township number 13, rang number 13, east of the 6th principal meridian in N- oraiaa lerruory. J. H. SMITH. Bellevue, July 20, J 857. 2t. GLENWOOD HOTEL, BY Corner of Locust aad Coolcdge streets, GLEMTOOP, IOWA. VARIETY STOJIE. - - A . . - THE underlfd !; opened, hesr tilt Printing Office, in Bellevue, a lane and varied assortment of Goods, , Among the variety may be found DRY GOODS, Such as Brown Muslin, Calivv Sfceotinr, Shirting, - Hosiery, Ac. KNIVES, FORKS, SCYTHES, - t WOOD-SAWS, v SHOVELS, 1 HAY-FORKS. SPADES, TEA-KETTLES, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, tc, I'ogelher with a quantity of Boots c3 SHOOS Segar, Rake, Rope, Hotse-Collars, Carpet sack, Window Sash, Door, ... TEAS AND 8UOARS. Toboceo, Queens ware, Glassware, Flour, Crackers and a great many more article. They keep constantly on hand, a large as sortment of good Wines and Liquors, Warranted lh best qualltyj cheap for cash. n37U J. v. HORN at CO. LUMBER! LUMBER! 1 fifl (ff Feet of Tin Lum- X V J J U U ,ber for sale bv ARNOLD, EBY A SllERK. 3T Enquire at the Benton House, no. 37. 3m, pf. FOH lUI.E. A valuable timber Claim of 160 acres, with in three miles of Bellevue City, for sale. Eu qulre at this Office. . n37tf. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES; Or, The Forger Convicted. Do you wani (o havt a Hurt Preventive against Counterfeiting Dank Notes ? HEAD I HEAD J ! HEAD!!! Subscribe ! Subscribe ! Subscribe I JOHN S. DYE is the Author, and the Bank Note engraver all say that he is the greatest judge of paper money living. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I BETTER THAN THE BEST! Published weekly. The whole only One Dollar a Year. CREATEST DISCOVERY of the present century for detecting counterfeit Bank Notes; describing every genuine bill in existence, ana exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in cir culation. Arranged so admirably that refer ence is eaay and detection instantaneous. No pages to hunt up, but so simplified and arranged that the merchant, banker and business man can see all at a glance. It has taken vears to make perfect this GREAT DISCOVERY. The urgent neces sity for such a work has long been felt by commercial men. It ha been published to supply the call for auch a preventive, and needs but to be known to be universally patronized. It does more than has ever been attempted by man. It describes every bank note in three diflerent languages English, French and Ger man. Thus each may read the same in hi own native tongue. " Tkrms. Tbe paper will be about 28 by 42 Inches, and will contain the most perfect Bank Note List published, together wiui the rat of discount. Also a list of all the private Bank er in America. . complete summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in each edition, together with all the important news of the day. Also INTERESTIFO STORIES from an old manuscript found in the East, and no where else to be found. It has never yet appeared in print, and furnishes the most com plete history of Oriental Life, and describing the most perplexing positions in which the Ladies and gentlemen of that countrv have been o often found. These stories will con tinue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. .. j PS" Furnished weekly to subscriber only at $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN 8. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 3m32 70 Wall Street, New York. EICHER & TAVEH?0T,; ' MERCHANT TAILORS, WOULD respectfully inform tht citizena v n,11.l..li fl rwl uirtlr.; tknl k f t wvinmr u-i.ia f i.iuh uia. tut; naif commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS la the building formerly occupied by J. M. Bar tav.rorner MAIN etreet and FIFTH AVEN UE, ana miena Keeping constantly on nana CLOTHS, - ' CASSIMERE8,' ' ' il Ji and VESTINGS, ' ' Which will be made up to order with neat ness and dispatch. . ' Alio, FURS and HIDES bought Or taken in exchange tor goods. iio 30-tf. BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR HOT E L , ' ' OFFERS EVERY To the Public, and will render ASSIDUOUS ATTEaiTIO To tht wants of HIS GUESTS. " ' ' " J. T. ALLEN. , nellevue, Oct 23, 1956. .t . : , : W. II. Longsdorf, II. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offie on Main, between Twenty-Fifth and Twenty. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 30 LOTS IN BELLEVUE. Also SHARES BELLEVUE STOCK dj ELK HILL ADDITION lo JUNCTION CITY, Eor further particulars enquire of T. M. McCORD. ' At the Fontenrlle Ewik. Bellevue, April 18, 1W. C6-tf WOOL.WOKT11S NEBRASKA IN 1857. THIS work will again b ready for delivery by the 17th Intt. Th first upply was re ceived lt week and was Immediately told. A new County Map, corrected by Mr. livers, according to the county boundaries establish ed by the Legislature last winter, ha been engraved expressly for the work, and will ap pear In the next edition. Resides a history of the Territory, it con dition and prospect, the work Contain the claim law of Nebraska, and a digest of the United States pre-emption laws, making a complete pre-emptor'a guide. Every peraon Interested In Nebraska should have a copy of the work. Price, with tbe map, 75 cents) without the mn. 60 cents. Single copies mail ed, postag paid, on receipt of price, to any tart of the country. C. C. WOOLWORTH, Omaha, June 11, 1W7 32lf Publisher. DObKS, STATIONK1VY AND PAPER HANGINGS. A complete assortment at , WOOLWORTH'S Hookstore, uraana uty, N. i. 5? Special agent for School Books. S 32 THE MISSOURI RIVER AND IOWA STONE COMPANY. v AT ST. MARYS, MILL CO., . ! J. ' IOWAi' " ' ARK prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Kfbrislca with SAND, GRAVEL, LIME, ROCK, at BUILDING STONE of every variety, li and shape. Thevhave facilities fcr quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that nay tr needed, and also intend to msks BRICK. WATER LIME, &C. 100 Laborres REFERANCES: P. CHootsao Ja, at Co., St. I.OI)I. GSEKNE, WtAai, k. filNTON, Council Divrrs. . All orders should be addressed to JNO. W. ANTHONY, 8cntTar. St Marys, March loth, 1947. 21tf. 0MAIU ADVERTISEMENTS. I. A, JOIftS. oso. w, wooc, i THE LARGEST Drug & Chemical House 1 IT THE WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, - WlIOlESALK AND RETAIL DjKALEBS IN Drugs, Chemicals, ' Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, "Window Glass, Wine., Liquor, Cigafs, lobacco, A.e. Slc. Ac. Having purchased the entire stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C. A. Henfy 4. Co., together with our own full purchase, we are now enabled to offer the public as complete an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS a can be found west of the Mississippi river. Our stock is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska tradej and having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, w feel assured in. our statement, that If Fine Goods, aa regards quantity, qual ity and price, are anv object to those dealing in DRUGS and MEDICINES, we can offer these inducements to a greater extent than any other house in the West. Coimtry Merchant and Physicians are requested to examine our lock nerore purcnasing elsewhere n 13-U JUAL3 ii. WUIU7. BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE quantity of first rat Brick and Lumber for Sale, at reasonable rates. Enquire at my Ofliice near the Benton House. I V t r sr nn r . Ira A. W. Buck. LAND and General Agent. Pre-Emptlon Papers prepared, Land Warrants bought and sold. Olficn in the Old State House, over the U. S. Land Office. . . REFER TO Hon. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, Omaha, lion. Enos Lowe, Hon. S. A. Strickland, Bellevue. Hon. John Finney, Hon. J. Sterlinr Morton. Nebraska Cltv. Omaha, June 20, 1857. S NO MORE HARD TIMES. : 8. Mf. PIKE, ' ' TTAS established himself in a NEW GRO- xx wt.Hi t I uk b, in Bellevue. on Mission Avenue, east of Main Street, where he will keep constantly on hand, all kind of fresh Flour, , . .... i , . - ' '.Sugar,' ... Coffee, . ; , ' ; Teas. Rice, . Fis Slc. ery other article usually kept la a 'Grocery A meat mirltat ia Vant in tha t,aa- mant afnrv. for (ha iprnmmjj j ti rtn a tha i. izens of Bellevue, and vicinity. 85 3m LITHOGRAPHING AND EtRAVIG ESTABLISHMENT AT Office Levee, at th old Trading Toat. TOWN PLATS, Maps, Sketches, Headings of Letters, Bills and Certificate, and every description of plain and fancy engravinj and lithographing work neatly done. Our presses being of th best and most im proved kind, we hope to execute work equal to the best in tbe United States. 8. W. Y. SCHIMOXSKY, 3m32 THOS. P. BOYES. n. T. CLASKK. A. M. CLAAKC CLARKE & BRO.s FORWARDING akd COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' 8TEMBOAT AND COLLECTING AGENTS,. BELLEVUE. NEBRASKA. Dealeri in P'ne Lumber, Loon, Saih, iriour, meal, &con, &c., &o. t7 Direct Goods oare Clarke Si Dro CIIAS. CIIRISTOHIER, MACHINIST & COPPER SMITH, In all it Eranchei. . BELLPVyB AHI? OMAHA. BELLEVUE (Coiiuiicrciul , BOOTS Jto Ladies Anemorocru sllnners. kid and morocco THE undersigned respectfully solic it the attention of the citizen of Bellevue and vicinity, to their extensive assortment of goods, embracing every variety usually kept In the west. The attention of the ladle I particularly railed to our large asaurlment of dress good, eonslsting In part of silks, French and Anmrh-an Jaconet and Organdy Lawns, Berages, De Lain., Ac. Figured and Plain Swiss, Jaconet and Rook Muslins, Calicos, Rtbkeo, Artifi cial Flower and Wreath, Drei Trimmings, Hosiery, Bonnets, Flat, Ac. . . ameled and cilf skin lace boota, black and colored gaiters, Ac. Gent' fine morocco and rslf skin boots, fine cloth, calf skin and patent leather gaiters, w'd and peg'd monroes, slippers, Ac. Children' shoes, a great variety ia & Men' and boys' fin felt, weol, Panama, great variety. o Xj o "X":i.i i rg- cs-. The largest stock ever opened In till county, consisting of coats, pants, vesls. !iirts, col- lars, ever-all, Ac. c. of all sizes, styles, and quality, for men, boys and children. A great vsrKty of both English and American manufacture, Carpenters' tools, Ac. Hous iteper and builders will And it to their advantage to call before purchasing lwhr. .ALSO. Queensware, Medicinus, Extracts, ' Oysters, Choice Cigars, Furniture, Flour, Also, a large Ctroooi-ios. fl t V a .lui. .t-flnl.. In.l1.- ... 1 1 1. . ..... M. ni.w.w . .it-i.., k'quivi wiui m KieHi i.rifiT noi Dieniionvci, win 0 sola low ror cash. ' All kinds of merchantable country produce taken in exchange for good. Also Dry Hides. Furs. Ac. Thankful for tha lih.eal natrnnara li.r.tnfnr. ).. .1.1 i. ... I. m. ..si sent of this county, w earnsitly solicit it continuance. 3mos31 .. . P. A. SARPY, Wholesale & Retail Merchant, coaxt or maist and uaaooav strceti, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale:, a large assortment of selected merchandise adapted to th wants of all In this new and thriving community, which he can sell aic heap as can be otfored elsewhere so high upon the Missouri river. Uis goods nave been selected bv an experienced uurchaser. with anecial reference to the circumstance and wants of all classes of settlers in a new country La dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all can be supplied. Call and ne for yourselves. His stock consist of the following, among a great many other article he cannot now nu merate: Among his , ... Dry Goods, May o foaM Woolen and Satinet Cloths, Cassmets, Twred( Cashmeres, Linsey, Flannel, Red, White, Cray and Blue, Caspian Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Shirting, Hiencned and Unbleached, lllue and White, Drilling, Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, Ac, Ac. Fancy Goods. A til's utif ill assortment of fancy prints of every variety of style and pattern. Gingbains, awns, figured .upacca, uomoazines, Hom bayetts, Shawl, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbon, uomin?. A well selected stock of Summer. FafI and Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine Dress Coats, Pants aud Vests also, good Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also,SliirU, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, Ac.. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, Qualities and prices. Boots A Mioes, truck and tlim, polished and unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, and (jnuuren's use. . Groceries. r....h.j ru-!!.-.! i "..J n ...... -,,iir,i . . i ,t i ifi.i. i.wi aim iiittwii r.iij;i,r, Molasses, Syrup Molasses Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coifee,iasafras, r.;... I.n.,.P -!.... s..:.. r'i.... . uuiot, Myyvtf viu.c.f I7ii.. iiiiia Ul VII, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snuits, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Caudles, Vinegar, Pickle repper-oauce, tee. . A . Provision. . . ? A large assortment of Flour, of varion qualities and prices Corn Meal and all th vanou product of the Jrarm and Garden j cacon, tin. Klin dried Apjles, reaches, Currant, Raisins. Ac. Hardware Stoves of various pattern, for Cooking and and araall Iron Kettle, Frying Pan. Skillet Hand-Iron, Shovel and Tongue, Manure and Hay Fork, Scythe. Shovel and Spade, Log and Trace Chains. Axes, Hammers, Pincer iron ana steel, I a Hi, rtorse-Kasps, Hl Saw, Knives and Fork. Pocket Knives, Ra tors. Butt and Screws, Door Handle, Knoh, Locks, Ac, Ac. Tliirtre. A general assortment kept for housshok purpose. . , Woodware, Wash-tubs, Shaker Pail, Wood and Zinc Washboards. Leather. 8oIe Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skin. Calf Skin, Lining and Morocco, Paddle, Bridles, Halters, Lariate, Cireinjle, Belly-bands. Driving-lines, Collars, Back traps, Girth, Dlind-lirldtcs, Ac., bb, ' Medicines. A general assortment of Medicine, for Fevers, Fever aud Ague, and th common complaints of tbe country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappenytou's, Bragg' and Jay nee' Pills, Qui nine. Tonics, and various kind of Stimulant, Anodyne, liniments, and other article neees sary for the sick and the invalid. - 1-tf rozt SALE. LOT T. Block 25 Irt , Block 253 Lot T Block 180 1 Lot 10, Block 177 1 Lot Block 248 Lot 4. Block 128 t Lot 10. Block 58 ( Lot 3, Block 242 1 Lot V. Block 133 Lot 4. Block tA; Lt2, Block 133, Lot 8, Block 72 Lot t0.lt and 12, Block 111, in Bellevue City. For term enquire of ? HOLLOW Y A KELLETL Bellevue House, April 30, 1837. lA-tf ii. coos eajrriTH. c. a. arTTiarui n GriiQth'& Butterfiold. BUTCHERS, ana oeaiers in CATTLE, SHEEP and SWINE, have permanently located themselves in Bellevue City, and are prepared to furnish the citizen of Bellevue with fresh meat on Tuesday and Saturday morning of each week, and oftener if necessa rv. They can be found in the Basement of S. M. Pike's Grocery and Provision Store, whr they wj t fcappj U wait upon thir custom ers. 9ib?3 Emporium ! ! SHOES. buskins, rarodi ties, and Jennvl.lnd. kid. en t sj curracon. teaneK. Irborn. palm. a ' stork of choice Glassware, Perfumery, Essences, Preserved Fruits, Tobacco, Wooden Ware, Fish, &d. : 1 ... 1 1 , ..... t - . . . . Main Street. Huffman's Stage Line. BBfLEVUK, ST. MARYS . JXm AND QLBNWOOD SiX STAGE LINE. 'a HUFFMAN'S LINE will leave Glenwood, via. St. Mary for Bellevue, on Mon day', Wednesday's and Saturday', at 10 o'clotk, A. M., and will leave the Benton House, Bolleviie, via. 8t. Mary for Glenwood, on the same day at 1 o'clock, Y, Wt, This Line connect at St. Mry,with th Council rtlulTs and St. Joseph Stages, and at Glenwood with the varioir. line from th Mi iisippl to tile Missouri Rivers. Travelors im this Line will And every con venience and accommodation, to make their trips pleasflnt and speedy. Comfortable Coaches, Careful Drivera and well-foit Horses. noMf. ROBERT HUFFMAN. r SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Regular Packet for Kansas, Leavenworth, Weston, St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point, Nebraska City, Bellevue, Council muns, Uinaua and . Florence. , TH E new a nd elegant Passenger Steamer Florenoe, J. Throck- Immfnn Mnalar r V M... 1 v., W . ... UUIUI.Rp Clerk, will commence hrr trips as a regular packet in tha above trade, on th opening of navigation in tbe spring, and Will remain in it throughout the season. . . The Florence having teen built under the superintendence of tbe uneerslgned, expressly for the trad, is of extraordinary strength, and well adapted to it in every particular. A rea sonable share of the patronage of shippers. ill .Via .11.. 1 .... . . iiu jruuui; RiMirrariv, ia respectruiiy soli cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Matr. J. V.. (towmaw, Clerk, SEASON AKRAXGE.tIENT. Regular Packet for Kansas, Nebraska City, Bellevue. Com cil Bluffs, Omaha. ou riorence, . ,T,IE n'w Bni el'Hant Steamer . i"ier, Hutchinson, Clerk, will run aa a regular packet, to th, above and all intermedial point on th Mi, owl river, and peron can rely upon her con tinmng In th trade regularly during th season. llie Min-oe-ha-ba ia en entirely new boat, buUUxpressly for the Mis-ourl River trade! and being fitted, up ia th UUet and most ap proved style, her officer feel confident, that strict attention to the comfort of Passengers, and to business, will make her th favorite b?at in th trad. . . CIIAS. BAKER, Maeter. . Hctchiiiso!, Clerk. i It. T. Clarke, Agent. . ' 2A Tailoring! Tailoring I The undersigned bes leave to inform the citizen of Bellevue and vicinity that he 1 Kens red to do custom work, in the latest shion and most approved tyl. If tU confident that hi work is unsurpassed East or West ; and by moderate price respectfully solicit a har of th public patronage. He will always be found ready to receive order at the Bellevu House. iu,i w u JOSEPH BRAY. Bellevu, N. T. March Itth 18S7,tf STONE MASON AND Plasterer. THE Undersigned having eonnnenced th above bitmne in Bclicvue, is prepared to do all work in his line, at the shortest no tice, ia the best manner, and on the most ?ea sonabl terms. WM. WILEY. ' IjV Four or five good Plasterers, will M constant en)Iyment, and good wages, e aj plieation to th above. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 130. 2-tf Charlea E. Watson, CITIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Bellevu City, Nebraska Territory, pre-t fesses to be poUd" in th lav of th land in this vicinity, and oUers hi services t smbj aa mav need them, on reasonable terms. Si?" He will also act as agent, for th pr chase or al of Real Estate, in the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished npeea application. Declarations Bled and1 pre-emptions obtained. 4.1 FARMERS READ! , TOHN P. HORN , CO., r-sr th Pri-.Hns J Office, Bellevue, hav on hand shovels. Hoe, Spades, Forks, Hames, aad a general viiurni 01 r arming 1001. tail and see, July, IS, 1857. 33ft BOOTS and SHOES Twenty eases ef Boots and Shoes, all sixes, at th . BELLEVUE STORE. 50 Clr. n t C.H im. &4A .J s. V aw a si v ak a u. m. 1. 1111 1 11 i." '.. w iiu rniiM sr n31f.