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About Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1857)
f Mia..A-li-fc' A Family Nowspaper Devoted to democracy, Literature, Agriculture, Mechanics, Education, Ainusoincnts and Gonoral Intelligence. t ?VOL. 1. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY AT BELLLVIE UTY, X. T. IT A. STRICKLAND & CO. 'S. I Terms of Subscription. i Two Dollars per annum, if paid in Advance, s or $2 50 if not paid within the year. I Three copies to one address, in advance $5 00 Seven do do do 10 00 $ Fifteen do do do 20 00 A Hub of seven subscribers, at $10, will entitle the person making it up to a copy for fix months; a club of fifteen, at $'20, to a copy or one year. When a rlub of subscribers I has been forwarded, additions may be made f to it, on the same terms. TO CLUBS ! IllSIXCSS CAItDS. f Bowen & Strickland, V A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Real Estate, City Lots and Claims boupnl and sold. Purchasers will do well to call at our office j and examine our list of Citv Lots, &.c, before i purchasing elsewhere. Olfice in Cook's new building, corner of Fifth, and Main streets. T-jTL. Eoweh, ; a TTOnXKY AND COUNSELLOR AT J LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf S. A. Strickland, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf C. T. Holloway, i A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT L j. LAW, Bellevue, N. T. 1-tf W. II. Cook, f ENER AL LAND AND RE AL ESTATE VJT AGENT, Bellevue City, Nebraska. 1-tf B. P. nankin, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT 1 V LAW, La PI itte, N. T. 1-tf J. Seeley, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT JE LAW, Umalta, M. I. 1-tf S. W, Cozzens, 4 T TTORNEY AT LAW and General Land f X. AGENT. Omaha citv. N. T. Office in J Henry & Root's new Brick Block, Farnham I trcet. no ld-tim. John W. Pattison, I TOTAUY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE i AGENT, Fontenelle, N. T. 1-tf i James S. Izard & Co. r AND AGENTS, Omaha, Douglas County, X-i Nebraska territory. 1-tf Drs. Malcomb & Peck, AMA11A CITY. Office on Harney street, V opposite the Post Office, tcntion given to S;irgery. Particular at- 1-tf P. E. Shannon, R EAL ESTATE AGENCY, Cerro Gordo Post Office. St. Mary, Mills Co.. Iowa. 2 P. B. Shannon, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MER- KJ CHANT, St. Mary's Landing Mills Co., Iowa. 2-tf Peter A. Sarpy, FORWARDING It COMMISSION MER CHANT, Bellevue, N. T., Wholesale 'Dealer in Indian Goods. Horses. Mules, and Cattle. 1-tf "D. J. Sullivan, M. D., THIYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office L Head of Broadway, Council Blufl Iowa. nov. 13 1-tf. D. II. Solomon, A TTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT Ja. LAW. Glenwood. Mills Co.. Iowa, prac tices in all the Courts of western Iowa and Nebraska, and the Supreme Court of Iowa. Land Acencv not in the Programme, no 4-tf Johnson, Casady & Test, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, ATTOR JT NEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Council Bluffs, Iowa, will promptly attend to J.and Agencies, Collections, Investing Money, Locating and Selling Land. Warrants, and all oili-r. business pertaining to their profession, in Western Iowa and Nebraska. 1-tf . C. A. Henry & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG GISTS, At the Nerraska Drco Store, Omaha city, Nebraska, have on hand and are constantly receiving a large and complete assortment of Drutrs. Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines, Dye Stuffs, Liquors, Segars, Preserved Fruits, Confectioneries, c,&x. . Physicians -orders filled on a small advance on cost. 1-tf T. B. Cl'MINO. JOHN C. Tl'KJC, Cuming & Turk, Altornevi at Law and Rtal Estate .Igrntu, OMAHA CITY. N. T., WILL attend faithfully and promptly to all business entrusted to tliem, in the Territorial or Iowa courts, to the purchase of lots and, lands, entries and pre-emptions, coi lections, fcc. Office in the second story of Henry &. Roots pew building, nearly opposite the Western Exchange Bank. Farnham street. Papers in the Territory, Council Bluffs Bu le and Keokuk Times, please copy and xliarge ISebrasklan onice. BtO. SNYDER. JOHN li. SHERMAN Snyder & Sherman, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELLORS AT LAW, and NOTARIES PUHL1C. Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa, will practice their profession 1 li a . a . - 1 1.- - I 1. iu an in a vouns or town anil nrumn, All collections entrusted to their care, at tended to promotlv. Especial attention eiven to buying and sell Ing real estate, and-making pre-emptions in Nebraska. Deeds, Mortages, and other Instruments of writing drawn with dispatch ; acknowledg ments taken, &.C, tc. (ri Office west side of Madison street, iust above Broadway. iev 13 1-tf. BELLEVUE, in im: i iitos. Tiios. Macon. Ai.r.x. Macon. II. O. Jonis. Macon, Brother & Co. TAW AND LAND AGENTS, Omaha City A Nebraska Territory. no -tf. Gustav Seegcr, rporooRArmc and civil f.ngi- -L NEER, Executes Drawing and Painthiff of every style and description. Also, all business in bis line. Office on Gregory street, St. Mary, Mills county, Iowa. 1-tf Greene, Weare & Benton, BANKERS AND LAW AGENTS, Council ltltilft, Polowattamie comity, Iowa. Greene &. Weare, Cedar Rapids', Iowa. Greene, Weare tt Rice, Fort Dos Moines, la. Collections made; Taxes paid; and Lands purchased and sold, in any part of Iowa. 1-tf T A. Schimonsky, fpOPOGRAPHlC ENGINEER, Executes JL Topopraphic, Fancy and Plain Drawing of every style and description. Fancy, Orna mental and Plain Painting executed to order. Office at the Bellevue House, Bellevue, N. T. Rf.ff.hf.nces: P. A. Sarpy, SI. Mary, Iowa; Judge Gilmore, Bellevue. 1-tf Charles A. Henry, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Respect fully informs the citizens of Nebraska, that having permanently located in Omaha city, and having had several years experience in tne treatment or uiseases incident to tne West, now oilers his professional services to those who may favor him with their patronage. Office in C. A. Henry & Co's. Drug and Va riety Store, Omaha city, N. T. 1-tf G. P. Theobald & Co., COMMISSION & FORWARDING No. 20 I' Street, up Stairs, ST. LOUIS, MO. (TV Particular attention paid to filling of orders and to Sale of Produce. no lti-lv. Charles E. Watson, IIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Y bellevue Citv, iNebraska lerntorv, pro fesses to be "posted'' in the lay of the land in this vicinity, and offers his services to such as may need tliem, on reasonable terms. 7 lie will also act as agent, for the pur chase or sale of Real Estate, in the Territory, or Western Iowa. Information furnished upon application. Declarations filed and pre-cmp- mns ohtainert, roMi:i:n.i; i:k of iillllue. Hcllerue, Nebraska. IS prepared to transact the general business of Banking, will receive deposits, Discount short paper, buy Bills of Exehange, on all parts of the Country, and sell on St. Louis, Chicago and New York; .make collections In the vicinity and remit for the same at Current rates of Exchange. (T5?" Interest allowed on special Deposits. JOHN WEARE, President. Titos. H. Benton, V. Pres. John J. Towv, Cashier. 1-tf Banking Hours From 9 to 12, A. M., and 1 to 3, P. M. ANDREW J. 1'OPrEETON. WIM-IAM N. BYERS. Poppleton & Byers, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND GENE RAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha citv, Nebraska. Land Warrants bought and sold. Land Entered on Time. Special attention given to the selection and entry of Lands for Settlers, and all others desiring choice loca tions. Land Claims, xown lots and all kinds of Real Estate, bonght and sold and invest ments made lor Distant Dealers. irS" A Competent Surveyor and Draughts man always in readiness to survey lands, find and select" Lands and Town lots, and draft City Plats 1-tf Tootle Si Greene, WHOLESALE &. RETAIL DEALERS, Glenwood, Iowa. We bee leave to call the attention of the Good People of Mills, Pottawattamie, Montgomery and Cass coun ties, Iowa; also, Douglas and Cass counties, INehraska, to our large and late supply of every kind of MERCHANDISE, usually kept in Western Iowa. Our stock of urocenes is large and complete, havine been bought and shipped a little lower than our neighbors. Our stock.of Hardware, Qucensware, Wood enware, Koots and Shoes, Hats and Caps and Heady-Made Clothing, have all been purchased in the Eastern cities, at the lowest cash prices. Give us a call before you purchase, and if we do not sell you cheap goods, we will make our neighbors do so. Remember the cheapest house Intowr.. Glenwood, lows, Oct. '23. lS.rii. 1-tf nCLLEVl'G AmxitTISE.MEXTS. STONE MASON AND IPlastorer. THE Undersigned having commenced the above business in Bellevue, is prepared to do all work in his line, at the shortest no tice, in the best manner, and on the most rea sonable terms. WM. WILEY. Four or five good Plasterers, will find constant employment, and good wages, on ap plication to the above. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 185B. 2-tf bellevu: rpiIE Propiietor of the above S.v JL loou, takes great pleasure in announcing to the public, that he is now prepared to serve at all hours, and iu the best manner, WARM OR COT.D ME U.S, OYSTERS. COOKED IV EVERY STYLE. SARDINES, PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE, BOILED EGGS AND G VME IN SEASON. Together wi'h env tiling that is usually found in a FIRST CLASS Refreshment Siloon. Having had considerable expeiienre in ca tering for the public taste, hf Is sure 'h it all who favor him with a call, will be sitifiid. CH ARLES JOHNSON. Bellevue. Oct. 23, ISM. l-tf NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL r. Ai)vr.nTisi:i i:ts. HOUSE CARPENTER AND AN. BR1GGS, Takes this method of In . forming his friends, ami the public generally, that he is prepared to BUILD AND 1'lNISlf, in the best manner Dwelling' Houses Of every description of style and finish, on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of public patronage. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 185(1. 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND WE would respectfully Inform the Inhabi tants of Bellevue and vicinltv that we are prepared to ERECT and FINISH Buildings of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and In the most work inelilike manner. Having been engaged in the business several years, we feel confident in staling, that all wlio favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased with our wolk. C. P. STORRS BellovuP,J)c23,lR5. 1-lf Boot cfc SlT-OO MANUFACTURER. A WRIGHT, would respectfully rjj . inform the Gentlemen of Belle- it vue and vicinity, that he Is prepared to manufacture, to order, every variety of . BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best finish and Latest Fashion. He is also prepared to make up in the best manner. Embroidered and Worked Slippers, which he will warrant to please all who favor him with the custom. Bel1e"i., O-t. 30, 1S50. 2-tf HOUSE CARPENTERS AND JOIN KKS. flHE undersigned takes pleasure in an-A- nouncing to the inhabitants of Bellevue and vicinitv. that thev are now prepared to BUILD AND FINISH, in the beat manner, all styles of Dwelling Houses, Cottages, &c, &c, On the shortest notice, and in the most ap proved style of workmanship. They will be also happy to do any work in their line of business, which their friends may stand in need of. MY KKS & HILLY AKU. Bellevue, Oct. 30, 18uii. 2-if WHOLESALE & RETAIL STORE IN BELLEVUE. I would respectfully invite the citizens of Bellevue and Douglas Co., to examine my large and well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, . HATS & CAPS, DOORS, SASH, A.C., &.C, And in fact every variety usually called for in the West. I am confident that any one wishing to purchase goods will be entirely satisfied, and find it will be to their interest to call and examine my large and well eelected assortment of goods. , Li. li. Kl.xrs L. I . Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1850. 1-tf BLACKSMITHING. rpHE Undersigned beg leave to Inform f .L the Inhabitants of Douglas county, ( Jj that they are prepared, to do all work in v their line of business, in the best manner, and on.thc most liberal terms, at their shop in bellevue. f?" Having had several years experience at HORSE-SHOEING, in some of the best shops in Eastern Cities, thev will be able to give entire satisfaction, to all who favor them with their patronage, in this line. MlAW & ILLIU.. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lS5ii. 1-fim NEW ARRIVALS AT THE THE Subscriber respectfully invites the at tention of purchasers, to his large and splendid stock of Goods, consisting of VllY liUUDH, UKUL f.lllLS, HARDWARE, HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES, TOBACCO, PATENT MEDICINES, tu:.. tc. All of which he warrants of the best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market. He has also a well selected stock of RF,ArY-MArT3 CLOTHING, Made after the LATEST FASHIONS, of the BEST MATERIALS, and by EXPERI ENCED WORKMEN, all of which he sell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. Bellevue, Oct. 23,185t. 1-tf H. T. CLAKE, FORWARDING aud COMMISSION MERCHANT. GENERAL LAND AND COLLECTING A a IZ IV T DELLEVUE, NEDRASKA. Sealer in Fine Lumber, Doors, Sash, Flour, Ileal, Paeon, &c, &o. v xjirect ifooas care u. y, uiamc. llcrvnrsci-.s: Gold & Rro'.hcr and Edward lle-i.p '' vVatT street, t'Inc.ii'o; J. W. ll Ml.ius, Milwaukle, Vii. ; U. M. Norton, Pres. liirhie CO. I'.aiiV, Kcii,e. Wi-.t ('. Barrett, River street, I vei ind, 0. 1 IVmI-hi .t I'roMier, Ciiicinna i, (. j Ti'.Me .V, 11 ns, Erie, 'j.; C. 11. Wr'-M & Co. i::lul-. Krie Ph.; C ii. Virii':V, I iki , Fiiii-iiittlii, pa.; O.ulin'T, Alber's.-n Roe, tr.'-', . Y.; V. J. Willis, Wa er s'r.-et, N. y. U. H ill. Troy, N. V.; Mr. II l"erford. President M-i.U of Wes-fHd, WWOU, N. Y. t H t i. S. M u'.vi. N.'br.iika City; (Jui. P. A. Simv, St. Mliv,; J. J. To '.vii, Bellevue, Ne- braaki Teni'.ory. 1-tf POETRY Heller I. ale than Sever. Life is a race whcr some succeed, While others are beginning; 'Tis luck at times, at others speed, That gives nn early winning; But if you chance to fall behind, NeVr slacken your endeavor ; Just keep this wholesome, truth in mind I 'Tis better late, than never. If you ran keep ahead 'tis well, But never trip your neighbor ; 'Tis noble, when you can excel By honest, patient labor ; But if you aro outstripped at last, Press on as bold as ever ; Remember, though you arc surpassed, 'Tis belter late than never I Ne'er labor for an Idle boast ff lctory o'er another; But, while yon strive your uttermost, Deal fairly with a brother. Whate'er your station, do your best, ' And hold your purpose ever; And If you fail to beat the rest, 'Tis better late than never ! Choose well the path in which you run, Succeed by noble daring; Then, though the last, when once 'tis won, Your crovn is worth the wearing. Then never fret, if left behind, Nor slacken your endeavor; But ever keep this truth in mind 'Tis better late than never. MISCELLANEOUS. Siamese Amazons. The army of tin King of Siam contains a corps which particularly attracts t'ie at ention of strangers ; this is the battallion of the King's Guard, composed of women. This battalion consists of 400 women, chosen from among the handsomest nnd most robust girls in the country. They receive excellent pay, nnd their discipline is perfect. They are admitted to serve at the nge of thirteen, nnd are placed in the nrmy of reserve at twenty-five. From that period they no longer serve about the King's person, but are employed to guard the Royal Palaces and tho Crown lands. On entering the army they niako a vow of chastity, from which there is no exemp tion unless any of them should nttract the King's attention nnd bo admitted among his legitimate wives. The King's choice seldom fails on the mott beautiful, but on the most skilled in military exercises. The hope of such a reward animates them with extraordinary zeal for military in struction, and Europeans are astonished at the martial appearance of that battalion as well ns its skill in manoeuvring and its excellent discipline. The costume these women wear is very rich. Their full dress is composed of a whito woollen robe, embroidered with gold. The cloth is extremely fine, nnd descends as far as the knee; it is covered with a light coat of mail and a guilt cuirass, The arms are free, and the head is cov ered with a guilt casque. When wearing this dress on State occasions their only weapon is a lance, which they handle with wonderful dexterity. With their undress they are armed with a musket, The battalion is composed of four compa nies, and each company of 100 women, commanded by a raptain of their sex Should the captain die, tho company is drilled du ing three days by the King, who appoints the most competent to suc ceed to the command. The battallion has been commanded for the last five years by a woman who saved the King's life at a tiger hunt by her courage and skill. She possesses great influence at court, and is much respee'ed by those under her com mand. She has the same eublihuient as a member of the royal family, and ten elephants arc placed at her service. The King never u idtrtakes any expo- union wiuiom ueing uccouipuineu iy ma fnli !ir.l. imr W l,i nnr l.m.t nr ".' " 1 ?v- ndo out, without an escort of the in.n. i:r.l ivlm tiro i1.r.ttiil!v mi i.l ..,1 t- hi.-i j' t:v)ii. I'.a h individual j.f the has fiVfi in-irri.s (ii; ht'd u In r kt-i vi.'t' : nnd liavin T ilm-i n.i .l,nii.,ii.' icr t ' (Hi'iipat'.oiis, oil hi can devote herself xili- ..-lit t. ill.. ti!ii..a ..f n , r ., ,!,,.;.. f I.... ,.,i ..;... . . , ... .There waparadrt gnmnj near the nty, j j where oue company is fctutionod fr two' CI,' l, .11-.: WKlKa 't ,11 L; III l. I Ml. 30, 1857. days vwry wovk l1' cxorrUrt tliomst lvcs in the list) of the Inure, the pHol, the inusltel mid the riUe. Tlio King uttcndH once a month at thoso cxen iscs, aeioni panied ly his brother, whoblmrcs in some dogreo tho Bovurtijn power, nnd di.slri butes prizes to those most deserving. Those rewinds consist of bracelets, or other valuable jewelry, to which tho fe male and their families ntltich great im portance. Those 60 honored fill the offices of sergeant and corporal. Punishment is very rare in this corps, nnd when it is indicted it consists of a suspension from service of n period not exceeding three months. IJut duels are J much more frequent. They must be sanctioned, however, by tho female enp tain, nnd be fought with swords, in pre sence of the entire company. IVhen tho death of one of tho parties ensues, tho deceased receives a magnificent funeral, and the high priest pronounces a panegy ric, declaring that tho deceased, by her valor, has merited cternnl rest in the abode of tho blessed. Tho survivor re ceives tho congratulations of her compan ions : but, as a measure of discipline, she is sentenced to pass two months, away from her company, in fasting nnd prayer. Tho military organization of this battalion is so perfect that the cntiro nriny endea vors to imitatq it. Home Yearnings. Tho following extract from Passages of Eastern Travels," will meet with a ready response from every heart that has had its dearest feelings nurtured amid the genial influences of home : " Them is a fireside in a far oft" land by vt hich, could I but warm my cold and weary feet to-night, I would lio down and sleep such a sleep as God (jiveth his be loved. Sometimes I think I have not slept for months ; nnd I have not, bbvc only that dreamy, restless sleep, that is fi'led with visions of dear faces looking on me through impassible bars or out of unapproachable distances. And at night as I walked along, tho moonlight fulling all around me out of that fathomless sky, I f ilt as if to lie down on the sand would be b!c:sed, and to bleep there glorious, if I could but dream once more of home." Will not this voice from the Orient find an echo in each heart that ever roamed from the loved ones at home T A response from every one who has adjourned as a stranger in some strange land ? Yes, it will. Tho sentiment is ono kindred to the loveliest feelings of the human heart Camels In Texas. The Camel experiment on the plains of the South has been a success. One came is capable of doing the work of four mules an doing it quicker and more cheaply. It would not be surprising if, a few years hence, we had regular caravans across the plains in advance of the Pacific Railroad One part of the experiment is yet unde cided. The Secretary of War, has not yet had the pleasure of presenting to the people a native camel. But he is conn dent that in a few weeki he will have that satistaction. It is, perhaps, indiscreet to ! attempt to bo precise in promising the ad vent of little humpbacked strangers ; but we can assure the public that tho hopes of the Department are very high and confi dent. HapniiieM for Working Men. The situation or social position of the poor and ly that word wo mean the laboring population is by no means 60 deficient in the means of happiness and comfort as many are led to believe. "The mechanics," says Lord Byron, "and working c'asses who can maintain thei families, are in my opinion, the haj piest body of nu n. IVveny is wretchedness but it is, per!;:ip, t be pivforred to the hearth's.., un .iicuuiu ui of tl.e hi:;!nT orl.T.s," App.ihr author .ays: " I have no propetiM'y to envy uny one, lcat of all the rich and j eat ; but if 1 ) wi re deposed u this weaknes , the sub- : t ii i.. . i . i.i rm "ou, i nenaY oll "m:'- i'-"- -i'.i oi ijia!,irei,'in an.i f I , . . , lJI c"'"!' Mr.!i in a inonnn;: to work u wile and ctulJren, or bringing theiu home Lu wjjcs a" night." NO. 20. VARIETY. A tailor in want of a cutter,' advertised iu ono of the pnpers to that ofToct. The following morning while in his store, cogi tating upon tho instability of things in general, and praying that thero might soon io a chango in tho fashion of gentlemen garments, when a son of the Emerald Isle, with wisps of hay and straw decorating is beard and hair, mado his appearance Tho store-k leper, thinking ho saw a cus tomer before him, inquired with his best smile, what ho could do for him, when (ho ollowing dialogue took place : Is Mr. for ' Yes, sir, I am he.' ' An' thuro now yon advertised fur a cutter. Yes.' ' Then I have a fhriend who has one.' 4 One what V ' Och ! git away wid you now, you know )hat I mane.' Doir Yis, ihrue for you now, an' ho whants to know if you would like to tak the bells and Duffulo robes as well, for ho would sail them all chnpe, a rale bargain.' It was some time beforo the tailor could niako him understand that he wanted a cuttcr-out of cloth, not a small sleigh, when ho did, tho Hibernian departed in high ill humor, firmly convinced that the advertisement had been put in for tho express purpose of making a fool of him. Pray, madam,' said a young, romantic -ooking gentleman, addressing tho daugh ter of an up-town bookseller, whom her father had deputed to stop in the shop just while ho went to the next door an ami able creature, about the ago of sweet six teen ' may 1 ask if you have Ten Thou sand a Yenr ?' 1 No, sir.'sho sweetly but simply replied, etting her finely lashed eyelids fall . no sir ; but father says he'll settle the house in Street on mo ; that, though, don't rent for more than four hundred a year f The young book-buyer had liked to dio a larfin', as Sam Slick says. Mr. O'Flagherty undertook to tell how many were at the party. The two Cro- gans was ono, myself was two, Mike Finn was three, and and who the mischief was four? Let me see (counting his fin gers) the two Crogans was one, Mike Finn was two, meself was three and be dad ! there was four of us ; but St. Pa trick couldn't tell the name of the other. Now it's meself that have it ! Mike Finn was one, the two Crogans was two, meself was three and and be the powers, I think thero was but three of us after all,' A gentleman of color had a severe at tack of rheumatism, which finally settled in his foot. He doctoretl it and nursed it, but all to uo purpose. Finally, tearing away the bandages, he stuck it out, and with a shake of his fist over it, exclaimed i Ache away, den, ole feller ache away I shan't do nuffin more for yer ; dis chile can Stan' it as long as you kin, so ache away." A teacher asked a little girl, Wha country is opposite us on the globe !' Don't know, sir,' was the answer. Well, now, pursued the teacher, if I wero to bore a hole through the earth, and you wero to go in at this eiul, where would you come out ?' ' Out of the hole, sir T replied the pupil, w ith an air of triumph. The surest way to fill a private apart ment whether in printing office, a cot ton factory, or sausage-shop, with visitors, is to place over the dxr a placard, benr. ing the inscription, No Admittance.' No person ever read that prohibition over an entrance, without iutaiitly being attacked t y an ungovernable desire to ru :h right in. An auctioneer's clerk being directed by his t mployer to advertise a copy of a fresco, by Ht panel, wrote, 'Afresh cow by ra(!!c.' t t If t- i i 1 H H !.! j I i! i i 1 ' Li f !