Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, May 21, 1857, Image 3
BELLEVUE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1S57. . RATES OF ADVERTISING. Kqitar (12 line or Ie) 1st Insertion Iacli a.iksequrnt insertion.." On square, on month " three mouths " ix M " one year Business card (it line or )ea) 1 year One column, out year One-half column, one year " fourth " " " " eighth " " " s column. it months i ...... "' ' half column, ix month'.. " fourth " " " ei?htu " " " column, three month ' . tialf column, three month fourth u " " eighth " ' " Announcing candidates for office...... $1 00 fid 2 AO 4 00 (K) 10 00 ft 00 00 00 x oo 30 00 10 00 33 on 20 00 10 00 8 oo 2') oo 11 00 10 00 li 00 ft 00 JOB WORK. For eighth sheet Mils, per 100 ... For n'lirter " " " " ... For half " " ... For whole " " ... For colored paper, half sheet, per $ 2 00 4 00 H 00 1 I 00 5 00 2 oo l no 1 50 1 00 li 00 4 00 WO.. jor maun, per quire, nrst quire Kch ubeqient quire Card, per pick Eich ibseqoent pick For Hull Ticke1. fmcv piper pr hua'd Each ubequent h uidred It?ialnii TVnfirc 4 Quarterly Meeting, In connection with tlie M. E. Church In Bellevue, May 2:d and 21th. Preaching by the Presiding Elder of the Dis trict, Saturday evening and also on Sunday rooming, at half past ten o'clock, at the school house. P-S"" There will be uu religions ser vice 0:1 next Sabbath evening, at the house of the Rev. VY Hamilton, on account of his having to fill an appointing nt at Black bird. Jp3 Mr. II. T. Clirke, has just re ceived, and now offers for sa'e nt his Warehouse near the landing, a choice lot of Extra Fancy and Soperline Flour, which he will retail at from $10,00 to $12,00. per bbl. II j is determined uot to ba uud.Tsold by his neighbors of tlie Blufls or Omaha. Call and try him. Jf'y Goods of every descrijtion are crowding into this city by every new ar rival. During the pat week, Mr. L. H. Kinney has received stacks and piles of New . Goods which he is now .opening at his Jd stand, and with thi .assistance of three or four clerks is busily engaged in waring upon his numerous customers. -Mr. Kinnev is the pioneer merchant of this city, and is 'prepared to ente into competition f.r bargains and low price with all n w comers. His goods hare been selected w'th a view to the wants of tho citizens of this country. Give him a call, and you will find hi goods right in both quality an I prii.e. and the Proprietor himself an accomplished salesman ami genilmati. Ga in. V Hi , f P3" Another good Shoem aker, would find it to his in crest to locate in this city. A good workman, who is of industrious nnd steady hal i a would do well and ac cumulate money fast. Jf5""If man dies, shall he live again f . The flowers which spring to life and deck the prairie with their beau ty, and delight and regale our senses with their fragrance, after the blighting frosts of cold and dreary winter hare passed away answers, yes. The rolling seasons, seed time and harvest, day and night proclaim this mighty truth; and yet the world is murmuring k'iil, " if a man dies, bhall he live again?" Nature in ev ery pulsation, answers, yes; man shall live, though the foundation upon which he built his hopos of happiness shall prove the baseless fabric of 0, vision, and all his bright and glowing anticipations be blast ed with the mildew of death still he may call upon Messrs.-' C'learw&txk White & Sanders, at their new Sloru in Belle vue, and be accommodated with every thing ha may wuh to purchase in the way of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queens ware, &.C., See advertise ment in another column, Q The steamers from St. Louis have, for the past week, averaged one per day, and have discharged more freight at this point than last season. This speaks well for Rellevue, and shows the ' flourishing condition and business prosperity of tlie place. . . . The boats which parsed up were the Omaha, John Warner, New Mouongu hela, Spread Eagle, E. A. Ogden, Silver Heels and Emma. The John Warner nd New Mononga hela di charged the large.-l amount of freight at this place. By the way, the officers of these bonis are kind and ob'iging to those with whom they have intercourse, and unlike the enpta ns ou tie Ohio river, they deem it a pha.-urj in communicating information' to their pa-iscngirs, and .!w y il,ir ivnduul that they p-aws a largo tharo of th) milk of human kindness. fQ-. Tho new and splendid Stcan.or Silver IlrtLsis certaiiilv the avifltd lal 011 the Missouri river. She walks up tlie rapid nnd tuilid 'voters of this stream like "a thing of life." She left St. Joseph on last Monday morning, at half pa.-t two o'clock dis charged freight and passengers at all the different points, and lost three nnd a half hours at Iowa bar lim 1 out from St. Jo seph to Bellurue, one day and thirteen hours. She left St. Lotus on Tuesday evening loth inot., at 7 o'clock P. M. Lost one day below St. Joseph lay ten hours at St. Joseph, and out from St. Louis to this city, but six and three fourths days. This is the swiftest running up the Missouri river on record. We are obliged to the gentlemanly Cap tain and Clerk, for St Louis papers up to thel After discharging freight and pa sengers at this place, she pro.-eed-id to Omaha and yesterday morning she passed back on her downward trip. Trivate letters from Madrid, of the 10th, state that Lord Howdcn and the M.inpiis de Fucgot are doing everything in their power to prevent the breaking out of hostilities between Spain and Mex ico, as from the latest and surest informa tion it is apprehended there is a plan of the United States to make a divi.a'oli of Cuba in the event of war. NEW STORE; S EATON & EOWLES. Eollovuo, TXT. T. il VVi.Vii removed i.1.0 our larpe new more, on Mlin street, we are now euahledto olHr to the Citizen oC Oo nrla comity, one of the Tersest, Cheapest nnd hest SWccted Stock of (iooj. ever opened iu Uiis city, cousistiuir in p.irt of Dry Goods, Groceries, Q tee-isware. SiJveware, Hardware, Clothing, Bjots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Woodenware, Provisions, &3., Thankful for the liberal patrouawe hereto, fore extended to u we enrneVly solicit It coa'lieiance, foU tar confident that the q:nliy and price of our goods, cannot fail to please. KKATOV t ROWLES. Bellevue, Oct. 21, lSjii. 1-tf BELLEVUE HOUSE! THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ADOVE LARGE AMD POPULAR HO T E L , OFFERS EVERY To the Public, and will render ASSIDIOIS ATTEXTIOY To fit wards of UIS GUESTS.. J. T. ALL EX. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS.lo. 1-tf SEISOX ARU1XUE1IET. Regulir Picket for- Kni, Nebraska City, Bellevue, Ton cil Bltilei, Omaha, ad. I Florence. THE new nd elegant Steamer 'VWffi MLn-nP-ha-hl. Can. Clnrlea Biker, Mttter, llutchiuaon. Cierk, will run a a rerwlr packet, to the above and all intermediate point 011 the Mis souri river, and ieron can rel v upon her con tinninp In the tr.iile regular y during the eaon. The Min-ne-ha-ha H nn entirelv new hoa built exprely for the Mio'iri River trade, and iK-in;; fi'ted up K the latest and moit ap proved e'yle, hor officer fW co.ifi lent, that t ict attention to the comfort of P i"j;er, and to h-isine, will m.ika her the favorite b at in the trade. CHAS. BAKER Muter. HuTciu.vnoN, Clerk. II. T Clarke, Agent. 2'i SrRIXG ARRWuE.MEXT, Regular Picket for Ka-ia Leavenworth, We'on,St. Joidi,S'vannah, Iowa Point, Nebraska Ci'v,, Bi-llevu", Council H'"If, Omili'V and Florence, THE ti"vna etesraut Piwnir frfr3 ; S'eamer Floivne. .1 TUrock- i.'.TJnioiio'i. M J. K. Gorman. Clek, will r.' h"r trip a a r"srul r packet in the above trad", on the oneueiir of I navii'ioii i-i th "prinp, and will rem liu i.i it tnro'inoit mi eaon. The Florence hi vine; been built unW the auperintendence of the Hnrine', exnrr!v f. r the trail" i of ex raor.lin.irv Rtreiigh,and well a lap'ed to itli. evrv par Icular A rea sonable ehare of the ntrona?4 of liippr, nd the n ibie rira'tv. i rospoctfnllv soli cited. J. THR?CKM'JRT 'N, Master. S3- J. K. Gohmin, Clerk, J II BROWS, attorx::y a rurxrcLon at law GENERAL LAAD AjEST, AND NOTAUY PUUMC, rit!timwVi, c.isi Co. x. t. ATTEND tab nines in any of th C.mrt j of thi Terri'orv. Pir'icilar a'-'entioa paid 1 to nhtaiuln? and locating Land Warrant, eol j ec:ion of debt, ane taxes pa!d. I.e'ter af Inquiry reia'ive to anv parts or th Territory answered, if rcoin-wnie wiih a fee. REFERENCED t Hon. T.vmin Trura's i'I. U. S. S. from m.j lln lam" K.iox, L C. " H vi. O. II. W-owt."r, Q liney, II i lam" W. G'tnie, Gn-er ior of lows. tr,n. It. n. n-nf. DM to C. fnm N. T. Green, Wear" 3t Bent0o, Council Rluirs, !. NuckolU la Co., Gleowonil, Iowa. 231?. ST. MH ADYCRTISCIICXTS. KUilL & KAYSER, St. Mary, Mills County Iowa. NEW STORR NJ3W FIRM. NEW GOODS. WE would respectfully announce to the people of Mill and adjoining counties, that we hive lorated ourelve In the new Brick etore on the corner of Front street ami Sire' Avenue, in St. M iry, and now have on hand a full and well aelecied stock of TXToxv Goods, nd.iptcd to tin wants of this community, con sist in? of GHorKIlIE's, DKY GOODS. HARDWARE, II ATS CAPS. BOOTS !t SHOES. Dur(;si. Mr.Dtrivns, OILS, rLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, Fl'RN'ITUltl'., PAINT, LIQUORS, WINDOW-GLASS, SASH, fcc, Slc. We are determined to srll to cash cue'o mnr lower thau auv other es'.iblWhment. in I His por'ion of th" S'lle. An examination of o ir 'ock and price will be all thai I neco sirv to convince yoa of the fact. Look out Tor the mammoth rnnx STORE!!! Fa sTaTssr, st. m r n" AM ki id of co intry prod ice taken In "xehvirr for Good. no.V.f. KUHL i KAYSER. P. A. SARPY, Wholosilo & R"til Mrrolnnt, coRNcn or mm and caroorv strekts, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS jut received and i.ovv h i for sale, a lare assnr mcit of selecleil inerdi 1 idise adapted to the want of all in this new and tlirivhig corn 111 -nii'.y, which he can el ac he ip a can ! .i.'rel elsewli-'re so hih upo.i the Missouri river. His (foods have been selected bv an experienced purchaser, wi:h special reference to the circumstance and want of alt class" of settler l i a now co tntry. L-i-die nnd pen'leinen, children and yotlh, all can be supplied. Call and see for yourselves. Hi stock consis of the following, amnni; a irreat many o'her articles he cannot now enu merate ; Among hi Dry Goods, Miy be found Woolen and Satinet Clo'h, Casiiaeis, Twee !, Cashmeres, Llnsevs, Flannel, Red, White, Gray and 111 le. Caspian Plaids, Ootkou Good, S!ee: ins: and Snir; i.nrs, llleached and L'nble.ieheil, Ul ie and Wliite, Drillm;, O-inaliurg, Bed-Tickinp;, Hickory Checks, Stc, fee. Fancy Goods. A beautiful assortment of fancy print of every variety of style a ml pattern. 'Gingham, Lawns, Fij ired Alpaeea, Bomtnines, liom bayetts, Shawl, Scarr H mdUerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edjji igs, Ribbons, &C, &c. (lolhin?. A well seleC,j stock of S umner, Fall and Winter Clothing, coiisisiiipr in part of line Dres Coats, Pants and Vests; also, pood S imiiier Clo' liinic of all descrip'ions, and heavy Clothiujfor Fallaud Winter use. Also, Sliiris, Knit Flannel Drawer and Undershirts, Socks, &c. Mens' and Boys' Ht and Caps, of va rious fashions, qualities and prices. Boots At Shoes, thick and thin, polished and unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, and Children's use. Groceries. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sutpr, Molasses, Syrup Molases, Golden Syrup, S iperior Tea, Rio and Java Corl'-e, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Giiiger, Nutmegs, hu-ilf, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, &c, te. Provisions. A large assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices j Cor 'vi and all the various product of the F-rm and G ardent Bacon, Fish, Kiln dried Ap .es, Peaches, Currants, Raisins, &.c. Hardware Stoves of vario is pattern, for Cooking am) Heating room, Stove-pipe and Elbows, larg and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pan, Skillets Haiiil-lroii, Shovel and Tongues, Manure n I Hay Fork, Scythe. Shovel and Httade, I,ot and Trace Chain. Axes, H immrs, Pincers Iron and Steel, Nails, Hore-Rsps, File Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ra zors, Butt and Screws, Door Handles, Knob, Locks, Stc, Sc. Thwart. A general assortment kept for liousehok purposes. Wood ware. Wss'i-tnbs, Shaker Pails, Wood and Zinc Washboards. l.rathcr. Sole Leather. Tlar.ies Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Bridles. Halters, Lariats, Circiugles, Belly-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Back strap, Girths, Blind-Sri lies, &.c., .. Medicines. A general assortment of M'dicine, for Fevers, Fever and A2ie, and the common complaint of the countrv. Cook'. Lee's, Sappenvtou's, Bragg' and Javnns' Pill, Q.,i. nine, Tonic, and vario i kind of S' im ilant, Ano Ivies, Lintinnt. and o"her article nrce. sarv for the sick and the .invalid. l-tf THE 2IIS3DU I RIVCH AND IOWA STONI COMPANY. AT 3 1. MAIl S. MfvLIJ CO., IOWA 'RF prepare! o f imis'i IWofi low and Nebraska wl'h S D, 1 ,U VK. IMJ-. ROK. fc hf M'ING Sli-NE of everv i variety, sie and h !. Thev have faci'i ies for q -wrrving ANY QUWriTY, that may be needed, and also iu.eml to make D IIC; WT21 LIMS, &c. 100 Laborers REFK't AN KS: I'. h vt ait J 4. C ., St. I.OIM-. (il-r.r.NR, WtA , &. Br.NTOX, Covs II. B VFF. All order should he sddred to J NO. W. ANTil'NY, S rst-TAHT. St. Marys, Mirch l")th,Hl. aitf. II. Mr-VKK. A. GKT7!Clf AN. MTr & CI 'tziehm inn's The i-iderie:!ied he-r leave to inform tl citizen of the a.ljoi'tlnt; counties in Nebraska, nut tliey re trni.ling a new FLOCKING MIT.In with two run of Burrs, st ST. MARY, MILLS CO., IOWA. to be in o!;era'i(. on the 1st of Auir1 '. If!'.er will do well 'oril fl ,'vif W. .. we sre e ared t ) pay th l.i,' pf in ill rjm'. ' i," Birds' will 'o b ho:r t by tY jTc t I'C. 4-t ! tl. M.'.KY DiaV.W.KY, t C'?'Nt !-.:, .e J9 3d. 0.1MIM ADVERTISEMENTS. I. A. JONES. nrn. w. woon, THE L.R(iEsr Drug & Chemical Houso IN T II R WEST. OMAHA CITY.NEIIRASIvA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, WltOLEStLC AMD IlrTAIL DlMLtng IN Drugs, Cliemical, Pa tut, Oil, Pve Stuffs, Window Gla, Wine, Liquor, Cigar, Tobacco, ke. Ate. Ac. Ilavlni piirph.aed the enUre stock of 1MILGN and F ,iM'r tiO(DS formerly be longing to C. A. Henry A. Co., together with our own full purchase, we are now enabled to off'.-r the public a complete nn assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS n can be found west of the Mississippi river. O ir stork Is of magnitude euo igh to s ipply the whole N 'brisk trnd.'t and h iving been' pur chased under the most fivorthle rirruin etauces, we feel assured Iu our H'atement, tint if Fine (Jon, Is, us regards quantity, qnal I' V and price, are viv objec' 'o thrase d. illnir iu Dtlt?(;s and MEDICINE-, we can oiPr lh"se jnd ireme its to a gre i'er ex'en' III hi anv o'her 11 1 He I t t tl n Wei', Co lu'rv M Teh M' nnd Plivstrian are requested to ex iinlue o ir stock before p irclnslng elsnwhero no lj-tf JON EH X WOOD. ANOTHEIl GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1003 PAIRS Eastern Boots & SI1003 SKLLIXfJ AT COST AT T II E O M A II A CITY Boot and Shoo Etoro, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, a good assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs and Kind lis of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, fo.;e Ji-r wi'h a complete assortment of work of invown man ufacture, including Lldies' And Gents' Bud'.ilo uver. Also, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P.' S. Every style of Boot or Shoe in ide to order, as us ia', and warranted easy, fashion able and il arable, no l.V.f. W. HENRY STARK. MEW GOOES! NEW STORE!! 'Mil nud"rs.g ie I have opened, at their new 1. store on Douglas street, opposite the banks, a new ami splendid assortment of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOI'S and SHOES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, Jke. O 1 1' s'ock of Dry Goo la eo npriae all kinds of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILD REN'S DRESS GOODS, ALL KINDS OF DOME3riC3 and everything thai is iei.iili.e (u make up a complete assortment of Dry Goods. EiDifilJjsTi, We have a large lot of Clo'hiug that is wel and fishionnbly inide, and o it of the best material. O ir stock consist of all kind of Gents' furnishing Good. BOOTS nnd SHOES. Our stock of Boo' and Shoe is the largest everolfered to the citizen of Nebraska. They are purchased directly from tiie manufac turer, and are of the very best quality. Our goods are all new, nnd recently pur chased in the Eastern cities, ami we intend eellii.t liiein at astonishing low prices. All the ci'i.en of Omaha and vicinity are re quested to call and examine our stock, as they will find it to their interest to do so. (iiT We study to please. no. 10-tf PATRICK it CO. W. II. STARK. O. W. HEPBURN. NEW Boot and Shoo Store, On FARNHAM Street, Opposite the Ex change Bank. w. SsTARKlTca., Would reined filly iMr,rin the lldies and gen tlemen of O.nah l and viciul y, that they h ive on hand and are manufacturing a couiplvte s'ock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted; compri sing the following, viz: Ladies' Fine Lnee and Congress Giiter. Kid B.M).ee 'id Co igres Gaiter. " " Sllnper and Piro li Tie. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootee. Misses " " Cliilds' Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boot. . 'e'e,l " Fine French or Pmn Ron's. , ' Water Proof a ndQ iilte.1-Bottom Boots. " Pae it Calf Boo'. Oxford Ties a id Gaiter. " Kit a id Calf Slioes Bov' a ad Yorh' Kip Boo' and Brogm. All of which are m ide of the best in aerial the market adVls. O ir facilities for a. lect in? are uusurpissed la, Eis'eru ci ies, and we wish it distinc'ly uiide'rs.on I Hi it we V. arrmt Erery Artiolo Wo Sell. We hive the best of workmen l i o ir em ploy. Every si' vlo of Boo' or Shie nri.l to order, and warranted n easy and fashio iable fl . ltespectf ill v. ,no l3-tf , w. If. STARK & CO. . FRA VI .. HMf. wrT.ll.tM FfODSIIAM New Tork GUN AlfD JEWELRY STORE. KEMP t FRODSHAM, DEVLERS In Clock, Wi'cbe. Jewelry, ! isical Ins'rimeat, Rides, Shot Guiu, ana rmot. CLOCKS. Tliir'y hour and eight d iv clock of the two tie.t inauut ic'xnei In the Cniouj and otfice spring clock. GUNS. Single and double shot Gun, from five to 1 fif'v .1 llart Rid-, of o ir owii make; alo, I Eastern make; Pis'ot of all kinds; pistol Dusk. !io' nig, wiiKling anl wit cutter; common a id wi'er-proof caps; colt's cm. and n mi"ro a o her arietes aiitablefor the We: e-ii trade, which nei'.her time nor space will allow to enumerate. V AH of the above article ioM on the most reasonable term. Repairing don to st short notice. no y-tf. Omaha Citv, N. T. CHAS. CHRISTOPHER, MACilllSTCOFPERS.VITH; la all it3 Eran:h?s. BELLEVUE AND OMAIIA. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE PF.n STKAMER ST. MART'S. THE undersigned take pleasure In nnnun. ring to th citizen of Rellevu and Sarpy Cmiiity la generl, tint they hve received per Slesmer St. Mary, a larg nd splendid stock of Groceries oouslitlng in fart of Tea, ColTee, Sugar, M''I4M, Fish. 8alt, Cheesev Cracker, 8op, Oyster, Liquor, Fiits, bjiices. Risln. Sardin, Candf,, Oils, r..iut, Brnshe, Gla, Si one Ware. fee. he. THEY would also rill particular attention to their superior s'ock of preserved frull eo isis ing of go is'ierrles, Rtiubirb, Q ilnces, I'e ir'i.'s. Annies. C 'rri a' a id m'T 'l f' il . Alsi -hee s'ock of fre.h CVN OYaTKIH and " R')I F. i which they cin warrant of superior i( nil V. T'i"v wo ild alio I ifo'm Soi-'sti-i that they h ve i ir-es ip jt v or P.IWDFI, S'I'l T. LE D in I CMM, ami tint tbey will II id ll"ir s'ore s iperior piles to provide the lie. resiarln of a h mMng ex' irsln i, all of which they will e! cheap for CASH, Also a large nnd p' assor'tnent of French and Auierlcan Perfumery, consisting in part of Pomaile, Cologne, Sosri efe. wvrrLESfcNicr. Bellerue, April t'.th, !Sj7. 2'l-tf. I AM HERE, FAIRLY located In Bellevue, su I am d'ter mined to s'.av here too, (that Is IT the citizen of Bellevue give me ouia encouragement) I hive juit p irehased flue lot of piiuts, brushes iinil uudrle belo iglng to J. T. White, ami am nre;nre. to do all work, that the Citi zen o Bellevue and vicinity may ee fit to u trust to in", such as I K USIV SION AND OINAMSNTAL PAINTIN2, GR VININli, M VRtlMHNG, Ac, In all i's v.inoi branches, and I.i Uio neJtuj!, latest and most appropriate style. C ill on me I I'll guarantee You won't be disappointed. For what I do I proml'e yoa la well done I That's decided I PAPER HANGING Executed In the neatest style. V" Paint mixed to order, and for sale, r. WEI DM AN. A FIXE FARM F02 SALE. THE undersigned would respectfully Inform the ci'i.en of B")evue ami the public gener ally, tht he wishes to ell hi farm, which I itiiated on The Platte river, In Sarpy County, and consist of S2' acre. 2H) acre of thi land I fenced with boards, ami cedar potts. 10 a. res Is broken, and half a mile from this i7fi acre of a good timber a can he found in the Terrl'ory. Thi farm i litnated on the Stage Road from Omaha to Nebraska City, the Piatt River Ferry being right on the' place. It I altogether a desirable a lo cation as can befo'indon the Platte River, and fir ri.'hne of Soil, and convenience of W ood and Water unsurpassed by any in the Terri tory. For further particular apply to the owner on the premise. W. CARLYLE. BELLEVUE Boot cto Shoo STORE. TM. BART AY, would restw-f illy . inform the liilnbi'ants of lle'.levue' and vicinity, that h has commenced to Man 'faet'ire DD0T3 AND SH0Z3, Of all description, from the fmet finish to the aoarest nilk. Eiajilovi ig none hut the hest workman, he will he able to warrant all work lo ie at bis es ah'i1i:neit. '.'"a?" Tin hbrhest cub p'ice paid. In trade, for all deserirriou of R VW HIDKS. Bellevue, Oct. IM, 1S. l. '-tf t'ciMiL nLirrs auveutisoiexts. Orocno, Woro & Benton, B ANiCERt, DEALERS IN EVCHVNCE, and Laud gent, Council Blufr, low. No'e nd Hill collected and remitted to anv part of ih United S ate. M viey received on deposit, nud iuteret allowed. 1. astern or So iMiern Draft f imished in mis to suit p ir cher. Lmd OTiee fundi plid forCurreuev r bill of Etch inge. Loin elfseted o goo I s-curi'v. Taxe paid, ti'le ex imlued, and Real Es.ate hoigtr. and old o i Couiumsio i. L n Is entered for ettler and time given for payment, O He oppoai'e th Pacific House, in west lower room of Land O lice. RKrrar.Nct:: F. S. Je ip k. Co.; W. J. R ir nY t Co., B inkers, D il ique, Io.v ; Coak, SirfTeti', Hanker, 1) iveuport, lo v a ; C il ber'oi 5t Re,i0, Hi. iker", lowi Ci'r, low ; People' Htuk, New York City I Kn'.cbetti, Roger (c 't-nnet, It inker. New YorkCi'y; ts-lkau. Wither fc Co., W.nhi,igto:i, D. C. ; Ho i. Cha. MiM'i, Com. of Pitnt, Wah-i-Toi, D. C. ; Ho i. A. C. Dod re, S. V. S. Birliur'o i, lowii Hoi. G. W. Jois, H. V. S , D ib iq ie, Iowa; Hiu. Jo-ph William'. Chief J is'ire, ictiiie, 'owl. Council Bluir, Oct. 2d, 1-tf Tootle Si J tokson, I FORWARDING A, COMMISSION MER CHANT, Council Hluir ci'v, Iowa. H iving a Large and Commodious Warehouse 011 the Levee at the Bluffs lauding, are now prepared to receive and store, all kind of mru hmdise and prod ice, will receive and pay charge on all kind of freigMi so that Steam Boats will not be detained a thev hav been heretofore, in getting coin on to receive freigh', when theconsig iee are abseu'. R : Liverinojrs fc Cooley, S. C. Dsib fc Co. and H imnhrev. Putt fc Tory, Rt. tiuis, Mo.; Tootle fc Fairleigh, St. Joseph, M . t I. S. Ctienewor:h fcCu., Cincinnati Ohioi W. F. Coolbough, Burlington, Iowa. l-'( ROBINSON nOU3E " riHIE li'idersigned having recently taken JL and r edited the above well-know and popular Public House, he trusts by the rrict s'udiou atten'ion to the wan' of his gues's. to merit a liberal share of public favor, eonfi denc and patronage. His table will be spr I with '.ti ! market an. I no pain will b spired to mike hi 4t areeAbly at liom auJ comf.1r .1Me. O. A. ROBINSON. Council Bluffs, Iowa. tov 13-tC, Tailoring I Tailoring I TliA (.nitfkralne.l tteM 1lVa fit Inform IflA fl'lren of BelTevim and rlclnltr that ha prepared to do custom work, la the latest fashion and most approved style, lie feel r 01 tl lent that hi Work I nnnrpnsed F.ast or West and hf moderate price respectfully . olicii a share of the publia patronage. lit will alwav be found ready to recelv order at Uio Bellvu House, 1 .TOSF.PIT BRAT. Bellerue, N. T. Mitch 1 1th l17,tf G R E AT B ALBor LOTS 7" PACIFIC CITY!! MILLS toivrr, tow a. Tvrminui of Ihr. JJurlingion If Jlaiourt Jitter Railroad. THE frnprl"trir of Pacific City will offar" for Mle, at Public Anctton, on th (round, On Thurd.iy, tbo 2Slh day of May mrt yf) Mjfljma!)rtf3i' Bale to cominenc at 10 o'clock and eontinu from day to day until th same are sold. Pacific City' I situated In Mill county, Iowa, on a beau'if il plateau of ground In th Great valley of the Missouri, three mile east of the mouth of Platte or Nebraska river, four mile east of I'lafsmn ith th Nebraska Car mini of the B. fc M. R. R., thirty mile north ea' of Nebraska City, twenty-five mile south of Coineil It'n T, Iowa, and ' Omaha City In N'e'imki. It Is adjoint g the bluff of' th Miss. 1 irl river, at the entrance of Poney rreele I ito n ho'foni. It extends Into the bottom two mites and wi'hli I wo mile of the clfannel of the Misiourl river, the bottom gradually de. ce.idiii)( to th river. The uncertainty of tht river In ik for a mile east of th river disap proves of the propriety of building within that lis'anre of tllo river. , Th" location I a healthy. romnnUc, ind beau'if d 0 ie, being hacked by bluffs two or 'liree hundred feet high, upon th top of which may be seen the great Missouri bottom for tliir'y mile south, and twenty mile north. The ite h i long been looked upon I on of (he niosl beaulif il site In Western Iowa for a large and thriving City, and ha bee held by 'he first settlers In Iowa for that pur , pose, only awaiting tii Improvement of th cou'rry, the dinauds tor each a town, and 'he Riitroad fjcilltiet which are soon to bt completed. A branch of th Rirtlngtoa and Mlnour! River Riilroid will he built both north and ou'h of thi place. Th St. Joeeph, Council lUnds, and Sioux- City Railroad will undoubt edly ru i Immediately thro igh the town lte, S'o'i of th bet quality and most extenslv in Wea'ern Iowa lie on mile south, and four mile north of the town. Four 'eam mill wl hln fiv miles of tht town are 1 1 iccessf il operation, (twin; from three to five tho is and feet per U.iy, bides a number of witer mill. Ano'her steam mill i on Ui way to bt put up In th-i town. A newspaper will b published thert by tht first of June next. . , Lumber is now on the ground, and belnf awed, to erect fifteen or twenty houses. , . Co itrsc's have been mad to burn two and a half million brick thi season. The advantage which thi place has ovef all o hers In western Iowa th Railroad f-, cilitie whlrh Paeifie City esnnnt ml hav ing, toge'her with kelnt; Supplied with tht hest water in the world, with timber, and th bet agricultural conntie In Western Iowa ana Nebraska lying et and wetof It, I a aura ln dica'lon that long era the Railroad 1 comple ted that Pacific City will bt tht largest city west of Burlington. ' : Term of sale will be one-third down; ont third In four, and one third In eight months. This will he the last and o ily chanc to pro cure lok of the Company, as the remaining lot nf er the sate will be devlded among tha member of the Company, and henca will be come the proper'y of nrivite individual, and price, at a matter of course, be advanced. J. W. Coomdoks . Wm. STatcTa, 8. If. Mo 1 a, M. W; Gsikwc, , , 4 C. Nucaor.!., Wm. AsMSTaotro. ' P. C. Osars, : anl other Proprietor. J. W. COOLIDGE, Prea. C Nuckolls, See'ty." t-d-t-o ' CLEX1F00P A1)YERTISEWEXT8. LATE ARRIVAL!! AT GLEN WOOD, IOWA TOOTLE & GREENE : ase now im Rtctier or a rcu u rr ir or Wuicil, when co a,ilie, wi I compose th LARGEST n bkst SELECTED bTuCK IN MILLS COUNTY. , OI R T)( K Ua-tlllOCCniCB Art bought at tht lowett terms fox catty coasial ot ;.,' COFFEE, ' ' ''' bUG.ilt, . . ; . i TEAS, FH.f, ' ' ' ' ' . KIOE, ' ! Cl'RR ANT3, RMSINS, CANDIES, , . ' :- MJLS-ES, tJYRL'P, FRUIT, NUTS, fct., fcc, DliY CiOODS. Ladle arw! Ge ate, call and st them, and pric for yo ire!ves. Th-y hava t.ot beea immered and wintered In St. Lc-il, but baitfU: and ahipped tlireet from th Eastern cl i. La'a 'vle and a fult assortment of DUES) GO J!). frxn a tea ceot ltwrt to a l' vo Dollar Silk. Also, a few 6n SIL SHAWLS, BONNETS and PARASOLS. t i.orm.vt;. " A fi ie took old and young, fofrie and 'fiat' men. call so.) 1 If you waut a uict text vest or pa u la. 011 reasonable terms. - HITS J IllTtm New styles, clieap ami 1 irahl. ii.tuiHr.4iti:. A very larire assortmenr. anuiHnv la of Smith' Toots, Sn.ades, Shovels, Fork. Rakes, Does, Bells, Miil, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, File, A i(;er, Ac, liroadaxei, Adie, Chlel. sic., fce.. to the end of th chapter. IIULUISU MATt:itlALK. A large lo., couis ing ot ''me Door. Sash. S'mt'er Blinds, Piin. Oils, Nail, Locks, Latches, Clans, Putty, fce, - IIUNITlllU. Bureau, Beds' Table, Chairs, Tin Sjtee, C ibhoars, Stands fce. tiy" We will e cheaper for cash thaa any Uo ise in, Western lows. , i . "Q 'f. TOOTLE fc GREENE. , BOOt (fc SllOQ MANUFACTURER. t V WRIGHT, would respectfully -r' . inform tha Gentlemen of Helh,- Fff 1 1 iu and vicinKVj that he is prejiaeej Vsas to man.ifacturr, to oder, every vrlety of , BOOTS ANO SirOIS, Of th best finUh an.( La -est Fastiioo; He t sireptr. to nnk up In th heat aantir, EinSroi !re4 and Worked Slippers, svhich hs will wirrint to pleas all who favor him. wit), th custom. Blh-tS iV. JO, IKWO-cf ' 'V. - v