Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, July 16, 1857, Image 2

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rviiimtD ar
i. A.
The Convention.
We publish lo-diy, the -proceedings of
t! Territorial Convention. hi'U in this
city on last Tuesday. There were a very
Urge number In attendance, aside from
the regularly appointed delegates and
we are sorry to say, that a part of the
crowd whirh came from Omnha, attended
for the express a id avow$J pun .0 of
disturbing tlie deliberations of the people
who were tent here ly their constituents
and finally to break up the Convention
. in a row. But thanks to the energy and
deci.ion of the President and other mem
ten, lur'.aincd ky our efficient Mayor-
lacked ly the firm and dot p-r oted de
termination of the law-abiding citizen of
Bullcvue to put down at all hazard, the
turbulent, mob which were imported from
a certain location for that purpose. In
giving exprenion to our feeling in re
gard to this ntuttcr, we do not wish to be
understood, that we charge that every
one who came from Omaha were actuated
y the tame feelings and purposes on
the contrary we know that there were
gentlemen from Omaha, who deprecated
the action taken by a few from that place
high-minded, honorable gentlemen, who
would acorn to invade the deliberations of
a body of freemen, who, in accordance
with the usage, aud agreeable to a right
guarantied to them by the Constitution
and laws of our common count y, were
p.aceably congregated together for the
purpose of expressing their views, and
selecting a repretentativ in whom to re
pose the highest trust within the power of
the people of the Territory to confer.
But for tho present, wo will let this pass.
The Convention mrt in the forenoon at
the . School-House, for the purpose of a
preliminary' organization, which leing
had, they adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock
P. M., for the purpose of a permanent
organization adoption: the reports of
committees and the selection of a candi
date. At the time appointed the houe
was crowded with a somewhat mixed
ero vd, among whom we made our ap
pearance. The boys hud some fun in
the way of speech making all pniscd
off in good humor, and it was nearly 3
o'clock before the delegates appeared
After the delegates took their teats, and
the permanent officers had assumed their
duties, the first in order was the report of
the committee ou Credentials. When
Douglas county was called, Gov. Cum
ing, although not appointed as a dele
gate, asked leave to present a few re
marks which, through th courtesy of
tho President lion. S. A. Strickland,
was permitted. He was immediate ly fol
lowed I y another out-sider, an erotic and
facetious individual from Burt county, I y
the name of Col. Harrington, who seem
to glory in having " th nerve " to speak
his mind when and where he r leasts,
provnlcd he does not infringe upon the
ru'es. After the tirrroui man hod taken
hi seat, the President distinctly informed
the meeting that he would listen to no
one, who was not a delega'e -but not'
wiihstrnling this ennouwt' tn-ut, Gov.
Curoming insisted upon bein heard, and
Icing properly refused I y the President
the out-siders near the door interfered
and seemed determined thai he should be
heard and confusion worse confound d
reijrned supreme. The President was
undecided only for a moment his keen
eye detected all around and among the
mob a moral and a physical fort suffi
cient to quell the disturbance, and I ke a
man, he mounted his chair, rapped his
hammer and succeeded in rettorinir some
thing like order. He then informed tbem
that we had a Mayor, Marshal and a
Sheriff of the county, who were on the
gromd, an J that the delegates were not
to be driven from a house lo which they been admitted that he knew the cit
izens of Bellevue would sustain orde,
and not permit a mob to deter them from
doin their duty. When he took his seat,
our Mayor, Mr. Jennings, asked leave
to say a fews w rJs, when he informed
tbem that the school house had been
piven to the delegates for the purpose of
holding their convention, end that they
ibould be protected in their rights at all
hazards. The Mayor being a large,
ponly, good looking man, and withal a
(j'oi fithtfr in a good cause, he wa list-
f ned to respectfully and like tihool-boys
they quailed beneath his loo'i.
After orJer was restored the Conven
tion proceeded to business, for the particu
lars of whirh we refer to their proceedings.
After the first ballot it was evident that no
selecion could le made from the randi
dates before the Convention; Gen. Bowtit,
volun'arily resigned in favor of Judye
Fergujon. It had been rumored that this
Convention was Rotten tip I y a eliqut for
the purpose of not nil Hiring Gen. Bowen.
aud all aorta of stories and surmises were
circulated and believed, and in order to
prove the falary of such stories, Chief
Justice Ferguson, than whom, no better
or more uprighf man exists in the Terri
tory, was nnsolicittd on hi part, prevailed
upon to take the nomination, and no one
was more Industrious In bringing about
the ronsuma ion of this object than Gen
B owen. So fearful was a pnrt of the del
egation from Washington county, thru f rant!
and section" I strife wan to be mixed up in
this matter, that bt for the Convention en
tered into a I allot they withdrew. We
are however, lengthening out this article to
a gn ater extent than we nnt!c'pted when
we begun, nnd ahull clode in a very few
worda promising to ncur to it agnin.
Chit f Justice Ft rguscn, is now our nom
inee he is a man ipon whom all can
unite he knows no sectional interests,
and the prrple who do the voiintr hnve
confidence in him. His character hi
purity of life and his unspotted fame is far
al ovv the r ach of pt Ity malice and envy,
although their puny tlafts may be directed
against him After his nomination, a com
miltee wain d t pon him and he ap
peand, and taking up the platform, he
read each retolution commented upon
them and finally accepted the nomination
tendered to him, and in a beautiful and
chas-te ipeech,rferrid tohispa services
in this infant Territory r- marking in
conclusrn, that his duty forbid his resigna
tion os Chief Justice, before the 22J inst.,
a he had to meet his brethren of the
Judiciary, to adjust some important mutters
in regard to the interetts of litigant lut
when these decisions were given, he would
cheerfully resignattend to the call of the
convention imposed upon him and labor to
secure the position to which th ir friend
ship and partiality l.nd assigned him. He
was cheered ly the crowd, and on 'a'uncr
his seat Grn. Bowen was cnllt d upou nnd
reponde4 in a 6hort and telling speech,
endorsing the action of the convention,nnd
aid, he wus rei dy o go into the fight and
would labor faithfully to secure the trium
phant success ef the nominee.
We therefore this week, take down the
name of Gen. Bowen, and raise that of
Judge Fertrusion the peoples candidate,
feeling snti.fied that the ycomnnry cf the
country the voters, will endorse the se-
ocuon oi me convention.
Bellivue, N. T.. July, 11, 1837.
Pursuant to a previous call, delegntes
faom the several Counties of the Territory,
met for the purpose of nominating a ran
didate to represent the Territory of Ne
I raska as delegate to the next Congress
of the United States. The Convention
was temporarily organized, ly callin
Henry Bradford L.q., of Otoe county, to
the chair, and appointing II. A. Longs-
dorf, Sec.
On moti-n,
Resolved, That a Committee of five be
appointed I y the chnir to examine the cre
dentials of persons claiming scats as mem
lers of this Convention
On motion.
Resolved, The a
Committee of five le
appointed to report officers for the perma
nent organization of the Convention
On motion.
Resolved. That the permanent officers
of this Conventi n shall le on. post d cf
a, three Vice President, Sec
retary, Ass:tant Secretary and door
On motion.
Resolved, That a Committee consisting
of one from each county represented, be
appointed to diafl resolutions expressive
of the senso of this Convention.
The President announced the different
Committees as follow
On Credentials, Messrs Harsh, HoIIj-
way, Liudley, Hayes sol Clancey.
On Permanent Officers, Messrs Decker
Smith, Finney, Chapman and Campbell
On Resolutions. Messrs Mitchell, Kime
Reck, Strickland, McLennan, Hayes, aud
On motion of Mr. Mitchell, The names
of Messrs Holloway and Brewster, were
added to the Committee on Resolutions.
On motion.
The Convention adjournal till 2 o'clock
Antasoo rirssiox.
The Convention met agreeable to ad
journment. The repiru of the different
Committees were then takn 'in.
The Committee on permanent officer
reported the followu g organization:
1'sr.SIDINT, I
Vica FaiMornTs, '
II. A. I.oMCtroar,
Jit it Secretary,
A. J. Smith.
Amob Carts.
The report was received and adopted.
The report of the Committee on Creden
tial was then presented Ly the Chairman
and received I y the Convention, and ta
king up the different counties the follow
ing gentlemen being duly elected were de
clared entitled to seats in the Convention
Washington tovnty, Messrs Clancey,
fullivun. Kime and Cooper.
Dovglasi county, Messrs Brewster,
Bracken, Harsh, Chapman, Cunningham,
Fulton, Steele, Mitchell, Keuudy.M) re.
nnd Smith.
Surf y county Messrs Coik, Strickland
Lon-inl.irf, Gates, Finney and Hullnnay.
Otoe county, Messrs Lindley, Decker
Campbell. McLennan, Boulwi:e, Cowles
Bradford, Hurh nud M-ixon
Johnson and Nemaha counties, Mr.
Platte county, Mr. Reck.
Clay county, Mr. Autcn.
Messrs Kime and Cooper of Washing
ton county, asked h ave to withdraw from
t'.te deliberations of the Convention, which
was agretd to.
On motion,
Resolved, That the member from John
son county, forming as it does a represon
tution in connect i n with Nemaha be al
lowed to cast the vote of Loth Counties
The Commhteo on Resolutions being
called upon for the p'atform, Mr. Mitchell
u Chairman, prcsenud the following:
Wrlreas, We, th Representatives
of the people of Rtlraska Territory,
without reference lo former political dis
tinctions, concede the right of our hover
eigu constituents to reg date their uwu
affair; in their own way, as well as to
mould their domestic iiistittitioiu; nnd who
are in favor of carrying out, with fidelity,
any legitimate experience of their will.
in the di.-position of all appropriation nud
grants made ostensibly to" their benefit
and in the location of their seat of gov
ernment having assembled in pursuance
of our instructions in General Territorial
Convention, to nominate a suit Lie candi
date for Delegate lo Congress, who will
faithfully reflect our views, carry out our
measures and recieve our united support,
1. Resolved, Thnt we are opposed to
thai partial and corrupt tys-tem ot govern
ment and fanaticism wliien nave Disgraced
the nasi hUorv of the Territory, thwarted
the will of the people, ami pandered lo
sectional interests to llie tli.-purageuieiit of
the ten ral weal and nro.-peruy
'J. Resolved, Thai we are in lavor ot
toual ri-rlits, ouaZ privileges, nud of ex
lend inn the i t units ot legislation to un
parts of the Territory alike.
3. Resolved, lhat tue people of the
Territory have the right to Im-ute. -r to
remove their seat of government, una to
shape the policy of their legislation, u
their sovereign discrt tiui ; and, tlmt their
will, when once a:c named, should be
retpecttd ly ull wlu seek their favor, or
assume lo Le their servants.
4. Resolved, That we are in favor of
liberal grants of laud, at the ensuing ses
sion of Congress, to be to ihe Ter
ntory for its deposition for railroad pur
poses, which shall place the State of Ne
lra ska upon a just uud liberal equality
with her i.nv-t favored sister tntes.
5. Resolved, Thai we are in favor of
oniple npproprioiions for the ft tleral
tn uury, to which we all contribute ulike
to extend the military road alraly
ordered for certain Kections through other
finally a meritorious portions of the
C. Resolved, That we are in favor of
immed ate nt prorriations to bridge the
Biz Platte, now to di.-tinetly a line of do
marcntion throuch ihe Tt rriiory, ul.iih
would create still more certain a common
ine red, a common sympathy und a com
mon tie mi? y.
7. Resolved, Thnt we are in favor of
liberal Homestead laws, and like dona
tion of lands to actual pi-met r sttilers,
equal lo thve hitherto conceded lo other
territories of ihe Union.
K Resolved. That we are in favor of
(he speedy extinguishment of nil Indian
titles, lo reserves, or other luud in this
Territory, and the remotal of ull Indian
tribes Leyond our limits, as soon as may
Le, to make necessary way for ihe pro
gress of our race and lo insure the inevi
tahle prand rontea of travel weiwarJly Francwco. whkh state tlmt in the writer's
from our froi.tivr. jupinifn tha yiLI tf gold for the yt ar
9. Resolved, That in making federal ls57 will nm he iiuicfc aliort of oue hun
appoinimeiit in this Terr tory, we re- drtd miil out of dollar. The assumption
rpeetfully ak ihni the spirit of the Kan- i tastd on the knouhdfe that the faiili
tas Nehraska act be carrie I ly consultirg ties for waahin; hare heen grtatly in
the wishes and will of the people. I creaked ly the comphtioti of nmnroiis
1 . Resolved, Thai in rirw of ihe canaU and dinhes which have leen in
exiiencv of the times, the importance of progress for a vtar or two part. The let-
the ensuin; session of Congress, and the
precedents of the past, ihe people of tho
whole Territory, forgetting personal pref-
erences or local prejudices, shnnid write
on the motto of Principles, not men,"
on some man a their d h irute who, uiih-
out di-pnraging the claims of other wor
thy aspirants will most likely being
copnLle and trust-worthy; reflect their
will and faithfully proeet their interest
II. Resolved, lhat plcdjiinr to the
nominee f tiie Convention our candid and
united efforts to secure hi triumphant
election and the consequent success of
out principles and measures, we now pro
ceed to nominate the People's candidate
for Delegate.
The Pl.tfonn having been read, it was
unanimously adopted by the Convention.
Whereupon, tho following resolutions
were offered and adopted.
Resolved, That a majority of all the votes
cast, shall be n cessary to the elt ttion of
a candidate and that the vote Lo by
Resolved, That the no mo of no candi
date for nomination be corn-id- red, unless
he first pledge himself to sulcribe to our
platform to abide our decisi u,and lo sup
port our nominee.
The following names were then an
nounced n candidates: Hon. F. Ftacu
son. of Sarpy county, Ilin. J. M. Tiiatib.
nf Dniglass cou.iiy, Gc . L. L. Biwtx,
of Sarpy county, C. F. IIllt, of Otoe
county, Hon. A. Stbickl5d, of Sar
py comity, and Iljn. Wa. Clkhcx, of
Washington county, were alo put in nom
ination, but d clinetl.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot
for a candidate, with the following resu'i;
First Ballot.
F. Ferptunii, 13.
L. I.. Bowen, 10.
C. F. Holly, 12.
J. M. Thayer. 1.
There being no choice, G n. L. L.
Bower, declined having hi name any
longer before the Convention stating
that he withdrew in favor of Judge Fr.a
ciison tuni ne neueveu nun to i. an
honest, honorable, upright and capable
gentleman for the position that he with-
Irew in order thai the people of theTer.
ritory could see, thnt he acted from no1
Iflh lrlif,tA lf flf.A lit,.! I,ann m
design in cetting up this convention to cur
ry out the views, piques, and f. eling of
sectional jealousy Li.t that Jud" Fergu
son wits a m:in m whom all could place
confidence thut he was not mixetl up
with the local difficulties which sur
rounded other rundnlates now Ltforv the
convention. and that he wus a man on whom
the honest the masses, in tvt-ry tt ction
of the Territory could unite. The Gen
cral took his at at amid ihe plaudit of
lioth the m uiht rs of the cotiv-mien and
ihe out-aiders, whim tht y proceeded lo
Second Ballot.
F. Ft Tpu.-ton, 3.
C F. Holly, 2.
Hon F. Ferjruron. having a majority
of nil the vote. ta.M, wnsdnlond nomina
ted I y the Convention, nnd I y a subae
quent resolution, he was detlan d nnani-
innusly i lerud a candidate, and a commit
tee consisting of Clahclt, of Washing
ton, MiTcntL, of Douglass, and DtcatR,
of Otoe, were appointed .y the rresident,
to wait upon the Hon. F. Ftacuoo.i, ami
acquaint l.iin with the result. After n few
moments delay. Judge FtRcuso nppeartd
uud in a nrat und appropriate t-pctch, ac
cej ted the not: iuation.
Whfn.ou isiition it was
Resolved, Tunt a committee of three he
appointed Ly the Freidi nt, for ach cot.n
ty, to mil ratifit Qtiou lueeliuirs manage
the t anva is, and aid in securing the success
of cur nominee.. Also,
Hesdved, That a commi tee he appoint
ed 1 y the chair, to get up an address to the
people of the Territory, to he endorsed hy
nil the Ut legates of this Convention, and
thai the committee he in.-trui ltd lo have
five thoi viud copies of the add reps print, d
and circulated throughout ihe Territory.
In nccordunce with ihe alove resolution!
the President appointed ihe following
named gentleman to prepare the address:
Willinm Clancey, of Washington Co.,
J. C. Mitchell,
( . T. Holloway,
C. II. Decker,
J. I). Huyes,
L C. Austen,
On iiiolit n the Convention adjourned
sin: die-
S. A. STRICKLAND, President.
II. A. LoNcsi-oar, Ste'y.
The editor if ihe ICv York Herald
has seen " a prrate K-iut, which came I y
the lui rlvamer, from a "emit man in San
ter further states that trade in San Fran
Cisco will Le good throughout the sum
Wholesale and Retail Dealers la
And Fancy Good3,
r,nr Bfi. nf;K. ftw ,
large, and carefully selected, and
by ad'ierelng strictly to the
cash syslcm, uc arc able
to offer very great in
dacements to all who
may favor us with
a call.
Corner or Jefferson and 27th street,
Opposite the Fontenelle Bank,
tention of the citizens of Bellevue, Sar
py county, and the surrounding country, to
tbelr new and selected stock of
faxcy goots,
ceoceei s & hardware,
Which they off'T t Wholesale and Retail at
-icee 30 per cent, lower than ever before of
fered in this ciy. We can and will sell
Goods as low if hot lower than lhv can be
bonirht in Omsh.i ,or BhitTCity. Please call
and examine for vourse'ves.
Bellevue, May 23, 1357.
Just Received, nud for Sale,
A LARGE s'ock of Fnrni'ure, eonsitine in
5 art of Wood, R ish. Spindle, Split Bottom,
enny I.ind, Minle. Mthnganv, Children's and
Office Chi irs. Rockers, itp.j U'ireniis, Center,
Card. OtRce, Brenkfhst a-d Dinner Tables,
Leaf, Toi'et, Work and Wash S ands. Office
Desks, Sofas and Sofa Lnunpe. Double and
Sinfle Lo'inee. Trundle 1ds, Bedsteads of
Tsrions kinds, Tin Safe. Msttres. fcc, 4,c.
TCST RECEIVED, a larpe and fine assort-
O ment or dent' !Slio and Gai "-.
ANOTLER LOT of C''hinf j ist received
at 33tf PALMER tt. AVERILL.
P ALMER Ai AVERILL have on hand a lot
of fine Black Doe Kin and Cassimere;
also, a large lot of fancy Caimere. Thoe
wishing a food article Would d well t call
and examine the above. 33; f
NAII.Sand GLASS Cheap at the BELLE-
CUTLERY A large assor'ment of Pocket
Knives, Knives and Forks, Lc., at the
A large ock of READY-MADE
CLOTHING. t Eistern Prices, can be found
st the BELLEVUE STORE. no 30-tf.
fllllE LARGEST LOT of Furniture and
L Crockery ever hrourht to the Territory,
can be found at PALMER tt AVERILL'S
I?LOUR, SjU, Sitmon, Mackerel, and Cod
fish, at wholesale or Retail, by
AdKDRTM r VT a T.lsaa Ware
TO CIimSTOPHF.R AKIN, ami all o'hrri
whom it may roncrn tk rotlc that on
Futnrdiiv, th 13 h Inst, at O'dorlc, A. M., I
will attend at the I. nnd Offic In Oman, for
ths purpose of proving my rlpht to prc-rmpt
th Kotith wnt qnsrtr of Pc'.lnn thirty, (V1)
Townhlp n'imSfr tm.(10,) of R.nro ntimlir
thir'ffn, (11.) et of the oth principal me
ridian, in Nebraska Territory.
J.i 1ft, 1957. 38
J MUX P. HORN fc CO., iiesr the PrlnMnj
Office, nllvne, have on hand hovel,
Mom, Spades, Fork, Hme, and a Renersl
an"mentof Farming; Tools. Call and ee,
July, 15, 1857. 3w30
ft. T. Ct.ARC. A. M. CLAKKt.
A O E N T 8,
C3T Direct Goods oaro Clarke & Dro.
Room No. 1 Masonic Temple, Dearlop
Street, Chicago.
CAPITML,, 8150,000.
limit Cll I'M AX,
Eda-Jni CenSeld. rre.. Wm. S. Tales.
Seo'y, Henry Chaiman, Treas.
t ptlllS Comnsny wni orpst,i7d on the 27lh
1 day of March, A. D. 18r5,untlr a pec
ial charter from .he L'gislature of lllinoii,
and builii'ai commenced tinder the most fa
vorable auspice. lt etahliahtnfnt hanbeen
upon a firm and reliable baii, and in view of
it stability, oundnee,and permanency. ranks
n one of the first Insurance Companies in the
county. To lhoe desirous of pro'ectint;
themselves against loss or damage by Fire, or
perils nf the Sea, they beg leav to ofler the
Mssr. S'one & Wit4. Cleveland, Ohln.
Williams & Averv, Chicajro, 111.
" Kor'on & Brother, "
V S one & Boomer, "
IT. S. Dnrand, Pre. Racine Mi. R. R.
Geo. C. Nor nnp, Cah. Jlaelne Bank.
Wm. P. Jjud, Esq., Milwaukee.
J. G. Cofiroe. Esq. Racine.
Ashley Gilbert, Cash. ComM B'k, Ch'cpo.
Henrv Farnham. President Chicago k. Rock
Island Rail Rod.
Puitel P. Rhodrs. Eq., Cle-e1and. Ohio.
Thomas Campbell, Es.j., Sprinpfi'd, III.
Hon R. Chtmbertln, S. Lo-iis. M-.
Messr. Wadsworih, Wells & Seymour,
Chicco. If.
Messrs. I. IT. P rch At Co.. Chicapro Bank.
Messrs. G. W. ',er & Co. Chicaco, 111.
Wm. nianchird, F.s., Morris, III.
Mess'?. IT. C. it O. O. Cook 4. Co., Rock
ford. III.
Messs. II. Wheler A, 5?ivi, A'irors. 111.
Messrs. Jud.l, Smf'h 4, Pratt, Dixon, III.
N-himiah Cae. Esq.. Bnffa'o, N. Y.
Wm. B. Fondv, Esq.. SnrinRfield, 111.
Gen. I. Ciirn,"Snrinsfielil, 111.
Richard Ivers, Eq., SS Lo-iis, Mo.
31 JOHN J. TOWN, Agent at Bellevtie,
Land Warrants
CONSTANTLY onhsnd and for sals
r.e-emptors can mak a handsome saving
by nsirijr Warrants.
All Warrants sold by the above Institution
are guaranteid.
JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier.
Bellevue. June 27. 1857. 3 1
Evecutive Department,
Omaha Citv, N. T. J
To the t'ialifl.T voters of Nebraska Terri
tory : I, Mirk W. Izard. Governor of the
Territory of Nebraska, in pursuance of an act
of the Legislative Assembly, approved Janu
ary 2 MW, eiti' led "Elections." do hereby
teclareand make known, that an election will
he held in the several co intics of this Terri
tory, on the first Moiidrrjn Anpist, A. I.
1S57. for one Deler a'e to the Confess of the
Ilni'ed Sf'es, one Terriforial Andi'or, one
Terri'orial Treasurer, one Territorial Librari
an, one Attorney General, and one District
Attorney for each Judicial District, to be vo
ted for by the qualified voters of the Dis'rlct
for which he is to be elected. Also, thirty-five
meinbors to the House of Represent tivs of
the Territorial Awmhly, to wi: The Conn,
ties of Dihkoifi. Cedir and L'Ear qui Court,
will elect two Representative the Counties
of Burt -nd C 'mint; vi ill elect one Represen
tative: the county of Washington will elect
tliree Representatives: the county of Doneiae
will elect eight Repref.itativee; the county of
Sarpy will elect four 'epresentativeti the
counties of Dodge and Platte will elect, ioint
lv, one Representative the counties of Cass,
Lancaster, G's-h and Clay will elect four Rep
reentative the county of Otoe will elect six
Representatives! the coiin'ies of Nemaha and
Johnson will elect three Rep'een'ativeij tl.
counties of Richardson and Pawnee will elect
three Representative. And at the seme time
and place the qualified voters of each county
will 'eet the following county rfJ! wit:
one Probate Judge, one Sheriff", one Register,
one Treasurer one County Clerk, one Superin
tendent of Common Schools, one County Sur
veyor, one County Oemmis"ioner for each
county, two Justics of the Peace and two
Constab'es for each Precinct.
Th County Commissioner of the organised
counties lying nearest adjacent o the iinorgan
ized copies, will proceed to divide the urrr-ganiif-d
counties into convenient e'ec'ion dis
trict and cause tio'ice to he posted In each
elec'ion precinct of the time tpd place of
holding said etec'ion. and of th officers to be
vo'ed for, and to appoint iudges.and cause the
"""V1"" ,TC'
""d returns mad; thereof, as required by
said elec'loi to be cond te'ed in all resnee'e,
Ii testimony whereof, I have he-en-to
set my hand and caused to be af
fixed the' ereat Seal of the Territory,
done at Ornshs Ci'y, in said Te-ri-torv.
on h thlftle'h dy of M'T,
A. D. WT. and of the Indepenriet c
of the U iited S'stts of America, tie
eirh'y-fiist year.
By the Governor,
T. B. Cumixo, Secretary. n32
ccosob sTsiNssa. r. a. howio.
Stringer & nowig.
DEALERS In Pin Lumber of ever is.
scriptlon, Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors,
fcc., corner of Hancock and Tweoty-Seventa
j Street, Bellevue, N. T,