THE ' S:1;t- f.iie It lUJnot- Til' follow inij columella ili.:i, i ' from li e (irtivi l (III.) lleuiM. vttuM reromiivnl (l rart'lnl porn ;! fT il : "Ikitisf ifjuo.-Utl ly many l "! li.di :t j statement, lliromjU tho column id ' i r p. jwr, of my fxHriiMn p with ami th.- vn!;;.; of the' Chinese Su iir ('ai)o, I thcrcl'm o oiij you iho follow in btaU'iuvti, which yot will j'liMio ins Tl : 'On tin' '-?) of INTay, I :inti-t1 nl out half nn aero nf (-round, ono y;;ar old. A portion of iho anil was low mill wet i it tin' iprin.r; in fuel I covered ll i m'imI wiih mud; tliu other pari was hi,'h mi l saimly: the rou'ijiuMiro wa. when the thy Muisen net in, tho wet pail Uked hard, nivl the high liurnt up fur want i f rain. I plowed it when nUmi ten inches. Jiih, nnd that was nil tho win k inn l K'U wi:!i tho e l -epiion nf n slight lutein',' previous, to li e plowing; my uhVet win to neTtni:i the ninoinit of Mirh.iiino matter c Miiniued in the Mulkn, an I Mipposed eno;i;'li would prow to make tho eximrine'iit. .Many nf tin .talks jjrow from sixteen to twenty foot liio'h. (iii the low ground it only orew twelve feet.) Having maile a mill on which to grind i'. 1 cnint.ieiifi'd on the "J I of September. Thf eane then received two or three frost:!, vlii:li eligluiy injured tho taste of tho water. I mil eouvuind that the n mount of nalks b used tan he crown on loss than n, ipiarier of nn nere. Tho amount of ihe water obtained from tho prii:e was '270 pillous, from which I inndo forty-five gallons, which in Jlmvir und brmdifiil bright ret color, ii f ir sn f trior to any ufitttiiir.l J rum thf. South. 1 did not try to grain uny of it , ns it will not crrniit nftor lu iie' fio.teil: lut I nm convinced there will ho no dilli cully' in gruining it if tried previous M frort. If it 11 planted hy tho middle of Mny, it will ripen hy th? en I of Ati ni-t, ond reiiinin in (rood condition until frost, nnd if cut upund put in .sheds, (in appre hension of fro-d) it will keep well lor a month or more. . I will give a statement of what may he Hindi) per acre, pidgin.; from thu amount of water obtained from eneh Mulk. One of my neighbors, Mr. A. Dogm, ol-tnined from seven choice stalks one gallon of water, nnd in anolur trial made, hy" Mr. Mc'CJcrry, Sr., uud myself, we pressed from ten ntittk'M, one gnllon nnd a u;i rt. Tho mimher of stalk in a hill .should I e from foifV to six. In my Tali-ulatiui I on'y estimate ono quart of water in the hill, allowing sixteen hills per Niiatv rod, which will innke 'JotiO hills to iho acre, nnd this, nt one yuan per hill, will maku 610 gallons of water, which will make 111) gullons of iiioIusnos, Valued ut 7-t ernU per gallon, it would amount to !t-s-J."jt) per ncre, nud I do pot hesitate in saying that tho amount, may hu doubled. I would urge upon the furmers of the western country to try it. Vou will not only save, but make money by the operation. 1 am well convim-ed that in the huuihern planter will have no sale for hu .sugar in i tho St-itc of Illinois. From present indi catioiw there will be 1 00 acres raised in Wukish county, i et vear, which will ttivo the County $10,00u The time to commence working the cane is when the seeds hnvo changed from green to a dark red hue, although it will remain good un til fairly matured. Should any person w ih to make the ex ' poriment, 1 have some seed to spri re ctus cjtmrt will plant an acre. J. M. f! HUM. i M Cleary's Jilujj't U'ukmi county, . To Makk Arri.E-rirs xviruour Ai- Tuko llour, a little uood fresh butter, &c, in the usual way and in the usual proportions, with which you may inaku your cruM. Ibtving prepared ev erything you cut up one npplo nnd put il in your pie. This will then bo nn apple pie without apples. To Ovrnt a Desk ok Yoiik-15o wiii: the A ix :s Ijout.- lake a Mron;; iron wodijo nnj nn old axe. Insert tho wi'il j; at tho side of tho lock, nml strike n few vicjorous blows, when tho desk or box w ill fly open without tho a'ul of a key. To Ktrp Furs rnoM Mtu, Rub the meat well with salt and thou s-iniv it at the bottom of a tub of water be perfectly safe from nit llu's. It will How to Makl a Hat YVati r-I'mooi-. Tnke n (Viiiii'l of !k'u ', ui"ll it. i-ive your hnt it tri. k ront i f th's, nml lei it Maud a vcok. Then give it u ul boil- iiijj ma cojijier ot tar. Alter t la it lo u tin siuiih uml L'i'l it coven it ta.ii Willi liwJ iout nhool taste Jircct. tin. I'nint is a i your T Mrr. Spom:i: (.'ikt. (let a iiiei' piiH'P of velvet spiui''"'' nt lint Jruo-isi's. Cover it with a thin pa-iv. nml hake liohlly for fifUHMi iniiiiitos. Cut wnh a Luife ami s-cti? with cold water. harp' To M:asi ki; VuntM Lr ron a or Shoes. -Let thn cook make n l'.VlU .,r,.., -.. ,. . . ' ,,'11 I I .11 lv - I'I .1 1 II Ull.lli'19, 1 l.llf VI'., J.1S- , nen Ihii is irovrly uiado put your tmn patch. ' 1U it UUlil it U iiimp! lakoil. The i "It his the moil beviiif d engraved head iiMmlel thus U-fi will lii iut liu- im-Hsiir,. ..f ! " v.'. and it copteot are deeply en- . k..p f., ,,.i v,..ill., ,T,,:.i.. r l.. shoemaker. Ilow tj nikt Potatoes Mki.v. Tecl the VKatoe3, jilace them in a kciile of clean water, (wouhiil't rviouniieiiJ 8op-siiJs,) anJ Letp thuiu over the (ire until a fork pn-etf readily ilmue-di tluun. Then dretl-e witli Hour. Your P'!atoes :ll .1 I . t .... l - win uieu ve tounu vury ineuty. KUHL A Kf.YSER, t. TTfy, Mills County Iowt. N1V.V KTOiUl, NiiVV FIJtTJ, MEW ooons. w t r. wiviM ruiippifiltv iniini!'i'i'' !' Hi'' i li' i'i' Mills . nl ii'l'i II Hit li's, Ii ll i' I i.' il H .i il s' i- i I i ! !' lii'W n!i iri ll if'HT "f 1'fnTit :'i't .'lllll lit. Sir. '-i i iMiii", in Si. M irv. mi'! inv lnu nn .1 f'l'l .I'l'l Well K.'ll'l ir.l H'.X'k l'f Wow GooclB, mi ip!r I to w i i'i of tliii roiniii Itiily, coil i il mi; nl' (;Ri-T.".trN H!!Y (;o'-t. Il !:nv..i:i:. II i s . t ' A lKt, luii) r v siior.s. DUt'liS ,v MI'DICIM'S, tlH.S, CLOIIIIMi. TAM'V (Jitnin, I I KMTlWt!"., r ir. i.iQi'iins. WINDDU'-CI.ASS, s'ASM, Kc, .-. Wo III.' I I I ir" i! 'iTiniiU'il I" i"tl t r;isli i iik'ii- !tr ll. in ioiv -1 1 . -1 I'sl.ilili-.lii.eiil in r,iii-i nl' 111" .'.'ji'i'. An xsmiiiiili.Mi nf tllM p nil' s' i.'l, :iinl eiii'fs will !" :ill is iki i-i Hary to rmi incn " I ol tin- la c I. J.aoli oat for llin MAMMOTH RICK STORE!!! FIIONT STREET, ST. MAItY. I", V AH kitnl of ronalry pru.bicfi t aki n in cvilii ml:". f'M ( i.hhIh, no.-.- i. uriii. IF YOU WANT A OOOD rATEt?. H- m nr. i nn iimi. TXT ; . T XIII' mint pnp' WVcklv In Ain.ric.i, wliirtl lininciliiti'lv upon ils i'lsin1, Hpriini; into nn lniim-im" (Hi inn. Tliis rapl'l S'lci fss is iiiiprpcp l.'nlp'l in thf llinriy of .lniiniiilisin, niiil r in only Ito arrnimti'il for hy t li r fact that the I'ropriotnrs liavi ciiiplnv Cil, w itlio at i'i'irar.1 to rxpnnsi., tin- Star Wii t its of Aini'iii'.i. Tlio "Nation'' is tin-only pnpor w liirli con! lias tlif Witt v. I Ininni ons jin l Siili.-SpliHlnjr Ski'trhi'S of 1li i( Cmnical (icaias. ,-ui'l I 'nriva lli'.l I lainari'it, Knijlit IIms Orkiil'. M. I.. "f wliicll S'Tli'x. oar sUrlcli I nloti.' is worth Hip whole .veais' S iIm' ript ion. I TIip Mll-vi is IMilnl l.v'S M. Hi-clow ami M; i. 1". I). J'.. .V. So'illiworlh. who is wrllj known as one of the Most Fopiilar WritiTs in AiiH'lii' l. Ia Hillilion lo the uhnvp, up Ii.ivp i'tii;.i;;''il as t'oatrihnlors ; ('l ira iM.ircIo!!, Alice Cai v. Mrs. A. 1'. Law, Mr, r.. r. i :iiot, I'.uk lleiij.imiii, and luntioi oiii oilier lli'iirv W. lliT'hitrt, W. W. r.isiliek, ('. A. I'ap. IIimi. ('asscil.iy, W. I'. Iliannaii, TO THE PAIR SEX W'c particularly coiiinirnd o ir wheel. Their i!"p irliiietil will he IMitrfl w i'h the ulniint rare, and nn evpenie or lalmr fipareil to render the poliinins ilevoled to 'heir '' henetil, iiiin-eially llrilliaat, Altraptive, Instructive and Oma mental. Tho Faraiers' nnd riantcr' Corner Will contain Piaptical Safest ions nnd Airri calliiral Hints, contrihateii nnd culled from n mrcps the laoxt reliahle. nnd rontaiiilng in formation which will prove to then) in the ro'irsp of .i single, of almost Ine.ileul ili'.e heiiPlH. Tin? other deparlnienls of oar paper will re ceive the nttentioa thrv res'opctivplv d.'inaiiil. p.ieh lpinj pipeeially aid c irefclly prepared i to meet tne vai'ieil t.iB'es ol t lie .several class es of its readers. Ainoa these we mav men- ion Stories and Poems, I'.ditoiial It Unliliiifr and SVeli hhis, Splcv Ci' V News, asHjni;ton ll.n.up, cw I elk Chil (. ha!, tlie Litest Paris I'ashiims. T' II.tcuiIm for the Household and Toilet, -The I.iitl,. t'liea" Department, (Jems from Prose and' Po"Irv, Reader (Inide, Historical SUelches, raiMlations, fcc, S.r, Tlie Nation is is me I in (Jaartrt Form, (elht patres.) and each iminher w ill ront.iin if lent two Linrravlnc. th is lar nishin o-tr S'lh ieriliers at the end of the year w ith a volume roiitainim; t'i larpe m.c. Ihmii til'nlly pi'inled paes of I'tisiirpassed Novel letts. Sketches, ,Ve., tOLjriher Willi over 100 Original lllnsl rat ions. The Nation is sent at the followiicr rem.irk- ahlv low Suhseription and Chilihitnj Terms: in ari.ililv in advance. Sinile Copies, $ 0(1 per nnnnin. Two " (to one nddrem.) $H f0 Three ' ft 00 Six " 1 00 Ten " 15 (Ml fjf And "ne ropv free to the getter up vt the CI .i! orTI'.N. ' r All those Rendin! us nhscrl puons funa the Itriti-di Proviijce.s, mast enclose ia addition to the suhseription price, '2't ceats Tor eaeh siiheriher. as we are comjielled to pro pay the railed S'.ales posta . All le'ters ponlainlnj iiuviev sho'dd l,e re; istere.l, nnd direeteil plainly, and they will come nt oir risk, otherwise we are not re - sponsilile for tlieia. t, v pecimen copies will lie sent Tree n .... ......... n...i . ii ...i... ...i.i. ' .li.m.. -I", as-iiii. inm ii mi" is.i ui pret up a cluli , to a'l others, oa receipt or lour cents in stamps. The expense of r 'jjisterini; ts only ft eents. A l.lress i t(u. v i j. nn; SH Dock St., Itiiladetphia, Pa. Amone; the h in Ired of complimentary no tices we have received from i.ewp.' pi r in every spctimi of Ihe country, we ipiotc the follow"::;?; ex'rac'.s from : 'l'lr' Nation appears in clear lir-.rp type, on white inner, and is richly a,h,r,,cil wi ll i!ii'ratioiis."l N. Y. San. "l! wdl at' liu to a biir'i poii'iou in the Lt- cr.irv wori.i. l riiiinii.!i:uii.i n niy . ",v-i. It "tU1. i' I III1 hej, weeklies now lisli 'd, .r.i.l we take pleasure In brininc; ji to j tlie no'ice of thi I'ddii'ir public." H un. j binr. P.I. Herald. I I'hc t ileut and energy of the roi'i io1 ,.r. ! ils original and ini ei est he; cnl' n' , and tlm be.iuly of the typography, can. io' I -.ll to se cure for It a ep'ieril circulation." Will i.linsbiir, Pa. Independiuit Pl es". "As a literary nnd family journal, we hue no hsit nMnn in prououncii z it the be aai i i rt'ir cveh.lii.'p. We a lvis" the la. lie i !,i nr.,. cure it witho d ileliy." Fnhon, Pa. Repub. - , e iiii.iki' p'lian coy enrin.l1 ;ons, I) it III l!iis rise we nre hound to cive way to merit. ' Fidike many city r.eVmporarieo, the N.itioa ' ' i combined of so in.l. iVistan' and useful ! mitter, Slid is not filled mi with aa overdose of tliinsv, w isle-v-wo-lir stntr rrom Hi" hand p . . i l.. . : 1 n .., ' . f L'..:.. ii:. 'trr "inu'g. truly dclicio.ii and Koi.!-.i!...ih- ie. lV'.U..aui4burc, . 4uptt. I'lo io ii room lor just such t paper, nnd ii h i si'.'Mi l ,ii as true beads and hearts lo control its column. a the literal v and so ciil world bo!,!." IVVi'llsl.oroiigii.'l'.t. Aji-t-i'ur. 1; will soon bcpome a le.idin"; paper at the niesnie U'e ' lioonville. Mo. Observer. e.!oui enl ,re Lonliem piiier., but I ; . . .' I ' " ll:i instance we are forced !n overcome nnd coiuiiie.i.l the Natio'i to our a !. is." Troy, Ala. Itulletin. i ui'si'ivn s roll i'.r. SATURDAY Vmm FuST. i: -t.ii h.h.d Aieu-t Mi, 'I'ln' il.'' !i r i f lli: e! I nn ', fina'y-i''. I J - t il," I'l.'.K.ilf in Clllii'i tto' .it- i.'nti'Mi nl Hi'1 i.i'ili to iluir mm;i' uiiaii' f r Hi" c.iiiihif p;ir. Saif. i'.''.l wi ll p 'liln .i, tin cl.iiiin nl' li'i'i'.-it'il'i- will Ii" i.I'H'i' I'i 'a rv.-r ,' iii i'i'i.i, liy lie: r.'.i'li i:: wni 1 1. Wi' I' Ui'Til'iii! iilnsii!.' m l'lr aii.iiii; iiii'ii'.-j will Um tulliiwii'i! I 1 1 1 1 j - 1 1 1 li: i.f uiili'ii : William Umvill (.nT I'.in.'lan n, Alien C.iry, T. S. Ar'.'iar, Mi . Sn a' liwurili, Aiiim! inn 1 le.intir, .Mn. M. A. Di nin. hi, t'li- aatlinr of "Zill.ili." '-. W'c .(' i:i cuiMiai'm'i'i, ia t'li fu ' ii'it'ii'T. i'i J ina.iry u. tie' I'.'llnw iii-in ii;iual Novd- ' Tall"!-. Willi nn I'.iiCla ml "a. or tlu Sm.iHm's lTi'iai" ly I 'Wi't. "It'iril" ia .. ..,.'-i of Him I'm. 'Is," k., a HInrv of A'is'r.i'.iaii'r, Mr. I MM H Il.e.viif li.iviiur viiid'.l An-' ' i.i I i-i rviirrni v Willi III'' nlijiM'l of iii'iiiain' i:u; lutaiil w tin' iiovi I an l roman nil it uud s i'le' v pi ' : ii 1 1 e r 1 -i iinil.'r w aa il .il tlii'insi'lvi'd in tliat hi. I Ml if ! ''n"i. Th" f"!'i"' in Nove'u'l. i w ill I'l.Mi ... U'iv.'n, lllO'.;',l I'lohahly lint i.l the evict ol ti. T ll '.'C III"'!' to ; d ; Tic S ay of .1 C-riti'iy (iii!. !ty Aln " C.n v. An in i ;iuai Nov writ!" i rvpre in ly I'm' I'i" P"i'. Th WiMi' i- d IT art. An "ii wre'en exMi'i -sslv lor th" I'" i , '1.1.1 .Oi l y I'. I'. 1 1 ' . Ai- ..r'. lah. III ir. I.i' h'lei ise Island. An oiii i,1 1 Nov hv I ha .aiehor of " M v (' lafi'Mini," "i or th Child Xl' ilintn,'' &e. Til" IJiiImi's Proleire. Ori'.'ilill Nov'1"l, hv Mi. Miry D-nisna, author of M irk, the Sexio i." " Home Pictures,' A r. ( I. I'Imi , I Nmelel. llv Ainrn-'ine 1) ,.inin', author of " Tin' l.oit of th" Wililerne is iilio in eoiuse of prep ir.Hio i for th" I'm'. We h iv" al io the U'oinise of ;i Sliori and Cond.'.-i-: N'.veh'!. In Mr. S eithw irlh. lo ma Ihrii.ifjli aho it nixor ci ,'lit iiamhen of the Post. in ndilllioa lo the ahove lis' of coni rihn tions, we ilesi ,' i coa iimi i,' th" il'nal aiaonnt of Korni";li le'lt'T. Origin il Sl.e'i hi', Cli.iico Selections fioin all .so irc' i. A ical' in a 1 si ' i cles, (ieiieral News, lliiMoroai Miecdol" a. View of th" Produce nnd SSn k M irkels, ill'' l'hilailelj.hia Retail Mitkets, llatik Note I.i.e. I'.ililiirial. ie.', &e., o ir ohject li.-int; to u'ive n Complete Record, as far ns onr Mini's will admit, of the Creat World. I'mrra vimr. In th"W'av of'r.lvin;;i, we generally present two weekly one of an in s'rai l e, aad t lie o her of a li'imoronx char acter. TIip Po'',i!;e o:i the Post to any part of the I'nited S'ates, paid ipnirterly or yearly in ad vance, nt the otlifK where it is received, is only ' i rents a vo ir. Tciim ( Cash ia ndviaee) I rnpv$'!.i vear. l cope t! " n " .'. Addre (and one to Hi" K"tler ")! of lh- Chih-). ... H (nnd one to the getter up of Ihe Cluh) lo (and one to llie getter up of the CluhX... 00 alw a v po e-pai t. DI'.ACON fc PI'.TI'.KOV, No. liii South 1'hiih street, Philadelphi l. Simple Numbers sent untis to any one wlli'll I'e I'lesled. To I'diioi's I'.litors who n-ivj Ihe above one inser! ion. or condense thi) material por tions of it (tin- notices of mw contributions and oiir terms) for their editorial cohiiuim, shall he entitled lo au'exch.ui -re by sendiiig n marked copy of the paper co.ilaiuin the ad vert lsemnt or no! ice. rnospi'CTFs or ruv. A JOURNAL OF AC'lUCUImiAL AND ltl'HAL AFFAIRS. tDirr.o Axn pl' iii.imii'.o momiu.y IIV R. W. l'CR.VAS, 11 now sv, N'uvuia Countv, Nk.iihvska Tl.RHITORV. "To Improve the Soil nnd Mind." o F11HF. object of Ihe 'Farmer' is proclaimed L in Its motto; faithful to this end, it will :.iin to take rank with the Agricultural peri odicals of tlie day, and pursae such a coarse ns will render it a welcome visitor to every Farmer ia Nebraska. The Publisher deems it unnecessary to enter into an argument to convince the farming community in this Ter ritory of the importance of such a work. The natural adaptation of our soil and eliinite to Agricultural pursuits, known to all who have examined, is tho'i";ht to he a sufficient npolojrv for entering upon this enterprise. We have made arrangements for regular rnntribn'ions from a numb-r of prac'ical Farmers and Ilor ticult nris's, ia Nebraska, a id will continue to secure o'hers to such an cc'enr as warrants us i'i st yi"!? that th" 'Farmer' will prove a depository of a mas of important fac's in re lation to agriculture, rarely to be met with, and at a cost which places it within the reach of all. I Horticulture. Special attention will be , eiven t. the writ in j; and selection of m Hppertaiiiinsr to the culture of all kinds of to Frui's, Flowers and Ye-et. tides, nd.mte.t to ...... . ... , uus son ami einna'e, necoi ipanie.l liv nuia-r- ! ous Fi'cnvin'j;i w i'h full deqeription. J LnieV Deparlm-ai.- Tliis Depart Mien' '.vill I be d wot"d to lloiiseliol.t atlairs. and will l.e conducted by a lidv of ability and rxperi enee, nsiis'e l bv aid" lady correspondents. Plan nnd Sie'. "!ie Farmer' will be pub lished on th" lit of e H'h month, printed on I new type a,, ;,i.i piper; each number will I contain eiirhi pi'e of re oliii"; m.O'er. thr-'e columns t i tie p , ... . sr,.,. (, pi .;,-, 0 hy ? l ' indies. IMii' rat tin lis, I aiplei'ie;;' T'uun.i. Si;,!i I w-'oli c lis of Do.ucstie Au- Trees. Fr uits, I o ise i ep'i,!. viiiici Twenty up the eoiP i I -net o"e io per i - :r club). $l Th" V dun" will com- elirch I. I.v. r',' I'm innt'T ii.ii I. i :. Farmer in .N'eSr.iski ill" desired to net (is Asen's. Additions can Im ta.i.k to clubs .in I bne'i Nn. furi.lstie nt ,i:iv tim" durimr the year. Clubs I eed not b eomi l I to one P,nt Oiliep. b.i'. will b BiV.t to dill r"iit oi'Icps :. df!i p I. Peroiis la the R' ate who a r" look iT; We it ward" and ! '.Ire a.:.; ,1'uril inC.r m'io'i from Nebraski. could find no bin" b, ;ipr thin the Farni. r" to "po' t ! m up." i.ti'. ms .xciir.isk.i irrn'r, lirow.ivi!.". .xeiii.iui i itiiu', .A'O'ri'.ca err".rv. lirownviile, . T., Ileeeaiher 1', I soil. I NeTK. Ii i Imped every person to whom this Prospectus i sent, will fe d the pnpor- I lance of the establishment of an paper in Nebraska, and mike mi i.tfori to oh. tun as ma nv S'lb: isciibers as possible, snl forward their nume to the Pu'dish.T. A sliu'li! cll'oit only, mi (lie par' of pv,ry on", w ill accomplish ihe object. If time or inch n l io-i will no' per mit you to act as desii.-d, please hand this I i son." o ie who will act iiiertfetic illy in the muter. V fist as yo i J proem . . iiiimhp,- of name l'.r v irl to ine. Let no Prospect ui be later lb it l-V.iraarv Jii,' in re 1,'hin.' the Public. it ion Ollice. ' i Mr V, we now want i tismei to he . I losiieci us as i.o M iiu-y not ;1 v.u nvriu' ' the first X.:., v!t ui t!: i.-.o ' ,ey inn-.': be ted!p' Iv or t h e pioer-vill i.ot be contiiin. ed. In iriving niHie and re i: lem-e, write th" name ami residence in I ..'I, ,i.t give otliee, I'otii'v, ini Territory or Si lie. Poit- AMv.nrivw d ni:i(;: i.. I'.l'III.B BV l.'i'M (AVI.ollli Cl.MIK. flVli: ii'i'u'ir f". r .l.i i tit . I s. ', li'ii i ill" .1 t'er'v-S 'r i : 1 1 Vol iia'' of th" Iv'iiiU' i hnck i r XI e il'i... !-'i',cp III" jirir" of S'.ln.'vipM'Vi II I 1 Iioiti r" il'livit final fi.l- t'l t'lri'i' il.iil.lM .1 V'iir, lllf ciri"i! ii in'i nl' 'a" K Mr K i;iiinrni;n fiis tx-n ini'r' .Hi'il in'iilv faur to oiii. In tnaiiy I'lnci-i (('! a I" I l!,"ll wIl'T" tll'T" WISl'llt niif lii'fi'l'i', ami lliro a;'!i t'l" vir il ll:n Ihtm s'ridily in rif nin r. It Is timv oT'-rcil ns cliTJi ns .any of tin M ll.'.iiios, all tl'.ins riv'si lcroil. la nV.'lilnf inaliiii',' in'WSml nnili;'i ia , promises, V S'lleait a f"W rxirart', from imticnx ir I. lie leoa'ir : s, xvtiich wo m';rht px'i 'i l to a nm.i'ii r nr p i'-ij. ''Peno familiar willl lie "(IiMiip wi'li liis U".iili-rs willi iinrvU i'i, a liaiii' I 111 of it wi1 am! j'lV'i H.i'' i- I'.l'.loi. Monthly hive do'ihth'S", p ireienal Houree I i Ihi iiamln r : 'T!i Co. sip' leilil r i 1 i 1 1-' irl-i in i ilc .11 a it wa v lik" Home I' i ir ; .UiciiiiT i'i the suii'-liilie of I n ;-l.iv moiiiiin; Mr. Clark could cerl linly "let d. h it Ill's i: i;u'i''l" We use hold oi', vn in lie i', e no :i I to wonder how ex p"c in;; he III. I d. ciiiiin; nu'ii'ier ; rn el' evhaiHUou."' N.i i ia 1 1 Pleas I. it. In! ei. i ii in'i'i , ire'ilal, i!"li: Wa -!ii:i!;'oii. I'fal 'lllii Kldek!" f lliim;s il. li c'aiile ; 1 1 1 y nn me is ,i s m the Hi.. -lit of toy ia i le', fie-h co,r, n holui lo Rore eve; a -l.mce W il hi" tin", he 't anl id. d" for tli" hlue. 'i'liou h-isl jivea to ki'el'y h'liiiov, to j J . t i . i .h liu I'imi. ai d lo Hide-splilt i ate run, a -local hahifat i"ii.' wi'li iu1. which tlu-v nii-h' iro wa-iderin over the iloin.iiu of lethi, cilliie; inov and thru wle'le a IViinillv door opein d lo iheui hut p -fu une; lo lie ronil'in't cd 1'"." tin lo..s of til 'Ir old ilea r home.'' Conier, Ihirliicioa, Vl, "The I'l-ptt rare i ineed in the sidectiou of artieli's that adorn ii p,i".e. is a niillicien' iraa ra ;i v I 'hi no eon' rihul ion n t the eve ef III" read"!- hul (hose which are knowa to h" worlhv of his ie riwal. When s-on is ami' aie iweejiia"; o'er our hlll-sid" i:i tlirs.' chill winter hour. and is drear and desolate without, we ask for no more nreeahle couiiianion than tlie Mvmik y. ii nor k K u ; for while ils content imparl v.i I i.'ilde inform i ion, i: n 11 i of eenuii.e wil are n Bovereij.ii uperilie lor all fi s ol' the hlup'i er attacks of the horrors, ."rid time pas ics merrily oa." Democrat, Dv!estovn, l'.'im. 'Tlie Ksickmpiioc.kI'.ii has bce-.i and w ill h" a fact of its own ; a c;c'i iine living thin.', ail llie moi'e i!''-iir.'l''e no'.v Ilia' th" ii'iv evi nf in i.'.i.'ine. fill"d ui'li article pirated 1'nuu I'.iifiliili auMi.U'i. makes fresh hoiue creiiioiis more conspiiMlo i.l ,i:,d welcoiae." .'eV Vol k ( 'lit is! ian In.piirrr. Rev. I". W. Shelion, Author of I.' t'ers from lp the River,' etc., will he a reeuiar cui trileitor. The heal, talent in Ihe country will he en listed, and no expense or cM'orl, spared, to in ike the Knu-k i'iihit k K.n more than ever de serving of Hie lii'-d. po-iiiioa nmn:i;i; oir ori u,i n 1 1 American Ma.i.inps. TI'.R.MS. Threudollars a vear,"lrietly in advanc wilfl lere no deviation from thi i conditioa ; Two copies for $.") 00; Five co pie. and upward, SJ 0(1 each. Ilookscllers and Poslin i ilers are reipiested to net as Au'euts. Those who will undertake to pro cure subscribers will receive favor able term. Specimen number will be sent, gratis oa ap plie v ion, iol p.i id. i i ) c c i : m i : i's fo n cm p. r i n ( ; . Th e Knii kchiioi Kt'R nil Harii"rs. Pa! nam's. (irahmn's or (Jndey's Lady's. Rook will be S'-ni one var for five dollars the Kn'icki h- ! noCKK.Rnnd Home Journal for four dollars a year. PDSTACil. Two cents per number, pre paid at the ollice whom the works is deliver ed, quarterly in advance. All remittances nud all hushie rnmmuni c.ilions must bo addressed, post-paid, lo samckl iirrsroN, 3H liroadway, New- York. Nuckolla & Co. A 7UOL!'.SALF. AND Rl'.TAIL STOUF, V tilenwood. Mills Co., Iowa. The un dersigned bey; leave to call the attention of the People of Mills nnd adjoinine; Counties lo the fact that they nre in receipt of their FALL AND WlN'I'l'.R GOODS, Which for price nud durability are unsur passed ia Western lows, which in addition to our Slimmer stock nt (i ROC I'.RI F.S, fcc, on hand, m ikes it one of the most desirable stocks of (iOOI)S in the Western Country. (Jlenwood, Iowa, Oct. 2.1, X..ii. 1-lf RALLOl.'S PICTORIAL DE.AWIXQ-F.00M COMPANION. BKcosn of tiii: iiEArTicn. ,xn rsr.vLi. IS AllT. The object of the paper Is lo present, in the most eb-jint nnd available form, a weekly literary melange of notable events of the day. Its columns are devoted I original tales, sketches and poems, hy the BF.ST AMF.RICAN AUTHORS, and the cream of the domes: ir and foreign news; the whole. well piccd wi'h wit and humor. F.ich paper i j RKALTiFLLLY ILLUSTRATI'.D i with nit mrro is neenraie encr.iv ine, l.y rial-1 pent ar!its, of Potable objects, current events I in all parts of lh" woild, and of men an I m.iu pers, ,il:o.;e'lier makiii'; a paper en'irely oi i- ! Ciuu! in its d"'ii:'n in this country. Its jia-fcn i I contain view of every populous city in tliei known world, of all Imildinirs of note in the I eastern or we'ern !i"iunphere. ol all tlie prm- ; ripal ships anl s'eoiner of Ihe and: m"ichaiit service, wi h fn.e and accural., por- 1 ii.ii tot' .vrvi.oied character in I lie w o, -Id bo,h m lie anil femab Sketches of blu-iful s.-.",. r .!'.. u I'.' mi I::'", will also be L'ive'i, i wi.. i ii im.'i.. u s.'.ec : in ui i iroia in.- n ui'iH i:.i-d'.m. '!..' 1'ii'l of ihe air, and lliefidiof; lh - sr. paper. I' is prm'c 1 new t vpe e-e ion a u f on fine sal in surface i pi , se';! ; in i's in"- ' sneej m.-n oi' urt. ! I e! l nie Tli" who'" f-c ms -i m. i inuioi h we. 0.1 v paper of sixteen o.'t no p i...' i. '..ich six lii'i'.i.hs ma. kin"; ,i vol nn" ;ii' lid p i .;es, with about one thousaiul spier. !i l ei.raviri ;. T 1". 11 M S I X V A R I A R L Y I.N ADVANC!'. 1 su'i-eritier, oup year, t ::.l! sc; ibers, " " in S3 01 Id 0.1 0 no i Any p-r 1:1 se:. '.:::.; i: ; a', th las' ra'e, s'.ia'il roc I copy srratis. I'.VcIvp." ive the ' sunscrilien 'ibil'leeutlr' . On" copy nf The Flair of our Union, I a a. I one copy of llallou's Pictorial, when together by one l'crson, one year, furl SUM. j v I raveling agents are not employed on I ii pa per. P.IS.di4he I every Saturday, bv M. M. RALLOC. N i. ii Winter S'., liosion, M iss. tt'HOI.RSAI.R AtiRNTS. S. French. 121 Nuiu s'reet, Xw Y. ik ; . Winch. I Pi Chps'nut s'ree', I'leihdelphia 1 ll-nry Tiyl.r, 111 11 ,l,iiu..i. slrctt, llalti t;"i if.'i V. C. Ilii'ev. t'i.' Vine s'reet, l e. I tweea Ml and .S It. Cincinnati .?. A. Roy, dl Woo,i ird Avenue, Detroit I I'.. K. Wood-: ward, comer I'h at.d Chcsiiut ireet., Si. I.o lis ; Siinuel Hi, ;;ob, Lonisvill '. Ken tucky ; Wail ir", A'islpri.V H i"!. 'i ' CI tk S' Ctiicacoj k Co.. M Pat.riioti Row, a.ui'i for Great linliiii a i.l Rurope I l' li-'l lllv. c ii i: a r i'st ?.IAGAITNi: IM THE WORLD. B.ULOU'3 COLLAR PCHTKLY. Iu'Coiti.-. I l v th" iiiiprpr,1. hIp.1 success whii h lie i pup il ir monihly h i i met with, ned the r.'piih'y with whieh it han Incrcnsed its r'tT" nil ion.' tlie proprietor has l"-olve,l lo m ik" i' s' ill in"! " worthy of 'he patronage of lh" p il'lie. That llih hdmiratile work is n "Miracle (if Chea parMS,"' l ndmitled hy every cue, containinir, ns it Tops, "one hun dred pa ;vs" of rei'lim; nutter in each iiiim her, an! form in"; two volumes a year of six hundred pa,':" each, or "twelve hundred' pn" of reedini; matter per nntiuin. for ONI'. DOLLAR! IliHou'j Dollar Monthly is printed wiili new type, nt'.'a fine while piper, and its nut ter h'rnrefully rompiled and an'mped liy tho handi of thi'i di' ir .n il proprietor, who has Iir-i'tl know n to III" ptii'lic ns ro ineeieu w en 'In I''1, n'.ui pr. contain s for i.i'.u !v h: i en years. Its NI'.WS, TALKS. POl'.MS. STORM'.S or I'i II-. SI'. A. SKI'. TCIir.S, NV. ADVI'.NTl'Rl.S, Pilll'S, WIT AND Ht'M'lR, hmiii llie lies and inosl ' c i im' rv. I! i i nl-io se ' t he no' ilde p en' i of t !, war, of ili'eov 'i'ies and i i it - in cither henii-oiheri wip'ilar writers in the i-.'d wiih a record of t i'ne of peace a i nl iinproviTiients nceur , lie 1 1 1 i 1 1 ;t nn airreea- enmp noon lor a leisure luiuneiil or lionr, ' 1 1 t 1 1 re, at. Ii.iin" or a', ca' h iiuniher "iet'12 complete ia il.ieir. No in ci a ria u suhjee! i are nlmi.'!".l into its pawl's ; there an1 euoa,'li out i'oyi-ria 1 pu'di ca'.iou', e ii'h di vo'cd to it i peculiar necl or cliipie. Thi woik i in!i":.'d I'm' Till", MM.I,iN, imr'h or yo-eh, ei i1, or wes' . nnd is till d to the hr'm I'o'ed i r an! I. ' i nic "Ii mo ith w i'h chasfe. Ini ' '.' : 1 I ii v" j" it -.m il a r 1'; ieiul w o ild place in y cir'-le. : i in all i' i I o.iiriaul. .'iiiil. win' it , ,i ;.v 1 a , in r, I i' ( the h ii:d el' d 'i,H I ti'ui S I j purports to hi wor'd. I v,.' "' new iii the form e '.!:u' i f 'ini .-h a ill" ( hp.i n -si m 1 'a7ien in the i' 1 rue' ion 1 a II I'u.'i'. IS j'!' 1 ' us ' lil c: .'1'lde.l. 'd 1)1- par: tnent. i Any j to'i euelo;i' ) n i e tor, as below, shal . for one year ; or any I subsi'i i!n " i a lei ce'lil. one dollar to th" pro receive I h" M l:, i .ine i ion s,-i nl i i ii; us id -lilt dollars, at one time. I shall receie a copy ";r.i ii. C'tjP' S itujile c 1 eul when desired. M. M. I? ALLOC. Pet-, and Proprietor, No. i-i Winer Si.. l"o. io i, '.L ii, THE GLOIVK: The Oificial Paper ox Congress. I lllle;,,! In CO. I'll::!" ill" pU.i'iC.I' loa ol Hie D-lialei of Co i.'ii in- full, iii' l.i'li.i"; the Law pa s "il, dariiur th" next session, to com mence on tlie (irst Monday in Decinber iu t. Tlie coniiiiLr in of a lew Adiiiiiu.stral ion w ill cause the debates of (lie next session to be bo'h interest ia; will be lorndia and instructive, ns its policy notes will ai.swrr it iiratt3 cannot be pro owed in the speeches of it's eure.l. friend.. Tlioe. therrfore, who desire to know 1 what will b till be tin' course of the next President, i it is to take the Lady's Rook at Throe I3ol he t ikes tlie esecativo chair, so ns to j larsthin anvo'lier magazine at Two Dollars. before. shape their bushiest .iccordiiily. 'liould sub- ! scribe f ir llie ilbi'es of the cumin:; session. Tlie D.vir.Y (ii.oiiK will contain the news of th.p d.iv. toe'her wi'h such editorial articles i .n may be from time to time sui;;es'ed by I passing events of inlereit, nnd the debates as I they come from th" hand of the reporters, i il 1 - ..iii. il. n . .. "men will n? lain oa uie nesiv oi every mem- ner, lo undergo mi reveuon lor ine i. onprrPss ionnl Clohe and AtU'eudix. Those who may desire to see tin1 ibdnles immediately, should take Ihe Daily Ci.oiik, ns they ari iirtnally published in it tw o days before they are print id in book form ia tho Conuressionai. Glo:;i: ntnl Aitknpik. The ('oi.iir.stoN-Ai. Gr.or.E nud Ai ri'.vnix w ill be printed on a double royal sheet, in roy al o uarlo form, each number cotitainin:; six- ! teefi nnino. 1 1 the passe, i (luring tlie session will he noneiided lo the debates t nnd copi.,.,s indexes to the deVitd and the kuvs will lie in. ine oa., prm ,!, an I Ken to saa Hcribcrs soon after tlie close of the session. The Wr.r.Ki.Y tit.oiu: will be printed on a double royal fiber1', in the usual newspaper form, and will contain n synopsis of the pro ceedings of Congress nnd the news of the pre eeditii; week ; also editorial a ml selected mat ter, when tlp re shall be room for such. An extra sheet will be priced whenever a debate on any important, sulj -ct shall take place, Sivhc'it in full. TKRMS. Tor a copy of ihe Daily ( '. lobe, one year -$10 00 For a copy d irim; the publication of ihe proceedings of the session 3 00 For two copies, duriti"; ihe session, when ordered at the same time 5 00 For a copy of the Coui;fi s uonal Globe and Appendix, duriu'; the sesiion.... 3 00 For two copies, when ordered at the same time ." no For a copy of the Weekly Globe one year 2 00 For a copy from the 1st of December lo the 1st of May 1 0d Rank notes, current in llie H"c!io:i ef th" coun'ry win re a subscriber lives, will be re ceived in pa Mont, nt par. Small sum may lie sen' in pmt.iie stamp i. A paper will not be .o nt, uhlois the money a.-rompar.v the or- d.' JOHN r. Rl Y I'S. VAiiiSi; rox. j emb. r lo Pr airic Jb a r ui o v l'OR 1S.37 VOL. r. - a tnr.ia.Y family journal. nr.vorin to Weitera A "Tic: Itur. , Hor'icuUure. Mechan ics, F.duc.i' ion. Literature, Aljlkets, and Nc.vj. J'.niri'.u i:v CilAIlLIN ). 131lA(iI)0.". JUilN A. KlLNXU'Ol'l', Corr. in.l F.di'.o.- A.-.s i i j:i uy Ov r Fie lluu lred i'l'.ui'ical l'.inin : i an 1 Mechanics, who h ive here; o,"..: ,i wriUc.:, and will coiui.ei-', i.h ni i.. y oilier, to writ" for I Uf b"u' Ii-. oi' tlpur luetbren nnd th" public, Th" "lb.liiie I'.lli.l'l " it ibvolcil to tlie in- trre'itof the W.-s' i:H'?,ruvr nnd Mechanic. P i th" Old' A.Tical'.ural Paper i.i the IVi'i' ii published weekly ii quarto form, for is char ''' : ! " ) by a high moral ton i.inoi !o rr.'i.i .ie Mi i c ei ,-s' s aid a-1- vat'.ee"!"!:' of tt:" wiioi.r. ri,' t Ti family, and to develop the A.'iuullur il Resources of Hie Wi s'. A Special and competent Commercial II' j,ui'-r is employed to u'i.o accardU -Msrket 1 R. pop's wppIiIv. P is essentially Tin: fimltc 'l' r for ''if t I yi'Sr. f2 i:i a 1,., or .fij..'il at I c th cud ef the y 'u r. , 0.(l()fi'rc -.a ciub. .$"." 00 free 11 pies, I year, person send; copy to Co;,yl'j lo th' ') e I'll I ''., 1 e:;' ersoii .seudi:.g club. ics, I ye ir, lo.ilO fr.-o ' rsou HiTidiii"; ciub. i.l c. (lie i. V oi'1 s; ..ciilur fe 1 W O ,NU' -, or ? i, will ar. ret cive in p.i. r. copo.i one '"." S ib-.erl'Cio.i .il t',..-. pP.I . rail mut paid invariably i i ad.aiu'c. ' S ,bcrili" iieiv, Yo u want mil need I h Farmer. V" w in von to h ue it. V" Current ino.n y may be ent by m iilit oirr o.k, provided 'he letters an- re'.'i I "I'l iirie F.iioier," 1 red." Clark -tl'eel. t'llic I'M, I'd ; A'!viT:i.-,ueiit.i, i.f an .ippr.ipri.ite bar. ict r, i im it. d ai leu cent per line each :ti a i (joni-VM (ji:i:ati:si' r.n'oRT. Hilt. (iRF.ATrR ATTRACTION!! Will be olTered in GODEV'S L ADY'S BOOK FOR, R-,7. This w ork has been the standard for twrnl v even years. When an inutatlou ha been nt tempted it has failed. It ia THF. ONLY LADYM ROOK P U R 1. 1 S II Ii ) IN AMERIC A. NKWFF.ATURE3 FOR 18.".7 t ' , How to ilrcss with Taste. Children' Clothes How in cut and contrive them. PninUn.; on (ilass. Patchwork. The Dress maker and the Milliner. Dra wins in all its variety, useful to the be linner and the proficient. Fa.hions from the establishment of the cel ebrated "llrodie," will be in every number. r.vcry-d.iy Actualities A new series of these iilusl rated nil ides will be Riven. Point, lli'iiiiuels, nml Venetian Laco of every variety. A specimen of the stitch to be used in each will he piven. In addition to tho above. One Hundred Tapes of Reading will lie eien monthly. Co lev's Splendid rnsrriivlnirs on steel. I.o ido'i, p. iris nml Philadelphia Fashions Co lev's four figured Colored Fashions. I'.mhroidery PaMerns, Model Cottages, Dress Makim; with Diagrams to out liy. Dress Patterns Infant ' nnd Chil'drdn's dresses, vvi'h descriptions how to make them. AM kinds of Crotchet and etlltijr work. The Nunc and the Nursery Very excel lent ar'ieles upon these .subjects will often he t:i. en. oodi'.vs rf.cipf.s t roy F.vr.nv Fi iijc.i r. Ml'rilC Three dollara' worth is given e i i y ear. In llie various number for l"o7 found the newest deiens for will be Window Curtains, Rroderic Arirledse Slippers, P. nine's. Caps. Clo -k. I'viiin"; Dresses, I'.incy Articles', Head Dresses, Hair !)r sshitT, Robes de Crumble. Car riage Dressy, Po ides Dres is. Wrralhs. Mantillas, Walking Dresses, l.'idinu' llabils, and .Mortiiu;; Dr. Roys' sen so: for Tnf. mts ami Yoiin; .Misses, C:ii''i and Cloaks of Far in I'tenn for N'-edle-werk of nil kind) rns to cut dresses by are jjiveii D i. P and p.i'ie mon! lily. Crochet pers in Ci and .VXtl'c-; Work ia Colors, Slip Iors. Drawini; Lesson for Youth. Suel in your orders soon, as we expect our lis! for 17 will reach 100.001) copies. The best plan of subsrribinii is to send your money direct to Ihe nut .1 i ill T. Those' who send larire n mounts had heller send drafts, but e think we cm yhow how inuch cheaper We will take a late number of both. The Two Dollar Maira.'oie contained 3d articled, the Ladyui Rook (U. The Two D.t'lar Miu'.iiii" contained 32 en- "javinjs, th" Lady's Rook 5ii. The Two Dollar Macalne cnulnhied fit pn- t'es, the Lady's Rook Kid. T w en! v-four more eiierai in;;s, tweii' v-six more articles, and thirl y-si-; mice p'i";e, nearly double tl.o quantity. 'I'I'" lowest cluh ln ice of the Two Dollar Mi-;i.ine i.?t,2."; lowest cluh price of Lady's Rook PI.''", mi! . 4i cents diiicrpnce in the irice, '.vhit h is three nnd a half cents on each niunb-r, iud fo'-'hat sum (three and a lnlf ecu's), yo i reeeiv tweii'y-six more articles, twen'. v-four more eaj;ra inir. and thirty-six more pnvs mo'uih ly rertaiidv a very cheap thren nnd a hn'f I cents' worlll. tins view 01 'lie case le' i probably never befo e been pres -.i'",!. lull it i fi tru stllpmen', wnicri nuy mil.' ,'in run viuce herself of by compuring ilio two maga zines. TF.RMS, CASH IN ADVA NCR. One copy, one year, S3. Two lopies, one year, $o. Three copies, one year. It. Five copies one year, ami nn extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies ?10. F.'irht copies one year nnd an extra copy to the person sending the club, making iiine copies $15. F.ieven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making twclvo copies $l). !V" l'"1 above terms cannot bo deviated from, no matter how many nre ordered. SPl'.CTAL CUIIIBING WITH OTHF.K MAGAZIXF.S. Godey's Lilly's Rook nnd Arthur's Homo Masaines noth one yenr for S3 oO. Godey's Lady's Rook and Harper'i Maga zine both one year for $1 50. Godey's Lady's' Rook, Ilirper's Mngar.Ine, and Arlhur'.s Home Magazine one year $!. The above is Ihe only way wp can club wilh Harper'. Magazine. ' ... Tii" money m.isi. all be scut at one time for any or the Clubs. Subscribers in the British Provinces who se::'! .p,,r cl'.ib:, imut remit 3ii cents extra on every nulncribcr, to pay tho American post age lo the lh.cs. Address. i.. A. GO DRV, 113 Cii. sntit St., Philada., Pa. Tootlo Si Greene, V TrnOi.F.SALI' & URT AIL DRALRRS, V Glenwood, lo-.v.i. We bpg leave t cull the ai:eutio,i of the Good Peonlof Mills. ' Poiava'tfi!ui", Mont.'omi-ry nnd Cass coun I riep, Iowa; also, 1) viri i nrlil Cass countleSj i N"b: ak.a. to on I ir-i and late supply of every : kind of MRIU'II VXDISI', usually kept ii j Westi'n on l. t!nr stock of Groceries is. I ire and complete, having been bought and ' 'j'l'pcd n li't!" lower (ban our .neighbors. I Oar nloek il- il.irdware, (jneenswarr, Wood I ruuare. Hoots and Shoes, Hats nml Gaps and I Ready- M ad" Clothing, have ail been purchaseij j io Ihe RaH'.ern cil ies. at thu lovieit cash nrices. I Give m a call lnTorn you inirrliase, and it ( we iF no sell yoa chear;iHM!., we will mak i oar in iiiiior iio so. (j V' Remember the cheape,t hoime jntown, loo t L?) is. GRRRNR. ' ('lenwo'id, Iovyn, Oct, JU, I.Vni. 1-tf-. Charles A. Henry, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND 8UUtiRO.V, Rcsp'ct I fail)' informs the ciliens of Nebraska, that bavin" permanently In Omnha city, and having had several years rxperiip in Ihe treatment of Disease. incitlcU t tlie West, now OiTers his professional services to those who m ay favor him wi'h their patronnge. odi.-e in C. A. ll 'i rv t Co's. Drujr anil Va riety More, Omaha city, X. T. 1-tf G. A. Tlcm-y & Co., WTIOLF.SALI' AND RF.TA1L DRUG- T G IS I S. At the i e Nuna Aiiic v lime Ktokx. Oarih.i eity, Nebn-k.i, have on hind and are cojiHtintly reeenlng n arg and toinplete a or'.mnni of llrn.-i, Chemicals, Patent Metti einei, D,'.' S uifi, I.ij iors, Segars. Preserved Fruit i. Co i.Ve'iu.i.i ::,., & physicians' order i filled o:i a smill advance on cost. 1-tf Tims. Mvcov. Ai.rx, f vcov. II. ). JoSes. Tl.1M1 TlnnlliAw . A1 - - ' i P AV," AND LAND AG l'.XTS, Omaha City i Ne',1.1 1 d. i Ti rritory. no tf-tf.