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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1857)
Local & Miscellaneous. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS Indebted to the "Catette" far subscription or advertisements, will pleoee make immediate payment toT. B. Lemon, the authorized agent for collectiomt and persons who bsve account against the paper, will pre sent them, with their vouchere, to the agent, for Battlement, without delay. Death of lion. Wm. I. Marcjr. The Chicago Daily Timet, of the 7th inst. says: We yesterday received the following dispatch. It relates to its own melancholy intelligence ; it tells of National calamity. The great William L. Maacr, who a few months ago re tired from the State Department with a world-wide fame, is dead ! Albany, July G. The Hon. Win. L. Marcy died at Ball ton Springs, at noon, Saturday. He complained of a slight stitch in his aide, which had troubled hitn for some time, and then walked about a u,uartar of a mile to Dr. Moore's, but not rind in? the Doctor he returned to the hotel and went to his roam, leaving an order at the office that the Djctor should be aent to turn. Dr, M. soon arrived, and on going to his room, found lain dead. His remains will be brought to Albany on Tuesday, at 1 o'clock, in a special train furnished by Mr. Corning, in charge of the Burgess corps, and will be deposited in the Lapitol in this place. Vawitt Stors. See the advertise ment of J. P. Hoaw & Co. They havo and are constantly receiving all kinds of goods, and are selling them cheap. Give them a call and take a look at their varied assortment Steamer Mik-he-ha-ha. This fast running and elegant floating palace, passed this city on her downward trip yesterday morning. Capt. Baker, her commander is one of the oldest pilots on the Missouri, and those who are acquainted with him, always feel safe under his charge. The Officers of this Boat never forget that the Gazdlt is printed in BeUevue, and conse quently on every trip up, they hand our friend Clark, a package of the latest pa pers. Gentlemen you have our thanks. Succeess to the Min-ne-hn-ha. T. & J. A. Nye. Don't forget that these gentlemen are daily receiving from the east large accessions to their already extensive stock of Hardware, Household Furniture, Stoves, Agricultural Imple ments, &c, &.c, at their Stone Hardware Store, on Main Street. Call and examine their large and varied stock and you rati not fail of being suited with both prices and quality. New Mower. Mr. R. Lovejov, of this city, has purchased in Chicago, and brought villi him, one of Rugg's Reapers and Mowers. He gave it a trial on Inst Tuesday, and we learn that it per formed most admirably. We are not suf ficiently acquainted with machinery, to give a minute description of its modut operandi ; but it appears that the machine is pushed along before the horses the driver sits upon a small seat at the end of the iongut, behind the horses, under which is a cast-iron wheel, like a rudder of a boat, the helm, or arm comes up in front of the driver, and is adjusted in such a manner that he can turn the ma chine around stumps or any other impedi mentjn the way of the mower. Mr. Lovejoy is highly pleaspd with ft, and thinks he can " beat all creation" mowing down hay on tfye prairies. Steam Boat Arrivals. Since our last issue the following Steam Boats have landed at our warf, on their passage up the Missouri river. Watosa, Omaha, Ogden, and Min-ne-ha-ha. Business is again becoming lively travelers are wending their way to look up locations in this beautiful Ter ritory, and 'ere long we anticipate a rush inz time. "A Rest tor weary Travelers." How comfortable it is for the weary trav eller as he is plodding his way under the burning rays of the tun, sconhed with fe verish heat, to meet with a shady b wer within who&e cool retreat he finds a bub ling spring, where he can quench his ra ging thirst, and rest his weary limbs but, it is still more cheering, when the evening shades appear, and the sun is about to bide himself behind the western horizon, to come in sight of a comfortable dwelling where the wants of rnvure can be satisfied, and where he can securely rest hit al most worn out body where the kindest attention ts shown to him, and where he feels at home. Such a place can be found at the Bellevue House, kept by Mr. J. S. Allah, Bellevue N. T. New Lumber Yard. Messra Ar nold, Eby & Shirk, have a large quan tity of good Lumber for sa'e. Enquire at the Benton House. Look at their card in another column. CQWarm weather ha not abated. A Good Tea.. The low scurrilous re port of the Convention held in this city, last week, as published in the Js'diratkian, is doing good servce for the nominee of the Convention. Go on, brother Robert son, the good tense of the people of this Territory will tell a tale on the 3d of Au gust, which will open the eyes of some would-be great men of Omaha. New Stove Store. Mr. Samcel Snyder has opened a large Stove and Tin ware Store in this city, opposite the printing office. Mr. Snyder is a first rate workman, and warrants every job he per forms. Call upon him and take a pe-p at his extensive assortment See adver tisement. Asa Wilocs. This splendid and ac commodating boat, on her downward trip, laid up at our wharf, on last Saturday night. She now makes her regular trips between St. Louis and Sioux City, stop ping at all the intermediate landings on the river. Jacksos Iverb, tl e Captain, is a gentleman in every sense of the word, and passengers coming up the river will be well taken care of, during their stay on his boat, and carry with them the kindest feelings towards the officers when they take their leave. We are under many obligations to the officers of this boat, for late papers and other favors. St. Mary akd Pacific City. A few days ago we took a ride to the above named places, and was highly pleased wiih our trip. ' At St. Mary, we had the pleasure of an introduction to that old pioneer of Ne braska, Gen. P. A. Sarpy, who is as hale and robust as a .young man of twenty, His hospitality and gentlemanly bearing, is well known to every one who has had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Mr. Shannon, the Steamboat agent, is always on hand to extend the courtesies of life to a stranger. "May his shadow never be less." Our old friends, Messrs. TnosirsoN & Newman, of the Pacific City Enterprise, are highly delighted with their new Ciiy. and are enthusiastically attached to the welfare of the citizens of the place. Friend Sueridan, the keeper of the Pacific City Saloon," is in his element, catering to the wants of the appetite, and receiving the rocks. "Long may he wave." James G. Chapman, Esq. We are pleased to say, that there is one thing on which the people of Douglas and Sarpy counties can agree and that is, the Can didate for District Attorney. Mr. Chap man, is a young man of promising ability and good legal acquirements and will make an excellent officer. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Editor, Please announce the name of James G. Chapman, Eso..,of Omaha, as a Candidate for District Attorney for this district, and oblige MANY FRIENDS. YOU will please announce the name of Samuel L. Campbell as Candidate fur Territorial Auditor at the ensuing August election. MANY VOTERS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! THE undersigned talcM this method of in forming the citizens of Bellevue, and vicinity, that he has just received the Lahcest ako liEiT assortment ol Cookinz, Parlor & Office Stores. ever bro'ught to this Territory. He would res pectfully invite all in want of Stoves, to call and examine for themselves. I aia alio manufacturing TIN-WARE of all kinds, such as Buckets, Crrti Pos, i AN, steamcm etc., ate., and all articles in my tin of business. Particulr attention paid to Roorivo, Sp-btino and job work of ever v description. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Or. ders solicited. Mv place of business it oppo site the Printing Office, Bellvi, N. T. DJJ-U. SAMUEL SNYDER. VARIETY STORE. THE nndereipnert h Printing Office, in Bellevue, a large and varied assortment of Goods. Among the variety DRY GOODS, Such as Brown Muslin, Calico, Sheeting, 8tiirtlnr, Hosiery, Ac. KNIVF., FORKS. " ' SCYTHES, WOOD-SAWS. SII2Vr:!f HAY-FORKS. SPADR. TEA-KETTLES, GRIND-STONES. CHAINS, Ac Together with a quantity of Boots cto Shooa Segars, Rikes, Ropes, Horse-collars, Carpet sacks, Window Sash, Doors, TEAS AND SUGARS, Tobocco, Qieensware. Glassware, Flour, "na great many more articles. Tbey keep constantly on band, a large as sortment of rood . Wines and Lfqnors, Warntd the best quality; cheap, for Msh. a37'.f J.'T. HORN TO. LUMBER! LUMBER! lOO.OOO.vf?::;.',.';:!' ARNOLD, EBY ft S1IERK. $7 Enquire at tha Benton House, no. J7. Jm. pd. NOTICE IS hereby given to the Stockholders et tha Bellevue Land Claim Association, that thero will he a meeting ot tha Company, in the Fen tensile Banking House, In Bellevue, on Wed nesday, August ntn, at l o'eincit. p. m. THOMAS II. BENTON, Jr. President. S. A. Strickland, Sec'ry. TOR SALE. A valuable timVr Claim ot 160 acres, w1h tn three miles of Btllevus City, for sale. En quire it this Office. 37tf. CITY ORDINANCES. Ordinance No. 4 Be it enacted by the Mayor ana Common Council of the City oj Bttlewe, Tha the sum of two dollars per day be raid to the Street Commissioner for each day of ac tual service that he may be employed on the streets of said City. Approved Julv 17ih.lS57. GEO. JENNINGS. Mayor. , Attest Cras. E. McRay, Recorder. Ordinance ZV'o. 6. Be it enacted ly the Mayor and Common Council of the City of EtUtvue, That Main Street be cleared ot brush and all other obstr iciions, from Eighth Street to Sarpy Avenue. Jlnd be it further enacted. That Hancock Street be cleared of all obstructions from Seventh to Thirty-second Streets. Jlnd be it further enacted, That Frank lin Street be opened and cleared of all obstructions from Twelfth Street to Union Square. ' Jlnd be it further enadti, That it shall be the duty of the Street Commissi ner to proceed immediately to open said streets as ordered in this enactment. Approved July 17ih, 1857. GEO. JENNINGS, Mayor. Attest Chas. K. McKay, Recorder. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES; Or, The Forger Convicted. StSF Bo you want to have a Sure Preventive against Counterfeiting Bank JVbfei f READ! READ1! READ 11! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! JOHN S. DYE is the Author, and the Bank Note engravers all say that be is the greatest judge of paper money living. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! BETTER THAN THE BEST I Published weekly. The whole only One Dollar a Year. GREATEST DISCOVERY of the present century for detecting counterfeit Bank Notesj describing every genuine bill in existence, and exhibiting at a planes every counterfeit in cir culation. Arrange t so admirably that refer ence is easy and detection instantaneous. No papes to hunt op, but so simplified and arranged that the merchant, banker and business man can tee all at a glance. It has taken vrs to make perfect this GREAT DISCOVERY. The urgent neces sity for such a work has long been felt by commercial men. It has been published to supply the call for such a preventive, and needs but to be known to be universally patronised. n aoes more man nas ever been attempted by man. It describes every bank note in three different languages English, French and Ger man, inns each may read ui same in his own native tongue. 1ESMS. iue paper will be about 23 uy 42 Inches, and will contain the most perfect Rank Note List published, together with the rate of discount. Also a list of all the private Bank ers in America. A complete stimmnrv of the Finances of Europe and America will be published in each edition, together with all the important news of the day. Also INTERESTIFG STORIES from an old manuscript found in the East.and no where else to be found. It his never yet appeared in print, and furnishes the most com plete history of Oriental Life, snd describing the most perplexing positions in which the Lsdies and gentlemen of thit country have been so often found. These stories will con tinue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. , (I T Furnished weekly to subscribers only at $1 a year. All letter's must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE. Broker. Publisher and Proprietor, 3m32 70 Wall Street, Nw York. EICHER & JJAVEKPORT, MERCHANT TAILORS, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Bellevue snd vicinltv that lliev have commenced the TAILORING BUSINESS In the building former!? occupied bv J. M. Har tiv.cornrr MAIN street and FIFTH AVEN- Li., and intend keeping constantly on hand CLOTHS, , CASSIMERES, .- and YESTINGS, Which will be madt up to order with neat ness and Hi.patch. Also. FURS and HIDES totirbt ortsVenln exchange for goods. r.o 30-tf. BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR H O T E L , OFFERS EVERY To th Public,'- and will reader ASSIDUOUS ATTEXTI03T To tht wanit of JUS GUESTS. . , ... J- T ALLEN. Berievue, Oct. 23. i-tf W. H. Longodorf, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGF.c (Met tn a. Aiain, ostweenlwentv-FiMi sn Twenty t;xh s'rt'. !V,I. vie fitv. 3,i,f WOOLAVORTII'S NEBRASKA IN 1857. THIS work will arain be ready for delivery by tha 17th Inst.' Tha first supply was re caivtd Isst week and was inmedlste'v told. A new County Map. corrected by Mr. Bvers, according to ma county oounairies estt Dinn ed by the Letislaturs last winter, hit btta engraved expressly for the work, and will ap petrlntht next edition. Besides a hlttory of tha Territory, Us con. dl'.lon sod prospects, tha work eonttlos the claim laws of Nebrisks, and a digest ot the united states pre-emption laws, naking a complete Dre-tantor't rulde. Evtrv perisn lntersstsd In Nebraska should hive a eonv of ths work. Price, with tht map, 75 eent wunouune map.Dveenu. oineie copies man. td, post ft pild, eo receipt of price, to any psci ei we country. C. C. WOOLWORTH, Omiht, June 11, 1867 32 tf Publisher. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PATER HANGINGS. A complete assortment st WOOLWORTH'3 flooketore, Omaha City, N. T. (ToT Special agent for School Boobi. Jw3t THE MISSOURI RIVER AND IOWA 8TONE COMPANY. AT ST. MAR VS, MILLS CO., IOWA, ARE prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with HAND. (iMAVEL. I.IMK. ROCK, A. bl'if.niNQ 8 TONE of every variety, tlse and thape. Thv htvt facilities for quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that may oe neeaea, ana aiso imena 10 mixe Q3ICK. WATER LIME, &C. 100 Laborers REFERANCESi V. Choctsas J, fc C"., ?t. Loup. GsttMt, Wkasv, fc Bkhton, Corn, it Blcv rs. All orders should be addres.ed to JNO. W. ANTHONY, S'catTAav. St. Marys, March 15th, 1357. Xltf. OM.Vn.1 ADVERTISEMENTS. 1. A. JOKSS. 010. W. WOOD. THE LARGEST Drug & Chemical House IN T It E WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD) U'noLtiAti aho IUtail Deals im Drugs, ' Chemicals, Palntt, Oilt, Dve Stuffs, window Glass. Wines, Liquors, Clears, Tobacco, &e. fee. Ac. Hiving purchased the entire stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C. A. Henry tt. Co., together with our own full purchases, we ara now enabled to offer the pub!! as complete an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS as can be found west of the Mississippi river. Our stork is ot magnitude enoueh to supply tht whole Nibraska trade t and naving been pur chased under ths most favorable ' clrcum stances, we feel assured In oar statement, that if Fine Goods, as reeards quantity, qual ity and price, are any object to those dealing In DRUGS and MEDICINES, wa can offer these inducements to a greater extent than any Other house In the West. Country Merchants and Physicians are requested to examine our ttock before purchasing elsewhere nol5-tf JO.fES &. WOOD. W. II. IT ARK. v. w, HsravBN. NEW Boot and Shoo Store,. On FARNIIAM Street, Opposite tht Ex- 1 i change Bank. ' . . EELLEVUE, May 20, 1857. Found In tnv bugev. placed there bv some I unknown person, a Lidv't WORK BASKET, fcontainlncsome articles of value to the owner. On the inner leaves of a Bible is printed E. M. Daniels, and also E. M. Thornton. The owner is requested to make herself known and receive the property, no 30-3t WM. A. GWYER. : AXXOU.CEMEXTS. For Territorial Auditor. S. L. CAMPBELL, will be supported at the ensuing election for Territorial ' Auditor, by ' ' ' MANY VOTERS. BRICK AND LUMBER. A LARGE quantity of first rate Brick and Lumber for Sale, at reasonable rates. Enquire at the Bellevue House.' M JOSEPH E. PRAY. ' Ira A. W. Buck, I" AND and General A(.'et. Prt-Emption J Papers prepared, Land Warrants bought and sold. Cilice In the 0d Suta IInn. rZ,r tlit U. S. Land Office. REFER TO Hon. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, Omaha, lion. Lnos Lowe, Hon. S. A. Strickland, Bellevue. lion. John Finney, Han. J. Sltrlinp Marfan. Ckr . rit Omaha, Jjne 23, IS07. 35 " NO MORE HARD TIMES. 8. 91. PIKC, HAS essWihed himself ln a NEW GRO CERY STORE, tn Bellevue. on Mis.ion Avenue, east of Main StresL wh-re ha mil keep constantly on hand, all kinds of fresh Urocenes, Flour, ' ' Sugar, . . CoflVe. Teas. ' , ! Rice. Fish. tie. lit has also a choice lot of Lauon. and . try other article usually kept in a Grocery ffiTA meat market ia kept Id tha b. ro'Dt ttorv, for tht accommodation of tha cit izen w ccuetue, and vicinity. 15 Sm LIIUCWtirniXG AXD ENGRAVING ESTABLISHMENT AT Bellevuo, rT. Office Levee, at the old Tradtnr Poat. mOWN PLATS, Maps, Sketches. Headlrr. X of Letters, Biilt and Certificates, and tvery description of plain and fancy tnjravwg - nmw none, O ir Dresses brin? nf tha K.. . . . . , k,n, vvc bops to execute work eiual vw s v-vti sis mv VfUffl Lirt. S. W. Y. SCHIMONSKV, 3-n.? TWOS. p. FOYEH. BELL EVUE Commercial Emporium ! ! THS ondtrtlgntd raiptetfully aellclt tha attention ot tha elttitna of Delltvna a ad vicinity. a w tiini niiii- uiiuiut ui p;wu, uur acina; rery vaneiy DtUtliy kept IB Ufl WML The atttntlon of ths ladles Is particularly called to oar large assortment of dress foods, consisting la part at silks, French and American Jaconet and Organdy Lawns, Beragea, D LalnM, Ac. Figured Snd Plain Swiss, Jaeontt and Cook Muslins, Calicos, lUbbM. Axtift eial Flowers and Wreaths, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Bonnets, Flats, Ac. BOOTS Ladles fine morocco slippers, kid and morocco busklnt, parodl ties', and Jenny Llnd. kid on- meled and calf akin tact boots, black and colored gaiters, Ac. Oent'a fiat morocto 'and calf akin boots, fint cloth, calf akin and pattnt leather f titers, ttw'd tad pee'd BMnra&. slippers, Ac. Chlldrta'a shoes, a gTtat .variety. . peat variety bJr'' ,",t' Pn4m, eorr,CM seantUt, L(hera, p!-, a Tht lsrttst stock ever opened ln this county, consisting of eoatt, ptnts, vests, ahlrta. oe lars, ovtr-alls, Ac. of all sixes, it7ls, and quality, for men, toys andehllirea. 7 A preat variety ot both Enellth tad American manufacture, Carpeatera' tools. A. Boa keeper aad builders will find It to their advantage to call oof or purchasing alaewUra, ALSO, Queensware, Mediciaoa, Extracts, Oysters, Choice Cigars, Furniture, Flour, Also, a large Orooorieo, All tha aKnva aHlrtaa . ln..tti.. wlK ... -I .... ... i . .77 . . . V : . . " iiiT nwi nemionca, win ot told low fif cash. All klndaof mlrchantsble i country product taken tn eichangt for gooda. Also Dry Hides, Fun, Ac. Thsnkful for tht liberal patronage heretofore extended To us hrtha eatZ stnt of this county, we earneetly solicit its conUnuance. ' , 3mo" P. A. SARPY, Wholesale & Retail Merchant, coaKta or mam and oatooav stbekts, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale, a large assortmtnt of teltcttd merchandise adapted to tht wanta of all in this new and thriving community, which ht can sell ase heap at can be offered elsewhere to high upon tht Missouri river. His goods have been selected by an experienced purchaser, with snecial refertnet to tht circumstances and wants of til classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all can bt aupplied. Call and tte for yourttlvet. Hit ttock consists of tht following, amonr a great many other articlea ht cannot now enu merate t Among hit Dry Goods. May be found Woolen and Satinet Clotht. Casslnets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Ltnseyt, fiai.aei, nt a, vtmte, uray ajia isiue, Caspian i'Miai, lotion uoons, oiieotmgs ana snirttnctr nicnched and Unbleached, Blue and White. Drillings, Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory iuecKi, &c, ace. Fancy Goods. A beautiful assortment of fancv Drtnta of evsry variety of atylt and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alpacca, Bombazines, Bom bayetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, Ac, Ac. Clol&In?. A well selected stock of Summer. Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine who. wvk.. rui. uu wnKm I Summer Clouting ot all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Alto, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, Ac Mens and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, quatiUes and prices. Boots A .V, KlfU VUlll, IWII.I1U IJU HlllVUflUiUl of every description, for Men, Women, and unimren's use. . , . . Groceries. Crushed. Clarified, Loaf and Brown fiurar. Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Svruo. Superior Tea, Bio and Java Coffee, Satiatrai, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snuffs, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles repper-oauce, tec., tc. Provision. A Isrra assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices t Corn Mttl and all the varioua products of tht Farm and Garden uacon, rin. Min onea Applet, ft acnes, Currants, Raisins. Ac. Hardware. Stoves of various catterns. for Cooklnr and Heatinz rooms. Stove-Dine and Elbows. lrr and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets liana-irons, anoveia ana longutt, Manure an4 sort, Buttt and Screws, boor Handles, linos. til.. XTmIu.. l.J Ta.If. IT -1 ... . 1. lvocae, avc, aic. Tinware. A general assortment kept for hoasehok purposes. w ooaware. , . Wtsh-tubs. Ehakers PalU. Wood and Zlae Washboard. Leather. Sole Leather, Harness Leather. Cowhide, KlP Skin. Calf Skins. Linirs and Morocco. Kaddlei, Bridles, Halteri. Lariats, Ctrcinglet, Belly-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Back, straps, Girths, Blind-bridles, Ac, nicQicincs. A general assortment Of Medicines, for Fevers, Ttv.r and Acut. and tha eommo eomplainta of the country. Cook's, Lee's, oppnywn-s, uragg-t ana Jtynet' rills, Qui. Blflt, Tonics, and varioi kinds of Stimulants, Anodvnes, Liniments, and other articles neeee eanr for the tick and the invalid. 1-tf FOR 8 A IX. LOT 7. Block 25 i L't 6, Block 253 1 Lot 7 Blck IWi Lot 10, Block 1T7 IH 2, Bloc 145 1 Lot 4. Block 133 1 Lt 10. Block 58 1 Lot 3. Block 242 1 Lot 9, Block 133 Lot 4, Block AS Lot 2, Block 123 1 Lot 3, Block 72 1 Lots 19,11 an i 12, Block 114, ia BeUevue City. For terms enquire of HOLLOW Y A KELLER. BeHtvne Rouse. April 30. 1SS7. 24 tf it. reei esirntH. c. . uTTstriaiv Griffith & Butterfleld, BUTCHERS, an orarera ia CATTtr. SHEEP aad SWINE. he TermanenUy located themselvee in Belltwe City, and are prepared to furnish the c'thena of Bellevue with fresh meat on Tuesday and Saturday morning of each week, and of tener if ntetssa V.' tond in the Basement ot S. H. Fike'e Grocery and ftovtsion Store, where thev will be happy to wt nnoa thir rtwtoni. " . fm13 n av tones, .vytoti, snoveit ana spades, and Tract Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron and Stetl. Nails. Hortt-Rasnt. Filet SHOE0. Glassware, Perfumery, Eueacea, J'reserved Fruita, . Tobacco, . , Wooden H'are, , Fish, fltc, , stock of choioe BEATON A ROWLES, Maln8trtt. HulTman'i stag Line. BELLEVUE, ST. MARYS ZJTl AND OLENWOOD feffeST STAGE LINE. ZmEESlL HUFFMAN'S LINE will leavt Gltnwood, via. St. Mary t for Bellevue, oa Mob. day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and will leave tht Bentoa House, Bellevue, via. St. Marys for Gltnwood. on tht tamt dayt at 1 o'clock, P. M. This Lint connecti at 8U Marya, with tha Council Bluffs and St. Joseph 8tagea, aad at Gltnwood with tht variout linei from ths Mia sltalppl to tht Missouri Rivers. Travelers on this Lint will find every eoa vtnlenct and accommodation, to aakt their triptt pleasant and speedy. Comfortablt Coaches, Careful Drivtra and wall-fast Horses. ' ROBERT HUFFMArt, SPRING ARRANCEME5T. . ; Regular Packet for Kansas. Leavenworth, Wetton, St. Joseph, 8s vannah, Iowa Point, Nehr.eka City, Bellevue, Council umns, umana ana Morsnct. THE newand elegant Pasting 15 Steamer Florence, J. Tbrock- , Clerk, will commence her trips aa a regular packet In the above trade, on tht opening of navigation in the spring, and will remain ia it thro ignout tht season. - , . i The Florenrt having been built ander the superintendence of tht unertlrntd, txprtttly for the trade, is of extraordinary ttrenrth.and well adapted to It In every particular. A raa- itiaeier, j. uorssaa, aonablt share of the patronagt of ahiDoere and tha nublie rnra illy, it respectfully aoll cited. J.THROCKMonTiV M.i.. 25-e J. E. Go km aw, Clerk, - ; SEASON ARRANGEMENT. Regular Packet for Kaneat, Nebraska City, Bellevue, Com cil Bluffs, Omaha. . , man riorence. TnE new and elegant Steamer Clerk, will ma aa a regular packet, so the b0T, ' "d U InUrmediate poinU on the Mia sourl river, and pertont can rtlyupon her eoa "Uli"? th tr,d r'euAt j during tht ttaeoa. The Min-ne-ba-ha is an entirely new boat, built expresely for the Miseouri River trade, and being fitted up in the latest and most ap proved ttyle, her officers feel confident, that etiict attention to the eomforttot Passengers, and to business, will make her the favorite b-at in the trade. CHAS. BAKER. Master. - , HoTCHmsoK, Clerk. H. T Clarke, Agent Mo Tailoring ! Tailoring ! The undersigned begs leave to Inform the eltlient of Bellevue and vicinity that ha la prepared to do custom work, la tha latest f athion and most approvtd stylo. He fetle corfident that hit work it unsurpassed East or West and by moderate prices respectfully eoHette a absre of the ptiblle patronage. He will always be found ready to receive orders at the Bellevue House. v. i, a,-.'.... JOSEPH BSAY. Bellevne, N. T. March 11th lU74f 8TONE MASON AND ' THE Undersigned having commenced the above ia Bellevue, te prepared to do all work io hie line, at tha shortest e tlce, in the beet manner, aad on the moat ree eooeMe terms. WM. WILEY. (TST Four or five good Plasterers, will find conetant emplovment, aad good wages, o ap plication to the above. Bellevue, Oct. aa, 1S3& 2-tf .. .' . , Charlea B. Wateon. , CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Bellevue City, Nebraska Territopr, pre f estes to he posted in the lay of the'laad ia tbia vicinity, aad offera hie servicee to auch ao aiav need them, on reasonable terms. t CT He will also act as arsnt, for the vu chse or aals of Real Estate, la tht Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished apo applicaUon. Doelaxatioaa filed aad pre-emp-Uooa obUined. , , . 4-tf ' niAS-'aiRISTOPHER. . . j MACHINIST & COPPER SMITH, la all its Brancliea. BELLEVUE AHD OMAHA. BOOTS and SHOES Twenty cases et Boou and Shoes, all aisee, at the BELLEVUE STORE. . .' " tZf Saeks G. A. Salt In Store and j i eoia. r CLRCE A BRO. b3Uf.