Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, May 07, 1857, Image 3
BELLEVUE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1M7. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 5qtiare (12 lines or less) 1st Insertion.. F.ach subsequent Insertion Ont square, one month " " three month " tlx ' " one year Business card (tt linen or less) 1 year One column, one year One-half column, one year " fourth " " " $1 00 no 2 50 4 00 ft (X) 10 00 5 00 no oo 35 00 20 00 10 00 35 00 20 00 10 00 8 00 20 00 13 00 10 00 H 00 5 00 eighth - " column, six months ...... half column, six mouths" fourth " " eiehth " " " column, three months half column, three lnon'hs fourth " " eighth Announcing candidates for office JOH WORK. For eighth sheet hills, pr W For quarter " " " " For half " " " For whole " " " " For coloi ed pa per, half shirt, per 100.. For hl.mks, per quire, first quire F.ech subsequent quire Cards, per pick Each subsequent pack For Ball Tickets, f.mcv paper per huu'd Each iubsequent huudred $ ! 00 4 00 R 00 11 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 oo 4 oo Complimentary. At a meeting of the passt-ners of the steamer Florence, lying off Nolraslia city T. M. McCord, Esq., of Bolloyue, being called to the chair, Rev. C. C. Goss, of New York, introduced the following pre amble and resolutions which were unani mously adopted : Whereas, The safety and comfort of the travelling public d"pend to a great degree upon the officers upon our great thoroughfares, and whereas, every atten tion that could be expected has been ex tended to us d iring our voyage up the Missouri river, therefore Resolved, That we tender to Joseph Throckmoutosj, Master, J. E. Gorman, Clerk, and other officers of the boat, our hearty and hi artfelt acknowledgments for the courtesy and attention extended to us, thereby making the voyage so pleasant and agreeable. Resolved, That we recommend to tho traveling public, the new and beautiful steamer Florence, as a boat i f .-p-ed, safety and comfort ; and its officers as Gentle men of skill, experience uud urbanity. Resolved, That the St. Louis papers and othirs pn tho Missouri river, and the New York Tribune, be re quested to publish ths forgoing preamble and resolutions. Wasiu.nctos, April 21th. The charges against Gov. Izard, of Nebraska, having been withdrawn, he will be removed on the ground of inexpe diency. It is probable t! at a successor will be chojcn from a non-slaveholdi ng State. The PreM'dent was serenaded by the Marine Band lust night, on the occasion of the G6ih anniversary of his birth day. We would call the attention of farmers, and those wanting good wagons, to the advertisement of Mr. R. Lovt jy, in to-days paper; also, those wanting good garden seeds will find it to their ad vantage by calling on that gentleman. Eg Our thanks are clue to W. A. Biddle, clerk of the fa t and commodious passenger packet "Silver Heels," for late St. Louis papers. Stage Accident. The stai:e coach running between St. Joseph and Council Blurts, turned over on Monday last near the latter place, break ing the arm of one passenger and wound in? several others. Such accidents are too often the result either of carelessness or drunkenness. In this instance we are notrpprised. ffSP The offices of the three new land districts iu this Territory have been loca ted at Dahkotah city, Nebraska city and Browiiville. There were over one hun dred applicants for these offices at Wash ington. Circumstances seem to indicate that the land will soon bo brought into market. U.S. Agricultural Society. Great Naturul Trial of Machinery and Jmpleinenls of every description pert. tin in ff to Jlgriculturt and Household Manufactures, at the Fifth ,1nnual Fair, to be field in Louinuille, Ky., during the Fair of 1S57. The undersigned, a committee of the United States Agricultural Society, ap pointed at the fifth Annual Meeting held at the Smithsonian Institution, in the City of Washington, on the 14th day of Janu ary, 18-37, "to make all the necessary ar rangements for a National Trial in the field of Agricultural Implements and Ma chinery," respectafully invite the inven tors and manufacturers of all such articles both in the United States and foreign countries, to participate in a public trial to be made at the Society's Annual Exhibi tion to be held in Louisville, Ky., during the fall of 1S37. This new arrangement for the exhibi tion of Agricultural Improvements and Machinery of all kinds in actual operation results from a conviction on the part of the Society, that no just awards can be made, except upon a practical working trial before competent judges ; and the fullest opportunity will be afforded to test her comparative mei its of the various ma chines that may bo entered as competitions for the awards, U'th as regards land for improvements, and steam powrs for sta tionary machinery. A separate trial of Reapers and Mow ers will bo made at the appropriate sen eon, special arrangements for which as to time, place, &c, will be announced at an early date. "It is intended that those exhibition shall be on the most extensive cale, for the purpose of testing the working quali ties of those important implements more thoroughly than has yet been done on any previous occasion, either in tho United States or in Europe. All articles from foreign countries in tended for exhibition may be ensigned to tho "Agent of UnitseeStates Agricultural S niety, Louisville, Ky." by wliom they will be received and stored free of charge. This brief anouncemrut of the propo sed trial is made at this early date to af ford the most ampin time for tho prepera tion and transmission o machinery. A circular containing foil particulars as to regulations will be i.sued as sion as prac ticable and, with the premium list, will be f rnard. d to p' Tons who may apply to the Society of the Cummine, Hiny L. Oieott, Jlmerican Inxtitutute, N. Y., where all business letters should be addressed. To enable the Society to make arrange ments on a sufficiently liberal scale, it is absolutely necessary that the Committee should know w at articles will he oilered for competition ; and they therefore re quest that all invent rs or manufactures who may be disposed to unite in tho pro posed trial, will communicate their inten tion! to the Society at their earliest con vei ience. Thos. Tilffhman. Chairman.Oxford.Md. Jno. I). Lan, Va-t.-alboro, Me. J. Thompson Warder, Springfield, O. G. E. Warino, Jun., Am. Inst. N. Y. Henry S. Olcntt Sec, Westchester, Farm School, N. Y. Committee on Impliinenli and Machine ry of thb -V. S. Jlirricultural Socirfi. Editors of Journals of every descrip tion, who are desirous to promote tho in terests of Agricultural nnd Mechanics, will confer a particular favor by on inser tion of the above circular. There will he no services next Kih batli in connection with the Methodist Epis copal Church at Bellevue. The Sabbath fol lowing serv'ces mav he expected. The first Quarterly Meeting for the present Conference will lie held at Bellevue Saturday evening and Sabbath, the 23rd and 2 I'll inst. NEW STORE. SEATON & ROWLES. 33o11oxtulo, TXT. T. II WING removed into our large new store, on Main street, we are now enabled to oiTer to the Citizens of Douglas county, one of the Largest, Cheapest and best Selected Stock of Goods, ever opened in this city, consisting In art of try Goods, Oro series, Qneeaswire, Btoveware, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Woodcnware, Provisions, &c, Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore expended to us, we earnestly solicit ifs continuance, feeling confident that the quality nnd price of our goods, cannot f tp in please. SF. TOV fc ROWLES. Belleviie, Oct. 23, lS.Vi. l-:f xoTici:. fIl!IE CO-PARTNFItSIIIP heretofore ex 1 isiinj under the name and firm of S ARPY &. IvINNF.Y, is tlila da v dissolved hy inu.unl consent, L. B. KINNEY liavincr p''rchased o it the entire interest of P. A. SARPY. Will settle all claims that he has contracted for the benefit of said firm, and all claims due said firm are to be paid to no one except the undersigned. L. B. KIN'XKY. " C T. 1I0L1.OWAY. C. D. KELLER Ilollowiy & Keller," GENERAL LAND AGENTS. Bellevue ci'y, N. T., will promptly a'tend to the collecting and invesline; money, locating Land Warrant's, buvrnr and selling city lots, i.c Orftce at the Bellevue Ha ise. tiisos u Avn:o. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, bv the sub scriber in Bellevue, SIX GOOD MA SONS, to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON STANT Employment, will be given. M.SIIAW. Bellevue. Oct. 21, lS.'i". l-f BELLEVUE HOUSE THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AtlD POPULAR HOT EE L , OFFERS EVERY To the Public, and will render Assmroi s attcxtiox To the wants of HIS GUESTS. J. T. ALLEN Bellevue, Oct. 23, 18.W. t-tf ' QliBNWOOD HOTEL. Glcnwooi, Iowa. HAVING recently leased this well-known Hotel for a number of years, and fitted it up in a superior style, the Proprietor flat ters himself that the 'patronage h heretofore received from his friends and tha public in general will now be extended. My table is furnished wi'h the choicest delicacies of the season. Adjoining the house are- extensive stables, and good hostlers will always be iu attendance. Come on, ye that hunger and thirst for the good of this world, and you will always find Jesse on hand to uii ister to your wants. .TSiE A. PALNTEH. no 3ni. ': ST. MIRY ADILRTISCMEXTS. itiui p. IAvcrn St. Mary, Mills County Iowa. NEW STORK NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS. WE would respectfully announce to tha people of Mills and adjoining counties, Hint we nave located ourselves In the new Uriel, store on Hie corner of Front street and Sire's Avenue, in St. Marv. nnd now have on 1 hand a full and well selocied stock of TXTo'W Goods, adapted to the wants or this community, con sist inir of GROCERIES, DHY GOOD". HARDWARE. II ATS CAPS. hoots ft. snors, drugs tc medicines, oils, clothing, FANCY f;onns, FURNITURE, PAINT, liquors, window-glass, SASH, Jtc. fcc. We are determined to sell to cash custo-tn-ri lower tlnu any o'Iit establishment in I this porMon of the S'.ite. An examination of i our stock ami prices win n an mat is neccs I s irv to convince you of the fact. Look out for the MAM.M3TH PRIOK STORE! 11 FRONT STIlEEr, ST. MAIIY. C W All kimU of country produce taken In exchange for Goods, noa-tf. KUIIL &. KAYSF.R. P. A. SAUPY, Wliolcaalo & Retail Merchant, CORNER OK MAISJ AND CnEOOR STRKKTS, ST. MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale, a l.aro assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of nil in this new and tlirivini;cominnuilv, which he can sell asc heap as can be ollcrcd elsewhere so hluh upon the Missouri river. His oods have been selected by An experienced purchaser, with sprchtl reference to the circumstances and want of all classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, children nnd youth, nil can be supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His stock consists or the 'following, ainoiip; a preat many other articles ho cannot now enu merate : Among his Dry Goods, May be found Woolen nnd Satinet Cloths, Cassinels, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Linseys, Flaming Red, While, Gray and Blue, Caspian Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetings and Sliir'ins, Bleached and Unbleached, Blue and White, Drillings, Oanahurg, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, &c, &c Fancy Goods, A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of every variety of style and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alpacca, Bombazines, Horn bayetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, &C, &.C. (Iotliln?. A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine Hrcss Coats, I'anls and Vests; also, good Summer Clothing of all descriptions, ami heavy Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, &.c. Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, of va rious faHhions, qualities and prices. Boots & Shoes, thick and thin, polishedand unpolished, of every description, for Men, Women, and Children's ubc. Grorcrlfs. Crushed, Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Colfee, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Su'ids, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, &c, &.c. rrovbions. A large assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices ; Corn Meal and all the various products of the Farm and Garden; Bacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, Raisins, tc. Hardware. S'oves of various patterns, fur Cooking and Heating rooun, S'.ove-pipe and Elbows, larg and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tongues, Manureanl Hay Forks, Scythes, Shovels and Spades, Ln and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers i Iron an. I Steel, iai!s, Morse-Rasps, Files Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ra zors, B ills and Screws, Door Handles, Knol, Locks, &c, &c. Tinware A general assortment kept for houschok purposes. Wood ware. Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Zinc WaHhboarda. Leather. So'e Lea'her, Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf S'fins, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Lariats, Circinicles, Belly-hands, Drivinir-Ilnes, Collars, Back straps, Girths, Blind-bridles, itc., J. J. Medirlnes, A general assortment of Medicines, for Fevers, Fever and Ague, and the common complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sappeivtou's, Bragg's and Javnes' Pills, Qui nine, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants, Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles neces sary for the sick and the invalid. 1-tf THE HlSSOmi RIYEE AND I0V7A STONE COMPANY. - AT S l'. MAR i S, MILLs CO., IOWA, ABE prepared to furnish Western Iowa and Nebraska with SAM), GRAVEL, I.IME, UtiCK, t BllLIUNG SI ONE of every variety, si.e and shape. They have facilities for quarrying ANY QUANTITY, that way be needed, and also intend to make D.tlCX. WATIR LIMS, &C. 100 Laborers REFERANCESi P. Chouteau J, &. Co., Pt. Lout'. Gseene, Wear-, & Bcnton, Coum. it BLUrrs. All orders should be addressed to J.NO. W. ANTHONY, 8 crrtarv. St. Marys, March 15th, 1H37. 2Uf. It. MEYER. A. GF.TXSCHMANN. Meyer & Q etzschmnnn's Flouring Mm. The undersigned beg leave to Inform the riti.ensof the adjoining counties in Nebraska, that they are building a new FLOURING MILL, with two run of Burrs, at ST. MARY, MILLS CO., IOWA. t be In operation on the 1st of Aligns. t.7. Farmers will do well to raise plenty of What. as we are prepared to pay the highest prices In ecu1". I' '-if Brl"v ' boujrVt by U pro I r!ctt't'4 i t li e FT. MARY BREWERY, nt htrvfst. lo 10 3r.. OMAHA ADlKUTlSnMCXTS. i . , i. A. JONES. OKO. Wl WOOD. THE LARGEST Drug & Chemical House IN TIIK WEST. OMAHA CITY.NEIIR VSKA TERRITORY JONES & WOOD, Wholesale and Retail DcAi cni in Drupe, Chemicals, . Paints, Oils, Dye ShifTs, "Window Glass, Wines, Llijiiors, Cigars, Tobacco, ke. Ac. Kt. TIavii'g purchased the en'lre stork of DRUGS and FANCY GOODS formerly be longing to C, A. Henry fc Co., together with our own full purchases, we are now enabled to oiler the public as complete an assortment or DRUGS and FANCY (iOOI)S as can be found west of the Mississippi river. Our stock Is of magnitude enough to supply the whole Nebraska trade; nnd having been pur chased under the most favorable circum stances, we feel assured In our statement, that if Fine Goods, as regards quantity, qual ity ami price, are any object to those dealing in DRUGS and MEDICINES, we can oiler these Inducements to a greater cven! than any other house in the West. Country Merchants and Physicians are requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere i.ol.Vtf JONES Sl WOOD. ANOTHER GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes (SELLING AT COST AT THE O M A II A CITY Boot and Shoo Store, To make room fur my own manufacture. Also, a good assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs and Sandals of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, together with a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, including Ladies' and Gents' liullalo Overs. Also, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. 8. Every style of Root or Shoe made to order, as usual, and warranted easy, fashion able and durable, no 13-tf. W. HENRY STARK. HEW GOODS! NEW STORE!! f M1IE undersigned have opened, at their new L store on Douglas Direct, opposite the banks, a new and splcudid assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS and SHOES, LOOKS, STAT10NERY,&.c. Our stock of Dry Goo 1 j comprises all kinds of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILD REN'S DRESS GOODS, ALL KINDS OP DOMESTICS and everything that Is requisite to make up a complete assortment of Dry Goods. We have a large lot of Clothing that Is wcl and fashionably inado, and out. of the best material. Our stock consists of all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. ROOTS and SHOES. Our stork of Boots and Shoes is the largest ever oHei d to tho citi.eiiiof Nebraska. They are purchased directly from the manufac turers, and are of the very best quality. Our goods are all new, and recently pur chased in tho Eastern cities, and wo 'intend selling them at astonishing low prices. All the citizen of Omaha ami vicinity are re quested to call and examine our stock, as they will find it to their interest lo do so. L'T" We sludy to ulease. no. 10-tf PATRICK & CO. W. II. STARK. U. W. HEPBURN. NEW Boot and Shoo Store, On FARNHAM Street, Opposite the Ex , change Bank. . W. II. STARK & CO., Would respectfully inform the ladies and gen tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand and are manufacturing a complete s'ock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best quality, and warranted; compri sing the following,'vii Ladies' Fine Tc and Congress Gaiters. Kid Bootees and Congress Gaiter. " " Slippers and Parodi Ties. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootees. Misses " " Childs' " " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots. " Pegged M . " Fine French or Pump Boos. " Water Proof a nd Quiltcd-Bottora Boots. " Patent Calf Boot. " Oxford Ties a, id Gaiters. " Kin and Calf Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots and Brogans. AH of which are iiiado of the best material the market allbrls. Our facilities for select ing are unsurpassed in Eastern cildes, and w wish it distinctly understood that we Warrant Every Article We Sell. We have the best of workmen in our em ploy. Every style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable fit. Respectfully, oo J.3-U W. H. STARK &. CO. raANK L. KEMP. TTILLIAM K BO OS II AM. New "STofi'k GUN AXD JEWELRY STORE. KEMP t FRODSHAM, DEALERS In blocks, Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, lUtles, Shot Guns, and Pistols. CLOCKS. Thirty hour and eight day clocks of the two best manufactories in the Union; steamboat and office spring clocks. GUNS. Single and double shot Guns, from five to fifty duhars; Rides, of our own make; also, Eastern maket Pistols of all kinds t pistol flasks, shot bags, wadding and wad cutters; common ami water-proof caps; colt's caps, and numerous other articles suitable for the Western trade, which neither time nor apace will allow to enumerate. ('y All of the above articles god on the most reasonable terms. Repairing done to orner si snon nonce. no Omaha City, N. T. CHAS. CHRISTOPHER, MACHINIST & COPPER SMITH In all iU Branches. JJBLLEVUE AND OMAHA, r. THE PHILADELPHIA S ATU R D AY BULLETIN AMERICAN COURIER. a WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL . Cheapest In the World. A new volume beirin January 3, 1H.7, 'Hie great success attending the publication of the Philadelphia Saturday lhitletin during the past yeat, ena bles the' Proprietor to promise to ii readers that it will continue to deserve such success. He has lately purrhased and united to the Bulletin that old and famous Family Journal, the American Courier, and his facilities for making a fust -rate paper are thereby much increased. The tiew vohime for the year ix:7 will much surpass the volume for the year t.Vt, In all respects. The Philadelphia Saturday Bulletin and American Courier. He lection' from American and Foreign Periodi cals, All the news of the week, received by telecraiih and mails from all parts of the Uni ted States. Tho news from Europe, furnished by correspondent Iu the Foreign Capitals, and selected from copious files of the best English, French and German papers. Ori ginal Tale, Sketches and Poems, Editorials, by capable writers, on all current topics. The geneiril literary contents of the paper will be of the most varied and attractive character. The Humorous Department will be unrivalled in Its selections, and Invariably in part Ori ginal. Great attention will he 'paid to secur ing the freshest and most Interesting Iieal, Miscellaneous, H-liu'loui and Scientific Intel ligence llio Saturday Bulletin unit American Cour ier Is a lar-re 'ilouble-sheet, containing elbt pages of six columns each, making -H col umns, which Will be hlleil under the direction of experienced and skillful editors. It Is printed on one of Hue's Celebrated Llgh'tiing Tvne Revolviuir Machines, which are known to' be the best. Printing Presses in the World. In fart it will, we feel confident, be found to contain more and better reading matter th in any other newspaper iu the country, and will be the cheapest and best jianer in the world. The propi ielor, from h.s long expeilenre In the pulilisliing business, with ampin capital, has unusual facilities fyr furnishing a lirst rate Newspaper. The Saturday Bulletin and American Cour ier will be fiirnisbeil to subscrilmrs a nd I'liilm according to tho following unprecedented low schedule. PREMIUMS TO SUBSCRIBER'?. For $'L,'HI, One ropy.and Books from the sub joined Catalogue, pnlilinlied by T. B. Peterson, to tho amount of 50 cent. For $3,00, Two copies, or one copy and books to the amount of fl,')l). For $3,00, Fonr copies, and one to the getter up of the club ; or books to the amount of 7.") cents. For $10,00, Ten copies, and one to the getter up of the club; or books to ths amount of $1. For $1.1,00, Sixteen copies, nnd one to the get ter up of the club ; or books to the amount of $1. For $20,00, Twenty-four copies, and one to the cet'ter up of the club ; or books to the amount of $2. For $30,00, Thirl v-eight copies, and one copy of "The Poets and Poetry cif America" a superb octavo vol ume, containing choice selections from all the poets of the United Statu. The juice of this superb book, in tho stores, is $3. For $10,00, Fifty cooles, and a copy of Dr. Gris wold's "Female Poets of America." a work similar to the last, and tho same price. For $15,00, Fifty cuptea, and a copy of ths 'Illustrated London N-ws'' h most splendidly embellished Pa per la the world, the price of which, at any Store, Is $12 per annum. To be mailed weekly, for one year, to the address of ths party getting im the club. One Copy and any of the Three Dollar Maga zines for Three Dollars. Further Inducements to. Clubs. To the largest club, provided it ex ceeds 1M), the Papr will be continued to every subscriber for the second year to the same nd Iress, wi charge. KV" For the second largest club, provided it exceeds iW), a complete set of the " Waverly Novels" will be sent free of postage. (I'xT For the third largest cluh. provided It exceeds 50, a copy of 'Abhott's Life of Na poleon," free of postage. For still greater Inducement, see prospectus In Specimen nmnber of Paper, which may be obtained by addressing the Pub lisher, as below. LIST OF BOOKS FROM T. B. PETER RON'S CATALOGUE. With the Prices Annexeil, from which Selec tions aro to be made of tho above named Premiums. Dickens' Christmas S'ories, containing a Christinas Carol, The Chimes, 'The Ciicket on the Hearth, Bittle of Life, the Haunted Man, Pictures from Italy, ate. Price 30 cents. Dickens' New Stories, containing the Seven Poor Travelers, Nine New Stories by the Christmas Fire, Hard Times, AiC Price .V) cents. diaries Lever The Knight of Owynne, Kate O'Donogline. Price fxi cents each. T. S. Arthur A Year after Mirrlar, The Banker's Wife,1 Love in a Cottage, ths Orphan Children. Price 25 cts. each. Alex. Dumas Memoirs of a Physician, the O. ieea Necklace. Price $1 each. Genevieve, (Illustrated.) Price 50 cent. D'laracli Henrietta Temple, Vivan Grey, Venetia. Price 50 cents each. Mrs. Grey 'The Boll of the Family, The Manavring Mother, Lena Cameron, The Young Prima Donna. Price 25 cents each. Eugene Sue The Wandering Jew nilutra ted.) Price $t. Woman' Love, the Man of War's Man. Price cents each. J7" The Books referred to above, will be sent by mail, free of poU)).,t. t"V Subscriptions and lists of Clubs should he'forwarded, if possible, before the fust of January, 1S.'i7. Address CUMMIN'GS A. PEACOCK. Proprietors, Bulletin Buildings, Philadelphia. Tiuffaian's Stiso Lino. BELLEVUE, ST. MARYS pCNTCT? Aa li L. i'. is uuu jXltii j.V. STAGE LINE. HUFFM AN'S LINE will leave Glenwood, via. St. Mary for Bellevue, on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and will leave the Benton Home, Bellevue, via. St. M irys for Cleuttwud, on the same days at 1 o'clock. P. M. This Line connects at St. Marys, with the Council Bluffs and S. Joseph Stages, and at Glenwood with the various lines from the Mis issippi to the Missouri River. Travelers on this lane will find every con venienee and accommodation, to make their trips pleasant and speedy. Comfortable Coaches, Careful Driver and well-fed Horses. noJ-tf. ROBERT HUFFMAN. "Ho! For Fresh Water. THE undersigned respectfully i. if or ins the inhabitams of Bellevue and the surrounding country, that h is piepared r dig and fnujli, WELLS AXD CISTERXS, At the shortest uoUce, and on the most rea sonable terms. - D. A. lA)Ki AN. f.elletn, O. ?1, l5r. 1-tf IP YOU WANT A OOOD PATER, sunscsise rna "Tho Nation," frill E most popular Weekly In America, JL which ha Immediately upon it Issue, sprang into an Immense Circulation. This rapid success Is unprecedented in tho History of Journalism, and ran only be accounted fof by the fact thnt the Proprietors have employ til, without regard to expense, the Star Wri ters of America. The "Nation" Is the only paper which contains the Witty, Humorouj nnd Side-Solit'ing Sketches of that Comical Genius, and Unrivalled Humorist, Knight Rust Ockslde, M. I)., of which series, one sketch alone I worth the whole years' Subscription. Tho Nation I Edited by h. M. Blgelow and Mr. E. D. E. N. Houthwnrih, who 1 wsll known ns one of the Most Popular Writers In America. In addition to tho above, w hava engageil a Contributors i (tiara Moreton, Itenrv W. Herbert Alice Cary, W. W., Mi. A. F. Law, C. A. Page, Mrs. E. F. Ellut, Ben. Cusseday, Park Benjamin, W. P. Drinnan, and numerous other. TO THE FAIR SEX We particularly commend our sheet. Their department will be Edited with the utmost rare, and no expense or labor spared to rendor the column devoted to their especial benefit, unusually Brilliant, Attractive, Instructive and Ornamental. Tho FjraicrV nn l riintorn Cornor Will contain Practical Suggestion mid Agri cultural Hints, contributed Bud culled from sources tho most reliable, nnd containing In formation which will prove to them Iu the course of a single year, of almost Incalculable benefit. The other department of our paper will re ceive Ihe attention they respectively demand, each being especially and carefully prepared to meet the varied tastes of the several class es of Us readers. Among these we may men tion Original S'ories and Poems, Editorial Rambling and Sketchings, Spicy City News, Washington Gossip, New York Chit Chat, the Latest Paris Fashions, Practical Receipt for the Household mid Toilet, The Little Ones" Department, Gems from Prose and Poetry, Reader's Guide, Historical Sketches, Translations, ike., kc. 'Hie Nation is Issued In Quarto Form, (eisrht pages,) and each number will contain at least two Original Engravings, thus fur nishing our Subscribers at ihe end of the year ...:ii. n ..(-.!. .1..,. .titi I...... i..M.. ..nil ii ? i" iim .win i, iiifni ii', i.iir'nir..,i'u11l tifully printed pages of Unsurpassed Novel let! s," Sketches, ,V.c, fce., together with over KHI Orlirlunl lllus' rations. The .Nation is sent at the following remark ably lo.v Subscription aud Clubbing Turin i Invariably In ndvance. - Singlo Copies, $2 00 per annum. Two " (to one address,) $3 f0 Three B 00 Six " 0 00 Ten " 15 00 Cif And one copy free to the gotter up of the Club of TEN. CV" All those sending us subscriptions from the British Provinces, must enclose In addition to th subscrlp'ion price, 25 cents for each subscriber, a wo are compelled to pre pay the United States postage. All letters containing money should be reg latered, and directed plainly, and they will come at our risk, otherwise we are uot re sponsible for them. (iy Specimen copies will ! sent free to Post M nt.ers, Agents, and all who wish to get up a cl ib ; to all other, on receipt of four cent in stamp. The expense of registering; is only 5 cen's. Address CROFUT fc BToT.LOW, 83 Dock St., Philadelphia, Pa. Among tho hundreds of complimentary no tices we have received from newspapers la every section of the country, we quote the follo'winir ex'racts fromi "The A'ation appears in clear large type, on enow white paper, and is richly adorned with Illustrations. "N. Y. Sun. 'It will attain to a high position In tho lit erarv world." Phil ulelphl i Daily News. 'It Ii one of the best weeklies 'now pub lished, and we take pleasure in bringing it to tha no'lee of the reading public." Harris burjr. Pa. H"rald. "The talent and energy of tho proprietor, its original and interes'ing contents, aad the beauty of the typography, cannot fail to se cure for it a general circulation." Will iamsburg, Pa. Independent Press. 'As a literary and family journal, we hay no hesitation in pronouncing it the best among our exchanges. We advise the la. lies to pro cure it without delay." Fulton, Pa. Kepub. 'We dislike puffing city emanation, but In this case w a, bound to give way to merit. Unlike many city cotemioraries, the Nation is composed of sound, substantial and useful matter, aud i not filled up with an overdose of flimsy, wiahey-woshy stuff from the hand of crack-brained authors." Erie City Dis patch. "It has the most beautiful engraved bead we ever saw, and Its content are deeply en tertatiilnj, truly delicious aud soul-absorbing." Williamsburg, Va. Gaette. "There i room for just such a paper, and it has secured two as true heads and hearts to control its columns as the literary and so cial woit-t-hold." Wellsboro'.ighPa. Agi tator. 'It will soon become a leading paper at tb fireside." Boonvllle, Mo. Observer. We seldom endorse northern paper, but In this Instance we are fosced to overcome our prejudice, and com:nend the Nation to our readers." Troy, Ala. Bulletin. GERMANTOWfrriLEGRAPH, THE MODEL FAMILY AND AU IUCULTURAL PATER. M'BtlSllIO AT GERMAN TO W N , PHILA'IA CO., TENN. Evttr WcnacKOAY Mouairo. BY riULIPR.FRlM!L PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We take this occasion to announce to Farm ers throughout the countiv, that it is the In tention of the Editor and Proprietor of tha "Germautown Telegraph," not only to con tinue as heretofore the Asricnltural Depart ment of hi paper, but sedulously to add to its character and value by all the mean at command. A.I! necessary space shall be pro vided for a ful irecor I of Agricultural Detail and a full development of every branch of tha tanners 1'ursuit. lie will Iu future, a ne has always heretofore, aim to be practical, aud to be of real aud substantial advantage to husbandry. His course, aluo.will continue to be thoroughly Independent, and wholly an biassed by any oilier mo'.ives than those he conceives to be promotive of the true Interest of Agriculture Iu its broadest meaning. Neither Individuals, clique, societies, or any other in fluence shall swerve him from the path of right aud d itv. Farmers, throughout the country, who de sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, and equal to any other family news and literary journal published, which make Agriculture a speci ality, will find the "Germautown Telegraph" to fulfill every condition, and to render it en tirely unnncrssarv for them to subscribe for a periodical evi luolvelv a 'ricnl'.ural. ,' Practical lli.riiculfnre, Pomology anj Gar-, deuimr, generally, will meet wiJj parUcJir attei.i io . As a Literary and News Journal it shall iar be s :rpa'd by any ii the country. Neatly printed on g-iod p-ipsr, of the largest clam, it shall co'iil.iu to be oue of the hi:;d. somest newspaper of the day.