Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, April 09, 1857, Image 3
it .11 BELLEVUE GAZETTE. THURSDAY APRIL' lSof." RATES OF ADVERTISING. Square (12 linf or less) 1st Insertion.. F.flrli subsequent Insertion One square, one month " ' three months " " tlx " " " one year Business cards (0 lines or loss) 1 year One column, one year One-half column, one year 00 rx) 2 50 4 (X) f. (lit ID CI) s on till 00 3.") 00 ao oo 10 0') SVt (Ml 20 00 10 00 8 (h) 20 00 13 00 10 00 i 00 r oo " lourtu " " eighth " " " . " column, nix month half column six months fourth " " " eighth " " column, three months half column, three months" fourth " " " " eighth " " " .Announcing candidates for oflicc JOB WORK. For eighth shoot hills, per 100 1 'or quarter " " " " ... Forlnlf " " ... Forwhnlo " " " " ... Vor colored piper, half shoot, per For Matiks, por quire, first quire F.ech subsequent quire Cards, per pack lSit-h subsequent pack For Hall Tickets, fancy paper per Fach subsequent hundred $2 00 I 00 ft 00 Irt 00 5 00 100.. 2 00 1 00 1 !V) 1 00 him'd fi oo 1 oo XOTICT.. Persons havii g any law business to transact With the firm ot Rowrv fc Strickland, for the next six'y ilavs, will please wait upon C T. IIoli.owa'v, Fisq., who will give them any ndvice or legal assistance required. IIOWE.V & STRICKLAND. Letters directed to me wilhin the next sixty days, will reach me soonest at Albion, Or leans county, N. Y. 8. A. STRICKLAND. The Denton House. This popular Hotel, heretofore kept by George Jennings, has changed hands. Mssrs. CofTinan and Stoddard have pur chased the building and adjacent lots, and commenced business as pr iprietors on Tuesday. We understand they have con siderable experience and a high reputa tion as hotel keepers, and from their in telligent and gentlemanly manners, vc hare no doubt of their success. The house is one of the best in all the West, is well furnished, and enjoys a liberal patronage. ReST" We call the attention of our read ers to the advertisement of Wattles & Tike. Everything good and desirable to the palate can be found at their store. SO Those having any painting to do will do well to call on Mr. P. Wideman. being well acquainted with him, we feel safe in recommending him to the public. See advertisement ! r- - Shockixo Affair ix Washington. At the President's Levee on Friday the tiih, Col. D. C. Lee, a clerk in the Pen sion office, seized by the collar a highly respectable and wealthy gentleman of Al exandria and accused him of picking his pockets of a pocket book. An altercation ensued, ending for the moment in an ex change of card. Soon afterwards Lee was informed that ho was mistaken in his man, that this was a gentleman of high character. Yet when Hume called on him next day, with a friend, and stated his well known po.ition in society, Lee re fused to retract his charge. Hume then struck Lee three blows with a cane, and Lee shot him dead. The occurrance pro duced great excitement in both cities. A committee of 100 citizens of Alexandria proceeded to Washington to convey the body to his home. Lee surrendered him self,, pleading that the killing was in self defence, was bailuj, and to avoid public indignation, went to Virginia. Another New State. - Arrange ments, it is said, nre making to form a Statd out of the northeast corner of Mich igan, under the name of Superior. Mich igan agrees to the surrender of that part of her territory which lies without the peninsula, and IViseon-in consents to part w:th that portion nf her territory, which lies on the diore of the great lake : be sides which Minnesota must yield a cor nerof her territory immediately adjoining. A memorial presenting the advantages of this new scheme is already preparing for Congress. W? give this statement as we find it iu the papers. Nil new Slate can thus be formed without the consent of Con gress. But suppose what is highly im probable that Congress should consent, the State thus erected would there be sov-rcigu--and what power would there bo, in case &ho should refuse to nsk admission, to compel her to come into the Unin? Standard. Exploration of the River Nicer. A bill was reported a few days ago. from the Committee on Commerce, of the j Senate, to provide for the exploration of the Niger, in Africa. It provides that the Secretary of the Navy cause an ex ploration to be made by some competent officer of the Navy, of the river Nitre r, with a view to ascertain its navigability ; nnd that for that purpose he may cause to be prepared, or procured, a small steam vessel, adapted to river navigation, and ap propriate twenty-five thousand dollars for the object. The bill is accompanied by a UtUT trom T. J. IWcn, Esq., which explains its ol jett, ntij thrws its importance) and practi cability.' The Niger has not been ex plored by vessels further than about 400 utiles from its mouth, and it is be'ievcd lo te uavigabltf for (wo thou.atul miles. I AM HERE, FAIRLY located In Hellevue, nnd am dttor mined to stay here too, (lhat is if the citizens of llrllerue give me some encouragement) I I have just purchased a fine lot f paints, brushes and sundries belonging to J. T. White, and am prepared to do all work, tint the Citi lens of Ilellevue and vicinity may see fit to en trust to me, such as HOUSK. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GRAINING, MARRI.r.lNG. .c. in all its various branches, and In the neatest, Litest and most appiopriatc style. Call on me ! I'll guarantee Yon won't be disappointed. For what I do I promise yon Is well done ! That's decided 1 PAPER HANGING F.eeuled in the neatest style. .V" Faints mixed to order, and for ssle. 1 W KIDMAN. J. II nitoivx, ATTOIKCY AM) ('Ol'XfELOR AT LAW GENERAL LAND A jENT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Plait smoxdh, Cass Co. .V. T. ATTF.XPS to business in any of the Courts nf this Territory. Particular attention paid to obtaining and locating Land Warrants, col lection of debts, ane taxes paid. Letters of inquiry relative to any parts of the Territory answered, if accompanied with a fee. Rr.FF.RI'.NCLS : Hon. Lyman Trumbull, U. S. S. from Ills.; Hon. James Knox, M. C. " " Hon. (). H. Browning, Quincy, " Hon. James W. Grimes, Governor of Iowa. Hon. H. P. nennott, Del to C. from N. T. Green, Weare & Kenton Council Bluffs, I. Nuckolls &. Co., Glonwood, Iowa. 211! f. SPECIMEN OF LYTHOTYPINC In IVcm, ami will be ready soon, Or a collection of Social, Moral and Intellec tual Maxims, by Samuel M. Smuckcr, A. M., Author of 'the ''Court and reign of Catherine II of Russia;-' "History of l'.u peror Nicholas I," &c, &.c. This undoubtedly will be the most intoront ing work of the kind ever published in Amer ica. It will contain twenty Caskets, richly laden with the finest gold, Wrought into over seven hundred separate Original Maxims and Independent Reflections, with wise saws and Profound Aphorisms, which refer to every body and everything worth referring to, and especially adapted to the present time. It will bo printed from plates formed by the New Lythotyning Process spoken of in the last number of the Monthly Rainbow. It will, without doubt, no the handsomest book in topographical appearance ever before pumisncd ( anil it win be primed nnl hound in the best stylo, and Us contents will make it at tractive nnd pleasing to nil classes of readers. Price SO cents a copy, for which it will he sent, post-paid. Address, GHO. A. GROFUT, Publisher, 83 Dock St.,rhil idelphia. Country papers choosing to copy the above, will receive tlie book, post-paid. BLACKSMITH1NG. riTIIF. Undersigned beg leave to inform the Inhabitants of Douglas county that they are prepared, to do .ill work in their line of business, in the best mariner, and on the most liberal terms, at their shop in Bellevue. Z"ir Havinir had several years experience at HORSF.-SHOKING, in some of the host shops in Kastern Cities, they will be able to give entire satisfaction, to (ill who favor them with their natronage,in this line. SHAW & ICCTON. Bellevue, Oct. 23, lSjli. 1-bm 33 33 H. H. E3 -r XJ US rpiIK Proprietor of the above Sa- f ST X. loon, takes great pleasure i'(N announcing to the public, that he is "Vi now prepared to serve at all hours, and in the best manner. WARM OR COLD MF.ALS, OYSTERS, COOKED IN EVERY STYLE. SARDINES. PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE, BOILED EGGS AND GAME IN SEASON, Together with everv thing that is usually found in a FIRST CLASS Refreshment Saloon. Having had considerable experience In ca tering for the public taste, he Is sure that all who favor him with a call, will'be satisfied. CH ARLES JOHNSON. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1S31. 1-tf vj ror.sALj: & jiktail. STORE IN BELLEVUE. I would respectfully lnvits tlio citizens of Bellevue and Douglas Co., to exasiinc my larsre and well selec'.ecl assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CROCKF. R Y, J I A R D V A RE, BOOTS, SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, HATS & CAPS, DOORS, RASH, &.C., ic, And In fact every variety usually called for in the West. I am confident that any one wishing to purchsso poods will be entirely satiKhi'd, and Imd it will be to their interest to call and examine my large and well selected assortment or goods. L. B. KINNEY. Bellevue, Oct. 23, ISjO. 1-tf . HOUSE CARPENTERS AND 0" OUNm3i?L!S. WE would respectfully inform the inhabi- tmts or nollevue and violmtv tnat we are prepared to ERECT nnd FINIS!! Buildincs of all Descriptions, On the shortest notice, and in the most work- lucnlike manner. Iiiv.nghcen engaged in the business several years, we fi-el confident iu stating, that all wlio favor us with their cus tom, will be pleased wiLh oar work. C. P. STORRS Bellevue, Oct 23, 1S50. 1-tf uir.D At Glendale, CYNTHIA J. TOZIER. wife of George S. Tozicr, in the 3oth year of her age. We nre often called upon to announce the death of some friend or relative, I ut in this in-danco we with the deepest af fliction mourn the dt ath cf Airs. Tozicr. She liasluiij been a resident of our fair Territory, and was beloved by nil who kntw her. She hpres a hu&laud and live children to mourn her !o: s. BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE LARGE AND POPULAR HOTEL, OFFERS F.VFUV To the Public, and will render AHSini'Ot S ATTI'.XTIO To the vttnts of 11 IS GVKSTS. J. T. ALLEN. -1-tf Bellevue, Oct. 23, l"Cd.- NEW STORE. SEATON & ROWLES. Bollovuo, TNT- T?. H AVING removed into our l:tre new store, on Main street, we nr now enabled to otter to ttnv Citizens nf Douglas countv, o:ie nf the Largest, Cheapest and beL S dectod Stock f Good", ever opened in this city, consi iting in Bu t of ry Goods, Groceries, Quecnsware, Stoveware, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hat & Caps, Woodenware, Provisions, &c, Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us, wo eai nestly solicit its continuance, feeling confident that the quality and price of our goods, cannot fail to please. XI. TO. Si. HOWLI-.S. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 183ti. 1-tf BENTON HOUSE. 4corgc Jciiiiilitc, Proprirfor. THIS House is situated in the jdcasantest part of Hellevue, in a beautiful and healthy location and commands a view of country, which for beauty cannot ho excelled in this Territory. It is fitted up in the best manner, ami no pains xvill he spared to make all who may favor him with their patronage, feel at homo. Ill 8 TABLE. Will always be supplied with all the delicacies the market nllords. Attached to this Hotel is an excellent STABLE, which we shall always have attended by com petent, and faithful Ostlers. Bellevue, Oct. 23, 1S53. 1-tf NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! Now Everything:, at the Old Stand of SARPY J ENGLISH. EDWARD C. BOSBYSHELL HAS tho honor to inform the people of the Southern District, nf Douglas and the adjoin ing counties, Nebraska, that he is now open ing one of the largest Stocks of GOODS ever brought to Glcuwood, Mills county, Iowa, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HOOTS SHOES, HATS &. CAPS, (HEENSWARE, NAILS, LEATHER, CORDAGE. IRON, OILS. PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, VOOD AD WILLOW WARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, 4c, And everything; that mav be .found generally in city stores, all of which he will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. CrT" ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taiton in exchange for Goods. Buy ers from town or country wishing good and cheap Goods, cither at wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examining his stocK before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find good bargains aud fair dealing. Glcnwood, Iowa. no 4-tf Q L E IT W OO D H O T E l 7 Olenwood, Iowa. HAVING recently leased this well-known Hotel for a number of years, and fitted it up in a superior style, the Proprietor flat ters himself that the natronajre he heretofore received from his friends and the public in 1 general will now De extended. jly table is furnished with the choicest delicacies of the season. Adjoining the house are extensive stables, and' good hostlers will always be in attendance. Come on, ye that hungw and thirst for t!i" food of this'world, and yon will always find Jesse on hand to mi-.iser to your wants. ESSE A. PAINTER. no 5-3m. Tootlo & Jackson, I FORWARDING k COMMISSION MER . CHANTS, Council Muffs civ, Iowa. Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse on tho Levee at the Council Hind's landing, -re now prepared to receive and store, fall anu pay cnarges on an KimH or rroiglhs so that Steam P.oats will not be detained as they have been heretofore, in petting some one to receive freight, when the consignee are absent. RtreiiF.N'rES : Livermoore Ac. Cooler. S. C. Davis i It Co. and Humphrey, Putt & Tory, St. . Mo. ; Tooi'.e fc Fairleirh, St. Jo'ej h, Louis Mo. ( .1. S. Cheneworth &. Co., Cincinnati Ohio W. F. Co ilbo ih, H ulinglon, Iowa. 1-t ROBINSON HOUSE 'I1IIE undersigned havinj recently taken A and rehired tns anove it. well-known and popular Public House, he trusts by the strict studious attention to trie wait's or its guests, to merit a liberal share of public favor, court. dence and patronage. His table will be spread with the best the market affords, and no p.iins will be spared to. mak his quests agreeably at Home aua eomror'atiie. G. A. R03IXSOV. Council B'.ulTs, Iowa. nov ltl-tf. otici:. T 1!IF. CO-PARTNERSHIP here'or.te ex- l-'ifruiid r 'h- Mine and firm of SARPY c KINNEY, is t'-'s d.iv dissolved bv mu usl ' ons-nt, L. H. KINNEY having rinliiM o it th" entire inVroif of P. A. SARPY. Wi'l ' settle all claims tint lie Irts ror.Tarted fcr Ithl ben'i' of sai.l firm, erl all clii'.ns d ;c said Cr:. an to be paid to no one cveer-t thel uuderslgtied. L. U. KINNEY. NEW ARRIVALS AT THE HUM I UAS)I! a'JSOlBlB THE Subscriber reiortfullv lniles the at tention of purchasers, to his laige nnd splnnlid stock of (ioods, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, HAT. HOOTS. CAPS, SHOE. TOIIVCCO. PATENT MEDICINES, Ac, ie.. All of which he warrant of Ihe best descrip tion, and bought expressly for this market. He has also a well selected stock of itK.u OliOTHINO, Made art or Ihe LATEST FASHIONS, cf Ihe BEST MAII.KIM.S, nnl bv EXPERI ENCED WORK ME V. all or which ho sell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CHASE. P.ellevne, Oct. 23, IS.Vl. 1-tf BELLEVUE' Boot cfcs Slioo STOKE. T M. BART AY, would respectfully ( 1 n unm 1 1 1 f 1 1 ill 1 1 it I ,i nls o iieili v and iciiiilv, that h I,.. , to Manufacture DODTS AND SHOES, Of nil descriptions, from the finest finish to the coarest make. Emplnving none but Ihe bsl workman, lie will ho aide to warrant nil work done at his establishment. h V The hijrlioat cash price paid, iu trade, for all descriptions of H AAV HIDES. llellevii!', Od. 3;), Kilt. 1-tf nisov wtTi:. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, by the sub scriber in llell-vue, SIX GOOD MA SONS, to whom GOOD WAGES, and CON STANT Employment, will be given. M.SHAW. Bellevue, Oct. 23. -If ST. MAUI ADYERTISEMEXTS. P. A. SARPY, Wholesalo is Ilctail Merchant, CORNER OK MAIN AND GBr.tlOHY SIIU. MS, ST.1MARY, IOWA. HAS just received and now has for sale, a largo assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of nil in this new aud thriving community, w hich he can sell asehe.ip as can be tillered elsewhere so high upon the Missouri liver. Hi t goods have boon selected by an experienced purchaser, with specinl reference to tho circumstances and wants of nil classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, childn n nnd youth, till i an be supplied. Call nnd sec for yourselves. His stock s of the following, among a great many other articles lie cannot now enu nierate : Among his lH-y(;ooils, May bo found Woolon and Satinet Cloths, Cassinets, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Linseys, Flat iiel, Red, White, Gray and lilue, Caspian Plaids, Cotton Goods, Sheetings an. I Shirtings, llleached and Unbleached, Klue and While, Diillings, Oanaburg, I'.ed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, fcc. A beautiful assortment of "ancy prints of every variety ot stylo and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, Figured Alpacca, HouibMiines, Horn bayetts, Shawls, Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck., erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, (lcthinjr. A well selected stock of Summer, Fall and Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine Dress Coats, Pants and Vests; also, good Summer Clothing of all descriptions, and heavy Clothingfnr Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts, Socks, &.c. Mens and Hoys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, qualities and prices. Boots A. Shoes, thick aim thin, polished and unpolished, of every description, tor Men, Women, and Children's use. Krorrrlrsi Crushed, Clarified, Loa? and Drown Sugar, Molassts, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Cofll'e, Sassafras, Ginger, Pepper, Cloven, Spice, Cinnamon, ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snufls, Tobacc, Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, Lc, Kc. l'rovlslons. A large assortment of Flo'ir, of various qualities and prices ; Corn Meal and all the various products of the Farm and Garden; Dacon, Fish, Kiln dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, Raisins. &c. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking and Heating rooms, Stove-pipe and Elbows, l.irg and smalt Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets Hand-Irons, Shovels and Tongues, Manure a:il Hav Forks, Scythes, Shovels and Spades, Lo and Trace Chains, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron and Steel, Nails, Hoise-Rasps, Files Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ha zors, Butts and Screws, Door Handler, Kno Locks, Sic, &.c. - TInwarr. A general assortment kept for honsehok purposes. Woodwarc ' Wash-tubs, Shakers Pails, Wood and Washboards. Leather. S de Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide, Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, Saddles, Bridle1', Halters, Laritts, Circirgles, Hclly-hands, Driving-lines, Collars, Hack straps, Girths, Blind-bridles, 4.c., '.J. Mrdklac. A general assortment of M-dicines, for ! -ttnpln int of the country. Cook's. Le's, levers, J ever anl Agio, and irie common Smnenvton's. liragg's an J James Pills. Oui nine, Tonics, and various ki. di of S'.iiir.ilantH, Anodynes, Liniments, and other articles neces sary for the sick and the invalid. 1-tf j 11 ( Ol.t IL CLIFFS AOVCltTISEJILVrS. Crccno, Wc-ro Si Ecnton, DI'.ALFJtS IN EXCHANGE, .1 J nnd I.S'id ATi'nls, Coi;ncil Flutis. Iowa. Notes and Hill i collected and reiai'ted to :iuv i part of tlm United States. M iey received ou , deposit, and in"eres,t allowed. has'.rrn or i Soutliera Dr.f!i furnished In suns tosuilpitr- ciissers. j.and uiiioe r inds jiu id tor Currency or bills of Exchange. Ix ins eilected on good : security. Taxes paid, titles examined, and j Real Estate bought and sold i Commission, , I-mds entered for settlers and time given for payment. Otllce opposite the Pacific House, in west limer room of Land O.llce. Hrvrnr.sM ks : F. S. Jfs i &-. Co. W. J. Haniey . Co.. Hank1 rs. D ilnivitie. Ins j i ..l; i .t Siri'etit, it.t tik i Daw i p.-rt. I'l.t.t : C il- bor"ii lc H 'no, It i tLi'is, L.w.t ci v, ; People' I) l.,U. N''W VllA f , ; K --llfli.. It ..-rs k H -.. . I! t.,k-n. N.- v X'k Ci v; S l Wll'v '-i I-:.., U. .11 I. f. , li ' i. t'li's. M no i, I urn. of i.r..., W.tsh . D. C.t A. C. hi'ye. S. f. S. II i.'ji.-o ;, I rva; G W. Jo,.-.-. S. H . I) b .j ie. ! )aH-. J.-mv'i Wiithiiui. chf Ja:ice, MucuMae, I CouncJ Blurts, Oct. 23, ls.yjl-t inVINC'S LIFE WASHINCTON. ILLtSIRATI.l). fi-f'i Inductnwuh for ('tubs. Messrs. (J. P. Putnam Co., having hnw puldNhed the fust volume of the Illustrated Edition of living's Lire of Washington, being the complete Lit cf Washington before the R"volntiiiu, are rondy to fumidi the same to subscribers, frre of postage, on Ihe receipt at fl Ml. Single numbers sent post-paid to any part of Hie Union on the receipt or i.'i rts. The following Inducements are offered to Clubs desiring in Hiilneribo to Ibis magnifi cent and national publication! Anv person remitting four autmcriptiuna for the fimt tol iimr, comprising fourteen numbers, will he en tilled In live complete sets delivered free of postage. Clubs of six, remit I ing !y. I , ill he entitled In two exlr.l copies of Ihe ultimo, or nu extra copy and nny other of Putnam's & Co.'s publii'iilioni of nn cpml x alue. :nb.t of twelve remitting $ I'., wlil be entitled to four extra copies, or nn extra copy nnd a complete set of Addison's xxMrks in'six Vol umes delivered free of po.ilnge. 7j name pl'-miuim will be given for a like number of enliscriptio'is to tho succeeding volumes. Each number of Hie Illustrated Washington will contain one, and every other number two, firs' rlaas Strr Fngravhigs or Maps. In ad dition lo the Steel Engr n ings, the work ron t iins niiinerivis elegint Wood Eugrax ings, II Imtralive of historical subjec's. Caution. I'erions sulnciibing to the Life of W.nhingtnn. should he p irlicnlnr to obtain the only woi k wbii h must forever remain Ihe standard authority. Irving' Life of Wash ington hears tb Imprint of G. P. Putnam A. Co., the only publishers of li ving's works, 'Every Aineiican should put litis woik on his book nbeir. side by side with his bible. Let your children rr id II, nnd b-.irn by the example or (lie great Washington (be lessons of patiiottHin, moral courage, periieveranre nn ler (iillic'illies, which the bliloty of his life nllords. We know of no American book which we had rather own than this. It h worth a thousand of Ihe trashy publications which the press is daily issuing forth." Scl ent ilic Aineiican. Country papers copying the above adver tisement twice will receive a complete set of Piitnani'd Story Library. O. P. PUTNAM Jk CO., No. UJt lho.idway, New Yoik. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALERi Per 1057. flHE Cheapest Family Newspaper in the JL West I The Weekly Plain Dealer will commence its Sixteenth Volume on tha 1st day of January, 157. It will continue the same Independent, Jocose, Fearless. Fighting .four nal it has ever been, Dealing Plainly hut kind ly Willi all. It will battle for tho Constitu tion and the Union, ns "Ihe world's best trea sure and last hope." It will oppose Fusion ism in every form, and battio Dis-uninn in every disguise. Of its vigilance as a Sentinel upon the watch-tower of Liberty, It is sulfi oient ti say, that It has never yet been found napping a-, ill post. THE, NEW VOLUME ND THE NEW YEAH! The Now Volume will commence with a New Year, big wlili important events. A new leaf in thn history of this Republic will be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new President and Vies President. During the coming year, the policy of thn New Adminis tration will bo fully unveiled In regard lo the follo.virig i..-.j...i;.,i,t and exciting National topical Tho Final Settlement of Die Kansas Difficulty, nn which the whole S'.avery ques tion in the Territories is pending The Final Settlement of the Central American Question, as against Ihe claims of England Our Right of Transit. Across the Isthmus, and the recog nition and maiutaiuance of the Walker Re public in Nicaragua The Danish Sound Dues The Acquisition of Cuba Tho Annexation of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota as a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, with or without Poly gamy Admission of Kansas, with or without Slavery Probable Admission of Nebraska and Washington Territories The Inaugural Message of James lluetinnan The Doings of the New Democratic Congress. These nre some of the loading events which will distin guish tho Incoming Administration, and most of them will transpire during the coining year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE ! Cleveland, from Its central location, and from Its groat concentration of Rail Roads, Telegraphs, and wa'er communication with the world, is admitted to -he the Best News Point in the West. It can furnish Intelligence from all parts of the world, days ahead of the New York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, be longing to the New York Associated Press, is the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic Markets, News, Disasters upon the takes, and Commercial Intelligence generally. It will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches from Washington d iring the Session of Congress, and has regular Correspondents iu ail the principal cities of the Union. In addition to a full a n L faithful record of passing events, we iritomlJCdcvote a consid erable p.-.rtioR of o::r p.iper to "Polite Lit ture." Every Paper will contain a Story, either original or selected, accompanied with the choicest variety of Miscellany, such as Poetry, Discoverie.V, Biographies, Jokes, Od dities, fcc, ic, making altogether one of the most Valuable Famrly Journals in the West! "Prompt to improve and to Invite, JiVe'll blend instruction with delight." PjT Our Agiiculiural, Commercial, and Telegraphic Departments, will each b worth the subscription price of the paper. The Briinion, New York, B il'imore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Markets will be reported Weekly. TERMS: Single S ibseribers, $2.00 Clubs of Ten (to one Office"), l.fM) Clubs of Twenty (to o i Office),... 1.25 Clubs of Fifiv, . " ... 1.00 Pav invariably in acvanee. To ths petier up or a iiun, on copy gratis. rost-Masters nre especially 'enuested to act "9 Agents. They should in everv esse, nil' i t ... 1. 1', p'tt'.ti -.u. v isirni Aciiif Papers for Eastern Fusion Papers. Those desiring th? President's Message and other Public Documents, can subscribe now, or at anv time before the first of December. CV" Subscribers to the New Volume should send in their names as early as the middle of December, so that tney may be registered In time for the first nnmbir. All funds received I at eurrent ra'es, and if registered, mailed at i ir rijt A ! ! ' J. W. CRAY, Cleveland, O. CH ARLES D. GREEN ND KICHRD KI M It. M.I, Having purchase.! this well known and popular Saloon, in Omaha city, would r..,,.if ,Hy inform the public, that 'they are now prepared to f irnih their customers, at all hours, with HOT MEALS, O.STF.RS, SARDINES. 1MGS FKET, PIC'kLED TONGUE, G M E, and o'hor ii:i,i;r:.sinrr.NTs, f o-'.orMOki.-a'! i'fe 1 1.-It o.i of ihe eis.:i. .. -ie ve -Its' i : r . i - - r and tb ts font to t APIA i-f. fve s.'-j'l s r.l'.-.t. if g1'" :'n c kim:M.i cmas. tiiHisruiiii:u7 la all its Erc.ucLc3. BELLEVUE ASD OMATIA. THE rillLADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLETIN AND AMERICAN COUIUEH. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL Cheapest in the World. A nrw o1um negins January 3. lH.ri7. Ths (frost success" Sttei , ling the publicftthm of the i1iil.idelphl Satimlav Hulleiin dnrliiff the past year, ena hies ths Proprle'oT to promise to lis reader that It will eon Inite- to deserve sueh iiieeess lie has burly purchased and united to 4u Hullelln that old and famous Family Journal, the American Couiier, and his facilities for making a first-rate paper are (hereby much Increased. The new volume for the yeaf IM.i7 will much surpass the volume for tin year In nil respects. The Philadelphia Saturday llulletln and Amrlesn Courier. 8s lections from American and Foreign Perlodl i?als. All tl news r the work, received by telegraph and malls from ali parts of ths Uni ted States. The news from Europe, furnished" by correspondent In the Foreign Capitals, and selected from Copious files of the best English, French and Gcrmnn mpors. Ori ginal Tales, Sketches and Poems, Editorials, by capable writrra, on all current topics. Tin r.eneral literary contents of the paper will ho or the most vi'i rM and attractive character", Th Humorous Department will In imrlvallerf in Us selections, and Invariably in part Ori ginal. Great Attention will be paid to secur ing the freshest and most Interesting Local, Miscellaneous, Reig,mt end Scientific Intel ligence The Saturday llulletln nnd American Cour ier is a large double-sheet, containing eight pages of six rolumns each, making 4H col umns, which will he filled under the direction of experienced nnd skillful editors. It I printed on one of Don's Celebrated Llghliiinff Type Revolving Midlines, which are known to bo the best Printing Presses In the World. In fact it will, we feel confident, be found to " contain more and belter reading matter than any other newspaper In the country, and will be the cheapest and best paper In the world. The proprietor, from his long experience in the publishing business, with ample capital, has unusual facllillus for furnishing; a firat rale Newspaper. The Saturday Hulleiin and American Cour ier will be furnished to subscribers and f!ub according to tho following unprecedented low schedule. . PREMIUMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. For $2,(10, One copy, and Hooks from the un joined Catalogue, published by T. H. Peterson, to the amount of 60 cents. For $3,00, Two copies, or one copy and books to tlio amount of $t)U, . For $M0, Four copies, nnd one to the getter up of the club ) or booka to the amount of 75 cents. For $10,00, Ten copies, and one to the getter up of the club) or books to the amount of $1. For $15,00, Sixteen eoples, end one to the fel ler up of the club i or books to the s mount of $1. . , t. , For $20,00, Twenty-four copios, ami one to the getter up of the club ) or books to the amount of $2. , For $30,00, Thirty-eight copies, and one eopr of "'Hie Poete and Poetry f ' America" a superb octavo vol ume, containing choice selections from ali the poets of the United Slstfs. The price of this supt-rb book, In the stores, is $3. : For $10,00, Fifty copies, and a copy of Dr. Oris wold's "Female Poete ot America," a work similar to the last, and the same price. For $15,00, Fifty copies, and a copy of the "Illustrated London News" the . most splnnillilly embellished Pa per in tlie world, the price 'of which, at any Store, ie $12 per annum. .To be mailed weekly, for one year, to the address of the party getting up the club. : . ' One Copy and any of the Three Dollar Maga zines tot Threo Dollars,. . Farther Inducements to Clubi. GV" To the largest club, provided it ex ceeds 100, the Paper will be continued to. every subscriber for the second year to Uio same address, without charge. . ; -. (IV" For the second largest eluh, provided it exceeds W), a complete set of the "(Waverly Novels" will be eent free of postage' (iV For the third largest club, provided' It exceeds rV), a copy of 'Abbott's Life of Na poleon." free of postage. ; ; I . . '; i ... Eor still greater Inducements, see prospectus In specimen number of. Paper, which may be obtained by addressing the Pub lisher, as below. '. i ,i ' . . c 1 LIST OF ROOKS FROM T. H. PETER SON'S CATALOGUE, , j With the sTrices Annexed, from which Selec tions are to be made of the above named Premiums. . - Dickens' Christmas Stories, containing a Christmas Carol, The (ttiimes, Pie Cricket on the Hearth, Battle of Life, the i Haunted Man, . Pictures from Italy, fcc. Price 50 cents. ; Dickens' New Stories, containing the Seven Poor Travelers, Nine New Storlee by the Christmas Fire, Hard Times, &c. Price 50 cents. . ( . Charles Lever The Knight of Gwynne, Kate U'Donogtiue. - I'tlci ft) cents eaeh. T. S. Arthur A Year after Marriage, The nai.kei's Wife, lxjve in a Cottage, the Orphan Children. Price S3 cts. each. -Ale. Dunns Memoirs of a PliyslciaW, fli Q leen Necklace. . 'Price $1 each. Genevieve, ( UlualratcL) , Price. 5) "- . D'lsraeli Henrietta Temple, Vivaa Crey, Venetia. Price 30 cents each. 1 Mrs. Grey Tie Belle of the Family, The MamrvTing Mo'her, Lima Cameron, The Yoti;ig Prima Do ma. Price 25 cents each. ' " : i Eufeae Site The Wandering Jew (Illustra ted.) Price $1. Woman's Love, the Man of War's Mm, Price 23 cents each. " The Books referred to above, will be ssjit by miil, free of postage. ' '. i. S ibsrrip'ions and lists of Clubs shoaM bforwardel, if possible, before, the first of January, 1S57. . , Address , j C'JMMINGS St PEACOCK, Proprietors, Boltutm Boilduigs, PluUJelphia. EELIJ-TUE MARKETS.. - rosiEcTcn vrccKLV roa tmi aasaTis. R-iprbuir,sMrk$d 00. Butter, V - ! . .!U Wheat, per boau. J OO.Siiouldore, do' 10 C0.-.1, do ltH)IIj:a,, 3 .20 Ojts da . Lard, " dq ' 12 Ho'Ses lo " ' I 1 rvvFfrs, t do. " ' 31 1 l)i lo t Peace's, d.i 2 T"'"elt, per sack '. K " -Alipli-4, do 'i lei itay, per ton . 5 (K) FEo ! For teczli Water. T!1U i'. b"-,-ned respectfully1 informs the I it-it 11' 111' ot H -.'evue an t tne sikrrouiiding I 01: ilt v. 'm li s ptsred to dig and finish, ! ' WECLS AM CISfEi3J8, f At rbe sh x-'mi ti.-uce, ni oti the ust r-a-s ji.jui ver.m. U. A. LOUAi. Mievne, QsC 23, S5o. 1-tX , ,