Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, May 07, 1857, Image 2
BELLEVUE GAZETTE. rviit. iinrn dy 8. A. STRICKLAND & CO., TIIOS. J. GUNNISON, EDITOR. DELLCVUE, M. T. "THURSDAY, MAY 7. 1S.7. 13T Tito month of. May litis opcw-J upoa us, bringing with it a clour ky and a clomlless nunsVine. This 1ms so cheer cJ the heart of our citizens nml nerved thorn to such activity, that thrift oiul en terprise tire, everywhere vi-jlite. Houses are being built, lots femnl nrnl limits tilled with a zest nt once cnmnieiil:iblo and encoiiroging. Immigration is fad pouring in upon us. livery arrival nt our wharf brings persons of un active and in ilustrioim character, who come, not for speculation merely, but ns settler. and cultivators. Our ncconimotlatiuns, nliho' ample, are insufficient to meet the grow iug wants of tho place, and further ac commodations inu bo provided. Rome ouo will doubtless erect temporary ac commodations fur tho many thnt are Hock ing to this lovely hpot, until more perma nent ones can bo provided. Messrs. Jennings and Lovjoy, who, wo leurn, have largo contracts for building!, will do all in their power to hurry them up as fast as possible. Tho hundreds of I ales of goods landed upon our lovee this week, really looked like living. We could hardly make ourself believo that wo were in a now country, so many goods of va rious kinds piled one upon another in all directions. Seaton and Howls, we should judge, aro determined not to bo outdone by any firm in tho Territory, while White and others are largely importing goods of the most fashionable order. Our frienda in the surrounding country will find ut Dellevue everything that their taste may desire. Mr. Lovejoy has received a large number of well made and beauti fully painted wagons from the Ea-d. We presume our farmers could obtain one for the Bolid material. He is too kind a man to refuse when a legal tender is made. We were pleased to witness the importa tion of lurge boxes of ornamental trees by tho Rev. Mr. Hamilton and our valued citizen Mr. Cook. This shows n tatc in the right direction, and augers well for the future appcaranco of the place. The blending of tho ornamental with iho use ful cannot be too highly appreciated, es pecially in the infancy of our existence as a city. We have already two brick yards in process of erection, which, together with the thousands of lumber that are soon ex pected, will greatly facilitate the growth of tho place. A new steam Ferry 11. mt on the river at this point is now a fixed fact, and in a few days will bo in success ful operation. As wo have the best cross ing on the river, a rock-bound hore w'th high table lands on either side, the trav eling public will be directed to this point, For tho cultivation of tho morals of our citizens, two large and beautiful church edifices are to be immediately erected one by the Methodists and tho oter by the Presbyterians. Several new firms have just opened in our midst ; among others wo notice that of Messrs. D.ivcn port and Eicker, merchant tailors, from Pennsylvania, who are able to accommo date our citizens with loose or tight fits, just as they please. Of course they will advertise. Messrs. Turner Si Co., have also leased tho large new store of Mr. Jennings, and are about introducing to our citizens a general assortment of goods of the real Chicago ttyle. We be speak for them the patronage that expe rience and courtesy always demand. We welcome them to our uinl-d, and wi-di ihetn success. Other now comers will be no'iced in duo time. The present mth of the times indiJate a prosperous future for Bellevue. EQ From the h tti r writers of Wash ington, we learn that the Hon. P. C. Ward, of New York, i tpoken of as tha probable future Secretary of Nebraska, and also that his claims are 'urged ly many strong influences of his own State and Pennsylvania. We are personally acquainted with Mr. Wurd, anl arc pleased to hear of the probali'ity of his coning to our Territory to live. Mr. Ward has, we- venture the assertion, a bright a record, as a Democrat of the Jeflersonian and Jackson school, as any statesman of his age, for amid tho con tinually changing anJ 'ever bhifiing poli tical elements of New York for the last twelve years, he has always oeen found au -.lie, faithful, and con-istent National -Democrat. He has repeatedly refused elective honors at home, and whether he is a candidato of his own choice for this position, or would accept it, we arj not advised. Tlio Slrnmrr Am Ullgix. Ho you that are b mud fur Jhe North or the South, or ever expect to trucl npo.i tho Missouri river, if you should reach the whnif in time to take tho Asa Nil pus, you will bo fortunate indeed, and if you do not have a happy aod pleasant trip it will be your own fault. We have tried it, and (pe.iV, as one who knows. She is a beautiful steamer and hns a noble commander. For speed, reliability and safety for a long journey of a thou sand mile over sand bars, by sings, and through tho many casualties bo frequently occurring to simmers on this turbid stream, tho Asa Wilgus ha no superior on this river. Her captain, formerly captain of the A. ('. (iodiu, is well and favorably known to our-traveling public Prompt and efficient as an officer, lie is no less kind, obliging and courteous as n gentleman to his passengers, while his clerk, McPherson, h a gentleman of the first wa'er, and whether in a business or social point of is plea. -ant to make and profitable to cultivate his acquaint ance. For Hi" Rell'-vue Gazelle. IM-.H'a'loiia!. It behooves us all, a we tiro rwifily gliding along in prosperity and eminence, a a city of the first rank, in Nebraska, that we look to thoro thing that so nearly concern us, and repaid with si.;nifi nnee those institution that will promote the fu ture interests of tha embryo city Hllli: vet. As tho flow or emigration is still pour ing upon us, ns iho indications still au:-pi-eato that "tho lido ha b-mlly moved westward," why not we, ns a city, show to tho moving multitude such "local" priviliges, such "peculiar" advantages that none of our riv.iU can gainsay or refute. Linked and combined with American national wealth is public education. It lias for its ndvoente tho whole nation ; tributes of taxation ore laid at it feel annually ; it is the power that makes vice quail and removes tho fanaticisms and suporst tions of ignorant humanity; it is "tho little leaven" that imparts peace and plenty to the community. Why need wo dwell, nt lngh, on the importance of the subject it is even ad mitted. This city must eventually have schools, academies, and in all probability, a col Iosto. Perhaps some old fosjie-s ask when shall these things be ? They fold their arms in ease and wait for "the moving of the waters," whilst some rival passes and receives the reward. . Tho advantages to a city in having a well conducted school are many. Look at Cleveland, Ohio. It is known far and wide for its excellent schools. A western city, and let us suppose JJellevue, with such a reputation, must undoudtedly in fluence that kind of emigrant of the Eastern States who have always enjoyed the benefits of good schools, and who dis like to deprive their children of the means of education, feeling that iho sac rifice of moving to tho beautiful west, as much as they e'esiro to do, is too grat compared with tho education of their families. Let Dellevue have such an in fluence, and soon our landing will be crowded with multitudes. Now as we have an excellent and com modious school edifice nearly completed, let all unite ono strong pull bo made t build up a good school ; one that sha'l spread our name far and w ide, and at tract the attention of all new comers to the west. Let uj have a real, living active and intelligent teacher; one who loves the profession, and not him who follows it only for the "loaves and fishes, Our city ha now an impetus that mtM bear down all opposition ; auspices of the fuluro were never so brilliant; then let u be at work immediately; let us attend to this school matter us a ease of neces sity. Wo feel confident the citizens of Ih llevue ore alive to their own intercut. All that is wanted is the will. AN OIJSERYER. Arrived. Hon. S. A. Sruicm.ASD arrived home last Saturday evening, accompanied by his blooming and accomplished bridj; and was welcomed l y iheo hearty cheers from our citizens, a he stepped from tho fteumer upon our wharf lie meets with a warm welcome from his old friends and neighbor.. It beems the Hon. gentleman found time, during a flying trip to New York and Washington, to woo, win and wed one of Ohio's fair daughters, and we congratulate the happy couple upon their mutual good fortune. The Free Stato party of Leaven worth city, Kancus, Lave elected their mayor by ISO majority. The opposition had two candidates in the field. f Mr, J. A. Riructt, on eminent and practical teacher, is now sojourning in 15 II "Vie. A we have a beautiful .structure creeled for school purposes, and the intention is to have a school in Hello vue, why not, nt once, i-.nno to a conclu sion to procure a t'i her. Wo want no new hand nt tho 'bellows," no mediocre, no jaek-of-all-trades, but a man that is rnpable, had experience, and who has adopted leaching as a profession. We believe, and can say without hesitancy, that Mr. Harnett is tho best man we can pet to take charge of our school. Mr. Harnett has been under tho training of Dr. Sprecher, of Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio, and for the lu t four years has been advancing the rau-e of education in that great Slate, Ohio, meet ing with much success in a teacher. Let us have a good school started here immediately, and soon families will seek this p'ace in preference to all others. We say rvuij our should bo interested in this thing. All lend encouragement and the cause shall not fail. I'airt it v i.i: ion. A hum ling of iho iirviMV Associa tion, convened iii Fairview 11 miles wv-t of Jt. !'v ;e, Sarpy county, nt 1 o'clock, P M., on motion Mr., wm called to the chair, ami Mr. Robert Liiing chosen Secretary. O i motion a eoiiiiiiiuei' w: s appointed to draft Resolu tion by whic this tis.n ion lit; governed. On motion the following preamble and resolutions were prc&iuilcd by tho c uu iniitee and adopted. Winners, Wo tho seniors of Sarpy County, liviog in Township 13, North R ino 2, F.a. t I ; deem it necessary for our wellaro, to form a club association for the protection of our lives, our property and our claims. Therefore, Re.wlrt'l, That we form our selves into a club, to be known as the Fair view A--oi iati'in. lii.snlrc I, F.ach claim shall not exceed 3 20 acres, S) acres of w hich may be timber, w hich ran be he 'J in two sep rate parts. ,Vvoftv , It shall be staked or "blued with tho duto and persons name, so it can bo readily traced by one accustomed to tra iir lines. Rr.Ht'irl, Thirty days after staking, then shall leu foundation, or a coin-iiienceiiM-Mt of a hoiiM', tin! in sixty days ihert shall bo a h msec reeted on tho claim, anil the owner liiing in it, or a good citi zen in his place, unless excused by the association. 7Vorv,, That where a disputed claim 'a-io shall arise, it shall W tried Ly a jury of six, or less, provided the parties agree on the l".s,.r huiiiImt, and they shall bo up)xiiiod by the President, ho selecting twelve members, each party shall refuse three; the remaining .six acting. .ftrjwrv', That this association be considered a brain h of tho Holle-fiie. club, and that we will unite at the land sales. AVsoiv , That nil ivr-om holding claim-:, shall be of lawful age, and citizens of the Territory ; tlmt non-residents shall improve their claim to the amount of eight dollars every sixty days, and sha't re-ido thereon once during suchtiuie. .rvoi", That these laws may be amended, as it may hereafter be deemed necessary. CALVIN SALINC.rrest. Rosert Lvimc, Ijircy. Complimentary. At a meeting of the Passengers on board of the steamer "Asa Wilgus," on her second trip fro-u St. Louis to Sioux City, Mr. Daniel Hush of Jam-sville, Ohio, wa elected President and I. A. Uirneite Esq. Secretary. The President stated the object of the meeting to be, to express the opini u of th conduct of the Oliiccrs of the boat to them a "Passen gers," an I to recommend hi r as a safe, swift, and commodious bout, to those journeying Went. Also, to exonorate the otil er from all censure, in the acci dent t the Steamer "Silver II 'els." A committee of seven gt nth-men were then appointed to draft resolutions appro priate tor the occasion. Tho following gentlemen were appointed a committee. ltvi. W. R., of Ti-nuss" J. A. Cody. Col. J.iY. K;cliev, Hon. S. A. S rick l.u.d Jotm S.-C.I, ,lr. 1) n t. J. T. Whit'.alrr, A. N. Trench, ChicL'o, " Ocnhi. " H-llevne.N'.T. ritsbure;. " Ohii. Ki.lnv Pilv Tho coinnfee after a few moments al smeo, returned and reported the follow ing resolution, which were unanimously adopted: lirrea Approaching the terminus of a long a:iJ tedious journey from our homes in the E is'eru States, to the far West, and feelings sympathy in common with the thou-tmds of eu.egrants in Iran i in to their destined "lloineo," we fit-lit incumbent upo-t in, not only to express our high sen. of 'gratification for the ample and expiditious provision with which the traveling public are now foruMied, but to point out to ihem the safest anJ mot re iiablo conveyance to which they m.y coiifilimtiy intrust their property and heir lives. Therefore Ve it Resolved That in this espre. ion of the high es liuiate in which we hold thesteamer "Asa Wilgus," not only for her capacity as a safe healthy and commodious vessel, but in the marked ability and experience of her officers, each of whom from her judi cious and skilful "Captain Jackson Ivers" and gentlemanly ch-rk "E. I). McPher on" to tho bands ik:i her decks, experi ence is masters of their sevoral duties. Wo tender our thanks for the kindness and comforts they have 1 estowed upon us, and cordially recommend iheni to the pat ronage of the traveling "Public. f ouitcil JtluiT ?Yoiiparlel. This i the title of a large and beauti ful weekly sheet, published at Council HlufTs, Iowa, by our old and esteemed friends, Messrs. W. W. Maynard and A. D. Long, and judging from tho former popularity of these gentlemen, we predict a brilliant future for tho Nonpareil. Suc cess attend you, friends Maynard and Long. Iv" Wymer, tho emancipationist, has peen elected mayor of St. Louis by over 1700 majority. WAGONS TOR SALE. rMCX new w.igons from one of tlm best .1. imnnfHctori'-n in Hi" l.-i-'ern Hta'e for Bit-1 by Itl.Lltl'.V LOVJOV. It. ll'evae, May 7, tjT. :7-'.f SOD FENCE. WAXTI'f), f-n-'i fo-ir to fn-e hundred roll of SDli FKNCr. nn 1-' for the ilwrri ber. ltr.UHKN' LOVJOY. llellevne, Miy 7, 1S.",7. g7-tf LOCUST SEEDS. "I T, C li LOCUST SF.r.I) for mle bv Ru I i lien Lojov s also, noine clinico ! ir.lon Seeds. Bidleviie, May 7, 27-tf r( TlMtRHLS Extn Fimilv Floir, for eJU silehv CLARKE & 1JKO. llcllt-vae, May 7, 1S37. J7-t CO'J 2T PriSC'-AMATiOrn" Territory of Nebr.iRka, ) lliVrirt. $ IT i her. by ordered, tint thfi DISTRICT COURT, 'of the fnV .tii liciitl District, in a 'id for the Co my of D e. whirh w.i pro vided to be hel l o-i the third T ie wbiy of April trutan, be. n-ul the snme is hereby (vlionnied. (othe FIRST TUESDAY Of JUNE XF.XT ,-it, ten o'clock a. in., nt which lime the otllcers of tho Court, nml parties having business therein, ore required to iittcnd. IIdiic at inv clumber. Ib-lli-vue, Aji'l 1, '.")7 $ T., J i-lf Jiid re of Frst Judicial District. Terri'ory of Nebraska, ) First Judicial District. ) IT is hereby ordered lint the DISTRICT COURT, of tin first Judicial District, in and for the county of Cass, which was pro vided to be held in the fourth week of April hint ant. be, and the Maine in, hereby, adjourned to tli FOURTH TUESD Y OF MAY next, at. ten o'clock a. in., at which time the officers of the Court, and pirtics having business 'herein, arc ro.pireil to attend iMiit-at mv cti imlier, 15. Ilevuo, Ai.'l H, .Y7 $ F. FruotTsojf. j--tr jud,rcof Firt Judicial District. riATTU nrvEit feury colipany. NO I ICE is hereby given, articles of !issocf.ti.!i ut this Company, havo been duly recorded in the counties of I)iuj;las and Cass ; said company is n le;.il incorpora tion, under the laws of the Territory of Ne braska ; that its nimf is stated at the head of this notice; that its principal pbice of business is at the'moiith of the l'Utte River, in said Territory; that the ceneral nature of thehusi iiess to be transucteil, istokerp a Ferry across the rlatte River, between the counties of Douftlas and Cass, within two miles or its junction with the Missouri River that the amount of Capital Sock is Five Thousand dollars, the whole of which has been paid in, lu tne or;aiil.auou or 11. Company ; that tile lenal existanre of said romoauy commenced on the first day of January 1-C7, and is to be continued for the term of Twenty years there, after, that the highest of indebtedness author ised by said company is one Thousand dollars, mm in "' inn it ii urs oi s;uu company are to til managed by a I'lsieVnt, Treasurer and Secre iarv who consHtnie a boanl of itirectors, and :ul company claim the exclusive privilege of keeping a Fi rry across said PUtte River, for the distance or two inuos irom its mouth. Dated Fcbrearv 4 h f 7. JOSLril THROCKMORTON. Sfi-lt Secretary. SSMS0X A!i:UULMLM. Regular Packet for Kansas. Nebraska City, nullvvue, .trv ci tilulls, cjinalia, add Florence. if-ss,w TUK new and elee-at Steamer VW'-t Min-ne-hn-ha, Cant. Charles R- .""-H.iker, Jlsster, Hulthinsnn, Clerk, will run as a regular packet, to the ai.ove atiu an inlt-rineiiiate points on ttie .mis ouri river, ar.d persons can i el v upon her con tinuing in the trade regular v during the season, The Min-ne-h.i-ha is an en'irelv new boat, buitt exiili-ssly lor the Missouri River trade, and being ti.ted up in t tie latest and most ap proved style, her officers fer coiifi.lent, that st' ict atteie in to the co"iforl s of Passengers, and to business, will uuke her the favorite I) -at i.i the trade. CIIAS. T5 AKER. Master. Hctciiinsox, Clerk. II. T Claike, Atrent. 2ti Ri' I'.irket for Kansas. Leavenworth, vv es'on, M. Jii'eiiiij m, Iowa romt, ?ii.!i'-ka Ci'y, li.-lleviie. Council II1'.!'', Omiha, nr.d Florence. r C r,'i. T,IE ne-vaud elegant Pai;enger W i, !- $ s earner Florence, J. Throe k -iiioi to:i, M iser, J. E. Corinin, Cle'k, will coiiiinence her trips as a regular pacei in ui" n'love on the opening of nacigt'iivi in the spring, and will remain in it tlironv. limit the season. 'I'lie Florence h iving been built under the superiu'ciriTee of the imeerslgne ', expressly f-T the trade, is of ex' raordiuary streng'h, and w II ad ipted to it in every pan icular. A rea sonable share of the patronage of shippers, and the public generally, is respectfully goli- citea. J. TllllOCKMOHT- N, Master. Cj-i J. E. CioH.4 am, Clerk, ' W. W. Harvey, QURVEVOR AND CL MM AGENT, will ' promptly attend, to all business of Survey. ing laying out and dividiiigU'Ml, surveying and platting towns and roads, and will adcompanv persons desirous of unking claims, and will a.-t as agent for the sab- of claims. Odire on Main s-rc t, Ib-llevae, N. T. 2"-tf ro:t sti.E. LOT 7. Tilorlc 2.ii ; L t . Itlock 2'..1 ; Lot 7 l!'ock ISO; Lot 10, ItlocW 177 l Lot 2, HliH-k -.'IS ; Lot 4, Bio. k lis Lot in. Dlock 5S , Lot :j. liiockai.'; i,ot v, jiiock 1j:i it 4. Rioi-k W; Lots, lilock 13.-) Lot 8, Itlock 72 Lots io, u an.i l.', mock 111, la Bellevue City. l or leruia eii.inire .r HOLLOW Y ti KELLER. Bellevue II use, April 30, 1S07. i j-tf EEAL ESTATE FOB SALE. 30 LOTS IN HELLEVUB. AlooSHAUES JJELLEVUE STOCtC. dj ELK HILL ADDITION dj J LECTION C1TV. Eor further particulars nuju're of T. M. McC(JRD, At the Fuutenello IJanli. Iiolleyue, April 19, 1SJ7. 26-tf FOR SALE. SASH AND TXIOTIA A quantity of BUILDIXO TIMHKR. ("L KKIi & BKO. rii-lloviip, April 30, 1;.7. Cl ASH paid for HIDES AND PELTRY. J 2iS-tf Jlr CLARKE & BRO. MWM. H. SMITH. J. it. SMITH Smith Si Brother, TTOUNF.YSit, COUNSKLI.ORS nt LAW J.. and Dialers in Real I'.ie.-ite, nVllevnp. Nrlraka Territory, will attend faithfully ami promptly to buying and Bellini; Ileal Ktate, City Lots, Claims, and Land Warrants. Oilice at tho Denton House. 21-tim" Com jloal! Corn Ileal ! t IjRESH ground for sale at the Bellevue S'eam Saw and Grist Mill, known as Al iens Mill. Wood chopper and Mdl hands want-.t. CIIAS. C1IILD3. Aj ril 3, 1W. 20-tf I AM HERE, FAIRLY located in Rellevue, and am d'ter inined to stay hero too, (that is if the citizens of Itelleyue give me some encouragement) I I have just p irchaseil a fine lot of paints, brushes wuil sundries belonging to J. T. White, and am prepared to cb all work, that the Citi zens o' Bellevue and vicinity may see fit to en trust to nie, such as iioijsr srax and OTiNAMINTAL PAINTINS, GRAINING, MAR.'t LEING, in all its v.i no is branches, and in the neatest, latest and most appropriate style. - Call ou me 1 I'll guarantee You won't be disappointed. For what I do I promise you Is well done I That's decided 1 PAPER HANGING Executed in the neatest style. CV" Paints mixed to order, and for sale. P. WEI DM AN. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE PEIl STEAMER ST. MARY'S. THE undersigned takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Bellevue and Sarpy County in general, that they have received per S'eamer St. M.try, a large and splendid stock of Groceries consisting in part of Tea, Coflee, Sugar, 0 Molasses, Fish, Salt, Cheese Crackers, Soap, Oysters, 'Figs, Kasins, Candy, Liquors, Spices, Sardines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Brushes, Glass, Stone Ware, &c. &e. THEY would also call particular attention to their superior stock of preserved fruits consisting of goosberries, Rhubarb, Quinces, Teaches, Apples, Unrrants and mixed fruits Also their stock of fresh CAN OYSTERS and SARDINES which they can warrant of superior quality, They would also hiform Sportsmen that thevhave ainrge supply of POWDER. SHOT, LEAD and CAPS, and that they will find their store a superior place to provide the ne cessaries of a hunting excursion, all of which they will sell cheap for CASH. Also a large and splendid assortment of French and American Perfumery, consisting in part or , Pomades, Cologne, Soans etc. 'to WATTLES Si PIKE, Bellevue, April 6th, 1857. 23-tf, P A. SARPY, FORWARDING &. COMxMISSION MERCHANT, Still continues the above bnsiness at ET. MAIITS, IOWA, & BELLEVUE, N. T. Merchants and Emigrants will find their goods promptly and carefully attended to. P. S. I hive the only W AREHOUSE for storage at the above named landings. St. Marys, Feb. 2udi, H.7. 21-tf-i A FIXE FARM FOU SALE. THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Bellevue and the pnblic gener ally, that he wihes to sell his farm, which is situated on the Platte river, in Sarpy County, and coni'.s or ,?M acres. 2J(i acres of this land is fenced wHi boards, and cedar posts. 40 a. res is broken, and half a mile from this Is 70 acres of as good timber as can be found in the Territory. This farm is situated on the S'agi Road from Ofltnhs. to Nebraska City, tjie Platte River Ferry being right on the pldce. It is altogether as desirable a lo cation as can be fo-uulon the Platte River, and for richness of Soil, and convenience of Wood and Water unsurpassed by any in the Terri tory. For further particular apply to the owner on the premises.- W. CARLYLE. Tailoring ! Tailoring ! The undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of Bellevue and vicinity that he is firepired to do custom work, in the latest ashion and most approved style. He feels coi.fident that his work is. unsurpassed East or West and by moderate prices respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. lf will always be found ready to receive orders at the Bellevue House. JOSF.PH BRAY. Bellevue, N. T. March Uta lSj7,tf BELLEVUE Boot c&3 SllOO STORE. JM. B ARTAY, would respectfully . inform the inhabitants of Bellevue I I and vicinity, that he has commenced ' V4b to Manufacture DOOT3 AND SHOES, Of all deicriptiona, from the finest finish to the coarest make. Employing none but the best workman, he will be able to warrant all work done at his establishment. CV" The highest price tiaid. in trade. for all descriptions of RAW HIDES. Utllevue, Oct. 30, ISjo 2-tf GREAT SALE OP LOTS PACIFIC CITY!! MILLS COl'XTY, IOWA. Terminus of the Burlington Sf Missouri Hirer Huuroad. THE Proprietors of Pacific City will offer for sale, at Public Auction, on the ground, On Thursday, the 28th day oniay 1 857, Sale to commence at 10 o'clock and continue from day to day until the same are sold. I'acilic City is situated in JMills county, Iowa, on a beautiful plateau of ground in the Great valley of the Missouri, three milea east of the inoutli of Platte or Nebraska river, four miles east of Plattsmouth the Nebraska ter minus of the B. & M. R. R., thirty miles north east of Nebraska City, twenty-five miles south of Council lil'iffs, Iowa, and Omaha City in Nebraska. It is adjoining the bluffs of' the Missouri river, at the entrance or Poney creek into the bottom. It extends into the bottom two miles and within two miles of the channel of the Missouri river, the bottom gradually de scending to the river. The uncertainty of tho river banks for a mile east of the river disap proves of the propriety of builJinj within that distance of the river. ' The location is a healthy, romantic, and beau' if d one, being hacked by Id ifFs two or three hundred feet high, noon (he top of which may be seen the great Missouri boltoin for thirty miles south, and twenty miles north. The site has lo-ig been looked upon as one of Ihe most beautiful sites in Western Iowa for a large and thriving City, and has been held by the first settlers in Iowa for that pur pose, only awaiUnr the improvement of the coun'rv, the demands for such a town, and the Railroad facilities which are soon to be completed. A branch of the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad will be built bo'h north and sou'h of this place. The St. Joseph, Council BlulTs, and Sioux City Railroad will undoubt edly run immediately through the town site. S'one of the best q-iali'y and most extensive In Western Iowa lies one mile south, and four miles north of the town. Four steam mills within five miles of the town are in successful operation, sawing from three to five thousand feet per day, besides a number of water mills. Another steam mill is on the way to be put up in the town. A newspaper will be published there by the first of June next. Lumber is now on tho pround, and being sawed, to erect fifteen or twenty houses. Contracts have been made to burn two and a half million brick this season. The advantages which this place has over all others in western Iowa the Railroad fa cilities which Pacific City cannot miss hav ing, together with being supplied with the best water in the world, with timber, and the best agricultural counties in Western Iowa and Nebraska lying east and west of it. is a sure in dication long ere the Railroad is comple ted'that Pacific Clly will be the largest city west of Burlington. Terms of gale will be one-third down one third in four, and one third in eight months. This will be the last and only chance to pro cure lots of the Company, as the remaining lots after the sale will be devilled among tht members of the Company, and hence will be come the property of private individuals, and prices, as a matter of course, be advanced. j. w. cooi.idok. Wm. Streete. 8. It. Mom, M. W. Greexe, i C. Nuckolls, Wm. Armstrong, D. C. O.KES, and o'her Pioprietors-1 J. W. COOLIDGE, Pre. C. Nitskolls, Sec'ty. t-d-o- J. II imowx,' ATTORNEY AM) ( 01 MELCR AT LAW GENERAL LAM) A3E2JT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, riutsmofith, Cass Co. X. T. ATTENDS to business in any of the Courts of this Territory. Particular attention paid to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col lection of debts, nne taxes paid. letters of inquiry relai ive to any parts of the Territory answered, if accompanied with a fee. REFERENCE? : Hon. Lyniin Trumbull, U. S. S. from Ills. Hon J.imes Knox, M. C. " " Hon. O. H. Browning, Quincy, " ' ' Hon. James W. Grimes, Governor of Iowa. Hon. H. P. B"iinett, Del to C. from N. T. Green, Weareit Benton, Council Bluffs, T. Nuckolls tc Co., Glenwood, Iowa. 23!. HOUSE AND LOT FOESaTe. ONE good Dwelling House and Lot for sale. Possession given immediately. En quire of H. T. CLARICE. (01MIL 151.11 I S AUVLIM ISUMLXT3. Greene, Wettre & Benton, B ANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCH ANGE, and Land Agents, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Notes and Bills collected and remitted to any part of the United States. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed. ' Eastern or S:vi'heru Drafts furnished in Bums to suit pur chasers. Land Office funds paid for Currency or bills of Exchange. Loans effected on pood securi'y. Taxes paid, ti'les examined, and Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. Lauds entered for settlers and time given for payment. Ofllce opposite the Pacific House, in west lower room of Land Otllce. References : F. S. Jesup & Co. j W. J. Barney it Co., Bankers, D.ib-.ique, Iowa ; Cook Jfc Sargent, Bankers, Davenport, Iowa t Cul berton k Reno, Bankers, Iowa City, Iowa J People's Bank, New York Citys ketchem, Rogers Si. Rennet, Bankers, New York City Selkon, Withers & Co., Washington, D. C. Hon. Clias. Mason, Coin, of Patents, Wash ington, D. C. Hon. A. C. Dod ;e, 8. U. 8V Burlington, Iowa Hon. G. W. Jones, S..U. S , D ibuque, Iowa Hon. Joseph Williams, Chief Justice, Muscatine, Iowa. Council Bluffs, Oct. 23, lH.Vi 1-tf Tootle & Jackson, I FORWARDING & COMMISSION MER . CHANTS, Council Bluff a city, Iowa Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse, on the Levee at the Council Bluffs landing, are now prepared to receive and store, al kind of merchandise and produce, will receive and pay charges on all kinds of freigtbs so that H'eain Boats will not be detained at they have been heretofore, In getting some ona to receive freight, when the consignees are absent. IUperences: Livermoore & Coolev, 8. C. Davit, &. Co. and Humphrey, Putt Sl Tory, St. Louis, Mo. Tootle & Faiileigh, St. Joseph, Mo. ; J. S. Chenewo.-th St Co., Cincinnati Ohio W. F. Coulbough, Burlington, Iowa. 1-tf BOBINSON nOUSE. rriHE undersigned having recently taken X and refitted the above well-known and popular Public House, he trusts by the strict studious attention to the wants of his guests, to merit a liberal share of public favor, confi dence and patronage. His table will b spread with the best the market affords, and no. pains will be spared to make bis gueaU agreeably at homo and comfortable. G. A. ROBINSON. Council Bluffs, Iowa. nor 13-tf,