Local & Miscellaneous. notici:. ALL PERSONS Indebted to ttic "Oarette" tar snbsrrlntlon or mlverHaemenla nluu male Immediate payment to T. I). Lemon. the puuionzru agent lor collections; and persona who hsvs accounts against the paper, will pre sent them, with their voucher, to the agent, for iettlement, without delay. Steam IVrrt Boat. This long wished for, and useful article on the Missouri river has come at last, and was put in operation on yesterday. It is one of the finest Ferry boats on the river, and will be of vast importance to Bellevue, Council Bluffs and St. Mary. We are not advised at this time, whether Bhe will have only one landing on the other hide, or run to St. Mary, the loner land ing of Council Bluffs, and Traders Toint alternately. In any event Bellevue will give to the above named points, and re receive from them a large amount of travel whirh has heretofore been compelled to seek a fording at other places. Care should be taken by the proprietors to in form the community and travelers, that they can at all times be accommodated with a speedy and safe transit across the river at this point. Trior to the knowl edge of this fact, it is not reasonable to suppose that the boat will make much money, but when it shall le universally known, the investment will be a good one. Thuwder Shower. We were visi'ed by a severe thunder shower, accompanied with high wind, last Sunday afternoon, which played a few pranks about town. A frame building on Main Street, in the proceas of erection, was moved several feet from its foundation, while the Benton House junior, attache of the ninin es tablishment was completely capsized, and the fragments strewed about in mad confusion. Unfortunately for us, we were out " with the tandem team that nature gave us," and took full benefit of the storm be fore reaching shelter. The over .heated atmosphere was cool ed, the parched earth moLtened, and things, animate and inanimate, received a new impetus, causing vegetation to thrive and man to smile again. A Foot Race came off this morning, in front of the Benton House, between an aspiring youth and " three score years and ten." Youth stumbled, and Old Time distanced his competitor and came in twice his length ahead. Time, 2.40. Preposterous. When setiing in our sanctum the other day, scratching our head for an idea in pops a couple of good looking gentlemen, and politely asked us if we had any money on the Fontetielle Bank, which we wou'd exchange for good eastern funds. We squared ourself around and addressed the customer thus: Did you ever know a printer to have any money? "Yes," he remarked "I was once in a tight place, and a printer helped me out." We frankly told him, that was what kept printers to poor that we came to this Territory poor, and could not get any thing unless we acted tcuilfiggcry, and we were opposed to that. Says he "if you wish to live in Nebraska, you mutt act upon that principal," and vanished towards the Fonlenelle Bank. Now, reader this is true, (that is, what he said,) but we suspect that he, like a great many others, when they come across a good Lank a bank which at all times is willing to redeem its issues in silver and gold, they want if they have only one dol lar in the world, to go to the bank to have the pleasure of testing their capacity to re deem their issues. Let such men, and all others come on, tho Fojcteselle Ba.nk, is ready at all times to make good her issues. Attorney General. We have this iveek announced the name of T. E. Ha oo, for Attorney General of the Terri ory of Nebraska. We have only to say, that Mr. I lay cook, is a reliable man, a geod lawyer, and a clever feliow. In conversation with us yesterday, he stated that a report had obtained circulation, that he had withdrawn from the canvass. "Such is not the fact. He is on the track and will be elected. Personal,.- Our old friend E. Gii.es, Esq., who formerly edited a paper in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, was in our city yesterday. He Is looking out for a loca tion to establish a press. We wish him success and will venture to say, that he will make his mark wherever he may locate. Territorial Treasurer We have this week announced the name of W. W. W yuan, of Omaha, as n candidate for Territorial Treasurer. We do this be cause 'he is Loth capable and honest, and will make an excellent officer for that de partment of the Territory. Godiy's Lady's Book. This wclcomo visitor for August, has made its appear ance on our table. It contains a choice collection of literature, patterns for needle work, receipts, &c. &c. This number is equal to any which has preceded it. Can we say anything more in its praise? Dakota Herald. We have received the first number cf a new paper with the above title. It is published by Mr Jo seph Strickland, formery of Ohio, a good practical printer. It makes a neat appearance, and we wish it success Here, Joseph, is our More Roddery. Advices from Cali fornia stale that a defalcation has been discovered in the branch mint at San Francisco. The enormous sum of 14,000 ounces (252,000) was, according to the first accounts, missing in the melting and refining department. The flues were torn down, and the roofs of adjoining houses scraped and the deficit, it is said, has been reduced to 5,000 ounces. It appears that much fine gold is carried up the chimneys or flues which in this case are zig-zag or is carried outside and lost. A correspondent of tho N. Y. Tribune says : How the gold geu into the flue I can not imagine; but then I know nothing of mint matters, nor have I seen any satis factory explanation of it. It is said that at the closing of the mint last fall, when the wastage as explained was very great, Col. Harasythy, the assay er, caused a zig-zag chimney to be erected, and in the course of two and a hajf months the sum of 1,180 ounces was collected from it. It is also said that the sweepings of Davidson's building, (which is flat and next to tho mint) produced 300 ounces, and that from tho roof of Armory Hall. 200 yards distant from the mint, dust to the amount of $180 was collected. These stories may be true, but the public is skeptical on that point. The only won der will bo to find no defalcation there ! DIE I. In tins City, July 23, Mrs. Maria B. Smith, aped 32, wife of E. P. Smith, late of Con necticut. Mr. Smith came to this City, early in the spring, and wag joined by his wife some weeks later, leaving a young duuglilur in Hie east to attend school. In about a week after Mrs. Smith's arrival, sho was taken sick with typhoid fever, which terminated in quick con sumption. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were looking forward with great anxiety, to the future, when thty should be in possession of a happy home, with all the comforts of an eastern one, but thus early were their hopes blighted. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Editor, Please announce the name of Jamfs G. Ciiatman, Esq., of Omaha, as a Candidate for District Attorney for this district, and oblige MANY FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of T. E. Haycook, of riattsmouth, N. T. as a candidate for the office of Attorney General. YOU will please announce the name of Samuel L. Campbell as Candidate for Territorial Auditor at the ensuing August election. MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor : Please announce W. W. WYMAN hi a candidate for Teri-ltnrial Treasurer. HIS FRIENDS. NEW AMI'KIISLMKMS. TAKE NOTICE. riO George Dixon, and all others whom it JL maycoucem. Youarehereby notified that I will appear at the Lnnd Office in Omaha pi the pth of August, 1857, at 8 o'clock, A. M. to prove my right to enter bv pre-emption the South East quarter cf section Dumber 2, In township number 11, In ranee number 12, east of the Oth principal meridian In Nebraska Territory. A. D. WETMORE. July 27, 1957. Notice. 5THO Barnard Reilcy, and all others whom d-L it mav concero-talre notie th.if Saturday, August 15th 1857, at 8 o'clock A. M. 1 will apply at the Land Office in Omaha, for the purpose of proving my.rijht t'l pre empt the W. i of the N. W. qr, section num ber 14, in township number 13, in ranee nuni- I..r10...ln ,1,- :J-- m.i coot .-a me uiu iJuiiL-ipai niriuitii 01 Nebraska Territorv. 'CHARLES C. SPEAR. Bellevue, July 29, ll37. ISTotico. 5mOJohn Bernard, O. A. Vilie, and all JL others whom it may concern take notice that on Friday, August 14, 1857 at 8 o'clock. A. M. I will apply at the Land Office in Omaha, for the purpose of proving mar right to pre empt the W. ) of the N. E. qr, of section num ber 13, in toTPC3hlp number 13, range number 13, east of (he 6th principal meridian in Ne braska Territory. CORNELIUS R. LIGHT. July 27, 1857. 2t. INTotlco. n Aaron Brown,WilsonRcynolds.Richard Kimball, John Birnard.O. A. Vilie, and all otb'res whom it may concern take notice that on Friday, August 14, 1857. at 8 o'clock, A. M. I will apply at the Land Office in Omaha, for the purpose of proing my right to pre-empt the W. 1 or the N. W. qr.'in section number 18, In township number 13, in ranee number I 13, and the E. t of the N. E. nr. of section ' I . 1 A . f 1 an nuniDer 10, lownsuip numner is, range number 13, east of the 6th Iprioctpal meridian in Ne braska Territory. .1. IT. SMITH Bellevue, July ? 157. ?'. VARIETY STOKE. THE undersigned have opened, tieir the Printing Office, in Bellevue, a l.irge and varied assortment of Goods, Among the vaiiety may be found DRY GOODS, Such as Brown Muslin, Calico, Sheeting, Sltlrtin?. Hosiery, Ac. KNIVES. FORKS. SCYTHES, WOOD-SAWS, SHOVELS, HAY-FORKS, SPA I) KS. TV. A- K ETTLF.S, GRIND-STONES, CHAINS, Ac, Together with a quantity of Boots cto Slioos Segars, Rakes, Ropes, Horse-collars, Carpet sacks, Window Sash, Doors, TEAS AND SUCAFlS, Tohoeco, Quecnsware, Glassware, Flour, Crackers and a crent many more articles. They keep constantly on hand, a large as-' oriiiiciii or goon Wiiira anil Liquors, Warranted the best quality ; cheap for cash n37tf J." P. HORN A CO. LUMBER! LUMBER! 1 OH HfiH Feet of Pine Lum-J-UU.UIM 1 ,ber for sale by ARNOLD, F.B Y A SIIERK. fl5?"Enqnire at the Benton House, no. 37. 3in. pd. notice"- IS hereby given to the Stockholders of tho Bellevue Land Claim Association, that there will he a meeting of the Company, in the Fon tenelle Banking House, in Bellevue, on Wed nesday, August 5th, at 1 o'clock, P. M. THOMAS H. BENTON, Jr. President. R. A. Strickland, Sec'ry. FOR SILK. A valuable timber Claim of 160 acres, with in three miles of Bellevue City, for sale. En quire at this Office. ti37tf. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES; Or, The Forger Convicted. Do you rcani lo have a Sure rremnliix against lounferfating Hank .Aorj f HEAD! HEAD J ! HEAD!!! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! JOHN S. DYE Is the Author, and the Bank Note engravers all say that he is the greatest judge of paper money living. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I BETTER THAN THE BEST I Published weekly. The whole only One Dollar a Year. GREATEST DISCOVERY of the present century for detecting counterfeit Bank Notes; describing every genuine bill in existence, and exhibiting at a glance every counterfeit in cir culation. Arranged so admirably that refer ence is easy and detection instantaneous. No pages to hunt up, but so simplified and arranged that the merchant, banker and business man can see all at a glance. It has taken years to make perfect this GREAT DISCOVERY. The urgent neces sity for such a work has long been felt by commercial men. It has been published to supply the call for such a preventive, and needs but to" be known lo be universally patronized. It does more than has ever been attempted by man. It describes every bank note in three different languages English, French and Ger man. Thus each may read the same in his own native tongue. Trans. The paper will be about 28 by 12 inches, Rnd will contain the mos't perfect Bank Note List published, together with the rate of discount. Also a list of all the private Bank ers in America. A complete summary of the Finances of Europe end America will be published In each edition, together with all the important news of theday. Also INTEREST! Kl J STORIES from an old manuscript found in the East, and no where else to be found. It has never yet appeared in print, and furnishes the most com plcte history of Oriental Life, and describing the modi pel piKjtilig purflliuil 111 vtliicll tliC Ladies and gentlemen of that country have been so often found.- These stories will con tinue throughout the whole year, and will prove the moat entertaining ever offered to the public. (n7 Furnished weekly to subscribers only at $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 3in32 70 Wall Street, New York. EICHER & DAVEHP0ET, MERCHANT TAILORS, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Bellevue and vicinity that they havs commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS in the building formerly occupied bv J. M. B.ir tay.corner MAIN street and FIFTH AVEN UE, and intend keeping constantly on hand CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTIXGS, Which will be made up to order with neat ness and dispatch. Also, FURS and HIDES bought ortakenin exchange for goods. no 30-tf. BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR . HOTEL, OFFERS EVERY To the Public, and will render ASSIIU OlS ATTKXTIO To Iht want of HIS GUESTS. J. T. ALLEN. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS3fi. l-tf I W. II. LongBdorf, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.-0(Tc on M--in, betw.et Twenty-Fif'h and Twenty. sixth f-tr"-'. riirv!ie Civ. ;ta( WOOL. WORTH'S NEBRASKA IN 1857. THIS work will again be ready for delivery by the 17th Inst. The first supply was re ceived last week and was Immediately told. A new County Map, corrected by Mr. Byers, according to the county boundaries establish ed by the Legislature last winter, has been engraved expressly for the work, and will ap pear In the next edition. Besides a history of the Territory, Its con dition and prospect g, tho work contains the claim laws of Nebraska, and a digest of the United States pre-emption laws, making a complete pre-emptor's guide. Every person interested in Nebraska should have s copy of the work. Price, with the map, 75 cents; without the map, 60 cents. Single copies mail ed, postage paid, on receipt of price, to any part of the country. C. C. WOOLWORTH, Omaha, June 11, lS.r7 32tf Publisher. HOOK H, STATIONERY AND TArER HANGINGS. A complete assortment, at WOOL WORTH'S Bookstore, Omaha City, N. T. P.T Special agent for School Books. 2v.T2 THE MISSOURI RIVER AND IOWA STONE COMPANY. AT ST. MARYS, MILLs CO., IOWA, ARE prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAM), GRAVEL, LIME, ROCK, A BUILDING STONE of every variety, size and shape. They have facilities for quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that may be needed, and also Intend to make DRICK. WATER LIME, &C. 100 Laborers. REFER ANCES: P. CiioiTTtAU Js, 4, Co., St. Lnui. Grtene, Wicxar, &. Benton, Copncii. Bi.rrvs. All orders should be addressed to JNO. W. ANTHONY, SrcmtTARV. St. Marys, March Mill, lr7. 21tf. 0.11 AH V ADVERTISEMENTS. t. A. JOKES. GEO. W. WOOD. THE LARGEST Drug & Chomical Houso IN THE WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealfm in Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dve Stuffs, 'Window Glass, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, he. Ac. Ac. Hiving purchased the entire stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be lonjine to C. A. Henry, Co., together' with our own full purchases, we are now enabled to offer the public as complete an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS as can be found west of ths Mississippi river. Our stock Is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nibniskft trade j and having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured in onr statement, that if Fine Goods, as regards quantity, qual ity and price, are any object to those dealing in DRUGS and MEDICINES, we can oiler these Inducements to a greater exCenl than any other house In the West. Country Merchant's and Physicians are requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere no 15-tf JONES & WOOD. BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE quantity of first rate Brick and J. Lumber for Safe, at reasonable rates. Enquire at my Ofliice near the Benton House. 35 ' JOSEPH E. PRAY. Ira A. W. Buck, J" AND and General Agent. Pre-Emption .J Papers prepared, Land Warrants bought and sold. Oilice in the Old State House, over the U. S. Land Ollce. REFER TO Hon. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, Omaha. Hon. Enos I,owe, lion. H. A. Strickland, Bellevue. Hon. John Finney, u Hon. .1. Sterling Morton, Nebraska City. Omaha, June 2), 1837. 3f NO MORE HARD TIMES, 8. 1'iki:, HAS established himself in a NEW GRO CERY STORE, in Bellevue. on Mission A vmrxua rAaf t,t Main Rl ranf ss-Kr. I. ...ill keep constantly on hand, ill kinds of fresh Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Teas. Rice, Fish, &.c. He has also a choice lot of liquors, and ev ery other article usually kept in a Grocery Store. VA "neat market is kept in the base ment story, for (tie accommodation of the cit izens of Bellevue, and vicinity. 353ni MTJIOtiRAPHIXC . AND EXGRAVING ESTABLISHMENT AT BoUovuo, 1ST. 1". Office Levee, at the old Trading Post. mOWN PLATS. Maps, Sketches, Headings JL of Letters, Bills aud Certificates, and every description of pUiu and fancy engraving and lithographinz work neatly done. Our prtsscs being of the best and most im proved kind, we hone to execute work equal to the best in the United Stale. S. W. Y. SCI1IMONSKY, 3ro32 THOS. P. BO YES. JOOKING GLASSES of all sires, at " CLEARWATER, WHITE 4. SANDERS. 1.31. POCKET KNIVES and Table Cutlery to be found at CLEARWATER, WHITE k. SANDERS. n31. BEST American Calicoet at 12 1-2 cents per yard, and other Dress Goods in pro portion, at CLEARWATER, WHITE 4; SANDERS, r.31. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CROCK- ery I OUBLE and Single Eastern made liar I I J nesses, at ; CLEARWATER, WHITE k SANDERS I. r.'Jltf- (lot bins! nothing! Clothing! A URGE STOCK OK READY MADE Clothmr of the latest Fashion, at CI FARWATEP. WHITE -. SANPFF. I Juii lib,' 1S.. n31. ?m sow rayifil," BELLEVUE (Commercial JEiiiporium ! ! ""MIE undersigned respectfully solicit ths attention of the cltitens of Bellevue and vicinity, X to their extensive assortment of goods, embracing every variety usually kept In 111 west. The attention of the ladles Is particularly called to our large assortment of dress goods, consisting In part of silks, French and American Jaconet and Organdy Lawns. Berages, D I. nines, fcc, Figured and Plain Swiss, Jaconet and Bonk Muslins, Calicos, Ribbons, Arifl cial Flowers and Wreaths, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Bonnets, Flats, Ac. BOOTS c3 SHOES. ' Ladies flnt morocco slippers, kid and morocco buskins, pa rod I ties, and Jenny Llnd, kid, sn ameled and calf skin lace boots, black and colored gaiters, Ac. Gent's (1st morocoo and calf skin hoots, fine cloth, calf skin and patent leather gaiters, stw'd and ptg'd mourns,, slippeis, fcc, Children's shoos, a great vnrlcty. Men's and boys' fins felt, wool, Panama, curracoa, seanctte, Leghorn, palm, a great variety. OLO T;ri I TNT CS-. Ths largest stork ever fine tied In this county, consisting of coals, pants, vests, shirts, col lars, over-alls, .c. of all sues, styles, and quality, for men, boys and childrtu. A great variety of koth English and American manufacture, Carpenters' tools, &.e. Hans keepers and builders will find it to their advantage to call befor purchasing elsewhere. ALSO, (ueensware, Glassware, Medicines, Perfumery, Extracts, Essences, Oysters, Preserved Fruits, Choice Cigars, ToLacco, Furniture, VToodou Ware, Flour, Fili, 8te. Also, a largo stock of choico Grooorios. All ths above artlclss, together with a great variety not mentioned, will Is sold low for cash. All kinds of merchantable country produce taken In exchange for goods. Also Dry limits, r ura, .c. inaiikrui ror ine nnerai patronage heretofore extended to us by tbt slti- sens of this county, w earnestly solicit Its continuance. 3mos3l P. A. SARPY, Wtaolenalo & Retail Merchant, COHNER OF MAIM AND OREOORV STSEKTS, 8T. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale, a large assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of all in this new and thriving community, which he can sell asc heap as can be offered elsewhere so high upon the Missouri river. His goods have been selected by an experienced purchaser, Willi special reference to the circumstances and wants of all classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all can he supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His stock consists of the following, among a grent many other articles he cannot nw enu merate i Among his Dry Goods, May be. found Woolen and Satinet Cloths, Cnssinets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Linseys, Flannel, Red, White, Gray and Blue, Caspian Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Shirtings, Bleached and Unbleached. Blue and White, Drillings, Osn.iburg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, Ac, &,c. Fancy Goods. A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of every variety of style and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alpacca, Bombazines, Bom bayetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, flolhinff. A well selected slock of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine Dress Coats, Pants snd Vests (also, good Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, Ac. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, qualities mid prices. Boots Sl Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished, of every description, lor Men, Women, und Children's use, Gror files. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Svrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmeg, Sr.ulft, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, Ac, Ac. Provisions. A large assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices; Corn Meal and all ths various products of the Farm and Garden ( Bacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches, Currauts, Raisins, Ac. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking anJ Heating rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbows, larg and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets Hand-Irons, Shovels snd Touirues. Manure aul Hay Forks, Scythes, Shovels'and Spades, Lo and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse-Rasps, Files Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ita 7.ors, Butts and Scrws, Door Handles, Knob, Locks, Ac, Ac. Tinware. A general assortment kept for lioueehnk piirjsei. Wood warp, Wash-tubs, Shakers IVils, Wood and Zinc Washboards. Leather. Kln Hk a-r fSklXlJ., ; a,,' Mr V.ila I aiMins II-. I n.ii,.. r it- NaiMles, Ilridles. Halters. Lariats, Circinirles. t,-n.. i . ,,:..- . ..' lt.ll..l. l:.. rv.n..- ..- straps, Girths, Blind-bridles, Ac, 1.. Modicluo. A general assortment of Medicines, for revei, Fever and Ague, and the common complaints of the country. Cook's, le's, Sappenylon's, Bragg's and" Javnes' Pills, Q.u nine, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants, Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles neces eary for the tick and the invalid. 1-tf . lOlTYiLK. LOT 7, Block t i Lr t , Block 253 i Lot 7 Block 1K) ; irt 10, Block 177 ; Lot 2, Block 21S i Ixit 4, Block m x Lot 10. Block riS i Lot 3, Block 242 t I-ot 8, Block 131 Lot 4. Block Lot 2, piock 135; M , Block 72 Its in, 11 ana 12, Block 111, in Bellevus City. For terms enquire of HOLLOW AY A KELLER. Bellevue House, April 30, ?SA7. 2ii-tf it. coca osirririi. e. r. cTrrarmn Griffith it Butterfleld, BUTCHERS, and neairrs in CATTLE. SHEEP and SWINE, have permsnently loesed themselves in Bellevue City, and are prepared to furnish the citiiens of Bellevus with fresh meat on Tuesday and Saturday morulns of each week, and oftener if neeesss ry. They en be found In ths Basement of S. M. Piks's Grocery and Provision f tors, where they will be hppv t? wi' upon their cintom. rs. e,iTu SEATON tt ROWLE8, Main Strssl. Huffman's Stage Line. BELLEVUE, ST. MARYS XftTSl AND G L V. N W O O D S5jfec V STAGE LINE. Wr-i HUFFMAN'S LINE will leave Glenwood, via. St. Marys for Bellevue, on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10 o'clock, A. hi., srd .rill leave the Benton House, Bellevue, via. St. Marvs for Glenwood. on the same days at 1 o'clock, P. M. This Line connects at St. Marys, with th Council Blulls and St. Joseph Stages, and at Glenwood with the various lines from die Mis sissippl to the Missouri Rivers. Travelers on this Line will find every eon venience and accommodation, to make their trips pleasant and speedy. ComfertabU Coaches, Careful Drivers and well-fed Horses. .JIl 5 9 5 E T HUFFM A N. SriUXtt ARBAXGEMEST." Regular Packet for Kansas. Leavenworth, Weston, St. Joseph, Havsnush, Iowa Point, Nehr-ska City, Bellevue, Council Bluffs, Omaha and Florence. lf'?TJ THE newsnd elegant Passenger Ugm, 'Steamer Florenoe, J. TbrocV M- ' r -T nun ton, Master, J. E. Gorman, Clerk, will commence her trips as a regular packet In the above trade, on the opening of navigation in the spring, and will remain la it throughout Uie season. The Florence having been built under ths superintendence of the uneersigned, expressly for tho trade, is of extraordinary strength, anil well adapted to It In every particular. A rea sonable share of the patronage of shippers, and the public generally. Is respectfully soli cited. J. THROCKMORTON, Master. 2 Vs LL ,"JAKjCh? r k, SEASON AKRAXCE.MEXT. Regular Packet for Kansas,' Nebraska City, Bellevue, Com cil Bluffs, Omaha. - wuu t lorencc. TilE new and eWar.t Steamnr Min-ne-ha-ho, Cm. Charlti Clerk, will run as a regular packet, to the above and all intermediate points on the Mis souri river, and persons can rnly upon her on timiingln the trade regularly during the season. Ihe Min-ne-ha-ha is an entirely new boat, built expressly for the Missouri River trader and being fitted up in ths latest and most ap proved style, her officers feel confident, that strict attention to the comforts of Passengers, and lo husinets, will make her ths favorite b-at in the trade. . CH AS. BAKER, Master. . HoTCHiMsojf, Clerk. H. T Clarke, Agent. J8 . Tailoring ! Tailoring ! Th Uri4-rs!gncd tegs U-vs to inform the citiiens of Bellevue and vicinity that he ia prepared to do custom work, in the latest fashion and most approved style. Hs ftsU cot fHent that bis work is unsurpassed East or West j and by moderate pricea respectfully solicits a shars of ths public patronage. H't will always bs found ready to receive orders at the Bellevus House. n n n. v JOSEPH BRAY. Bellevue, N. T. March 11th 1857,tf STONE MASON AND Tf ir commenced th. 7h . i ... i V . "r,;"UD prpr to do all work in his line, at Die ilmrici tice, In the best Manner, aud on the most rea sonable terms. WM. WILEY. ti' Four or five good Plasterers, will find constant employment, and good wares, on ap-f plication to the above. Bellevae, Oct. 30, H.'irj 2-tf Charles E. Watson, CIIVrL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, J Bellevue City, Nebraska Territory, pro fesses to be " prated" in the lay of the'land in this vicii.it v, and offers Lis services to such as lu.iy need went, on reasonable terms. CV He will also set as agent, for ths pur chase or sals of Heal Estate, in the Territory, or V estern Iowa. Information furnished upon application. DcclaiaUons filed iul pre-emptions obtaiued. 4Jf rARMERS READ! JOHN P. HORN A CO., near the Printing J Ulhce, Bellevue, have on hand shovels. Hoes, Spades, Forks, Haroes, and a general assortment of Farming Tools. Call andses. July, 15, 1S57. 3w3rj B OOT3 and SHOES Twenty ease's e. Boots and Shoes, all sizes, at ths ' i EELLEVl'E STORE. .A. Sa't in Store- sad must t CLAJ1KF. A hi.O. Z( Sacks G JJ sold, bv l-?Mf. '