Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, May 14, 1857, Image 1
- - .- ....... , , i VI . n -. 4 v , C A i. " T j T f. . , : M-f J. A Family Ncwspapcr-Dcvotcd to Democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Amusements and General Intelligence VOL. 1. ruBLisiito evenr thibrday BELLLITE (ITT, X. T. DT S. A. STRICKLAND & Tfruis of Subscription, AT CO. Two Pni.f.Ass per nn:imn, If paid in advance, or $1 50 if not paid within Hie year. to ct.vds : . Three copies to nun address, in advance $" 00 Seven do do do JO (hi Fifteen do do do 20 (10 A liih of soren suhsrrihrrs, at $10, will entitle the person mak'uer it up lo a ropy for nix mouths) a r.ltih of fifteen, at $.to a copy for one year. When a cl-it of s lUsrrihcra ha hceu forwarded, additions may ba made to it4 on the name term. iirsm:ss CAHDS. Dowon Si StricTtlind, A TTORNKYS AT LW. Heal F.s'nf.. V. fi'y Lo's snd Claimn lio-icht and sold. Purchaser will do welt to call at our ollice and cx.iiuinn our list of Ciiv Lois, &,c In-fore pun ii isiiiiT e'se-,. here. OihVc i:i Cook's new naildi:.:r, corner of Fif'h an 1 Main s'ree's. L. It. Bowcn, ATTORNEY ANP COUNSELLOR AT LAW, lie'.Icvue, X T. - J-tf S. A. Strickland, " 7 TTORNEY AN" D COUNSELLOR AT J V LAW, llollcvu", X. T. l-tf C. T. Ilolloway, t TTOUNF.Y AND C JUNSELLOR T IV LAW, Hellenic. V. T. Y LAW, Hellenic. V. T. 1-tf "W. II. Cook, G1 A L LAND AND REALLSTATE " AGENT, Hellevue City, Nebraska. 1-tf B. P. Rinkin, " TTORNEY AND COUNSNLLOR AT V I, , AW. La PI Vlte. X. T. 1-tf J. Scclcy, At mux FY AND COUXSFLLOrt AT LAW, Omaha, X. T. 1-tf S. V. Cozzens, ATTORXF.Y AT LAW and General Land AGENT, Omaha city, N. T. Ollire in Henry &. Root's new lirick JJlock, Farnliam street. no l'j-iin. Johu W. Pattison, NOTAUY PPIiLIC AND RF, L F.STATF. AGKXT, Fontenelle, N. T. 1-tf James S. Iaard & Co.' '" LAND AGLNTS. Omaha, Douglas Comity, Xeliraska Territory. 1-tf Drs. IJalcomb &Peck, OM AHA CITY. Office on !lariey !reet, opposite the Post Qlfice. Particular At tention piven (o Surgery. 1-tf ... p jj. shannon RF.AL FSTATfc AGFN'CY, Cerro Gordo , Post Ollice, St. M irv, Mills Co.. Iowa. 2 P. E. Shannon, COMMISSION Jt FORWARDING MER CHANT, tit. Mary' Landing Mills Co., Iowa. y-tf Peter A. Sarpy, FORWARDING it COMMISSION' MER CHANT, Hellevun, N. T., Wholesale Dealer In Indian Goods, Horses, Mules, and Cattle. 1-tf D. J. Sullivan, M. D., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office Head of Broadway, Council lilufTa. Iowa, nov. 13 " 1-tf. D. II. Solomon, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa, prac tices in all the Courts of western Iowa and Nebraska, and th Supremo Court of Iowa. 1 Land Agency not in the Programme, no -l-tf - . . . Etna or :vi i. tr t y .i s ;, usa i y fceni :i Johnson, Casady & Test, WeM,.ni ,w.u G,r ..J,, , UTlJn .ENEUAL LAND AGENTS, ATTOR- ; lar'e a,,d comiil-'ie, havin" been t..:-;.'if aa.l NKYSAN'DCOUNSfcLLOKSATLAW,, shipped a Ii'tli lower th.ui o ir r,.-i -hhrw. Xloimcil BlufTs, Iowa, will promp'ly attend to O ir slocl: of Jlnd-vare. 1 ie-,sw ue, Wo-.l-Land Agencies, :ollertions, Inves'.inc Money, enware. Ri'-'s snd Shoes. If :'s nr. I Cm n,,.l l.oca'ing ana seiiinij i.anci warrant, end all o)h r business pertaining to their profession. in Western Fowa, and Neliraska. l-tf. ; C. A. Ilcnry & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GISTS. A! the N:nRsnADnn; Stohp, Omaha rity. Nebraska,, have on baud atid ere constantly receiving a laige and complete assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi cines, Dve S-utl's, Liiptore, S'-giir. Preserve I Fruits, ('onfec' ioiaries, -c..Je. PiiVHlriatis orders fillo.1 pa a email advance on rost. l-'f I. B. CCMlk'G. JOHN C. Tl'SK. Cuming is Turk, ' oltfoniryi at Law and Real Kilate .Ignds. OMAHA CITY, N. WILL attend failbfiillv and promptly to ,k'0 '" l,Mt maimer, and o., tlie most rta nH businew entrusted to iheis, in' th terms. W.M.WILEY. Ierritonal or low court, to the purchase of lo's and lands, entries and pre-emptions, col- lection, &c. ' ' i Ollire in the second story of Henry k. Ron's new buildini?. nearly onuosite. the Western Exchange limit. Firoham street. Papers In the Territory, Council RlufTs Hut ; Tie nnd Keokuk Times, iileage eopy-awd .-Inr-e Net.ra.kinn (Bce. - . "j liPO. SNYDtR. . JOHN II. SULHM Rnvdpi" tr. Rlmrmsn. I ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT 1l LAW. and NOTARIES Pl'HLIC, Coun- cu iduiis, lowa, will practice llwir prot. eswn j in all tlie Court of lown and Nebraska. I ah collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promptly.. l.spe.-ial atteuiiou given to buying and ell- liiereal estate, and making pre-emption In N.-hraska. Dc -slj, Mort'lgi., and o'.h?r instruineuta of wri'ing driwn w):'i di.ipilchi acknowlcdf ineii's tik-M,, ,v,e. . ."u" o:li.. we-,t side of MiJisj-i s'reo!, pist ubovs Uroadway. I nuvlj I i.5J',j,.li';vuj ruiiix. Tiios. Macon. Ai.rx. Macon. H. O. JoniIs. Macon, Brother & Co. T AV AND LAX D AG EXTS, Omaha Cil v J J Nebraska Territory. i ,i y-tf. Wuatav Sccgcr,4 rtlOPOGRAnilO AND ClYIL fcNnf JL X I'.I'.U, fcxernles Drawing ainl P.iinllnc r every s'vle and d-crip AK', nil himinesn In t in inr, O.lire on (i rf;nyy siveet-. St. Mary, Mills eomi'y, low. t . 1-," Greene, Vtoo & Benton, T) ANKERS AND LAW AGENTS, (Vmcil ) Hhill'i. Po'ow.i'tami" ro.iijly, J. Cireene Wenre. Ce-I-r R l'pj.! I.iw.i. Greene, Waro Rice. lWt Drs ,"I i'os. la. Collet-: ions m.iclej T;ie.s );-id; ai,.l Lands purchased and Fold, In ai.v n ut of ..-,va. l-'f A. Scliimo:iRVv, fllOPOGRAPIIIC E.NGINI-.F.R. F.xee.ile. JL . Topo-rraphio, Fancy and Fbii D: -uiriT of every s' v'm ami !" icrir.'lon. I'mcv, O.-'i-i-menial and Ptnin Paiii'inj rxi :nW to order. Odice ?t tlin ll' llr-v e l!i'ie, I! !'1-v i-. X. T. IlKvrnrNcKs: P. . Sarin . St. Man-Jo'..".". .I.nle Gilmore, llrib-vie. ' ' j.jr CUirles A. nenrv, M. D.," " PUYi!CIN AND 'SFRGKOX. K-spec'-fnlly iiifonns (he tilii-im of Xelnasks. that having penmne'illy loe.-itej in U-natia clV. fl.tij h uirithl'l several yers experience i'l llie trca'.inont of Diseases li ciib.-tit to the We. t-.nv oJ-ts hi prof- do-i-il "i-vl-,;s q (hose who may f ivor him th"Ir pi' iom ie. Oilice iy C. A. Henry Co's. Di ng a-id Va riely Slope, Omi'n ciiv, X. T. 1-if ' G. P." Theobald & Co. COMMISSION F(RVAIU)IXG No. 'JO 1'im:, it Stairs, ST. LOFIS, MO. fry Particular allenlion paid to f.W:i of oiilers a-id to Sale of Produce. no lti-ly. ChiVrlcs E. W-ttSon4 ' CIVIL ENGINEER AXD 'SURVEYOR, Uelleyue Ci'.y, .Nebraska Territory, pro f.-sses to he ".' posted"' in the lay of the 'land in this vicirlf v, and olPrs his services lo -.iCh as mar.jied rlieui, n rewoaab'.e terms. : - r,V If" w'" tU" i'ct as ".cnt, f'T the pnr eha or sale of Real F.Tte, In the Territory, or Western Iowa. Iiiforma:.iiiiui.l hed upon application. Declarations died and pre-emptions; obtained. '.-l-'f Uelfe uc, -Nt'brasKa. IS pr.-pared to transact (lie senoral ba-sine-.s of Rankin;, will receive depopji, Dlsi-ont t short paper, bay Hills of fcxcliaii, on nil parts of tli" Conntrv. and pell on S'. Louis, (hicnro and New York; make rolleclions la the viciiiily and remit for the same at Cim-eul rates of Evchanire. TV" Interest allowvil on special Deposits. JOHN WEAUE. President. Tiios. If. Rrsrox, V. Pi-es. Jonv J. Towm, Cashier. - 1-tf Rankin"; Horns From '. to li, A. M., and 1 lo :i, P. M. . ANDREW J. VOPI'LETON. Wlt.I.IAM K. JJVtll. Pojpplcton is Bycr3, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, AND GENE-1- RAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha city, Nebraska. Land Warrants bought and sold. Land Filtered on'TMiie. Special . attention Rivau to the selection f:i J entry of Lands Cor Settlers, and all others desiring choice Idea tions. Land Claims, Town lots nn l ail kinds of Real F.sUte, honi;ht a ad fold and invest ment made for Die'ant Dealers. A Competent Surveyor and j')ran;!its man always in rcadim -s to s.irvey lands, fi:id and select Lands and Town lots, and draft City Plat l-tf Tootlo St Greene, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS, Glemvood, Iowa. V.'e be h ave lo call the atter.'ion of the Goo 1 People of Mills, Potta watiamie, Mo-ilsroai'-ry r.i.d Cass o m- tics. Iowa) plso. LV::s-!n j.,',u C."i4 eoamie-. Nebraska, (o nnr Lr-:e ami bite snr.i)!y of t ve.y UraJv-M i ie Cio'lta-r,!iav all !-e a ji-u chase 1 t ae I l'i s ei-a r! -es. ' ' p In-v.- s ; o' , . . ; ,.- ;ive us a cull bePoieVn i n-'ic!iae. an-l il wc do iioi sell you cheap goods, we will luak? o ir nei '!il ors ilo ro. ltem'.mber hons iuo-.vr. i f i: TLi: Sc GREENE. Gl-nv-ood. I-,-,v (),'. m-vi.i.if i;i:m.i;vili'. AsVFi:Ti!r.i:;TS. STONK, MASON AND i ! fMHE 1'ili'i--' ,:f-l haviir' co.umeiicrd the JL abovs btrdnes in BelteyiM.. la i.renare?! i , to do jiil work in lilt, at the shoitest tio- L v 1 oir or Uve P ' 1 lasterers, will Liid eonsiant emnloyment, and pwd wage on sii- plicauoi, t.o the bove. . "Hcvuc, Oct. :U l.,i;, C-LX Q "TO T m T XT Tj ,v . . -V.vva 1 1 ( I J T 1 1 Irw W 4 3 rilHE Proprietor of ihe above Sa- jv i 1 loon, takes great pleasure iiiS:! BllllOUUClllg to I no p;,M Mi it he is now prepared to serve at all hours and in the best manner, ! WARM OR COLD ME T.S, OYSTERS, COOKED IN EVERY STYLE. SARDINES.. Pigs Fi'.F.r, . i 1'H'kLEl) TONGIH'. 1 ROII. F.I) F.GG.-i ln II VM!" IV cp i iiv Toget'ier wi-h every Mil-ig that Is usual! y found in a FIRST CLASS Refreshment r '.loon, llari"'? 1-a I rn- j '. r .'' ,....,. terin-r f'-r .'o p 1-ir-- i Is -'; iio i.uor l,!a, i e ', -a ' - . c.i ::i.ks joiix Relleyiie, O.-t. j?, 1 -. . i. i .tf n r.a- - j, lYlililtAiSliA, ni:M.::vt r. Airi:ijTi?ir..Mr.Ts. HOUSE CARPENTER AND K N. WUGG . Takes (his no Lbod of i... 1Y. f.miar b;s fri'.idi, and tbe pahlle frenerally. that he is prepared lo 11U1LD AND l'l N IS! I, in the lirsi manner DwelliBp; Ilotisos Of every de n:i iptiou tl siyle aal finish, on (he f.'' re ,.,, ,1,1,. tejim. ' Thaiil.fnl far lias1 favir h- K.a!!.-l!a a coii'iiiiiam-e of puMic p. f i-m,a ffe, lieHevllc, Oct. .'10, 1R.m.?-'f MO'f ? C AnPEWTins' Arib WE no ,:i ,' iMIy i foi .u I lie inliaui- (ants liov". an- ici ir v 'hat we are prepare I lo 1 .1! K('T a-id FINISH Bui! ,in.Ts orall Descriptions, Oa the :-!mr! tioll.-.-, im l f-i the most wnrk ineidike iiian -eiv Havintr been ei;M--ed hi (be bi-i.a-is v -.ns, we IVe confident in sl.ri;;, :b it all who favor in wi h llieir ens toni, will be pleased wilii our work. C. P. STORRS Uvlk-vue, Oct "H, 1K2J. .-l-tf , BOOt Slioo MANUFACTURER. A WRIGHT,' would reireeir.,::v- -f. , . Ii.rurm Cn GenJemenof ,,-.f j Vue and vicinity, that he- is prcjard ' IL to manufacture, to order, every vari.-ly of BOOTS AND RIIOE1,' Or the be it (iiiMi and Latest. Fashion. He is also prepared 9 make p in the best manner, Ktnbroidered and Worked Slippers, whith h will warrant to pleusc all who favor him wilh tin) c imom. - -I!,-I'e--..'., 0-. 30, lS.)li.-a..f HOUSE CARPE KTERS" A N D JOINEHS. f piIE undersifjned take pleasure in nn X nounei;' to the Inhabitants of RrlVvun and vicini'y. tba they ar9 nv preonred to HUtLD AND FINISH, in the beat manner, all styles of s . Drelliag-Hcn3ei,' Cottages, &c, cc. On the shortest noMre, and in Hie most ap proved style of workmanship They will be u.-w ii M'I'y m uo any wo; k I:i lueir lina of business which tit- ir friends m.iv stand in heed of, MVF1t!.t- Ifl'.I.VAUli' lli-llevue, Oct. 30, lM.-,( STiiaH IN BELLEVUE. I u-au.t riapecti'iiliy invite the citizens of Rejhviie jin, I Douglas Co., to examine inv nr-re and well selected 'assortmnot of DRY GOODS. GHOCKHM'.S, CROCK i-3 II V, HARDWARE. '- BOOTS, MIUKS. . , .- wti'G.s, .... . ;. .- mi;d'ci.ves,- . HATStfAPS, . iHJOilS, WASH, &e., .c, And in fiit-t every vari. tv usually railed for in the WrsV I ;.m coniident th"t. Buy one wishing to purchase e-oods wi'l Im i,Hn-lvr 1. "J ti: il it tr, lie lo hi lo c.-u! i'ii.1 examine my large and selaatej assortment ot (roods. I- P. ii.t, lSjli.l-if KINNEY. Ctllevue, Oft. PI .IfttOEflTliJJk'n rpHE I'nJorsirtiic J her h-ave to inform I'nJorsirtiic J he r 1,-ave to inform I ' I::!ri!.i'a!.la of Dou-ias co inty,',l J I -y are prepared, 'o do a! work in v ! icof b-isljess-, ill lhv. best tia,i-er. and j L tlie that thev uieij iiTii-oi iiiisijess-. Ill 1J li s. Liaili-er. on the most liliernl terns, at their shop ii -i ' ,;eio-vil. f -7" ITsn -r had several years exTierlence ir, Fast.M-n CPie, they tvill he able lo give entire sai.isf jc'ion, to all who favor thorn with their i.a!ro:i.-Vjr,ln this Hue. HAWETON. RePevue, O: !. ot, l.-vi.l-tiirt HEW arrivals at the ClIfMI THE SabscrVir.r r ;.'-c'.f illy invite the-ten-ion f p irel,r.s.-r--,t-ihU large a:.d spSeiuiid s'rn-1: of f ; f i-.v.-,i .-i-i of DRY GO ;!!. ' (.'COrTRIF.s HARDWARE, t HATS, Li'OTS, CAPS. . Hl'iES, 'lOHACCO, ' PATENT MEDimVF.S, fee, ir., All of vh;cli he we.rran's of the best descrip tion, an I boa-jit expressly for lliis market. IL- has aNo a well u!rcd k'.ocli of. Ill "iAI )Y-MADM -T" TT) 'T '-'! "iT "Tvj-f- f Mad-e Oiler M,, LTKST FASHIONS, of !: RE.T alA I Eiil ALS, and ly EXPi.Rl- i:Cll) uuiiivWix. an t-f which ho scil CHEAP FOR CASH. ',, JOHN CHASE, j Ut-llevue, Oct. 21, ISM l-tf i . j Hi Ti CLAKEi j F0RWAHU1NG ! COMAIISSION - s- - 1 ai-v t - . . ' ' M P M T T A AT T ' llL JJ It J 11 i. 1 i.', OENERAL LAND AND COLLECTING Alir.VT, BSLLEVL'F. M?nrfAS'fA Dealer in Pino Lumber, Doou, Sash, Oliedayilld'8C0tpnl beamy announ 'Flour, Keal, Eacon, &3., &c. jCeJ 10 AWa!lh that hhe would do longer t uircei, uooas caro ii. t. Clarke. . R Hen kki.kfsck-i j Co! i &i. WvoWu't ami lemi.strSd. Water street. Oiica-os J W Haskins, Milwaukie, Wis. j R. M. Norton, Pres. LleillQ CO. Kal.k. Itariae. U'i I' ..rrCt., iiiv.-r etre, ci nvia i.i, o. VV fc P.i. h.r. Ci-i.-i-.' -:r.;. o t::.!.i x ir..-. iVi. n. . r it m-.i .V.. .... - lii. i' c' B. W'ri.'bt llanVer Pi.'ih Um'.i P. Minn., -vioer'son .v . iiae,., tn.i.t H iee, n. l ". : -. n. v.- Mr. li i ... !.' . p,-, s'V . i"' f'."n. reM.lT.-d to 0Wj. So; ob-fry-''' V ' ' ' ' ' N. Y.t ilo-:.-:. i i : l!;,' . pr.i- licM of a.-.tiv!.) Y. ' I 1 n J.1 J." t..v"!' ! Vv. f, v ! ' 1 'v''' u l--'" tai.aud u p -alUs of ,1. : , i i.:ii"!;, j-'f ( THURSDAY, MAY VOKTBY The First Flowers. I'jr J. (l. W. For Jies, on our liver-borders, Thoje (ossi ls in their lawny bloom, And willowy rlubs of downy silver, Have prophesied of Sprinc to come. For m'cs have the uuboutid wad r Saiil-1 oil them from (heir pebbly liejn, And the rl-ar carol of the robin, Ami son;; of blue-bird welcomed them. . Rut never yet, from smiling river, ;'. Or pone; of early bird, have they I'.eeii reeled wllli a .gladder va-lcomo Tli an whisper from my heart to-d.iy. j They break. the. spell of cold and darkness, The weary watch of alr-eplcs pain j And from my liearl, as from the river, The ice of Wilder mells njriln. I Thanks, Miry! for t!iis wild-wood tulven ' Of Fieya's footsleps drawing near 5 1 Almost, as In the rune of AsirarJ, The prnwlnjr of (he grass I hear. : It lit as if the pine-trees called ms From ceibxl room and silent book, To sec thu dance of woodland shadows, And hear the song of April brooks 1 As, in the old Teutonic ballad Of 0.1"-iw.thl, live bir l ami tree, Forever live in sonj; find beauty, So link my thoughts these flowers and thes. The small bird's track, the tiny rain-drop, Forever make (ho primal rock ( ' Who knows but that these idle verses . May jejv? some trace by Artichoke ? And maidens In the far-off twilights Repent my words to bresze and Btream, . And wonder it the old-time Mary Where real or the singer's dream I The First Disappoint rurnt. . The following beautiful lines Are from the pen of Mi s. T. H. Rereridge. I T - H.0., it. i Bitw h youiiiiui moi;icr, Once on r. summer's day, Set down's smiling infant, To watch Its frolic play ; It gamboled o:i the flowers That dei-ked tho carpet o'er, And sciMcd, wiih childish wonder, -. Each objret to explore. A somulhing on the instant . ' Jtn glad c'trcvr arrests, , And earnestly it ga.c where . n,i.ii sunbeam res's ; While on the new found glory P fixed Its won-lrla? eyv, ' And trustfully reached forth its hand, To Eciae the glittering prize. And row its tiny finger clasp' Tli-3 ti.-asure rich aud rare, 'iVliioh in its baby i'liieycence It surely thought was there, Rut ah! that band unclosed, And to it earnest gaze Ressals So gem if beauty 'o briglit iinprisi:ied rays I And Ihen the firat of many tears Fell on the cherub te e ' Tlie first sad disappointment .- ' In life's uncertain racel And thus U jias j)Mn vyPJi tfss.ll, Who its dark game have played We've south' ta grasp tho sunsliirs, And :ily found theshad. HOW A 11 1) A Ii Ii A II ftli C A .11 1! A!J ASTHOLOGl-iR. ' A PERSIAN TALE. a prosperous tarbcr of : r-l ... i r . ' i oi'iias. no luairieu u women cl surjtaaa- I"W.itJ'. and fXt-Cia-Iy Vttiil, to tLut hi whole sabat.mco wa-j ciMwimitJ in pro t , ... , , vifiij her wiih urpsscs, tnr.k?ts, nn'l tli luxuries of a minaturo harum. Aboy all . , .,., . ouicr wtimeu, Lie wife of Ilassaa, tlio Liuoj's njtrologcr, was envied by the wife of AMallnh, tho imosionmtious lari)cr; for this !.vly afTopted great jratidaur, a:J coii'J aiujrd i', ou account of ih large sal ary iul luilKl.MUiO roaOjit l0tuWoJ upou her bielmdJ. ' coimi.uo to uve wan turn unless ho rave -r v-.., ...u ndrtf led Mini of aMrolo-ery. In vaut did he - t . . . "Tlv lJ. T ni!U nin:ninj ' ucard was hU hal..t: whi'a of air.iTi.' we. 0''l!"!,8i '' !"hv lnHul.J hlijt imiitcj, mm tiiiu.riunat 5 rutin, inrjtuatt'd bv tt'.-cl i ilo i!k) I .u ar, au 1 tin:iiii la I l-a. 14, 18-57. hiii, cried nlotiil tluit ho would ralculato nativities pii'ilitt tlio tvc'nU of tho future, detect thriven, nnd recover lost praiierty. I lis neighbor.- were a.itiiiiiied, and one and nil snid '1 Abdullah the barber, is cer tiiinly mad !" liul it cliam ud that a cer laiii lady leuiiiiiir,' from tlio bath, walked throuoli tho bnznnr vviih her veil torn; fhr- appeared in great distress, rnd imm hem iiy the cry of Abdalluh, sent ono of her hlaves to him wiih thi.s i.iessago : " If you aro an imposler, tny husband (.lial I cause ymi lo to bastinadoed ; if you are really an astrologer, inform me whero I i-hr-.I find a lie ill ace of pcarl.i which I havo lost ihis day. " Poor Abdallali be wilderod, gazed iijxjii tliu lady, and in gaininp; time to invent nn answer, said : " She can will the pearln, when they are near, fur tho veil is lorn!" These words were reported to her by tho slave, and sho uttered a cry of joy. Admirable prophet !" hho exdnjined ; " I placed my pcar'a for Fnfety in a rent in the veil of tho bath!" and bho ordered Abdallali to bo resented with foi ly gold pieces. Now, it hhould be liiiuwn that in the Persian Imtlis there are screen, tlio name of which is (ho same hs the native word for ' vejl." Ho Abdallali, by a lucky ac cident of speech, had not only saved him self from the bastinado, but had gained forty places ufgold. ; - At length, another lady, tho wife- of the king's treasurer, made her nppearaace, and just at that moment a messenger from the treasurer came up to Abdallah, in the bazaar, and spoke lo him. The lady stood close by, and listened. " Alidallah," said the slave, my master lias lost ' tho king's crcal ruby j if thou hast tho wixdoin of the star, thou cajt-t find it ; if not, thou art pretender, and I will assuredly cause thee to be bastinadoed." This time the unfor tunate barber was alhis wit's end. " Oh, woman !" he exclaimed, " thou art the ou thor of this T Ho meant his own wife; but the wife of tho treasurer, who stood by, imagined he referred to her. Guilt is always pale, the poet says. She her self had stolen tho king's ruby; and be lieved that tho abtiloger vas a v. aro of her crime. So, when the messenger had departed, leaving the barber petrified with perplexity, the npprcached him, and said in a soft tone, " Oh, astrologer, I con fess that, in an hour of avarice, I too't the jewej. lte.slon it, without sending me to condemnation f Abdallah Mernly re plied" Woman, I know thy guilt! Where is tho jewel ? Sho answered " Under the fourth cushion from the door, in tho apartment of Kahain, my lord's Georgian nlav." Abdallah hastened io the pabce, was rewarded with a robo ol honor, a thousand gold piece, and a cost ly ornament. . . . .-. Urged hy his uife, Abdallah essayed one? more. Tho king's treasury had been broken open, aud forty chests of money had beeu tarried nwny. Not a trace of the thievos ha ! been discovered. The royal as.rologer had tried every sort of Jiviuaibii. and failed, ond was therefore in disgrace. . Cut tho fama of Abdallah, wLich was now spoken of io all Shirm. had reached the ear of the king, who sent f-r him, and garo him audience in the Hall of Kalact Serponi'htdeh. V Abdul lah," he said, wit'u a severo expression in his face, " art thou truly able to read the stars, ? "Tut mo to the proof," answered the barber, who now waspierared for tho worst. ".Then discover the forty chests of . money which lira a teen stolen, as well as th criminal. Surc-eed, and thou shall marry a princess, and become my minuter ; fail, and I will hang thee!" 41 There m ist hav heeu forty . thieve," said Abdallah, making a fortunate iA not Tery difficult guess. Grant me for ty days." Forty days thou hah have," tuid die king; and thou shall then die, or livo for riches and honor." . . So the i arber -ont home and loM his wile, and ald "I Lase forty duV to live ; I will ril on my prayer mat, and i.i a'.e on evils of life and the bless-f-. - - i J.i.-vi I'f d ii a a :i. i five in me. i hen. t'uin, forty Uans. At ilio hour of even NO. 28. ing prayer, daily, I will give thee one, thnt, by counting the remainder, I may re member how many days I havo to live." Sho complied, and every day, at the exact hour of simsat, Abdallah gave her a bean and said, with great firmness and solemni ty, "Thero is ono of them." And, on the Inst day, ho said, in an excited man ner, "There are tho whole forty, of .hern 1" What was his astonishment when, at that instant, a violent knocking was heard at tho door! A crowd of men were admitted, and ono of them, evident ly tho chief, said, "Oh, Abdullah, wise avirologer, thou shall receive the forty chests of gold untouched, but spare our lives !" In supreme bewilderment, ho an swerd, "This night I should have seized theo and thy wretched companions ) but tell me on thy head, how knowest thou that I possessed this knowledge?" "We heard," said the chief of the tobbers, "dint tlie king had sent for thee ! There fore one of us came at tlio hour of sunset, lo listen nt thy door, and henrd thee say, There is ono of them.' We would not believe his story, and sent two ' to ascer tain it, and thou was heard to say, there ore two pf them and this night, .oh, wonderful ! thou didst exclaim, 'There are the whole forty !' but restore the king's money and do not deliver os unto the ex ecutor." Abdallah promised to do what he could. Being admited to tho palace, he declared that, owing to some mystery of the stars, it was given him to discover either the thieves or the treasure, but not both. The monarrh at length consented to take the forty chests, and fulfilled his promire to Abdallah. , , DOST 10U DO IT. If you go into the editorial sanctum and commence reading an article for the next paper, and the editor tells yon to read on, don't you do it. If you go into the printing office and whistle, and the printer tolls you to whis ilo louder, don't you do iu . If you go into a printing office and com mence talking to tlie compositor, and he tells you to talk on, don't you do ii. . If you go to see a friend, and after spit, ting a great quantity of ambier on his car pet, and he tells you to spit on, don't yoti do it. If you go into a printing offiice and pocket a h&lf doxci of the latest exchan ges, and the editor tells you to take more, don't you do it. ' If you go te a store and after the ' mer chant has shown you nearly every articlo in tha house, he asks if you will look at something else, don't you do it. After selling and bothering an editor who is in a hurry to get out his paper for mx mortal hours, and he obks yoo to ait longer, don't you do it. ' -... If you are in the habit of staying out from home of nights, nnd your wife tells" you lo stay longer next timei don't you do It. JCiTnAORDix ab y CaiTTca. The. fol lowing beau ihe Baton Roug fudi" de cidedly ; i: i Mr. Showman what Is thatt That,' my dear is the Rinocerow. " He is cousing; German or Dutch relative to the Unicorn, lie was born in the desert of Sary Anne.. and fed on bamboo and missionaries. He is very courageous, and never leaves home unless he mows, in which caw he goes somewhere else, unless he is overtaken by the dark. He was brought to this country much agaiaa Lis own will, which accounts for his hvr spirits, when he is melancholly or dejected.' He is now very aged, although he ha been the youngest specimep of animated nature in the world. Pass on my little dear, and allow the la dies to survey the wisdom of Providence, as displayed in the ring-tailed monkey, a'. haniiTial that can stand anging like a feller critter, only its reversed. ' " Timion !" exclaimed an Irish sergent to his platoon. " Front face, and tind to' rowltall! As many of ye as is piis'ut , w ill fty " Here T aud as mauy of ye as Is not prisiul will say Ahatut !" . . 4 .. .