Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, May 14, 1857, Image 4

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t -; ? ;.
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; '1
TJiliif AllTvIEtf.
rr r i .
Tlmi'lnt ti.
HVn'n'rA yuii u!l Yivi -l!y prvt.rirMj
kothcr fanner,' tvr pr-ftl tium win n it
irrivMl. V .sk. Im vt-lSwihter
'.'fours M riuuedy lmt 'iicori, if yu
layo iiajeaoj ii, luuW-carcfiil not od.
Fillip mi. .it you do mil, l in)
i, i;,i4
"prunied ir y'i lmrvpst a chrt no
vrr.- Hi! whnU,f Vowr r'e'S. c rccinllv
of coi n I . Tho.e uf yoattWhuiuU your
fiiilitfT: lt yrnf untyil'h t iyvftrTx
M.eii, tire you smr mat you imvo m y wi
are not ;,' v"y icrUin, l y liv lin lljcii'
''VitAlitt, il mH (ilant tlir n, l.ui pro
'tno ottiT f'f'od from tVm yin
ihfc ctufi!onc, ratlu r Umii 1 if
-not H your cimjw TIumi nuniu ii i i,.i
only imjvirtiiiit l!i;it you klio iUI lm.- r
foft srril, lti( rcil lijnl rill ri; 'ii rily,
.co lLat it may iiinturi! 'well lof.nv
frost i-mi ).' .T IhU lattiTfi c.iii iii'Mi in
'4vi t&ti, aiUMlll.HJ'W fllld t'll'Pj iU , I Ii li "i ' r. . Mi l It , .r '
tllKVMirUniJU LltlluJi'. i hull iiirj Mi ii M MVl)i (v , . irVlvn It i r i.i. N.'V ,v,
if' rlltlV ti'lV illj tltll' SflSfl'l'ly y Vltlly,r: I t - 'l Imlnii IIH l 1' "' ''. "II, mi.!
nimmiimr fivnl in litis Kiatif Jt v
.1. :.. I. -r .,.., .(..,! I..!, r
111 in ' II IM . IIIIU II Ul IV I .-.
thin twin I in rotufirm-o of lnvy rama
. OPrtirriitrr iiunn'r th" u ual r-Miilmr,
''iuJ 'Uil to Wilo kul.u iiiioiilly wish n
voro .irouth if i.ur fan...., wo,,i,i ,i,! ;
iln Kuniir front. thuy-tivHiii miii v ,
(llirO llloSO i if Ulltlinill. Planting a Hon ll
no ili.i will nor.liit. tl ''inJ. BMiiuI I
. . i. . ... . I. - .
wi'U riJ'i'tiPu rroji i mon: rvnniu n n
'pull, limn K wait m Uiti! in tlm soiis,)i). fur
ull iho tiuMis lo li jiroj itiouv On t!u
' milijoct of fieWtincr find iltintiii'.r mmv
corn,; wit) fni'l llii1 fi'liuwiiitf in t'uo I'niintr;
(il'lll Clliail. W 1IC il WO C.-llM'lil IH nppinii
lltj lo our region n any yh"r :
i ! "Tliiv nvrinio riopji f Iti li h'cii 'T.
r- . lt.J ttJ:.. ..' -....l...- . I l win
-nrrr in uiw i nn..., ii .v,.-., ,:,rv, mnnbl HmrmaMr wi-lk llonr, not null;
was twotrtjr-fivlmslifli.' Thi hiho. lav. K .-, , , , ) mi Wrll rrn-!.i.d open in tli" paiiH j bike
1 flM!e in any StntP, was forty liuh:U in om hour. t
Connecticut.; -The nvoratft in M:t,-a!,,. '77 n of ni
JBettswas llurty-oiKj I iiolii lH. hvcry 'it'2 i ii,. wi!i m-i-l.irr.i Irra.m. ptilvorl e i'. .r (..! i
nt nil cAn'er?nt)t with fnvmin; ninttirs, is , cr.n k.'i nne rup of mgiir, Ii a ir
. aware of tho frett djfVr''ire in tlio -cn-; Mr- n "r! f l o Ui w'-t a miull lump
Jl?d,y of soils for. h prowb, rov
;of Indian cb'n. Inoy Viiiil ju'rni'ic, hsi
'raised ly iK'TWent fanncii r.ui;o from ! 1,1 T Mum Htt: Caf. r.ikea ipmrt
. twenty to one liUinhvl r nnro Li.-Jn ls "r '' ""'k oij-l -viiur. ii.l ii iliin
" v" ..... . n .i I- 1 nv.v'i or ii.of in' il, a, Mi .i; a lui'ip "f lm".r
pcrncrp. "Of twonty-ne crops otJmlin)nillU t,..,,,,,,,,! of ,SU jt.';,,,,! p ,t h
: corn, id Massata.Ttt?, otTcrcd f.-r prcmi-! tn o - ecu .will bcii-n, l .upo.ui.i'iii of
"' I ' I i il ' i. . t. il . ,1 - I i
. um. nvtra!'4 Vli-UI ttJS lilnu V- irCO U1:I1-
tin per acre, and l!;e avciau i-rolU, ol
' It Thu lnrn-it ci'.in nm mill liunilrr,!
' and fliuty-eium ana onp-ha'f 1 nihi l
.KiuUoeii exceeded oau lnuiJtVd liiditd ,
' and two fell l.elow evei)ty Lut.uo!. Iov i
' V thifiV no nn 'ill n'.triLv.lf the lipaty ;
;WaWe naincd xvholyt'.uhc
-uy of tlia eml tiji iu vlnui uicy were ; i.,,. fW'N t,'ca4 S,f ml!t;. nMil-tfi- yolki of
' (yrown. " Much more, fttnei ally, in gryw-1 lx o -ri and vrhiten of ttimr, hentii,.; tin- r.--,
Ing a.larfje crop ,f. corn, ilcp'omls upon J "tw-l iltoi t a itr froth to vii o i the
Ihii'iiiaitnvin'ii'-Ti lii'i-ii.irn'itin r,f t'10
,,fv . , . I ; ' . - ,
c. ground, afiur uultuiD ni J nraa, u'uil iti-
"On th luituml quality of liiemui; uml
Ihf corn plnn'od tvuifriuontly mnitrmlly
' ' l i '
, aWCiV.iuu-.Aosuiu , jnucrcm i.inna ar
Jllllih jlV pi)dllCtivt'iu;s and ill the lime
TequirOrl forript'llir"'. ' This last is a mat-
,;ter of mtioh thW.m our northern clime
.and hhorl tuiniiners uhore fcoI;alio t) wot
and late Minnas and ctulv iiutuiiuiul fruMj,
we should " plant those vni ietiivs (haun".. wt.iclt v.-ill -iso the whiiewash ;.j Ion--i'rcireveu.
fur u, prncticnhle .oproihic.. lX&t 'Z
. uvenuiiH, ) wiucit soouli cjoic3 o itiutui i-
tv, or we may lone our crup. (iou.'.raily
th anvallcr vanetioa ripon tho cariiost
The time of ripening caa ho orcatly ha
.cncd Ly the aclcciion for ocd,of uo
ripened enri for n. ' eiv yeurci iu t.ucc,jtiiiii;
And doubtless much hp ninotl hy ihiprhi
Uci y hi'li Uilg atU-T frol'41 M:iil(i h'nriri";
ttvo, or more ratlu-r than nbiii;tlu tor.
The famouj Harden coi'it is an iiiM.tioi
of Uus fact."
' Thoui-aiuls of acres of corn "out'
lsl Sni-i'...l.ail l. l i.binliv.1 ll... .ociii.l
and some tne third tun, betnre .he corn
...l.l I ,'1 .1.
s-::l. " . .7 : : ; ... ' 1 Li.X;? ,1 - ii V.? - I "u"" u" '"s'- J'.'-"'-'; oi I'M i larc- an.onn-s bad liefer send drafts- b,it Wv.T ,aw,ai..l it contents are deeply
' veireT-ii nil K.e result lit vni,n noro i-it uh i vei-i i,. . i.,:i,.m-:,, - i,i,.n..r . ,!-,. . . . .- ... ..... ..uhiil h ho- hi "iiiiirr, lurnie 1,1111 pe
tn-psiiauuii. u .i Muau, iiuuij ii.aiy r will answer if drafts cannot be mo- tTtainim:, truly delicious and soul-
.011 Of which miptUt Lava lice-u nvOiUVU, by- T ,,1 o7T.. .Tr 7i,V Vi,e,r7,; " '.:?, : ' ,'' '",ln ' "'::' I' 1,1-1 10:1 r . '-' "' I;';va. ; Cllr,a. ' iS."-l Williamsbury, Va. Gazette.
- ' - ..... ..... fc .- 1 w.eri iim.r am, Din inn mi link ,ia ui IJ-m .... - . "r -i,,ij mi s,
ssl.- . . .1.... .-. ' .1. : ' .1... ,1 ...... i . ,1 ... 1.... . ....1 .1 . ..1. a , . Ul. i. I!. -.T "5: .To'.n T t Dane. ! Th Tiim 1 dl e Mas.,-!:,- rn.,(. :..-. .- ,..-' breitde. Hoou'.ille, O. server.
Northern locatoij.'lutvo. Iouj aince lcnwd ""fi "t!'!;'y-' ' '.ii,la Y-fc a :,hl,",Vr
. e ! . - 1. 1 1 nearly iloulilei 111 bulk winch wdl I tke ubo i'
- die imp .nance of uwkuvj a rul.t atl 'c , ti ,w,,rj Tals ,e , ln!U. fi,u, ,
- tiin of their fpciI corn, nnd placiiur "1 , dour vaomrUto nuk t wo -oo.i-Miy-,1 i.mves t,;
. sittia'.ions where the coh bt'i'tinit! fully . hi ead. inixed viJi w-,iriii w.uer, a id a tea-
tlried .U-foro freezing wtailior. occurs. 1 "i-'""'."'1 f t if Uked,) placed iu the pans
r 1 ., i' , and leu sUrnime: 111 a warm place a Hort
Iowa t arm.:r. Um8 ,Klofe ,, A,
To Savi Vines i-rom lire s.l would
JlV my CXpurK'ncO 111 retrnrd to tlio on
inies of lite vine.'
my ii! j nr.-
pear, as a wm-ia!
: ! r. T
1 1
bug or fly; the on!y 1 t-vcr f-und
1 1
... . .... ti r ... 1.1 '.l.
. 011 uiv tn!S. .1 naif iwiiu mat 1 ic tuost
'liectttal prt'yeii.ivn' rijaiytrt t!i rtictt i f
, the strip-'d Luo;, cut-wjnn or In.i k ily
. and in fact all if th?' oiiouiicj uf - t';c
' vine, (or i-alhaoe,) is ns follows : Muk?
a taox of about seven inrhea deep by tlx
...inches snare on ton, and ei-iht en l ottutn.
..This it to le placed oor too hilis ue ooii
; at the vwv lietrir to iirea'( tht irround.
I hare hnd tny Vinos cat olf when the
. '.blow was just Ircaliin i:doi .The-su
-roiuaiS tae ouiy lltilU tnill i kiuw
1 .. 1.1 .1.,.
Wiat will prove elit'
i. .wt.v t. ii .ii .
If this should prove ncccntallo ta you
'. and yl,r reaacrj, you may hear fruin me
-nil- nrsi .11 ,
raiii if all u well. Muoie's liural
Tet yorer.
- a i'.i- ; : L J . .
MiisiCtMicxr or Cuicktxs. Heiisat
LlhUaieajjoii of Uw year bhowld Le providf d
with plcnty of nets; and cm? is put
to Bftt, others should not hi all awed to i!i
I.Virb 1W. , . Af'.er, the your.,; cj:.-!ciis cj.e
..louiaiel aro ct ron'' ciwufia iu im luiirn
way. luo h."-ii ehonhl hs-'r-t! ifj a'ntno.
'J-r . ... , , , ..
.iu fciiuimcr tliey will Le Lotlf-r on t-e
troiaui, anu ni.trea ei-insinini.v, mp's.ij
, Mil r..i- ill-', it ii . i t t. .. m i .I'm to,, i
- i - ivo i! i vurifi f!n1 .v di !:; i!. y
, sh-ei! I 1. T Jihi li.n i li ' i'y ; . r.i
1 n.rn'iuiV -V:T arrii-H-rr rf t. .th : -d
; lo-p ih.'iu dry ami ckar of lice, nod y.m
' lu'1 11 "ii'i the ;te.
nrr !m l jho I ft for n firmer; hut n cross
' n!
t. ii in
1) ii K iii r nr Din -If lr
iimri jUMiiial li!. Ti !-'
DOMESTIC receipts:
t- M:;
r tlnnn t--r. 'A t 1 1 1 " r
' Hp i.l "Itl" 111 .! IJMIMi i.l, ,' .i.n 1
i'.c ro. ! ! ! ' 'ilc i ci.
i, iim.l '.'h.'i if , i'l
f Im!; h i. :n I ;itln l!ic ,. V.
i 1 1 1 - -1-. w in.'i ii ilum .i i i i" - v i :
i f : .1 ir ti lirtr i :; i-; !'.;.
i i. .f t Imii vr i in-1 1 1, n "I
,i 'i. finh uic li.' i.i
1 1,1
t!im i ,' !i'
u" I ' "I'.
! r. ti
l ft HIP l . I ln p T ,i MM.T'
I ' V ', I 1 I I
' "" T ' OM i". J i .11 ll. n -n
n fi. i
4 , , , .. . - ; ,
u. ,,f,.,,' i,,i U.I il r . , In.' l Mil I'l' I I
( ,,,, , v.( :, ;1 , . .. , .,. r,ir. ,; ,.- ,.,,. I
: p .,,! i --r ;t. . nu. m 'ur.i or liu. i-i ! ;
1",-"i"" - 1,1 ''.rh 'lim -v.-rv
.v,-,;' ;,r;,;;,;rv;r, TJ s':;;::
f.m ( i,it.. r i,v. , ,..-'.. ,.(V (,.P f ,, ,
, I i, hi.. U'j.'-i' vn i !i''. ';ikf (.! n'i" nl
rArh loir! n i, (Ilmii ii.t.i !mi ovr : ii .
I l'i a
vr. I iiiMr (lie ti r-plicK, v'ii'i i !!i"v v. Iii
ssotv,' !y ni..nii:i::, jmI i!ic:i j ..11 i!ic t'lfiu in
!ti,'r VH'T viio'i'j.- (nl II l fj'i"!.) ;H ol
v . . i ! . I us., tli.' vi".t of lif'r 1 1' "'1 ih'
.kiM in iy l'i k'pm 1 mi; ai y.i i i!
V i'.l:i:-
ut i.
! P.rn. A' ni rill t" tliic- ll.i'ir, o.i" I ' l ie- i;i:.i'if il of
ipi.-n 'i of HWi " tilllt. Mjalt'in ' ly'
ipiirti e.f
n ! ivu
; i.t ir Li a
p of rn.i 1
C trvrt nif. r
1. 1'',. j wiifn niT'; r:im ri'i i ii ;
bop vi"' , or leu if !i"imvp! "i i i t!i
r."'ir. n ip ii uncii.i'h4 oi rommtiti :i:i
ter, fry o;i a (rri.l II", ami . i;i i c ivi'li !i it't r.
Tioii.rn C'itTAf.P !1HI .hs mill; ntvt '
it iiiv.iv "n.' llvit ! f. if ii f.r c i.'li
quart of milk, and n'tr tliem in, uiliiiu?- sal'.
stnrar r.n 1 lutnifir in th tnn'
i rook' ilo' if
ill it thirkn.i,
n ur, tirrt;-- e.iifan!y '
'VZZ iwl,!
lioiliii'i. Turn
lis-ami unrviv -1 or a rnlir i-uitanl.
' .
WiMTrril ron On rfini-ir.i ii Krvi Ks.
Ai the " noli tlio vrllf wlicu cicHii'.-Tiiirf
I wliitewj sliina; - prrlorm .d n at Ii iti l.
t i-l. - . . . , i !
: tv- r i . ioi.vmi nr ii -Ml , l .il -tun I'' r mi
pompoMitio... wliieh ii fr.r no;-T.ik i
I Henri li.irri'1 that wilt hold water ; put t"n it
' ll ,'f Lush-I of q tick Itine, nn.l slack it by
( ,,m
, ,v,.,. hkeil:i4ioiv i wn'i-, and .ll nm
' iKfin ' of itti t of T.lne nn.t uii of eon'noii
s tf;!e!: wh'tpw-ash.
1 'i'o maijc. o
1YO VTjh OT n plets.",l
cr,'-a,i4i c.lwr'i-dd fo -.r -oc.ii.l of J-i 'lajA' Liwlil-e.
Vie U.iin toIoi , dd A )W ;.kV Huih.r...on
Tia in.l In liar r.- l. int. n:, t n-il l.imub'nok.
i - j - -
I or i.rey vfii Hi' itaor. i'l.l A pouiuls rail
's li.lor. jd. I '
!s 1 iiip'-fici:,
umber ' rin-.i-i
f I ! wi. 111 mav he put o Willi a comiiion
Iwti'ti wash Vriih, nnd will be found inbrh
Imore durable than common whitewash.
To .Mjlkk .-Yt '.dr' wij-rtct-T Yuji' T.-
j failo Ainu 1 ccelol, w'u'u li wa b.a.ieve Ij -ii
a ,, 1
; l'";i--i u " LU itlu-'r 1, 7 101
I'CPI! to
I a"J UM' - i'provc l Ml Uie
liaary d -par'
; 1 iis , eaten very i c
I .'. ...
d 1 r-vid raised '
f,, Trr L ViM,n r,.,...lf (1,.ir(. fo ,,
oer'ain ih-it vnur e.s are e-v f..i! r.r
th "1 in w I'er , if
.1,. !,..
an )
r'i op
!. r. 1 i
I ,,i r.--k 'I's 1-
to! -'" ;1 a s "
... . twrx Soap.
syvi'i.-eau .0 mis o. po'a.M to
C . x l i . . I
tMM,u,u ttr .',. 1,0.1
Ui ease j put. in
two p4iui 1. 1 r i LU : i ; wi'er, and it tofeth-
er : fill nn ti,.' barrel He uct mniniii? will
col l wa i r; si ir it from tm.e to time. Fit for
ne in three days.
ScAi rixn ATm if.--Tlie Devonshire mode of
iitinalm; n.ilk, whe'hiT in'eiil. d for . the
i cii'H ii or u in-rm ne, m scaui ll liaini'iliaieiv.
,as it i utrsltted from the cow. Af'er this'
operaiion, 11 noes not sour so soon, even in
summer; and if it ia intended for biil'er
makine. on hsve sweet milk for f unilv nse.
of! n m cream is isk en mr. in winn r, the
- ..... . ..'
) cresm tnat t mven irom scaiueil mu ,-. will
i not reouira more than tifseen minn'es eh-rn-
j , to brin it t0 bulUr.j Mai,.. Farmer.
I .
r.ii rrr.iiu ov SitrDs. Soma seeds are
sotlowof ae; iiiiiia' ion that wenl i ro.v in ad
vance of theui. an! thu render their c,d i,a
tion the inure iliifioiiTt. Many of li.ese, such
as the carrot, parsnip, fee,, way be buried in
ii . ii.i-r in ine hoii a tew .lays ncrora iwe, ajiuj
thus swell mar;.il!v, by humidity and ot.i. r i
l.errss.try con li-i.'es found in the It 'il. bef
. 1 I :.. a l . .
'fnal us-. Thus mod" of tn a'meni, in mti y
cases, will Jo ! whh the necc'i'y for
S'eepj, ,tn. I r'ii h r i l-'v c cv,i.iT io,i irijte
'crlaln. Care sbo .Id ' l.l.eo lot i I
1 "prn.iVn';, at the ne-.v ipro :t ml; V V hi ru
:i-or iuinrcd duri,,s p!.in"n!;. Ohio Valley
i t ariiier. Mar- n 71.
AT CiLf.NWflJji, IOV. A.
Ani. n.iv lv irt r or k rt li f rrri.v or
Viiii !i. wlicn ,ii!nP led', will tofij""" Hi"
J.AKUUM' A-.n it m;u.i,;'i;u bTOCK
I.N M!.r. COt N FY. '
oi ii stoci or iikk r:iin:s
Aic li i;,'!it nt o l.i-.vnl term for CAsli,
tOil'.ist of
('( ) !'I'!'. !', '
i ISU,
ct nn wt.s,
I! A I
:.!fi, s:-.r.s,
t !!'!',
j ! i
' M Ts Kc, itc, .Vr
ti'.i'v ;.;t.s.
I.n.lira 'ii ;N, r i! .mi ! n" th 1i,
pri.p fin- j-.i ir I- i. IT i !nii' ii, .t lifon
,!!fi""::-! mi t wiiif-f l ta T.miW, lint
l"i :,l'!i' iiii.I ; Jiii;i-1 i!ii .o from t!n; T. n'.'n.
r !'!' I, it - 'illi'l .'I'll .1 fill ;i ':'i'-l,.il"n' of
(.'t' !)S, I'r.i.n a ii .i a- t I.-ivvii a
T v l ir vi'i. !n, :i fo-v fin "Jif.K
S'lA'in.s, i:;i.r,To ml ii; wm,s.
! iM '' i I jo i f ;i."l rtt;
.ill i-"m tl i a nii'i' 'out
'h, II i r. " . i i'Vi' ! rill,
Ui'.i! UiTSI!
Ne-.v .i'l-i. i ' i 1 i 'i 'i . I a Mi'.
' v'tT la,.'" n.sJnf.t :i, i.i''IC. in pTrt
of .'.a. ii'.j f.i'i'i, S,.ii!fi, ,llitiM'l4. I'.irki,
it ak. jt . I!",!.. Mill, C'i m-ii- I1, nt..! IU4I
Sja. j'il , A cfH., lirord ixc, Adii ,
Cilii.'! i, i".. ., I ij 1 !o cm I of t lie cln p' cr.
i:v:i.-;:ti 'MTiiiUiiiS.
A I u..i' lo-, i on ..i !n,'ol Tin ' J) mii a, N.idi.
S.i 4i.w IJli i.,,J'.ont-i. o:i,..,uU,,LiOcks,
l.ntrhei, tl'.Mi. , ..i. '
i u'im Ti :u:.
ll ne.Tii. . i Ii, t'ilili, Chiiii Tin
Salci. Ciili'iiiui'M, M'liirlti,' JLc.
, iy" Vi'a will it'll cli iiper for cali
n v home in tvfi'cii livv.i.
-in. S-tf. TOO fkt: .t fillKKNT..
L. NuoUolls i Co.
t.i.r.N wo;)i, iowa.
Cotlf ul ioiH made In Inwa, Xrliraska nnd
Katun, an I remitted at current rate, of ox
climi:?", five of ch:irje.
J.'itii cil'i-h-. for fiin.'ti Cajiitali id, at
V.'f.i I;h,s Jt T( i of Iut"ri: tt, on real esUe
i . i...i ,-..
i"o ui'y.
, lVirm i, To'vi f.o' j and Ui'i.tiproved,
bo i'!i'. and .10! 1. '
T.tvfi n il ! in anv dimity in the State
al io iu . i' lira si, 1 in ! K imai. '
.i i'i Ijoi.'ii and .Mi:h'v lfind 0:1 .")!
c-i,.. irj' ,-, , -
l.'ncresi paid ou Sped il Depa-a's.
Laud Warrants In. aif'i; and fuld.
S;f cj 1 1 a t t: i a i i ve i lo ill ; so! i
etiiry of I. ni iii lor iel lurs or dinant
I bin and
,1 ilen. ;
ci;;i. r wain (...l'sa jri
Nebnuka or K nsii.
Wb I'harje Ten Dollars per One Htimired
and Sity Arree, ami make reasonable di'dur
lioni, when enterHH l.n-e-n iiuiinliti.-i. Wlien
Laud Warrants aro. sent. Two and a Half icr Al'fe, llirt
Jmiid (); Fee, maat t!ie ly aHm; ee.
Wlie t Vt'lrt in airt sen!, t!ie No's of War.
, to . tjiim isi.ird and ansi
copied in nl ret aim."!, to !; ia rd a.;
i Li i-,t
ild b.
jT-iait' i:a-i'i tp us, cm be' ma in Dr.if s
nn any of (lie -..t sler.i or So-Ocrn Ci-i"i.
We wdl enter Land wif.i Warrants or t'asli,
pay alt I'eei, Taxs and (Vimmi-sioiis. for
o ae thir,l of 'he posi profi.s, accruing from
he s!e of tlo-T. mil ill ep uses o ci'nc oat
of our ti'n d of ilie pruiV 4. O ir arrt'ifjemeni n J
U" s nb t'i - 'a a ct n" en'er L'i ads Ma all the!
0:aps m laun, Ni'irask 1, and Kansas. A
e.i.i,' 1" . ti' s-. ey r :-!w ij s i.( rc.t.'ii.i ,j (o l'r.,1
i:i. ..I'lixi cb ilv'i' I,i 1 U, C,i I'i. 1. in, !'ii t
Oi'uir-ts.i, Mui. Si fits, Minkiivl Tract,
Wi'biti the ie-v' twelve inrii.'n 1 ili Tewil' be
oil'.'i.. 1 for s in'., 1 a id U 1 ih,h. Two
aiyla is ilf Liiiiiii Act.-1) or Jyiiid, mmpris
iu:T 'he best par: imis'nf tflnse TeiTito-ies, a id
ex ' ar alou? t lie Miss i iri Itivcr, tiiini the
! Maaili of !i:ijan Ilii.-r ort'i ' liae of the
S :ie of Missouri, to the Mou'h of L-cau-ipu-cor
Kivvr. , " ' '
W4iV; frei!rn Cspiol fo irm'm.0it.
J jiicuts piupi ijy mad'i in Western
LtjiJj and Tow a Lots, .ire in,v payi.:,; fioin
len'.y-l'oe lo fair hndiv I per cm'..
A'i'c belie,, ih:i pei :;s p itroniin o:ir
'i;iU wuiJi.Hi: p 'v'ali-il' ii'tvaiikaitu m.r .'.!-
Ciavi! ) 1 Co.. New Ycik Cii.v : WooJ I'.a-
i'o.i t. t,.'n I'ii'i id ei!ii,i 5 Stjaii'tut, D,"niai &
Co.. Ciucinu 1 i. D u'av li ir!.;.l ah ; ! luinp'i -
r. ', Ta t . T. rryj t'lmi, iMcCrci ry ts. Co,
.- . 1.0 1.1 ; isaaci jiui".'.ii, i.en einvoi - i
1., ., , . , ,t u
ire i Iio.C:i.
.V, lv.ilisas! u.eeue,
I I onuci! va; II - n, li'.sa m Co.
J'ai;-.,' Id. la.! ; C'.i ii!"4 il udiie, !jj;i;n;iim,
low.l I Hun. An';. Jli'l, li.eoa hi ie, ;
II. . a. .1 .ai' S (.-!...'. St. .lo.en'i, .M a. H.1.1. A.
S. Fu!' 1-, Y... tin .!;.-. Ya : IL,::. I'. V- I'ltilen,
1s"!i Va.; iToe. P. For-, son, ( hi i J ,,s
i;i , I t t.-v ie, N -'a a.
'ilen'.t an.l. Mill; Co., Iowa, ?!-f.
14. 14 V 141. VJ 1 1 l.tll I I.l J.W III
. . T-v , , 4 nt t5lA A,, M,-.t rt;
SARPY &: FNfsLl--.TI.
ll tiis-'liNri'ir W-inf.,i i.l the sse,rr.!e of the
rsjuvlii I
)y ir m vl i.imis;! 4 u4 I!i iuIjoui.
1:"T i-5 lie i", N.'Vt tsV i, ih il he Is now open
in one of th. lare-esl riocKSof (iOODSoier
t, j, :,, ,,r
j')(y (;o"o;)s.
ii I F.F.NWAKK,,
! ;t)' "
j JS k. ' VPS
v . , i :'si " '
- ,- .
. t'()!t t) AfT -
VANUr.l-. NOTIONS, ate,
Atnl every:'.;!,- ''.it ii'vleTo id ..uoraUy
ia cuV ido --, :.!! oi" v '.,'.c'i be will '.1
CIlilAl' ro.i CAMI.
l I. L'lviw nv cnnvriiv Don,
JlL'CK (a Ken in echuii"- for (.ood. Huy.
em from town or coanii v wii'.iii..- i'n.l ami
...... ..a.,,... v. S.V.'..S1-,, IM
I L. ... . . r . '
p l.iiaii, iii'it at v.hol. sale or retail,
. 1 . 1 s i e inoi
mock i. t.i.e
W l'i '.'r i ; l.l d
g and ex Uuil.'ui't li
Inn it . Iseii .re, hs ihey
I'tuM J fair vt ;.
j. i i ' Jab T.'in iltis '-.' j
j "VfF.ATL-Y ami ejpedit lonaly executed, on
i 1 Uryii, at U114 Oic, I
P r,a i r i o F a r m p r
' ron i-v-,(V()i,. '17.
a jiKr.V . h mu.v joch.v a r..
" tv.v ri i To
I n A'ir':'! '.ri-,'
f, liar ..itjliire,
li Hi
J'..!n".ir i, J,i'i 1'iirf, At.M'V.
' ' in ri.n nv
C:iIAUI,i;s I). L!iA(il))N.
.Tonv a. icnwirorr, Corr.n'iiii r.iitnr
Ovrr Fiv IIiiin!rei( I'' F.iriai,iJi anil
M'-cliiiiiic, vlio have Imrp'ofore wriltrn,
an '1 will xouUihw1, w ii U lu.iiiy o'li.ii,
ti wrilf f.ip tn ii'in'fl!. of th-tr -brrthrnii
Uriil llm p'lhlio.
Tlif "Pr.iirin r.inn.'i" il.Miit",! to (lie in-(oj-oi
f,f Hip WoMtorii rinuT nml Mnchntiio.
I', ii tin) ( Airrh-'il' ml J'.iprf In tlm
Wi'ii ii iii!iliiii. wi'pkl' in qjnrln furm,
li::i!in i t clnr u !-i i'ti' I lv lii'h'l
tour l.i'iori lo ijoinirt tlii iii!iTi"li ninl
V;n umit of 1ln wimi.v. of I tin l'.iiniiv. :i rut
In .l ,!,..! !h- AtIc iM nr il K.' J'.iir.-fi if tli-
Vi'-'. A picl.t1 in: I ro'iif"' ':.' ('urn; fi '
1 1 - -1 i '. ! i t iinili".il to civ :i '! "it M ir!."t.
It. i . Ii, in cisi"iti:i!ly i nr. I'.Miiily
l-apiT I.t tl.u HVi.1. .
i r'i y, 1 y'nr. $1 in ril , .incc, or at
t)rj iicl nC ho- I- ic.
II ropi-i, 1 i' r, S'iD.fMV frpp copy t'j
tin) p.'i'ioM Hii.lin,; riii!..
(I coi.i.'s, 1 v i o . 'Ml frro copy to
mi 'Tiiin;
. I. c ir, v7 1.11 f rrn copy
' j . -t-1. 1 1. ;i li w ri ib.
An-oH laVrri'irr i"'u!ii,s two ni.w
it V
I i-'U'Vi, tr Cs j-wiU receive tii!i:b copies oim
r. ;.'.
', M'';-i?'i"ia nl the cbib rolea must
be paid I ivifi i'i'v in .nlva' ce.
. v.-" .Ii '. aim row. Vou wan: and
"Tli" V 1 1 en r.'' V.'e ' an! yn i lo li iv il.
i V t' Uici't 1110 a",- in iv lie lent by mail a
nui task. pur. id-il 'he a' 'ers arn "r.'tri 4'ei-..d.
i, j" Address "Prairie Faiun r," 4V .'!. ik
m'i. .'. Cliic i.'o, III.
( V A'!'.-er'i--."me:i'i, of an nppropritt"
ch iracter, itner'ed s-it feu cents jier line each
inner! ion p 'lyiiicii' in advance.
5 ri i.i. cuFATrn attti ctions
Will be (ilTued in
nui is.)7.
This work hfs lo-en the si andarl far twenty
seven years. When nn imitation ha been at
tempted it has fulled. It is'
v u n l i s ii i; d i n .a m r. n i c a.
Ni:W FEATL'IIF.S TO:t ls-.T:
HoW to drcs will Ta t e. CJii! Ircn's
(lliil lies Hn'V to cut and CO arrive them.
P iii! ins: ou (ilasi. Patchwork, 'l'lie Dres'a
milker and the Milliner.
DrawiiU in all i'i v nirtv, useful to the bc-
I -i:mr and h" pri.f.i-i-at. ' .
Fa diio',1 fruni the esl.ibliibmer.t of the r"l-
1 eb rated 'l!i.i'lle." w'll lie ia ev.TV ii iuiber.
1 F.verv-lav Ad aali'ies m-w series of
I tb'-t" ill iirale! ar-.icl 's will lie -Hen.
1 r,.nt; Prii-sels an 1 Veue'lin Lace
ry V il i"' A in 'cieieil of ilie s' Uch t" be
d iu cacti will li" irhen. Iu add.' ion to the
j Oae I m ire 1 P.irrcs of Itea,!;,,- ,;J1 be
I p;ivn inonthlv. ' "
Ifiodey's Splendid F.tirrtvine;s on s'eel.
Loiido-i, P.iris and Pliiladelnhis Fashions
(io lev's f.aur figured (tutored Fashions.
1 ' l tt, ),i.r,i I ,i-tr P,l.,.i.a T,,.1..1 I'nIUffna
ri,4 t ,i,s,.W 11; .'.n.m0 i -., I.,'- " '
IV "i'l p.i'rus I ifan't" a', ( bibb-en's
lrestej. w'ttli cii'.'ioiis b-ov lo oisk" them.
All kino's of Cro'eJief -.m'l
I 'Can V ifjn ntrl h N'ues
j bui! "rticlcs upon these hu'c
(t inT mi
s.will ufien be
ttrox Kvr.Mf si'iiiF.rr.
MU. !(.' Turee dollars' worth is . piven
very year.
Iu the varions mnubers for will lie
found the iiewe-il liesiirtis for
Wiudaw Curtains, Itroderio Aualaise Slippers,
li I'l iels, Ca.M, Clolks. Uveiit'i'' Dressi'l,
l'.Miey Ar-U'tes, 11 ' id Ureases, itiir-
Jr i salnu', Uabes de CramMe, Car
rl.i" lii e.saei, llri'les' i)res-e:-,
Wreirln, Mantillas,
Walking Dresses,
KidiiiLr If ibi's.
and Morn in Dresses.
Dresses Jor Infants and Youns; M
- 1 '
t' Dress s, C.ines) and Cloaks of Fur lu
seaion. Patients for Ne-dle-work of all kinds
and Tialtrrns lo nut. ilresies liv ore e-iven
are civen
Crorhi.t ntvl Vet ! li,r Wnrlr In Color. f?'ii-..
pers iu Colors.
. . - ' "I
Drawimr Lessons for Youth.
St ii I 1 ii t'rul if rirJurit r- rt a a s - a a v i (- n.i
li;t for is:7 will re tcii ltw.MHW copies. The
ll. st 111 a 'I of C ll' df H Iti 11 r I J, I o Qeu 1 I onr leoei. 0
1 irrtvies. Hie Lady's Monk Sd.
j ''!,,. Tin) I) d'.ar Afa canine contained Cilpa-
1 ires. Ibe La iy's Hook 100.
1 Twe;,f, -i'ovr nmrc rii'.'nviiiTi, twenty-tix
more aviicies, .fcl lloriy-six morn ofes.
,', n . l, i, n, ,, ii nil',.', inoni i'.i :rea
I nearly d-.nble tl;,. T,a.iilr. The lowest rial,
price of l ie Two Dollar la-razine is A !."
lowest club price of Lady's Iiook M.U7. mlv
it,' cen's diirerence iii the price, wht.h is three
a nd a b a If ceni i on each number, a ml for that
Stim '(Ihrea and a hjlf" cunts), you pc-lie
lwe.i'y-s:x m i.e. cr.::i , t .vo .u J'.,"r ia .re
e at: ... i 4,. ar-1 -!rriy-', inoee p i r;. ct'h
lv ceil ;i vrV clrcp tli :a i. 'hi ' i !i a f
can' ?' no" h. ! n.n va w ol
, '
a 'i"i
lie,'.., " b-e.i t.reie: '. !. bat
in1. M'.-h i'nv 1 idy cm ct heisi.i' of
bv coiiipariui; the t.vo ma
Coay, o:
:.' v". r. SI. T vi cotne-
r. . ' , 7
I i n co;es one year, a-.d ; ail .At ra copy
the person eendimr the c bib. makiiitr s
- - - , t i . i r v.i :ii e. iii - v,-. ' I.,,.--
.:tiii copi'ts one. year an.t-n rtra nmv lo .
person tiiij the club, makinjr nine
r !'
fn,m, no matter ho.v many ar urd-red.
SPF.CIAL Cr.Uni'.INO WITH OTHER Itlnmoe shall .V.rve him Ir'om tlie path of
MAGAZIXiX . right ami duty.
G'd.7' Lad. " iiook mm! Artii.n'a Hume; Firm.-rs, 'tiro ighou the eoun'ry, who de-
r. ' , OJ '
x, .,ie, s I. m i-. iti n.irper'8 .tiaga-
Vih4 ' Hun l.,r l'.,r ll ',11
r:,,.!...-., r... i.,v. n . 1. ,. ,, ...
s.u... . ii'.ii a tt 'i4h , ii.ii iiri if ;i.i:.-,i7 nr..
,,,,.. . i
ami Arthur's Ho, no Maein.o nua vmp.;
110111B aiiit.iiiie one vear ssu.
irr1,'!'''' iH-,he 0:i1 jy,wtauclub wilh
iiariifr.s .0 at'l.'liie.
F!ie .!,ii,"i..,t al l,e B.f. nt .,,, f-:,,,,,
anv if tb Clah,.
S il scrllieri in
i Pri'i'-h Provtoees wio
r. :', ', i ' s i v a on
psv the Ain-ric "i pi t -
I s..' I I' ,. ,., .' . ...
r" f an . ,r,
' to tiic Inn. s. A-1 11 i
113 Chesnnt W., PlulaJa., Ta.
i ' i i i t ff c rial'-
"tlic' Nation,
p .,' i'.ir i ,.iy i:i
its iB,"ii',
.L Alii. Ii Uu- imriit.ll.'Mv
I"'!" "' i,n '"""'7 V'V'i .
,.,pl ii .. .-.f-.-..M.U;l n. tl"" i I y
of .loiii'.i.ilimi, nil! in only !'f iir o.inl.l for
HO ('il.'llUl
... .
1 1 Ml. lllll
j by tin- fact Uiat lir l'ru;.i .I'ioi i li.tvc rmploy.
r.l, wit bout r.-sijul In rv;u rv, tlio SI ir Wri-
ton of Ani. tiiM. TIip ".N' l'ioti' ii tlir only
I papi r !iii li ron'nl'in !)ir Vi"y, llumiuoiii
! ninl St,! Si-lit'tti SkiO-!ip4j of tint Comical
(iiMiiui, ,ii.. Tin i n!!i"l lluiiioriit, Knih' H im M. 1).. of wiii. li Heririi. one kclc!i
nlonr is worth 1 1 i holi yeiiri' Sulwrrip! ion.
Tin- Nttion ii IMitp-l bv S. Til. h.ii lo.v ntv!
Mn. I'.. J). )'.. . So itliworlli. wlio ii well
kiiirvn ,ii on of tlin Mont Popular W'ri'rn in
Ani"tici. I i n Mi' ion to the above, wo liavo
ci'ira': :i ,m i un'iiii'iiors;
CI h i Muret'iu,
ir.-nrv W. If-rliort
AI''" Cut,
Mil A. V. iiw,
M' i. V.. V. Kllet,
I'aik lii'iiiainin,
.tin! numeroiii nllier.i
W. W. I'o-lick,
C. A. I'a ri-,
H.'ti. C. ii-ii i!,iv,
Y. J'. Jiianiian,
Wo particularly ei)mui":i'I o-tr phet. Tlie'ir
depart (limit will be'ed wi h (lie utimut
rare, ,111,1 no fvpen-io or labor sptiej to render
the riilnnini iliH'iileil In
. .1...:. .. :..i 1 I
1 i.ii-ii f-Tioi-viii 1 111-111111 ,
!') irees tin I.l
form "ion. wlii
course of a si;i
benefit. i
reliable, an I rmit ialmr in
ch will prove lo tlierri the
Tie year, of almoi'. iur,i!c'ilahb!
Tlie other departments of our Tin Tier will re-;
reive Mh iVtcnt io:i t ! i" v Ii'mi't1 iveh- dennml,
etc'i lu iar e-neiallv mi l ciriTallv prepared
In meet the va; i.'.l las es ol ':ie several class
ei (if ii i leader". Aimn? these we may men
lion Oiiitinal .s ories- .uul I'o.'iai, IMi'urial
Hamlili,, 'i a id Ske chin .-s. Snicv City .sws
Wailiin z',ii' (jinsip. New York Chit. Chat,
the I. I'es' Paris K.ishioai. Practical Ucceipti
for tin- Hiaseliold and Toilet, "Tin; Li'ile
Ones"' )"ji ltt iii'iit, (ieiiH from Pros" and
Poe'rv, licsdcr'i (i.d.e, tlis'torieal Sketches,
I r.-ias!,ilio'is. fee, .c
The Naiioii is
(eie.b paires.) ;i id
in ued in Quarto Form,
oath number will contain
two Oii'inal Lnxi nimrs, 'hits f ir-
I I'i d.iiil o-:r S i '.---1 ;!i." i at Uie e,,, ;,.. year
' w i' It a vol lui'- Ciiiilaini'i'' I Iii lan-e si.e. beau-
lifiilly piin'e.l oiL'i's of rnmi passed Novel-
l-tf s.'.S'C 'ti bes, e-..; &.J., to-e'hijr witli over
Hi' Ori -iutil I'lu'i'i-atiotis. '. ' '
Tii" N i' iici i4 se?it 'at I he fnlton I litr 'remark-
ably low S i!)jcrijii!ii'i and C; ierins
invariably in advance.
Sieirb Copioft.-ni
Two " (to o
'i'liree ' '
Six- v S',
T.-a "
i$i 00 per annum.
address.) :'. Till
.,,. o 00
... , tl no
la on
' V al e c,,y frPf lo Ue g-lter ftp of,
the t ,ub nl ll.N. '
- ' T Ml 'hose sending us subscriptions j
' "n lb" Uicim Pi". iuces. .unit em-la.- ia i
I addition to the i,l..eriplon prlc. '-) ccnlifor ,
j i'.h'Ii I'n'i.T. .f w i' il re com j e-lli'il In I'l'''- ,
p iv !h" t. a'es rost.-.s-e.
All I. Urn's ron! .ii 'line money should he ree
is', r.'d. i'tel direc'i' I plainly, and they wi!!
come at our risk, otherwise we are not re
sponsible fr them.
Siciinen copiej will ho sent free to
Post "Ma.i'en, Agents, and all who wi"h to
pel up a cluli 5 to ;i o'ln-ri, on receipt of four
rents in imps. The rxprnse of re-jlsleriii
is only " rents.
..'Address CPvOFFT .t ID OF. LOW,
H.I D, k St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Ainmn' llii' liuiulreils of couiiiit.n
n' ary no-
tiers we nave received from newspn tiers in
i PV''r' see'ina nl tne couiiiry, we quote tlie
j folbm in: i-xtracts from ;
Tlie Nation appears in clear lartre tvpe.
011 snow white paper, and is riclilv adorned
with illus'ra'ions.'' X. Y. Sun.
"It will a'tain t, a hiu'h posiMon in the lit
erary world." Philadelphia Daily News.
'ft is one of the beat weeklies" now pub
lished, and we take pleasure In brimrine; it to
the no'iee of the reading public.' Harris
tmrsr. Pa. lfertld.
" i'lin taleii. and euersy of (lie proprietors,
its orl 'lutl asid interes'iii"; contents, and the
beauty of Ih" 1ypo.'rap!iy, cannot fail to se
cure for it a u' circulation." Will
iamsburg, Pa. Independent Preis.
As a literary and family journal, we have
1 no hesitation in jirotiounciii!; it tlie best a mom;
1 our exchanges. We advise the ladies to rirj-
! Cl,ra il without bd iv.'' FulUm. Pa. H-pub.
: , . """- l' " " , y -". '", um m
rtliia ens we are liound to pive way to merit
runs ens we are nouinl In cue way to merit.
1 Unlike many rity cotemporai ies. tlie Na'bm
i i . i -.e ,.1.ji.,..ii..i .,.i
1 I it. n nd i.i nol Title. 1 ioii-ili nn i,t'i.r,l.i,n
i, s ..,f" ., mi. n.'i.'i.i. .s.i ; , . ... i.i tin. ,vi-ia!.
! ..r in,...,.. .. i.u... ., .,,r r i... i i.
, oi' crack-brained author." Frio City Dia-
1 patch.
, iiiiio,, oii, t-v, wi.,,, n.'ui i : 'nn uir Hiiuui
11 nas uie mon. neauuiui enirraveii nead
We-seldom endorse luutliem papr, but
Hi tins inotance we are forced to overcome
our prejudice, and commend the Nation to our
readers." Troy, Ala. Pnllelin.
4 rs ft ff I ,i a
JIvrnv Aiiim:siv Moi;n i.r..
by nu i. u1 n. Tin:, is.
, ance to F rrm-
t if is tlie , .
i-!c!or of tti4
1 We t ike this lit Ision to ai,4,
era IhiHt ii'bo-il tile roan iy i h
! t' a' ii'.'l of 'h" 1'di-nr ill". I'll
j "'O'.vn TVIfiTtph," ie.
I !in :e as bei etol'ore !he ! ie.
I ment of his paper, but s.-.l do
oaty lo con
' 1 D-pirt-
ly to add
Its character ami value by all the means at
. ie '"iini.iuii. aii necussrv space slia oe rro-
toi,,,.., fr ., f, l r- .J,-,.,,,,. 'f
-i - .. . . . . . -
a. ....I ill. . ...
nlnflta l,irl..f,.v.i r.!... 4n 1.- I
I ,, t)1 , of r,,,, ,, snbstantinl a'dvantage
to husbsi.ilri. His pntirio nlci 111
i,.ai,l.,l.. rti,,,. ...,.i..ii. ... . .T..;.. f l
'aira a 'Osp.'p' l, tsslldl weekj
ami eui'il
, to a nv other 1.: m.l , nev, s and li
. I ' .1 . I . . I 1 ' i
rary jourcal
. '." ''.-i " m".-- ogiicuiiure a upec-
, -. , ,. l III, I niu a l' .'Tl, a '
i a.'.n - , .: , . . - . I"
" v. u, !. n 1 1, ., I ...... 'i- i .,
to r . n ., -i..iii;.,., .....1 1. 1 . .
j tifly nnniersiary for them to subscribe for a
, lierin lical ex.-tasivi-ti.- ut;..Ii...-.i
no lical
I'i acti
I i I'll t ii ' t hi o, Poiiiology and Gar
.i' t.4iy, v ii 1 meet witli particular
' i..
' and ,V,",i Jonnml it shall
1 by a ii y i i luo l oiiii'r,'.
p r, of tin, ,ir-i it
, clan, ii slu.ll cou'iiine in be one of the hand-
soim s( new .sj.a;ierj ,f tl,e ,Vt
imitniallv r.rilliai.1, Attractive, Instructive ' ' ', iv 1 i 7 T Tl
a d () a e ' il I may lie lrom tune to time suggested by
.1.1 in.. mi ii.. . panirii; eve its of interest, and the debates as
The I'armcfs nni Plintcrs' Corner tliv come from the hands of the reporters,
Will co'i' .iri I'rartieal fiu-res' i tin h'nl Ari- j which will lie laid on the desk of every mem
o'll'ur.'il Hi-its, contributed and called frotti h-e, to imd-rio his revision for the Conirreaa.
) FlvrrV Family, In town or country, whrthrr
I !hcy tke r'bi'f pnjicri or not, will find tlif
j lipnofit, (wirp t lie B mount of unWrlption.
No pnUirrlptioni rciivf(l witliont tbe raoh.
l'i ire Two O ill.iri iii ioivnnrc. Sulnrrlntioni
...I ....rl ..;il.l.. 41. n vnaf C1 T.ll H , , ...l
l 'i l.'lll 11.11 ,11' Ill Mil Hl.rW
m-rilicriuillliivo Uic'. cash post.ip, aurted
not rxocvlhiu 2o rti. ,or omnim, pro-
. . , . ,r , ),
." " ' n.ii...uiiivi,..i n- ivi oil 41, III Ull
vancf. Postiige utamps to tliis Amount wilt
bn ro'iiriifil lis rlianpe with the receipt.
,nv prron t otn i m; live new inbpcnbcri at
one lime, wi'li the rash, will be entitled to the
paper for one year.
Sprrimim numbers ecnt on request.
The Official Paper of Congress.
I intend to rotiHrme the publication of the
D balei of Cotifrrei in full, Including; the
Lawi p-meil. ilurin? the next session, to com
mrnre on the first Monday in December next.
Tiie cuminr; in of a new Admtilii'.ration will
cfime tlie (lejintes of the next pession to be
bob iu'erei' ii-2 and initructive, nq itn poliry
Will be i'uresliadnwed in the ppeerhes of its
f r:u'.!. Those, therefore, who desire to know
what will be the rourie of tlin next President,
before he takes the executive chair, so as to
fdiape I heir business accordingly, Khoiild snb
acribe fur the debates of the romine; session.
i "' " mi. 1
I In' Dmi.v (.i.oiik will contain the news of
. j ... .l....-il. 1. !:.. 1 ,. ,
it an I l.iohe iiml Apprmlix. lltosewlio may
desire ee t.'ie d"lates immediately, filiiMild
tak- th" Daily Cii.onn, as tliey nre usually
p'.bli thed iu it two days before they are print-
nl ia Look
lorm in the LoNCRf.ssioNAL (ilobe
I a;,d Ai'i'KXDix
i'he ('oNonrs'iovxr. Of.onr. nnd Arpcxntx
M ill be piin'ed on a double royal sheet, in roy
al quarto form, each number containing aix
leea pages. All the Tiwn passed during; the
rc -s ou w i'l be appended to Hie debates; and
copious indexes to the debates and the laws
will be made ou', i.,inle,l, nnd sent to sub
BerihTs icon after the close of the session.
Tli" Wr.r.KLV CSi.onr. will be printed on a
double royal iir;'., in Urn usual newspaper
, iorm. ana win conmin a synopsis or tne pro-
1 cee liuis of oi !ri'ess and the news of the prc-
cdiicj; wi k ; a! m and selected inat-
t'T, v.hen th.-re sha'l be room for such. An
extra sheet will be printed whenever a debate
on any imtmrlaiit Huliiect t-ha'.l take place.
; irivin;: it in fill.
j For a copy of the I) dy (, i.d.e. or c yer-r-$1 0 yri
. F-or a cni'v ! niiurr the public a ' iou of 'lie
proci . '.ins ol. the session
For I iv. 1 copi"S, 1 . 1 1 i : the session, wli ti
nr len il nl tbrt same tiie
For a co;,y of ;he (.'.iiutresiiona! (iiobo
and Appendix, d-irimr the session....
For two copies, whim ordered nt She sam."
lime 1 ,
.i on
3 Qi
.') 1)0
2 00
Vr (.pv from thp j ,fof )e,-cmbr
th- .'ofMiy
pnk ote. curre- in !be p.-ctin
counTv where a aitbacriber Pves, w
r,.jVOlj-i VIT,e, m par. Small i
,. t i i'l po'ii'.'u'e sinmps Vptpe
I it a copy o! ' Ir' ., ee, y , ,o!ie one year
ber o
1 00
ion of the
ill be re
ceive,! n pe ymeid, at par. Small sums may
alnmps. A PTiTWill not
be sent, unless, the money accompany I list or
der for it. .tOII.V C. IUYLS.
W sii 1 sif i ov, "November a, I s. 0, -
For 1857.
fltlir. Cheapest Family Newspaper In the
i -L Weil ! 1 tie Weekly Plain Dealer will
commence its Sivteerdh Yolume on the 1st day
of January, PC7. It will eoiititnie tlie same
Ind -penilen', Jocose. Fearless, Fihtinp; Jonr-
j ha! it has ever been, D tlinfr Plainly hut kind-
Iv with all. It will batfla for the Constitu
tion and the I'nion, as "Hie world's best trea
sure and but hope." It will oppose Fusion-
1 ism
iu rvcTv form, nnd battie Dis-imioh in
every iltieii'ue. OI p s vigilance as a Sentinel
npoii the watch-tower of Liberty, it is suffi
cient to say, that it has never yet bpeu found
napping at i's post.
Tlie New Yolume will commence with a
Now Yei", hi.; with important events. A
new leaf in tlie history of this Republic will
be entered, upon tlie Innururation of a new
President and Yice President. Durinj; the
enmit'.;: year, the policy of the New Adminis
tration will be fully unveiled in regard to the
follow jr? important and exciting: National
lot ies; Thu Final Settlement of the Kansas
Di.Tn nl: v, on jvliich the whole Slavery ques
tion m Mie Ti-rrilo-ies js nendins Tlie Final
. .jett lament of tlie Central American Question.
a. ,:) d, i.,;,- ,.r r,.i i nT.. i:.;
.. - .. . , ,. . , ,, v , -, . .,, s , , i .iij, hi liu lll lltUI,
of Transit Across the Isthmus, and the recog
nition and maiutainanee of the Walker Kfe-
p ililic in Nicarajp.ia The Danish Sound Dura
I lip Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation
of the Smdwich Islands The Admissiou of
Minnesota as a S'aie Admission of Oregon
Admission of Utah, with or without Poly
ratiiy Admission of Kansas, with orwithotit
Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska
and Washington Territories The Inaugural
Message of James Rnchanai, The Doings of
tlie New Democratic Congress. These are
some of the eadin: events wliieh will distin-j-uish
the inenmiiicr Adminiitra'lon, and most
if th"in ill transpire duri uar tlie cominjc year.
Cleveland, from its central location, and
from ils errant concentration of Rail Roads,
'Pel. iranln, and water communication with
the world, is admitted to be the Best Kfws
Point in Hie Vcsf. It can furnish intelligence
from all parts of tlie world, days ahead of the
New York lsspers, and the Plain
hmetmr to the New York Associated Press, Is
U-.e lirat to publish the Foreign and Domestic
Mat!.. 'Is, News, Disasters upon the Lakes,
and (V.mmeicial Intelllifence. generally, it
will have Daily Tihu'raphic Dispatches' Trom
Wa 'l,in-fon d irii'tr th" Session of Coturress,
and h i 4 ri-u'iiar Correspondents in all the
p.-iucip i! i i ies ,,f the Union.
li ad. !::.. a lo a I Ml nnd fai'fifnl record of
passii er even ( We in'end to devote a consid
er, il 'e ,'u ti.ii. of oar paper to '-Polite Jjtcra
t'tf." 1'ierv Pap.r will contain a Story,
li 1 1 ei' Ol i . i .. , 1 oi bi.t.,el.l b,.a.....-..La.I with
.he clioic-s' ari'-tv of Miscellauv. such aa
toll'ietrv, Diiroyerie--. liiol.anliies 'Jokes. Od-
I ditics, .r
.Ve., uliijeilii-r en of the
luut ..iial le Family Joum ils in the West!
'Prompt to improve and to invite.
We'll blend instruct ion wi.h delight,"
TV" Oar Agricultural, Commercial, ami
Teli'irraphle Departments, will each be worth
the subscription price of (be paper, .
I tie nruhton, ow York, lialmnore, Cleve-
Single Subscribers,
('lab of Tea (to ona Oificel.-
Clubs of Twenty (to one Oifici; ...... 1.25
Clubs of Fifty, . " . ... 1.00
Pay invariably in advance. To the getter
up of a Club, rin o copy gratis.
f )'' Post-Masters are especially requested
to act as Agents. Tliey bIioiiI.I in everv case,
where possible, substitute Western Tleino
cr.itic Papers for lanU-rn Fusion Paper.
Those desiring the President's Message and
o'her Public Documents, can subscribe now,
or nt. any time bej'yre tjje first of December.
S at, ciib'Ts to tlie New Volume should
f i I in la-ir naiaes as raily as the middle of
t) a an.! fi that tliey mav be registered In
time f.,r de f,;- number. All fund received
I our risk. A l lriss
I j
rates, and ii registered, luaileo ai
W. GR AY, Clevelaad, O.