BELLEVUE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 137. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Square (12 linen or less) 1st Insertion.. Each subsequent Insertion One square, one month three months " six " " " one year Iliislness cards (o lines-or less) 1 year One column, one year One-half column, one year " fourth " " eighth " " " " column, six months - half column, six months fourth " " " eighth " " " rnlnmti. three mouths $1 00 r.o 2 M t (HI It 00 II) (K) 5 00 CO 00 XI 00 20 00 10 00 35 00 20 00 10 00 8 00 20 00 13 IK) 10 00 II 00 5 00 half column, three months fourth " " eighth " " Announcing candidates for office- JOB WORK. For eighth sheet hills, per 100 Tor quarter " " " ' Vorhalf " " " Tor whole " " " ... For colorej paper, half sheet, per $ 0 ) 4 00 8 00 111 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 .riO 1 00 (! 00 4 00 MY).. r nr nianKS, per quire, mm u F.ech subsequent quire ranis, ier park Each subsequent pack For Hall Tickets. fanev paper per liiinM Each subsequent hundred XOTIC'K. Persons having any lawbnsiness to transact with the firm of Howe & Smicst-ANO, for the next sixty davs, will please wait upon C. T. IIoi.i.oway, Esq., who will five them any advice or legal assistance required. BOWEN ft STRICKLAND. XOTIt'fi. Letters directed to me within the next sixty days, will reach me soonest nt Albion, Or leans county, N. Y.. S. A. STRICKLAND. rpHF. CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore rx L isting under the name and firm of SAHPV K1NNF.Y, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, L. B. KINNEY having purchased out the entire in'crest of P. A. SARPY. Will settle all claims that he has contracted for the benefit of said firm, and nil claims due said firm are to be paid to no one except the undersigned. L. B. KINNEY. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. friHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore ex 1 isting in the LA PLATTE STEAM SAW MILL between the undersigned, known as the firm of J. ARMSTRONG .t CO., is this day Hhsolved bv mutual consent. All the business of the hte firm will be settled bv the new firm or DAVIS, JIOGEHOOM & CO. JOHN ARMSTRONG, RICHARD 1IOGEBOOM, ALEXANDER DAVIS, JOHN M. LARIMER. Li Plai'e. N. T. Much 5th 1SS7. A CARD. Hiviiie- s'd mv interest In the above firm to ALEXANDER DAVIS. I hereby re commend the new firm of DAVIS, HOGE UOOM & CO to my friends and the public generally. JOHN ARMSTRONG. La Plae, March 5h 1 7-3t ifciJ See advertisement of Charles CiiBiSToriiER, second page to-'days issue. JgQT" YVe call the attention of Nebras ka farmers to the advertisement of Messrs. Mevj ii &, (Jetzscumahn's new Flouring Mill, St. Mary, Mills Co., Iowa. From the known reputation of these gentlemen, wo predict for them a large share of pub lic patronage. We invite ullention to the card of II. T. Clarke, Forwarding and Coin mission Merchant, General Land and Collecting Agent, on the first page of to-day's paper. Prompt and reliable, all business entrusted to his care will be faithfully attended to. Arrival. Mr. Arteraas Clarke one of our early settlers has just returned from Erie Co. Pa.vhere he has been during the win ter, and where he succeeded in finding for himself a wife, whose personal ap pearanse and manners indicate an early training, that does credit to her parents, and we trust is a guarantee that she will be useful among us as a pattern of moral worth, which is so necessary to the eleva tiotfof the sterner sex. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. Joseph Bray, on the next page. KQFA Fuel Famine. There contin ues to be prent suffering in many of the western cities on account of scarcity of fuel. Thi Louisville Journal says that the last lMiihel of coal has disappeared from that mirket. There is a little in the cellars of th citizens, but none in the yards of dealers. At Cincinnati, coal has gone up ti'W nuJ 60 cents a bushel. A town tnee tin? hns been held; a fuel company organ ized; a Locomotive purchased and placed inth Zmasville railroad, for the exclu- ait9 trin-tportation of coal to the city. Win tile tha theromometer at zero, the cnlitbnof the people of Cincinnatti. St. Louis, Louisville and other western towns wait be rather unsomfortuble. Mobmohism ik UTAH.John Hyde, -an Elder in the Church of the Latter Day Saints at Utah, having been sent to the Sandwichlslands on mission to convert the people there, has renounced the Mormon faith, and is engaged in exposing its fal lacies. Polygamy comes in for a thare in his denunciations, and it timet be con fessed that it does not look remarkably well as he paints it, although there is little doubt but that the picture is true to the life. Tootlo & Jackson, IORWARDINO & COMMISSION MER .1. CHANTS, Council Blurt's cily, lows. Having a Large and Commodious Warehouse on the Levee at h Council HluITi landing, pre now prepared (o receive nnd store, all kind of merchandise and produce, will receive and pay charges on all kinds of frclgth so that Steam Boats will not be detained as they have been heretofore, In getting some one to receive freight, whn the consignee are absent. Ru'KRr.Ncr. ! Livermoore it Cooler, S. C. D.iiL ti Co. and Humphrey, Putt &. Torv, St. Iiuis, Mo. t Tootle k. Fairlclgh, St. Joseph, Mo. t J. S. Cheneworth &. Co., Cincinnati Ohioj W. F. Coiilliough, Burlington, Iowa. I-tf 110BINSON HOUSE. undersigned having recently taken refitted the above well-known and rpim -L and popular Public House, he trusts by th: strict studious attention to the wants of "his guesls, to merit a liberal share of public favor, confi dence and patronage. His table will be spread with the hest the market alfirds; and no pains will be spared to make his guests agreeably at home and comfort n hie. (!. A. ROBINSON. Council niulTs, Iowa. nov 13-tf. Masonic Obituary Notice. im:i In this city of Consumption on Saturday the "III fust, Dri Wm. J. Rice, formally oi' St. 1-ouis, aged Hf years. Tim diciastd 1.U3 only loco a resident of our lily n few months during which liuiu ho Ii:i3 niadu' n iK-cp impri's.ioii on tlio minds of all who Knew liim. As a professional iiinn hit talents were not ex celled ly any in the west. As a public man, lie was always ready to aid in esial -lishinij principles that were of the utmost importance to the growth, happiness and pro.-p. rity of a new place. His loss we dculpi'o, his memory we revere, and hi." virtues will live vhil his remains will he returned to our mother Ivulli. lie has left a widow and three children to mourn his loss. His voice will no more he heard kindly adin"ni:,lii.i hi i little family, set' tinr before tin in l!. ut example of virtue, which is so essentially nccessiry tj ensure happiness and prosperity, tlir.i.rr'i the rug re. I path of life. His funeral was largely j attended. His masonic hrcthivn agreea j hie to his retjiie.'-t buried him with the s l I emn rites of their order. j St. Loui i, Ijwa a.i.'l Virginia ; ipers please copy. J Ilombnrdiiieiil of ('anion by Hie Ilritisli Vlvei. The intercourse between the llrttish utithoritii's .and the (jovrrnor of Canton has for some lime been embarrassed with growing difficulties:, the result of ihe un redeemed grievances of Kritis!) merclinuts. (Jtitlio t.hof ocfober the Chinese author-itit-s con-sumiiiated their career of arbitra ry violciico, by seizing a lo.rliu under llritish colors, and made prisoners of the crew. 1: ij statid, on goid authority, that they cut oil' the head s of iour of the trow. The consul sent in a strong remonstrance to Veh, the Governor of the ci:y, to which no answer wai returned. Finding all his efforts vain a naval force soou appeared on the scene. On the 18th nf October. Sir Michael Seyimw dupatehed from Hon Kong, the screw corvette FneouiitiT, M guns, and the steam sloop Sampson, (i, for iVhampoa in th't first imtance with a laiv f rce of marines and blue jackets; and iln- slcant blooi B:.rra:ou!u f jllju c'd wills f.irtherde tacliinento. The river in front of Canton is rather broader than the Thames at Loudon bridge, but the depth of the water does not exceed two fathoms, while the narrow ! 'assages by which access is gained to it on the eastern side of the island of Wham poa, have a depth not exceeding a fathom and a half. The city ts externally guar ded py five forts, of which two are on the land side, and two on Pearl river. These were attacked and taken on the 24th of October. An attempt was then made by Admiral Seymour to terminate the difficulty without farther hostilities, but the Chinese uorernnr would neither give satisfaction nor grant an interview to ihe Jinlish Commander. Admiral Seymour i ihen determined to attack the city. A 1 wall, composed partly of sand stone and I parliyot hrim, surround canton. It is about HO feet high and 23 feet thick, and is mounted with cannon. Against this wall a fire was directed on the 57th of October and by the 29th, a practicable breach had . w.h," not exceeding 25 cts. per annum, pro L.A .k.mi. ...l.;,.l. ,u . ' vuled the subscription be paid strictly in ad- I' "h ........ u. p. entered. The Governor s palace, situate in the south western part of the new city, ' was gained, but appears not to have prov- ' ed a position worth holding, for the troop j were withdrawn m the evening, with a j loss of only three killed and twelve woun-' ded. A farther attempt which was now made to negotiate proved vain, and it was then resolved to attack the old inner, or Man-' chou portion of the city, divided from the southern, by a high massive stone wall, ' and Containing the garrison of Canton. I This part of ihe city was bombarded on the 3d nnd 4tn of November, and on the' Glli the liarracouta destroyed twenty t iree int.L-s Anniherinie ,-nl nf rofl.w.i.w war juiiKs. Anoiner imeryai oi relation wasinpngramati 10 me . mnese uovernor seven liundred separate Driiinal Maxims and but at the date of the last accounts from Independent Reflections, with wise saws and Canton, which had reached Hong Kong, Profound A ph.rism,, which refer to every-1 . , . "Vbody and everything worth referring to, and no signs of an accommodation was discern-1 especially adapted to the present time, it able. I will I printed from plates formed by ths . The imperialist garrison of Canton was ' Sr'ffffi & ZtZf ''" U'9 i m a very weakened stale. 1 lie Governor had raised the pay of common soldiers from 6 to 8 dollars a month. Kawelin-foo the capital of the adioinin!? province of Kwangsi, was closely invented tyiiie in- surgents, who, it was thought would prub- ably attack the Manchou governor a soon as his new embnrias'iiKits U'taine known. BELLEVUE HOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE AIiyVE LARGE AND POPULAR HOTEL, OFFF.HS KVKItY To the Public, and will reader ASSIIH'OI'S ATTKXTIO To tht wauls of HIS C.VKSTS. .1. T. -1-tf ALLEN. Bellevue, Oct. 2.1, IS.jIi. NEW STORK. S EATON & EOWLES. Bollovuo, TXT. nc. II WING removed into our large new store, on Main street, we are now enabled to oiler to the Citizen of Douglas county, one of fie Largest, Cheapest and lies; Selected Stock of Goods, opened in litis city, cuasi i.'iug in part of Dry Qoods, Groceries, Qucensware, Stoveware, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, . Woodenware, Provisions, &c, Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended to us, we earnestly solicit its continuance, feeling confident that the quality and price of our goods, cannot fail to please. S EATON A. ROWLES. Bellevue, Oct. 23, l.itl. 1-tf BENTON HOUSE. (eorge Jennings Proprietor. THIS limine is nituntetl in Uie pp.ifmntiHt rtart r.P ItoiUv ip. hi n ifnl nnt hnnlHiv ocatiou and commands a view of country, which for lieiuly cannot be excelled in thi.i Territory. U is fitted up in the best manner, and no pains will be spared to make all who may favor him with their patronage, feel at home. niS TABLE. . Will always be supplied with all the delicacies the market alliirds. Attached to this lintel h an excellent STABLE, which we shall always have attended by com petent and faithful Ostlers. Hellevue, Oct. 2:t, 1S5U. 1-tf GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH; THE MODF.L FAMILY AND AC 1UCULTURAL PAPER. PfDMsllF-D AT GERMANTOWN, IMIILA'IA CO., PENN. Evi:hv Weuxckday Morning. BY PHILIP R. HUMS. PRICE TVO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. We take this occasion to announce to Farm ers throughout the country, that it is the in tention of the Editor anil Proprietor of the 'Oerinantown Telegraph," not only to con tinue as nerotoioro me Agricultural jjepart- i : r..K r.P l.ia ..onni. l...t a ... I , , I ... , .. 1 .1 I mink ui ill.? J ' I ' ""i- " "' Mini jr iu it-.ia tir its character and value by all the means at command. All necessary space shall be pro vided for a full record of Agricultural Details and a full development of every branch of the Farmer's Pursuit. He will in future, as he has always heretofore, aim to bo practical, and to be of real and substantial advantage to husbandry. His course, also, will continue to be thoroughly independent, end wholly im- biassed by any other motives than those he concedes to be promotive of the true interest of Agriculture in its broadest meaning. Neither Individuals, cliques, societies, or any other in fluence shall swerve him from the path of right and duty. Farmers, throughout the country, who ds sire a Newspaper, issued weekly, and equal to any other family news and literary journal published, which makes Agriculture' a speci ality, will find the "Germantown Telegraph" to fulfill every condition, and to render It en tirely unnecessary for them to subscribe for a periodical exclusively agricultural. Practical Horticulture, Pomology and Gar- nentn generally, will meet with parUcular attention. As a Literary and News Journal it shall not be surpassed by any in the country. Neatly printed on good paper, of the largest class, it shall continue to be one of the hand somest newspapers of the day. Every Family, in town or country, whether they" lake other papers or not, will find the I '"Germantovvn Telegraph" to be worth, in lit ' cral benefit, twice the amount of subscription. I No subscriptions received without the cash. Price 1 wo lJ.dinrs in advance. Hansen ptiona not paij within the year, $j.50. Mail sub scribers will have the cash postage deducted vance. Postage stamps to this ainontt will be returned as change w-Ph the receipt-, Any person sending five new s-ulmi-rilieri at OIie tim'"' wMi the rash wil1 le entitled to the 8,'. sent on requ. . SPECIMEN OF LYTHOTYPINC In Press, and will be ready soon. Or a collection of Social, Moral and Intellec tual Maxims, by Samuel M. Smucker, A. M., Author of the ''Court and reitrn of Catherine II of Russia;" ''History of Em peror Nicholas I," 4-c, This undoubtedly will be the most interest- w , l ev r l,ul"lsea in Amr- will contain twenty Casket, .richly ,aJen wUh thc fl.,t wroll(r,t itl0 ovrr p ,vm, without doubt, ;e the han Isome.t book in tonoL-rsiiliical appearance ever hel'nre published s it will he printed and bound in ' the best style, and P conten's w iil i.iske H a' 'ractive ami pleasing to all classes of read rs. ' Price .VI cenu a copv, for wlncli i, will he .Vidros. i Kent, poMt-p;ji.l. GEO. . GROKCT. Publish-.-. ! hi Dock St.. Philadelphia. Country piper choosing to copy the aIoe, will recive the book, poi'.-paid. j NEW ARRIVALS AT THE (iir.ii TIN". S ibscriber resjrctfully invites Ibe at teiitlon of purchasers, lohis large and Kplendiil stock of (mmmIs, consisting of DRY tiOODS. OHOCERIES, HARDWARE, II TS, IIOO IS, C APS. SHOES. TOR A CCO. PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. All of which he warrants of Ihe be it descrip tion, nnd bounht expressly for Ibis market. He lias nlso a well selected stock of itr..M) OIiOTHING, Made nTler the LATI'ST FASHIONS, of the 11 EST MATERIALS, xnd by EXPERI ENCED WORK M EN. all of which lu sell CHEAP FOR CASH. JOHN CH ASE. Hellevue, Oct. 2:1, 1-tf BELLEVUE Boot C.C3 SllOO STOKE. r M. I1ARTAY, would respectfully r tf . inlorni Hi:! liiliaiiiiani oi neiievne and vicinity, that he has commenced to Manufacture DOOTS AND SHOES, Of all description", from the finest finish to the coarest imke. Employing none but the best workman, he will be able to warrant nil work done nt his establishment. j,"Th'- highest cash jiriee paid, In trade, rr nil descriptions or RAW HIDES, llrlleviie, Oct. lit), HM. 2-tf MASOSS WATF,I). WANTED IMMEDIATELY, by the sub scriber ia Hellevue, SIX tiOOD MA SONS, to whom (,OOI) WAOES, nu.l CON STANT Employment, will bo given. M.SHAW. nellevue, Oct. 2.1, 18:U. 1-tf ST. MIRY AMEUTISEMEXTS. P. A. SARPY, Wholesalo & Retail "Merchant, COI1NER or MAIN AND OnF.liOHV STIII.f.lS, 8T. MARY, IOWA. II AS just received and now has for sale, a large assortment of selected merchandise adapted to the wants of all in this new and thriving community, which he can sell asc heap ns can be otl'ered elsewhere so high upon the Missouri river. His goods have been selected by an experienced purchaser, with special reference to tlio circumstances and wants of all classes of settlers in a new country. La dies and gentlemen, 'children and youth, nil can be supplied. Call and see for yourselves. His stork consists of the following, among a great many oilier articles he cannot now enu merate : Among his Dry Goods, May be found Woolen and Satinet Clo'hs. Cassinols, Tweeds, Cashmeres, Liuseys, Flannel, Red, White, (jray and lllue, Caspian I'laiils, Cotton Ouods, Sheetings and Shirtings, llleaclied and L'nlile.iclie.l, Hlui ami White, Drillings, (Jsnabuij;, Bed-Ticking, Hickory Checks, &e., ike. Fancy (ioods. A beautiful assortment of fancy prints of every variety of ' vie and pattern. Ginghams, Lawns, .Figured Alpacca, Douiha.iucs, Hom bayetls, Shawls; Scarfs Handkerchiefs, Neck erchiefs, Crape, Muslin, Edgings, Ribbons, &.C., Molding. A well selected it ck ot S immer, Fall and i Winter Clothing, consisting in part of fine j Dress Coats, Pants and Vests; also, good I nummer iiounngoi an descriptions, and Heavy T Clothing for Fall and Winter use. Also, Shirts, I Knit Flannel Drawers and Undershirts. Socks. Mens' and Hoys' Hats and Caps, of va rious fashions, oualuies and prices. Hunts & Kllfiea tlliplf n nil thin ftrdiahml n ltd iltmrdi linil of every description, for Men, Women, ami j Children's use. Groceries. Crushed, Clarified. Loaf and prown Sugar, Molasses, Syrup Molasses, Golden Syrup, Superior Tea, Rio and Java Coflce, Sassafras, Ginsrer. Penner. Cloves. Soice. Cinnamon. ground Ginger, Nutmegs, Snull), Tobacco, j Cigars, Pipes, Soap, Caudles, Vinegar, Pickles Pepper-Sauce, &.c, Jtc . Provisions. A large assortment of Flour, of various qualities and prices : Corn Meal and all the various products of the Farm and Garden; i Hacon, Fish, jiila dried Apples, Peaches, Currants, Raisins, Kc. Hardware. Stoves of various patterns, for Cooking anj . Heating rooms, S!ove-pipe and Elbows, larg and small Iron Kettles, Frying Pans, Skillets 1 J ..... I I ck....l. ...J T m ..... . lUf Knrk.;8cythe(l. Shovel, and Spades, Lo and irace I'lriins, Axes, Hammers, Pincers Iron and Steel, Nails, Horse-Rasps, Files Saws, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Ha xors, llutts and Screws, Door Handles, Kuo Locks, tc, &.c. Tinware. A general assortment kept for household purposes. Woodware, Wash-tubs, Sliakcr Pails, Wood and Zinc washboards. j Leather. Sole Leather, Harness Leather, Cowhide, j Kip Skins, Calf Skins, Linings and Morocco, . Saddles, Undies, Mailers, Lariats, Circingles, I Helty-bands, Driving-lines, Collars, Hack- straps, uiruis, Ulind-uridles, S-c, .V. .Medicines. A general assortment of M-dicines, for Fevers, Fever and Ag ue, and the common complaints of the country. Cook's, Lee's, Sippnnytou's, Bragg'i unrf Jaynes' Pills, Qui nine, Tonics, and various kinds of Stimulants, Anodynes, Li.iimeiits, and other articles neces sary for the sick and the Invalid. 1-tf ( 01 M IL BUTTS AI)VKRTIS1J1ICTS. Greene, Weare Sc Benton, BANKERS, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, and Land Agents, Council Mull's, Iowa. Notes and Hilts collected and remitted to any 1 part of the United S'ates. Money received on oeposit, nnu interest allowed, r.astern or Southern Drafts furnished in -.n to suit pur- efiasers. Land Dirire funds paid for Currency or bills of Exchange. Loans effected on good securi'y. Taxes paid, titles examined, and Heal Estate bought and sold on Commission. Lauds entered for selt'ers and time given for payment. Olllre opposite the Pacific House. In west lower room of I.anJ Oillce. its i F. S. Jes ip it Vo. W. J. Harney &. Co., Hankers. Dubuque, Iowa j Cook &. S'irgent. Hunkers, Davenport, ow Cul berton t Riio, Hankers, lows Cilv, Iowa People's llink. New York City; Ketchein, Roger A. Hunet , Hanker. New YorkCitvi S-IUon. Wither ii Co., Washington, D. C. ; Hon. Clin. M koii. Com. of PstenU. Wssh iiTon, I). C. t ll .ii. A. C. Dod.-e, S. 11. K. Kuiliuiri-m. ow.ij ll.i.i. (J. W. Jones, S: II. S . D ih'ique, low., i ,,r. W'.lli.iiu., Chief Jus'ice, isc.ltni, o4. (Vllicil 111 ills, O.t. 23, ( t-'f IRVINC S LIFE WASHINGTON. 1 II.I.I'STR.M I.D. firrtil Imlurtmrnh fur Vluh. Messrs, G. P. Put in in L Co., having now piililishe.l the first, volume nf (lie Illustrated E.IUIoii of living's Life of Washington, being Ibe rumple!- ,if of Washington bi-ror the Resolution, nre ready to furnish th same to subscribers, free of pos'ag. on Hi receipt of l.'t .r)0. Slnu'le iiuiiibers sent post-paid to any part of lb Union on the receipt of lift ets. 'Ill following Inducements nr ollered fo Clubs desiring to subscribe In this magnifi cent and national publication i Anv person remilt Ing four subscript ions for the first vol ume, comprising fo irtren numbers, will be en titled In live roinplc'o sets delivered frep of post ai;. Clubs or six, remitting will be entitled to two extra copies of th volume, or an extra ropy and any other of Putnam's it Co.'s publications of im equal value. Clubs of twelve rcinilting will h entitled to four extra copies, or an extra ropy and a complete set of Addison's works in six vol umes delivered free of postage. The same premiums will bo given for a lik number of subscriptions to the succeeding volume. Each number of the Illustrated Washington will contain one, nnd every other number two, first class Steel Engravings or Maps, fn dilion lo the Sleel Engravings, the work roit, tains numerous Wood Engravings, Il lustrative or historical subject. C.U'TtoN. PPrauns subscribing to the Life of Washington, should ka particular (o obtain Hi only work which must forever remain the standard authority. Irvlng's Lif of Wash ington bears the imprint of G. P. Putnam Co.. the only publisher of Irving' work. "Every American should put this work on his book shelf, nld.' by side Willi bis liilite. Let yo ir children read It, nnd learn by the example of the great Washington the lessons of patriotism, moral courage, perseverance under dillienllies, which the history of his life nfiords. Wn know of no American book which we.had rather own than this. It is worth a thousand of the trashy publications which the press Is d.iily Issuing forth." Scl eiitllic American. Country papers copying Ihe above adver tisement twice will receive a complete set of Putnam's Story Library. (. P. PUTNAM . CO., No. 321 Hroailway, New York. CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. For 1057. r 1 1 1 1 P. Cheapest Family Newspaper In the J. West I The Weekly Plain Dealer will commence Its Sixteenth Volume on the 1st Hay of January, 1S."7. It will continue th same Independent, Jocose, Fearless, Fighting Jour nal it In ever been, Dealing Plainly but kind ly with all. It. will ballle for the Constitu tion and the Union, ns "the world's best trea sure and last hope;" It will oppose Fusion ism in every form, nnd battle Dis-uiilon In every disguise. Of its vigilance ns a Sentinel upon the watch-dower of Liberty, It is suffi cient lo say, that it has never yet been fo md napping at its post. THE NEW VOLUME AND THE NEW YEAR! The New Volume will rommence with n New Year, big with important events. A new leaf in the history of thi Republic will be entered, upon the Inauguration of a new President and Vice President. During the routing year, the policy of the New Ailiuinis Ira'ion w ill be fully unveiled In regard to the following important and exciting National topics: The Final Settlement of the Kansas Dilficully, on which th whole Slavery ques tion In the Territories I pendingi Tim Final Settlement, of the Central American Qnl ion, as airainst the claims of England Mar Right of Transit Across the Isthmus, nnd the reeog- nilion and maiiitninnnc of the Walker Re public fn Nicaragua The Danish Sound Dues The Acquisition of Cuba The Annexation of the Sandwich Islands The Admission of Minnesota ns a State Admission of Oregon Admission of Utah, Willi or without Poly gamy Admission of Kansas, with nr without Slavery I'rohablo Admission of Nebraska and Washington Territories Th Inaugural Messnge of James Hiichanan The Doings of the New Democratic Congress. These ore some of the Icadin; events which will distin guish the incoming Administration, and most of them will transpire during the coming year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Cleveland, from Its central location, and from its great concentration of Rail Roads, Telegraphs, and water communication with the worliU Is ndmilted to be the Rest News Point in the West. It can furnish intelligence from nil parts of the world, Hays ahead of the New York Papers, and the Plain Dealer, be longing to Ihe New York Associated Press, Ii the first to publish the Foreign and Domestic Markets, News, Disasters upon the Lakes, and Commercial intelligence generally, ll will have Daily Telegraphic Dispatches from Washington during the Session of Congress, nnd has regular Correspondents in all the principal cities of the Union. In addition to a full ami faithful record ot passing events, we intend to devote a consid erable portion of our paper to "Polite Litera ture." Every Paper will contain a Story, either original or selected, accompanied with the choicest variety of Miscellany, such a Poetry, Discoveries', Iliographies, Jokes, Od dities, he., fcc, making altogether on of th roost Valuable Family Journals In the West I "Prompt to improve and to invite, We'll blend instruction with delight." (TtT" Our Agricultural, Commercial, and Telegraphic Departments, will each be worth th subscription price of the paper. The Hrighton, New York, Ilaltimore, Cleve land and Cincinnati Market will be reported Weekly. TERMS: Sintle Subscribers, $2.00 Clubs of Ten (to one Office) 1.V0 Clubs of Twenty (to one OHice),.. . 1.2 Clubs of Fifty, " " ... 1.00 Pay Invariably In advance. To the getter up of a Club, one copy pratis. CV Post-Mister are especially requested to act as Agents. They stnuld in every case, where possible, substitute Western Demo cratic Paper for Eastern Fusion Papers. Those desiring the President's Message and other Public Documents, can subscribe now, or at any urns neure uie nrst or lleccmner. Subscribers to ths New Volume should send in their names as early as the middle of December, so that they may be registered In time for the first UMmber. All funds received at current rate, and if reig'.ered, mailed at our ns.c. Address JW. GRAY, Cleveland, O. CHARLES D.GREEN AND RICHARD KIM '3 ALL, Hiving purchased this well known and popular Saloon, in Omahs city, would respectfully Inform the public, that they are now prepared to famish their customer, at a!) hours, with HOT MEALS, OYSTERS, SVRDINES, PIGS FEET, PICKLED TONGUE, GAME, ami other UHI'JIHSMMKNTS, Comnriiin? all the Dxliearte of II. Come xt that h-mger and thirst Com to in -rr.. and ye sinu re tilled. 1-tf .GREEN &. KIMHALL. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. o the corner t.f Niueteeuth Avenue and ill'. ktrt. I meiiii'i. 1 Ku Itr Ii:.-. The linve Hoot mil t ..!.! 1...-- ; - - - - - ..... -,- ..... . n;-liJl application u maJv to Mer Sea ton this philadi:liiiia SATURDAY BULLETIN1 AND AMERICAN COURIER. A WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL Chen pest In th World. A new volume lie-ins January S, lA7. Th pTst success1 attending th publication of the Philadelphia! Saturday llulletin during the past year, ena-t hie the Proprietor lo promise to Its render tint It wl'l continue to deserve anrh success He ha lately purchased and united to tlnf llulletlii (hut obi andTamoiis Family Journal, the American Courier, and his facilities for making a first-rnte paper are thereby much increased, i ne new volume Tor ths year IHfiT will much aurpnss th volume for the year 1x."Ml, In all respecta. The Philadelphia Saturilny llulletin and American Courier. Se lections from American and Foreign Periodi cals. All lb news of the week, received by telegraph nnd malls from all rirt of the UnU led Stnte. 'Pie news from Ksrope, furnished by correspondents in the Foreign Capitals, and selected from copious filea of the beet English, French ami German papers. t)rl ghuil Tale, Sketcheg and Poems, Edltorlnts, . by capable writers, on all current topics. Tlia general literary contents of thn paper will be of the most varied and atlrartiv character. 'Hi II imorous Department will be unrivalled In lis selections, and Invariably In pnrt Ori ginal. Great attention will bn paid to secur ing the freshest nnd mist Interesting Loenl, Miscellaneous, R.-lihmi Hill Scientific lutel ligenr The Saturday Ruth-thi ami American Cmir ler i a larg iloublheel, containing eight piges of six columns, each, making 18 col umn, which will be filled under tilt direction of experienced and skillful editors. It la prlnle.l on one of Hoe's Celebrated Lightning; 1'yp Revolving Machines, which are known to be the bet printing Presses In the World. In fact It will, we feel confident, be found to contain more and better reading matter thn n any n'.her newspaper In the country, and will be the cheapest and best paper in the world. The proprietor, from his long experience in Ihe publishing business, with ample capital, ha unusual facilities for furnishing a first rale Newspaper. The Saturday llulletin and American Cour ier will be furnished to subscribers ami Hub according to the following unprecedented low schedule. PREMIUMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. For $2,00, O. in copy, an I Hook from the sub joined C atalogue, published by T. II. Peterson, to the of BO cents-. For $.1,00, Two cojilei, or one ropy and books fo lb nmount of iil,5l. For $.1,00, Four conies, and o:ie to the getter up or thn club) or hooka to the amount of 73 cents. For $10,00, Ten copies, and oae lo the jretter up of th club j or books lo the n mount of $1. For $1.1,00, Sixteen copies, and one to the get ter up of the club j or books to the a mount of $1. For $20,1X1, Twenty-four copies, ami one to the getter up of the club j or book to the amount of $2. Fur $:10,0;), Tliirtv-eight copies, and one copy of "The Poet ami Poetry of America" i superb octavo vol ume, containing choice selections from all the poet of th United H'ates. price of thia superb book, hi the stores, is $.1. For $10,00, Fifty copies, nnd a copy of Dr. Oriswobl'a "Female Poete of America," a work aimilar to the . last, and the same price. For $15,00, Fifty copies, and a copy of the ''Illustrated London New" the most splendidly embellished Pa per in the world, the price of which, at any Store, Is $12 per annum. To be mailed weekly, for on year, to the addresa of Uie party (jetting; up the club. One Copy and any of the Three Dollar Maga ines for Three Dollars. Farther Inducement! to Clubs. :' CV To the largest club, provided it ex ceeds 100, the Paper will fcc continued to every subscriber for the second year to the same address, without charge. (TV" For the second largest club, provided it exceeds 0, a complete set of the "Waverly novri - win ue sain iree or postage. frV For the third lareest club, provided It exceeds SO, a copy of "Abbott'a Life of Na poleon," free of postage. irV For xtill greater Inducement, see prospectus In specimen number of Paper, wiiirii may he oiitalned by addressing the Pub lisher, as below. LIST OF HOOKS FROM T. B. PETER SON'S CATALOG UF., With the Prices Annexed, from which Selec tions are to be made of the above named Premiums. Dickens' Cliristmns Stories, containing a Christmas Carol, The Chimes, The Cricket on th- Hearth, BitUe of Life, the Haunted Mm, Picture from Italy, fcc. Price 50 cents. Dickeus' New S'oriei, containing the fcvea Poor Travelers, Nine New Stories by the Christmas Fire, Hard Times, tc. Price 50 cents. Charles Lever The Knight of Cwynne, Kate O'Djnoghue. Price M cent each. T. 8. Arth'ir A Year after Marriare, The Hanker'a Wife, Love in a Cottage, the Orphan Children. Price 2.1 ct. each. , Alex. D uns Memoir of a Phyalclan, the Q ieen Necklace. Pi ice $1 each. Genviere, (Illustrated.) Price 50 cents. ; D'Israeli Heirlelta Temple, Vivan Grey, Venetia. Price 50 eente each. Mrs. Grey The Bell of the Family, The Mino'vring Mother, Lena Cameron, The Young Prim Donna. Price 23 cent each. ' F.ugene S ae The Wandri:ig Jsw (Illustra ted.) Price t. Womtn's Love, the Mm of War' Mia. Price 23 rente each. CV The B'wka referred to above, will be seat by unit, fie of psstage. ft?" Kubcripiion and list of Clubs should be forwarded, if possible, before the first of January, 1S57. Address CUMMINGS , PEACOCK, Proprietor., Bulletiu Buildings, Philadelphia. EELIXYUE MARKETS. coaaccTKD wrtBiv roa th oaskttk. S.ipFlour,rsack$o (MH Butter, pltti W, per buu. 1 l ihouldcr. do 10 20 It II 6 U & 00 corn, do Oat rtV Potao do 1 ("llama, do 7i 'rd. Ho Egga, per dom, I 0(1! Dried Peaches, do 2 75 vit, per tack Apples, do 9 OOiiUy, per ton Ho! For Frosh Water. THE undesigned resptrilly Inform th inhabitants of Bfltevu a ad the ttrrourlin; lOMIl'rv. th h i prnrmt in Hie; a u fiuisti, ' WELLS A5D CISTEWfS, At th herft aoticr, and esj th most r stable trims. D. A. LOU AN. P.rll,.., OetSJ, 3Mt..-.U