BELLEVUE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1S7. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Square (12 lines or r) 1st lr.rrtion..$l 00 Each subsequent insertion 50 I'm square, one mouth 2 50 " three tnonlh 4 00 " nix fi 00 " " one year 10 00 Business BrJ( (o lines or less) 1 year 5 00 One column, no year fit) 00 One-half column, oun year.- 3." (X) fourth " " " 20 00 " eighth " " " 10 00 " column, six months 35 00 " half column, nix month 20 00 " fourth " " 10 00 " eighth " " " 8 00 u column, three months 20 00 " half column, three months 13 00 " fourth " " 10 00 " eigh'h " - " ti oo Announcing candidates for office 6 00 JOR WORK. Vor cidi'h shoot bills, per 100 $2 00 Fit quarter " " " 4 (Ht For half " " " " R 00 i For whol " ' " " Iii 00 For colored paper, hilf short, per 100. - 5 00 For blinks, per quire, first quire 2 00 I'ech iihsoq'ient, quire 1 00 Cards, per pack 1 .rK) K-ich subservient pack 1 00 F.-r B ill TirWs.f.irirv paper per hun'd 00 r.acn snnsequeril hundred 4 00 MARRIED, On Sunday, the 0 h ins', hv A. R. Black burn, Esq.. 'Mr. JOHN' I). SfOTT. of Omaha ci'v, to Miss ELIZABETH DAVIS, of La Platte, in this county. S'rious Acfident. We regret to announce, that on last Monday about noon, whilst Mr. Willi am Wilder, and Mr. Paddock, of Omaha, were passing through our city, their horse took fright near Mr. Je.xsings' larjre building, and started to run at full speed, throwing Mr. Wilder, out of the buggy and breaking forth bones of his left leg oelow the knee. So bad was the fracture, that the bone protruded through the skin. M. Paddock retained his seat and fortu nately brought the horse (o a stand. Mr. Wilder h a young man of ener gy and perseverance, and we deeply sym pathize with him in his affliction. He has been a resident of this Territory a long time, in fact, one of our earliest pioneers. 3""The following Steamers have passed up and down the Missouri river, within the last ten days, all of which brought large quantities of freight and passengers to this city. Those passing up were the Emma, Asa Wilgus, Emigrant, Min ne-ha-ha, Washington City, Florence, Admiral, and Edinbiirg. Those past-lug down, were the Omaha, Hanibal, Silver Heels, Emma, Emigrant, Min-ne-ha-ha, Asa Wilgus and Admiral. P5" We call the attention of the citi zens of Bellevue, to the card of Mr. James J. Weaver, an energetic mechanic who has come to reside among us. He is an excellent workman give him a tall. The N. Y. Evening Post, of May 2d., says there are surmises of an armed re sistance by Mayor Wood to tho new legislative enactment that refers to our city. A hundred muskets have been paced in the station house or the 10th ward. The democratic members of the common council will meet in caucus to act on furtlier resistance. Immense Telegraphic Enterprise. We learn from a gen'lenian in the way of receiving authentic intelligence on the subject, that a number o' gentlemen cf this city largely interested in the tele graph!'.' b iIih's, have a project on fool to connect New Yoik and San Francisco di rect by a lino of telegraph. The plan is not ynt fully matured, but when perfected, it will embrace a pre liminary expedition under the auspices and protecti n of the government party, which is soon to start on an engineering tour for the purpose of laying out (under the recent act of Congress), a Military Road to the Pacific. The Telegraphic party, which is to ac company the Military Expedition, will probably consist of 6ome forty or fifty per sons, and wilt bo amply supplied with jinulea and camels for the purpose of .crossing the continent with safety and dis patch. The party wiil start from Omaha .city, in Nebraska (to be connected by telejraph with St. Louis), follow the riaue river to the South Pass, and thence jdirect across to San Francisco. This is an immense enterprise, and pae which requires a large outlay. of la bor and capital. Shou'd it prove success f d, and the submarine telegraph be laid successfully in July, London and San Frrncisco will be within hailing distance of each other, and the quotations on 'Change in the Metropolis of Europe will he bulletined in the Golden city within au our. N. Y. Mirror, ISih. The latest wjy to pop tho question is to ask a fair ladv, if you bhall have the pleas ur of seeing her to the minister's. NEW STORE. SEATON & ROWLES. 33ollOxrviof 2M. T. H WING removed into our large new store, on Main street, we are now enabled to olfer to the Citizens of Douglas count v, one of the largest, Cheapest nml liest Selected Stock of Goods, ever opened In this city, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Stoveware, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Woodenware, Provisions, Ac, Thankful for the patronage hereto fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit its continuance, feeling confident that the quality and price or our goods, cannot fail to please. SF.ATOX A. ROWLES. Bcllcvue, Oct. 23, 1850. 1-tf sotict:. rpiIE CO-PARTNEIISIIIP heretofore ex JL 1st in? under the name and firm of SARPY fc KINNEY, is this d.iv dissolved by miuual consent. I.. B. KINNEY having purchased out the entire Inieiest of P. A. SARPY. Will settle all claims that he has contracted for the benefit, of said firm, and all claims due s.i id firm are to be paid to no one except the undersigned. I.. B. KINNEY. C. T. IIOUOWAT. C. P. Ilolloway Si Koller, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Bellevue city, N. T., will promptly attend to the collecting and investing money, locating Land Warrants, buvin? and selling city lots, tc Olfice at the Bfllcvue House. 3W ISO s W A t r.n. WANT F. I) I M M I. 1)1 AT KL Y. hv the sub. seriber in Hellevue. SIX GOOD MA SONS, to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON STANT F.mployment, will be given. M.S1IAW. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1850. I-tf BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AMD POPULAR HO T -E L , 4 OFFERS EVERY To the Public, and will render ASSIDUOUS ATTKTIOX To the wants of HIS GUESTS. J. T. ALLEN. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS.jft.l-tf 0 LENWOOD II OT E Glenwood, Iowa. H AVING recently leased this well-known Hotel for a number of years, and fitted it up in a superior style, the Proprietor flat ters himself tiiat the patronage he heretofore received from his friends and the public in general will now he extended. My table is furniHlied with the choicest delicacies of the season. Adjoining the house are extensive stables, and good hostlers will always be in attendance. Come on, ye that hunger and thirst for the good of this world, and you will always find Jesse on hand to mi jster to vour wants. ESSE A. PAINTER. no 5-3m. lluSTmm's Stage Lino. BELLEVUE, ST. MARYS k k- r f i . nr t r n STAGE' LINE. 22 HUFFM AN'S LINE will leave Glenwood, via. St. Mirys for Bellevue, on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Saturd v's, at 10 o'clock, A. M and will leave the Benton House, Hellevue, via. St. M irvs for Glonwood, on the same d.iy at 1 o'clock, P. M. This Line connects at St. Slarys, with the Council HlufTs and S'. Joseph Stages, and at Glenwood wi'h the various lines from the Mis aissippi to the Missouri Rivers. Travelers on this Line will find every con venience and accommodation, to make their trips pleasant and speedy. Comfortable Coaches, Careful Driven and well-fed Horses. no3-tf. ROBERT HUFFMAN. Ho! For Fresh Water. - THE undersigned respectfully informs the inhabitants of Bellevue and the surrounding country, 'hat be is prenared to di? and finish, WELLS AND CISTERNS. At the shortest notice, and on the most rea sonable terms. 1). A. LOGAN. Bellevue, Oct. 2J, 1S.V! 1-tf SEASON ARIUXu'LVMEXT. Regular Packet for Kansas, Nebraska City, Bcllcvue, Con cil Bluife, Omaha, ait'l t lurence. ) THE new anil elerrant Steamer t'ttfflA Min-ne-ha-ha, Capt. Chailei "- Baker, Master. Hutchinson. Clerk, will run as a rejrular packet, to the above and all intermediate points on the Mis I ouri river, and persons can rely upon, her con , tiuniiijr in the trade regular ydurlnff the season. I The Min-ne-ha-ha is an entirely new boat, j built expressly for the Missouri River trad and being fitted up in the latest and most ap j proved alyle, her officers feci court. tent, that . etiict attention to the eomfortiof Passengers, and to business, will make her the favorite b-at la tut trade, CIIAS. BAKER. Ma.ter. Hutchinson, Clerk. II. T Clarke, Agent. 26 s SriUXG AURIGL11CT. Regular Packet for Kansas. Leavenworth, Weston, St. Joseph, Savannah, Iowa Point, Nebraska City, Bellevue, Council H'ntrs, Omaha and Florence. N THE new and elegant Passenger e' . l n. . ; .-reamer r lorence, j. iiirocu- moiton. Mamer. J. F. flnrnnn Cleik, will commence her trips as a reuhr packet in the above trade, on the opening of navigation in the spring, aud will remain in it throughout the season. The Florence having been built under the superintendence of the uneersigned, expressly for the trade is of extraordinary .t'rength, and aonahlo share of the natrdnare of .limners. and the public generally. Is respectfully soli- cited. J. 1 IIIIOL K.MDK 1 '., .Master. 2Vs J. F.. Clerk, ST. M.llt IDVEKTISEMETS. KUHL & KAYSER, St. Mary, MiUCounty Iowa. NEW STORK. NEW FIRM. NEW GOODS. WE would respectfully announce to the people of Mill and adjoining counties, that we have located ourselves in the new Brirk store on the corner of Front street and Sire's Avenue, In St. Muv, and now have on hand a full and welt selected stock of IMow Goods, adapted to the wants of this community, con sisting of GROCERIES, DKY GOODS, HARDWARE, HATS fc CAPS. BOOTS fc SHOES, DRUGS fc MEDICINES, OILS, CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, FURNITURE, PAINT, LIQUORS. WINDOW-GLASS, 8ASII, Ac, he We are determined to sell to cash custo mers lower than any o'her establishment in this portion of the Slate. An examination of our stock aiid prices will be all that Is neces sary to convince you of the fact. Look out for'the MAMMOTH FRISK STORE! I! FRONT STREET, ST. MARY. PV All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods. no.Vtf. KUHL & KAYSER. P. A. SARPY, Wholesale- & Retail Merchant, CORNER or MAIN AND GRF.UORV STREETS, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale, a large assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of nil in this new and thrivingcoinmuiiity, which he can sell asc heap as can be ollered elsewhere so hi';li upon the Missouri river. His goods have been selected by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to the circumstances and wants of all classes of settlers In a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children and youth, all ran be supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His stock consists of the following, among a great many other articles he cannot now euu uicrate: Among his Dry Goods, May be found Woolen And Satinet Cloths, l-assinets, 1 weeds, Cashmeres, I.msevs, Flannel. Red, White, Gray aud Blue, Caspian 1'laws, Uotion (.ooils, hneetings and Mnrtings Bleached and Unbleached, Blue aud While, Drillings, Osnaburg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, &c, A-c. Fancy Goods. A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of every variety of style and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alnaccn, Bomba.lues, Bom bay ells, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck ei chiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons. 4tc, &c nothing. A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine Dress Coats, Pants and Vests; also, good Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, &.c. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, qualities and prices. Boots & Shoes, thick and thin, polixlied and unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, and Children's use. Groceries. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Molasses. Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea Rio aud Java CotTee, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snull's, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candies, Yinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, tc, 4tc 1'rovlsions. A large assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices ; Corn Meal and all the various products of the Farm and Garden; Bacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, Raisins, &c. Kar dwarf. Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking and Heating rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbows, lari and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets Haud-lrons, Shovels and Tongues, M.uiurean'l Hav Forks, Scythes, Shovels and Spades, Lo and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron and Steel, N.iils, Ilorne-Rasps, Files Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ka zors, Butts and Screws, Door Handles, Kuoh, Locks, IlC, .c. Tinware. A general assortment kept for househok purposes. Woodwarr. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc Washboards. Loathe r. ' Solo Lealher, Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Lariats, Circingles, Belly-bands, Driving-lines, Collnrs, Back straps, Girths, Blind-bridles, fee, JIfdiclnosi. A general assortment of Medicines, for Fevers, Tever and Ague, and the common complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappenyton's, Bragg's and Javnes' Pills, Qui nine, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants, Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles neces sary for the sick and the invalid. - 1-tf THE MlSSOStU SIVES AND IOWA STONS COMPANY. AT S r. MAR i S, MILLS CO., IOWA, ARF prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAND, GRAVEL. LIME, ROCK, k. Bl'il.DING STONE of every varietv, size and shape. They have facilities for quarrying AN Y QUANTITY, that may be needed, and also intend to make DUCK. WATER LIMS, &C. 100 Laborers REFERANCES: P. Choutjau J, A. Co., St. Loi-i-. GeccNr, Wiab, ft. Biktok, Coom il Bi urrs. AU orders should he addressed to JNO. W. ANTHONY, 8 cbctabt. St. Marys, March 15th, 1837. 21tf. H. MCVCB. A. CITZSCHMANit. Meyer & Oetisehminn'i DLloixrlTLs Tvrm, The undersigned beg -leave to inform the citizens of the adjoining counties in Nebraska, that they are buiMing a new FLOURING MIL!., with two run of Burrs, at ST. MARY, MILLS CO., IOWA. n ! in )"-raHii on m I SI in Align?, I'.T. r """"" -n pirr.irf.r v. nU' j f," V r,1 P'' 1 1 k'" I B" 'v ,, h bouPf't k ' rv I ie?i..-s cf I be PT. MARY t ti e r.'xt r.prvest. Cr.r.WEKY, to I'J 3in. OMllll APYEKTISEMEXTSt I. A. jonki. oro. W, WOOD. THE LARGEST Drug & Chomical Houso IN TUB WEST. OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA TERRITORY JONES Sc. WOOD, Wholesale ado Retail Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils. Dye Studs, 'Window Glass, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. Lc. Le. Having purchased the entire stock of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly he longing to C, A. Henry At Co., together with our own full purchases, we are now enabled to offer the public as eompi"le an assortment of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS as can he found west of the Mississippi river. Our stork Is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska trade and having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured in our statement, that if Fine Goods, as regards quantity, qual ity and price, are anv object to those 'dealing in DRUGS and MEDICINES, we ran oiler these inducements to a greater extent than any other house in the West. Country Merchants ami Phvsicians are requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere no 15-tf JONES fc WOOD. ANOTHER GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoos SELLING AT COST AT THE OMAHA CITY Boot and Shoo Store, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, a gooil assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs and Sandals of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, together with a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, including Ladies' and Gents' UuH'alo IJvers. Also, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. S. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, as usual, aud warranted easy, fashion able and durable, no 13-tf. W. HENRY STARK. ' NEW GOODS! NEW STORE!! rfHE undersigned have opened, at their new X store on Douglas street, opposite the banks, a new and splendid assortment of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, tc Our stock of Dry Goods comprises all kinds of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILD REN'S DRESS GOODS, ALL KINDS OF DOMESTICS' snd everything that is requisite to make up a complete assortment or ury uoods. We have s large lot of Clothing that Is well snd fashionably made, and out of the best material. Our stock consists of all kinds of Gents' Fiirniiihing Goods. BOOTS and SHOES. Our slock of Boots and Shoes is the largest evcroITiHed to the citizens of Nebraska. They are purchased directly from the manufac turers, and are of the very best quality. . Our goods are all new, and recently pur chased In the Eastern cities, and we intend selling them at astonishing low prices. All the citizens of Omaha and vicinity are re quested to call and examine our stock, as they will find it to their interest to do so. We study to please. no. 10-tf PATRICK & CO. W. II. STABK. U. W. UtrSCBN. NEW Boot and Shoe Store, On FA3NHAM Street, Opposite the Ex change Bank. w. hTstark & CO., Would respectfully inform the ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand and are manufacturing a complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted j compri sing the following, 'u t Ladies' Fine Lace and Congress Gaiters. - " Kid Bootees and, Congress Gaiter. " " Slippers and Parodi Ties. " Heavy Morocco aud Calf Bootees. Misses " " " Child' Gents' Swed Kip and Calf Boots. Pegged " " u u Fine French or Pump Boots. Water Proof and Quilted-Bottotn Boots. " Patent Calf Boots. " Oxford Ties and Gaiters. " Kip and Calf Shoes. Boys' ami Youths' Kip Boots and Brogans. All of which are made of the best material the market affords. Our facilities for select ing are unsurpassed in Eastern cities, and we wish it distinctly understood that we Warrant Every Article We Sell. We have the best of workmen in our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable tit. Respectfully, no 13-lf W. H. STARK, fc CO. riANK L. KCMr. WILLIAM raODtllAM. New York OUN AND JEWELRY STORE KEMP fc FRODSHAM, TsEALERS in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. U Musical Instruments, Rifles, Shot Guns, and I'istois. CLOCKS. Thirty Lour and eight day clocks ef the two best manufactories in the Union steamboat and omce spring clocks. GUNS. Single and double shot Guns, from five to fifty dollars Ri lies, of our own mak also. r.astrrn make; fistois or all kinds; pistol flasks, shot bags, wadding and wad cutters; common and water-proof cups; colt's caps, and numerous o'her articles suitable for the Western trade, which neither time nor space will allow to enumerate. j ' TV" All of the a hove articles sold on the most reasonable terms. R. rairinr dune to order at short notice. no W-tf. . . nM. ul f, V . . ... C,IAS- CHRISTOPHER, MACHINIST &. COFPER SMITH. Ia all its Branches. BELLEVUE AND OMA.IIA. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE 311 A3 on . PKU STEAMKH ST. MARY'S. THE undersigned takes pleasure In announ cing to the citizens of Bellevue and Sarpy County In general, that tliey nave received per Steamer St. Mary, a large and splendid stock of Groceries consisting in part oi Ts, Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Fish. Salt, Cheeee. Crackers, Soan, Oysters, Liquors, Figs, Spices. Basins. Sardines, Canity, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Brushes, Glass, Stone Ware, Ike. kt. TITEY would also call particular attention to their superior stock of preserved fruits consisting of goosherries, Rhubarb, Quinces, reaches, Apples, Currants and mixed fruits. Also their stork of fresh CAN OYSTERS snd SARDINES which they can warrant of ulterior quality. 1'hey would also inform Sportsmen that they have a large supply of POWDFR, SHOT, l, KM) ami ami that they will hml their store a superior place to provide the ne cessaries of a hunting excursion, sll of which they will sell cheap for CASH. Also a large and splendid assortment of French and American Perfumery, consisting in part of romsdes, Cologne, Snaps etc. WATTLES fc PIKE. Bellevue, April flit), 1857. 2:i-tf. I AM HERE, FAIRLY located In Bellevue, and are deter mined to stay here too, (that is if the citixens of Bellevue rive me some encouragement) I I have just purchased a flue lot of niints, brushes and sundries belonging toj. T. White, and am prepared to do all work, that the Citi zens of Bellevue and vicinity may see fit to sn trust to me, such as HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GRAINING, MAKBLEING, fcc, in all its various branches, and in the neatest, latest and most appropriate style. Call on me 1 I'll guarantee You won't he disappointed. For what I do I promise you Is well done t That's decided I PAPER HANGING Executed In the neatest style. ZV Paints mixed to order, snd for sale, P. WEIDMAN. A FINE FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned would respectfully Inform the citizens of Bellevue and the public gener ally, that lie wishes to sell his farm, whkh is situated on tne ristte river, in rsarpy wonnr and consists of 3'0 acres. 220 acres of th land is fenced with boards, and cedar posts. 40 a res is broken, and half a mile from this is 70 seres of as good timber as csn be found in the Territory. This farm is situated on the Stage Road from Omaha to Nebraska City, the Platte River Ferry being right on the place. It Is altogether as desirable a lo cation a can he found on the Platte River, and for richness of Boil, and convenience of Wood and Water unsurpassed by any in tha Terri tory. For further particulars apply to the owner on the premises. W. UAtaiLb. BELLEVUE 300t c&3 STORE. T M. BARTAY, would respect! J . Inform the Inhabitants of BMlevee aud vicinity, that lis baa commenced to Manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES, Of alt descriptions, from the finest" finish to the coarest wake. Employing none but the best workman, be will be able to warrant all work done at his establishment. (J"ij7Tlie highest cash price paid, In trade, for all descriptions of RAW HIDES. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 1S:S. 2-tf (01 MIL BLLFF8 ADVERTISEMENTS. Greene, Weare & Benton, BANKERS. DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, and Land Agents, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Notes and Rills eolWteJ and remitted to any Sart of the United States. Money received on epnsit, and Interest allowed. Eastern or Southern Drafts furnished in sums to suit pur chasers. Land Office funds paid for Currency or bills of Exchange. Lnans effected on good security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. Lands entered for settlers snd time given for payment. OrHce opoeite the Pacific House, in west lower room of Land Olllce. Kr.ra i;kcei F. t. Jesup fc Co. W. J. Barney A C,o., Bankers, Dubuque, Iowa J Cook fc Sargen'. Bankers. Davenport, Iowa ; Cul- berton fc no, Hankers, Iowa City, Iowa ; People's -ai.k. New York City s Ketchem, Rogers fc Bennet, Bankers, New York City Selkon, Withers fc Co., Washington, D. C. j Hon. L'hss. Mason, Cora, of Patents, Wash ington, D. C. Hon. A. C. Dodge, 8, U. , Burlington, Iowa ; Hon.' O. W. Jones, 8. U, S , Dubuque, Iowa ; Hon. Joaepu Williams, Cnier Justice, Muscatine, Iowa. Council Blurts, Oct. 23, lWi 1-tf Tootle & Jackson, I FORWARDING fc COMMISSION MER . CHANTS. Council Bluffs) city, lows Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse on the Levee at Uie Council Bluffs landing. are now prepared to receive and store, a kinds of merchandise and produce, will receive and par charges on all kinds of freirtne ao that Steam Boats will not be detained aa they have been heretofore, in getting some one to receive freight, when Uie consignees are a beer t. UtrcarxiEs: Liverraoore fc I oolv, !. c Paiu fc Co. and Humphrey-. Putt fc Tory. 8t, l.ouis. M.. i TooMe ,t F.ifrleigh, St. Joseph, Mo. i J. S. Chcneworth fcCo., Cincinnati Ohio; W. F. Coulbo-igh, Burlington, Iowa. , 1-tf ROBINSON HOUSE fTMlE undersigned baying recently taken A and refuted the above well-known and popular Public House, he trusts by the strict atudiotsa a't-'i'ion ti the wants of his piests, to merit s liberal share of public favor, confi dence and patronage. His table will be spread with the best the market affords, and . ' 'II 1 1 . . I w . . no (is ins w.'i o spared n bs,ikc his gucsis srreeably at home and comfortable G. A. EOBINSON i Or in HI Bluffs, Tows. nor 19-sf. P. A. SARPY, FORWARDING? k COMMISSION MERCHANT, Still continues the above bnslness at ST. MARTS, IOWA, fc BELLEVUE, N. T. Merchants snd Emigrants will And their goods promptly and carefully attended to. P. ft. I fisvt the only WAREHOUSE for storage at tha above named landings. oi. iusrys, reo. xoin, isji. zi-ir-l Tailoring ! Tailoring ! Ths undersigned begs leave to Inform the clllsens of Bellevue and vicinity that he la renared in ao custom work, in tne latest sli Ion and most approved style. Hsfeala confident that his work Is unsurpassed East or West and by moderate prices respectfully solicits a shsrs of ths public patronage, lie will si ways bs found ready to receive orders tt the llullevue House. JOSEPH BRAY. Bellevue, S. T. March 11th lH37,tf j. ii niiowx, ATTORXEY AM) COIIM'ELOR AT LAW GENERAL LAND AOENT, AND NOTARY PUDLIC, riatlsmvuth, Can Co. JV. T. ATTENDS to business In any of ths Courts of this Territory. Particular attention paid to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col lection of debts, ans taxes psld. Letters of inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory answered, if accompanied with a fee. REFERENCES i Hon. Lyman Trumbull, U. 8. 8. from Ills.j Hon. James Knox, M. C. " M Hon. O. II. Browning, Quinry, Hon. James W. Grimes, Governor of Iowa. Hon. H. P. Bennett, Del to C. from N. T. Green, Wears fc Benton, Council Bluffs, I. Nuckolls fc Co., Glenwood, Iowa. 23tt. GREAT SALE OF LOTS PACIFIC CITY!! MILLS COfJXTY, IOWA. Terminus of the Burlington 4 Missouri River Railroad. . THE Proprietors of Pacific City will offer for sale, at Public Auction, ou the ground, On Thursday, the 28th 4ay of May 1817, Sale to commence at 10 o'clock and continue from day to day until the same are sold. racilic City is situated in Alius county, Iowa, on a beautiful plateau of ground in the Ureat valley of the Missouri, three miles cast of the mouth of Platte or Nebraska river, four miles east of Plattsmouth, the Nebraska ter minus of the B. fc M. R. R., thirty miles north east of Nebrsska Citv,twenty-Gve miles south of Council Bluffs, lows, and Omaha City in Nebraska. It is adjoining ths bluffs of tho Missouri river, at the entrance of Poney creek Into the bottom. It extends Into ths bottom two miles and within two miles of the channel of the Missouri river, the bottom gradually de scending to the river. The uncertainty of ths river banks for a mile east of ths river disap proves of the propriety of building within that distance of the river. The location is a healthy, romantic, and beautiful one. being backed by bluffs two or three hundred feet high, nnnn the top of which may bs seen the great Missouri bottom for thirty miles south, and twenty miles north. The site lias long been looked nnon as ons of the most beautiful sites in West era Iowa for a large and thriving City, and has been held by ths first settlers in Iowa for that pur pose, only awaiting ths improvement of the country, the demands for such a town, and the Railroad facilities which are soon to ba completed. A Drsncb of tne Burlington ana Missouri River Railroad will be built both north and south of this place. The St. Joseph, Council Bluffs, and Sioux City Railroad will undoubt edly run immediately through the town site. Stone or the best quality and most extensive in Western Iowa lies one mils south, and four miles north of the town. Four steam mills within five miles of tha town are in successful operation, sawing from three to nva tnouaand feat per day, Destdes a number of water mills. Another ateam mill is on the war to bs put up in tha town. A newspaper will bs published there by tha first of June next. Lumber Is now on ths around, and being sawed, to erect fifteea or twenty houses. Contracts have been made te bum two and a half million brick this season. The advantages which this place has over all others In western Iowa ths Railroad fa cilities which Pacific City cannot miss hav ing, together with being anpplied with tha best water in the world, with timber, aad the best agricultural counties In Western Iowa and Nebraska lying east and west of it, is a sure in dication that long ere the Railroad Is comple ted tnat racihc city wui ds tee largest city weet of Burlington. Terms of sale will be one-third down ; one third in four, and one third in eight months. This will be the last and only chance to pro cure lots of ths Company, as ths remaining lots srter tne aaie win m devtdea among tne members ef the Company, aud hence will be come the property of private Individuals, and prices, as a matter or course, be advanced. j. w. coo LI DC a. Wm. Stbbktk, 8. H. Mo ib, M. W. Gbbekc, C. NrcxoLLS, Wm. ABMSTacwa, D. C. Oases, and other Proprietors. J. W. COOLIDGE, Pres. C. Nee bolls, Secty. t-d-o-a PLATTE RIVES FERRY COMPACT. NO I ICE is hereby given, that articles of association of tliis Company, have been duly recorded in the countiee of Douglas and Cass that said company ia a legal incorpora tion, under the lawa of the Territory of Ne braska j that its name la stated at the head of this notice ; that its principal place of business is at the mouth of the Platte River, lu aaid Territory ; that the general nature of the busi nees to be transacted, ie to keep a Ferry across the Platta River, between the eonnttes of Douglas and Cass, within two Bailee of its junction with the Missouri River that the amount or capital block ia Five Tboaeand dollare, the whole of which haa been paid in. In the organisation of the Company that the legal existence of said company eoiaateacod on the first day of January 1S47, and ia to be continued for the term of Twenty years there after, that tho highest of indebtedness author ised by said company Is one Thousand dollars, ad that the affairs of said company are to ho managed by a President, Treasurer and Gecre iary who constitute a board of directors, od said company claim the exclusive privilege ef keeping a Ferry across said Platte River, for the distance of two miles from its atmithi Dated February 4 h 17. JOSEPH THROCKMORTON A-4t Secretary. CASH paid for UIDE8 AND PELTRY, -f r CLaRKE BSOk