Bellevue gazette. (Bellevue City, N.T. [i.e. Neb.]) 1856-1858, March 26, 1857, Image 2
fJELLEVUE GAZETTE. v,y ' " . 1 wMiv-t. -- - " h'livc we ill reserve your mailing' till r v I I, I H t: n by J wc neeil lliem. In llui numi limo W'M I. A. 8TRICKLAED & CO., yon cc d n littlo sympathy upon your TIIOS. J. GUNNISON, BDITOB. ' r.. :.- - . - - - - DELLCVUS, N. T. v THURSDAY. MARCH 2r,lS-7-The Mlliilpi and M l"onrl Ittvrr llnllroml. The miration which tins Wen so long in oubt, and tlio subject of aa many 1im-s ml fears, seems according to the Conn i il WufT papers, to liave Ikh'ii at length acttle&VefrcJor'to the question wheth er IW&E-&-M. IL It bliould approach thejiuouri Hjvcr down the valley of rifcon Creek, or the Mowjnito valley. It seems. ihn. director havo determined ipon tho Mosquito valloy, notwithstanding thortlaims of tho other route were strongly presented, aul urjpd ly some of the cor porators, i Too rcsuh is just as we ami rinnted. and have said all alonr. The II. K. is to Como down the Mosquito valley Kiirh sonmi lo bo a "Iixeu tad. lie eongratulaie the people of IJellovuo anil thd proprietor of Junction Ciiy, for to no locality does tho establishment of the K U. on thi route, promise sa great ndvnn' W MIIM.Ti, M IK II 'J, 1 -"7. Aii'illn'T d;iy will cl'Hii the present ses sion of ('oii'jress, tuul with thut tcriiiiunti'm will heitin the CHiccr of a new Adtninis- Irmiiin. tvliii li mn V ln i!i-.l iniil lit fTirri.f ' mifortminio miss of $o0,000, to fini.-!t n large iiifluonnr. uoii tlio future (h-.-tiny your rapitnl buildings. Alas for poor nf ihe It pub ir. e are Mantling mine Heeding Omaha. Console- yourself how ' s t i . I t of pei ilou tinB., mid the horizon is ever. You can lake a part of the 0, darUn with loud.s pouenteus of trouble , . . II. V IMII fill II US Wf , llll.l- I II r-l'll II "l alienalioii ubroad, and disunion has been so much harped up in one' portion of the coi nlry, ns to become regarded as n con tingency, which may happen whenever a llinugc of the Council It luffs rash or reckless coinbiniiiinn ihnll strike Limiting. Hie t low. I be irnternni rellowMnp. wnini I i... -m..:... ..t n .....:., ,.r . I ,i .i . m.,1 " IS uui il it: lili.linj inuni hi nil '.uir .-i, tVe tiodortanu that the mert'lmniH uiul i i t i . i 1 ', . Imu nnnrltf iw riivml nml Cl'f'llilll liO. business men of Council Willi's, have, for J (() rvnn rfU., 0l,r rn,hor ns rn(M,,i,.s, convenience sake, and in order to avoid (inn friends. Our only real lion I of union delays, determined to receive their freigut,' is in it utunl svmpaihv ninl devotion to each at their old landing -s.ear the Urilllcr.lhrr. When that lK,H.lUo,,eeevered.t!i , ,, i . i political ties are as wormiess ns n rope oi warehouse. 1 hat certainly, is a most . XVc rarinot hol.l together ns n nn wnsiMo conclu.sim for them to arrive nt. .. i.tir f,er ((U ,,,.,,,,1,, f die South ' ix' . .i i .. i .... i .i : (KM) that Was boasted as k'ing on hand to ' purchase (he votes of the members of the j last Assembly of the T. of N. This lauding, which is only nboul two and North havti adopted ihe conviction, miles and n half above our city, is alto-, that they are not united by common oIlVc- i r 1 1 . .i .i i ..... lions, interests, duties and 1 iitrioliMii. ire her nreferab e, to the one they liuvo t ',, , ' ... . h ' ,11 LMr. Jbu hanan w en er oMico not inien- ieen trying to use lor mo mm eu. u. ... ,1,,, (ijtl,r , - indi-ations which two letween Council RlnlVs and Omaha, I nre abroad, and it is to be hoped that by firmness on the one hntnl, and discreet con ciliation on the other, ho may be able to allay the passionate purpose which already thr-atens ihe tranquility of his Adminis- THE MISSOUFI RIVEX AND IOWA' STONE C-D JV1PAIU Y AT ST. MARYS, MILLs CO., IOWA. ARE nrpnari'il to furnish Wrutrrn lows nnd Nbrakn with S.M), (iKAVKI.. I.IMK, ROCK, & ItUII.DINd SIO.N'K of rvrry variety, i Sml ulnpo. 'I'liV have furilitifS for qiiarrvinil AN Y itTANTITY, iniy lie iH-eded, onil also iuipiid to make D3ICK, WATER LIMI, &C. 100 Laborers KF.Kr.UANCr.S: P. Cuourr au Ji, k Co., St. Loci'. fJuKVsr., V'fA, fc IUnios, Council Hi. errs. All orders dlinuld be addressed lo JNO. YV. A.M'.IONY, S cii'tvhy. S'.Muvs, March j';.7. 21tf. (Mi in iu:iuiM:MLYrs. IJj;MOOI A!)VKRTISEMCTS. LATE ARRIVAL!! AT (JLKNWOOD, IOWA. TOOTLE 6c GREENE t. a. josrs. r.rn. w. woon. Til!'. LAllfiKST Drug & Chemical House , IN THE WEST. OMAHA CITY, NI'.URASKA TI.HIUTOnY arcript or a ractn rrLr or Wliicli, when complete, will roinnoae the LARGEST and best SELECTED STOCK IN MILLS COUNTY. II. me vi: II. A. CETZ'CIIMANN. and is quite as n ar to the former town. It is only about four miles across the bo -tout to that city, whereas by the meander ings of the river, it is nearly twelve miles, I trntion and those twelve miles very didieult of novigaiion, owing to the frcvpient changes in llio rbniini'l. nml iiiiineroiia sand bars. tnjea a. it doea to these town,. It ensures L . s a jioiiit of (h(j fivcr u, way their .railroad connection with tlio Eust, and with it a rapid growth and unbounded prospority, Tho Mosquito creek leaves tho blufl" on tho Iowa side, about four mile from the river, and about ix miles from ftollevue, and its course, after leav inj thb bluffs is southwestemly towards this point, and it empties into the Mis' aouri almost directly pposite tho centre o our tity. It leaves the bluffs uliout two miles and a half this tide of Council mulls City, and a considerable curve is necessary in order to reach that point ; whereas from kIevuQ on tho next bank of ihu Mi souri, by way of Junction City on the oth er skI, the course is dircrt and n U. H. may be built oil an air-line, not only across the bottoms but fur up into the bluffa, alonj the Mosquito valley. We again, our R. 1U connection with tho East ii, by the location of the Davenport Roai along ihe Mosquito valley, rendered certain. Look out for the engine, for we hall noon hear tho bell ring ! 7! ' ';' i 1r I..I-.I 1 jv "iiiiiiiiiiicaiv-u j by boatmen, lly reluming to their old andmgthu people of Council Muffs will receive their freight by from two to four hours so iner, than by tho one they have tried lo establish , between that plate and Omaha, and ihey will also have a belter road over which to haul their go.nls. O imha, being owned principally by Coun cil Mulls men, it was thought that it might aid the growth of the former town by establishing a landing between the two places, and leave the change for the lust year ; but the business men of Coun cil Mud's find that it is "paying too dear The composition of the Cabinet is well understood in the main, though there nre two points the Pennsylvania and New England members upon which Mr. IJn cl.unau is not entirely derided. He has Mgnified his intention to withhold a decis ion upon both, until ho may confer with his friends here. (Jen. Cass was not the choice of Mr. Huchanan, for the Premier-1 ship, and he was-iolen rather its a politi cul necessity, than from inclination. De ciding to give a seat to the North West, ronllicting claims were presented, which became nominally reconciled through ibis c impromise. (Jen. ('ass is seventy-five years old, and has been habitually regar ded as a most unrelenting enemy of Eng land. When ihe treaty now pending be fore the Senate, tor the adjustment of the Central American question was first com municated, ho expressed very positive ob jections to Us raliliculion. Heceiitly, how for tho whistle," and they have resolved i ever, he has modified some of these views lo look after their owr. interest in the fu Me, Editor j , In the Nebraskian' of March llih I uotico an article headed, mn08 land-carriago tore, and let Omaha take care ot itself. Hence this exhibition of their practical good sense, by returning to tho use of their old landing below their city. In times of low water, goods intended for Omaha, can be landed on this side, nt Ik'llevue," and thus ihe shallows and sand bars between 'he Council Bluffs landing and Omaha may bo entirely avoided. It would involve tho necessity of only twelve. from Helleuueto 'Appropriations for tho Capitol of No- Omaha, and tho arrangement would be bratU" in Which Mr. Chapman the Uel- particularly a-rreeoblo to boatmen. It cent's, from Omaha, manifests his usual wouj l)0 b,ntL.r for Qmaha to receive her duplicity and prevarication. Why did he freights here, than nt the Council UluiEs not answer the question of Mr. Marshall aujinn, ns there is but little difference in correctly; If he knew that the Mil to re- lhc distance, and by landinz at Bolluvue, imove the seat of Government passed the I ,he CXpensc and delays of ferriage across Council by a two-thirds majority, and the me Missouri would be saved House by a like vote except one. Did he not know also that the Hill when, returned to the council with the governors veto, was never considered. It did not fail of and is now not unwilling to sec it confirm ed. Although it may bo very gratifiying to know that his opinions have undergone this change, especially since he is to take charge of tho foreign affairs, still, the fact itself exhibits a degree of instability which must necessarily excite some measures of distrust. It is understood to bo the purpose of Mr. Buchanan to recall all the prinoij al foreign ministers, and to change the local officers, with the expiration of their coin missions. This course his friends say, will save him from the charge of proscrip tion, and nt the samo 'time vindicate a nrincinli of rotation, which :s nt least cherished by those w ho have not bee.' foi Meyer & Getzschmann's l-LOUMNG MILL. The imiliTslciied be leave to Inform the rlti.eim of the Bcljuininif coiiiiUpm In Nehrankn, they arc biiililinc a new KLOl'KING MILL, with two run of lluirs, at ST. MAUY, MILLS CO., IOWA. to he in operation on the 1st of Aucus.. t"07. Farmers will do well to raise pler.tvi f Wheat, fin we nre pie arcil to py the highest riucs In canh. C t" ll.irley will also bo bougV.t by the pro I rictois of tlio ST. MARY I'.RE'VKUY, .iMhe t harvest. lo " Hi. C. T. IIOI.I.OWAY. C. D. KELLER. IIollo4Ay & Keller, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Hellevuo V.T city, jv. T., will promptly attend to the foller'.iii!; and invostini; money, locating Land nrrant", tuivini; nml eiiin; city loU, &.c. Olfice .it the Bidlevuc House. OLENW 6 6 D II OT E L . Glenwooi, Iowa. TTAVINfJ reecntlv based this well-known 11 llo'el for a immbrr of years, and fitted it up in a n.iperior style, the Proprietor flat ters himself th:it the pal ronnire he heretofore received from his friends and the public in ceneral will now he extended. Mv table is liirnislicil Willi the choicest delicacies or tlic season. Adjoininc the house are extensive stahles, and pood hostlers will always be in attendance. Come on, ye that bunker and thirst for the eond of this world, and von will alwavs find Jeasc on hand to mi ister to vour waiOs. .'ESSE A. PAINTER. no ,r)-3m. JONES & WOOD, WllOMSAI.E A!D HlTAIL DEALERS IS Drups, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuns, Window (ilass, Wine-, Liipmrs, Cigars, Toliacco, iV.c. Kc. 4-c. Having )iirehnsi'd the entire stock of Dlll'tiS nml EANCV tiOOIJS foriunly be o!i;;in to I!. A. Henry & Co., together with own full puirliase's, wc nre now enabled to olI'iT the p ililie as romplete an assortment of DKl'dS and FANCY (JOODS as can be I'ouml west or the Mississippi river. Our slock is. of niHtfiiitude, enoiiL;h to supply the whole Nhraska trade t and having hern par chased under the must favorable circum- oi it stock or .no( i:uit:s Are bought at the lowest terms for cash, consist of COFFEE, SlMt.-vIt, TEAS, FISH, RICE, CURRANTS. RAISINS, , ; CANDIES, MOUSSES, SYRUP. FRUIT, NUTS, Slc, itc., ke lMtV GOODS. ' Ladies and (JenU, call and see them, and price for yourselves. They have not been - . . . N ami it n prp in r iiina n... stanres. we leel assnreu in our uiniicin,1 , " . - -"-, -" that if Fine Goods, as regards ijuanlity. qnal- , '':;'."-r,lt "' flopped direct from the hasten. (V and price, are any object t.. those dealine , , 0 V.A,7 t V " 1 a"Vru" ' n DRUCS and MEDICINES, we can oiler these inducements to a greater extent than any other house in the West. Country Merrhants and Physicians are requested to examine our slock before piircnasinj; cisewnere no l)-tr ju.M-.s.v. wiiuu. . A FINE FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Bcllcvuo and the public cener ally, that he wishes to sell his farm, which is situated on the Platte river, in Sarpv County. and consists of 320 acres. 2 JO acres of this land is fenced with boards, and cedar posts 40 acres is broken, ami half a mile from this is 70 arrs of ns good timber as can be found in the Trrritory. This farm is situated on the Staee Road from Omaha to Nebraska City, the Platte River Ferry heiin; riht on lo cation as can he foiimloa the Platte River, and for richness of Soil, and convenience of Wood and Water unsurpassed by any in the Terri tory. For further particulars apply to the owner oitthe premises. W. CARLYLE. .getting tho two thirds rote. It was never . put to vote. : But here Mr. C, desirous 'of leaving as favorable an impression as ' possible, convey the idea that it was con liidcreJ, and failed for want of a two thirds vote. Cannot yotititian be hontst ? i Tho question very naturally arises, why ..was k not considered T Among other rea - sous allow me to bay : 1st. Several mem- "hen doubted tho propriety of locating at 1 Douglass City. Had the question come up mjrely upon the removal, doubts with these men wouW at once have been uis . pelled. One of the leadinj members of - the Omaha delegation said "that if we' the majority, would set it at the proper '. place, he would go for it. 2d. It was in .the minJ of others that Congress should lie petitioned for a section of land ou which ' to set the capitol, and have commissioners ' appointed to locate and lay out a town and sell for the benefit of the Territory. 3d. .. It Was boasted that there was $200,000 v to keep the seat of Government at Oina- ha, and strongly suspected that some of it ' was in the pockets of members. Such be . ing the motives operating upon ihe r.nnd - of the assembly, it was deemed wise to let . the matter .drop until a better digested plan should be adopted. The views ex pressed by R. W. Furnas, lvlitor of the advertiser, on the subject in his issue of ' Feb. 26 are such jis your correspondent rati fully endorse; to wit: "Wo ore in '' favor of the removal of the Capitol upon an honest and fair plan." Is It Sir. braskiait V How happens it that you ure so open .. .cared to the hearing of rumors, to the ef -1 feet that a town has. been hud out "on the ' Pappillion, which is designed for the seat '' of justice for STy Co- -a oecaus '" J, (1vish stily to insinuate, thai one of the i: ii oonuxiwkiouers u so corrupt as to locate X 1 merely iotiewof his own advantage ? Or do yoa intend onlyto sympathise with "poor Weeding Bcllevuer Truly we are Halt Spring lout pan ). We are glud to learn that the Salt Spring Company have at last consented to open their door to the public, and hav issued their certificates. Wo were fear ful the company had concluded to confine the profits of their manufactory to the tnenilxTs, but we learn the delay has been in consequence of ihe determination of the original proprietors to see the manufiW lory of salt nt their works fully secured, before they would issue their stock to the public. This is very commendable and will not only secure a valuable consideration to the share holder, but will secure n desidera tum to the inhabitants of the West. Noth ing is more devoutly desired than n good article of salt, manufactured in these parts. All the slock 1ms been paid in under the charier and the company have so fully completed their organization as to render this certain. They have organ ized two companies, one under the direc tion of that old pioneer, Thomas Thomp son the discoverer of these valuable springs which ure situated -in Lancaster County, Nebraska, nnd that oilier safe and careful guide Capt. Clemens, now ready to start for tho springs as soon ns the weather will permit. We learn that this company have con cluded to make their depot, for the deliv ery of salt on the Missouri River, at the nourishing town of Kenosha, where the salt will bo shipped Norih, South and Last. The day is not far distant, when we will have salt at something like a saving price. Those that are interested in this company may rest assured tho'. but a few mouths will bring a dividend, for there is no mistake but this will be a pay ing insiituiion. tunale. enough to taste the spoils of office. Die' place, it is, nltozclher as desirable a n, i ! rl I. ... i.'. i ... .i. . ni.ii. ii! me proceedings oi kim weei were e ventful in tho House, und full of the grea test admonition. Three members, whom the Committee of Investigation recommen ded to he expelled, voluntarily resigned, rather than test the sone of the chamber; : nd the fourth was relieved ) y a forluate combination- of causes. The two principal witnesses. Siminton, through whose agen cy the whale movement originated, at d Triplett, who negotiated, corruptly wuli one of the members, were expelled from the floor, without a dissenting voice. Thus has ended one of the most huinilitating spectacles ever witnessed in an American Congress. And the conviction prevails, thai the inquiry of the Committee barely broke the crust of the corruption which is known to exist lu re, and which a trial nt tho l or, such ns was proposed, would clear ly have established. enniity has enter W. 11. STAHK. U. W. HKI'UUK.S. NKW Boot and Shoe Store, On FARN11AM Street, Opposite the Ex change Dank. W. H. STARK & CO., Would respectfully inform the ladies and cen- tlemen of Omaha and vicinity, that they have on hand and are Manufacturing a complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the best'quality, and warranted compri 8infr the foU'owinir, vi. : Ladies' Fine Lace and Consrress Gaiters. " Kid Bootees and Contrress Gaiter. " " Slippers and Parodi Ties. " Heavy Morocco and Calf Bootees. Misses " " " Chillis' " " " Gents' Sewed Kip and Calf Boots.' " Peeked " " " Fine French or Pump Boots. " Water Proof and Quilted-Bottom Boots. " Patent Calf Boots. " Oxford Ties and (Jaiters. " Kin and Calf Shoes. Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots and Broans. All of which are made of the best material the market a thirds. Our facilities for select ins ar imoiirpnsscd in Eastern cities, and we wish it distinctly understood that we "Warrant Every Article We Sell. We have the best of workmen in our cm ploy. F.very style of Boot or Shoe made to order, and warranted an easy and fashionable fit. RespectfuUv, no 13-tf W. IL STARK &, CO. DKf.SS GOODS, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, n few fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNF.TS and PARASOLS. CI.OTIIIXU. A fine stock old nnd younp, fogies and 'fast' men, call soon if you want a nice cat vest or pants, on reasonable terms. HATS! HATS!! New styles, cheap and durable. II All!) w At. r.. A very larpe assortment, consisting In nart of Smith's Tools, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut, and Hand Saws, F'iles, Aupers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adze, Chisels, &.c, &c, to the end of the chapter. inii.mxu mati:hiai.s. A large lot, consisting of Pine Doors, Rash. Shutter Blinds, Paints, Oils.'Nails, Locks, Latches, Glass, Putty, tec. FtltMTlllD. Bureaus, Bedsteads. Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes. Onbhoars, Stands, &c. II'tJ" W will sell cheaper for cash thar any house in Western Iowa. no R-tf. TOOTLE & GREENE. P. A. SARPY, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT, Still continues the above business at ST. MARYS, IOWA, & BBLLEVUE, N. T. Merchants and Emigrants will find their goods promptly and tarefullv attended to. P. S. I have the only WAREHOUSE for storage at the above named landings. St. Mrys, Febr2()i.h,lR57. 21-tf-i Anost ronlie lo the Steam Ciixine. c'd high places; and so long as the temp-1 KviJence of hooman VT0riiz bcia onward.! union vmsis, vtiiiiii iuusu ii-fjifiuuuu uini enormous expend tures encourage, just so long must we exne -t this disgraceful sy - i l orty years was me riuuiren oi isruci A gittin threw the dezurt from the table of faro, Ef yew bad been there with a pillur of fier By nite, and yure cloudy collom of iinone by day, YewM a put rm threw in 40 hours Inter the land floin with milK and bunny Too the astonishment of the Jehusiglita, Hie Hi-rh-viles, Hit-tights, Git-tiglits and I'hilistiaus An.) wunce it ttiK some weans to go from Bos ton Too Hartford in Kuiielikut, and muiitbs There is a valley in the Island of Java, throu'jr I which it is impossible to pass alive. on account of the lurUinic acid gas which exudes from the rocks.' Birds Hying through it are instantly destroyed, and its surface is covered wU tho c rcasses of men and boasts, who havo perUhed in its treachcro is dejxhs. tern to spread its darkening and poison ous shadows. To reform it, we must strike at the root of the evil; reduce the revenue, depleie the Treasury, and dimm ish the inducements which now exi t. Kxtravagn r; and moral laxity are the besetting sins which are undermining our institutions, and sapping ilu ir founduti n, threaten the Republic with downfall. Cot run: ion, prodigality, and license over threw ihe Roman Empire; and the same niT.ii.i'ind I'ul furitwH nmitbfr (.nil PV. 3 i . , r.i , I... I. ' To wreech the nlaisc wjiere Sinsiiiiiatty standi ample to history of the tl generate tenue , ' cies. by which 'a n ople 'peculiarly b!es- -:w ,a,"M ' 8'a" ed bv rrovidence, may provo'.vC their own l''4rK,n Il0rK I"0"8 8Cul lul" , destruction i w 1 ca"l a"1' try out for vary- The arrangement which Mr. Forsyth ... undertook to negotiate "ilh the Mexican Cullinery perperces, sich as fry.u do-nots, (ovcrnmen , without instructions from the j Now thfas j"""-)'8 can ' tlA P Department of State, has n .1 been recei At ",,ort ""Ua wi,h "f '1""8 011,1 Jiapatch ved with favor bv the Administration, nor ; Shoen that the human mynd Is wapabel by the country. It proposes, in plain terms , f Voi'ti''onal 'lopment in skience a' loan o' lit'tee!! million of dollars, without of pro-ress! any real advantage to the Coiled States, , " The pretended benefits, are a reciprocity : Imoli Rtxri; or Spai.v. 1 ne Covcrn treaty of Commerce, and a postal conven-; ont of Spam has issued a dc-jree that lion, boihof which havo be n he etofore 'allows no religious controversy, nnd that ollVrcd for nothing, and would lave been ' wi'i not tolerate any infraction of this rule, long ago obtained, but for the desire of , whatever, nor permit any journal to make the former Minister to connect t';em with y comment upon the Holy Catholic and enterprises, outside these legilinute ol jects. ! Apostolic faith. Nor fchall it be permuted Tho President has determined not to send i to discuss the oppormness of religious uni the project to tho S Mitue, nnd if -Mr. Ho- iy." The god lb hop of Tudcla u m de . bniuii. ibink msmor to wnew the maiter. lighted with this decree lhat he has olfer- the whole responsibility will rest with him. j ed the warmest thanks to tho Queen fur The Supreme Court wilt give its dec is- i vurc in iuj cmucu. iu u-xurseu iitn in iho Miss.i'ii i ra.o on ThursJav. and ' heretics and foliuwers of Luther," (he that decision will be against all the hopes ') "willihus learn that the Church, that have been entertained from this tri- j though persecuted never looses her cour buna! of last resort. The constitutionality age. She may bo borne down, but she of the Compromise- will be denied, and j will speedily rise ogain with renewed vig ihe extremes! southern views maintained, j ur- The Church, us the Ulessed Leo ha Judge M'Lean and Curtis will alone dis- j mkI, may not, cann A, and never shall be j sent, a i now umlt rstood. ntnui.ic. ANOTIIKR GRAND ENTERPRISE! 1000 PAIRS Eastern Boots & Shoes SELLING AT COST AT THE OMAHA CITY Boot and Shoe Store, To make room for my own manufacture. Also, a pood assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber, Overs and Sandals of A. No. 1 quali ty, at a very small advance, together with a complete assortment of work of my own man ufacture, including Ladies' and lients' Buffalo Overs. Also, a well selected Stock of Leather and Findings. P. S. Every stylo of Boot or Shoe made to order, ns usual, and warranted easy, fashion able and durable, IIO 13-tf. W. llL.MvK S1AK&. NEW GOODS! NEW STORE!! "MIE undersigned have-opened, at their new J. store on Douglas street, opposite the banks, a new and spleuuul assortment ol DRY GOODS. CLOTH INC., BOOTS and SHOES,. BOOKS, STATIONERY, tc. Our stock of Dry Goods comprises all kinds of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILD- IU-..VS uwus, ALIi KINDS OP DOMESTICS and everything that is requisite to make up a complete assortment of Dry Goods. We have a larpe lo of Clo'hinj- that is wel and fashionably made, and out of the best material. Our stock consists of all kinds of Gents' Ftiniishinir Goods. BOOTS and SHOES. Our stock of Boots and Shoes is the larcrest ever offered to the citizens of Nebraska. They are purchased directly from the manufac turers, ami are or tne very oesi quality. Our pood are all new, and recen'.lv pur chased in tho Eastern cities, and wc intend s'dlinp them at nstouishinp low prices. All the citizens of Omaha and vicinity are re q'iested to call and examine our slock, as they will nnd It to tlieir interest to do so. (y We study to please, no. 10-tf PATRICK &. CO, HUFFMAN'S STAGE LINE. BELLEVL'E, ST. MARYS A N 1) (i L E N V O O D STAGE LINE. HUFFMAN'S LINE will leave Glenwood, via. St. Mirys for Bellevue, on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Saturday's, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and will leave the Benton House, Bellevue, via. St. Marys for Glenwood, on the same days at 1 o'clock. P. M. This Line connects at St. Marys, with the Council Blufls and St. Joseph Stapes, and at Glenwood with the various lines from the Mis sissippi to the Missouri Rivers. Travelers on this Line will find every con venience and accommodation, tp make their trips pleasant and speedy. Comfortable Coaches, Careful Drivers and well-fed Horses ROBERT HUFFMAN. no 5-tf. KBANK 1.. KFMP. WILLIAM moDHIIAM lew York GUN AND JEWELRY STORE KEMP t FRODSHAM, DEALERS in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Kitlcs, Shot Gun's, and Pistols. CLOCKS. Thirty hour and eipht day clocks of the two best uiinufarturies i:i the Union; steamboat and office spring clocks. GUNS. Sinple and double shot Guns, from five to fifty dollars; Fifes, of our own make; also. Eastern make: Pistols of all kinds; pistol flasks, shot baps, wadding and wad cutlers; common and water-proof caps; colt's caps, and numerous o'her articles suitable for the Western trade, which neither time nor space will allow to enumerate. C tF All of the above articles sold on the most reasonable terms. Hcpaiiing dune to order at short notice. no 9-tf. Omaha Citv, N. T. ciieap'goods. JUST RECEIVED BY N U C O L L S & CO.', GLENWOOD, IOWA, A Larpe and Wei! Selected Stock (Express ly for THIS Market) of Dry Goods, Clothmp, Castinps, Groceries, Qucensware, Hats &. Caps, . Boots Sl Shoes, Pine Doors, Iron, . Nails. Sash, Hardware, Cutlery, Locks, Latches, Window Shutters, &.C., &.c. Havino been bought and shipped at low fisrures. wc flatter ourselves we ore able to oiler such inducements to CASH HUY- i;itS as have not heretofore been ottered. We ask an examination, or our Goods ami prices, before purchasinp clHewhrre. The La dies will find at our Store a large stock ol CHALET, U EH AGE, DEL A INS, POPLINS, GINGHAMS, VICTORIA LAWNS. EMBROIDERED ROBES, PLAID SILKS, 4.C, fcc., All of which will be Bold very LOW. NUCKOLLS t CO. Ci.r.N'wooD, Mills Co., Iowa. no 4-tf. NEW STORE'! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! New Everything, at tho Old Stand of SARPY &. ENGLISH. EDWARD C. EOSEYSHELL HAS the honor to inform the people of th Southern District of Douplas and the adjoin inp counties, Nebrassa, that he Is now cpen inp one of the larpest Stocks of GOODS ever brought to Glenwood, Mills county, Iowa, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. QUEENSWARt, NAILS, . LEATHER, CfMlDAGE, IRON, OILS. PAINTS, DVE-STUFFS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, READY-M A D K C IX)T UlSO, C A R P E N T E RS' T )OLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &, And everything that may be found generally iu city stores, all of which he will sell CIIF.AP FOIl CASH. ry ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRO DUCE taseu In exchmige for Goods. ""'" ers frpm town or country wishing good cheap Goods, cither at wholesale or retail, will save money by calling and examining In stocK before purchasing elsewhere, ta'j w ill find good bargains and fair dealing. Glenwood, Iowa. no 4-tl