i art ? J ma ft A Family NowspaporDovotcd to Democracy, Literature Agriculture. Mechanics, Education, Amusomonts and Gonoral Intolligonco. at 1 VOL. 1. rL'BLISIICD EVERY Til U USD A V AT ELLLEYIE CIT1', X. T. DT S. A. STRICKLAND & CO. Terms of Suits nipt ion. Two Dom.a.s per (mum, if p-ii-J in advance, or l 51) it not p.id within the year. to ct.s t Three conies to one ad Ires, in advance 00 fvn dtj do do 10 00 Fifteen do do do 2il 00 A .ltiS of seven s'l'iscriber, at $10, will nn'.itle th person mikiif it up to n copy for ait months; a clnn of fifteen, at$20,oa copy for o i yeir. ' Whn a el-ib of a ihseriber hi been fnrwnrded. additions may be made to P, on the m term UUSIXCSS CAKDS. Bj V3n & Strio'iUnt, ATTOHNKYS AT J. VW. It?l F.s'.ate, City I.nf and Chim. bo ight and sold. Pir-ihaieri will do well to oil at o ir office an I evimine o ir list of Ci'v t.n'. fce.. hefore Cirrh tiirj eNewh""-. OTiee in C;ok' new .lildin,;, corner of Fif ta and M 'in 'ree. L. Ii. Bavcn. ATTOtNF.Y AND OOUMSriLLOIl AT LAW, llellevie, N. T. . 1-tf S. A. StrloUltnl, ATTOINRY AXI1 C1UNSKLL0H AT LAW, Bellevie, N. T. Ult C. T. TTollowiy, ATT37VRY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bellev ie, N. T. 1-tf W. II. Cco'c. GF.ETlT. LVNT) AND RE AL ESTATE AGENT. B-llv mCitv, Nebraska., l-'f B. P. IUn'tln. ATTORNEY WD OUXSXLLO AT LW, L PI t X. T. 'Wt J. Sceley, . A TT07NEY A" COUX5ELLOR AT L VW, Om'n. X. T. Wt S. V7. Coza 0113. TTTtV.Y AT LVW a-el Onl Lml J AGENT, Omhi ri v. N. T. O Xi e ii lliry St. RjX's new Brick Mock, Firth i in treet. , . . no 1 Wiiin. " Jin'f . Pittisn, NOT RY P'JTMC VXDUEVL EiTATE AGKX 1', IV iteneile, N. T. 1-tf Jun-S S. Isxrl & Oo. LVNO GEVT. OmUi.DjighaCom'v. Nebraska T-t to-y. l-f Dm." M ilco n'j & Poc'-t, OM VII V CITY. Olli :e o i Hirney street, oppoute th l.wt O.Bse. Particular at tention elven fo 8 irgery. l-'f P. B. Shinnon. R ".VL ESTATE AGENCY, Cerro Gordo PjU Ollice, S M iry, Milh Co.. In ti. 2 P. E. STinnon, CTtM'SnVfe FvTlWARDIXG MER CIIAXT, St. Miry'a Landing Mill C.. Ui. 2-'f Potsr A. S ir?r I."' )'lV N'OIXG V COMM OX MER 1. CIIVVT, He'lev i, N. T., W'loleaile Dealer in Indian Goo.Is, Horse, M ile, and Cattle. 1-J D. J.'SaUivia. M. D.. P'lYStCIAX anl SURGEOV. Omce iln lo BroiJ ay, Co mcil DI;i(Ti, lo va. nov. 11 l-'f. D. II. Solo noi. A' TTTRXEY anl OOUVELLOTl AT L VW, Glenw-m l, Milla Co., lo-vr, pne- tice -i all th Cj-irta of we en lowi and Nebnka, and th Siprems Co trt of Iowi. Land Arencr nor in th ProTram-n. no 4-tf Jonson, Csi-ly & Test, GF.XER VL LVXD AOF.XT. ATTOR N E V i A X 0 CO V X E LLO RS AT L A W, Council ninfT, Iowi, will promo'lv attend to Lnd A'jedciea, Collection, I ive'.iii!; Money, Ixm a'in? and Selline Lind Warrant, and all o,h 'T luisine pertaini'i; to their profesaio'i, in Vter Iowa and Nelraka. 1-tf C. A. nenry & Co., WJIOLF.ULE AND RETAIL DRUG GISTS. At the Nerraik A Dauc Store, -O.mhl city, Nebrik.i, hive ou hind and are contantly' receiving a larce and comnlete aiorttnntof Dr ig, Chemical, Patent Medi cine, Dve S'.uir, Li.fior, Segara, Prerved Friit, Confpctionario, c-.,tc. Physician" nrdera filled on a small advance on cost. 1-tf T. B. CUMING. JOIIM C. TUBS. Cumins & Turk, Altorntyt at Law awl RtAil Extatt Agents. OMAHA CITY, If. T., WILL attend faithfully and promptly to all business entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa courts, to the purchase of lo's and lands, entries and pre-emptions, col lecMon, fce. Office in the second atory of Henry k. Roo's new building, nearly opposite the Western Exchanee Dink. Frnhiin a'reet. Paper in the Terri'orv, Co mcil Bluff B -Tie and Keokuk Time, please copy and jliarza Nebraakian oifire. UEO. SNVDKR. JO IIS II. SHEB.MA. Snvlcr ft Shrrman, A TTOHXEYs EL)RS AT LAW. and X'Tn'E- PUUMC, Ci m. cil ll'uiri. I uv. wi'l nric'lc ''' r pr'r.!e-io:i in all th Co ir's nt Ii vi anl N'VuVi. ! AM coMpi Moi e i'rus ed to their care, at- ; ten l. to promn'lv. ! Eieril ,'1, ,tj , Cjv-n n h i"' r ami !' Llr.r"''. ,tate, and miklu1' pf -emp'iou in Ne'.iask. ! DeU. f r'a?e. ml n'r im'i' of w ilin? drawn wrh ilismtchi ackno vlehf mn t -Ven, te., te. , ttV One wet sije of Madison ilreet, . j ut above Broad Aay. no 1? Utf. BELLEVUE. NEBRASKA, III SIXESS CAIID8. Tiios. Macox. Alix. Macom. II. O. JoNrs. Mcon, Brother & Co. I" AW AND LAND AGENTd. Omahi City 4 Nebraska Territory. no M-tf. Qustiv Secgcr, rpOPvOGRAPHIC AND CIVIL EXG1 .1. NEER, Execute Drawing and Paintinc of every sivle and description. Also, all busines in hi line. Oifice on Gregory street, St. Mary, Mills county, Iowa. 1-tf Greeno, Wearo it BcntonT f ANKERS AND LAW AGENTS, Council 1 1 Bluir, Po'owattainie conuty( Iowa. Greene K We ire, Ceiiar Rapid, iowa. Greene, Weare A. Rice, Fort Des Moines, la. Collection made) Taxes paid; and Lands purchased and sold, in any part of Iowa. 1-tf A. Schimons'xy, rpoPOGRAPHIC ENGINEER, Executes -L Topographic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every stvle and description. Fancy, Orna mental and Plain Painting executed to order. Office at lh Reliev ue House, Dellevue, N. f. Refkbemccs P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa; Jul;e Giliuore, liellevue. 1-tf G7Pr Thcofcald & Co., COMMISSION fc FORWARDING No. 2U J INK blHLLT, kr SStaibi, ST. LOUIS, MO. P.irtic ilar atteutioa paid to filling of orders and to Sale of Prod ice. ho l.-ly. Chirles E. Witsoa, CtiviL ENGINEER AND" SURVEYOR, Bellevue Ci:y, Nebraska Territory, pio l'eascs 10 be " posted" in the lay of llie laud in tins vicinity, and olfcrs his services to such as may need iliem, on reasonable terms. ' V lie will aiso act as agent, for the pur chase or sala of Real Estate, in Hie i'erruury, or Western Iowa, lui'oruia.iuii f ar.nsiied ujiun applicatio.i. Declarauo.is tiied and jirv-emp-lio.is obtained. ro.Mii.NLLLCliAXIi OF ULLLLVIL. IteUcviic, AcbraLa. IS prepared lo transact the general business oi! lia.ikiu, will receive depots, Discount Ruort paper, bay Bills of Exchange, o.i al p irs ol! ilio Co ui'.rv, and sell o.i a., Lo.us, Chicago and New Vork; make collections in tite viciuiy and remit tor tiie same ai Current rates of Exchange. l .y luu-res. allowed on special Deposits. JOHN WE ARE, I'res.dent. Tiios. 11. Bento.v, V. Pres. Jons J. Town, Cashier. 1-tf Banking Hoars From "J to 12, A. M., and I to 3, P. M. AWDREW J. POPPLF.TOX. WILLIAM K. BTEBS. ropletoa St Bytru, A TTORNK Yd AT LVW, AND GENE J. HAL L AND AG EN I'd, Omaha ci.y, itenraski. Liud Warrants bo ighc and soa. Liud En'.ered on Time. Special acteiuio., giyea to the selec.io i and entry of Lauds for Settlers, and all other deiin.ig choice loca tio i. Laud Claim, Toau lo.s and ait kinds of Real Eicate, bo igiit and sold and iuves meats m ide for Dis.aut Dealers. iT A Compe:e.it Surveyor and Draughts man always in readiness to survey land, ti.id a ud select Lands and Toiva lo.s, and draft City Plais lf Tootlo St Oreene, Y7H0LEdALE & RETAIL DEALERS, T Gie.iwoad, IoA-a. We beg leave to c ill Jie at.e.i.io.i of the Good Peopie of Mills, Pottawattamie, Montgomery and Cass coun ties, lo.va; also, Douglas and Cjsj couities, Nebraska, to o ir large and lae supply of every kind of MERCHANDISE, usually kept ii Westera Iowa. Our stock of Groceries is large and complete, having been bongnt and shipped a little loer than our neighbors. Our stock of Hirdavare, Q leensware, Wood en ware, lioots and diioes, li lts and Caps and Ready-M ide Clothing, h ive all been p ircliaseU in the Eastern cities, at the lowest casa prices. Give us a call before yoi purchase, and if we do not sell yo i cheap good, we will make our neiiiiiDors uo so. Remember the cheapest house lntoi . TOOTLE & GREENE. Glenwood, Iowa, Oct. 1350. 1-tf C. T. HOLLO VAT. C. O, BELLES Halloway & Keller, General land agents, Beiievus JT city, N. T., will promptly attend to the colleciii; and investing nio.iey, locating Land Warrant, b iving and selling city lots, 4i.c OKice at the Bellevue House. W. W. Hiryey, QURVEYOR AND CLAIM AGENT, will O promptly attend to all business of Survey ing laying out and dividi g land, sun eying and plat'iug towns and r.-ads, and will adeompanv persons desirou of making claims, and will act as agent for the sale of claims. Office on Main street, Bellevue, N. T. 2ti-tf WM. B. SMITH. J. II. SMITH Smith & Bt other, ATTORNEYS. COUNSELLORS at LAW and Dealers in Real Estate, Bellevue, Nebraska Territory, will attend faithfully and promptly to buying and selling Real I state. City Lot. Claim, and Laud Warrants. Office at the Benton House. Jl-ow P. A. SARPY, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT. S'itl continue 'he above bnsines at IT. IIAIIYS, IOWA. & BELLOSVUE, II. T. Merchant and F.inisrrunts will find llie;r ron.U nrointillv mid caref i'Iv a'lemle.l to. I. inwveTiieomy i .1 ir.tn'tn pi i''' at the above named lauding. St. Marys, Feb. 20.li, PC,!. 21-tf-l JAT.TTS J, WEAVEH, RECENTLY rrom P insvivmia, Inform he ri'ien 01" lr!l-v in that h will piouiv'lv n'.t'" il o all calls made upon nini in the fii'iitwing branrlie of lui.ien: CAR PENTER and JOiVKR w.:k, PAINTING and GLAZING. CT Work warranted. nCLLLM.XApVIlTISi:IET8. iiruyrcARTfNf JOXLVER.. N. BRIGGS, Takes this method of In forming hi friend, and the public A generally, that he is prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the best manner Swelling Homes Of every description of style and finish, on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of public patronage. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 1R.M1. 2-tf "houss carpenters and TOX2JlZ!lHL. WE would respectfully inform Die inhabi tants of Beiievus ml viciuity that ws are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work itieuhke manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, wt feel confident in stating, that all who .favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with our work. c p. sTonns Bellevue, Oct 2.1, 1850. 1-tf cte SHoo MANUFACTURER. A WRIGHT, would respectfully inform the Gentlemen of Belle- 99 e and vicinity, that hs is prepared1 r to manufacture, to order, every variety of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best huNti and Latest Fasuion. He is ajso prepared to make up in the best manner, Embroidered and Worked Slippers, which he will warrant to please all who favor him with the custom. Hel'e Q- 30, ISMi 2-f NEW ARRIVALS AT THE THE Subscriber respectfully Invites the at tention of purchaser, to his large and spleuu.d aiock of Gooils. cousis.iint of DUY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICIN ES, Jtc, .c, All of which he warrants of the best tteurip tion, and bought expressly for this inaikt. He has also a well selected a.ock of iikauy-madl: O JLi O -JL 3E2C X 1ST CSV-, Made after the LATENT FASIliONS, of the BEST MATERIALS, and by EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which lis tell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS5d. l-tf HOUSE CAEPENTLES AKD fMHE undersigned takes pleasure in an X. no.iucing to the luhabitauts of Bellevue and vicini.v, that tiiey are now prepared to BUILD A'ND FINISH, in Uis best manner, all styles of Dwelling Hoiiet, Cottages, La., &c, On the shortest notice, and in the most ap proved style of workmanship. They will be also happy to do any work in their line of business, which their friends may stand in need of. MYERS ft HILLYARD. Bellevue. Oct. 30, 1W. 2-.f CLARKE & BRO., FORU AKDING ako COMMISSION ME11C1IANTS, STEMBOAT AND COLLECTING AGENTS, DZLLEVUE, NEBRASKA. Dealers in F:n Lumber, Doors, Sato, Flour, Heal, I aeon, &c, &C. 5T Direct Gooiscire Clarke &Bro. Rr.rkBF.Nce: Gold tt Brother and Edward Hempstead. Water street, Chicaco J. W. Ilaskin, Milvtaukie, Wis. t R. M. Norton, Pres. Riirina co. Bank, Racine, Wi. ; C. Barrett, River street, Cleveland, O. ; Feuton k. Brother, Cincinnati. O. ; Tibbie k. llav, Erie, Pa. ; C. B. Wright 4c Co. Bankers, Erie Pa.t C. B. Wright, Banker, Philadelphia, Pa.; Darling, Alberton t Rose, Front "tree, X. Y.t W. J. Willi, Water street, N. Y.l R. Ball, TroT, N. Y. Mr. H mgerford. President Bank of Westfield, M'estfteld, N. Y. ; Hon. S. Morton, Nebraska City t Gen. P. A. Sarpy, St. Marr, Iowa; J. J. Town, Bellevue, Ne braska Territory. 1-tf WAOONS FOR SALE, f PES new waggons from one of the best I. manufactories in the Eastern Rtarea for sale by REUBEX LOVJOY. Bellevue, My 7, IW 2T-tf VIIOTaF,SAL,13 RETAIL STORE IN BELLEVUE. I would respeetf.dly invite the citiaens of Bellevue ami Douglas Co., to examine my hrce and well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CP. iKERY, HVRDWARE, BOOT'S, SHOES, DRUG1. ME') KMXES, HAT V CAPS, DOORS, SASH, Ike., fce.. And In fact every varieiv 'is iallv called for in the West. am confident (hat any one wishi'iu to pirrhas" (roods will be enMre'v a'iifi"d, and f id y will be 'o 'heir H'erest tn call S'td evimi e rnv I ire a.i I well selected assortment of good. L. B. KINNEY. llellevie, Of. 21, IW-Wf rii asTc'H iTisroi iikr." : MACHiKlST & COi PIP. SIT!!, In all its Branches. BELLEVUE AND OLIAHA. THURSDAY, JUNK POETRY. I am CJrowiBjg o:d. BT ;0H!t O. IAXE. My days pas pleasantly away, My nlghta are blessed with sweetest sleep I feel no symptoms of decay. I have no cause to mourn or weep j Mr foe are Inpotent and shy, My friend are neltlier false nor eold, And yet, of late, I often sigh I'M growing old I Mr rrowlne talk of olden lime, My growing thirst for early nw, Mr growing apnlhr to rhyme, My growing love of eay shoe, Mr grexrinc bale of crowds and noise, Mr growing fear of taking cold, All tell me, In ths plainest rolre I'm growing old I Tm growing fonder of my staff, I'm grrwlng dimmer In ths eyes, I'm growing fainter In my laugh, I'm grtwlng deeper In my atph, I'm erowng carele of my dre, I'm grrwlng frugal of my gold, I'm proving wise, I'm growing yes I'm growing old I I feel It In my changing taste, I e It In my changing hair, I see It In my growing wai, I ee it in my growing hair i A thonsnd h'nts proclaim the truth, As plain a truth wa eer told, That even In my haunted you'h, I'm growing; old I Ah. me1 my rery lanrels breaths The tale In my reluctant ears Anil every boon t'ie hmirs bequeath But makes me debtor to the year E'en Flattery's hond word declare The secret she would fain withhold, And tells me in " How young you are 1" I'm growiaj old I TliaiuVt fur llie year whose rapid flight My sombre muse too aadly sings Thanks for the gleams of golden light That tint the darkness of theii wings' The light that beams from out. the sky, Those heaven'? mansions to unfold j Where all are blest, and none may sigh, I'm growing old I IvnSOELLANEOUS. Au Old Time Legend, vjvorlli Re meiubertug. There was once an al.bol who owned a rich monastery, and who enjoyed his pos session so pnily thai h was nicknamed llie "Jlbbtit Sjm Souci." As soon as he luid fulfilled his religions dulies, ho tho'l of iiutliinir lul takiiijr liis cusp, ami ma kin" oilier people nuppy. jio wouu go ami yiit hi neihliori firirm? cooil ad vice to such as m kxI in need of it. cheer injj the down-hearted with a merry joke, repeating w ino sws and proverhs to the old I nl Us, uml teliinjr Biniisin? btones to the children; so that every l.ody was glad to tee him; and whenever any one cried out, ere comej ALbol Fans Souci f nil Ihci'b Lrigtiteni d up just as if merrunei t or fine weather had l.een announced. Viiforiunotely, the king who then cov. ermd the country was of a widely difl'er eut character J.epenus eiuoni eive dale, threfori we are not informed to wl ich pnniculor I ing ihe chronicler nl- Imles; only, as we are lohl be vas of a saturnine, uueasv deposition, a prey to tnnui. and incapable of making use of his power for either his own or other people's happiness the cap uis bo i.mny crowned heads, thut we may cboos" from a Ion? line of inonarths of the peculiar period at which the jolly abb and the disagree oil king flourished in our nether world In the hope that the siht of new faces and new plucea muht dit-pel the dead weight or ennui, that lay upon him, the ku gtok it into bis bead, on day, to truvel all over his kingdom. His court, therefore, prepared to follow hiiu ; fur a king can no more do without his courtiers than the king's head huntsman without his pack of hounds After having pasird through several provinces, he one. day reached a fine nlbey, mirroiindi-d ly gardens. -then he asked U whom it lelonired ll) was kdil itlelonged lo a very rich all-ot. who, when one he had performed hu dulies for the day, was always bughiug or sing ing. t "Ami prny. why bIumiM he 1 liiughing nml rin.'iiiir in il'.i. iiihiiiut i" iiikid I he ki.isr. ''Ma h no raren of any on ? ' N-u' whatever " wa ihe uiiwer; " nil'! this i i imivi rsaliy knowii thro.cjd. o.t i!iotiniry. thai he is ul vays calleJ llie A M-.i t Sans Nuri. t Ti i answer ..oked il, kh.g. who J could int Uar people ihnt were happier j than himself, and he ordered some of his 11, 1857. followers lo fetch llie nli'sd directly, a nil Irin',' l.i its into liis presinc. I I he nl lsii m nnenlly Lrnuslit in n m ill die kind's cuunlo, but looking ns joyous ns i ver. I lm kmz toiisnl'TiU nu S T. .1 I! I . I. joy jn me uiiii oi on iiisim. "ioii oro ini''hiy lolil to look eo linrny, when I aiu Mil mill iliscoiitputeil, said the inonnrch, angrily ; " ami 1 linva a mind to punisli ,'nu on the epot only, as I it m religious, know we must forgive ollencet. bull, as it is not fair that you nlone in my king' don. should bo exempt from all cores, I niiend giving you some So here aru four ri i leal ions which Von iiuiht answer. with a delnv of three duvs, on pnin of foifeiu'ng your nbbev, ami pending tho . e ' . - . . 1 -. p . i re I of your lire in tirison." So saying, he gnve the abbot ii paper, and iben die-. mi'sed him. N iw, ii stood written on ihe paper that he wus in stale exuclly How much land there was in iho whole kins:doni how much the Moon weighed how much the King w.ib worth, and whul he believed." t o muy iiiingmu how puzzled llie poor abbot wu on being asked lo resolve such "" cruelly deceivid. Tehpistd ly ubstird (jiicttions. ll irta in vnin he fnei.ds aud relulives, and filled with a M arched iu all hid books, and consulted deep aeiiie of her own degrudulion. she nil tho horned doctors he knew; neither hecume an inmnte of a house of ill-re-the books nor the doctors i-ould throw the PuU? Laurel rtreet, where he strove Miinllert light on the subject. to atille the rebukes uf conscience in un- At length the third day had dawned without his having been iiblo to advance au in.li fnnher touardsn solution, and he was t roll imf wully in one of bis broud alley., vainly trying lo hit on some means of vuding ihe king's threats, when he met the miller who wtis Lringing some flour 10 ihe iimnnMry. The latter, n cunning fellrw. always in the t.Pbt possible eiriu, now bowed lo his, lord, and inquired ulier Ins henlih, when the allot told him with n sigh, that ho was as well us could be expect d for a man who wns ruined, and likely to din in pris- oi.." Thereupon tho miller expressed great nmonishiiient, when tho abbot told him all thnt hod passed, and what hope - less Questions tho Liuir hud condemned him to resolve. Faith, my lord abbot," "aid the miller, after having listened lo him most atten tively. " do you know that, for a urn n of your profession, you are a trifle bhort of ready wit. If 1 were in your , pluce, the king s questions would not much trjuLle me" "Iwi-h you were, Cuichard," replied the abbot. Vhy, you would soon give it. 'Mn ti ', as I huvei done." "Upon my word, I should not," replied the miller ; "and if you will only lend me your g m il. holy father, and hold me quit forever nud nye of my tenure, I'll under take to answer the king so as to give him bati.-fnciion." The Hbltot was but loo glad to accept ihe miller's prr po.-at ; so ho drew up an net I y which he hud acquitted him of oil further duee, am1 then lent him his gown The miih r put it on. and.rt the hour appointed blood in the king's presence. The king did not recognize the abbot nt firx, but .concluded that anxiety had changed him, and inwardly, rejoiced at having di privi d him of the right lo the nickname of the Abbot Sans Souci. So he ordered him to approach, iu a less ter rible lone than might have been i xpected, and asked him if he could tell him exact ly how much laud ihert was in the king- "Very ea-ily, sire," answered die mil ler. "Ihil as ' U have ou'y asked about land, I nin wailing till you hnve cleared awny all the ros. Hones, and metal, to set about making the exact measure." The king I it his lips on perceiviug that the question hud not been nut properly So he went on to the second query, and asked how much the Moon weighed. It must weigh exactly a pound," said the miller, 1 as it has four quarters." This time the king smiled, and all the courtiers laughed aloud. The third ques tion was now inquired into, and the mil ler summoned to state what the Ling was worth. " 1 value him at twenty-nine farthings," replied he, quietly. " Nor ran hi maj esty complain of my setting him at so low a price, since Jems Chrit-t, who was much greater than all the kinjrs of t? e earth, v a sold for only thirty farthing." The answer pnsl muMer I muMer like the others; aud now they mine to the last que.-tion uuiuely, whut does the king be- ''""The kin; believe ." U Guichard, ., h-i addresing the All, Sans b iiiii, ami In is mi taken, tor lie U on iU tpe.iking t his miller." I ;n- 1,1114 iriv iiiiiiii B'll I'lisi 11 1 . .1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . I ut the p. a-nnt nor r itxl 10 hnu whnt . 1. 1 1 1 I. 1 1 1 , . hud ti'.eu place, and bowhehud laeain - J., 1 . . r w 11I1 l.i-ma ti r i g. ib;iuuii if hi ri 1 111. t . Sera Oi. Ihe king ivilil ft delighted wuh I bis w.l. Iluit be ,l..eb,r. .1 l.!...-.f UFi ' ....I .1 . 1 i ... . i : . i i "d ti nt ihe al l t might retain his hber- . t)' am! !iin etni. As to the iiiiller, ho proposed lo him to NO. 02. follow liim lo court, lo help liiin to govern, wbi'h the miller uccipud ; and from that uuy tho olluirs of tho kiniriloin were pnpirly muimrd, ami the king kept in toniuul troou Iiuiuor by Ms jovinl minis . II I - I I I .1 1 ter, uiiowtu niiois onu owiers to ue ri cmpt fro ti cures at least, so far as they could manage to uo so. Anofber Unfortunate. The New Vork Tribune says a beauti ful young woinnii, named Hall, died in the N(sW Vork h M from burtl ... . ti . r,0UU aUUs, Tho " The history of this unfortunate wo- ,nnn ' huiory of thousands iu ihia i. . t i i ... ii "noBiiewoB ana wouiu uoi icii, u" have good nasons for believing wat 'h was born and raised in Saratoga, si e lived, until withiu a year of "er decease, virtu .us and huppy. JJul, in ,n' vil moment, she confidid lier honor lo ' e glitiermg. heartless villuins i w''o ihrong Unit watenng-pluce, and wben ri,al 0,, 'earneu too imo uiui sue nau ueen bridled disnpotion Her career of bhame orrow Insl'd less thun a year. Un 'he 2Gth of April, while dressing in com P"y i'h some of her frail companions, her an.ple kn t ii white muslin, by an accident, caught fire from ihe open grot, ond. before the flames were extinguished, I b1i rece vi d injuries whiih ullimuied in death Although nwnr thai her decease was at hand, she refused to disclose her name, snymg unit -ne liau nireatiy brought bhanm enough linen her family, She went in New York I y the name of ( Mry Hall and Martha Ann Hall. .. Tho pr girl, in her last moments, seemed utterly bereft of hope, and died cursing 1 lte villain who lured her from the path of i virtue. An Indian Legend. Tho following Indian legend, relative to tho spirit home of Washington, is ex tracted Irom Morgan a League of the Iroquois. It is curious, as showing tho estimation iu which the father of lis Country was held by this singular peo ple, and thei id. a of future felicity: Among the modern beliefs engrafted up on the ancient faith f the Iroquois, there is one which is w Tt'.iy of particular notice. It relates to Washington. Accordiog to their present belief uo while man ever reached the Indian heaven. Not being muted ly the Li rent Spirit, no provision was made for him in their schemes of theology, lie wus excluded both from heaven and the pluce of punishment. Jtut on exception was made in favor of Washington, liecause of bis justice and ben voh'iice lo Ihe Indian, he stood pre eminent ubove all other white men. Wnen in the year 1783, the Indians were aban doned by the r lirilish allies, and left to make their owu terms w ith the American Lioveriiineut, the Iroquois were more ex- losed to severe measures than the other tribe in their alliance At this critical moment Washington interfered in their behuP, as the protector of Indian rights and the advocate of a policy then'of the mewl eiilihtened justice aud humanity. After his death he was inAurjied by the Iroquois as a benefactor of their race, and his memory was cherished wftll reverence aud o Met lion. A belief was sp read among them that the Great Spirit had received, in a celestial residence upon the plains of tieaven, the only white man whoce deeds had entitled hiiu to the heavenly faror. Just at the entrance of heaven is a wall enclosure, the ample grounds of which are laid wiih avenues and shaded walks. Within is a spacious mansion, constructed in the shape of a fort. Every object that could plea.e a cultivated taste render it a hnppy dwelli: g place for the imonl W o.-hington. The faithful Indian a he enters heaven, passes the enclosure-. He s es the illustrious inmate as he walks to and fro in quia ineditatinn. ' Hot no word passes his lips. ' Dressed in his uniform, in a perfect state of felicity, he is des tined to remain through ' eternity in the solitary enjoyment of the celestial resi- VI M t ! ft - 1. dene pr pared for him iy me ureal rpinl. L ""f 1 ( 'J: T1? ' u ,k"'k MWi U nirui iui me ii mi sji iniiuu oi J'hiijcis liiMii ilio Tivo riiit, New York, has U'en bringing IikuU of white children to , .. , . I-.... 1 ii ii est, iiiiu sennit i lie 111 1 ns 11c kiiii . .1 n . . 1 I to pay their exmiiM's. H.ys and girls l '1, Vie. t -n . . sre sum ui in 111 010 mi cou, biiihuiiiii iu , . . , . 1 qiuility. I aiiain ism, 1 auulicism ! where ., ' .. . . U A wim man ought lo le prepared for the le.-t, lm pn si red for the worst, and bear w jia cuaiiimiiy whatever may happen.